Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: yedi/Avalon
def myProfilePage():
    if not session['logged_in']:
        return 'You are not logged in'
    subscriptions = db.getSubscriptions(session['username'])
    if subscriptions is None:
        return 'You have no subscriptions'

    s_rels, s_com_rels = [], []
    s_item_ids, s_com_item_ids = [], []

    for s in subscriptions:
            db.getChildRels(s['item'], {
                'comment_parent': None,
                'time_linked': {
                    '$gte': s['seen']
        if s['comments']:
                                  {'time_linked': {
                                      '$gte': s['comment_seen']

    new_rels = list(
            'parent': {
                '$in': s_item_ids
            'comment_parent': None,
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    new_com_rels = list(
            'comment_parent': {
                '$in': s_com_item_ids
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    items = set([db.getItem(rel.parent) for rel in new_rels + s_rels])
        [db.getItem(rel.comment_parent) for rel in new_com_rels + s_com_rels])
    new_dict = {
        's_rels': db.prepareForClient(s_rels),
        's_com_rels': db.prepareForClient(s_com_rels),
        'new_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_rels),
        'new_com_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_com_rels),
        'items': db.prepareForClient(items)
    return render_template('profile.html', nd=new_dict, tab='view-tab')
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: yedi/Avalon
def viewItem(item_id):
    item_id = ObjectId(item_id)
    if db.getItem(item_id) is None:
        return 'This item does not exist'
    session['current_item'] = item_id
    need = {"parent_items": True, "child_items": True, "child_rels": True}
    item_info = db.getItemInfo(item_id, need, True)
    item_info['comment_rels'] = db.getCommentRels(item_id)
    item_info['comment_items'] = db.prepareForClient(
        [db.getItem(rel['child']) for rel in item_info['comment_rels']])
    item_info['comment_rels'] = db.prepareForClient(item_info['comment_rels'])

    if session['logged_in']:
        db.markSeen(session['username'], item_id, True)

    return render_template('view.html', ii=item_info, tab='view-tab')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def postComment():
    username = request.form['username']
    body = request.form['body']
    item_id = ObjectId(request.form['item'])

    if db.getUser(username) is None:
        return 'You must have a valid user account to post'

    if len(request.form['body']) < 1:

    if db.getItem(item_id) is None:
        return 'Reply error'

    #insert comment
    comment_dict = {
        'body': unicode(body),
        'user': unicode(username),
        'item': item_id

    if request.form['reply_to']:
        comment_dict['reply_to'] = ObjectId(request.form['reply_to'])

    new_comment = db.addComment(comment_dict)
    db.processCommentVote(new_comment._id, username, 'up')

    ret_dict = {
        "comment": db.prepareForClient([new_comment])[0]
    return jsonify(ret_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: yedi/Avalon
def discoverPage():
    new_rels = list(db.dbcon.relations.Relation.find({
            'comment_parent': None
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    new_com_rels = list(db.dbcon.relations.Relation.find({
            'comment_parent': {"$ne": None}
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    items = set([db.getItem(rel.parent) for rel in new_rels])
    items.update([db.getItem(rel.comment_parent) for rel in new_com_rels])
    new_dict = {
        'new_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_rels),
        'new_com_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_com_rels),
        'items': db.prepareForClient(items)
    return render_template('discover.html', nd=new_dict, tab='view-tab')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_entry():
    if len(request.form['body']) < 1:

    if db.getUser(request.form['username']) is None:

    body = request.form['body']
    username = request.form['username']
    parent_id = ObjectId(request.form['parent'])

    #insert item
    item_dict = {
        'body': unicode(body),
        'user': unicode(username),
    if request.form['tldr']:
        item_dict['tldr'] = unicode(request.form['tldr'])
    new_item = db.addItem(item_dict)

    #insert the new rel
    new_rel = db.addRel(parent_id, new_item._id, username)

    # insert each tag into the tag table if the tag is valid
    tags = request.form['tags']
    if len(tags) > 0:
        for tag_name in tags.split():
            tag = getTag(tag_name)
            if tag is None:
            cur.execute('insert into tag_relations (item, tag) values (?, ?)', [new_item_id, tag['id']])

    #automatically upvote for the user
    db.processVote(new_rel._id, request.form['username'], 'up')

    #flash('New entry was successfully posted')

    ret_dict = {
        "item": db.prepareForClient([new_item])[0],
        "rel": db.prepareForClient([db.getRel(new_rel._id)])[0]
    return jsonify(ret_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: yedi/Avalon
def viewItem(item_id):
    item_id = ObjectId(item_id)
    if db.getItem(item_id) is None:
        return 'This item does not exist'
    session['current_item'] = item_id
    need = {
        "parent_items": True,
        "child_items": True,
        "child_rels": True
    item_info = db.getItemInfo(item_id, need, True)
    item_info['comment_rels'] = db.getCommentRels(item_id)
    item_info['comment_items'] = db.prepareForClient([db.getItem(rel['child']) for rel in item_info['comment_rels']])
    item_info['comment_rels'] = db.prepareForClient(item_info['comment_rels'])

    if session['logged_in']:
        db.markSeen(session['username'], item_id, True)

    return render_template('view.html', ii=item_info, tab='view-tab')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def addLink():
    l_item_id, parent_id, username = ObjectId(request.form['link_item']), ObjectId(request.form['parent']), request.form['username']
    user, l_item, parent = db.getUser(username), db.getItem(l_item_id), db.getItem(parent_id)
    if user is None:
        return "Not a user"
    if l_item is None or parent is None:
        return "invalid ids"

    new_rel = db.addRel(parent._id, l_item._id, username)
    db.processVote(new_rel._id, request.form['username'], 'up')

    rel_child = db.getItem(new_rel['child'])
    # child_user = db.getUser(rel_child['user'])

    ret_dict = {
        "new_rel": db.prepareForClient([db.getRel(new_rel._id)])[0],
        "rel_child": db.prepareForClient([rel_child])[0]
    return jsonify(ret_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: yedi/Avalon
def myProfilePage():
    if not session['logged_in']:
        return 'You are not logged in'
    subscriptions = db.getSubscriptions(session['username'])
    if subscriptions is None:
        return 'You have no subscriptions'

    s_rels, s_com_rels = [], []
    s_item_ids, s_com_item_ids = [], []

    for s in subscriptions:
        s_rels.extend(db.getChildRels(s['item'], {
            'comment_parent': None,
            'time_linked': {'$gte': s['seen']},
        if s['comments']:
            s_com_rels.extend(db.getCommentRels(s['item'], {
                'time_linked': {'$gte': s['comment_seen']}

    new_rels = list(db.dbcon.relations.Relation.find({
            'parent': {'$in': s_item_ids},
            'comment_parent': None,
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    new_com_rels = list(db.dbcon.relations.Relation.find({
            'comment_parent': {'$in': s_com_item_ids}
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    items = set([db.getItem(rel.parent) for rel in new_rels + s_rels])
    items.update([db.getItem(rel.comment_parent) for rel in new_com_rels + s_com_rels])
    new_dict = {
        's_rels': db.prepareForClient(s_rels),
        's_com_rels': db.prepareForClient(s_com_rels),
        'new_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_rels),
        'new_com_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_com_rels),
        'items': db.prepareForClient(items)
    return render_template('profile.html', nd=new_dict, tab='view-tab')
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: views.py Proyecto: yedi/Avalon
def discoverPage():
    new_rels = list(
            'comment_parent': None
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    new_com_rels = list(
            'comment_parent': {
                "$ne": None
        }).sort('time_linked', -1).limit(10))

    items = set([db.getItem(rel.parent) for rel in new_rels])
    items.update([db.getItem(rel.comment_parent) for rel in new_com_rels])
    new_dict = {
        'new_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_rels),
        'new_com_rels': db.prepareForClient(new_com_rels),
        'items': db.prepareForClient(items)
    return render_template('discover.html', nd=new_dict, tab='view-tab')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def editItem():
    item_id = ObjectId(request.form['item_id'])
    username = request.form['username']

    if db.getItem(item_id).user != unicode(username):
        return "Not edited"
    new_item = db.editItem(item_id, request.form['body'], request.form['tldr'])

    ret_dict = {
        "item": db.prepareForClient([new_item])[0]
    return jsonify(ret_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def retrieveRel(rel_id):
    rel_id = ObjectId(rel_id)
    rel = db.getrel(rel_id)
    if rel is None:
        return 'This rel does not exist'
    rel_dict = {'rel': rel}
    if request.args['parent']:
        rel_dict['parent'] = db.getItem(rel.parent)
    if request.args['child']:
        rel_dict['child'] = db.getItem(rel.child)

    #session['current_rel'] = rel_id
    return jsonify(db.prepareForClient(rel_dict))