Ejemplo n.º 1
	def broadcastOnlineStatus(self):
		'''Queue a status notification message for each of our trusted contacts'''
		print("Outgoing postman is broadcasting the status...")
		self._broadcasting = True
		profileList = DbClient.getContactList("trusted")
		if profileList:
			msg = StatusNotifyMessage(online=True, ping=True, profileHash=None)
			msg.recipients = [c['torid'] for c in profileList]
		self._broadcasting = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def servePage(self, view, url, params):
		if url == "/send":
			print("send message of type '%(messageType)s' to id '%(sendTo)s'" % params)
		elif url.startswith("/delete/"):
			DbClient.deleteMessageFromInbox(params.get("msgId", ""))
		# Make dictionary to convert ids to names
		contactNames = {c['torid']:c['displayName'] for c in DbClient.getContactList()}
		unknownSender = I18nManager.getText("messages.sender.unknown")
		unknownRecpt = I18nManager.getText("messages.recpt.unknown")
		# Get contact requests, responses and mails from inbox
		conreqs = []
		conresps = []
		mails = []
		for m in DbClient.getInboxMessages():
			m['msgId'] = str(m.get("_id", ""))
			if m['messageType'] == "contactrequest":
			elif m['messageType'] == "contactrefer":
				senderId = m.get('fromId', None)
				m['senderName'] = contactNames.get(senderId, unknownSender)
			elif m['messageType'] == "contactresponse":
				if not m.get('accepted', False):
					m['messageBody'] = I18nManager.getText("messages.contactrequest.refused")
					m['fromName'] = DbClient.getProfile(m['fromId'], True).get("displayName")
				elif not m.get('messageBody', False):
					m['messageBody'] = I18nManager.getText("messages.contactrequest.accepted")
				senderId = m.get('fromId', None)
				if not senderId and m.get('signatureKeyId', None):
					senderId = DbClient.findUserIdFromKeyId(m['signatureKeyId'])
				m['senderName'] = contactNames.get(senderId, unknownSender)
				m['sentTimeStr'] = self.makeLocalTimeString(m['timestamp'])
				# Split m['recipients'] by commas, and look up each id with contactNames
				recpts = m.get('recipients', '')
				if recpts:
					m['recipients'] = ", ".join([contactNames.get(i, unknownRecpt) for i in recpts.split(",")])
					m['recipients'] = unknownRecpt
		bodytext = self.messagestemplate.getHtml({"contactrequests":conreqs, "contactresponses":conresps,
			"mails":mails, "nummessages":len(conreqs)+len(conresps)+len(mails),
			"webcachedir" : Config.getWebCacheDir()})
		contents = self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("messages.title"),
			'pageBody' : bodytext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def servePage(self, view, url, params):
		print("Special function:", url)
		if url == "/selectprofilepic":
			# Get home directory for file dialog
			homedir = os.path.expanduser("~/")
			fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(view, I18nManager.getText("gui.dialogtitle.openimage"),
				homedir, I18nManager.getText("gui.fileselection.filetypes.jpg"))
			if fname:
				view.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript("updateProfilePic('" + fname + "');")
		elif url == "/friendstorm":
			if not DbClient.hasFriends():
				view.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript("window.alert('No friends :(');")
			# Launch a storm
			self.bs = Brainstorm(I18nManager.getText("contacts.storm.title"))
			storm = Storm()
			# Build up Nodes and Edges using our contact list and if possible our friends' contact lists
			myTorId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
			friends = {}
			friendsOfFriends = {}
			for c in DbClient.getContactList():
				#print("Contact:", c['torid'], "'", c['displayName'], "'")
				nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId()
				torid = c['torid']
				friends[torid] = nodeid
				storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, c['displayName']))
				friendsOfFriends[torid] = c.get('contactlist', "")
			for torid in friends:
				if torid != myTorId:
					storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[myTorId])
			for torid in friendsOfFriends:
				if torid != myTorId:
					ffList = friendsOfFriends[torid]
					if ffList:
						for ff in ffList.split(","):
							if ff and len(ff) > 16:
								ffTorid = ff[:16]
								ffName = ff[16:]
								if ffTorid != myTorId:
									if not friends.get(ffTorid, None):
										# Friend's friend is not in the list yet - add it
										nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId()
										friends[ffTorid] = nodeid
										storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, ffName))
									# Add edge from torid to ffTorid
									storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[ffTorid])

Ejemplo n.º 4
	def generateListPage(self, doEdit=False, userid=None, extraParams=None):
		self.requirePageResources(['avatar-none.jpg', 'status-self.png', 'status-requested.png', 'status-untrusted.png', 'status-trusted.png'])
		# List of contacts, and show details for the selected one (or self if userid=None)
		selectedprofile = DbClient.getProfile(userid)
		if selectedprofile is None:
			selectedprofile = DbClient.getProfile()
		userid = selectedprofile['torid']
		ownPage = userid == DbClient.getOwnTorId()

		# Build list of contacts
		userboxes = []
		for p in DbClient.getContactList():
			box = Bean()
			box.dispName = p['displayName']
			box.torid = p['torid']
			box.tilestyle = "contacttile" + ("selected" if p['torid'] == userid else "")
			box.status = p['status']
			box.isonline = Contacts.isOnline(box.torid)
		# expand templates using current details
		lefttext = self.listtemplate.getHtml({'webcachedir' : Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'contacts' : userboxes})
		pageProps = {"webcachedir" : Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'person':selectedprofile}
		# Add extra parameters if necessary
		if extraParams:

		# See which contacts we have in common with this person
		(sharedContactIds, possIdsForThem, possIdsForMe, nameMap) = ContactMaker.getSharedAndPossibleContacts(userid)
		sharedContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(sharedContactIds, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"sharedcontacts" : sharedContacts})
		possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForThem, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforthem" : possibleContacts})
		possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForMe, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforme" : possibleContacts})

		# Which template to use depends on whether we're just showing or also editing
		if doEdit:
			# Use two different details templates, one for self and one for others
			detailstemplate = self.editowndetailstemplate if ownPage else self.editdetailstemplate
			righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps)
			detailstemplate = self.detailstemplate  # just show
			righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps)

		contents = self.buildTwoColumnPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"),
			'leftColumn' : lefttext,
			'rightColumn' : righttext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
		return contents