def insert(knowledge): i_sql = u"insert into knowledge(uid,pid,puid,knowledge,ischild,stage,subject) values('{uid}',{pid},'{puid}','{knowledge}',{ischild},'{stage}','{subject}') on Duplicate key update uid='{uid}';" print i_sql.format(**knowledge) db_helper.execute(i_sql.format(**knowledge)) s_sql = u"select id from knowledge where uid = '{uid}'".format(**knowledge) _id = db_helper.query_one(s_sql) return _id['id']
def db_insert_setting(setting): """ Args: setting (Setting): The setting to insert into the database """ db_helper.execute(INSERT_STATEMENT, (setting.module, setting.key, setting.value))
def db_update_setting(setting): """ Args: setting (Setting): The setting to update in the database (if it exists, nothing happens otherwise) """ db_helper.execute(UPDATE_STATEMENT, (setting.value, setting.module, setting.key))
def db_replace_setting(setting): """ Args: setting (Setting): The setting to replace in the database """ db_helper.execute(REPLACE_STATEMENT, (setting.module, setting.key, setting.value))
def update_title_image(): source_id = 'walmart' wmt_ids = [r['id'] for r in execute("""select distinct r.retailer_id id from product_reviews r left join product_details d on r.source_id = d.source_id and r.retailer_id = d.retailer_id where r.source_id = 'walmart' and (d.title is null or d.img_url is null)""")] cq = '''select item_id, upc, img150, item_name from dotcom_products where item_id in (%s)''' % \ (', '.join(str(x) for x in wmt_ids)) data = execute_cia(cq) ins_data = [] for img_data in data: url = "#" title = img_data['item_name'] id = img_data['item_id'] if img_data['img150'] is None: upc = img_data['upc'] if upc is not None: upc_s = "%013d" % upc url = "" % ( upc_s[0:2], upc_s[2:4], upc_s[4:6], upc_s[6:8], upc_s[8:10], upc_s) else: url = img_data['img150'] upc = img_data['upc'] ins_data.append((id, title, url, upc)) q = """insert into product_details (source_id, retailer_id, title, img_url) values %s on duplicate key update title = values(title), img_url = values(img_url) """ % (', '.join( ["('%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s')" % (escape_sql(source_id), r[0], escape_sql(r[1]), escape_sql(r[2])) for r in ins_data])) execute(q)
def update_positivity_from_alchemy(sorting, start_id, end_id): table = 'product_reviews' q = "select id, review from %s where id >= %s and id < %s order by id %s " % (table, start_id, end_id, sorting) qs = [] for id, rev in [(r['id'], r['review']) for r in execute(q)]: start = time() s = get_s(rev) uq = update_positivity(id, s) execute(uq) print id, 'score = %4f' % s, 'done in %3f' % (time() - start)
def db_save_quote(quote): """Save the quote, either adds a new quote or updates an existing one, based on if the qid is None""" if quote.qid is None: newid = db_helper.execute_return_id(INSERT_TABLE_STATEMENT, (quote.quote, quote.qid = newid else: db_helper.execute(UPDATE_TABLE_STATEMENT, (quote.quote,, quote.qid))
def update_summary_from_db(refresh_all=False): qs = [] for id, title, rev in [(r['id'], r['title'], r['review']) for r in execute( """select id, title, review from product_reviews r, product_details d where r.retailer_id = d.retailer_id and r.source_id=d.source_id %s""" % ('' if refresh_all else 'and summary is null'))]: if title is None or title == '': title = ' '.join(feat_map.keys()) + "good bad don't buy cost price" summary = Summarize(title, rev) summary = '\n'.join(summary) qs.append(update_summary(id, summary)) execute(qs)
def insert_to_details_table(source_id, retailer_id, title): table = "product_details" q = """ insert into %s(source_id, retailer_id, title) values('%s', '%s', '%s') """ % ( table, escape_sql(source_id), escape_sql(retailer_id), escape_sql(title), ) execute(q)
def insert_to_reviews_table(source_id, retailer_id, username, review_title, review, date): table = "product_reviews" q = """ insert ignore into %s(source_id, retailer_id, user_name, review_title, review, date) values('%s', '%s' , '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) """ % ( table, escape_sql(source_id), escape_sql(retailer_id), escape_sql(username), escape_sql(review_title), escape_sql(review), date, ) execute(q)
def add_tags_to_reviews(refresh_all=False): start = time() feats = read_feats() qs = [] q = '''select id, review from %s %s''' % ( product_reviews, '' if refresh_all else "where tags is null") for id, rev in [(r['id'], r['review']) for r in execute(q)]: tags = set() for f in feats: if rev.find(f) >= 0: tags.add(f) q = "update %s set tags='%s' where id=%s" % (product_reviews, ', '.join(tags), id) qs.append(q) execute(qs) print 'Completed add tags in %3fs' % (time() - start)
def report(): if request.method == 'GET': context = { 'timestamp':, 'customers': db_helper.query('SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY name'), } if 'message' in session: context['message'] = session.pop('message') if 'error' in session: context['error'] = session.pop('error') return render_template('report-create.html', **context) customer_id = request.form['customer-id'] units = request.form['units'] if customer_id and units: db_helper.execute('INSERT INTO reports (customer_id, units, datetime) VALUES (?, ?, datetime(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,"localtime"))', [customer_id, units]) customer_name = db_helper.query('SELECT name FROM customers WHERE id = ?', [customer_id])[0].get('name') session['message'] = "Added %s units to %s" % (units, customer_name) return redirect(url_for('report')) else: session['error'] = "Both customer and units must be chosen" return redirect(url_for('report'))
def db_delete_setting(setting): """ Args: setting (Setting): The setting that is deleted """ db_helper.execute(DELETE_STATEMENT, (setting.module, setting.key))
def truncate_all(): for t in tables.keys(): execute("truncate %s" % t)
def db_create_table(): db_helper.execute(CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT)
def db_update_regex(regres): db_helper.execute(UPDATE_REGEX_STATEMENT, (regres.response, regres.cooldown, regres.regex))
def load(self, config): db_helper.execute(CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT) self.regres = db_get_all() self.irc.messagespreader.add(self.msglistener)
def db_delete(tm): db_helper.execute(DELETE_STATEMENT, (, ))
def db_update_command(command): db_helper.execute(UPDATE_STATEMENT, (command.response, command.channel_cooldown, command.user_cooldown, command.mod_only, command.broadcaster_only, command.enabled,
def db_add_command(command): db_helper.execute(INSERT_STATEMENT, (, command.response, command.channel_cooldown, command.user_cooldown, command.mod_only, command.broadcaster_only, command.enabled))
def get_un_processed_sid_retailer_ids(all): q = """select source_id, retailer_id from product_reviews %s group by source_id, retailer_id """ % ('' if all else 'where positivity is null') return execute(q)
if img_data['img150'] is None: upc = img_data['upc'] if upc is not None: upc_s = "%013d" % upc url = "" % ( upc_s[0:2], upc_s[2:4], upc_s[4:6], upc_s[6:8], upc_s[8:10], upc_s) else: url = img_data['img150'] upc = img_data['upc'] ins_data.append((id, title, url, upc)) q = """insert into product_details (source_id, retailer_id, title, img_url) values %s on duplicate key update title = values(title), img_url = values(img_url) """ % (', '.join( ["('%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s')" % (escape_sql(source_id), r[0], escape_sql(r[1]), escape_sql(r[2])) for r in ins_data])) execute(q) if __name__ == '__main__': # update_title_image() execute("show tables; desc product_details") refresh_cursor() print execute("show tables")
def db_update(tm): db_helper.execute( UPDATE_STATEMENT, (tm.message, tm.inittime, tm.looptime, 1 if tm.enabled else 0,
def db_set_name(oldname, newname): db_helper.execute(ALTER_NAME_STATEMENT,(newname,oldname))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) db_helper.execute(CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT) self.timedmessages = list() db_helper.add_db_change_listener(self.db_reload)
def db_set_response(name, response): db_helper.execute(ALTER_RESPONSE_STATEMENT,(response, name))
def db_add_regex(regres): db_helper.execute(INSERT_STATEMENT, (regres.regex, regres.response, regres.cooldown))
def db_set_channel_cooldown(name, channel_cooldown): db_helper.execute(ALTER_CHANNEL_COOLDOWN_STATEMENT,(channel_cooldown, name))
def db_set_name(old, new): db_helper.execute(UPDATE_REGEX_STATEMENT, (new, old))
def db_set_user_cooldown(name, user_cooldown): db_helper.execute(ALTER_USER_COOLDOWN_STATEMENT,(user_cooldown, name))
def drop_all(): for t in tables.keys(): execute("drop table if exists %s" % t)
def create_tables(): for qq in tables.values(): execute(qq)
def get_reviews(source, ret_id): res = execute( "select distinct review, id, review_title from product_reviews where source_id = '%s' and retailer_id = '%s'" % ( source, ret_id)) return res
def insert(list_path, knowledge): i_sql = u"insert into link_knowledge(question_id,knowledge_id)select as quesiton_id , as knowledge_id from knowledge as b ,question as a where b.uid ='{uid}' and a.list_path='{list_path}' on Duplicate key update question_id=question_id;" i_sql = i_sql.format(list_path=list_path, uid=knowledge['id']) print i_sql db_helper.execute(i_sql)
def db_delete_quote(quoteid): """Delete a quote based on the given ID (int)""" db_helper.execute(DELETE_STATEMENT, (quoteid, ))
def db_remove_command(name): db_helper.execute(REMOVE_STATEMENT,(name,))
def db_set_mod_only(name, mod_only): db_helper.execute(ALTER_MOD_ONLY_STATEMENT,(mod_only, name))
def update_attribute_stats_from_db(refresh_all=False): """ Once reviews and product titles updated in db it updates all other fields """ rint = randint(0, 1111) positivity_data_file = open('positivity_data_file%s' % rint, 'w') attrib_data_file = open('attrib_data_file%s' % rint, 'w') start = time() for sid, ret_id in [(r['source_id'], r['retailer_id']) for r in get_un_processed_sid_retailer_ids(refresh_all)]: res = get_reviews(sid, ret_id) revs = [r['review'] for r in res] print ret_id stats = analyse(revs) for attrib, scores in stats.items(): for sm, sc in scores.items(): attrib_data_file.writelines(['%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (sid, ret_id, attrib, sm, sc), '\n']) for r in res: pos = TextBlob(r['review']).sentiment.polarity positivity_data_file.writelines(['%s\t%s' % (r['id'], pos), '\n']) positivity_data_file.close() attrib_data_file.close() #positivity insert tmp_positivity_table = 'tmp_positivity_table%s' % (rint) execute('create table %s(id int, positivity float, primary key(id))' % (tmp_positivity_table)) field_termination = "fields terminated by '\\t' escaped by '\\\\' lines terminated by '\\n'" execute("load data local infile '%s' into table %s %s (id, positivity)" % (, tmp_positivity_table, field_termination)) execute( "update %s r, %s t set r.positivity=t.positivity where = " % (product_reviews, tmp_positivity_table)) execute("drop table %s" % (tmp_positivity_table)) os.remove( #attrib_insert tmp_attrib_table = 'tmp_attrib_table%s' % (rint) execute("create table %s like %s" % (tmp_attrib_table, product_attribute_stats)) execute( "load data local infile '%s' into table %s %s (source_id, retailer_id, attribute, scoring_method, score)" % (, tmp_attrib_table, field_termination)) execute("insert into %s (select * from %s) on duplicate key update score=values(score)" % ( product_attribute_stats, tmp_attrib_table)) execute("drop table %s" % tmp_attrib_table) os.remove( print 'Completed attribute stats in %3fs' % (time() - start)
def update_question(question): sql = "update question set answer='{answer}' ,analysis='{analysis}' where id={id}" db_helper.execute(sql.format(**question))
def db_set_broadcaster_only(name, broadcaster_only): db_helper.execute(ALTER_BROADCASTER_ONLY_STATEMENT,(broadcaster_only, name))
def insert(question): i_sql = u"insert into question(uid,type,diffculty,body,answer,knowledges,list_path) values('{uid}','{type}','{diffculty}','{body}','{answer}','{knowledges}','{list_path}') on Duplicate key update uid='{uid}';" print i_sql.format(**question) db_helper.execute(i_sql.format(**question))
def db_set_enabled(name, enabled): db_helper.execute(ALTER_ENABLED_STATEMENT,(enabled, name))