def say(request): req =simplejson.loads(request.body) content = req['content'] cmd = req['cmd'] target = req['target'] uid = if not cmd: return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':False}), mimetype = 'application/json') chat = Chat() pattern1 = re.compile(r'<') content_t = re.sub(pattern1, '<', content) pattern2 = re.compile(r'>') content_t = re.sub(pattern2, '>', content_t) chat.username_id = #................................................................ if cmd == "chat": insertMsg(content_t,uid,,cmd,-1,'pub',ifPCInGame(uid)) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':True}), mimetype = 'application/json') #..............................OK.................................. if cmd == "GPCL": #get pc list bValue = updateOnlineList(request) target_t = uid content_t = getPcList(request) insertMsg( content_t,,,"OLPC",uid,"pri",ifPCInGame(uid)) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':True}), mimetype = 'application/json') #..............................OK.................................. if cmd == "CRTG": # create game bValue = updateOnlineList(request) g = createGame(uid, get_client_ip(request)) debugLog("CRTG: createGame() return value="+str(g)) if g["gid"]>0: try: grinfo = getGIRNDByUid(uid, request.user.username) rCRTG = insertMsg( simplejson.dumps(grinfo),uid,, "CRTG", uid, "pri", g["gid"]) except Exception,data: debugLog("CRTG error:"+str(Exception)+":"+str(data)) else: rCRTG = insertMsg( g["errmsg"],uid,, "CRTG", uid, "pri", -1) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':True}), mimetype = 'application/json')
def startGame(gid): rvalue = {"errmsg":"", "pclist":[]} # find created game id if gid <1: rvalue["errmsg"]="Game does not exist!" return rvalue # set game statue try: game = GameInfo.objects.get(pk=gid) if game.statue ==1: game.statue = 2 allpc=PC.objects.filter(gameStatue=gid) pc_num = len(allpc) if pc_num<2: rvalue["errmsg"] = "not enough players!" return rvalue if pc_num>6: rvalue["errmsg"] = "too many players! please remove %d player(s)."%(len(pclist)-6) return rvalue # set players statue rvalue["pclist"] = "" tmpC = 0 for pc in allpc: if tmpC ==0: firstCaster = pc.player_id pc.sanity = 3 #pc sequence #提醒:PClist部分作为投骰顺序数组保存,勿删除! #游戏信息使用get GIRNDByUid()获取 tstr = str(pc.player_id) tmpC = tmpC + 1 rvalue["pclist"] = rvalue["pclist"] + tstr if tmpC < pc_num: #6: rvalue["pclist"] = rvalue["pclist"] + "," createNewRound(firstCaster,gid) game.pclist = rvalue["pclist"]['statue','pclist']) except Exception,data: debugLog("startGame():"+str(Exception)+":"+str(data)) rvalue["errmsg"] = "cannot start the game!"
def eye_choose(uid, dice, turnFlg): r = {"errmsg":""} diceIndex = {"Cthulhu":0,"Yellow":1,"Tentacle":2,"Elder":8} if dice not in diceIndex: r["errmsg"]="no such dice" return r attFlag = turnFlg["RollTurnInfo"]["grStatue"] gid = turnFlg["gid"] try: rnd_list = Round.objects.filter(gameID=gid).order_by('-id')[:1] except Exception,data: debugLog("eye_choose() query Round fail: "+str(Exception)+":"+str(data)) r["errmsg"]="query round error" return r
def getGIRNDByUid(uid, nick): r = {} # 获取PC状态,验证PC当前是否处于某个游戏中 gid = ifPCInGame(uid) if gid > 0: try: pl = PC.objects.filter(gameStatue=gid) gs = GameInfo.objects.get(pk=gid) # if pl.statue == 2: if gs.statue == 2 or gs.statue == 1: pclist = [] for p in pl: nick = User.objects.get(pk=p.player_id).username pclist.append({"id": p.player_id, "player": nick, "sanity": p.sanity}) if gs.statue == 2: rnd = Round.objects.filter(gameID=gid).order_by("-id")[0] rnd_id = rnd_caster = rnd.caster rnd_victim = rnd.victim rnd_attackTimeBegin = rnd.attackTimeBegin rnd_fbTimeBegin = rnd.fbTimeBegin rnd_casterDice = rnd.casterDice rnd_victimDice = rnd.victimDice rnd_roundStatue = rnd.roundStatue act = getCrntDicePC(gid) if act["crntPC"] > 0: actor = act["crntPC"] else: actor = -1 else: rnd_id = 0 rnd_caster = 0 rnd_victim = 0 rnd_attackTimeBegin = 0 rnd_fbTimeBegin = 0 rnd_casterDice = 0 rnd_victimDice = 0 rnd_roundStatue = 0 actor = -1 tempPL = simplejson.dumps(pclist) game = GameInfo.objects.get(pk=gid) d = game.createTime # st = d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # if rnd_fbTimeBegin: fbt = rnd_fbTimeBegin.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: fbt = "0" if rnd_attackTimeBegin: atime = rnd_attackTimeBegin.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: atime = 0 r = { "nick": nick, "actor": actor, "gid": gid, "cs": game.cthulhuSanity, "statue": game.statue, "ctime": st, "creator": game.creator_id, "winner": game.winner, "ps": tempPL, "rid": rnd_id, "caster": rnd_caster, "victim": rnd_victim, "atime": atime, "fbtime": fbt, "cdice": rnd_casterDice, "vdice": rnd_victimDice, "rstatue": rnd_roundStatue, } debugLog("getGIRNDByUid() r = " + str(r)) except Exception, data: debugLog("getGIRNDByUid()" + str(Exception) + ":" + str(data)) return r
def roll(request, target, gid, cRound, turnFlg): debugLog("roll() begin aaa") uid = attFlag = turnFlg["RollTurnInfo"]["grStatue"] r = {"errmsg":""} targetStatue = ifMad(target) if targetStatue["errmsg"]=="": mad = targetStatue["mad"] else: r["errmsg"] = targetStatue["errmsg"] return r if mad and attFlag==0: r["errmsg"] = "target mad" #u"目标已疯,不能进行此操作。" return r else: # 生成骰数 num = random.randint(0,11) #num = 9 # 根据骰数决定对应操作 diceIndex =["Cthulhu","Yellow","Tentacle","Tentacle","Yellow","Yellow","Yellow","Yellow","Elder","Eye","Tentacle","Tentacle"] debugLog("roll() randint: diceNum="+str(num)+" dice="+str(diceIndex[num]) ) debugLog("roll() *** attFlag="+str(attFlag)) #设置攻击及受害者 if attFlag==0: caster = uid victim = target elif attFlag == 1: lastRnd = getLastRound(gid) caster = lastRnd.victim victim = lastRnd.caster else: r["errmsg"] = "unknow" return r r["target"] = victim if not turnFlg["PCTURN"]: ot = True else: ot = False # 进行相应操作:扣除被伤害者相应神智/...等 va = {"dice":diceIndex[num], "gid":gid, "caster":caster, "victim":victim, "flag":attFlag, "overtime":ot } rvalue = switch(va) if len(rvalue)==0: return r rvalue["rid"] = cRound rnd_list = Round.objects.filter(gameID=gid).order_by('-id')[:1] t_rnd = rnd_list[0] rvalue["rollFlag"] = attFlag #更新 if attFlag==0: if diceIndex[num]!="Eye": rvalue["pTurn"] = target else: rvalue["pTurn"] = caster t_rnd.casterDice = num t_rnd.fbTimeBegin = t_rnd.victim = target['casterDice','victim','fbTimeBegin']) elif attFlag == 1: t_rnd.victimDice = num['victimDice']) # 若本轮结束则更新本轮; if diceIndex[num]!="Eye": # 游戏结束:sanity<1的人有5个;查找是否有获胜者;返回数据格式: gameover = ifGameOver(gid) if gameover>=0: rvalue["gameover"]=1 rvalue["winner"]=gameover game = GameInfo.objects.get(pk=gid) game.statue = 0 game.winner = gameover['statue','winner']) else: rvalue["gameover"]=0 #查找下一个玩家,开启下一回合(轮) nextCaster = findNextCaster(gid) newrid = createNewRound(nextCaster,gid) rvalue["crntRid"] = newrid rvalue["pTurn"] = nextCaster rvalue["rtime"] = rvalue["rFlag"] = 1 else: rvalue["pTurn"] = uid rvalue["rollFlag"] = attFlag+3 else: pass r["info"] = rvalue return r
if crntGid >0: sg = startGame(crntGid) if sg["errmsg"]: insertMsg( sg["errmsg"], uid,,"STRT",target_t,"pri",0) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':False}), mimetype = 'application/json') grin = getGIRNDByUid(uid, request.user.username) try: if len(grin)>0: insertMsg(simplejson.dumps(grin), uid,, "STRT", 0, "gam",grin["gid"] ) else: return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':False}), mimetype = 'application/json') except Exception,data: debugLog("STRT error:"+str(Exception)+":"+str(data)) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':True}), mimetype = 'application/json') #................................................................ if cmd == "QRRD": # query game round return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':True}), mimetype = 'application/json') #................................................................ if cmd == "ROLL": # roll dice ( with target ) # 获取发送者及游戏状态,决定是否可投骰,产生投骰结果,修改游戏及玩家状态,插入消息并返回 #是否以自己为目标 if target == uid: return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'success':True}), mimetype = 'application/json') iValue = ifPCInGame(uid)
def checkPCTurn(uid): try: gid = ifPCInGame(uid) except Exception, data: es = str(Exception) + ":" + str(data) debugLog(" check PCTurn() ifPCInGame:" + es)
gid = ifPCInGame(uid) except Exception, data: es = str(Exception) + ":" + str(data) debugLog(" check PCTurn() ifPCInGame:" + es) r = {"PCTURN": False, "RollToken": False, "rndID": -1, "gid": gid} if gid <= 0: return r try: tmpDicePC = getCrntDicePC(gid) r["RollTurnInfo"] = tmpDicePC except Exception, data: es = str(Exception) + ":" + str(data) debugLog("check PCTurn () line 38:" + es) return r # 无论是否超时,只要当前是该玩家投骰则返回True if r["RollTurnInfo"]["crntPC"] == uid: r["PCTURN"] = True r["RollToken"] = True return r elif r["RollTurnInfo"]["overtime"] == True: # 非uid投骰,且当前超时: # 检查下一个投骰者是否uid nextpc = isNextCaster(uid, gid) # 若是则设置当前轮状态,生成新轮,并返回新生成的轮信息 ##if uid == nextpc:
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*- from cthulhudice.models import Chat,PC,Counter,GameInfo,Round from debugLog import debugLog def ifPCInGame(uid): inGameFlag = False try: pcstatue = PC.objects.get(player_id=uid) if pcstatue.gameStatue > 0: inGameFlag = True else: return 0 except Exception,data: return -2 if inGameFlag: try: ginfo = GameInfo.objects.get(pk = pcstatue.gameStatue) if ginfo.statue >0: return except Exception,data: es = str(Exception)+":"+str(data) debugLog("ifPCInGame() get gameinfo: "+str(Exception)+":"+str(data)) return -3 return 0