Ejemplo n.º 1
    def allocate(self, avoid_conflicts=True):
        p = PanelMaker()
        panels = p.form_panels(self.adjudicators, len(self.debates))

        assert len(self.debates) <= len(panels)

        self.debates.sort(key=lambda d: self.get_debate_energy(d), reverse=True)
        panels.sort(key=lambda p:p.get_energy(), reverse=True)

        self.pairings = zip(self.debates, panels)

        if avoid_conflicts:
            for i, (debate, panel) in enumerate(self.pairings):
                if panel.conflicts(debate):
                    j = self.search_swap(i, range(i, 0, -1))
                    if j is None:
                        j = self.search_swap(i, range(i+1, len(panels)))

        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        allocation = []
        for debate, panel in self.pairings:
            a = AdjudicatorAllocation(debate)
            a.chair = panel[0]
            a.panel = panel[1:]

        return allocation
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def allocate(self, initial=None):
        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        if initial is None:
            initial = StabAllocator(self.debates, self.adjudicators).allocate()

        pairs = [(aa.debate, tuple(a[1] for a in aa)) for aa in initial]

        top_bracket = pairs[0][0].bracket
        bot_bracket = pairs[-1][0].bracket

        # 4-0 - 5 brackets, needs 6 gaps
        # 5-2

        gaps = (top_bracket - bot_bracket) + 2

        div = 3.0 / gaps

        for debate, panel in pairs:
            setattr(debate, 'target_panel',
                    2 + (debate.bracket - bot_bracket + 1) * div)

        print[d.target_panel for d, p in pairs]

        self.state = dict(pairs)

        self.anneal(800, 1, 1e4, self.state)

        #i = 0
        #while self.best_energy > 0 and i < self.MAX_TRIES:
        #    self.anneal(100, 1, 1e3, self.best_state)
        #    i += 1

        result = []
        for debate, panel in self.best_state.items():
            aa = AdjudicatorAllocation(debate)
            panel = list(panel)
            panel.sort(key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)

            aa.chair = panel.pop(0)
            aa.panel = panel

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def allocate(self):
        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        debates = self.debates
        adjs = self.adjudicators

        result = []
        for debate in debates:
            alloc = AdjudicatorAllocation(debate)
            alloc.chair = adjs.pop(0)

        while len(adjs) >= 2:
            for alloc in reversed(result):
                if len(adjs) >= 2:

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
            cost = 0
            for r, c in indexes:
                cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

            print 'total cost for panellists', cost

            # transfer the indices to the debates
            # the debate corresponding to row r is floor(r/3) (i.e. r // 3)
            p = [[] for i in range(n)]
            for r, c in indexes[:n*3]:
                p[r // 3].append(panellists[c])

            # create the corresponding adjudicator allocations, making sure
            # that the chair is the highest-ranked adjudicator in the panel
            for i, d in enumerate(panel_debates):
                a = AdjudicatorAllocation(d)
                p[i].sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
                a.chair = p[i].pop(0)
                a.panel = p[i]

        print [(a.debate, a.chair, a.panel) for a in alloc[len(chairs):]]

        return alloc

def test():
    from debate.models import Round
    r = Round.objects.get(pk=4)
    debates = r.debates()
    adjs = list(r.active_adjudicators.all())
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def allocate(self):
        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        # remove trainees
        self.adjudicators = filter(lambda a: a.score > self.MIN_SCORE,

        # sort adjudicators and debates in descending score/importance
        self.adjudicators_sorted = list(self.adjudicators)
        self.adjudicators_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
        self.debates_sorted = list(self.debates)
        self.debates_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.importance, reverse=True)

        n_adjudicators = len(self.adjudicators)
        n_debates = len(self.debates)

        n_solos = n_debates - (n_adjudicators - n_debates) / 2

        # get adjudicators that can adjudicate solo
        chairs = self.adjudicators_sorted[:n_solos]
        #chairs = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a.score >
        #          self.CHAIR_CUTOFF]

        # get debates that will be judged by solo adjudicators
        chair_debates = self.debates_sorted[:len(chairs)]

        panel_debates = self.debates_sorted[len(chairs):]
        panellists = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a not in chairs]

        assert len(panel_debates) * 3 <= len(panellists)

        print "costing chairs"

        n = len(chairs)

        cost_matrix = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]

        for i, debate in enumerate(chair_debates):
            for j, adj in enumerate(chairs):
                cost_matrix[i][j] = self.calc_cost(debate, adj)

        print "optimizing"

        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

        total_cost = 0
        for r, c in indexes:
            total_cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

        print 'total cost for solos', total_cost
        print 'number of solo debates', n

        result = ((chair_debates[i], chairs[j]) for i, j in indexes
                  if i < len(chair_debates))
        alloc = [AdjudicatorAllocation(d, c) for d, c in result]

        print[(a.debate, a.chair) for a in alloc]

        # do panels
        n = len(panel_debates)

        npan = len(panellists)

        if npan:
            print "costing panellists"

            # matrix is square, dummy debates have cost 0
            cost_matrix = [[0] * npan for i in range(npan)]
            for i, debate in enumerate(panel_debates):
                for j in range(3):

                    # for the top half of these debates, the final panellist
                    # can be of lower quality than the other 2
                    if i < npan / 2 and j == 2:
                        adjustment = -1.0
                        adjustment = 0

                    for k, adj in enumerate(panellists):
                        cost_matrix[3 * i + j][k] = self.calc_cost(
                            debate, adj, adjustment)

            print "optimizing"

            indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

            cost = 0
            for r, c in indexes:
                cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

            print 'total cost for panellists', cost

            # transfer the indices to the debates
            # the debate corresponding to row r is floor(r/3) (i.e. r // 3)
            p = [[] for i in range(n)]
            for r, c in indexes[:n * 3]:
                p[r // 3].append(panellists[c])

            # create the corresponding adjudicator allocations, making sure
            # that the chair is the highest-ranked adjudicator in the panel
            for i, d in enumerate(panel_debates):
                a = AdjudicatorAllocation(d)
                p[i].sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
                a.chair = p[i].pop(0)
                a.panel = p[i]

        print[(a.debate, a.chair, a.panel) for a in alloc[len(chairs):]]

        return alloc
Ejemplo n.º 6
                                                 1) * div)

        print [d.target_panel for d, p in pairs]

        self.state = dict(pairs)

        self.anneal(800, 1, 1e4, self.state)

        #i = 0
        #while self.best_energy > 0 and i < self.MAX_TRIES:
        #    self.anneal(100, 1, 1e3, self.best_state)
        #    i += 1

        result = []
        for debate, panel in self.best_state.items():
            aa = AdjudicatorAllocation(debate)
            panel = list(panel)
            panel.sort(key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)

            aa.chair = panel.pop(0)
            aa.panel = panel

        return result

    def save_best(self):
        self.best_energy = self.energy
        self.best_state = dict(self.state)

    def anneal(self, steps, min_temp, max_temp, state):
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def allocate(self):
        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        # remove trainees
        self.adjudicators = filter(lambda a: a.score >= self.MIN_SCORE, self.adjudicators)

        # sort adjudicators and debates in descending score/importance
        self.adjudicators_sorted = list(self.adjudicators)
        shuffle(self.adjudicators_sorted) # randomize equally-ranked judges
        self.adjudicators_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
        self.debates_sorted = list(self.debates)
        self.debates_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.importance, reverse=True)

        n_adjudicators = len(self.adjudicators)
        n_debates = len(self.debates)

        n_solos = n_debates - (n_adjudicators - n_debates)/2

        # get adjudicators that can adjudicate solo
        chairs = self.adjudicators_sorted[:n_solos]
        #chairs = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a.score >
        #          self.CHAIR_CUTOFF]

        # get debates that will be judged by solo adjudicators
        chair_debates = self.debates_sorted[:len(chairs)]

        panel_debates = self.debates_sorted[len(chairs):]
        panellists = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a not in chairs]

        assert len(panel_debates) * 3 <= len(panellists)

        m = Munkres()
        # TODO I think "chairs" actually means "solos", rename variables if correct
        if len(chairs) > 0:

            print "costing chairs"

            n = len(chairs)

            cost_matrix = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]

            for i, debate in enumerate(chair_debates):
                for j, adj in enumerate(chairs):
                    cost_matrix[i][j] = self.calc_cost(debate, adj)

            print "optimizing"

            indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

            total_cost = 0
            for r, c in indexes:
                total_cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

            print 'total cost for solos', total_cost
            print 'number of solo debates', n

            result = ((chair_debates[i], chairs[j]) for i, j in indexes if i <
            alloc = [AdjudicatorAllocation(d, c) for d, c in result]

            print [(a.debate, a.chair) for a in alloc]

            print "No solo adjudicators."
            alloc = []

        # do panels
        n = len(panel_debates)

        npan = len(panellists)

        if npan:
            print "costing panellists"

            # matrix is square, dummy debates have cost 0
            cost_matrix = [[0] * npan for i in range(npan)]
            for i, debate in enumerate(panel_debates):
                for j in range(3):

                    # for the top half of these debates, the final panellist
                    # can be of lower quality than the other 2
                    if i < npan/2 and j==2:
                        adjustment = -1.0
                        adjustment = 0

                    for k, adj in enumerate(panellists):
                        cost_matrix[3*i+j][k] = self.calc_cost(debate, adj,

            print "optimizing"

            indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

            cost = 0
            for r, c in indexes:
                cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

            print 'total cost for panellists', cost

            # transfer the indices to the debates
            # the debate corresponding to row r is floor(r/3) (i.e. r // 3)
            p = [[] for i in range(n)]
            for r, c in indexes[:n*3]:
                p[r // 3].append(panellists[c])

            # create the corresponding adjudicator allocations, making sure
            # that the chair is the highest-ranked adjudicator in the panel
            for i, d in enumerate(panel_debates):
                a = AdjudicatorAllocation(d)
                p[i].sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
                a.chair = p[i].pop(0)
                a.panel = p[i]

        print [(a.debate, a.chair, a.panel) for a in alloc[len(chairs):]]