Ejemplo n.º 1
    def do_random_path(self, line):
        ''' picks two artists at random and finds a path between them'''

        count = 1
        if len(line) > 0:
            count = int(line)

        paths = 0
        no_path = 0
        sum_time = 0
        sum_length = 0
        max_length = 0
        max_time = 0

        for i in xrange(count):
            aid1 = db.artist_random()
            aid2 = db.artist_random()
            print "random path between", aid1, db.artist_name(aid1), 'and', aid2, db.artist_name(aid2)
            start = time.time()
            path = db.artist_path(aid1, aid2, skipset=self.skipset)
            delta = time.time() - start
            if path:
                self.print_path(path, 0)
                paths += 1.0
                lpath = len(path['links'])
                sum_length += lpath
                sum_time += delta
                if lpath > max_length:
                    max_length = lpath
                if delta > max_time:
                    max_time = delta
                print "no path between", aid1, db.artist_name(aid1), aid2, db.artist_name(aid2)
                no_path += 1

        print 'paths:', paths
        print 'no paths:', no_path
        if paths > 0:
            avg_time =  sum_time / paths
            avg_length =  sum_length / paths
            print 'avg length:', avg_length
            print 'avg time:', avg_time
            print 'max length:', max_length
            print 'max time:', max_time
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def do_find_popular_crossroads(self, line):
        ''' creates random paths and find the most common

        nodes = collections.defaultdict(int)
        count = 100
        if len(line) > 0:
            count = int(line)

        paths = 0
        no_path = 0
        sum_time = 0
        sum_length = 0
        sum_score = 0
        max_length = 0
        max_time = 0
        max_score = 0
        avg_score = 0

        for i in xrange(count):
            aid1 = db.artist_random()
            aid2 = db.artist_random()

            start = time.time()
            score, aids = db.artist_raw_path(aid1, aid2, skipset=self.skipset)
            delta = time.time() - start

            if aids:
                for aid in aids:
                    nodes[aid] += 1
                paths += 1.0
                lpath = len(aids)
                sum_score += score
                if score > max_score:
                    max_score = score
                sum_length += lpath
                sum_time += delta
                if lpath > max_length:
                    max_length = lpath
                if delta > max_time:
                    max_time = delta
                print "no path between", aid1, db.artist_name(aid1), aid2, db.artist_name(aid2)
                no_path += 1

        nlist = [ (v,k) for k,v in nodes.items()]
        for count, aid in nlist[:40]:
            print count, aid, db.artist_name(aid)

        print 'paths:', paths
        print 'no paths:', no_path
        if paths > 0:
            avg_time =  sum_time / paths
            avg_length =  sum_length / paths
            avg_score =  sum_score / paths
            print 'avg length:', avg_length
            print 'avg time:', avg_time
            print 'avg score:', avg_score
            print 'max length:', max_length
            print 'max time:', max_time
            print 'max score:', max_score