Ejemplo n.º 1
def remove_listing_from_category(lid, cat_id):
    sql = """\
        DELETE FROM listing_category
            WHERE lid = ? AND
            cat_id = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (lid, cat_id))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def listings_count(query):
    sql = """\
        SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM listing_search
            WHERE content MATCH ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        row = cursor.execute(sql, (query + '*', )).fetchone()
    return row['count']
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, key, user):
        with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
                'SELECT * FROM `objects` WHERE `key` = %s AND `user` = %s AND `uploading` = %s',
                (key, user, False))
            items = list(cursor.fetchall())
        if len(items) != 1:
            return None

            content = self._retrieveKey(items[0]['key'], 'pri')
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.log(msg='Primary retrieval for %s failed: %s' %
                         (items[0]['id'], str(e)),
                content = self._retrieveKey(items[0]['key'], 'sec')
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.log(msg='Secondary retrieval for %s failed: %s' %
                             (items[0]['id'], str(e)),
        return {
            'name': items[0]['name'],
            'content': base64.b64encode(content).decode('ascii'),
            'mimeType': items[0]['mimeType']
Ejemplo n.º 4
def update_existing_user(user_id, name, bio):
    sql = """\
        UPDATE user
        SET name = ?, bio = ?
        WHERE uid = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (name, bio, user_id))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_password(uid, new_password):
    password_hash = get_password_hash(new_password)
    sql = """\
        UPDATE user
            SET password_hash = ?
            WHERE uid = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (password_hash, uid))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_comment_info(comment_id):
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM comment
            WHERE cid = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, (comment_id,)).fetchone()
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_listing_info(listing_id):
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM listing
            WHERE lid = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, (listing_id, )).fetchone()
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_category(cat_label):
    sql = """\
        INSERT INTO category (label)
            VALUES (?)"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (cat_label, ))
        new_id = cursor.lastrowid
    return new_id
Ejemplo n.º 9
def create_or_retrieve_category(label):
    sql = """\
        SELECT cat_id FROM category WHERE label = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, (label.upper(), )).fetchone()
    if obj and obj['cat_id']:
        return obj['cat_id']
    return create_category(label.upper())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def update_existing_listing(listing_id, title, description):
    sql = """\
        UPDATE listing
        SET title = ?, description = ?, last_update_time = ?
        WHERE lid = ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        cursor.execute(sql, (title, description, now, listing_id))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def cat_ids_to_labels(cat_ids):
    sql = """\
        SELECT label
            FROM category
            WHERE cat_id IN (%s)
        """ % ','.join('?' * len(cat_ids))
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        rows = cursor.execute(sql, cat_ids).fetchall()
    return [x['label'] for x in rows]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def listing_categories(lid):
    sql = """\
        SELECT c.cat_id, c.label
            FROM listing_category l, category c
            WHERE l.lid = ? AND
                l.cat_id = c.cat_id"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        rows = cursor.execute(sql, (lid, )).fetchall()
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_number_of_listings_in_cat_ids(cat_ids):
    sql = """\
        SELECT COUNT(*) as count
            FROM listing l, listing_category c
            WHERE l.lid = c.lid AND
                c.cat_id IN (%s)
        """ % ','.join('?' * len(cat_ids))
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        row = cursor.execute(sql, cat_ids).fetchone()
    return row['count']
Ejemplo n.º 14
def listings(query, limit, offset=0):
    """Returns a list of listing_ids matching the query."""
    sql = """\
        SELECT lid FROM listing_search
            WHERE content MATCH ?
            LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        matching_listings = \
            cursor.execute(sql, (query+'*', limit, offset)).fetchall()
    return [x['lid'] for x in matching_listings]
Ejemplo n.º 15
def maybe_populate_virtual_table():
    if has_created():

    # Populate fts table with existing data.
    sql = """\
        INSERT INTO listing_search(lid, content)
            SELECT lid, title || " " || description
                FROM listing"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
Ejemplo n.º 16
def create_new_user(name, email, password):
    password_hash = get_password_hash(password)
    sql = """\
        INSERT INTO user (name, email, password_hash)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?)"""

    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (name, email, password_hash))
        new_user_id = cursor.lastrowid

    return new_user_id
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_comments_for_listing(lid, time_ordered=True):
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM listing l, comment c, user u
            WHERE l.lid = c.lid AND
                l.lid = ? AND
                c.uid = u.uid"""
    if not time_ordered:
        sql += " ORDER BY cid DESC"
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        rows = cursor.execute(sql, (lid,)).fetchall()
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 18
def verify_login(email, password):
    sql = "SELECT uid, password_hash FROM user WHERE email = ?"
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        user = cursor.execute(sql, (email, )).fetchone()

    if user is None:
        return False

    if check_password(password, user['password_hash']):
        return user['uid']

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_lids_by_cat_ids(cat_ids, limit, offset=0):
    sql = """\
        SELECT l.lid
            FROM listing l, listing_category c
            WHERE l.lid = c.lid AND
                c.cat_id IN (%s)
            ORDER BY l.lid DESC
            LIMIT ? OFFSET ?
        """ % ','.join('?' * len(cat_ids))
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cat_ids.extend([limit, offset])
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, cat_ids).fetchall()
    return [x['lid'] for x in obj]
Ejemplo n.º 20
def filter_lids_by_cat_ids(lids, cat_ids):
    sql = """\
        SELECT l.lid
            FROM listing l, listing_category c
            WHERE l.lid = c.lid AND
                c.cat_id IN (%s) AND
                l.lid IN (%s)
            ORDER BY l.lid DESC
        """ % (','.join('?' * len(cat_ids)), ','.join('?' * len(lids)))
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, cat_ids).fetchall()
    return [x['lid'] for x in obj]
Ejemplo n.º 21
def create_new_listing(title, description, owner_id):
    # Check that owner_id exists.
    if not model.user.get_user_info(owner_id):
        raise Exception('No such user.')

    sql = """\
        INSERT INTO listing (title, description, owner_id)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?)"""

    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (title, description, owner_id))
        new_id = cursor.lastrowid
    return new_id
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _generateKey(self):
     while True:
         with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
             key = ''.join(
                 random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
                 for x in range(256))
                     'INSERT INTO `objects` (`key`, `uploading`) VALUES (%s, %s)',
                     (key, True))
                 id = cursor.lastrowid()
             except Exception as e:
     return (id, key)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def receiveFile(self, name, content, mimeType):
     (id, key) = self._generateKey()
         self._storeKey(key, content, 'pri')
         with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
                 'UPDATE `objects` SET `name` = %s, `mimeType` = %s, `uploading` = %s, `pri` = %s WHERE `key` = %s',
                 (name, mimeType, False, True, key))
     except Exception as e:
         self.log.log(msg='Primary storage for %s failed: %s' %
                      (id, str(e)),
             self._storeKey(key, content, 'sec')
             with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
                     'UPDATE `objects` SET `name` = %s, `mimeType` = %s, `uploading` = %s, `sec` = %s WHERE `key` = %s',
                     (name, mimeType, False, True, key))
         except Exception as e:
             self.log.log(msg='Secondary storage for %s failed: %s' %
                          (id, str(e)),
             return None
     return key
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_listings_for_user(uid):
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM listing l, user u, (
                SELECT l.lid, COUNT(c.cid) AS comment_count
                    FROM listing l
                        LEFT JOIN comment c
                            ON l.lid = c.lid
                    GROUP BY l.lid) c
            WHERE l.owner_id = u.uid AND
                c.lid = l.lid AND
                l.owner_id = ?
            ORDER BY l.lid DESC"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, (uid, )).fetchall()
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_listings_info(listing_ids):
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM listing l, user u, (
                SELECT l.lid, COUNT(c.cid) AS comment_count
                    FROM listing l
                        LEFT JOIN comment c
                            ON l.lid = c.lid
                    GROUP BY l.lid) c
            WHERE l.lid IN (%s) AND
                c.lid = l.lid AND
                l.owner_id = u.uid
        """ % ','.join('?' * len(listing_ids))
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        rows = cursor.execute(sql, listing_ids).fetchall()
    return rows
Ejemplo n.º 26
def get_latest_listings(limit, offset=0):
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM listing l, user u, (
                SELECT l.lid, COUNT(c.cid) AS comment_count
                    FROM listing l
                        LEFT JOIN comment c
                            ON l.lid = c.lid
                    GROUP BY l.lid) c
            WHERE l.owner_id = u.uid AND
                c.lid = l.lid
            ORDER BY l.lid DESC
            LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(sql, (limit, offset)).fetchall()
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 27
def create_new_comment(body, uid, lid):
    # Check that uid exists.
    if not model.user.get_user_info(uid):
        raise Exception('No such user.')

    # Check that listing exists.
    if not model.listing.get_listing_info(lid):
        raise Exception('No such listing.')

    sql = """\
        INSERT INTO comment (body, uid, lid)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?)"""

    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(sql, (body, uid, lid))
        new_id = cursor.lastrowid
    return new_id
Ejemplo n.º 28
def get_related_listings(listing_id, limit, offset=0):
    # TODO(michael): tmp implementation.
    sql = """\
        SELECT *
            FROM listing l, user u, (
                SELECT l.lid, COUNT(c.cid) AS comment_count
                    FROM listing l
                        LEFT JOIN comment c
                            ON l.lid = c.lid
                    GROUP BY l.lid) c
            WHERE l.owner_id = u.uid AND
                c.lid = l.lid AND
                l.owner_id = (
                    SELECT owner_id FROM listing
                        WHERE lid = ?) AND
                l.lid <> ?
            ORDER BY l.lid DESC
            LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"""
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        obj = cursor.execute(
            sql, (listing_id, listing_id, limit, offset)).fetchall()
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_number_of_users():
    sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM user"
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        row = cursor.execute(sql).fetchone()
    return row['count']
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_all_users():
    sql = "SELECT u.uid, u.name, u.email FROM user AS u"
    with db.DatabaseCursor() as cursor:
        rows = cursor.execute(sql).fetchall()
    return rows