Ejemplo n.º 1
def roles_business_test(roles, api):
    sql = '''
      select restrict from api where api = '%s'
    ''' % api
    apis = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    if len(api) == 0:
        return False
    elif apis[0]['restrict'] == 0:
        return True
    if len(roles) == 0:
        return False
    roles_str = ''
    for role in roles:
        roles_str += "'" + role['role_code'] + "',"
    sql = '''
      select business_code from business
        where business_code in
          (select business_code from role_business where role_code in (%s))
    ''' % roles_str[:-1]
    business_codes = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    sql = '''
      select seq_code from business
        where business_code in
          (select business_code from business_api
            where api = '%s')
    ''' % api
    business_seq_code = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)[0]['seq_code']
    for business_code in business_codes:
        if business_seq_code.find(business_code['business_code']) > 0:
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_users(parm):
    result = {}
    limit = 10
    page = parm['page']
    search_key = parm['search_key']
    offset = (int(page) - 1) * limit
    where = ("u.status = 0 and u.name like '%%%s%%' " % search_key
             if search_key and search_key != '' else " u.status = 0 ")
    sql = '''
        select u.name,u.account
          from user_info u
          where %s
          order by u.id
          limit %s
          offset %s
    ''' % (where, limit, offset)
    users = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    accounts_str = ''
    for user in users:
        accounts_str += "'" + user['account'] + "',"
    sql = '''
        select u_r.account,r.role_code,r.role_name
          from user_role u_r,role r
          where u_r.account in (%s)
            and u_r.role_code = r.role_code
            and u_r.status = 0
    ''' % accounts_str[:-1]
    user_roles = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    for user in users:
        user['roles'] = []
        user['role'] = ''
        for user_role in user_roles:
            if user_role['account'] == user['account']:
                user['role'] += (user_role['role_name'] + ' ')
    sql_count = '''
        select count(*)
          from user_info u
          where %s
    ''' % where
    count = pg_update.selectBySql(sql_count)[0]['count']
    page_count = math.ceil(float(count) / limit)
    result['datas'] = users
    result['page_count'] = page_count
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def users_count(self, where):
     sql_count = '''
         select count(*)
           from user_info
           where %s
     ''' % where
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql_count)[0]['count']
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def users_count(self, where):
     sql_count = '''
         select count(*)
           from user_info
           where %s
     ''' % where
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql_count)[0]['count']
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_apis(parm):
    result = {}
    limit = 10
    page = parm['page']
    search_key = parm['search_key']
    offset = (int(page) - 1) * limit
    where = ("a.status = 0 and a.api like '%%%s%%' " % search_key
             if search_key and search_key != '' else " a.status = 0 ")
    sql = '''
        select a.*
          from api a
          where %s
          order by id
          limit %s offset %s
    ''' % (where, limit, offset)
    apis = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    api_str = ''
    for api in apis:
        api_str += "'" + api['api'] + "',"
    sql = '''
        select b_a.api,b.business_code,b.business_name
          from business_api b_a,business b
          where b_a.api in (%s)
            and b_a.business_code = b.business_code
            and b_a.status = 0
    ''' % api_str[:-1]
    business_apis = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    for api in apis:
        api['business'] = []
        api['business_text'] = ''
        for business_api in business_apis:
            if business_api['api'] == api['api']:
                api['business_text'] += (business_api['business_name'] + ' ')
    sql_count = '''
        select count(*)
          from api a
          where %s
    ''' % where
    count = pg_update.selectBySql(sql_count)[0]['count']
    page_count = math.ceil(float(count) / limit)
    result['datas'] = apis
    result['page_count'] = page_count
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_apis(self, parm):
     result = {}
     limit = 10
     page = parm['page']
     search_key = parm['search_key']
     offset = (int(page) - 1) * limit
     where = ("a.status = 0 and a.api like '%%%s%%' " % search_key if search_key and search_key != '' else " a.status = 0 ")
     sql = '''
         select a.*
           from api a
           where %s
           order by id
           limit %s offset %s
     ''' % (where, limit, offset)
     apis = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
     api_str = ','.join(["'" + api['api'] + "'" for api in apis])
     sql = '''
         select b_a.api,b.business_code,b.business_name
           from business_api b_a,business b
           where b_a.api in (%s)
             and b_a.business_code = b.business_code
             and b_a.status = 0
     ''' % api_str
     business_apis = pg_update.selectBySql(sql) if apis else []
     for api in apis:
         api['business'] = []
         api['business_text'] = ''
         for business_api in business_apis:
             if business_api['api'] == api['api']:
                 api['business_text'] += (business_api['business_name'] + ' ')
     sql_count = '''
         select count(*)
           from api a
           where %s
     ''' % where
     count = pg_update.selectBySql(sql_count)[0]['count']
     page_count = math.ceil(float(count) / limit)
     result['datas'] = apis
     result['page_count'] = page_count
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_roles_by_account(self, account):
     sql = '''
     select * from role
       where role_code in (
         select r.role_code
         from user_info u,user_role r
         where u.account = '%s' and u.account = r.account
           and r.status=0)
     ''' % account
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_roles_by_account(self, account):
     sql = '''
     select * from role
       where role_code in (
         select r.role_code
         from user_info u,user_role r
         where u.account = '%s' and u.account = r.account
           and r.status=0)
     ''' % account
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_users(self, offset, limit, where):
     sql = '''
         select name,account
           from user_info
           where %s
           order by id
           limit %s
           offset %s
     ''' % (where, limit, offset)
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_users(self, offset, limit, where):
     sql = '''
         select name,account
           from user_info
           where %s
           order by id
           limit %s
           offset %s
     ''' % (where, limit, offset)
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_message_by_account(self, account):
     sql = '''
       select m.message,m.message_type,m.send_type,m.send_value,msr.*
       from message m, message_send_record msr
       where msr.message_id = m.id
         and msr.send_status = 0
         and m.status = 0
         and msr.status = 0
         and msr.receive_account = '%s'
     ''' % account
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_message_by_account(self, account):
     sql = '''
       select m.message,m.message_type,m.send_type,m.send_value,msr.*
       from message m, message_send_record msr
       where msr.message_id = m.id
         and msr.send_status = 0
         and m.status = 0
         and msr.status = 0
         and msr.receive_account = '%s'
     ''' % account
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_user_by_id(user_id):
    sql = '''
    select * from role
      where role_code in (
        select r.role_code
        from user_info u,user_role r
        where u.id = %s and u.account = r.account
          and r.status=0)
    ''' % user_id
    roles = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    user = pg_update.select("user_info", where=' id = %s ' % user_id, columns='id,account')[0]
    user['roles'] = roles
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_businesses_by_role_code(self, role_code):
     business_codes = pg_update.select("role_business", where="role_code = '%s'" % role_code)
     where = ''
     for business_code in business_codes:
         where += "or seq_code like '%%%s%%'" % business_code['business_code']
     sql = '''
       select * from (
         select * from business where status = 0
       ) b where %s
     ''' % where[2:]
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def __addBusinessApi(api, business):
    sql = '''
      select * from business_api
        where api = '%s' and business_code = '%s'
    ''' % (api, business)
    business_apis = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    if len(business_apis) == 0:
        data_map['api'] = api
        data_map['business_code'] = business
        pg_update.insertOne("business_api", data_map)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def __addRoleBusiness(role, business):
    sql = '''
      select * from role_business
        where role = '%s' and business_code = '%s'
    ''' % (role, business)
    role_business = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
    if len(business_apis) == 0:
        data_map['role_code'] = api
        data_map['business_code'] = business
        pg_update.insertOne("role_business", data_map)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def get_bar_data_by_roles(self, roles):
     roles = [role['role_code'] for role in roles]
     ls = "','"
     roles_str = "'" + (ls.join(roles)) + "'"
     sql = '''
         select b.* from role_business rb, business b
           where rb.business_code = b.business_code
             and rb.role_code in (%s)
             and rb.status = 0
             and b.status = 0
     ''' % roles_str
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def get_bar_data_by_roles(self, roles):
     roles = [role['role_code'] for role in roles]
     ls = "','"
     roles_str = "'" + (ls.join(roles)) + "'"
     sql = '''
         select b.* from role_business rb, business b
           where rb.business_code = b.business_code
             and rb.role_code in (%s)
             and rb.status = 0
             and b.status = 0
     ''' % roles_str
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_bar_data_by_roles(roles):
    roles_str = ''
    for role in roles:
        roles_str += "'" + role['role_code'] + "',"
    sql = '''
        select b.* from role_business rb, business b
          where rb.business_code = b.business_code
            and rb.role_code in (%s)
            and rb.status = 0
            and b.status = 0
    ''' % roles_str[:-1]
    return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def get_businesses_by_roles(self, roles):
     roles = [role['role_code'] for role in roles]
     ls = "','"
     roles_str = "'" + (ls.join(roles)) + "'"
     sql = '''
       select business_code from business
         where business_code in
           (select business_code from role_business
             where role_code in (%s)
               and status = 0
     ''' % roles_str
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def get_businesses_by_roles(self, roles):
     roles = [role['role_code'] for role in roles]
     ls = "','"
     roles_str = "'" + (ls.join(roles)) + "'"
     sql = '''
       select business_code from business
         where business_code in
           (select business_code from role_business
             where role_code in (%s)
               and status = 0
     ''' % roles_str
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def get_businesses_by_role_code(self, role_code):
     business_codes = pg_update.select("role_business",
                                       where="role_code = '%s'" % role_code)
     where = ''
     for business_code in business_codes:
         where += "or seq_code like '%%%s%%'" % business_code[
     sql = '''
       select * from (
         select * from business where status = 0
       ) b where %s
     ''' % where[2:]
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def get_roles_by_accounts(self, accounts):
     accounts_str = ''
     for account in accounts:
         accounts_str += "'" + account + "',"
     if accounts_str == '':
         return []
     sql = '''
         select u_r.account,r.role_code,r.role_name
           from user_role u_r,role r
           where u_r.account in (%s)
             and u_r.role_code = r.role_code
             and u_r.status = 0
     ''' % accounts_str[:-1]
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get_roles_by_accounts(self, accounts):
     accounts_str = ''
     for account in accounts:
         accounts_str += "'" + account + "',"
     if accounts_str == '':
         return []
     sql = '''
         select u_r.account,r.role_code,r.role_name
           from user_role u_r,role r
           where u_r.account in (%s)
             and u_r.role_code = r.role_code
             and u_r.status = 0
     ''' % accounts_str[:-1]
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_user_detail_by_account(self, account):
     sql = '''
       select ui.*,ud.head_file,ud.motto
         from user_info ui
         left join (
         select * from user_detail where status=0 and account='%s'
           on ud.account=ui.account
           ui.status=0 and ui.account='%s'
     ''' % (account, account)
     users = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
     if len(users) != 1:
         raise CooError(text='系统数据异常')
     roles = UserRole.get_roles_by_account(account)
     users[0]['roles'] = roles
     return users[0]
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def get_user_detail_by_account(self, account):
     sql = '''
       select ui.*,ud.head_file,ud.motto
         from user_info ui
         left join (
         select * from user_detail where status=0 and account='%s'
           on ud.account=ui.account
           ui.status=0 and ui.account='%s'
     ''' % (account, account)
     users = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
     if len(users) != 1:
         raise CooError(text='系统数据异常')
     roles = UserRole.get_roles_by_account(account)
     users[0]['roles'] = roles
     return users[0]
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def roles_api_test(self, roles, api):
     apis = Api.get_api_by_api(api)
     if len(api) == 0:
         return False
     elif apis[0]['restrict'] == 0:
         return True
     if len(roles) == 0:
         return False
     business_codes = RoleBusiness.get_businesses_by_roles(roles)
     sql = '''
       select seq_code from business
         where business_code in
           (select business_code from business_api
             where api = '%s')
     ''' % api
     business_seq_code = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)[0]['seq_code']
     for business_code in business_codes:
         if business_seq_code.find(business_code['business_code']) > 0:
             return True
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def roles_api_test(self, roles, api):
     apis = Api.get_api_by_api(api)
     if len(api) == 0:
         return False
     elif apis[0]['restrict'] == 0:
         return True
     if len(roles) == 0:
         return False
     business_codes = RoleBusiness.get_businesses_by_roles(roles)
     sql = '''
       select seq_code from business
         where business_code in
           (select business_code from business_api
             where api = '%s')
     ''' % api
     business_seq_code = pg_update.selectBySql(sql)[0]['seq_code']
     for business_code in business_codes:
         if business_seq_code.find(business_code['business_code']) > 0:
             return True
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def get_api_by_api(self, api):
     sql = '''
       select * from api where api = '%s'
     ''' % api
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def get_users_by_role(self, role_code):
     sql = '''
      select * from user_role where role_code = '%s'
     ''' % role_code
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def get_api_by_api(api):
    sql = '''
      select * from api where api = '%s'
    ''' % api
    return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def get_users_by_role(self, role_code):
     sql = '''
      select * from user_role where role_code = '%s'
     ''' % role_code
     return pg_update.selectBySql(sql)