Ejemplo n.º 1
def put_tag(tag_name):
    client = boto3.client('rds-data')

    # query database to get next id number
    sql = "SELECT MAX(tag_id) FROM tags;"
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql)
    max_id = extract_records(query_result)
    tag_id = 0 if len(max_id) == 0 else max_id[0][0] + 1

    # insert the new tag into the database
    sql = "INSERT INTO tags VALUES (:tag_id, :tag_name);"
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'tag_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': tag_id
    }, {
        'name': 'tag_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': f'{tag_name}'

    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)

    return tag_id
Ejemplo n.º 2
def put_option(table_name, option_name):

    # get necessary field names
    if (table_name == 'tags'):
        id = 'tag_id'
        name = 'tag_name'
    elif (table_name == 'type_of_supporter'):
        id = 'supp_type_id'
        name = 'supp_type'
        id = 'type_id'
        name = 'appointment_name'

    # insert the new tag into the database
    sql = f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({name}) VALUES (:option_name);"
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'option_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': f'{option_name}'

    query_result = execute_statement(sql, sql_parameters)

    # get id to return
    sql = f"SELECT {id} FROM {table_name} WHERE {name} = :option_name;"
    id_result = execute_statement(sql, sql_parameters)

    # return list(id_result['records'][0][0].values())[0]
    return id_result['records'][0][0]['longValue']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getAnalytics(event, context):

    response_headers = {}
    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

    # query db for the types of appts, their frequencies and the appt names
    query = "SELECT AT.type_id, COUNT(A.type_id), AT.appointment_name \
            FROM appointments AS A RIGHT JOIN appointment_type AS AT \
            ON A.type_id = AT.type_id \
            WHERE active_type = true \
            GROUP BY AT.type_id;"

    appts_result = execute_statement(query)

    # query db for the tags and their frequencies and the tag names
    query = "SELECT T.tag_id, COUNT(ST.tag_id), T.tag_name \
             FROM supporter_tags AS ST RIGHT JOIN tags T \
             ON ST.tag_id = T.tag_id \
             GROUP BY T.tag_id;"

    tags_result = execute_statement(query)

    appts_csv = "No appointment data"
    # there's appt data
    if appts_result['records'] != []:
        # build the appt csv
        appts_csv = [["Appointment type", "Frequency"]]
        for tuple in appts_result['records']:
            appt_type = tuple[2].get("stringValue")
            frequency = tuple[1].get("longValue")
            appts_csv.append([appt_type, frequency])

    tags_csv = "No tag data"
    # there's tag data
    if tags_result['records'] != []:
        # build the tag csv
        tags_csv = [["Tag name", "Frequency"]]
        for tuple in tags_result['records']:
            tag_name = tuple[2].get("stringValue")
            frequency = tuple[1].get("longValue")
            tags_csv.append([tag_name, frequency])

    body = {}
    body["csv for appointments"] = appts_csv
    body["csv for tags"] = tags_csv

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(body),
        'headers': response_headers
Ejemplo n.º 4
def report(event, context):

    supporter_id = event['body']['supporter_id']

    # Connect to database
    client = boto3.client('rds-data')

    sql = 'SELECT supporter_id FROM `supporters` WHERE `supporter_id` = :supporter_id;'
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'supporter_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': supporter_id
    user = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)

    # If the user does not exist
    if (extract_records(user) == []):
        return {
            'body': json.dumps("The user does not exist"),
            'statusCode': 404

    # If the user exist
        sql = ''
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_reports(event, context):
    response_headers = {}
    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"
    # query db for all the reports
    query = "SELECT * FROM reports;"
    result = execute_statement(query)

    # no reports
    if result['records'] == []:
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps("No reports found"),
            'headers': response_headers
    # parse the response
    response_body = extract_records(result)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(response_body),
        'headers': response_headers
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_tags():

    # query the database for all current tags
    sql = "SELECT * FROM tags;"
    query_result = execute_statement(sql)

    # parse the result
    response = extract_records(query_result)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 7
def remove_option(table_name, option_id):

    # get necessary field names
    if (table_name == 'tags'):
        id = 'tag_id'
        name = 'tag_name'
        associated_table = 'supporter_tags'
    elif (table_name == 'type_of_supporter'):
        id = 'supp_type_id'
        name = 'supp_type'
        associated_table = 'supporter_type'
        id = 'type_id'
        name = 'appointment_name'

    # appointment_type is a special case
    if (id == 'tag_id' or id == 'supp_type_id'):
        # delete entries in associated_table
        sql = f"DELETE FROM `{associated_table}` WHERE `{id}` = :option_id;"
        sql_parameters = [{
            'name': 'option_id',
            'value': {
                'longValue': option_id
        query_result = execute_statement(sql, sql_parameters)

        # delete from main table
        sql = f"DELETE FROM `{table_name}` WHERE `{id}` = :option_id;"
        query_result = execute_statement(sql, sql_parameters)
        sql = f"UPDATE `appointment_type` SET active_type = false WHERE `{id}` = :option_id;"
        sql_parameters = [{
            'name': 'option_id',
            'value': {
                'longValue': option_id
        query_result = execute_statement(sql, sql_parameters)

    # will always be true for appointment_type, probably not worth fixing right now
    return not query_result['numberOfRecordsUpdated'] == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getAvailabilityInfo(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT * FROM `availability_supp` WHERE `user_id_` = :id;"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getAppointmentTypes(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT Distinct appointment_name FROM appointment_type INNER JOIN supp_appt ON supp_appt.type_id = appointment_type.type_id where user_id_= :id;"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getTags(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT Distinct tag_name FROM supporter_tags INNER JOIN tags ON supporter_tags.tag_id = tags.tag_id where user_id_= :id;"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getFeedback(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT Distinct student_feedback.appointment_id, appointment_name, rating, recommended FROM student_feedback, appointments, appointment_type where student_feedback.appointment_id = appointments.appointment_id and appointments.supporter_id = :id and appointments.type_id=appointment_type.type_id;;"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_options(table_name):

    # query the database for all current tags
    sql = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name};"
    if table_name == 'appointment_type':
        sql = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE active_type = true;"
    query_result = execute_statement(sql)

    # parse the result
    response = extract_records(query_result)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 13
def remove_tag(tag_id):
    client = boto3.client('rds-data')

    # delete the tag from the tags table
    sql = "DELETE FROM `tags` WHERE `tag_id` = :tag_id;"
    sql_parameters = [{'name': 'tag_id', 'value': {'longValue': tag_id}}]
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)
    print("delete from tags table")
    # tag_id didn't actually delete anything
    if (query_result['numberOfRecordsUpdated'] == 0):
        return False

    # delete the tag from the supporter_tags table
    sql = "DELETE FROM `supporter_tags` WHERE `tag_id` = :tag_id;"
    sql_parameters = [{'name': 'tag_id', 'value': {'longValue': tag_id}}]
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)
    print("delete from supporter_tags table")

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cancel_appt(event, context):
    # Extract the appt id to delete
    appt_id = int(event['pathParameters']['id'])

    # Check if the appt id exists in database
    query = "SELECT `appointment_id` FROM `appointments` WHERE `appointment_id` = :appt_id;"
    sql_params = [{'name': 'appt_id', 'value':{'longValue': appt_id}}]
    existing_appt = execute_statement(query, sql_params)
    # Appt id not found
    if existing_appt['records'] == []:
        return {
            'statusCode': 404,
            'body': json.dumps('Appointment id not found in database')

    # Cancel the appt
    query = "UPDATE `appointments` SET `cancelled` = true WHERE `appointment_id` = :appt_id;"
    query_response = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    # If the database does not update the appt to cancelled
    if query_response['numberOfRecordsUpdated'] == 0:
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps('Error in cancelling the appointment')

    response_headers = {}
    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

    # Return success 
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Successfully cancelled appointment')
        'headers': response_headers
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getStudentInfo(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE `user_id_` = :id;"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    if userQuery['records'] == []:
        return []

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 16
def getSupporterInfo(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT supporter.user_id_, title,current_employer, location calendar_ref, calendar_sync, calendar_sync_freq, supp_type_id  FROM supporter Left JOIN supporter_type on supporter_type.user_id_=supporter.user_id_ where supporter.user_id_= :id"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    availResponse = []
    feedResponse = []
    tagResponse = []
    supTypeResponse = []
    apptTypeResponse = []

    extraQuery = getAvailabilityInfo(id)  #Check supporter's availability
    if extraQuery != []:
        for record in extraQuery:

    extraQuery = getFeedback(id)  #Check supporter's feedback info
    if extraQuery != []:
        for record in extraQuery:

    extraQuery = getTags(id)  #Check supporter's tags
    if extraQuery != []:
        for record in extraQuery:

    extraQuery = getSupporterTypes(id)  #Check supporter's types
    if extraQuery != []:
        for record in extraQuery:

    extraQuery = getAppointmentTypes(id)  #Check Appointment's types
    if extraQuery != []:
        for record in extraQuery:

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getUserInfo(id):

    #Database query for all users
    query = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user_id_` = :id;"
    sqlParameters = [{'name': "id", 'value': {'longValue': id}}]
    userQuery = execute_statement(query, sqlParameters)

    if userQuery['records'] == []:
        return []

    #Parse the result to prep for json.dumps
    response = extract_records(userQuery)

    #Get additional info depending on if user is student or supporter
    extraQuery = getStudentInfo(id)  #Check if a student
    if extraQuery == []:
        extraQuery = getSupporterInfo(id)

    #Combine the two queries and return a response
    for record in extraQuery:
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 18
def lambda_handler(event, context):

    #Getting the values to put into the row
    student_id = int(json.loads(event["body"])["student_id"])
    supporter_id = int(json.loads(event["body"])["supporter_id"])
    appt_date = json.loads(event["body"])["appt_date"]
    start_time = json.loads(event["body"])["start_time"]
    duration_min = int(json.loads(event["body"])["duration"])
    type = int(json.loads(event["body"])["type"])
    cancelled = bool(json.loads(event["body"])["cancelled"])
    rating = int(json.loads(event["body"])["rating"])
    recommended = bool(json.loads(event["body"])["recommended"])

    #CORS Header
    response_headers = {}

    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

    #Finding the given student_id to check
    query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM student WHERE user_id_ = :student_id"
    sql_params = [{'name': 'student_id', 'value': {'longValue': student_id}}]
    student_check = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    #Checking if the given student exists
    if (student_check['records'] == []):
        return {
            'body': json.dumps("Student not found!"),
            'headers': response_headers,
            'statusCode': 404,
            'isBase64Encoded': False

    #Finding the given supporter_id
    query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM supporter WHERE user_id_ = :supporter_id"
    sql_params = [{
        'name': 'supporter_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': supporter_id
    supporter_check = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    #Checking if the given supporter_id exists
    if (supporter_check['records'] == []):
        return {
            'body': json.dumps("Supporter not found!"),
            'headers': response_headers,
            'statusCode': 404,
            'isBase64Encoded': False

    #Finding the given type_id
    query = "SELECT type_id FROM appointment_type WHERE type_id = :type"
    sql_params = [{'name': 'type', 'value': {'longValue': type}}]
    type_check = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    #Checking if the given type_id exists
    if (type_check['records'] == []):
        return {
            'body': json.dumps("type not found!"),
            'headers': response_headers,
            'statusCode': 404,
            'isBase64Encoded': False

    #Checking if the given date string is in the correct format or not
    date_re = re.compile('^([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))$')
    #Returning bad request if the format is wrong
    if not (date_re.match(appt_date)):
        return {
            'body': json.dumps("Date bad format!"),
            'headers': response_headers,
            'statusCode': 400,
            'isBase64Encoded': False

    #Checking if the given time string is in the correct format or not
    time_re = re.compile('^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$')
    #Returning bad request if the format is wrong
    if not (time_re.match(start_time)):
        return {
            'body': json.dumps("Time bad format!"),
            'headers': response_headers,
            'statusCode': 400,
            'isBase64Encoded': False

    # Generating a new appointment_id for the current appointment by adding 1 to the last id
    query = "SELECT appointment_id FROM appointments ORDER BY appointment_id DESC LIMIT 1"
    sql_params = []
    new_id = execute_statement(query, sql_params)
    appointment_id = new_id['records'][0][0]['longValue'] + 1

    #Inserting the values in the appointments table
    query = """INSERT INTO appointments(appointment_id, supporter_id, date_of_appointment, start_time, duration_in_min, type_id, cancelled) \
        VALUES (:appointment_id, :supporter_id, :appt_date, :start_time, :duration_min, :type, :cancelled)"""

    sql_params = [{
        'name': 'appointment_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': appointment_id
    }, {
        'name': 'supporter_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': supporter_id
    }, {
        'name': 'appt_date',
        'typeHint': 'DATE',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': appt_date
    }, {
        'name': 'start_time',
        'typeHint': 'TIME',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': start_time
    }, {
        'name': 'duration_min',
        'value': {
            'longValue': duration_min
    }, {
        'name': 'type',
        'value': {
            'longValue': type
    }, {
        'name': 'cancelled',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': cancelled

    #Updating the appointment table
    update = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    #Inserting the values in the student_feedback table
    query = """INSERT INTO student_feedback(appointment_id, student_id, rating, recommended) \
        VALUES (:appointment_id, :student_id, :rating, recommended)"""

    sql_params = [{
        'name': 'appointment_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': appointment_id
    }, {
        'name': 'student_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': student_id
    }, {
        'name': 'rating',
        'value': {
            'longValue': rating
    }, {
        'name': 'recommended',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': recommended

    #Updating the student_feedback table
    update = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    return {
        'statusCode': 201,
        'body': json.dumps('Appointment created!'),
        'headers': response_headers,
        'isBase64Encoded': False
Ejemplo n.º 19
def student_create(body, response_headers):

    statusCode = 200

    #Test to see if input properly formatted
    if ("email" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("password" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("first_name" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("last_name" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("preferred_name" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("phone_number" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("profile_picture" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("request_supporter" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("active_account" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("description" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("pronouns" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400

    if statusCode == 400:
        response = {}
        response['statusCode'] = statusCode
        response['headers'] = response_headers
        response['body'] = "Invalid Input Body Format!"
        response['isBase64Encoded'] = False
        return response

    #Primarily for student
    if ("GPA" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("grad_year" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("resume_ref" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("transcript_ref" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("github_link" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("linkedin_link" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("is_undergrad" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("college" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("program" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("job_search" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("work_auth" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400

    if statusCode == 400:
        response = {}
        response['statusCode'] = statusCode
        response['headers'] = response_headers
        response['body'] = "Invalid Student Body Format!"
        response['isBase64Encoded'] = False
        return response

    #Connect to database
    client = boto3.client('rds-data')

    #Extract user fields
    email = body["email"]
    password = body["password"]
    first_name = body["first_name"]
    last_name = body["last_name"]
    preferred_name = body["preferred_name"]
    phone_number = body["phone_number"]
    profile_picture = body["profile_picture"]
    request_supporter = body["request_supporter"]
    active_account = body["active_account"]
    description = body["description"]
    pronouns = body["pronouns"]

    #Check if email already exists
    sql = "SELECT email FROM user WHERE email = :email;"
    sql_parameters = [{'name': 'email', 'value': {'stringValue': email}}]
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)
    email_exists = (extract_records(query_result) != [])

    if email_exists:
        response = {}
        response['statusCode'] = 404
        response['headers'] = response_headers
        response['body'] = "Email Exists!"
        response['isBase64Encoded'] = False
        return response

    #Find next available user id
    sql = "SELECT MAX(user_id_) FROM user;"
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql)
    max_id = extract_records(query_result)
    user_id = 0 if len(max_id) == 0 else max_id[0][0] + 1

    #Insert into user
    sql = "INSERT INTO user VALUES (:user_id, :email, :password, :first_name, :last_name, :preferred_name, :phone_number, :profile_picture, :request_supporter, :active_account, :description, :pronouns);"
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'user_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': user_id
    }, {
        'name': 'email',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': email
    }, {
        'name': 'password',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': password
    }, {
        'name': 'first_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': first_name
    }, {
        'name': 'last_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': last_name
    }, {
        'name': 'preferred_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': preferred_name
    }, {
        'name': 'phone_number',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': phone_number
    }, {
        'name': 'profile_picture',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': profile_picture
    }, {
        'name': 'request_supporter',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': request_supporter
    }, {
        'name': 'active_account',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': active_account
    }, {
        'name': 'description',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': description
    }, {
        'name': 'pronouns',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': pronouns

    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)

    #Extract student fields
    GPA = body["GPA"]
    grad_year = body["grad_year"]
    resume_ref = body["resume_ref"]
    transcript_ref = body["transcript_ref"]
    github_link = body["github_link"]
    linkedin_link = body["linkedin_link"]
    is_undergrad = body["is_undergrad"]
    college = body["college"]
    program = body["program"]
    job_search = body["job_search"]
    work_auth = body["work_auth"]

    #Insert into student
    sql = "INSERT INTO student VALUES (:user_id, :GPA, :grad_year, :resume_ref, :transcript_ref, :github_link, :linkedin_link, :is_undergrad, :college, :program, :job_search, :work_auth);"
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'user_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': user_id
    }, {
        'name': 'GPA',
        'value': {
            'doubleValue': GPA
    }, {
        'name': 'grad_year',
        'value': {
            'longValue': grad_year
    }, {
        'name': 'resume_ref',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': resume_ref
    }, {
        'name': 'transcript_ref',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': transcript_ref
    }, {
        'name': 'github_link',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': github_link
    }, {
        'name': 'linkedin_link',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': linkedin_link
    }, {
        'name': 'is_undergrad',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': is_undergrad
    }, {
        'name': 'college',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': college
    }, {
        'name': 'program',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': program
    }, {
        'name': 'job_search',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': job_search
    }, {
        'name': 'work_auth',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': work_auth

    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)

    response = {}
    response["statusCode"] = statusCode
    response["headers"] = response_headers
    response["body"] = json.dumps("user-id: %d" % user_id)
    response["isBase64Encoded"] = False

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 20
def lambda_handler(event, context):

    response_headers = {}
    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

        # supp_id
        user_id_ = int(event["pathParameters"]["id"])
        return {
            'statusCode': 400,
            'headers': response_headers,
            'body': json.dumps({'message': 'Invalid user id input'})

    # check supp exists
    query = "SELECT * FROM supporter WHERE user_id_ = :user_id_"
    sql_param = [{'name': 'user_id_', 'value': {'longValue': user_id_}}]
    result = execute_statement(query, sql_param)

    if result['records'] == []:
        return {
            'statusCode': 404,
            'headers': response_headers,
            'body': json.dumps({'message': 'Supporter does not exist'})

    response = []

    query = "SELECT * FROM supporter_questions WHERE user_id_ = :user_id_;"
    sql_param = [{'name': 'user_id_', 'value': {'longValue': user_id_}}]
    result = execute_statement(query, sql_param)

    if result['records'] != []:
        questions = []
        for entry in result['records']:
            q_id = list(entry[0].values())[0]
            q = list(entry[2].values())[0]
            block = {'question_id': q_id, 'question': q}
        # response.append("No Questions")

    query = "SELECT show_feedback, rating, ask_recommended FROM feedback_settings WHERE user_id_ = :user_id_;"
    sql_param = [{'name': 'user_id_', 'value': {'longValue': user_id_}}]
    result = execute_statement(query, sql_param)

    if result['records'] != []:
        for entry in result['records']:
            feedback = list(entry[0].values())[0]
            rating = list(entry[1].values())[0]
            rec = list(entry[2].values())[0]
        block = {
            "show_feedback": feedback,
            "rating": rating,
            "recommended": rec

    return {
        'body': json.dumps(response),
        'statusCode': 200,
        'headers': response_headers
Ejemplo n.º 21
def create_report(event, context):

    response_headers = {}
    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

    request_body = json.loads(event["body"])
    values = [
        "reporter_id_", "reported_id_", "report_reason", "report_date",

    # Check request body has all required values
    if not all(x in request_body for x in values):
        return {
                'Invalid request body, need to contain all the following values: "reporter_id_", \
                                "reported_id_", "report_reason", "report_date", "report_time"'

    # Extract data from request body
    reporter_id_ = int(request_body["reporter_id_"])
    reported_id_ = int(request_body["reported_id_"])
    report_reason = request_body["report_reason"]
    report_date = request_body["report_date"]
    report_time = request_body["report_time"]

    # Check that the users exist
    query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM user WHERE user_id_ = :reporter_id_;"
    sql_params = [{
        'name': 'reporter_id_',
        'value': {
            'longValue': reporter_id_
    result = execute_statement(query)

    if result['records'] == []:
        return {
            'statusCode': 404,
            'body': json.dumps('reporter_id_ is not an existing user'),
            'headers': response_headers

    query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM user WHERE user_id_ = :reported_id_;"
    sql_params = [{
        'name': 'reported_id_',
        'value': {
            'longValue': reported_id_
    result = execute_statement(query)

    if result['records'] == []:
        return {
            'statusCode': 404,
            'body': json.dumps('reported_id_ is not an existing user'),
            'headers': response_headers

    # Insert the report into db
    query = "INSERT INTO reports VALUES(:reporter_id_, :reported_id_, :report_reason, :report_date, :report_time);"
    sql_params = [{
        'name': 'reporter_id_',
        'value': {
            'longValue': reporter_id_
    }, {
        'name': 'reported_id_',
        'value': {
            'longValue': reported_id_
    }, {
        'name': 'report_reason',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': report_reason
    }, {
        'name': 'report_date',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': report_date
    }, {
        'name': 'report_time',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': report_time
    result = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    # Check that the db was updated
    if result['numberOfRecordsUpdated'] == 0:
        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps('Database error creating report'),
            'headers': response_headers

    # Success
    return {
        'statusCode': 201,
        'body': json.dumps('Successfully created the report'),
        'headers': response_headers
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_appointments(event, context):

    response_headers = {}

    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

        u_id = int(event["pathParameters"]["id"])
        return {
            'statusCode': 400,
            'headers': response_headers,
            'body': json.dumps({'message': 'Invalid user id input'})

    # Checks if user_id_ is a student id
    query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM student WHERE user_id_ = :u_id"
    sql_params = [{'name': 'u_id', 'value': {'longValue': u_id}}]
    student_check = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    # Checking if the given id does not exist in student then run query for supporter else run query for student
    if (student_check['records'] == []):  # Gather for supporters
        query = (
            "SELECT "
            "A.*, U.first_name, U.last_name, T.appointment_name, S.location "
            ", SF.rating "
            "FROM appointments A "
            "LEFT JOIN user U ON U.user_id_ = A.supporter_id "
            "LEFT JOIN appointment_type T ON T.type_id = A.type_id "
            "LEFT JOIN supporter S ON S.user_id_ = U.user_id_ "
            "LEFT JOIN student_feedback SF ON SF.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "LEFT JOIN student_responses SR ON SR.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "WHERE A.supporter_id = :u_id GROUP BY A.appointment_id ; ")
    else:  # Gather for students
        query = (
            "SELECT "
            "A.*, U.first_name, U.last_name, T.appointment_name, SU.location "
            ", SF.rating "
            "FROM appointments A "
            "LEFT JOIN student_feedback SF ON SF.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "LEFT JOIN student S ON SF.student_id = S.user_id_ "
            "LEFT JOIN user U ON U.user_id_ = A.supporter_id "
            "LEFT JOIN appointment_type T ON T.type_id = A.type_id "
            "LEFT JOIN supporter SU ON SU.user_id_ = U.user_id_ "
            "LEFT JOIN student_responses SR ON SR.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "WHERE S.user_id_ = :u_id   GROUP BY A.appointment_id; ")

    sql_params = [{'name': 'u_id', 'value': {'longValue': u_id}}]
    query_result = execute_statement(query, sql_params)
    response = extract_records(query_result)

    query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM student WHERE user_id_ = :u_id"
    sql_params = [{'name': 'u_id', 'value': {'longValue': u_id}}]
    student_check = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

    # Checking again but for non-null ratings
    if (student_check['records'] == []):  # Gather for supporters
        query2 = (
            "SELECT "
            "A.appointment_id, SF.rating "
            "FROM appointments A "
            "LEFT JOIN student_feedback SF ON SF.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "LEFT JOIN student_responses SR ON SR.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "WHERE A.supporter_id = :u_id AND SF.rating IS NOT NULL GROUP BY A.appointment_id; "
    else:  # Gather for students
        query2 = (
            "SELECT "
            "A.appointment_id, SF.rating "
            "FROM appointments A "
            "LEFT JOIN student_feedback SF ON SF.appointment_id = A.appointment_id "
            "LEFT JOIN student S ON SF.student_id = S.user_id_ "
            "LEFT JOIN user U ON U.user_id_ = A.supporter_id "
            "WHERE S.user_id_ = :u_id AND SF.rating IS NOT NULL GROUP BY A.appointment_id; "

    query_result = execute_statement(query2, sql_params)

    response2 = extract_records(query_result)

    for entry in response:
        if response2 == []:
            entry[11] = False
        elif entry[0] == response2[0][0] and entry[11]:
            entry[11] = True
            entry[11] = False

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'headers': response_headers,
        'body': json.dumps(response)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def lambda_handler(event, context):

    response_headers = {}
    response_body = {}

    request_body = json.loads(event["body"])
    attr_list = ["appointment_id", "user_id_", "rating", "recommended", "questions"]
    if (not all(item in attr_list for item in request_body)):
        statusCode = 400
        response_body = {
        'message' : 'Invalid request format: request body does not contain all the required attributes',
        'request body' : json.dumps(request_body)
        appointment_id = int(json.loads(event["body"])["appointment_id"])
        user_id_ = int(json.loads(event["body"])["user_id_"])
        rating = int(json.loads(event["body"])["rating"])
        recommended = str(json.loads(event["body"])["recommended"])
        question_list = json.loads(event["body"])["questions"]

        #check if appointment_id and user_id exists in the database
        query = "SELECT appointment_id FROM appointments WHERE appointment_id = :appointment_id;"
        sql_params = [{'name': 'appointment_id', 'value':{'longValue': appointment_id}}]
        existing_appt = execute_statement(query, sql_params)

        query = "SELECT user_id_ FROM student WHERE user_id_ = :user_id_;"
        sql_params = [{'name': 'user_id_', 'value':{'longValue': user_id_}}]
        existing_user = execute_statement(query, sql_params)
        if existing_appt['records'] == []:
            return {
                'statusCode': 404,
                'body': json.dumps({ 'message' : 'appointment_id not in database' })

        if existing_user['records'] == []:
            return {
                'statusCode': 404,
                'body': json.dumps({ 'message' : 'user_id_ not in database' })
        query = "INSERT INTO student_feedback VALUES (:appointment_id, :user_id_, :rating, :recommended);"
        sql_parameters = [ {'name':'appointment_id', 'value':{'longValue': appointment_id}}, 
                   {'name':'user_id_', 'value':{'longValue': user_id_}},
                   {'name':'rating', 'value':{'longValue': rating}}, 
                   {'name':'recommended', 'value':{'stringValue': recommended}}  ]
        query_result = execute_statement(query, sql_parameters)

        #Insert response to questions into the student_responses table
        if(len(question_list) > 0):
            for question in question_list:
                question_id = int(question["question_id"])
                response = str(question["response"])
                #Check to see if q exists in db
                query = "SELECT question_id FROM supporter_questions WHERE question_id = :question_id;"
                sql_params = [{'name': 'question_id', 'value':{'longValue': question_id}}]
                existing_question = execute_statement(query, sql_params)
                if existing_question['records'] == []:
                    return {
                        'statusCode': 404,
                        'body': json.dumps({ 'message' : 'question_id  not in database' })
                    query = "INSERT INTO student_responses VALUES (:appointment_id, :user_id_, :question_id, :response);"
                    sql_parameters = [ {'name':'appointment_id','value':{'longValue': appointment_id}}, 
                    {'name':'user_id_', 'value':{'longValue': user_id_}},
                    {'name':'question_id', 'value':{'longValue': question_id}}, 
                    {'name':'response', 'value':{'stringValue': response}}  ]
                    query_result = execute_statement(query, sql_parameters)

        response_body = { 'message' : 'feedback added' }
        statusCode = 201

    response_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,x-requested-with'"
    response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,POST,GET,PUT,DELETE"

    return {
        'statusCode': statusCode,
        'headers' : response_headers,
        'body': json.dumps(response_body),
        'isBase64Encoded' : False
Ejemplo n.º 24
def supporter_create(body, response_headers):

    statusCode = 200

    #Test to see if input properly formatted
    if ("email" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("password" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("first_name" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("last_name" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("preferred_name" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("phone_number" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("profile_picture" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("request_supporter" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("active_account" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("description" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("pronouns" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400

    if statusCode == 400:
        response = {}
        response['statusCode'] = statusCode
        response['headers'] = response_headers
        response['body'] = "Invalid Input Body Format!"
        response['isBase64Encoded'] = False
        return response

    #Primarily for supporter
    if ("title" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("current_employer" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("location" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("calendar_ref" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("calendar_sync" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400
    if ("calendar_sync_freq" not in body.keys()):
        statusCode = 400

    if statusCode == 400:
        response = {}
        response['statusCode'] = statusCode
        response['headers'] = response_headers
        response['body'] = "Invalid Supporter Body Format!"
        response['isBase64Encoded'] = False
        return response

    #Connect to database
    client = boto3.client('rds-data')

    #Extract user fields
    email = body["email"]
    password = body["password"]
    first_name = body["first_name"]
    last_name = body["last_name"]
    preferred_name = body["preferred_name"]
    phone_number = body["phone_number"]
    profile_picture = body["profile_picture"]
    request_supporter = body["request_supporter"]
    active_account = body["active_account"]
    description = body["description"]
    pronouns = body["pronouns"]

    #Check if email already exists
    sql = "SELECT email FROM user WHERE email = :email;"
    sql_parameters = [{'name': 'email', 'value': {'stringValue': email}}]
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)
    email_exists = (extract_records(query_result) != [])

    if email_exists:
        response = {}
        response['statusCode'] = 404
        response['headers'] = response_headers
        response['body'] = "Email Exists!"
        response['isBase64Encoded'] = False
        return response

    #Find next available user id
    sql = "SELECT MAX(user_id_) FROM user;"
    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql)
    max_id = extract_records(query_result)
    user_id = 0 if len(max_id) == 0 else max_id[0][0] + 1

    #Insert into user
    sql = "INSERT INTO user VALUES (:user_id, :email, :password, :first_name, :last_name, :preferred_name, :phone_number, :profile_picture, :request_supporter, :active_account, :description, :pronouns);"
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'user_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': user_id
    }, {
        'name': 'email',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': email
    }, {
        'name': 'password',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': password
    }, {
        'name': 'first_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': first_name
    }, {
        'name': 'last_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': last_name
    }, {
        'name': 'preferred_name',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': preferred_name
    }, {
        'name': 'phone_number',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': phone_number
    }, {
        'name': 'profile_picture',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': profile_picture
    }, {
        'name': 'request_supporter',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': request_supporter
    }, {
        'name': 'active_account',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': active_account
    }, {
        'name': 'description',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': description
    }, {
        'name': 'pronouns',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': pronouns

    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)

    #Extract supporter fields
    title = body["title"]
    current_employer = body["current_employer"]
    location = body["location"]
    calendar_ref = body["calendar_ref"]
    calendar_sync = body["calendar_sync"]
    calendar_sync_freq = body["calendar_sync_freq"]

    #Insert into supporter
    sql = "INSERT INTO supporter VALUES (:user_id, :title, :current_employer, :location, :calendar_ref, :calendar_sync, :calendar_sync_freq);"
    sql_parameters = [{
        'name': 'user_id',
        'value': {
            'longValue': user_id
    }, {
        'name': 'title',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': title
    }, {
        'name': 'current_employer',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': current_employer
    }, {
        'name': 'location',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': location
    }, {
        'name': 'calendar_ref',
        'value': {
            'stringValue': calendar_ref
    }, {
        'name': 'calendar_sync',
        'value': {
            'booleanValue': calendar_sync
    }, {
        'name': 'calendar_sync_freq',
        'value': {
            'longValue': calendar_sync_freq

    query_result = execute_statement(client, sql, sql_parameters)

    response = {}
    response["statusCode"] = statusCode
    response["headers"] = response_headers
    response["body"] = json.dumps("user-id: %d" % user_id)
    response["isBase64Encoded"] = False

    return response