Ejemplo n.º 1
 def stop_network(self):
     if not self.net_stopped:
         self.net_stopped = True
         log.info("Removing interfaces and restoring all network state.")
         if self.tcp_policy == "dctcp":
             dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=0")
         # reset the active host congestion control to the previous value
         cmd = "sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=%s" % self.prev_cc
         log.info("Deleting the virtual network")
         log.info("Successfully deleted the virtual network")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_congestion_control(tcp_policy):
    if tcp_policy == "dctcp":
        dc_utils.exec_process("modprobe tcp_dctcp")
        dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=1")
    elif tcp_policy == "tcp_nv":
        dc_utils.exec_process("modprobe tcp_nv")
    elif tcp_policy == "pcc":
        if (os.popen("lsmod | grep pcc").read() == ""):
            dc_utils.exec_process("insmod %s/tcp_pcc.ko" % FILE_DIR)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def record_rate(in_rate, ctrl_rate, sleep, out_dir):
    # Convert to human readable format
    ctrl_rate = ctrl_rate * (in_rate / 1e3)
    in_rate = in_rate / 1e6
    log.info(f"Input: {in_rate} Mbps Expected: {ctrl_rate} kbps")
    log.info(f"Waiting for {sleep} seconds...")
    out_dir = "control_test"
    out_file = f"{out_dir}/{in_rate}mbps_in_{ctrl_rate}kbps_expected"
    ifstat_cmd = "ifstat -b "
    ifstat_cmd += "-i s1-eth1 "  # interface to listen on
    ifstat_cmd += "-q 1 "  # measurement interval
    ifstat_cmd += "%d " % sleep  # measure how long
    return dc_utils.exec_process(ifstat_cmd, out_file=out_file)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _install_proactive(self):
             Install proactive flow entries for the switch.
     protocols = ["ip", "arp"]
     # West Switch
     ovs_flow_cmd = "ovs-ofctl add-flow %s " % self.core_switch
     ovs_flow_cmd += "-O OpenFlow13 "
     for prot in protocols:
         i = 1
         j = 1
         for k in range(1, self.conf["num_hosts"] + 1):
             cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
             cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,"
             cmd += "hard_timeout=0,priority=10,"
             cmd += "nw_dst=10.%d.0.%d," % (i, j)
             cmd += "%s," % prot
             cmd += "actions=output:%d" % k
             j += 1
             if j == 3:
                 j = 1
                 i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _start_pkt_capture_tshark(self, out_dir):
     # start a tshark capture process
     dmp_file = "%s/pkt_snapshot.pcap" % (out_dir)
     dmp_cmd = "tshark "
     for host_iface in self.net_man.host_ctrl_map:
         dmp_cmd += "-i %s " % host_iface
     dmp_cmd += "-w %s " % dmp_file
     dmp_cmd += "-f %s " % self.transport  # filter transport protocol
     dmp_cmd += "-b duration:300 "       # reset pcap file after 300s
     dmp_cmd += "-b filesize:%d " % 10e5  # reset pcap file after 1GB
     dmp_cmd += "-b files:1 "            # only write one capture file
     dmp_cmd += "-B 500 "                # mb size of the packet buffer
     dmp_cmd += "-q "                    # do not log.info to stdout
     dmp_cmd += "-n "                    # do not resolve hosts
     dmp_cmd += "-F pcapng "             # format of the capture file
     dmp_proc = dc_utils.exec_process(dmp_cmd, out_file=dmp_file)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _install_proactive(self):
                Install proactive flow entries for the switch.
        protocols = ["ip", "arp"]
        for prot in protocols:
            # West Switch
            ovs_flow_cmd = "ovs-ofctl add-flow %s " % self.switch_w
            ovs_flow_cmd += "-O OpenFlow13 "
            for index, host in enumerate(self.hosts_w):
                port = index + 2
                host_ip = self.host_ips[host]
                cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
                cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,"
                cmd += "hard_timeout=0,priority=10,"
                cmd += "%s," % prot
                cmd += "nw_dst=%s," % host_ip
                cmd += "actions=output:%d" % port
            cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
            cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,hard_timeout=0,priority=10,"
            cmd += "%s," % prot
            cmd += "nw_dst=,actions=output:1"

            # East Switch
            ovs_flow_cmd = "ovs-ofctl add-flow %s " % self.switch_e
            ovs_flow_cmd += "-O OpenFlow13 "
            for index, host in enumerate(self.hosts_e):
                port = index + 2
                host_ip = self.host_ips[host]
                cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
                cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,"
                cmd += "hard_timeout=0,priority=10,"
                cmd += "%s," % prot
                cmd += "nw_dst=%s," % host_ip
                cmd += "actions=output:%d" % port
            cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
            cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,hard_timeout=0,priority=10,"
            cmd += "%s," % prot
            cmd += "nw_dst=,actions=output:1"
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _install_proactive(self):
            Install proactive flow entries for switches.
        protocols = ["ip", "arp"]
        switches = self.edge_switches + self.agg_switches + self.core_switches
        for sw in switches:
            num = int(sw[-1:])
            ovs_flow_cmd = "ovs-ofctl add-flow %s -O OpenFlow13 " % sw
            ovs_grp_cmd = "ovs-ofctl add-group %s -O OpenFlow13 " % sw

            # Set upstream links of lower level switches
            if sw in self.edge_switches or sw in self.agg_switches:

                cmd = ovs_grp_cmd
                cmd += "group_id=1,type=select,"
                cmd += "bucket=output:1,bucket=output:2"
                if self.fanout == 8:
                    cmd += ",bucket=output:3,bucket=output:4"

                # Configure entries per protocol
                for prot in protocols:
                    cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
                    cmd += "table=0,priority=10,%s,actions=group:1" % prot

            # Configure entries per protocol
            for prot in protocols:
                # Edge Switches
                if sw in self.edge_switches:
                    # Set downstream links
                    for i in range(1, self.density + 1):
                        cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
                        cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,"
                        cmd += "hard_timeout=0,priority=40,"
                        cmd += "%s," % prot
                        cmd += "nw_dst=10.%d.0.%d," % (num, i)
                        cmd += "actions=output:%d" % (self.fanout / 2 + i)

                # Aggregation Switches
                if sw in self.agg_switches:
                    # Set downstream links
                    subnetList = self.create_subnet_list(num)
                    k = 1
                    for i in subnetList:
                        cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
                        cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,"
                        cmd += "hard_timeout=0,priority=40,"
                        cmd += "%s," % prot
                        cmd += "nw_dst=10.%d.0.0/16," % i
                        cmd += "actions=output:%d" % (self.fanout / 2 + k)
                        k += 1

                # Core Switches
                if sw in self.core_switches:
                    # Set downstream links
                    j = 1
                    k = 1
                    for i in range(1, len(self.edge_switches) + 1):
                        cmd = ovs_flow_cmd
                        cmd += "table=0,idle_timeout=0,"
                        cmd += "hard_timeout=0,priority=10,"
                        cmd += "%s," % prot
                        cmd += "nw_dst=10.%d.0.0/16," % i
                        cmd += "actions=output:%d" % j
                        k += 1
                        if k == self.fanout / 2 + 1:
                            j += 1
                            k = 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _apply_qdisc(self, port):
        """ Here be dragons... """
        # tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "root handle 1: hfsc default 10"
        # log.info(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # tc_cmd = "tc class add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "parent 1: classid 1:10 hfsc sc rate %dbit ul rate %dbit" % (
        #     self.topo.max_bps, self.topo.max_bps)
        # log.info(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        limit = int(self.topo.max_queue)
        avg_pkt_size = 1500  # MTU packet size

        tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        cmd = "root handle 1: htb default 10 "
        # cmd = "root handle 1: estimator 250msec 1sec htb default 10 "
        cmd += " direct_qlen %d " % (limit / avg_pkt_size)
        log.debug(tc_cmd + cmd)
        dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)
        tc_cmd = "tc class add dev %s " % (port)
        cmd = "parent 1: classid 1:10 htb rate %dbit burst %d" % (
            self.topo.max_bps, self.topo.max_bps)
        log.debug(tc_cmd + cmd)
        dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        if self.tcp_policy == "dctcp":
            marking_threshold = calc_ecn(self.topo.max_bps, avg_pkt_size)
            # Apply aggressive RED to mark excess packets in the queue
            max_q = limit / 4
            min_q = int(marking_threshold)
            tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
            cmd = "parent 1:10 handle 20:1 red "
            cmd += "limit %d " % (limit)
            cmd += "bandwidth  %dbit " % self.topo.max_bps
            cmd += "avpkt %d " % avg_pkt_size
            cmd += "min %d " % min_q
            cmd += "max %d " % max_q
            # Ballpark burst hard limit...
            burst = (min_q + min_q + max_q) / (3 * avg_pkt_size)
            cmd += "burst %d " % burst
            cmd += "probability 0.1"
            cmd += " ecn "
            log.debug(tc_cmd + cmd)
            dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)
            tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
            cmd = "parent 1:10 handle 20:1 bfifo "
            cmd += " limit %d" % limit
            dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        # tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "root handle 1 netem limit %d rate 10mbit" % (
        #     limit / avg_pkt_size)
        # log.info(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        # limit = int(self.topo.max_queue)
        # tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "parent 1:10 handle 20: codel "
        # cmd += " limit %d" % (limit)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        # limit = int(self.topo.max_queue)
        # max_q = self.topo.max_queue / 4
        # min_q = max_q / 3
        # tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "parent 1:10 handle 20:1 sfq limit %d" % (
        #     self.topo.max_queue)
        # if self.dctcp:
        #     dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=1")
        #     cmd += "ecn "
        #     # cmd += "redflowlimit "
        #     # cmd += "min %d " % (min_q)
        #     # cmd += "max %d " % (max_q)
        #     # cmd += "probability 1"
        # log.info(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        # Apply tc choke to mark excess packets in the queue with ecn
        # limit = int(self.topo.max_queue)
        # max_q = self.topo.max_queue
        # min_q = 400
        # tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "parent 1:10 handle 10:1 choke limit %d " % limit
        # cmd += "bandwidth  %dbit " % self.topo.max_bps
        # cmd += "min %d " % (min_q)
        # cmd += "max %d " % (max_q)
        # cmd += "probability 0.001"
        # # if self.dctcp:
        # cmd += " ecn "
        # log.info(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        # tc_cmd = "tc qdisc add dev %s " % (port)
        # cmd = "parent 1:10 handle 30:1 fq_codel limit %d " % (
        #     self.topo.max_queue)
        # if ("dctcp" in self.conf) and self.conf["dctcp"]:
        #     dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=1")
        #     cmd += "ecn "
        # log.info(tc_cmd + cmd)
        # dc_utils.exec_process(tc_cmd + cmd)

        dc_utils.exec_process("ip link set %s txqueuelen %d" %
                              (port, limit / avg_pkt_size))
        dc_utils.exec_process("ip link set %s mtu 1500" % port)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _config_hosts(self, net):
     for host in net.hosts:
         # Increase the maximum total buffer-space allocatable
         # This is measured in units of pages (4096 bytes)
         dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=1",
         dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=1", host)
         dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_sack=1", host)
         dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries=10",
         # dc_utils.exec_process(
         #    "sysctl -w net.core.default_qdisc=pfifo_fast", host)
         # dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_recovery=0")
         if self.tcp_policy == "dctcp":
                 "sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=dctcp", host)
             dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=1", host)
             dc_utils.exec_process("sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn_fallback=0",
         elif self.tcp_policy == "tcp_nv":
                 "sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=nv", host)
         elif self.tcp_policy == "pcc":
                 "sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=pcc", host)