Ejemplo n.º 1
def fitStat(xdata, ydata, p, cov, infodict):
    Function fitStat
        Derive statistical data from least square fit of TUV data for MCM parameterisations.
        xdata,ydata:    x-,y-data for curve fit (sza and j values)
        p:              optimised parameters from least square fit
        cov:            covariance matrix from least square fit
        infodict:       further statistical data from least square fit
        rsquared:       correlation coefficient
        ss_tot:         standard deviation
        rmse:           root mean square error
        el,em,en:       confidence of parameters
        ss_err:         for calculation of R2 and RMSE
        dof:            degrees of freedom for calculation of RMSE
        s_sq:           for calculation of confidences of parameters
        err:            list of all confidences
        uses:           residuals,datfcn.order,numpy
        called from:    datfcn.xydat
    # load functions
    import numpy as np
    from datfcn import order

    # R2:
    ss_err = (infodict['fvec']**2).sum()
    ss_tot = ((ydata - ydata.mean())**2).sum()
    rsquared = 1 - (ss_err / ss_tot)

    # RMSE:
    dof = len(xdata) - len(p)
    rmse = np.sqrt(ss_err / dof)

    # Confidence:

    if (len(ydata) > len(p)) and cov is not None:
        s_sq = (residuals(p, xdata, ydata)**2).sum() / (len(ydata) - len(p))
        cov = cov * s_sq
        cov = inf

    err = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
    el = err[0] / order(p[0])[1]
    em = err[1]
    en = err[2]

    return rsquared, ss_tot, rmse, el, em, en

Ejemplo n.º 2
def gpscat(gpfile, rxn, data):
        Function gnuinp
            Write gnuplot input file with data for scatter plots of TUV data.
            gpfile:     gnuplot file with data for scatter plots
            rxn:        matrix with indices and labels of available photoreactions
            data:       matrix with sza-dependent j values from TUV model
            om:         matrix with all orders of magnitudes (for sza column 0 dummy inserted)
            h,x,y:      counters/indices
            o1,o2:      order of magnitude of maximum value in each j data column
        uses:           numpy, datfcn.order
        called from:    photMCM (main)

    # initilise data
    import numpy as np
    from datfcn import order
    om = []

    # open text file
    with open(gpfile, 'w+') as gnu:
        # write header
        gnu.write("# sza / rad ")
        for h in range(len(rxn)):
            gnu.write("\t%s" % (rxn[h][1]))
        # determine order of magnitude from maximum (first) value
        # for nicer output
        for y in range(len(rxn)):
            o1, o2 = order(data[0][y + 1])
            om = np.append(om, o2)
        om = np.insert(om, 0, 1.)
        # write data matrix
        for x in range(len(data)):
            for y in range(len(rxn) + 1):
                if (y == 0):
                    data[x][0] = np.deg2rad(data[x][0])
                gnu.write("\t%.3f" % (data[x][y] / om[y]))
    return rxn, data, om
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: fitfcn.py Proyecto: pb866/fits
def fitTUV(xdata, ydata):
    Function fitTUV

        Curve fit of TUV data to parameterisation for photolysis in MCM.8///////////////////8=74
        j = l*(cos(x))^m*exp(-n*sec(x))

        xdata,ydata:    x-,y-data for curve fit (sza and j values)
        p:              optimised parameters from least square fit
        cov:            covariance matrix from least square fit
        infodict:       further statistical data from least square fit
        mesg, ier:      not used (see description of leastsq function)

        Param           list with parameters for curve fitting
        p_guess:        initial parameters for curve fit

        uses:           residuals,numpy,scipy.optimize.leastsq, collections.namedtuple
        called from:    datfcn.xydat
    # load functions
    import numpy as np
    import collections  #
    from scipy.optimize import leastsq  # for curve fit
    from datfcn import order

    # curve fitting
    Param = collections.namedtuple('Param', 'l m n')
    p_guess = Param(l=ydata[0] * np.exp(-0.8), m=0.8, n=0.25)
    p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals,
                                          args=(xdata, ydata),
    p = Param(*p)
    l = p[0]
    ol, ml = order(l)
    l = l / ml
    m = p[1]
    n = p[2]
    return p, l, ol, m, n, cov, infodict
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: pltfcn.py Proyecto: pb866/fits
def scatdat(rxn, data):
        Function scatdat

            Derive matrix with plot data and vector with associated photoreactions.

            rxn:        matrix with indices and labels of available photoreactions
            data:       matrix with sza-dependent j values from TUV model
            om:         matrix with all orders of magnitudes (for sza column 0 dummy inserted)

            h,x,y:      counters/indices
            o1,o2:      order of magnitude of maximum value in each j data column

        uses:           numpy, datfcn.order
        called from:    photMCM (main)

    # initilise data
    import numpy as np
    from datfcn import order
    om = []

    # determine order of magnitude from maximum (first) value for nicer output
    for y in range(len(rxn)):
        o1, o2 = order(data[0][y + 1])
        om = np.append(om, o2)
    om = np.insert(om, 0, 1.)
    # write data matrix
    for x in range(len(data)):
        for y in range(len(rxn) + 1):
            if (y == 0):
                data[x][0] = np.deg2rad(data[x][0])
    return rxn, data, om