Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: sync.py Proyecto: csynine/dbc
def sync(state):
    peer_nodes = state.peer_nodes
    longest_peer, max_id = get_longest_peer(peer_nodes)
    if max_id > get_last_block()['index']:
        LOG.debug("%s(%s) is larger than %s(local max)" %
                  (max_id, longest_peer, state.block['index']))
        sync_block_range(longest_peer, state.block['index'], max_id, state)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: sync.py Proyecto: csynine/dbc
def get_longest_peer(peer_nodes):
    max_id = 0
    peer_node = ''
    for peer in peer_nodes:
        LOG.debug("Get %s/block info" % peer)
        r = requests.get("%s/block" % peer)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            LOG.debug("Remote block id is %ss" % r.json()['index'])
            if r.json()['index'] > max_id:
                max_id = r.json()['index']
                peer_node = peer
    return peer, max_id
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: block.py Proyecto: csynine/dbc
def create_genesis_block(genesis_json, miner_address):
    create the Gendsis Block
    data = {}
    alloc = genesis_json.get('alloc', {})
    data[u'trans'] = []
    if alloc:
        trans = []
        for k, v in alloc.items():
            _trans = {u"from": 0, u"to": k, u"assets": v}
            LOG.info("intial alloc is: %s" % _trans)
        data[u'trans'] = trans
    coin_trans = utils.get_reward_trans(0, miner_address)
    data[u'trans'].insert(0, coin_trans)
    data[u'info'] = genesis_json
    return Block(0, str(time.time()), data, "0")
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: block.py Proyecto: csynine/dbc
 def check(self):
     block_file_name = options.block_path_format % (
         options.chain_dir, hex(self.dict()['index']))
     if os.path.isfile(block_file_name):
         LOG.info("block %s is exist, pass" % self.dict()['index'])
         return False
     if self.sync:
         LOG.debug("block content check")
         if self.hash != self.hash_block(self.nonce):
             LOG.info("hash is not correct, %s(send) != %s(generate)" %
                      (self.hash, self.hash_block(self.nonce)))
             return False
         if self.index != 0:
             previous_block = get_block_by_id(self.index - 1)
             if self.previous_hash != previous_block['hash']:
                 LOG.info("hash is not continuity")
                 return False
         if (self.data['trans'][0]['assets']['coin'] -
                 fee) != utils.get_reward(self.index):
             LOG.info("reward is not correct, %s - %s != %s" % \
                     (self.data['trans'][0]['assets']['coin'], \
                         fee, utils.get_reward(self.index)))
             return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def transfer(trans, utxo):
    LOG.debug("trans assets: %s" % trans['assets'])
    for k, v in trans['assets'].items():
        if float(v) > float(utxo['assets'].get(k, 0)):
            LOG.debug("trans %s is large than %s" % s(v, utxo['assets'][k]))
            return False, {}
            utxo['assets'][k] -= float(v)
    utxo['assets']['coin'] -= trans['fee']
    if utxo['assets']['coin'] < 0:
        LOG.debug("utxo is not enouth to pay fee: %s" % utxo['assets']['coin'])
        return False, {}
    for v in utxo['assets'].values():
        if v: return True, utxo['assets']
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: block.py Proyecto: csynine/dbc
 def save(self):
     save block file as a file to disk
     if not self.check():
         LOG.info("block check failed")
         return False
     block_file_name = options.block_path_format % (
         options.chain_dir, hex(self.dict()['index']))
     LOG.debug("block %s trans is %s" %
               (self.dict()['index'], self.dict()['data']['trans']))
     for _trans in self.dict()['data']['trans']:
     block_file = file(block_file_name, 'w')
     file(options.block_path_format % (options.chain_dir, 'head'),
          'w').write(json.dumps({"max": self.dict()['index']}))
     LOG.debug("block %s is save with %s" %
               (self.dict()['index'], block_file_name))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def utxo_transfer(trans):
        utxo = get_utxo_by_id(trans)
        _addr = account.get_addr(trans['publickey'])
        #if utxo['to'] != _addr:
        #LOG.debug("address is pair or not, %s != %s" % (utxo['to'], _addr))
        #return (False, {}, {})
        LOG.debug("address is pair %s -> %s" % (utxo['to'], _addr))
        account.verify(trans['signout'], trans['publickey'], trans['from'])
        LOG.debug("signout is pair or not")
        return (False, {}, {})
    result, new_assets = transfer(trans, utxo)
    if result and new_assets:
        LOG.debug("new assets after trans is %s" % new_assets)
        utxo['to'] = trans.get('returnto') or utxo['to']
        utxo['assets'] = new_assets
        fee = float(trans['fee']) / 2
        trans[u'fee'] = utxo[u'fee'] = fee
        utxo = {}
    #os.remove(options.trans_path_format % (options.chain_dir, trans['from']))
    return (True, trans, utxo)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def post(self):
        transaction data:
          "from": "6453cbef347928491159770529f4a8b64de410eca353c8d20ca7eef7f5f214e7", #utxo hash
          "to": "5NRKJc2QHkHk7vhmSamW9UEDeYUoWLQJW8", # address to pay
          "publickey": "", # account's public key
          "singout": "", # hash sign by account private key
          "returnto": "8rP4v7r7bfpyo2XGHjP1wCanvVqDgZFrp4", #Remaining assets back address
          "assets": {
            "coin": 1

        LOG.debug("memary trans len is %s" % len(self.state.trans))
        trans = json.loads(self.request.body.decode('utf-8'))
        transable, trans, return_trans = transfer.utxo_transfer(trans)
        if not transable:
            LOG.debug("trans check result: %s" % transable)
        LOG.debug("  From %s to %s" % (trans['from'], trans['to']))
        for k, v in trans['assets'].items():
            LOG.debug("\t%s%s transfer from %s to %s" % (v, k, trans['from'], trans['to']))
        return_utxo = self.trans(trans, return_trans)
        LOG.debug("new memary trans len is %s" % len(self.state.trans))
        self.write(json.dumps({"result":"success", "return_utxo":return_utxo}))