def save_data(self, weather):
        """Method that inserts a dictionary of weather into the DB"""
            sql = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO samples (sample_date,location,max_temp,min_temp,avg_temp)
            values (?,?,?,?,?)"""     
            myArray = []
            for date, value in weather.items():
                    myArray.append('Winnipeg, MB')
                except Exception as e:
                    loggin.error("Error appending the data.", e)

                for k, v in value.items():
                    except Exception as e:
                        logging.error("Error appending values to the array.", e)
                with DBCM("weather.sqlite") as openDB:
                    openDB.execute(sql, myArray)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error inserting sample.", e)
    def save_data(self, data, month, year):
        """ This method is used to store the data that is collected into the db """
            sql = """insert into samples (sample_date, location, max_temp, min_temp, avg_temp)values (?,?,?,?,?)"""
            location = "Winnipeg, MB"

            for day, temps in data.items():
                """ Iterates through each day in data adding that days data to a list. """
                    set_data = list()

                    for key, value in temps.items():
                        """ Iterates through the days data adding it to a list that is used with the insert statement. """

                        except Exception as e:
                                f"dboperations:save_data:loop:2, {e}")

                    with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                        cursor.execute(sql, set_data)

                except Exception as e:
                    logging.error(f"dboperations:save_data:loop, {e}")

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:save_data, {e}")
    def purge_data(self):
        """ This method is used to purge the table in the database """
            if self.is_table_exist():
                with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                    cursor.execute("drop table samples")

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:purge_data, {e}")
    def fetch_last(self):
        """ This method is used to get the most recent date from the db """
            with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                    "select sample_date from samples order by DATE(sample_date) desc limit 1"
                return [dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:fetch_last, {e}")
    def fetch_months(self, year):
        """ This method is used to return a dictionary of months given in a year of data """
            with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                    f"select distinct substr(sample_date, 0, 8) from samples where sample_date like '{year}%' order by DATE(sample_date) desc"
                return [dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:fetch_months, {e}")
    def purge_data(self):
        """Method that purges all the data from the DB for when the program fetches all new weather data"""
            with DBCM("weather.sqlite") as openDB:
                        openDB.execute("""DROP TABLE samples;""")
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error purging data: ", e)

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error creating table:", e)
    def initialize_db(self):
        """ This method is used to initialize the db """
            with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                cursor.execute("""create table if not exists samples
                    (id integer primary key autoincrement not null,
                    sample_date text not null,
                    location text not null,
                    max_temp real not null,
                    min_temp real not null,
                    avg_temp real not null);""")

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:initialize_db, {e}")
    def is_table_exist(self):
        """ This method is used to check if we have a db table named samples """
            with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                    "select COUNT(*) from sqlite_master where name = 'samples'"
                if cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1:
                    pub.sendMessage('change_accessibility', enabled=True)
                    return True
                    pub.sendMessage('change_accessibility', enabled=False)
                    return False

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:is_table_exist, {e}")
 def initialize_db(self):
     """Method that initializes the database and creates the table sample"""
         with DBCM('weather.sqlite') as openDB:
             openDB.execute("""create table if not exists samples
                 (id integer primary key autoincrement not null,
                 sample_date text not null,
                 location text not null,
                 max_temp real not null,
                 min_temp real not null,
                 avg_temp real not null,
     except Exception as e:
         logging.error("Error creating table:", e)
    def validation(self):
        """Method that returns the oldest sample date from the database"""
            min_value = ""
            with DBCM("weather.sqlite") as openDB:
                results = openDB.execute("select min(sample_date) from samples")
                for row in results:
                    min_value = row[0]

            return min_value
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error retrieving oldest date: ", e)
    def fetch_data_boxplot(self, year_one, year_two):
        """Function that returns a dictionary of dates and average temperatures between years that the user enters"""
            plotting = {}
            with DBCM("weather.sqlite") as openDB:

                results = openDB.execute(f"select sample_date, avg_temp from samples WHERE sample_date BETWEEN '{year_one}' AND '{year_two}'")
                for row in results:
                        key = row[0]
                        plotting[key] = row[1]
                    except Exception as e:
                        logging.error("Error fetching data for box plot: ", e)
            return plotting
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error fetching samples.", e)             
    def fetch_data_lineplot(self, year, month):
        """Function that returns a dictionary of dates and average temperatures based on the year and month the years enters"""
            plotting = {}
            with DBCM("weather.sqlite") as openDB:

                results = openDB.execute(f"select sample_date, avg_temp from samples WHERE substr(sample_date, 1, 7) = '{year}'||'-'||'{month}'")
                for row in results:
                        key = row[0]
                        plotting[key] = row[1]
                    except Exception as e:
                        logging.error("Error fetching data for line plot: ", e)
            return plotting

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Error fetching samples.", e)
    def fetch_data(self, start, end, is_month):
        """ This function fetchs the range of data from the db as requested by the user. """
            with DBCM(self.database) as cursor:
                if is_month:
                    start_date = f"{str(start)}-{str(end)}-01"
                    end_date = f"{str(start)}-{str(end)}-31"
                    start_date = start
                    end_date = str(end)

                    f"select sample_date, avg_temp from samples where sample_date between '{start_date}' and '{end_date}' order by DATE(sample_date) asc"
                return [dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"dboperations:fetch_data, {e}")
 def update_data(self):
     """Method that returns the latest sample date from the database"""
         max_value = ""
         with DBCM("weather.sqlite") as openDB:
             results = openDB.execute("select max(sample_date) from samples")
             for row in results:
                     max_value = row[0]
                 except Exception as e:
                     logging.error("Data failed to update.", e)
         return max_value
     except Exception as e:
         logging.error("Error updating data: ", e)