cnt=0 while True: try: dump,bounds,types,atoms,head = dumpReadNext(dump) cnt+=1 except Exception as inst: #last of the configurations if avg==0: print "No more configs in dump file." else: print "Found %d configurations."%cnt break [rbins,rdist]=rdf_periodic(array(atoms),array(bounds),cutoff=cutoff,nbins=nbins) if avg==0: if smooth==1: smdist=rdist[:] smdist = wsmooth(smdist,nbins/10) plotting(rbins,smdist) else: plotting(rbins,rdist) else: rdistavg+=rdist if avg>=1 and cnt%avg==0 and cnt>0: plotting(rbins,rdistavg/avg) rdistavg=zeros(nbins)
if avg==1: cntavg=zeros(nbins) cnt=0 while True: try: dump,bounds,types,atoms,head = dumpReadNext(dump) cnt+=1 except Exception as inst: #last of the configurations if avg==0: print "No more configs in dump file." else: print "Found %d configurations."%cnt break bounds=[[0,bounds[0][0]],[0,bounds[1][1]],[0,bounds[2][2]]] Qis=orderParam.bondOrientation(array(atoms),array(bounds),l,neighbCut=cutoff,ortho=True) (cnts,bins) = histogram(Qis,bins=nbins,range=(0,cutoff)) if avg==0: if smooth==1: smCnts = wsmooth(cnts,nbins/10) plotting(bins,smCnts) else: plotting(bins,cnts) else: cntavg+=cnts if avg==1: plotting(bins,cntavg/cnt)
def residual_qhr(coefs, y, x): Q = interp(dx, coefs, x) hr = y return x * hr - hrq_calc(dr, Q, hr, x) basis, atypes, atoms, head, poscar = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()) atoms = array(atoms) basis = array(basis) rads, gr = radialDistribution(atoms, basis) rads = array(rads) hr = wsmooth(gr)[:-1] - 1 #superSmooth(rads,gr)[:-20] - 1 #hr = gr - 1 dr = rads[1] - rads[0] density = atoms.shape[0] / dot(cross(basis[0], basis[1]), basis[2]) rcut = rads[-1] radsCut = [i for i in rads if i <= rcut] hrCut = [hr[i] for i in range(len(rads)) if rads[i] <= rcut] Nknots = 70 xknots = array([i * max(radsCut) / Nknots for i in range(Nknots)]) dx = xknots[1] - xknots[0] yknots = list() for i in range(Nknots): if i == 0: yknots.append(0)
cq = array([ 4*pi*simps(rads*cr*np.sin(q*rads)/q,dx=dx) for q in qs]) return 1./(1. - density*cq) def residual_qhr(coefs,y,x): Q = interp(dx,coefs,x) hr = y return x*hr - hrq_calc(dr,Q,hr,x) basis,atypes,atoms,head,poscar =[1]).readlines()) atoms=array(atoms) basis=array(basis) rads,gr = radialDistribution(atoms,basis) rads = array(rads) hr = wsmooth(gr)[:-1] - 1#superSmooth(rads,gr)[:-20] - 1 #hr = gr - 1 dr=rads[1]-rads[0] density = atoms.shape[0]/dot(cross(basis[0],basis[1]),basis[2]) rcut = rads[-1] radsCut = [i for i in rads if i <= rcut] hrCut = [hr[i] for i in range(len(rads)) if rads[i] <= rcut] Nknots=70 xknots=array([i*max(radsCut)/Nknots for i in range(Nknots)]) dx=xknots[1]-xknots[0] yknots=list() for i in range(Nknots): if i==0: yknots.append(0)
count = 0 for line in outcar: if "(temperature" in line: tmpt.append(float(line.split("(temperature")[1].split()[0])) if "in kB" in line: # print line.split("in kB")[1].strip() [sx, sy, sz] = [float(i) for i in line.split("in kB")[1].split()[:3]] strsx.append(sx) strsy.append(sy) strsz.append(sz) # The average Stress strsavg = [(strsx[i] + strsy[i] + strsz[i]) / 3 for i in range(len(strsx))] # A windowed average winavg = wsmooth(strsavg, 10) print len(winavg), len(strsavg), len(strsz), len(tmpt) # Plotting pl.figure() pl.plot(tmpt, strsx, ls="--") pl.plot(tmpt, strsy, ls="--") pl.plot(tmpt, strsz, ls="--") pl.plot(tmpt, strsavg, ls="--") pl.plot(tmpt, winavg, c="black", lw=2) pl.legend(["StressX", "StressY", "StressZ", "Avg", "Running Avg"], loc=0) pl.xlabel("Temperature (K)") pl.ylabel("Stress (kB)") pl.title(sys.argv[1]) pr.prshow("outcarStressT.png") exit(0) #Special Case for FRDF histogrammic RDF if op == "FRDF": from numpy import bincount,array,zeros import numpy as np from datatools import wsmooth t = zip(*[[j*100 for j in orderVals[i][1]] for i in range(len(orderVals))]) avgx = orderVals[0][0] a=zeros([len(t),2000]) mx=0 for i,v in enumerate(t): a[i]=bincount(v,minlength=2000) a[i]=wsmooth(a[i],window_len=75)[0:2000] m=max(a[i]) a[i]=np.log([j/m for j in a[i]]) pl.imshow(a.T,origin='lower',cmap=pl.get_cmap("Blues")) pl.yticks(range(0,1000,100),range(10)) pl.xticks(range(0,1001,100),range(11)) exit(0) def savetxtWrapper(defaultFileName,data,delimiter=" ",header=" ",comments=""): try: if saveFileName is "None": savetxt(defaultFileName,data,delimiter=delimiter,header=header,comments=comments) else:
while True: try: dump, bounds, types, atoms, head = dumpReadNext(dump) cnt += 1 except Exception as inst: #last of the configurations if avg == 0: print "No more configs in dump file." else: print "Found %d configurations." % cnt break [rbins, rdist] = rdf_periodic(array(atoms), array(bounds), cutoff=cutoff, nbins=nbins) if avg == 0: if smooth == 1: smdist = rdist[:] smdist = wsmooth(smdist, nbins / 10) plotting(rbins, smdist) else: plotting(rbins, rdist) else: rdistavg += rdist if avg >= 1 and cnt % avg == 0 and cnt > 0: plotting(rbins, rdistavg / avg) rdistavg = zeros(nbins)
exit(0) #Special Case for FRDF histogrammic RDF if op == "FRDF": from numpy import bincount, array, zeros import numpy as np from datatools import wsmooth t = zip(*[[j * 100 for j in orderVals[i][1]] for i in range(len(orderVals))]) avgx = orderVals[0][0] a = zeros([len(t), 2000]) mx = 0 for i, v in enumerate(t): a[i] = bincount(v, minlength=2000) a[i] = wsmooth(a[i], window_len=75)[0:2000] m = max(a[i]) a[i] = np.log([j / m for j in a[i]]) pl.imshow(a.T, origin='lower', cmap=pl.get_cmap("Blues")) pl.yticks(range(0, 1000, 100), range(10)) pl.xticks(range(0, 1001, 100), range(11)) exit(0) def savetxtWrapper(defaultFileName, data, delimiter=" ", header=" ",
utils.usage(["<.ensembleFile>","<window size (int or all)>"],2,2) inputFile = sys.argv[1] possibleSuffixes = [".tetra",".rmsd",".cn"] if not any([suffix for suffix in possibleSuffixes if suffix in inputFile]): print "wrong input file dummy." exit(0) windowSize = sys.argv[2] outputFile = inputFile+".avg"+windowSize #assume first line is a header head = open(inputFile,"r").readline() configIterator = parserGens.parseEnsemble(inputFile,keepAvg=True) ops = zip(*[a for a in configIterator]) if windowSize == "all": opAvg = [sum(op)/len(op) for op in ops] opLines = [" ".join(map(str,opAvg))+"\n"] else: windowSize = int(windowSize) opAvg = zip(*[datatools.wsmooth(atet,windowSize) for atet in ops]) opLines = [" ".join(map(str,line))+"\n" for line in opAvg] out = open(outputFile,"w") out.write(head) out.writelines(opLines)
print "wrong input file dummy." exit(0) windowSize = sys.argv[2] outputFile = inputFile + ".avg" + windowSize configIterator = parserGens.parseEnsemble(inputFile, keepAvg=True) tetras = zip(*[a for a in configIterator]) if windowSize == "all": tetraAvg = [sum(atet) / len(atet) for atet in tetras] tetraLines = [" ".join(map(str, tetraAvg)) + "\n"] else: windowSize = int(windowSize) tetraAvg = zip(*[datatools.wsmooth(atet, windowSize) for atet in tetras]) tetraLines = [" ".join(map(str, line)) + "\n" for line in tetraAvg] """ tetraAvg = zip(*[datatools.windowAvg(atet,n=windowSize,option='valid') for atet in tetras]) tetraPre = list() tetraPost = list() def avg(x): return sum(x)/len(x) for i in range(windowSize/2): print i tetraPre.append(map(avg,tetras[:i])) tetraPost.append(map(avg,tetras[-windowSize+i:])) tetraLines = [" ".join(map(str,line))+"\n" for line in tetraPre] +\ [" ".join(map(str,line))+"\n" for line in tetraAvg] +\ [" ".join(map(str,line))+"\n" for line in tetraPost]
while True: try: dump, bounds, types, atoms, head = dumpReadNext(dump) cnt += 1 except Exception as inst: #last of the configurations if avg == 0: print "No more configs in dump file." else: print "Found %d configurations." % cnt break bounds = [[0, bounds[0][0]], [0, bounds[1][1]], [0, bounds[2][2]]] Qis = orderParam.bondOrientation(array(atoms), array(bounds), l, neighbCut=cutoff, ortho=True) (cnts, bins) = histogram(Qis, bins=nbins, range=(0, cutoff)) if avg == 0: if smooth == 1: smCnts = wsmooth(cnts, nbins / 10) plotting(bins, smCnts) else: plotting(bins, cnts) else: cntavg += cnts if avg == 1: plotting(bins, cntavg / cnt)