Ejemplo n.º 1
def list_of_populations_by_country(countries):
    populations = {}
    for country in countries:
        country_alts = {'USA': 'United States',
                        'Czechia': 'Czech Republic',
                        #'Ivory Coast': 'Côte%',
                        'Congo (Kinshasa)': 'Congo',
                        'Cabo Verde': 'Cape Verde',
                        'Hong Kong': 'Hong Kong (China)',
                        'Macau': 'Macau (China)',
                        'Sao Tome and Principe': 'São Tomé and Príncipe',
                        'Congo (Brazzaville)': 'DR Congo',
                        'Burma': 'Myanmar',
                        'Timor-Leste': 'East Timor',
                        'Diamond Princess': 'Vatican City', # Stand-in
                        'MS Zaandam': 'Vatican City', # Stand-in
                        #'Palestine': 'State of Palestine',
                        #'Kosovo': ''
        pop_country = country
        if country in country_alts.keys():
            pop_country = country_alts[country]
        population = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc,
                                           ('SELECT population from [wiki_populations] '
                                            'where country like \'{}\''.format(pop_country)))
        if population == 'Null':
            print('{} No Population!'.format(country))
            population = 1
        populations[country] = population
    return populations
Ejemplo n.º 2
def list_of_countries_by_confirmed(final_date_str):
    countries = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'select distinct(country) from [jhu_data] where date like \'{}%\' and confirmed > 1;'.format(final_date_str))
    country_count = {}
    for country in countries:
        country_count[country] = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT max(confirmed) from [{}]'.format(country))
    # Create a list of tuples sorted by index 1 i.e. value field
    country_tuples = sorted(country_count.items() , reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
    # Iterate over the sorted sequence
    countries_by_confirmed = []
    for elem in country_tuples :
    return countries_by_confirmed
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_plots_from_dxy():
    # Make a plot by province:
    provinces = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'select distinct(provinceName) from [cn_prov];')
    china_total_conf = {}
    china_total_date = {}
    china_total_cure = {}
    china_total_dead = {}
    chinadates = []
    for province in provinces:
        province_en = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'select distinct(ADM1_EN) from china_places where ADM1_ZH like \'{}%\';'.format(province))
        print(province, province_en)

        confirmed = dbdo.dict_from_query(dbc, 'select iso_date, confirmedCount from [cn_prov] where provinceName like \'{}\' order by timestamp;'.format(province))
        dead = dbdo.dict_from_query(dbc, 'select iso_date, deadCount from [cn_prov] where provinceName like \'{}\' order by timestamp;'.format(province))
        cured = dbdo.dict_from_query(dbc, 'select iso_date, curedCount from [cn_prov] where provinceName like \'{}\' order by timestamp;'.format(province))
        dates = []

        #add each province to the China total
        for key in confirmed.keys():
            #print (key, confirmed[key], cured[key], dead[key], '\n')
            china_total_conf[key] = china_total_conf.setdefault(key, 0) + confirmed[key]
            china_total_cure[key] = china_total_cure.setdefault(key, 0) + cured[key]
            china_total_dead[key] = china_total_dead.setdefault(key, 0) + dead[key]
            china_total_date[key] = china_total_date.setdefault(key, 0) + 1
            isodate = datetime.datetime.strptime(key, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if isodate not in chinadates:

            #time = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, '%H:%M:%S')

        #print (type(dates), dates)
        make_plot(province_en, dates, confirmed, dead, cured)

    #print (type(chinadates), chinadates)

    make_plot('GreaterChina', chinadates, china_total_conf, china_total_dead, china_total_cure)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_days_since_start_plot_by_country():
    #Make the rate of increase since N cases plot
    # with all the countries

    # Style and Attributions text
    box = dict(boxstyle = 'round', fc='#ffffffff')
    attrib_str = ('plot inspired by the work of https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/\n'
                  'produced by https://github.com/odaiwai using MatPlotLib, Python '
                  'and SQLITE3. Data from JHU CSSE. https://www.diaspoir.net/')
    attrib_box = dict(boxstyle = 'square', fc='#ffffff80', pad = 0.25)

    # General Parameters
    max_cases = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc,'SELECT confirmed from [world] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    start_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date ASC limit 1')
    final_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
    final_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(final_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d') + datetime.timedelta(days = 7)
    max_days = (final_date - start_date).days
    axis_range = [1, max_days]
    #axis_range = [start_date, final_date]
    countries = list_of_countries_by_confirmed(final_date_str)
    countries_of_interest = ['Hong Kong', 'Singapore', 'China', 'Italy', 'South Korea',
                             'USA', 'Germany', 'United Kingdom', 'Ireland', 'France',
                             'Poland', 'Japan', 'Spain', 'Taiwan', 'Vietnam',
                             'Thailand', 'Australia', 'Malaysia', 'Macau', 'World',
                             'Philippines', 'Turkey', 'Iran', 'Switzerland']

    # Setup the parameters for each graph
    FACTOR = 0.00001

    graphs = graph_definitions_as_dict()
    colours = {'Confirmed': 'orange', 'Deaths': 'black',
               'Recovered': 'green', 'Active': 'blue'}

    for country in countries:
        print(country, start_date_str, '->', final_date_str)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=FIGSIZE)
        ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.85, 0.75])

        suptitle = 'COVID 19 Cases in {}'.format(country)
        ax.set(title = '{}: cases since Reporting started to {}'.format(country, final_date_str))
        ax.set(xlabel='Days since reporting Started', xlim = axis_range, ylabel='Cases')
        # configure the Y-Axis
        ax.set_yscale('log', base = 2) # basey deprecated
        #max_cases = 0
        zord = 10 #
        for graph in graphs:
            col = colours[graph['column']]
            # we want to have dates in here...
            if graph['lag'] > 0:
                cmd = ('SELECT Date, ROW_NUMBER() OVER '
                       '(PARTITION BY Confirmed >= 10 order by date) as days, '
                       'cast({G} - LAG ({G}, {D}, 0) OVER (order by date) as REAL)/{D} as {G} '
                       'from [{C}] where Confirmed >= 10 order by Date'
                       .format(C = country, G=graph['column'], L = graph['limit'], D=graph['lag']))
                cmd = ('SELECT Date, ROW_NUMBER() OVER '
                       '(PARTITION BY Confirmed >= 10 order by date) as days, '
                       '{G} from [{C}] where Confirmed >= 10 order by Date'
                       .format(C = country, G=graph['column'], L = graph['limit']))
            results = dbdo.rows_from_query(dbc, cmd) # 3 x n

            if len(results) > 0:
                dates = []
                days = []
                cases = []
                for result in results:

                #print (graph, results)
                #print (graph, '\n\t', dates, '\n\t', days, '\n\t', cases)
                # Add a marker and optionly an annotation for the last point
                label = '{} cases since no. {} ({})'.format(graph['column'], graph['limit'], dates[0])
                style = 'solid'
                if graph['lag'] > 0:
                    label = '{} new cases per day (over {} day) since no. {} ({})'.format(graph['column'], graph['lag'], graph['limit'], dates[0])
                    style = 'dashed'

                final_note = '{:,.0f}'.format(cases[-1])
                if graph['lag'] > 0:
                    final_note = '{:,.0f} per day'.format(cases[-1])
                max_cases = max(max_cases, cases[-1])
                ax.plot(days[graph['lag']:], cases[graph['lag']:], lw=2.5,
                        zorder=zord, color=col, linestyle=style, label=label)
                ax.plot([days[-1]], [cases[-1]], marker='o', markersize=6,
                # Add a label
                ax.annotate(final_note, (days[-1], cases[-1]),
                            fontsize=8, ha='left', bbox=box, zorder=zord)

        if graph['doubling']:
            # add dashed lines for 'doubles every (1..7) days
            ax.set(ylim=(1, max_cases))
            axis_limit = 2 ** int(math.log2(max_cases)-1)
            for ddays in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14]:
                rate = ((2/1) ** (1/ddays))-1
                days = [0]
                double = [1]
                for day in range(0, max_days):
                    double.append(double[-1] * (1 + rate))
                    if double[-1] >= axis_limit:
                ax.plot(days, double, linestyle = 'dashed', linewidth = 0.5, zorder = 2)
                ax.annotate('doubles in {} days'.format(ddays),
                            (days[-1]+1, double[-1]),
                            fontsize = 8, ha='left', bbox = box, zorder = 2)

        # Attribution on the canvas
        fig.text(0.5, 0.025, attrib_str, ha = 'center', fontsize = 8, bbox = attrib_box, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
        # save it out
        fig.savefig('plots/{C}_since_start.png'.format(C=country), format = 'png')

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_country_plots_from_jhu():
    Make a plot by Country:
    # styles
    box = dict(boxstyle = 'square', fc='#ffffff40')
    attrib_str = r'plot produced by @odaiwai using MatPlotLib, Python and SQLITE3. Data from JHU CSSE. https://www.diaspoir.net/'
    attrib_box = dict(boxstyle = 'square', fc='#ffffff80', pad = 0.25)

    final_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    countries = list_of_countries_by_confirmed(final_date_str)
    for country in countries:
        date_strs = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        conf = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Confirmed from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        sick = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT (Confirmed-deaths-recovered) from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        dead = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT deaths from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        cure = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Recovered from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        cfr  = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT CFR from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        c7d  = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT C7Day from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        d7d  = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT D7Day from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        d1d  = dbdo.list_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT D1Day from [{}] order by Date'.format(country))
        print (country, final_date_str, conf[-1], cure[-1], sick[-1], dead[-1], cfr[-1])
        for index in range(0,len(d1d)):
            if type(d1d[index]) == None:
                d1d[index] = 0
        # Get datetime objects for the dates and the axis_range
        dates = []
        for date in date_strs:
            dates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
        axis_range = [dates[0], dates[-1]]
        if axis_range[0] == axis_range[1]:
            axis_range[0] = axis_range[1] - datetime.timedelta(days = 1)

        # Build the Plot
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=FIGSIZE)
        ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.175, 0.80, 0.725])
        fig.suptitle('SARS2-CoV / COVID 19 for {}'.format(country))

        # Primary Axis for C/S/D
        ax.set(title = '{:,.0f} Confirmed Cases (JHU CSSE Data)'.format(conf[-1]),
               xlabel='Date', xlim = axis_range, ylabel='Reported Cases')
        ax.format_data = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
        ax.stackplot(dates, cure, sick, dead,
                     labels=['Recovered', 'Sick', 'Deaths', 'Active'],
                     colors=['green', 'orange', 'black', 'blue'])
        ax.legend(loc='upper left')

        # Annotate the final numbers
        labelx = dates[len(dates)-2]
        ax.annotate('Recovered {:,.0f}'.format(cure[-1]), (labelx, cure[-1]/2), fontsize = 8, ha='right', bbox = box)
        ax.annotate('Sick {:,.0f}'.format(sick[-1]), (labelx, cure[-1] + conf[-1]/2 - dead[-1]), fontsize = 8, ha='right', bbox = box)
        ax.annotate('deaths {:,.0f}'.format(dead[-1]), (labelx, conf[-1] - dead[-1]/2), fontsize = 8, ha='right', bbox = box)

        # Secondary Axis for CFR
        ax2 = ax.twinx()
        ax2.plot(dates, cfr, label='Case Fatality Rate', color='red')
        ax2.annotate('CFR {:,.1f}%'.format(cfr[-1]*100), (labelx, cfr[-1]), fontsize = 8, ha='left', bbox = box)

        # Death Rates in aggregate only
        if country == 'World':
            ax2.plot(dates, c7d, label='Weekly Growth Rate', linestyle = 'dashed')
            ax2.annotate('C7D {:,.1f}%'.format(c7d[-1]*100), (labelx, c7d[-1]), fontsize = 8, ha='left', bbox = box)
            ax2.plot(dates, d7d, label='Weekly Growth Rate (Deaths)', linestyle = 'dashed')
            ax2.annotate('D7D {:,.1f}%'.format(d7d[-1]*100), (labelx, d7d[-1]), fontsize = 8, ha='left', bbox = box)

        ax2.set(ylim=(0.0,0.25), ylabel='Percentage')
        ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.PercentFormatter(xmax = 1, decimals = 1, symbol='%'))
        ax2.legend(loc='lower left')

        # Attribution and save
        fig.text(0.5, 0.025, attrib_str, ha = 'center', fontsize = 8, bbox = attrib_box, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
        fig.savefig('plots/{}.png'.format(country), format = 'png')

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def make_world_gridplots_from_jhu():
    Make a grid plot (nxn) of the top countries by number of cases
    Each graph should be the rolling average of new confirmed cases over the last N days
    start_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date ASC  limit 1')
    final_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    max_cases = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT confirmed from [world] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    axis_range = [datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date_str + ' 00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                  datetime.datetime.strptime(final_date_str + ' 17:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')]
    countries = list_of_countries_by_confirmed(final_date_str)

    graphs = graph_definitions_as_dict()
    num_graphx = 9 # Number of graphs in a row
    num_graphy = 6 # Number of graphs in a row
    FIGSIZE = [num_graphx * 1.5, num_graphy * 1.5]
    DAYS = True

    for graph in graphs:
        fig, axes  = plt.subplots(num_graphx, num_graphy, figsize=FIGSIZE)
        fig.suptitle('SARS-CoV2 /COVID-19 in order of total confirmed cases')
        for row in range(0, num_graphx):
            for col in range(0, num_graphy):
                country = countries[row*num_graphx + col]
                if DAYS:
                    cmd = 'SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY {G} >= {L} order by date) as days, '.format(G = graph['column'], L = graph['limit'])
                    cmd = 'SELECT date as days, '
                if graph['lag'] > 0:
                    cmd += ('cast({G} - LAG ({G}, {D}, 0) OVER (order by date) as REAL)/{D} as {G} '
                            'from [{C}] where {G} >= {L} order by Date'.format(C = country, G=graph['column'], L = graph['limit'], D=graph['lag']))
                    cmd += ('{G} from [{C}] where {G} >= {L} order by Date'.format(C = country, G=graph['column'], L = graph['limit']))
                results = dbdo.dict_from_query(dbc, cmd)
                days, cases = keys_values_as_lists_from_dict(results)

                # Determine the colour
                max_cases = max(cases)
                colour = 'tab:red'
                if cases[-1] <= 0.75 * max_cases:
                    colour = 'tab:orange'
                if cases[-1] <= 0.50 * max_cases:
                    colour = 'tab:cyan'
                if cases[-1] <= 0.25 * max_cases:
                    colour = 'tab:green'

                # Add the plot to the canvas
                axes[row, col].plot(days, cases, colour, label = '{}'.format(country))
                axes[row, col].legend(loc = 'upper left')
                #axes[row, col].set_title('{}'.format(country))

        # iterate through the axes nump array
        for ax in axes.flat:
            ax.set(xlabel = 'days', ylabel = 'cases')

        if graph['lag'] > 0:
            fig.savefig('plots/{G}_new_grid_since_start.png'.format(G=graph['column']), format = 'png')
            fig.savefig('plots/{G}_grid_since_start.png'.format(G=graph['column']), format = 'png')

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def make_days_since_start_plot():
    #Make the rate of increase since N cases plot
    # with all the countries
    GRAPH_DAYS = True
    GRAPH_DATES = False

    # Style and Attributions text
    box = dict(boxstyle = 'round', fc='#ffffffff')
    attrib_str = ('plot inspired by the work of https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/\n'
                  'produced by https://github.com/odaiwai using MatPlotLib, Python '
                  'and SQLITE3. Data from JHU CSSE. https://www.diaspoir.net/')
    attrib_box = dict(boxstyle = 'square', fc='#ffffff80', pad = 0.25)

    # General Parameters
    max_cases = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT confirmed from [world] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    start_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date ASC limit 1')
    final_date_str = dbdo.value_from_query(dbc, 'SELECT Date from [jhu_data] order by Date DESC limit 1')
    start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date_str + ' 00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    final_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(final_date_str + ' 17:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + datetime.timedelta(days = 7)

    # The Axis Range depends on Days or Dates
    # Default is for DAYS
    max_days = (final_date - start_date).days
    axis_range = [1, max_days] # x-axis
        axis_range = [start_date, final_date] # x-axis

    countries = list_of_countries_by_confirmed(final_date_str)
    countries_of_interest = ['Hong Kong', 'Singapore', 'China', 'Italy',
                             'South Korea', 'USA', 'Germany', 'United Kingdom', 'Ireland', 'France',
                             'Poland', 'Japan', 'Spain', 'Taiwan', 'Vietnam', 'Thailand', 'Australia',
                             'Malaysia', 'Macau', 'World', 'Philippines', 'Turkey', 'Iran',
                             'Switzerland', 'Brazil', 'Russia', 'India']

    # Setup the parameters for each graph
    FACTOR = 0.00001
    graphs = []
    for by_pop in (True, False):
        for graph in graph_definitions_as_dict():
            graph['by_pop'] = by_pop


    ANNOTATE_ALL = False
    populations = list_of_populations_by_country(countries)

    for graph in graphs:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=FIGSIZE)
        ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.15, 0.85, 0.75])
        fig.suptitle('COVID 19 cases for Countries (last data: {})'.format(final_date_str))

        # Graph Title
        title = '{} '.format(graph['column'])
        if graph['lag'] > 0:
            title += 'new cases per day (over {} days) '.format(graph['lag'])
            title += 'cases '
        if graph['by_pop'] == True:
            title += 'per million pop.'

        title += 'since no. {}'.format(graph['limit'])
        ax.set(xlabel='Days since {} {}'.format(graph['limit'], graph['column']),
               xlim = axis_range, ylabel=graph['description'])
        # configure the Y-Axis - can't specify a base for linear scales now
        if graph['scale'] == 'log':
            ax.set_yscale(graph['scale'], base=graph['base'])
        #ax.set(ylim = (graph['limit'], max_cases))
        max_cases = 0
        for country in countries:
            zord = 500 - countries.index(country)
            pop_divisor = max(1,(populations[country] / 1000000))

            if graph['lag'] > 0:
                cmd = ('SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY {G} >= {L} order by date) as days, '
                       'cast({G} - LAG ({G}, {D}, 0) OVER (order by date) as REAL)/{D} as {G} '
                       'from [{C}] where {G} >= {L} order by Date'.format(C = country, G=graph['column'], L = graph['limit'], D=graph['lag']))
                cmd = ('SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY {G} >= {L} order by date) as days, '
                       '{G} from [{C}] where {G} >= {L} order by Date'.format(C = country, G=graph['column'], L = graph['limit']))

            results = dbdo.dict_from_query(dbc, cmd)
            days, cases = keys_values_as_lists_from_dict(results)
            #print(country, population, 'before', days, cases)

            if graph['by_pop'] is True:
                # Divide the cases by the population/divisor
                adjusted_cases = []
                for case in cases:
                    adjusted_cases.append(case / pop_divisor)

                #print('Adjusted', adjusted_cases)
                cases = adjusted_cases
            #print('after', days, cases)
            # Add a marker and optionly an annotation for the last point
            if len(days) > 0:
                # Keep track of the largest number
                if max(cases) > max_cases:
                    max_cases = max(cases)
                    print('adjusting max cases to {} because of {} ({})'.format(max_cases, country, pop_divisor))
                    # If it's significant, add it to the list

                if country in countries_of_interest or ANNOTATE_ALL:
                    ax.plot(days, cases, lw = 2.5, zorder = zord)
                    ax.plot([days[-1]], [cases[-1]], marker='o', markersize=6,
                            zorder = zord)
                    # Add a label
                    ax.annotate('{}: {:,.0f}'.format(country, cases[-1]),
                                (days[-1]+1, cases[-1]), fontsize = 8, ha='left',
                                bbox = box, zorder = zord)
                    #ax.plot(days, cases, color = '#80808080', lw = 1, zorder = zord)
                    ax.plot(days, cases, lw = 1, zorder = zord)
                    ax.plot([days[-1]], [cases[-1]], marker='o', markersize=3,
                            color = '#80808080', zorder = zord)

        if graph['doubling']:
            # add dashed lines for 'doubles every (1..7) days
            axis_limit = 2 ** int(math.log2(max_cases)-1)
            for ddays in [1,2,3,4,5,7,14,21]:
                rate = ((2/1) ** (1/ddays))-1
                days = [0]
                double = [graph['limit']]
                for day in range(0, max_days):
                    double.append(double[-1] * (1 + rate))
                    if double[-1] >= axis_limit:
                ax.plot(days, double, linestyle = 'dashed', linewidth = 0.5, zorder = 2)
                ax.annotate('doubles in {} days'.format(ddays), (days[-1]+1, double[-1]),
                            fontsize = 8, ha='left', bbox = box, zorder = 2)

        ax.set(ylim = (graph['limit'], max_cases))
        # Attribution on the canvas
        fig.text(0.5, 0.025, attrib_str, ha = 'center', fontsize = 8, bbox = attrib_box, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
        # save it out
        savefile = 'plots/{G}'.format(G=graph['column'])
        if graph['by_pop'] is True:
            savefile += '_per_million'

        if graph['lag'] > 0:
            savefile += '_new'

        savefile +='_since_start.png'
        fig.savefig(savefile, format = 'png')

    return None