def plotDist(tables, variables, startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag, marker='-', msize=30, clr='purple'): p = [] lw = 2 w = 800 h = 400 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in tqdm(range(len(tables)), desc='overall'): y = subset.spaceTime(tables[i], variables[i], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if len(y) < 1: com.printTQDM( '%d: No matching entry found: Table: %s, Variable: %s ' % (i + 1, tables[i], variables[i]), err=True) continue com.printTQDM('%d: %s retrieved (%s).' % (i + 1, variables[i], tables[i]), err=False) y = y[variables[i]] if exportDataFlag: exportData(y, tables[i], variables[i], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) try: y = y[~np.isnan(y)] # remove nans except Exception as e: continue hist, edges = np.histogram(y, density=True, bins=50) p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Density' p1.xaxis.axis_label = variables[i] + ' [' + db.getVar( tables[i], variables[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = variables[i] fill_alpha = 0.4 cr = p1.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="dodgerblue", line_color=None, hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.7, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='mouse')) p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) if not inline: ## if jupyter is not the caller output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="Histogram") show(column(p)) return
def plotMonthly(tables, variables, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, extV, extVV, extV2, extVV2, marker='-', msize=30, clr='purple'): p = [] lw = 2 w = 800 h = 400 months = range(1, 13) TOOLS = "hover,crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom,undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select," TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in range(len(tables)): monthly = np.array([]) monthly_std = np.array([]) for mon in months: mon = int(mon) args = [ tables[i], variables[i], mon, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, extV[i], extVV[i] ] query = 'EXEC uspMonthly ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?' df = db.dbFetchStoredProc(query, args) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( df, columns=['lat', 'lon', variables[i]]) ############# removing outlier values ################ vals = df[variables[i]] vals = vals[abs(vals) < 1e30] # remove outliers ###################################################### monthly = np.append(monthly, np.nanmean(vals)) monthly_std = np.append(monthly_std, np.nanstd(vals)) p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) #p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Month' p1.yaxis.axis_label = variables[i] + ' [' + db.getVar( tables[i], variables[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = variables[i] if extV[i] != None: leg = leg + ' ' + extV[i] + ': ' + ('%d' % float(extVV[i])) if tables[i].find('Pisces') != -1: leg = leg + ' ' + 'm' fill_alpha = 0.07 if tables[i].find('Pisces') != -1: fill_alpha = 0.3 cr =, monthly, fill_color="grey", hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.3, line_color=None, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg, size=msize) p1.line(months, monthly, line_color=clr, line_width=lw, legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) #p1.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi/4 #p1.xaxis.visible = False p.append(p1) output_file("embed/" + fname + ".html", title="Monthly Trend") show(column(p)) ''' p1_script, p1_div = components(p1) embedComponents('embed/scriptMon1.js', p1_script) embedComponents('embed/divMon1.js', p1_div) p2_script, p2_div = components(p2) embedComponents('embed/scriptMon2.js', p1_script) embedComponents('embed/divMon2.js', p1_div) p3_script, p3_div = components(p3) embedComponents('embed/scriptMon3.js', p1_script) embedComponents('embed/divMon3.js', p1_div) ''' return
def colocalize(ftleTable, ftleField, ftleValue, tables, variables, startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, spMargin, exportDataFlag, fname, bkgComparison, marker='-'): fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' dt = 24 * 60 msize = 10 p = [] lw = 2 w = 800 h = 400 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in tqdm(range(len(tables))): df = match(ftleTable, tables[i], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, ftleField, ftleValue, variables[i], spMargin, '0') if len(df) < 1: continue if i == 0: loadedFTLE = pd.DataFrame(df) ts, ys, y_stds = df[df.columns[0]], df[variables[i]], '' if i > 0: loadedFTLE = appendVar(loadedFTLE, ts, ys, y_stds, variables[i]) #plot_single_hist(ys, clr='m', labelx='', labely='', leg='', yscale='linear', store_path='', bincount=50) ys = ys[~np.isnan(ys)] # remove nans hist, edges = np.histogram(ys, density=False, bins=50) if bkgComparison: ########## get backgrounf distribution (not matched with fronts) dfBkg = match(ftleTable, tables[i], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, ftleField, ftleValue, variables[i], spMargin, '1') ysBkg = dfBkg[variables[i]] ysBkg = ysBkg[~np.isnan(ysBkg)] # remove nans histBkg, edgesBkg = np.histogram(ysBkg, density=False, bins=50) ################################################################ p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Density' p1.xaxis.axis_label = variables[i] + ' [' + db.getVar( tables[i], variables[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = variables[i] fill_alpha = 0.4 cr = p1.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="dodgerblue", line_color=None, hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.7, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg + ' on fronts') if bkgComparison: cr = p1.quad(top=histBkg, bottom=0, left=edgesBkg[:-1], right=edgesBkg[1:], fill_color="purple", line_color=None, hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.7, hover_line_color="white", legend='background') p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='mouse')) p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) if not inline: ## if jupyter is not the caller output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="Front") show(column(p)) if exportDataFlag: exportData(loadedFTLE, ts, ys, y_stds, tables[i], variables[i], spMargin) print('') return df
def plotAlongTrack(dt, fmt, tables, variables, track, spMargin, depth1, depth2, exportDataFlag, fname, marker='-', msize=30, clr='purple'): p = [] #fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' dt = dt / 60 # time resolution (minutes) loadedTrack = pd.DataFrame(track) lw = 2 w = 800 h = 400 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in tqdm(range(len(tables)), desc='overall'): ts, ys, y_stds = [], np.array([]), np.array([]) for j in tqdm(range(len(track)), desc=variables[i]): startDate = track.iloc[j]['time'].strftime(fmt) endDate = startDate lat1 = float(track.iloc[j]['lat']) - spMargin lat2 = float(track.iloc[j]['lat']) + spMargin lon1 = float(track.iloc[j]['lon']) - spMargin lon2 = float(track.iloc[j]['lon']) + spMargin t, y, y_std = TS.timeSeries(tables[i], variables[i], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fmt=fmt, dt=dt) ts.append(track.iloc[j]['time']) ys = np.append(ys, y[0]) y_stds = np.append(y_stds, y_std[0]) loadedTrack = appendVar(loadedTrack, ts, ys, y_stds, variables[i]) p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) #p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time' p1.yaxis.axis_label = variables[i] + ' [' + db.getVar( tables[i], variables[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = 'Along Tracer Track ' + variables[i] fill_alpha = 0.3 cr =, ys, fill_color="grey", hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.3, line_color=None, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg, size=msize) p1.line(ts, ys, line_color=clr, line_width=lw, legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) p1.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter( hours=["%d %B %Y"], days=["%d %B %Y"], months=["%d %B %Y"], years=["%d %B %Y"], ) p1.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) if not inline: ## if jupyter is not the caller output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="Lagrangian") show(column(p)) if exportDataFlag: exportData(loadedTrack, ts, ys, y_stds, tables[i], variables[i], spMargin) print('') return
def plotXY(tables, variables, startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag, marker='-', msize=15, clr='green'): p = [] lw = 2 w = 500 h = 500 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' tablePairs = list(itt.combinations(tables, 2)) variablePairs = list(itt.combinations(variables, 2)) for i in range(len(tablePairs)): t1, y1, y_std1 = TS.timeSeries(tablePairs[i][0], variablePairs[i][0], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) t2, y2, y_std2 = TS.timeSeries(tablePairs[i][1], variablePairs[i][1], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if exportDataFlag: exportData(t1, y1, y_std1, t2, y2, y_std2, tablePairs[i][0], variablePairs[i][0], tablePairs[i][1], variablePairs[i][1], lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if len(t1) < 1 or len(y1) < 1 or len(t2) < 1 or len(y2) < 1: continue if (len(t1) - len(t2) != 0) or (len(y1) - len(y2) != 0): continue p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p1.xaxis.axis_label = variablePairs[i][0] + ' [' + db.getVar( tablePairs[i][0], variablePairs[i][0]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' p1.yaxis.axis_label = variablePairs[i][1] + ' [' + db.getVar( tablePairs[i][1], variablePairs[i][1]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = variablePairs[i][0] + ' / ' + variablePairs[i][1] fill_alpha = 0.3 cr =, y2, fill_color="grey", hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.6, line_color=None, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg, size=msize) #p1.line(y1, y2, line_color=clr, line_width=lw, legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) if not inline: ## if jupyter is not the caller output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="XY") show(column(p)) return
def mutualTrends(loadedTrack, tables, variables, extV, extVV, extV2, extVV2, msize=20, fname='MutualTrends'): if len(variables) < 2: print('Error: at least 2 variables are needed to plot mutual trends.') return tablePairs = list(itt.combinations(tables, 2)) variablePairs = list(itt.combinations(variables, 2)) extVPairs = list(itt.combinations(extV, 2)) extVVPairs = list(itt.combinations(extVV, 2)) extV2Pairs = list(itt.combinations(extV2, 2)) extVV2Pairs = list(itt.combinations(extVV2, 2)) p = [] lw = 2 w = 500 h = 500 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in range(len(tablePairs)): t1, y1, y_std1 = loadedTrack['time'], loadedTrack[ variablePairs[i][0]], loadedTrack[variablePairs[i][0] + '_std'] t2, y2, y_std2 = loadedTrack['time'], loadedTrack[ variablePairs[i][1]], loadedTrack[variablePairs[i][1] + '_std'] p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) p1.xaxis.axis_label = variablePairs[i][0] + ' [' + db.getVar( tablePairs[i][0], variablePairs[i][0]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' p1.yaxis.axis_label = variablePairs[i][1] + ' [' + db.getVar( tablePairs[i][1], variablePairs[i][1]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = variablePairs[i][0] + ' / ' + variablePairs[i][1] if extVPairs[i][0] != None: leg = leg + ' ' + extVPairs[i][0] + ': ' + ( '%d' % float(extVVPairs[i][0])) if tablePairs[i][0].find('Pisces') != -1: leg = leg + ' ' + 'm' if extVPairs[i][1] != None: leg = leg + ' ' + extVPairs[i][1] + ': ' + ( '%d' % float(extVVPairs[i][1])) if tablePairs[i][1].find('Pisces') != -1: leg = leg + ' ' + 'm' fill_alpha = 0.6 #if tablePairs[i][0].find('Pisces') != -1 or tablePairs[i][1].find('Pisces') != -1: # fill_alpha = 0.3 cr =, y2, fill_color="grey", hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.6, line_color=None, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg, size=msize) #p1.line(y1, y2, line_color=clr, line_width=lw, legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="Mutual Trends") show(column(p)) return
def plotAlongTrack(tables, variables, cruiseName, track, spMargin, extV, extVV, extV2, extVV2, exportDataFlag, marker='-', msize=30, clr='purple'): p = [] fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' dt = resampleToTimeResolution(resampTau) # time resolution (minutes) loadedTrack = pd.DataFrame(track) lw = 2 w = 800 h = 400 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in range(len(tables)): ts, ys, y_stds = [], np.array([]), np.array([]) for j in range(len(track)): startDate = track.iloc[j]['time'].strftime(fmt) endDate = startDate lat1 = float(track.iloc[j]['lat']) - spMargin lat2 = float(track.iloc[j]['lat']) + spMargin lon1 = float(track.iloc[j]['lon']) - spMargin lon2 = float(track.iloc[j]['lon']) + spMargin t, y, y_std = TS.timeSeries(tables[i], variables[i], startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, extV[i], extVV[i], extV2[i], extVV2[i], fmt=fmt, dt=dt) ts.append(track.iloc[j]['time']) ys = np.append(ys, y[0]) y_stds = np.append(y_stds, y_std[0]) loadedTrack = appendVar(loadedTrack, ts, ys, y_stds, variables[i], extV[i], extVV[i], extV2[i], extVV2[i]) p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) #p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time' p1.yaxis.axis_label = variables[i] + ' [' + db.getVar( tables[i], variables[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = 'Along Track (' + cruiseName + ') ' + variables[i] if extV[i] != None: leg = leg + ' ' + extV[i] + ': ' + ('%d' % float(extVV[i])) if tables[i].find('Pisces') != -1: leg = leg + ' ' + 'm' fill_alpha = 0.07 if tables[i].find('Pisces') != -1: fill_alpha = 0.3 cr =, ys, fill_color="grey", hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=fill_alpha, hover_alpha=0.3, line_color=None, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg, size=msize) p1.line(ts, ys, line_color=clr, line_width=lw, legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) p1.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter( hours=["%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S"], days=["%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S"], months=["%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S"], years=["%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S"], ) p1.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="Along Track") show(column(p)) if exportDataFlag: exportData(loadedTrack, ts, ys, y_stds, cruiseName, tables[i], variables[i], spMargin, extV[i], extVV[i], extV2[i], extVV2[i]) return loadedTrack
def getUnit(table, variable): return ' [' + db.getVar(table, variable).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']'