Ejemplo n.º 1
    def pair_scattervec_plane(self):
        """pair the recorded scattering vectors and the indexation results"""
        old_scatter_vec = np.array(self.scatter_vec)

        if self.peak.shape[0] < old_scatter_vec.shape[0]:
            old_peaks = np.zeros((2, self.scatter_vec.shape[1]))
            old_peaks = np.array(self.peak)

        new_scatter_vec = np.zeros(self.plane.shape)
        new_peak = np.zeros((2, self.plane.shape[1]))

        qs = normalize(
            axis=0)  # normalize each scatter vector (column stacked)
        q0 = normalize(np.dot(self.recip_base, self.plane), axis=0)

        for i in range(self.plane.shape[1]):
            angular_diff = np.absolute(1.0 - np.dot(q0[:, i].T, qs))
            # pair q0 and qs with the smallest angular difference
            idx = np.argmin(angular_diff)
            new_scatter_vec[:, i] = old_scatter_vec[:, idx]
            new_peak[:, i] = old_peaks[:, idx]

            # remove the paired entry
            qs = np.delete(qs, idx, axis=1)
            old_scatter_vec = np.delete(old_scatter_vec, idx, axis=1)
            old_peaks = np.delete(old_peaks, idx, axis=1)

        # update scatter vectors
        self.scatter_vec = new_scatter_vec
        self.peak = new_peak

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def eulers(self):
     """ Calculate the Bunge Euler angle representation"""
     astar = self.recip_base[:, 0]
     bstar = self.recip_base[:, 1]
     cstar = self.recip_base[:, 2]
     # calcualte the real base
     c = normalize(np.cross(astar, bstar))
     a = normalize(np.cross(bstar, cstar))
     b = normalize(np.cross(c, a))
     # get the rotation matrix representation
     r = np.column_stack((a, b, c))
     return OrientationMatrix(r.T).toEulers()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calc_visible_peaks(
        q_xtal,  # orientation (quanternion) 
        k0,  # incident beam (lab)
        n_detector,  # detector normal (lab)
        E_xray,  # in KeV
        lattice_constants,  # in nm
        diffractable_hkls,  # list of potential HKLs
        detector_angularRange=22,  # in degrees,
    Return a sorted list of hkls that is theoretically visible on the 
    detector with given k0 and detector normal.
    # calculate wave length range based on given energy (in A)
    # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Xray_Crystallography/Foundations
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon_energy
    wavenumber_low, wavenumber_high = np.sort(np.array(E_xray) /
                                              12.398)  # in 1/A
    detectable = np.cos(np.radians(detector_angularRange))

    # expanding lattice constants
    a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = lattice_constants
    recipUnit = 1.0 / (a * 10.0)  # nm -> 1/A

    # rotate k0 and n_detector to xtal frame (easy to workwith)
    k0 = q_xtal * k0
    n_detector = q_xtal * n_detector

    # go over each hkl to see if it hits the detector
    visible_peaks = []
    for i, hkl in enumerate(diffractable_hkls):
        recip_hkl = hkl * recipUnit
        # distance to the large Ewald sphere center
        dist2LEWcntr = np.linalg.norm(recip_hkl - wavenumber_high * (-k0))
        # distance to the small Ewald sphere center
        dist2SEWcntr = np.linalg.norm(recip_hkl - wavenumber_low * (-k0))
        # test if within Ewald spheres
        if dist2LEWcntr <= wavenumber_high and dist2SEWcntr >= wavenumber_low:
            # test if it hits detector
            n_hkl = recip_hkl / np.linalg.norm(recip_hkl)
            # quick hack for cubic materials
            wavenumber_hkl = np.linalg.norm(recip_hkl) / 2.0 / np.dot(
                -k0, n_hkl)
            k = wavenumber_hkl * k0 + recip_hkl
            n_k = k / np.linalg.norm(k)
            if np.dot(n_k, n_detector) > detectable:

    thePeaks = []

    # use collinearity to prune duplicated peaks
    visible_peaks.sort(key=lambda x: np.dot(x, x), reverse=True)
    for i, hkl in enumerate(visible_peaks):
        hasDup = False
        for j, duplicate in enumerate(visible_peaks[i + 1:]):
            hasDup = abs(
                1.0 - abs(np.dot(normalize(hkl), normalize(duplicate)))) < 1e-4
            if hasDup: break
        if not hasDup: thePeaks.append(hkl)

    # sorted to make the low index one at the head of the list
    thePeaks.sort(key=lambda x: np.dot(x, x))

    return thePeaks
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grad_student(jobConfig):
    """The poor grad student who will perform the DAXM experiment"""
    n_voxels = int(jobConfig["n_voxels"])
    hkls = pd.read_csv(jobConfig["DAXMConfig"]["hkllist"],
                       sep='\t')[['h', 'k', 'l']].as_matrix()

    # extract config for each part
    DAXMConfig = jobConfig["DAXMConfig"]
    labConfig = jobConfig["labConfig"]
    StrainCalcConfig = jobConfig["StrainCalcConfig"]

    # setup virtual DAXM lab
    k0 = np.array(labConfig['k0'])  # incident beam direction
    n_CCD = np.array(labConfig['n_CCD'])  # detector normal
    E_xray = np.array(labConfig["X-ray Energy(KeV)"])  # in KeV
    detector_angularRange = float(
        labConfig["detector angular range"])  # in degrees

    # material: Al
    # NOTE: the shortcut used in the visible peak calculation requires a cubic material
    lc_AL = np.array([0.4050, 0.4050, 0.4050, 90, 90,
                      90])  # [nm,nm,nm,degree,degree,degree]

    # write header for the output file
    if ARGS["--new"]:
        with open(jobConfig["dataFileName"], 'w') as f:
            headerList = [
            headerList += ["{}_F0".format(i + 1) for i in range(9)]  # target F
            headerList += ["{}_FL2".format(i + 1)
                           for i in range(9)]  # least-squares guess
            headerList += ["{}_Fopt".format(i + 1) for i in range(9)]
            headerList += ["opt_successful", "opt_fun", "opt_nfev"]

            f.write("\t".join(headerList) + "\n")

    # convert the parameter range to log space
    _angR_lb, _angR_ub = map(np.log10, DAXMConfig["angR range"])
    _magU_lb, _magU_ub = map(np.log10, DAXMConfig["magU range"])

    for i in range(n_voxels):
        # _DAXMConfig is a per Voxel configuration
        _DAXMConfig = deepcopy(DAXMConfig)

        # generate visible peaks (planes, hkls)
        ## get n_visiblePeaks and n_fullQ: N(n_indexedPeaks) >= n(n_fullQ)
        unacceptable = True
        while unacceptable:
            n_indexedPeaks = int(
                np.random.choice(DAXMConfig["n_indexedPeaks"], 1))
            n_fullQ = int(np.random.choice(DAXMConfig["n_fullQ"], 1))
            if n_fullQ <= n_indexedPeaks:
                unacceptable = False
        ## get list of index planes based on a random crystal orientation
        unacceptable = True
        while unacceptable:
            xtal_orientation = Quaternion.fromRandom()
            visible_hkls = calc_visible_peaks(
            if len(visible_hkls) > n_indexedPeaks:
                indexed_plane = random_select_npeaks(visible_hkls,
                # prevent degenerated matrix due to parallel hkls
                if np.linalg.matrix_rank(indexed_plane) >= 3:
                    unacceptable = False
        ## get scattering vectors
        # NOTE:
        # Since the crystal orientation is only useful for selecting diffractable planes,
        # the rest of the calculation (q and q0) can be directly done within xtal lattice
        # frame (XTL) regardless of the actual crystal orientation (makes the calcualtion
        # a lot simpler).
        ### frist, randomly generate a deformation gradient in xtal frame
        _DAXMConfig["angR"] = np.power(
            np.random.random() * (_angR_ub - _angR_lb) + _angR_lb)
        _DAXMConfig["magU"] = np.power(
            np.random.random() * (_magU_ub - _magU_lb) + _magU_lb)
        defgrad = make_random_defgrad(_DAXMConfig['angR'], _DAXMConfig['magU'])
        ### use the randomly generated defgrad to strain the scattering vectors
        recip_base = get_reciprocal_base(lc_AL)
        T, Bstar = defgrad, recip_base
        Tstar = np.transpose(np.linalg.inv(T))
        Bstar_strained = np.dot(Tstar, Bstar)
        qs = np.zeros((3, n_indexedPeaks))
        # random select n_fullQ to be full scattering vectors
        idx_fullq = np.random.choice(n_indexedPeaks, n_fullQ, replace=False)
        for arrayidx, milleridx in enumerate(indexed_plane):
            q_strained = np.dot(Bstar_strained, milleridx)
               arrayidx] = q_strained if arrayidx in idx_fullq else normalize(

        # setup DAXMConfig for each run
        # NOTE:
        # Noise analysis can be done when we have more access to the facility
        _DAXMConfig["whiteNoiseLevel"] = np.random.choice(

        qs_correct = np.copy(qs)
        for qsIdx in range(qs.shape[1]):
            qs[:, qsIdx] = perturb_vector(
                qs[:, qsIdx],

        # construct the voxel
        thisVoxel = DAXMvoxel(
            peak=np.random.random((2, n_indexedPeaks)),

        # save the voxel to H5 archive

        # calculate the deformation gradient
        # NOTE:
        # notice the much cleaner and simpler interface in terms of strain quantification
        defgrad_L2 = thisVoxel.deformation_gradientL2()
        defgrad_opt = thisVoxel.deformation_gradient_opt(eps=1e0)

        # export data to file for analysis
        data = [
        data += list(defgrad.flatten())  # in XTAL frame!!!
        data += list(defgrad_L2.flatten())  # in XTAL frame!!!
        data += list(defgrad_opt.flatten())  # in XTAL frame!!!

        data += [
            int(thisVoxel.opt_rst.success),  # is optimization successful
            thisVoxel.opt_rst.fun,  # fitness function final val
            thisVoxel.opt_rst.nfev,  # number of iteration used

        with open(jobConfig["dataFileName"], 'a') as f:
            f.write("\t".join(map(str, data)) + "\n")

        # interactive monitoring
        if jobConfig["monitor"] and i % 1000 == 0:
        elif jobConfig["monitor"] and i % 100 == 0: