Ejemplo n.º 1
def gltf_ddd():
    sphere1 = ddd.sphere(r=1.0, name="Sphere1").translate([0, 0, -2])
    sphere2 = ddd.sphere(r=2.0, name="Sphere2").translate([5, 5, 5])
    sphere1.extra['testSphere1'] = 'MyTest'
    sphere2.extra['test_obj'] = test_metadata

    root = ddd.group([sphere1], name="Spheres Root")

    scene1 = ddd.group([root], name="Scene")
    scene1.extra['test'] = test_metadata

Ejemplo n.º 2
def pipeline_start(pipeline, root):
    Draws several catenary cables.

    ddd.mats.traffic_signs = ddd.material(name="TrafficSigns", color="#ffffff", #color="#e01010",
                                      texture_path=ddd.DATA_DIR  + "/materials/traffic-signs-es/traffic_signs_es_0.png",
                                      atlas_path=ddd.DATA_DIR  + "/materials/traffic-signs-es/traffic_signs_es_0.plist",
                                      extra={'ddd:texture:resize': 2048})

    items = ddd.group3()

    # Cube with logo
    fig = ddd.box()
    fig = fig.material(ddd.mats.logo)
    fig = ddd.uv.map_cubic(fig)

    # Sphere with logo
    fig = ddd.sphere()
    fig = fig.material(ddd.mats.logo)
    #fig = fig.merge_vertices()
    #fig = fig.smooth(math.pi*2)
    fig = ddd.uv.map_spherical(fig)
    fig = fig.translate([0, 0, 2])

    # Cube
    fig = ddd.box()
    fig = fig.material(ddd.mats.traffic_signs)
    fig = ddd.uv.map_cubic(fig)

    fig = TextureAtlasUtils().create_sprite_rect(ddd.mats.traffic_signs)

    fig = TextureAtlasUtils().create_sprite_from_atlas(ddd.mats.traffic_signs, "ES_P6.png")

    ddd.mats.roadmarks = ddd.material(name="Roadmarks", color='#e8e8e8',
                                 texture_path=ddd.DATA_DIR + "/materials/road-marks-es/TexturesCom_Atlas_RoadMarkings2_White_1K_albedo_with_alpha.png",
                                 atlas_path=ddd.DATA_DIR  + "/materials/road-marks-es/RoadMarkings2.plist")

    fig = TextureAtlasUtils().create_sprite_from_atlas(ddd.mats.roadmarks, "give_way")

    items = ddd.align.grid(items, width=4)
    items.append(ddd.helper.all(size=40.0, center=[5, 5, 0]).twosided())

Ejemplo n.º 3
def treetop(r=1.75, flatness=0.3, subdivisions=1):
    treetop = ddd.sphere(center=ddd.point([random.uniform(-r * 0.2, r * 0.2), random.uniform(-r * 0.2, r * 0.2), 0]), r=r, subdivisions=subdivisions)
    treetop = treetop.scale([1.0, 1.0, (1.0 - flatness) * random.uniform(0.85, 1.15)])
    treetop = treetop.smooth(math.pi * 2 / 3)
    treetop = ddd.uv.map_spherical(treetop, scale=[3, 2])
    treetop = filters.noise_random(treetop, scale=0.25)
    treetop.extra['ddd:collider'] = False
    treetop.name = "Treetop"
    return treetop
Ejemplo n.º 4
def sculpture(d=1.0, height=4.0):
    An urban sculpture, sitting centered on the XY plane.
    #pedestal = ddd.cube(d=d / 2.0)
    #pedestal = ddd.uv.map_cubic(pedestal)

    item = ddd.sphere(r=1, subdivisions=2, name="Sculpture")
    item = item.scale([d, d, height / 2])
    item = filters.noise_random(item, scale=0.2)
    item = item.translate([0, 0, height / 2])  # + d
    item = ddd.uv.map_spherical(item)

    return item
Ejemplo n.º 5
def rock(bounds=(1, 1, 1)):
    Final size will be bounds * 2.
    obj = ddd.sphere(subdivisions=1)

    raise_factor = random.uniform(-0.15, 0.35)
    obj = obj.translate([0, 0, raise_factor])
    obj = obj.subtract(ddd.box([-2, -2, 0, 2, 2, -2]))
    obj = obj.scale(bounds)

    noise_scale = min(bounds) * 0.25
    obj = filters.noise_random(obj, scale=noise_scale)

    obj = obj.translate([0, 0, -0.2])
    obj = obj.material(ddd.mats.rock)
    #obj.mesh = obj.mesh.smoothed(angle=0)
    obj = ddd.uv.map_cubic(obj)
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 6
def fountain(r=1.5):
    # Base
    base = ddd.disc(r=r, resolution=2).extrude(0.30).material(ddd.mats.stone)
    base = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(base)

    # Fountain
    fountain = ddd.sphere(r=r, subdivisions=1).subtract(ddd.cube(d=r * 1.2)).subtract(ddd.sphere(r=r - 0.2, subdivisions=1))
    fountain = fountain.translate([0, 0, 1.2])  # TODO: align
    fountain = fountain.material(ddd.mats.stone)
    fountain = ddd.uv.map_spherical(fountain)
    # Water
    water = ddd.disc(r=r-0.2, resolution=2).triangulate().translate([0, 0, 1.1]).material(ddd.mats.water)
    water.extra['ddd:collider'] = False
    water.extra['ddd:occluder'] = False
    water.extra['ddd:shadows'] = False

    item = ddd.group([base, fountain, water])
    return item
Ejemplo n.º 7
def tree_fir(height=20, r=0.2):
    (Abeto) They are large trees, reaching heights of 10–80 m (33–262 ft) tall with trunk diameters
    of 0.5–4 m (1 ft 8 in–13 ft 1 in) when mature.
    top_r = (height / 4) * random.uniform(0.9, 1.1)
    top_base_h = height / 10

    section = ddd.regularpolygon(sides=5, r=r).extrude_step(ddd.regularpolygon(sides=5, r=r*0.1), height)
    section = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(section)
    section = section.material(ddd.mats.bark)

    #pol = ddd.regularpolygon(sides=9, r=1)
    #layer = pol.extrude_step(pol.scale(0.5), -0.4, base=False, cap=False)
    #layer = layer.extrude_step(ddd.point(), -0.2, cap=False)
    #layer = layer.material(ddd.mats.treetop).twosided().translate([0, 0, 0.6])
    layer = ddd.sphere(subdivisions=1).scale([1, 1, 0.5])
    #layer = ddd.uv.map_spherical(layer)
    layer = layer.vertex_func(lambda x, y, z, i: [x, y, z + ((x*x + y*y) * 0.7)])
    layer = layer.material(ddd.mats.treetop)

    numlayers = 8
    leaves = ddd.group3(name="Fir leaves group")
    for i in range(numlayers):
        lh = top_base_h + ((height - top_base_h) / (numlayers - 1)) * i
        lobj = layer.copy(name="Fir leaves %d" % i)
        lscale = top_r * (1 / numlayers) * (numlayers - i)
        lobj = layer.scale([lscale, lscale, lscale]).translate([0, 0, lh])
        #lobj = ddd.uv.map_cubic(lobj)

    leaves = leaves.combine()
    leaves  = leaves.merge_vertices()
    #leaves  = leaves.smooth(math.pi*2)
    leaves  = ddd.uv.map_spherical(leaves, scale=[4, 8], split=False)

    obj = ddd.group3([section.combine(), leaves], name="Fir")
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 8
def lamp_ball(r=0.25):
    lamp = ddd.sphere(r=r, subdivisions=1)  # .scale([1.0, 1.0, 1.2])
    lamp = lamp.material(ddd.mats.lightbulb)
    return lamp
Ejemplo n.º 9
def crane_vertical():
    Large vertical crane (such as those seen in cargo ports).
    Inspired by: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Port_crane_of_Mammoet,_Schiedam-8054.jpg

    base_width = 7
    base_length = 6

    # Piers
    pier_height = 2.0
    pier_width = 1.5
    pier_length = base_length + 2
    pier = ddd.rect(
        [-pier_width / 2, -pier_length / 2, pier_width / 2, pier_length / 2],
        name="Crane Pier")
    pier = pier.extrude(pier_height).material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)
    pier = ddd.uv.map_cubic(pier)

    pier_l = pier.translate([-base_width * (2 / 6), 0, 0])
    pier_r = pier.translate([base_width * (2 / 6), 0, 0])
    piers = ddd.group3([pier_l, pier_r], name="Crane Piers")

    # Base
    base_height = 1.5
    base = ddd.rect([0, 0, base_width, base_length],
                    name="Crane Base").recenter()
    base = base.extrude(base_height).translate([0, 0, pier_height])
    base = base.material(ddd.mats.cement)
    base = ddd.uv.map_cubic(base)

    # Base Tower
    column_height = 8
    column_radius_base = base_width * 0.85 * 0.5
    column_radius = column_radius_base * 0.5
    column_shape_base = ddd.regularpolygon(4, column_radius_base)
    column_shape_middle = ddd.regularpolygon(12, column_radius)
    column = column_shape_base.extrude_step(column_shape_middle, 1, base=False)
    column = column.extrude_step(column_shape_middle,
                                 column_height - 1,
    column = column.translate([0, 0, pier_height + base_height
    column = ddd.uv.map_cubic(column)
    column.name = "Crane column"

    # Platform and railing
    platform_radius = column_radius + 0.85
    platform_base_height = pier_height + base_height + column_height - 2.0
    platform_shape = ddd.point(name="Crane platform").buffer(
        platform_radius, cap_style=ddd.CAP_ROUND)
    platform = platform_shape.triangulate(twosided=True)
    platform = platform.material(ddd.mats.metallic_grid)
    platform_fence = platform_shape.outline().extrude(1.2).material(
    platform = ddd.group([platform, platform_fence], name="Crane platform")
    platform = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(platform)
    platform = platform.translate([0, 0, platform_base_height])

    # WeightBlock
    block_width = base_width * 0.6
    block_length = base_length * 1.25
    block_base_height = pier_height + base_height + column_height
    block_height = 2.2
    block = ddd.rect([-block_width / 2, 0, block_width / 2, block_length],
                     name="Crane Weight")
    block = block.extrude(block_height).translate([0, -2.5, block_base_height
    block = ddd.uv.map_cubic(block)

    # Cabin
    cabin_width = block_width * 0.6
    cabin_length = 3
    cabin_height = block_height
    cabin_shape = ddd.rect(
        [-block_width * 0.5, 0, block_width * 0.5, cabin_length])
    cabin_shape_top = ddd.rect(
        [-block_width * 0.5, 1, block_width * 0.5, cabin_length])
    cabin = cabin_shape.extrude_step(cabin_shape, 1)
    cabin = cabin.extrude_step(cabin_shape_top, cabin_height - 1)
    cabin = cabin.extrude_step(cabin_shape_top.buffer(-0.4), 0.3)
    cabin = cabin.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_yellow)
    cabin = cabin.translate([0, -2.5 - cabin_length, block_base_height])
    cabin = ddd.uv.map_cubic(cabin)

    mainsupport_width = 2
    mainsupport_skew = 2
    mainsupport_height = 10
    mainsupport_base_height = block_base_height + block_height
    mainsupport = ddd.rect([0, 0, mainsupport_width, mainsupport_width],
                           name="Main Support").recenter()
    mainsupport = mainsupport.extrude_step(mainsupport.translate(
        [0, -mainsupport_skew]),
    mainsupport = mainsupport.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)
    mainsupport = mainsupport.translate([0, 0, mainsupport_base_height])
    mainsupport = ddd.uv.map_cubic(mainsupport)

    secsupport_width = 1.5
    secsupport_skew = 11
    secsupport_height = 18
    secsupport_base_height = block_base_height + block_height
    secsupport = ddd.rect([0, 0, secsupport_width, secsupport_width],
                          name="Sec Support").recenter()
    secsupport = secsupport.extrude_step(secsupport.scale(
        [0.8, 0.7]).translate([0, -secsupport_skew]),
    secsupport = secsupport.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)
    secsupport = secsupport.translate([0, -1.5, secsupport_base_height])
    secsupport = ddd.uv.map_cubic(secsupport)

    maincable1 = cable(
        [-block_width * 0.4, block_length - 3, mainsupport_base_height], [
            -mainsupport_width * 0.2, -mainsupport_skew,
            mainsupport_base_height + mainsupport_height - 0.2
    maincable1 = maincable1.material(ddd.mats.cable_metal)
    maincable2 = cable(
        [block_width * 0.4, block_length - 3, mainsupport_base_height], [
            mainsupport_width * 0.2, -mainsupport_skew,
            mainsupport_base_height + mainsupport_height - 0.2
    maincable2 = maincable2.material(ddd.mats.cable_metal)

    seccable1 = cable(
        [0, -mainsupport_skew, mainsupport_base_height + mainsupport_height], [
            0, -1.5 - secsupport_skew,
            mainsupport_base_height + secsupport_height - 0.2
    seccable1 = seccable1.material(ddd.mats.cable_metal)

    # Drag cable
    dragcable_length = 20
    dragcable_point = [
        0, -1.5 - secsupport_skew,
        mainsupport_base_height + secsupport_height - 0.2
    dragcable_endpoint = [
        0, -1.5 - secsupport_skew,
        mainsupport_base_height + secsupport_height - 0.2 - dragcable_length
    dragcable = cable(dragcable_endpoint, dragcable_point)
    dragcable = dragcable.material(ddd.mats.cable_metal)

    # Pulley block
    pulley_block_width = 0.5
    pulley_block_thick = 0.3
    pulley_block_height = 0.8
    pulley_block_profile = ddd.polygon(
        [[-pulley_block_width * 0.25, 0], [pulley_block_width * 0.25, 0],
         [pulley_block_width / 2, pulley_block_height],
         [-pulley_block_width / 2, pulley_block_height]],
        name="Pulley block")
    pulley_block_profile = pulley_block_profile.buffer(
        0.2, resolution=3, join_style=ddd.JOIN_ROUND)

    pulley_block = pulley_block_profile.extrude(pulley_block_thick).translate(
        [0, 0, -pulley_block_thick / 2])
    pulley_block = pulley_block.rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT).rotate(
    pulley_block = pulley_block.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_yellow)
    pulley_block = ddd.uv.map_cubic(pulley_block)
    pulley_block = pulley_block.translate(dragcable_endpoint)

    # Hook
    hook_radius = 0.6
    hook_radius_inner = 0.35
    hook = ddd.sphere(r=hook_radius, name="Hook")
    hook = hook.scale([0.2, 1.0, 1.0])

    hole = ddd.point().buffer(hook_radius_inner,
                                  [0, 0, -2])
    hole = hole.rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT).rotate(ddd.ROT_TOP_CW)
    hook = hook.subtract(hole)
    hook = hook.material(ddd.mats.steel)
    #hook = ddd.uv.map_cubic(hook)
    hook = hook.translate(dragcable_endpoint)

    item = ddd.group3([
        piers, base, column, platform, block, cabin, mainsupport, maincable1,
        maincable2, secsupport, seccable1, dragcable, pulley_block, hook
                      name="Crane Vertical")
    return item