Ejemplo n.º 1
def voteForReview(rId, userId, upvote):
    searchVoteSqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM votes WHERE rId = " + str(rId) + " AND userId = " + wrapApos(userId)
    res = dbhelper.doOperation(searchVoteSqlCommand, True, 1)
    if res is not None:
        return {'status' : 'error', 'error' : 'you have already voted for this post'}
        val = int(upvote)
        insertVoteSqlCommand = "INSERT INTO votes VALUES (" + str(rId) + ", " + wrapApos(userId) + ", " + str(val) + ")"
        res1 = dbhelper.doOperation(insertVoteSqlCommand, False, -1)
        if res1['status'] == 'error':
            message = {'status' : 'error', 'message' : 'Voting for review failed, please try again!'}
            return message
        getVotesForReviewSqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE rId = " + str(rId)
        res2 = dbhelper.doOperation(getVotesForReviewSqlCommand, True, 1)
        votes = res2['votes']
        if votes is None:
            votes = 0
        votes = votes + val
        updateReviewSqlCommand = "UPDATE reviews SET votes = " + str(votes) + " WHERE rId = " + str(rId)
        res3 = dbhelper.doOperation(updateReviewSqlCommand, False, -1)
        if res3['status'] == 'ok':
            return {'status' : 'ok', 'rId' : rId}
            message = {'status' : 'error', 'message' : 'Voting for review failed, please try again!'}
            return message
Ejemplo n.º 2
def postReview(rating, lat, lon, comments, userId):
    rId = 0
    cityState = getCityState(lat, lon)
    city = cityState.split(",")[0]
    retrieveSqlCommand = "SELECT score, numOfReviews FROM cities WHERE name = " + wrapApos(city)
    cityInfo = dbhelper.doOperation(retrieveSqlCommand, True, 1)
    score = float(cityInfo['score'])
    numOfReviews = int(cityInfo['numOfReviews'])
    totalScore = score * numOfReviews
    numOfReviews = numOfReviews + 1;
    totalScore = (totalScore + float(rating)) / float(numOfReviews)
    updateSqlCommand = "UPDATE cities SET score = " + str(totalScore) + ", numOfReviews = " + str(numOfReviews) + " WHERE name = " + wrapApos(city)
    message = None
    res = dbhelper.doOperation(updateSqlCommand, False, 0)
    if res is not None and res['status'] == 'error':
        print 'Updating cities failed'
        message = {'status' : 'error', 'message' : 'Posting review failed, please try again!'}
        return message
    latr = degreesToRadians(float(lat))
    lonr = degreesToRadians(float(lon))
    t = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    print t
    insertSqlCommand = "INSERT INTO reviews VALUES (" + str(rId) + ", " + str(rating) + ", " + wrapApos(cityState) + ", " + wrapApos(comments) + ", " + wrapApos(userId) + "," + str(latr) + "," + str(lonr) + "," + str(0) + "," + wrapApos(t) + ")"
    res = dbhelper.doOperation(insertSqlCommand, False, 0)
    if res['status'] == 'error':
        message = {'status' : 'error', 'message' : 'Posting review failed, please try again!'}
        return message
    rId = getReviewCount() - 1
    return {'status' : 'ok', 'rId' : rId}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def postGunLaws():
    glaws = gunlaws.getGunLaws()
    states = gunlaws.getStates()
    deleteSqlCommand = "TRUNCATE states"
    dbhelper.doOperation(deleteSqlCommand, False, 0)
    for state in states:
        glaw = glaws[state]
        sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO states VALUES (" + wrapApos(state) + ", " + wrapApos(glaw) + ")"
        result = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, False, 0)
        if result['status'] != 'ok':
            dbhelper.doOperation(deleteSqlCommand, False, 0)
            print "Something wrong with inserting gunlaws, please check data"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getCrimesInWindow(lat, lon, window):
    citystate = getCityState(lat, lon)
    getCrimesByCitySqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM crimes WHERE citystate = " + wrapApos(citystate)
    res2 = dbhelper.doOperation(getCrimesByCitySqlCommand, True, 0)
    count = 0
    arrests = 0
    for crime in res2:
        date = crime["occurredAt"]
        dateTerms = date.split()
        mmddyy = dateTerms[0].split("/")
        currTimeYear = time.strftime("%Y")
        currTimeMonth = time.strftime("%m")
        currYY = currTimeYear[2] + currTimeYear[3]
        print str(mmddyy)
        yy = mmddyy[2]
        if int(currYY) - int(yy) <= 1:
            mm = mmddyy[0]
            mm = int(mm)
            currTimeMonth = int(currTimeMonth)
            mm = mm % 12
            currTimeMonth = currTimeMonth % 12
            if window > 12:
                window = 12
            if abs(mm - currTimeMonth) <= window:
                if crime['cType'] is not "Arrest":
                    count = count + 1
                    arrests = arrests + 1
    return {'count' : count, 'arrests' : arrests}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def register(userId, email, password):
    password = password.encode('utf-8')
    hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt())
    if not checkIfUserExists(userId, email):
        sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO users VALUES (" + wrapApos(userId) + ", " + wrapApos(hashed)  + ", " + wrapApos(email) + ")"
        result = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, False, 0)
        return result['status'] == 'ok'
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getCityScore(lat, lon):
    citystate = getCityState(lat, lon)
    cityandstate = citystate.split(",")
    city = cityandstate[0]
    getCitySqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM cities WHERE name = " + wrapApos(city)
    res1 = dbhelper.doOperation(getCitySqlCommand, True, 1)
    if res1 is not None:
        score = res1['score']
        return {'score' : score, 'citystate' : citystate}
    return -1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def putCrime(cId, cType, date, lat, lon):
    cityState = getCityState(lat, lon)
    sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (" + wrapApos(cId) + ", " + wrapApos(cType) + ", " + wrapApos(date) + ", " + wrapApos(cityState) + "," + str(degreesToRadians(float(lat))) + "," + str(degreesToRadians(float(lon))) + ")"
    if not cityState == None:
        result = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, False, 0)
        if result == None or result['status'] == 'error':
            return False
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getReviews(lat, lon, radius):
    kilometers = radius * 1600
    angularRadius = kilometers / 6371
    latr = degreesToRadians(lat)
    lonr = degreesToRadians(lon)
    latmin = latr - angularRadius
    latmax = latr + angularRadius
    latt = asin(sin(latr)/cos(angularRadius))
    delta = asin(sin(angularRadius)/cos(latr))
    lonmin = lonr - delta
    lonmax = lonr + delta
    sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE (lat >= " + str(latmin)  + " AND lat <=  " +  str(latmax) + ") AND (lon >= " + str(lonmin) + "AND lon <= " + str(lonmax) + ") AND (ACOS(SIN(" + str(latr) + ") * SIN(lat) + COS(" + str(latr) + ") * COS(lat) * COS(lon - (" + str(lonr)  + ")))) <= " + str(angularRadius)
    results = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, True, -1)
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 9
def login(userId, password):
    password = password.encode('utf-8')
    sqlCommand = "SELECT hashed FROM users WHERE userId = " + wrapApos(userId)
    result = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, True, 1)
    if result == None:
        print "nothing found!"
        return False
        hashed = result['hashed']
        hashed = hashed.encode('utf-8')
        received = bcrypt.hashpw(password, hashed)
        if received == hashed:
            print "password matched"
            return True
        print "wrong password, received = " + received + ", expected = " + hashed
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def putCrimeIfNecessary(cType, date, lat, lon):
    cId = generateId(date, lat, lon)
    sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM crimes t WHERE t.cId = " + wrapApos(cId)
    result  = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, True, 1)
    if result == None:
        return putCrime(cId, cType, date, lat, lon)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def checkIfUserExists(userId, email):
    sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userId = " + wrapApos(userId) + " OR " + " email = " + wrapApos(email)
    result = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, True, 1)
    return result != None
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getReviewCount():
    sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM reviews"
    result = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, True, -1)
    return len(result)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def getReviewsByUserId(userId):
    sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE userId = " + wrapApos(userId)
    results = dbhelper.doOperation(sqlCommand, True, -1)
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 14
def getVoted(userId):
    searchVoteSqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userId = " + wrapApos(userId)
    return dbhelper.doOperation(searchVoteSqlCommand, True, 0)