Ejemplo n.º 1
	def requestOfflineMessages(self,username,hashedPassword):
		"""Calls the retrieveMessages API of all logged in users to get any messages this client may have received while they were offline"""
			if(dbFunctions.checkIfRateLimited(username)):	#check for rate limiting
				return '11: Blacklisted or Rate Limited'
			onlineUsersRequest = urllib2.Request('http://cs302.pythonanywhere.com/getList?username='******'&password='******'&enc=0&json=1')
			onlineUsersResponse = urllib2.urlopen(onlineUsersRequest,timeout=5)
			onlineUsersData = onlineUsersResponse.read()
			onlineUsersData = json.loads(onlineUsersData)
			output_dict = {'requestor':username}
			data = json.dumps(output_dict) #data is a JSON object
			for value in onlineUsersData.itervalues():#loop through all online users
					userToRequest = value['username']
					if (not(userToRequest == username)):
						destinationUserData = dbFunctions.getUserData(userToRequest)
						ip = destinationUserData[2]
						port = destinationUserData[5]
						#call retrieveMessages API on all online users
						request = urllib2.Request('http://'+ ip + ':' + port + '/retrieveMessages', data, {'Content-Type':'application/json'})
						response = urllib2.urlopen(request,timeout=1)
						print('offline messages request response: '+response.read())							
			print('Error trying to retrieve Offline Messages')
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def openMessagingPage(self,destination=None):
		"""Opens the messaging.html page and inserts into it the messages between the logged in user and the destination user """
			client = cherrypy.session['username']
			destinationUserData = dbFunctions.getUserData(destination) #get user data for destination user
			messages = dbFunctions.getMessages(client,destination)#retrieve all stored messages between these 2 users
			messages.reverse()#reverse this list so that the newest messages will appear at the top of the page
			if (not(destinationUserData[4]==None)):
				lastLogin = (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(float(destinationUserData[4]))))#convert epoch time to readable format
				lastLogin = ''
			destinationUserDetails = destination+'	'+'Last Login:'******' '+destinationUserData[6]
			userConversation = ''
			for message in messages:
				if (str(message[5])=='1'):
					userMessage = markdown.markdown(message[3])#if markdown flag is 1, then carry out this function
					userMessage = message[3]
				if((client==message[1])and(destination==message[2])):#message sent by client
					userConversation += ('<li class="i"> <div class="head"> <span class="time">'+(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(float(message[4]))))+'</span> <span class="name">You</span> </div> <div class="message">'+userMessage+'</div>  </li>')	
				elif((client==message[2])and(destination==message[1])):#message sent from destination
					userConversation += ('<li class="friend"> <div class="head"> <span class="name">'+destination+'</span> <span class="time">'+(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(float(message[4]))))+'</span> </div> <div class="message">'+userMessage+'</div> </li>')
			Page = open('messaging.html').read().format(receiverUsername = destination, senderUsername = client,userDetails = destinationUserDetails,userMessages=userConversation)
			return Page
		raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/login') #redirect back to login page
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def sendFile(self, sender=None, destination=None, outFile=None,stamp = None,encryption=0, hashing = 0, hashedFile = None, decryptionKey=None):
		"""Allows the client to send another user a file and its metadata"""
			if(dbFunctions.checkIfRateLimited(sender)): #Check for rate limiting
				return '11: Blacklisted or Rate Limited'
			destinationUserData = dbFunctions.getUserData(destination)
			ip = destinationUserData[2]
			port = destinationUserData[5]
			if (stamp == None)or(stamp== ''):#if no stamp value is provided, generate one
				stamp = float(time.time())
			fileName = outFile.filename
			content_type = outFile.content_type.value
			print (fileName + ' is preparing to be sent') 
			encoded = base64.b64encode(outFile.file.read())#encode file to base64
			output_dict = {'sender':sender,'destination':destination,'file':encoded, 'stamp':stamp, 'filename':fileName,'content_type':content_type, 'encryption':encryption, 'hashing':hashing, 'hash': hashedFile}#, 'decryptionKey':decryptionKey}
			data = json.dumps(output_dict) #data is a JSON object
			sendResponse = '  '
			fileSentOffline = False
				request = urllib2.Request('http://'+ ip + ':' + port + '/receiveFile' , data, {'Content-Type':'application/json'})
				response = urllib2.urlopen(request,timeout=5)
				sendResponse = response.read()
				print ('file send response: '+sendResponse)
				#if the user is offline, send the file to other online users
				thread.start_new_thread(OfflineMessaging.sendOfflineFile, (data, cherrypy.session['username'], cherrypy.session['hashedPassword']))
				fileSentOffline = True
			#Depending on the content_type of the file, an html line of code will be stored in the database so that file can be viewed in an embedded form in the messages page 	
			if 'image/' in output_dict['content_type']:
				fileMessage = '<img src="receivedFiles/'+fileName+'" alt= Picture 380x320 height="320" width="380">'#embedded image	
			elif 'video/' in output_dict['content_type']:
				fileMessage = '<video width="380" height="320" controls><source src="'+'receivedFiles/'+fileName+'">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>'#embedded video
			elif 'audio/' in output_dict['content_type']:
				fileMessage = '<audio controls> <source src="'+'receivedFiles/'+fileName+'">Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio>'#embedded audio
				fileMessage = '<a href="receivedFiles/'+fileName+'" download>'+fileName +'</a>'#embedded download link
			if (str(sendResponse[0]) == '0')or(str(sendResponse[1]) == '0')or(fileSentOffline == True):
				#save the file in the receivedFiles folder
				saveFile = open('public/receivedFiles/'+fileName,'wb')
				dbFunctions.insertIntoMessagesTable(output_dict['sender'], output_dict['destination'], fileMessage, output_dict['stamp'], '0','true', fileName, content_type)
				print 'file send confirmation not received'
			print 'file send error'
				raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/login')
		raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/openMessagingPage?destination='+destination)	
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def getStatus(self):
		"""This API allows another client to request information about the current status of the user operating this client. The valid values to be returned are {Online, Idle, Away, Do Not Disturb, Offline}."""
			input = cherrypy.request.json
			if(not('profile_username' in input)):				
				return '1: Missing Compulsory Field'
			userStatus = dbFunctions.getUserData(input['profile_username'])#get user status from database
			outputDict = {'status':userStatus[6]}
			return json.dumps(outputDict)
			return '3: Client Currently Unavailable'
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def sendMessage(self, sender=None, destination=None, message='Default Message',markDown='0',stamp=None,encryption=0, hashing = 0, hashedMessage = None, decryptionKey=None):	
		"""This function allows the logged in client to send a message and its metadata to another user"""
			if(dbFunctions.checkIfRateLimited(sender)): #Check for rate limiting
				return '11: Blacklisted or Rate Limited'
			if ((message == None)or(message == '')): #if the message field is empty redirect back to the messaging page
				raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/openMessagingPage?destination='+destination)
			destinationUserData = dbFunctions.getUserData(destination)
			ip = destinationUserData[2]
			port = destinationUserData[5]
			if (stamp == None)or(stamp== ''):#generate stamp if it doesn't already exist
				stamp = float(time.time())
			output_dict = {'sender':sender,'destination':destination,'message':message, 'stamp':stamp, 'markdown':int(markDown), 'encryption':encryption, 'hashing':hashing, 'hash': hashedMessage, 'decryptionKey':decryptionKey}
			data = json.dumps(output_dict) #data is a JSON object
				request = urllib2.Request('http://'+ ip + ':' + port + '/receiveMessage', data, {'Content-Type':'application/json'})
				response = urllib2.urlopen(request,timeout=5)
				print response.read()
				#send message offline if the destination user is offline
				message = 'Msg Sent Offline: ' + message
				output_dict = {'sender':sender,'destination':destination,'message':message, 'stamp':stamp, 'markdown':int(markDown), 'encryption':encryption, 'hashing':hashing, 'hash': hashedMessage, 'decryptionKey':decryptionKey}
				data = json.dumps(output_dict) #data is a JSON object
				#call sendOfflineMessage function on its own thread, so that the rest of the program doesn't have to wait on it.
				thread.start_new_thread(OfflineMessaging.sendOfflineMessage, (data, cherrypy.session['username'], cherrypy.session['hashedPassword']))
			if (str(markDown)=='1'):
				message = markdown.markdown(output_dict['message'])
			#save message in database
			dbFunctions.insertIntoMessagesTable(output_dict['sender'], output_dict['destination'], message, output_dict['stamp'], int(markDown),'false', None,None)
			print 'send message error'
				raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/login')
		#redirect back to messaging page
		raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/openMessagingPage?destination='+destination)	
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def viewProfilePage(self,username=None):
		"""Opens the viewProfile.html page and inserts into it the profile data that corresponds to the input username """
			client = cherrypy.session['username']
			raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/login')#if no client is logged in then redirect back to the login page
			if username == None:				
				username = client
			if (client == username): #The current logged in user requesting to see their own profile page, so no need to do an external getProfile request
				clientData = dbFunctions.getClientProfile(client)
				Page = open('viewProfile.html').read().format(profileHeading = 'MY',UPI = client,fullname=clientData[2],position=clientData[3],description=clientData[4],location=clientData[5],image=clientData[6])
				return Page
				userData = dbFunctions.getUserData(username) #get user data of the profile to display
				ip = userData[2]
				port = userData[5]				
				output_dict = {'sender':client,'profile_username':username}
				data = json.dumps(output_dict) #data is a JSON object
				request = urllib2.Request('http://'+ ip + ':' + port + '/getProfile' , data, {'Content-Type':'application/json'}) #Do a getProfile request to the user
				response = urllib2.urlopen(request,timeout=5).read()
				responseDict = (json.loads(response))
				Page = open('viewProfile.html').read().format(profileHeading = 'USER',UPI = username,fullname=responseDict['fullname'],position=responseDict['position'],description=responseDict['description'],location=responseDict['location'],image=responseDict['picture'])
				return Page
			Page = open('viewProfile.html').read().format(profileHeading = 'No data available for USER',UPI = username,fullname='',position='',description='',location='',image='')
			return Page