from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required from django.contrib.auth.mixins import PermissionRequiredMixin, LoginRequiredMixin from django.core.mail import EmailMessage, EmailMultiAlternatives from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils.html import strip_tags from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site from mibandapp.tasks import send_create_account_email, send_order_email, send_payment_recieved_email, send_create_account_email_checkout, send_push_notification, notify_admin_incomplete_payment import decimal from django.core import serializers from pywebpush import webpush import requests import json # Create your views here. decimal.Context(prec=2, rounding=decimal.ROUND_UP) # Index View class IndexView(TemplateView): template_name = 'generic/index.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['products'] = Product.featured.all()[:6] context['sliders'] = context['brands'] = Brand.objects.all()[:4] return context class ProductsAll(ListView):
def __init__(self, precision, scale): self.context = decimal.Context(prec=precision) self.scale_format = decimal.Decimal(10)**-scale
def square_root(n, prec=50): return int( decimal.Decimal(n).sqrt(context=decimal.Context( prec=prec)).to_integral_exact(rounding=decimal.ROUND_FLOOR))
def test_two_sum(i, f): with decimal.localcontext(decimal.Context(prec=40)): a = Decimal(i) + Decimal(f) s, r = two_sum(i, f) b = Decimal(s) + Decimal(r) assert_almost_equal(a, b, atol=Decimal(tiny), rtol=Decimal(0))
:param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :param as_string: return integer as a formatted string (EX: 1,000,000) :return: integer value :rtype: int """ try: if not np.isnan(x) and not np.isinf(x): return fmt.format(int(x)) if as_string else int(x) return nan_display except BaseException: return nan_display # hack to solve issues with formatting floats with a precision more than 4 decimal points # DECIMAL_CTX = decimal.Context() DECIMAL_CTX.prec = 20 def json_float(x, precision=2, nan_display="nan", inf_display="inf", as_string=False): """ Convert value to float to be used within JSON output :param x: value to be converted to integer :param precision: precision of float to be returned :param nan_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.nan` then return this value :param inf_display: if `x` is :attr:`numpy:numpy.inf` then return this value
def pre_pay(self, request): """ 返回跳转信息{'message': message,'form': form}供跳转js使用,message包含报错信息 form包含跳转信息 :param request: :return: """ if not request.user.wanglibaouserprofile.id_is_valid: return self.render_to_response({ 'message': u'请先进行实名认证' }) form = dict() message = '' try: amount_str = request.POST.get('amount', '') amount = decimal.Decimal(amount_str). \ quantize(TWO_PLACES, context=decimal.Context(traps=[decimal.Inexact])) amount_str = str(amount) if amount <= 0: # todo handler the raise raise decimal.DecimalException() gate_id = request.POST.get('gate_id', '') bank = Bank.objects.get(gate_id=gate_id) # Store this as the default bank request.user.wanglibaouserprofile.deposit_default_bank_name = pay_info = PayInfo() pay_info.amount = amount pay_info.total_amount = amount pay_info.type = PayInfo.DEPOSIT pay_info.status = PayInfo.INITIAL pay_info.user = request.user = bank = "huifu" pay_info.request_ip = get_client_ip(request) order = OrderHelper.place_order(request.user, Order.PAY_ORDER, pay_info.status, pay_info=model_to_dict(pay_info)) pay_info.order = order post = { 'OrdId':, 'GateId': gate_id, 'OrdAmt': amount_str } form = pay_info.request = str(form) pay_info.status = PayInfo.PROCESSING OrderHelper.update_order(order, request.user, pay_info=model_to_dict(pay_info), status=pay_info.status) # 处理第三方渠道的用户充值回调 CoopRegister(request).process_for_recharge(request.user, except decimal.DecimalException: message = u'金额格式错误' except Bank.DoesNotExist: message = u'请选择有效的银行' except (socket.error, SignException) as e: message = PayResult.RETRY pay_info.status = PayInfo.FAIL pay_info.error_message = str(e) OrderHelper.update_order(order, request.user, pay_info=model_to_dict(pay_info), status=pay_info.status) logger.fatal('sign error! order id: ' + str( + ' ' + str(e)) result = { 'message': message, 'form': form } return result
import statsmodels.api as sm import operator from sklearn.metrics import cohen_kappa_score from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from unicodedata import normalize from sklearn import datasets, linear_model from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score import csv from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk import stem from nltk.stem import RSLPStemmer import re import decimal decimal.setcontext(decimal.Context(prec=4)) D = decimal.Decimal import collections as col ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # classe para filtrgagem dos textos class ProcLing(): def __init__(self, lista): self.lista = lista def retiraAcentuacao(self): lista_sem_acentos = []
import decimal from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP, Decimal from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union, cast from .currency import CurrencyValue, DefaultCurrency, DefaultCurrencyValue from .exceptions import ConversionError from .money import Money, MoneyType RoundingContext = decimal.Context(rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP) class Rate(Money): _currency: None @classmethod def from_sub_units( cls, amount: Optional[Union[MoneyType, Decimal, int, float, str, object]], currency: Optional[Union[DefaultCurrencyValue, CurrencyValue, str]] = DefaultCurrency, value: Optional[Union[MoneyType, Decimal, int, float, str]] = None, currency_code: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "Rate": raise ConversionError("Rates cannot be created from sub units") @classmethod def from_dict(cls, input_dict: Dict) -> "Rate": return cls(**input_dict) def __init__( self,
def calculate_iteratively(steps_number, edge_costs, memory_profiler=None): context = decimal.Context(prec=50) decimal.setcontext(context) recursive_solution = RecursiveSolution(edge_costs, steps_number, memory_profiler) return recursive_solution.calculate_path_sum(steps_number)
class Value: CTX = decimal.Context(prec=60, Emin=-27, Emax=27) def __init__(self, value: Union[Number, str] = 0, unit: str = "", fmt=Format()): assert 1 <= fmt.max_nr_digits <= 30 assert -8 <= fmt.min_offset <= fmt.max_offset <= 8 assert fmt.parse_clamp_min < fmt.parse_clamp_max assert fmt.printable_min < fmt.printable_max self._unit = unit self.fmt = fmt if isinstance(value, str): self._value = math.nan self.parse(value) else: self._value = decimal.Decimal(value, context=Value.CTX) def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" + repr(self._value) + f", '{self._unit}', {self.fmt})") def __str__(self) -> str: fmt = self.fmt if fmt.assume_infinity and abs(self._value) >= 10**( (fmt.max_offset + 1) * 3): return ("-" if self._value < 0 else "") + "\N{INFINITY}" + fmt.space_str + self._unit if self._value < fmt.printable_min: return fmt.unprintable_under + self._unit if self._value > fmt.printable_max: return fmt.unprintable_over + self._unit if self._value == 0: offset = 0 else: offset = clamp_value(int(math.log10(abs(self._value)) // 3), fmt.min_offset, fmt.max_offset) real = float(self._value) / (10**(offset * 3)) if fmt.max_nr_digits < 3: formstr = ".0f" else: max_digits = fmt.max_nr_digits + ( (1 if not fmt.fix_decimals and abs(real) < 10 else 0) + (1 if not fmt.fix_decimals and abs(real) < 100 else 0)) formstr = "." + str(max_digits - 3) + "f" if self.fmt.allways_signed: formstr = "+" + formstr result = format(real, formstr) if float(result) == 0.0: offset = 0 if self.fmt.allow_strip and "." in result: result = result.rstrip("0").rstrip(".") return result + fmt.space_str + PREFIXES[offset + 8] + self._unit def __int__(self): return round(self._value) def __float__(self): return float(self._value) @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value: Number): self._value = decimal.Decimal(value, context=Value.CTX) def parse(self, value: str) -> "Value": if isinstance(value, Number): self.value = value return self value = value.replace(" ", "") # Ignore spaces if self._unit and ( value.endswith(self._unit) or (self.fmt.parse_sloppy_unit and value.lower().endswith(self._unit.lower()))): # strip unit value = value[:-len(self._unit)] factor = 1 if self.fmt.parse_sloppy_kilo and value[-1] == "K": # fix for e.g. KHz value = value[:-1] + "k" if value[-1] in PREFIXES: factor = 10**((PREFIXES.index(value[-1]) - 8) * 3) value = value[:-1] if self.fmt.assume_infinity and value == "\N{INFINITY}": self._value = math.inf elif self.fmt.assume_infinity and value == "-\N{INFINITY}": self._value = -math.inf else: try: self._value = (decimal.Decimal(value, context=Value.CTX) * decimal.Decimal(factor, context=Value.CTX)) except decimal.InvalidOperation: raise ValueError self._value = clamp_value(self._value, self.fmt.parse_clamp_min, self.fmt.parse_clamp_max) return self @property def unit(self) -> str: return self._unit
def process_cpd_blockfeed(): LATEST_BLOCK_INIT = { 'block_index': config.BLOCK_FIRST, 'block_time': None, 'block_hash': None } mongo_db = config.mongo_db def blow_away_db(): mongo_db.processed_blocks.drop() mongo_db.tracked_assets.drop() mongo_db.trades.drop() mongo_db.balance_changes.drop() mongo_db.asset_market_info.drop() mongo_db.asset_marketcap_history.drop() mongo_db.pair_market_info.drop() mongo_db.btc_open_orders.drop() mongo_db.asset_extended_info.drop() mongo_db.transaction_stats.drop() mongo_db.feeds.drop() mongo_db.wallet_stats.drop() mongo_db.wallet_messages.drop() mongo_db.app_config.update( {}, { 'db_version': config.DB_VERSION, 'running_testnet': config.TESTNET, 'counterpartyd_db_version_major': None, 'counterpartyd_db_version_minor': None, 'counterpartyd_running_testnet': None, 'last_block_assets_compiled': config. BLOCK_FIRST, #for asset data compilation in (resets on reparse as well) }, upsert=True) app_config = mongo_db.app_config.find()[0] for asset in [config.XCP, config.BTC]: base_asset = { 'asset': asset, 'owner': None, 'divisible': True, 'locked': False, 'total_issued': None, '_at_block': config.BLOCK_FIRST, #the block ID this asset is current for '_history': [] #to allow for block rollbacks } mongo_db.tracked_assets.insert(base_asset) mongo_db.wallet_messages.insert({ '_id': 0, 'when': calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()), 'message': None, }) #reinitialize some internal counters config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX = 0 config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = -1 config.cw_last_message_seq = 0 return app_config def prune_my_stale_blocks(max_block_index): assert isinstance(max_block_index, int) if max_block_index <= config.BLOCK_FIRST: max_block_index = config.BLOCK_FIRST + 1 if not mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one( {"block_index": max_block_index}): raise Exception( "Can't roll back to specified block index: %i doesn't exist in database" % max_block_index) logging.warn("Pruning to block %i ..." % (max_block_index)) mongo_db.processed_blocks.remove( {"block_index": { "$gt": max_block_index }}) mongo_db.balance_changes.remove( {"block_index": { "$gt": max_block_index }}) mongo_db.trades.remove({"block_index": {"$gt": max_block_index}}) mongo_db.asset_marketcap_history.remove( {"block_index": { "$gt": max_block_index }}) mongo_db.transaction_stats.remove( {"block_index": { "$gt": max_block_index }}) #to roll back the state of the tracked asset, dive into the history object for each asset that has # been updated on or after the block that we are pruning back to assets_to_prune = mongo_db.tracked_assets.find( {'_at_block': { "$gt": max_block_index }}) for asset in assets_to_prune: "Pruning asset %s (last modified @ block %i, pruning to state at block %i)" % (asset['asset'], asset['_at_block'], max_block_index)) prev_ver = None while len(asset['_history']): prev_ver = asset['_history'].pop() if prev_ver['_at_block'] <= max_block_index: break if prev_ver: if prev_ver['_at_block'] > max_block_index: #even the first history version is newer than max_block_index. #in this case, just remove the asset tracking record itself mongo_db.tracked_assets.remove({'asset': asset['asset']}) else: #if here, we were able to find a previous version that was saved at or before max_block_index # (which should be prev_ver ... restore asset's values to its values prev_ver['_id'] = asset['_id'] prev_ver['_history'] = asset['_history'] config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = -1 config.CAUGHT_UP = False latest_block = mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one( {"block_index": max_block_index}) return latest_block def publish_mempool_tx(): """fetch new tx from mempool""" tx_hashes = [] mempool_txs = mongo_db.mempool.find(projection={'tx_hash': True}) for mempool_tx in mempool_txs: tx_hashes.append(str(mempool_tx['tx_hash'])) params = None if len(tx_hashes) > 0: params = { 'filters': [{ 'field': 'tx_hash', 'op': 'NOT IN', 'value': tx_hashes }, { 'field': 'category', 'op': 'IN', 'value': ['sends', 'btcpays', 'issuances', 'dividends'] }], 'filterop': 'AND' } new_txs = util.call_jsonrpc_api("get_mempool", params, abort_on_error=True) for new_tx in new_txs['result']: tx = { 'tx_hash': new_tx['tx_hash'], 'command': new_tx['command'], 'category': new_tx['category'], 'bindings': new_tx['bindings'], 'timestamp': new_tx['timestamp'], 'viewed_in_block': config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX } mongo_db.mempool.insert(tx) del (tx['_id']) tx['_category'] = tx['category'] tx['_message_index'] = 'mempool' logging.debug("Spotted mempool tx: %s" % tx) util.store_wallet_message(tx, json.loads(tx['bindings']), decorate=False) def clean_mempool_tx(): """clean mempool transactions older than MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS blocks""" mongo_db.mempool.remove({ "viewed_in_block": { "$lt": config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS } }) config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX = 0 config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = -1 config.BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_LAST_BLOCK = 0 #simply for printing/alerting purposes config.CAUGHT_UP_STARTED_EVENTS = False #^ set after we are caught up and start up the recurring events that depend on us being caught up with the blockchain #grab our stored preferences, and rebuild the database if necessary app_config = mongo_db.app_config.find() assert app_config.count() in [0, 1] if (app_config.count() == 0 or config.REPARSE_FORCED or app_config[0]['db_version'] != config.DB_VERSION or app_config[0]['running_testnet'] != config.TESTNET): if app_config.count(): logging.warn( "energyblockd database version UPDATED (from %i to %i) or testnet setting changed (from %s to %s), or REINIT forced (%s). REBUILDING FROM SCRATCH ..." % (app_config[0]['db_version'], config.DB_VERSION, app_config[0]['running_testnet'], config.TESTNET, config.REPARSE_FORCED)) else: logging.warn( "energyblockd database app_config collection doesn't exist. BUILDING FROM SCRATCH..." ) app_config = blow_away_db() my_latest_block = LATEST_BLOCK_INIT else: app_config = app_config[0] #get the last processed block out of mongo my_latest_block = mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one( sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) if my_latest_block: my_latest_block = prune_my_stale_blocks( my_latest_block['block_index']) else: config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX = LATEST_BLOCK_INIT while True: try: running_info = util.call_jsonrpc_api("get_running_info", abort_on_error=True) if 'result' not in running_info: raise AssertionError("Could not contact energypartyd") running_info = running_info['result'] except Exception as e: logging.warn( str(e) + " -- Waiting 30 seconds before trying again...") time.sleep(30) continue if running_info['last_message_index'] == -1: logging.warn( "No last_message_index returned. Waiting until energypartyd has messages..." ) time.sleep(30) continue wipeState = False updatePrefs = False if app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'] is None \ or app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'] is None \ or app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'] is None: updatePrefs = True elif running_info['version_major'] != app_config[ 'counterpartyd_db_version_major']: logging.warn( "energypartyd MAJOR DB version change (we built from %s, energypartyd is at %s). Wiping our state data." % (app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'], running_info['version_major'])) wipeState = True updatePrefs = True elif running_info['version_minor'] != app_config[ 'counterpartyd_db_version_minor']: logging.warn( "energypartyd MINOR DB version change (we built from %s.%s, energypartyd is at %s.%s). Wiping our state data." % (app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'], app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'], running_info['version_major'], running_info['version_minor'])) wipeState = True updatePrefs = True elif running_info.get( 'running_testnet', False) != app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet']: logging.warn( "energypartyd testnet setting change (from %s to %s). Wiping our state data." % (app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'], running_info['running_testnet'])) wipeState = True updatePrefs = True if wipeState: app_config = blow_away_db() if updatePrefs: app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_major'] = running_info[ 'version_major'] app_config['counterpartyd_db_version_minor'] = running_info[ 'version_minor'] app_config['counterpartyd_running_testnet'] = running_info[ 'running_testnet'] mongo_db.app_config.update({}, app_config) #reset my latest block record my_latest_block = LATEST_BLOCK_INIT config.CAUGHT_UP = False #You've Come a Long Way, Baby last_processed_block = running_info['last_block'] if last_processed_block['block_index'] is None: logging.warn( "energypartyd has no last processed block (probably is reparsing). Waiting 5 seconds before trying again..." ) time.sleep(5) continue if my_latest_block['block_index'] < last_processed_block['block_index']: #need to catch up config.CAUGHT_UP = False cur_block_index = my_latest_block['block_index'] + 1 #get the blocktime for the next block we have to process try: cur_block = util.call_jsonrpc_api( "get_block_info", {'block_index': cur_block_index}, abort_on_error=True)['result'] except Exception as e: logging.warn( str(e) + " Waiting 5 seconds before trying again...") time.sleep(5) continue cur_block['block_time_obj'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( cur_block['block_time']) cur_block['block_time_str'] = cur_block[ 'block_time_obj'].isoformat() try: block_data = util.call_jsonrpc_api( "get_messages", {'block_index': cur_block_index}, abort_on_error=True)['result'] except Exception as e: logging.warn( str(e) + " Waiting 15 seconds before trying again...") time.sleep(15) continue #parse out response (list of txns, ordered as they appeared in the block) for msg in block_data: msg_data = json.loads(msg['bindings']) if msg['message_index'] != config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX + 1 and config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX != -1: logging.error( "BUG: MESSAGE RECEIVED NOT WHAT WE EXPECTED. EXPECTED: %s, GOT: %s: %s (ALL MSGS IN get_messages PAYLOAD: %s)..." % (config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX + 1, msg['message_index'], msg, [m['message_index'] for m in block_data])) my_latest_block = prune_my_stale_blocks( cur_block_index - config.MAX_FORCED_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS) break #sys.exit(1) #FOR NOW if msg['message_index'] <= config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX: logging.warn("BUG: IGNORED old RAW message %s: %s ..." % (msg['message_index'], msg)) continue"Received message %s: %s ..." % (msg['message_index'], msg)) status = msg_data.get('status', 'valid').lower() if status.startswith('invalid'): if last_processed_block['block_index'] - my_latest_block[ 'block_index'] < config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS: util.store_wallet_message(msg, msg_data) config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = msg['message_index'] continue #track message types, for compiling of statistics if msg['command'] == 'insert' \ and msg['category'] not in ["debits", "credits", "order_matches", "bet_matches", "order_expirations", "bet_expirations", "order_match_expirations", "bet_match_expirations", "bet_match_resolutions"]: try: mongo_db.transaction_stats.insert({ 'block_index': cur_block_index, 'block_time': cur_block['block_time_obj'], 'category': msg['category'] }) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e: logging.exception(e) #HANDLE REORGS if msg['command'] == 'reorg': logging.warn("Blockchain reorginization at block %s" % msg_data['block_index']) #prune back to and including the specified message_index my_latest_block = prune_my_stale_blocks( msg_data['block_index'] - 1) config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX = msg_data['block_index'] - 1 running_info = util.call_jsonrpc_api( "get_running_info", abort_on_error=True)['result'] config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = running_info[ 'last_message_index'] if last_processed_block['block_index'] - my_latest_block[ 'block_index'] < config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS: msg_data[ '_last_message_index'] = config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX util.store_wallet_message(msg, msg_data) event = util.decorate_message_for_feed( msg, msg_data=msg_data) break #break out of inner loop #track assets if msg['category'] == 'issuances': assets.parse_issuance(mongo_db, msg_data, cur_block_index, cur_block) #track balance changes for each address bal_change = None if msg['category'] in [ 'credits', 'debits', ]: actionName = 'credit' if msg[ 'category'] == 'credits' else 'debit' address = msg_data['address'] asset_info = mongo_db.tracked_assets.find_one( {'asset': msg_data['asset']}) if asset_info is None: logging.warn( "Credit/debit of %s where asset ('%s') does not exist. Ignoring..." % (msg_data['quantity'], msg_data['asset'])) continue quantity = msg_data['quantity'] if msg[ 'category'] == 'credits' else -msg_data['quantity'] quantity_normalized = util_bitcoin.normalize_quantity( quantity, asset_info['divisible']) #look up the previous balance to go off of last_bal_change = mongo_db.balance_changes.find_one( { 'address': address, 'asset': asset_info['asset'] }, sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING), ("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) if last_bal_change \ and last_bal_change['block_index'] == cur_block_index: last_bal_change['quantity'] += quantity last_bal_change[ 'quantity_normalized'] += quantity_normalized last_bal_change['new_balance'] += quantity last_bal_change[ 'new_balance_normalized'] += quantity_normalized "Procesed %s bal change (UPDATED) from tx %s :: %s" % (actionName, msg['message_index'], last_bal_change)) bal_change = last_bal_change else: #new balance change record for this block bal_change = { 'address': address, 'asset': asset_info['asset'], 'block_index': cur_block_index, 'block_time': cur_block['block_time_obj'], 'quantity': quantity, 'quantity_normalized': quantity_normalized, 'new_balance': last_bal_change['new_balance'] + quantity if last_bal_change else quantity, 'new_balance_normalized': last_bal_change['new_balance_normalized'] + quantity_normalized if last_bal_change else quantity_normalized, } mongo_db.balance_changes.insert(bal_change) "Procesed %s bal change from tx %s :: %s" % (actionName, msg['message_index'], bal_change)) #book trades if (msg['category'] == 'order_matches' and ((msg['command'] == 'update' and msg_data['status'] == 'completed') or ('forward_asset' in msg_data and msg_data['forward_asset'] != config.BTC and msg_data['backward_asset'] != config.BTC))): if msg['command'] == 'update' and msg_data[ 'status'] == 'completed': tx0_hash, tx1_hash = msg_data[ 'order_match_id'][:64], msg_data['order_match_id'][ 64:] order_match = util.call_jsonrpc_api( "get_order_matches", { 'filters': [{ 'field': 'tx0_hash', 'op': '==', 'value': tx0_hash }, { 'field': 'tx1_hash', 'op': '==', 'value': tx1_hash }] }, abort_on_error=False)['result'][0] else: assert msg_data['status'] == 'completed' order_match = msg_data forward_asset_info = mongo_db.tracked_assets.find_one( {'asset': order_match['forward_asset']}) backward_asset_info = mongo_db.tracked_assets.find_one( {'asset': order_match['backward_asset']}) assert forward_asset_info and backward_asset_info base_asset, quote_asset = util.assets_to_asset_pair( order_match['forward_asset'], order_match['backward_asset']) if (order_match['forward_asset'] == config.BTC and order_match['forward_quantity'] <= config.ORDER_BTC_DUST_LIMIT_CUTOFF) \ or (order_match['backward_asset'] == config.BTC and order_match['backward_quantity'] <= config.ORDER_BTC_DUST_LIMIT_CUTOFF): logging.debug( "Order match %s ignored due to %s under dust limit." % (order_match['tx0_hash'] + order_match['tx1_hash'], config.BTC)) continue #take divisible trade quantities to floating point forward_quantity = util_bitcoin.normalize_quantity( order_match['forward_quantity'], forward_asset_info['divisible']) backward_quantity = util_bitcoin.normalize_quantity( order_match['backward_quantity'], backward_asset_info['divisible']) #compose trade trade = { 'block_index': cur_block_index, 'block_time': cur_block['block_time_obj'], 'message_index': msg['message_index'], #secondary temporaral ordering off of when 'order_match_id': order_match['tx0_hash'] + '_' + order_match['tx1_hash'], 'order_match_tx0_index': order_match['tx0_index'], 'order_match_tx1_index': order_match['tx1_index'], 'order_match_tx0_address': order_match['tx0_address'], 'order_match_tx1_address': order_match['tx1_address'], 'base_asset': base_asset, 'quote_asset': quote_asset, 'base_quantity': order_match['forward_quantity'] if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else order_match['backward_quantity'], 'quote_quantity': order_match['backward_quantity'] if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else order_match['forward_quantity'], 'base_quantity_normalized': forward_quantity if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else backward_quantity, 'quote_quantity_normalized': backward_quantity if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else forward_quantity, } d = D(trade['quote_quantity_normalized']) / D( trade['base_quantity_normalized']) d = d.quantize(EIGHT_PLACES, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, context=decimal.Context(prec=20)) trade['unit_price'] = float(d) d = D(trade['base_quantity_normalized']) / D( trade['quote_quantity_normalized']) d = d.quantize(EIGHT_PLACES, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, context=decimal.Context(prec=20)) trade['unit_price_inverse'] = float(d) mongo_db.trades.insert(trade)"Procesed Trade from tx %s :: %s" % (msg['message_index'], trade)) #broadcast if msg['category'] == 'broadcasts': betting.parse_broadcast(mongo_db, msg_data) if last_processed_block['block_index'] - my_latest_block[ 'block_index'] < config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS: #send out the message to listening clients util.store_wallet_message(msg, msg_data) #this is the last processed message index config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = msg['message_index'] new_block = { 'block_index': cur_block_index, 'block_time': cur_block['block_time_obj'], 'block_hash': cur_block['block_hash'], } mongo_db.processed_blocks.insert(new_block) my_latest_block = new_block config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX = cur_block_index if config.BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_LAST_BLOCK == 0 or config.BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_LAST_BLOCK - config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX < config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS: try: block_height_response = blockchain.getinfo() except: block_height_response = None config.BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_LAST_BLOCK = block_height_response[ 'info']['blocks'] if block_height_response else 0 "Block: %i (message_index height=%s) (blockchain latest block=%s)" % (config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX, config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX if config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX != -1 else '???', config.BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_LAST_BLOCK if config.BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_LAST_BLOCK else '???')) clean_mempool_tx() elif my_latest_block['block_index'] > last_processed_block[ 'block_index']: logging.error( "Very odd: Ahead of energypartyd with block indexes! Pruning back %s blocks to be safe." % config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS) my_latest_block = prune_my_stale_blocks( last_processed_block['block_index'] - config.MAX_REORG_NUM_BLOCKS) else: config.CAUGHT_UP = running_info['db_caught_up'] if config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX == -1 or config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX == 0: if config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX == -1: config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX = running_info[ 'last_message_index'] if config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX == 0: config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX = running_info['last_block'][ 'block_index'] "Detected blocks caught up on startup. Setting last message idx to %s, current block index to %s ..." % (config.LAST_MESSAGE_INDEX, config.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)) if config.CAUGHT_UP and not config.CAUGHT_UP_STARTED_EVENTS: logging.debug( "Starting event timer: compile_asset_pair_market_info") gevent.spawn(events.compile_asset_pair_market_info) logging.debug( "Starting event timer: compile_asset_market_info") gevent.spawn(events.compile_asset_market_info) logging.debug( "Starting event timer: compile_extended_asset_info") gevent.spawn(events.compile_extended_asset_info) logging.debug( "Starting event timer: compile_extended_feed_info") gevent.spawn(events.compile_extended_feed_info) config.CAUGHT_UP_STARTED_EVENTS = True publish_mempool_tx() time.sleep(30)
def context(self): return decimal.Context(prec=self.max_digits)
import decimal print(decimal.Decimal(355) / decimal.Decimal(113)) with decimal.localcontext(decimal.Context(prec=50)): print(decimal.Decimal(355) / decimal.Decimal(113)) print(decimal.Decimal(355) / decimal.Decimal(113))
_CTX_OPTIONS = { 'prec': _MAX_DIGITS, 'rounding': decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, 'Emin': _EXPONENT_MIN, 'Emax': _EXPONENT_MAX, 'capitals': 1, 'flags': [], 'traps': [decimal.InvalidOperation, decimal.Overflow, decimal.Inexact] } if _PY3: _CTX_OPTIONS['clamp'] = 1 else: _CTX_OPTIONS['_clamp'] = 1 _DEC128_CTX = decimal.Context(**_CTX_OPTIONS.copy()) def create_decimal128_context(): """Returns an instance of :class:`decimal.Context` appropriate for working with IEEE-754 128-bit decimal floating point values. """ opts = _CTX_OPTIONS.copy() opts['traps'] = [] return decimal.Context(**opts) def _decimal_to_128(value): """Converts a decimal.Decimal to BID (high bits, low bits). :Parameters:
def set_pf(o, logq): o['free_energy'] = logq / -beta o['pfunc'] = decimal.Context(prec=10).create_decimal( decimal.Decimal(logq).exp())
import decimal, numbers """ decimal: 定点和浮点运算 |- 实现了精度更高的算法 |- 想实现高精度的算法请不要使用int,float,请使用Decimal高精度类型 |- 这是真牛逼(Decimal) e = float('12.44444444444444444423234234232352352') print(e) # float是无法表示这么高的精度的(12.444444444444445)这么多位 """ # 设置一个精度 设置四舍五入 最大指数 最小只是 ctx = decimal.Context(prec=4, rounding=decimal.ROUND_CEILING, Emax=100, Emin=-100, capitals=1, clamp=True) a = decimal.Decimal('12.44444444444444444423234234232352352') # print(a) b = decimal.Decimal('33.143141434124342342342342342342323323') print(a + b) print(isinstance(b, numbers.Number)) # True # ctx = decimal.getcontext() # print(ctx.prec) # 夹紧 # print(ctx.rounding) # print(ctx.flags) # 每次运算产生的标记 # print(ctx.traps) # 设置的标记 # print(ctx.Emin) # 最小指数 # print(ctx.Emax) # 最大指数
import decimal abi_decimal_context = decimal.Context(prec=999) ZERO = decimal.Decimal(0) TEN = decimal.Decimal(10) def ceil32(x): return x if x % 32 == 0 else x + 32 - (x % 32) def compute_unsigned_integer_bounds(num_bits): return ( 0, 2**num_bits - 1, ) def compute_signed_integer_bounds(num_bits): return ( -1 * 2**(num_bits - 1), 2**(num_bits - 1) - 1, ) def compute_unsigned_fixed_bounds(num_bits, frac_places): int_upper = compute_unsigned_integer_bounds(num_bits)[1] with decimal.localcontext(abi_decimal_context): upper = decimal.Decimal(int_upper) * TEN**-frac_places
class MockObject(object): field = txn.AmountField(decimal_context=decimal.Context(rounding=decimal.ROUND_DOWN))
To run the tests, simply run this file:: python """ import decimal import locale import os import sys import unittest # Set standard thread-wide locale and decimal rounding settings locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') decimal.setcontext(decimal.Context(rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)) if __name__ == '__main__': test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) package_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(test_dir, os.pardir, 'blingalytics')) sys.path = [test_dir, package_dir] + sys.path suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames([ 'test_base', 'test_helpers', 'sources.test_base', 'sources.test_database', 'sources.test_derived', 'sources.test_merge', 'sources.test_static',
from datetime import datetime import logging import decimal import base64 import json import time from counterblock.lib import cache, config, util decimal.setcontext(decimal.Context(prec=8, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN)) D = decimal.Decimal logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sogassets = ["FDCARD", "SJCXCARD", "GEMZCARD", "XCPCARD", "SWARMCD", "ETHEREUMCARD", "SATOSHICARD", "CLEFCARD", "GENESISCARD", "SHUMAICARD", "CNPCARD", "SHAPESHIFTCD", "RIPPLECARD", "BLOCKSIZECD", "ETHXCPCARD", "BEARWHALECD", "LTBCARD", "ZAIFCARD",
def test_urls_access(self): context = decimal.Context(prec=20, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) decimal.setcontext(context) shop = Shop.objects.all()[0] category = MarketCategory.objects.all()[0] HTTP_HOST = shop.default_dns now = tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) auction = AuctionSession(shop=shop, title="Auction Session Nr 0", description="-- no desc --", start=now, end=tomorrow) lot = Lot(shop=shop, title="Coin From Egypt 1905 (PCGS 60)", description="rare coin", category=category, date_time=now, weight="5", session=auction, starting_bid=decimal.Decimal("10.00"), reserve=decimal.Decimal("0.00")) item = Item(shop=shop, title="Coin From Rusia 1917 (PCGS 60)", description="rare coin", category=category, date_time=now, weight="5", qty="10", price=decimal.Decimal("150")) user = shop.admin # response = self.client.get(reverse("bidding_view_lot", args=[]), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to view lot") # success = self.client.login(username=user.username, password="******") self.assertEqual(success, True, "Login failed") ############# CUSTOMERS ################ response = self.client.get(reverse("home_admin"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach home_admin") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_overview"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_overview") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_profiles"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_profiles") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_sold_items"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_sold_items") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_payments"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_payments") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_shipments"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_shipments") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_wish_lists"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_wish_list") # response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_send_notification"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to bid a valid amount") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_mailing_list"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_mailing_list") response = self.client.get(reverse("customers_export_mailinglist"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual( response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach customers_export_mailinglist") ######### WEBSTORE ############ response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store") response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_overview"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_overview") response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_marketing"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_marketing") response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_shows"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_shows") # response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_theme"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_theme") response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_pages"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_pages") response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_blogs"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_blogs") response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_navigation"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach web_store_navigation") # response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_show_go"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to bid a valid amount") # # response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_show_not_go"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to bid a valid amount") # # response = self.client.get(reverse("web_store_theme"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to bid a valid amount") ######### INVENTORY ########## response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory") response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory_overview"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory_overview") response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory_items"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory_items") response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory_items_import"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory_items_import") response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory_lots"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory_lots") response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory_auctions"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory_auctions") response = self.client.get(reverse("inventory_categorize"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach inventory_categorize") ######## ACCOUNT ######### response = self.client.get(reverse("account"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach account") response = self.client.get(reverse("account_profile"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach account_profile") response = self.client.get(reverse("account_password"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach account_password") response = self.client.get(reverse("add_profile_photo"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302, "Failed when trying to reach add_profile_photo") response = self.client.get(reverse("preferences"), HTTP_HOST=HTTP_HOST) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, "Failed when trying to reach preferences")
NUMBER = "N" BINARY = "B" BOOLEAN = "BOOL" MAP = "M" LIST = "L" PRIMITIVES = {"S", "N", "B"} SETS = {"SS", "NS", "BS"} DOCUMENTS = {"L", "M"} ALL = {*PRIMITIVES, *SETS, *DOCUMENTS, BOOLEAN} # Dynamo takes numbers as strings to reduce inter-language problems DYNAMODB_CONTEXT = decimal.Context( Emin=-128, Emax=126, rounding=None, prec=38, traps=[ decimal.Clamped, decimal.Overflow, decimal.Inexact, decimal.Rounded, decimal.Underflow ] ) SUPPORTED_OPERATIONS = { "==": ALL, "!=": ALL, "<": PRIMITIVES, ">": PRIMITIVES, "<=": PRIMITIVES, ">=": PRIMITIVES, "begins_with": {STRING, BINARY}, "between": PRIMITIVES, "contains": {*SETS, STRING, BINARY, LIST}, "in": ALL
def test_day_frac_harmless(i, f): with decimal.localcontext(decimal.Context(prec=40)): a = Decimal(i) + Decimal(f) i_d, f_d = day_frac(i, f) a_d = Decimal(i_d) + Decimal(f_d) assert_almost_equal(a, a_d, atol=Decimal(tiny), rtol=Decimal(0))
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import base64 import decimal from import models from import IndexDefinition from magnetodb.common.exception import MagnetoError #init decimal context to meet DynamoDB number type behaviour expectation DECIMAL_CONTEXT = decimal.Context( prec=38, rounding=None, traps=[], flags=[], Emax=126, Emin=-128 ) TYPE_STRING = "S" TYPE_NUMBER = "N" TYPE_BLOB = "B" TYPE_STRING_SET = "SS" TYPE_NUMBER_SET = "NS" TYPE_BLOB_SET = "BS" class Props(): TABLE_NAME = "TableName" ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITIONS = "AttributeDefinitions"
def requires_lossy_conversion(d): return d - decimal.Context(prec=sys.float_info.dig).create_decimal(d) != 0
# 保留小数点后 n 位数 num = 11.256823 print(round(num, 3)) print(round(num, 2)) # 拆分成元角分输出 money = 110.567 print(int(money), "元") print(int(money * 10) % 10, "角") print(int(round(money * 100) % 10), "分") print(9 % 6) # 引入decimal模块 计算实数的精度 # 使用 decimal下的 Context函数中的参数prec(用来显示最终的数值,长度包含整数位和小数位) # 和rounding参数 赋值decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP算法 计算四舍五入 # create_decimal函数 参数传入字符串 import decimal x = 123.4554 y = decimal.Decimal(x) print(y) # 在context 环境下场景一个decimal实例 a = decimal.Context(prec=8, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).create_decimal( str(x)) # prec=取值包含整数位 print(a) # 四舍五入 a = round(x, 2) print(a)
import dendropy import os import decimal result = "[TYPE] NUCLEOTIDE 1\n" path = "/home/qikaiy2/Downloads/reu2019-tutorials/qikaiy2_project_1/output_data/trees/GTRCAT" path1 = "/home/qikaiy2/Downloads/reu2019-tutorials/qikaiy2_project_1/output_data/trees/R_GTRCAT" files = os.listdir(path) # The below codes come from this blog and the copyright belongs to the blogger: # # create a new context for this task ctx = decimal.Context() # 20 digits should be enough for everyone :D ctx.prec = 20 def float_to_str(f): """ Convert the given float to a string, without resorting to scientific notation """ d1 = ctx.create_decimal(repr(f)) return format(d1, 'f') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def filter(strr): if ((strr[0:14] == "RAxML_bestTree")): return 1
def parse_trade_book(msg, msg_data): # book trades if (msg['category'] == 'order_matches' and ((msg['command'] == 'update' and msg_data['status'] == 'completed') or # for a trade with BTC involved, but that is settled (completed) ('forward_asset' in msg_data and msg_data['forward_asset'] != config.BTC and msg_data['backward_asset'] != config.BTC)) ): # or for a trade without BTC on either end if msg['command'] == 'update' and msg_data['status'] == 'completed': # an order is being updated to a completed status (i.e. a BTCpay has completed) tx0_hash, tx1_hash = msg_data['order_match_id'][:64], msg_data[ 'order_match_id'][65:] # get the order_match this btcpay settles order_match = util.jsonrpc_api("get_order_matches", { 'filters': [{ 'field': 'tx0_hash', 'op': '==', 'value': tx0_hash }, { 'field': 'tx1_hash', 'op': '==', 'value': tx1_hash }] }, abort_on_error=False)['result'][0] else: assert msg_data[ 'status'] == 'completed' # should not enter a pending state for non BTC matches order_match = msg_data forward_asset_info = config.mongo_db.tracked_assets.find_one( {'asset': order_match['forward_asset']}) backward_asset_info = config.mongo_db.tracked_assets.find_one( {'asset': order_match['backward_asset']}) assert forward_asset_info and backward_asset_info base_asset, quote_asset = util.assets_to_asset_pair( order_match['forward_asset'], order_match['backward_asset']) # don't create trade records from order matches with BTC that are under the dust limit if ((order_match['forward_asset'] == config.BTC and order_match['forward_quantity'] <= config.ORDER_BTC_DUST_LIMIT_CUTOFF) or (order_match['backward_asset'] == config.BTC and order_match['backward_quantity'] <= config.ORDER_BTC_DUST_LIMIT_CUTOFF)): logger.debug("Order match %s ignored due to %s under dust limit." % (order_match['tx0_hash'] + order_match['tx1_hash'], config.BTC)) return 'ABORT_THIS_MESSAGE_PROCESSING' # take divisible trade quantities to floating point forward_quantity = blockchain.normalize_quantity( order_match['forward_quantity'], forward_asset_info['divisible']) backward_quantity = blockchain.normalize_quantity( order_match['backward_quantity'], backward_asset_info['divisible']) # compose trade trade = { 'block_index': config.state['cur_block']['block_index'], 'block_time': config.state['cur_block']['block_time_obj'], 'message_index': msg['message_index'], # secondary temporaral ordering off of when 'order_match_id': order_match['tx0_hash'] + '_' + order_match['tx1_hash'], 'order_match_tx0_index': order_match['tx0_index'], 'order_match_tx1_index': order_match['tx1_index'], 'order_match_tx0_address': order_match['tx0_address'], 'order_match_tx1_address': order_match['tx1_address'], 'base_asset': base_asset, 'quote_asset': quote_asset, 'base_quantity': order_match['forward_quantity'] if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else order_match['backward_quantity'], 'quote_quantity': order_match['backward_quantity'] if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else order_match['forward_quantity'], 'base_quantity_normalized': forward_quantity if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else backward_quantity, 'quote_quantity_normalized': backward_quantity if order_match['forward_asset'] == base_asset else forward_quantity, } d = D(trade['quote_quantity_normalized']) / D( trade['base_quantity_normalized']) d = d.quantize(EIGHT_PLACES, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, context=decimal.Context(prec=30)) trade['unit_price'] = float(d) d = D(trade['base_quantity_normalized']) / D( trade['quote_quantity_normalized']) d = d.quantize(EIGHT_PLACES, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, context=decimal.Context(prec=30)) trade['unit_price_inverse'] = float(d) config.mongo_db.trades.insert(trade)"Procesed Trade from tx %s :: %s" % (msg['message_index'], trade))
"""Calculates Pi to a certain degree of accuracy using the Nilakantha series. By Ted Silbernagel """ import decimal # Set maximum decimal places decimal.setcontext(decimal.Context(prec=100)) def nilakantha(precision: int) -> decimal.Decimal: calculated_pi = decimal.Decimal(3.0) last_num = decimal.Decimal(2.0) for i in range(1, precision + 1): if not i % 100000: print(f'\rCalculating: ({i}/{precision})', end='') num_to_change = (decimal.Decimal(4.0) / (last_num * (last_num + decimal.Decimal(1.0)) * (last_num + decimal.Decimal(2.0)))) if i % 2: calculated_pi += num_to_change else: calculated_pi -= num_to_change last_num += decimal.Decimal(2.0) print('\n')
def __init__(self): self.ulpdiff = 0 self.powmod_zeros = 0 self.maxctx = P.Context(Emax=10**18, Emin=-10**18)