Ejemplo n.º 1
 def gradient(self, arg):
     return np.array([
         Decimal.exp(arg[0] + Decimal(3) * arg[1] - Decimal(0.1)) +
         Decimal.exp(arg[0] - Decimal(3) * arg[1] - Decimal(0.1)) -
         Decimal.exp(-arg[0] - Decimal(0.1)),
         3 * (Decimal.exp(arg[0] + Decimal(3) * arg[1] - Decimal(0.1)) -
              Decimal.exp(arg[0] - Decimal(3) * arg[1] - Decimal(0.1)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Binomial_pmf(k,n,p):
	''' calculates the pmf of binomial distribution '''
	k_decimal = Decimal(k)
	n_decimal = Decimal(n)
	p_decimal = Decimal(p)
	tmp = Decimal(gammaln(n+1)-gammaln(k+1)-gammaln(n-k+1))+Decimal(k_decimal*p_decimal.ln()+(n_decimal-k_decimal)*Decimal(1-p_decimal).ln())
	return tmp.exp()
 def _get_equivalent_order_volume_and_distance_weighted(
         self, orders: Set[LimitOrder]):
     current_price = self.strategy.get_price()
     return self._obtain_equivalent_weighted_order(
         orders, lambda o: Decimal.exp(-Decimal(
             str(abs(o.price - current_price) / current_price)) / self.
 def _get_equivalent_order_volume_and_age_weighted(self,
                                                   orders: Set[LimitOrder]):
     max_order_age = getattr(self.strategy, "max_order_age", None)
     if max_order_age:
         return self._obtain_equivalent_weighted_order(
             orders, lambda o: Decimal.exp(-Decimal(
                 str(self._limit_order_age(o) / max_order_age))))
     return frozenset()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def interpolate_linear(logprob1, logprob2, weight1):
    """Performs linear interpolation of two probabilities.

    If a probability is so small that it will be rounded to zero, uses the
    decimal library. If a weight is zero, the corresponding log probability will
    be ignored. Otherwise if the log probability was ``-inf``, multiplication
    would result in a ``nan``.

    :type logprob1: logprob_type
    :param logprob1: logarithm of first input probability

    :type logprob2: logprob_type
    :param logprob2: logarithm of second input probability

    :type weight1: logprob_type
    :param weight1: interpolation weight for the first probability

    :rtype: logprob_type
    :returns: logarithm of the weighted sum of the input probabilities

    prob1 = numpy.exp(numpy.float64(logprob1))
    prob2 = numpy.exp(numpy.float64(logprob2))
    if (prob1 > 0) and (prob2 > 0):
        weight2 = 1.0 - weight1
        prob = weight1 * prob1
        prob += weight2 * prob2
        return logprob_type(numpy.log(prob))
        # An exp() resulted in an underflow (or -inf logprob). Use the decimal
        # library.
        getcontext().prec = 16
        d_weight1 = Decimal(weight1)
        d_weight2 = Decimal(1.0) - d_weight1
        d_logprob1 = Decimal(logprob1)
        d_logprob2 = Decimal(logprob2)
        d_zero = Decimal(0.0)
        d_prob = d_zero
        if d_weight1 != d_zero:
            d_prob += d_weight1 * d_logprob1.exp()
        if d_weight2 != d_zero:
            d_prob += d_weight2 * d_logprob2.exp()
        return logprob_type(d_prob.ln())
Ejemplo n.º 6
def DecimalOperation():
    import decimal
    from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
    getcontext().prec = 100
    getcontext().rounding = getattr(decimal, 'ROUND_HALF_EVEN')
    # default; other: FLOOR, CELILING, DOWN, ...
    getcontext().traps[decimal.FloatOperation] = True
    Decimal((0, (1, 4, 1, 4), -3))  # 1.414
    a = Decimal(1 << 31) / Decimal(100000)
    print(round(a, 5))  # total digits
    # 21474.83648
    print(a.sqrt(), a.ln(), a.log10(), a.exp(), a**2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def exp(x_value):
    '''The exponetial function as a Vector function.

    **How to use**

    >>> x0 = 4
    >>> x1 = (1, float(2), Decimal('3'))
    >>> exp(x0)
    >>> x1 = (1, float(2), Decimal('3'))
    >>> exp(x1)
    Vector([2.718281828459045235360287471, 7.389056098930650227230427461, 20.08553692318766774092852965])
    return Decimal.exp(x_value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def twr(begin_ts, ts, current_ts):
        """ Computes a Time Weighted Risk parcel.

        Normalizes the timestamps and returns the TWR parcel.

            begin_ts: An int representing the beginning timestamp.
            ts: An int representing a specific timestamp.
            current_ts: An int representing the most recent timestamp.

            A Decimal from 0 to 0.5.

        begin_diff = ts - begin_ts
        diff = current_ts - begin_ts
        if diff == 0:
            normalized = 1
            normalized = Decimal(begin_diff) / Decimal(diff)
        twr = 1 / (1 + Decimal.exp(Decimal(-12) * normalized + Decimal(2) + ((1 - Metrics.TIME_RANGE) * 10)))
        return twr
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def twr(begin_ts, ts, current_ts):
        """ Computes a Time Weighted Risk parcel.

        Normalizes the timestamps and returns the TWR parcel.

            begin_ts: An int representing the beginning timestamp.
            ts: An int representing a specific timestamp.
            current_ts: An int representing the most recent timestamp.

            A Decimal from 0 to 0.5.

        begin_diff = ts - begin_ts
        diff = current_ts - begin_ts
        if diff == 0:
            normalized = 1
            normalized = Decimal(begin_diff) / Decimal(diff)
        twr = 1 / (1 + Decimal.exp(Decimal(-12) * normalized + Decimal(2) + ((1 - Metrics.TIME_RANGE) * 10)))
        return twr
Ejemplo n.º 10
def delta_v(u, v):
    return Decimal(2)*(u*v*Decimal.exp(v) - Decimal(2)*Decimal.exp(-u)) * \
           (u*Decimal.exp(v) - Decimal(2)*v*Decimal.exp(-u))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def delta_u(u, v):
    return Decimal(2)*(Decimal.exp(v) + Decimal(2)*v*Decimal.exp(-u)) * \
            (u*Decimal.exp(v) - Decimal(2)*v*Decimal.exp(-u))

def delta_v(u, v):
    return Decimal(2)*(u*v*Decimal.exp(v) - Decimal(2)*Decimal.exp(-u)) * \
           (u*Decimal.exp(v) - Decimal(2)*v*Decimal.exp(-u))

print 'gradient decent'
eta = Decimal(0.1)       # learning rate
u = Decimal(1)           # weight component
v = Decimal(1)           # weight component
for i in range(1, 20):
    Ein = (u*Decimal.exp(v) - 2*v*Decimal.exp(-u))**2
    print 'Error:', i, Ein
    if (Ein < 10**-14):
        print '({}, {})'.format(u, v)
    temp_u = u - eta * delta_u(u, v)
    v = v - eta * delta_v(u, v)
    u = temp_u

print 'coordinate decent'
eta = Decimal(0.1)       # learning rate
u = Decimal(1)           # weight component
v = Decimal(1)           # weight component
for i in range(1, 15):
    temp_u = u - eta * delta_u(u, v)
    Ein_u = (temp_u*Decimal.exp(v) - 2*v*Decimal.exp(-temp_u))**2
Ejemplo n.º 12
def pochisq(x, df=255):
    Compute probability of χ² test value.

    Adapted from: Hill, I. D. and Pike, M. C.  Algorithm 299 Collected
    Algorithms for the CACM 1967 p. 243 Updated for rounding errors based on
    remark in ACM TOMS June 1985, page 185.

    According to http://www.fourmilab.ch/random/:

      We interpret the percentage (return value*100) as the degree to which
      the sequence tested is suspected of being non-random. If the percentage
      is greater than 99% or less than 1%, the sequence is almost certainly
      not random. If the percentage is between 99% and 95% or between 1% and
      5%, the sequence is suspect. Percentages between 90% and 95% and 5% and
      10% indicate the sequence is “almost suspect”.

        x: Obtained chi-square value.
        df: Degrees of freedom, defaults to 255 for random bytes.

        The degree to which the sequence tested is suspected of being
        non-random, as a Decimal.
    # Check arguments first
    if not isinstance(df, int):
        raise ValueError("df must be an integer")
    if x <= 0.0 or df < 1:
        return 1.0
    # Constants
    LOG_SQRT_PI = Decimal("0.5723649429247000870717135")  # log(√π)
    I_SQRT_PI = Decimal("0.5641895835477562869480795")  # 1/√π
    BIGX = Decimal(20)
    a = Decimal(0.5) * x
    even = df % 2 == 0
    if df > 1:
        y = -a.exp()
    nd = stat.NormalDist()
    s = y if even else Decimal(2) * Decimal(nd.cdf(float(-x.sqrt())))
    if df > 2:
        x = 0.5 * (df - 1.0)
        z = Decimal(1) if even else Decimal(0.5)
        if a > BIGX:
            e = Decimal(0) if even else LOG_SQRT_PI
            c = a.ln()
            while z <= x:
                e = z.ln() + e
                s += (c * z - a - e).exp()
                z += Decimal(1)
            return s
            e = Decimal(1) if even else I_SQRT_PI / a.sqrt()
            c = Decimal(0)
            while z <= x:
                e = e * a / z
                c = c + e
                z += Decimal(1)
            return c * y + s
        return s
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def compute_defect_probability(r_twr, f_twr, a_twr, r_weight, f_weight, a_weight):
     twr = r_twr * r_weight + f_twr * f_weight + a_twr * a_weight
     probability = 1 - Decimal.exp(-twr)
     return probability
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def sigmoid(self, x):
     x = Decimal(x)
     return Decimal(1 / (1 + x.exp()))
getcontext().prec = 100

HiTerm = namedtuple('HiTerm','val,exp')
LoTerm = namedtuple('LoTerm','num,den')

hiTerms = []
loTerms = []

for n in range(LOG_NUM_OF_HI_TERMS+1):
    cur = Decimal(LOG_MAX_HI_TERM_VAL)/2**n
    val = int(FIXED_1*cur)
    exp = int(FIXED_1*cur.exp())

MAX_VAL = hiTerms[0].exp-1
loTerms = [LoTerm(FIXED_1*2,FIXED_1*2)]
res = optimalLog(MAX_VAL,hiTerms,loTerms,FIXED_1)
while True:
    n = len(loTerms)
    val = FIXED_1*(2*n+2)
    loTermsNext = loTerms+[LoTerm(val//(2*n+1),val)]
    resNext = optimalLog(MAX_VAL,hiTerms,loTermsNext,FIXED_1)
    if res < resNext:
        res = resNext
        loTerms = loTermsNext
Ejemplo n.º 16
def exp(value: Decimal) -> Decimal:
    """e to the power of value"""
    return value.exp()
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __call__(self, arg):
     return Decimal.exp(arg[0] + Decimal(3) * arg[1] - Decimal(0.1)) + \
            Decimal.exp(arg[0] - Decimal(3) * arg[1] - Decimal(0.1)) + \
            Decimal.exp(-arg[0] - Decimal(0.1))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def compute_defect_probability(r_twr, f_twr, a_twr, r_weight, f_weight, a_weight):
     twr = r_twr * r_weight + f_twr * f_weight + a_twr * a_weight
     probability = 1 - Decimal.exp(- twr)
     return probability
Ejemplo n.º 19

# we reach the limit of the float type
# after 20 iterations, ie. n_20 = n_21 = n_22 = ...
def taylor_e():
    approx = 0
    term = 1.0
    k = 0
    while True:
        approx += term
        yield approx
        k += 1
        term /= k

dec_e = Decimal.exp(Decimal(1.0))

## the same, but using the decimal library
## here we get stuck after 26 iterations
def taylor_dec_e():
    approx = Decimal(0)
    term = Decimal(1)
    k = 0
    while True:
        approx += term
        yield approx
        diff = abs(approx - dec_e)
        digits = math.floor(-Decimal.log10(diff))
        print(f"diff after {k} iters = {digits}")
x % y  # returns 1 
divmod(x, y) # returns (3, 1)
(x == y* (x // y) + x % y) # returns True 

x = Decimal(-10)
y = Decimal(3) 
x//y  # returns -3  #here trunc(x//y) happens instead of math.floor(x//y) like in the case of integers 
x % y  # returns -1 
c, d  = divmod(x, y) # returns (3, 1)
(x == y* (x // y) + x % y) # returns True 

#logarithmic, exponent and square root is implemented differntly by Decimal as compared to math

a = Decimal('1.5')

#Note: If we use math module, it first converts the Decimal type to float and then performs the mathematical operation. 
math.sqrt(a) == a.sqrt() # return False 

#BOOLEANS -- >they are integer subclass  True --> 1,  False -->0, However they don't share the memory address

issubclass(bool, int) # returns True
isinstance(True, bool) # returns True 
isinstance(True, int) # returns True

int(True) # returns 1
int(False) #returns 0 

True is 1 # returns False 
Ejemplo n.º 21
def decimal_power(num, exp):
    return decimal_truncate(Decimal.exp(Decimal.ln(num) * exp))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def wmh_index(sep_dist,
    """Quality index of Wahl, Mercadier, and Helbert.

    In [Wahl2017]_, the idea to use the probability to obtain a sample
    with a separation distance less or equal to `sep_dist` was presented.
    As the exact value is unknown, it has to be approximated. Let the
    probability be :math:`1 - 10^{x}`, then this function computes
    :math:`x`. This value should be minimized. The worst possible value
    is zero. The :mod:`decimal` library is used internally to obtain a
    higher precision than conventional floating point arithmetic.

    sep_dist : float
        The measured separation distance.
    dist_p : int
        The `p` of the used :math:`L_p` distance.
    num_points : int
        The number of points in the sample.
    dim : int
        The dimension of the sampled space.
    approx : sequence, optional
        A sequence of approximation methods to use. Default is
        ("polynomials", "gauss", "gumbel", "weibull"), which are the four
        methods presented in [Wahl2017]_.
    full_output : bool, optional
        If true, a list of approximation values is returned. Else, the
        maximum of the used approximations (the most conservative
        estimate) is returned.

    approximations : float or list
        The maximum of the calculated approximations or the whole list
        of them (according to the order in `approx`), depending on the
        switch `full_output`.

    .. [Wahl2017] François Wahl, Cécile Mercadier, Céline Helbert (2017).
        A standardized distance-based index to assess the quality of
        space-filling designs. Statistics and Computing, Volume 27,
        Issue 2, pp 319–329. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11222-015-9624-z


    def a(l, p, d):
        ret_value = math.gamma(1.0 / p) ** (2 * d - l)
        ret_value *= math.gamma(2.0 / p) ** (l - d)
        ret_value /= math.gamma(float(l) / p + 1.0)
        ret_value *= (-1) ** (l - d) * binom_coeff(d, l - d) * (2.0 / p) ** d
        return ret_value

    def G(t, p, d):
        """C.d.f. of the distance of two random uniform points."""
        if math.isinf(p):
            return (2.0 * t - t ** 2) ** d if t <= 1.0 else 1.0
        summands = []
        for i in range(d, 2 * d + 1):
            if t >= 0.0 and t <= 1.0:
                summands.append(a(i, p, d) * t ** i)
        return math.fsum(summands)

    def mean(p):
        return 2.0 / ((p + 1) * (p + 2))

    assert sep_dist >= 0.0
    assert dist_p > 0
    assert num_points >= 0
    assert dim >= 1
    if num_points < 2:
        return 0.0
    if approx is None:
        approx = ("polynomials", "gauss", "gumbel", "weibull")
    one = Decimal(1.0)
    two = Decimal(2.0)
    nc2 = Decimal(binom_coeff(num_points, 2))
    approximations = []
    for app in approx:
        if app == "polynomials":
            if sep_dist <= 1.0:
                g_value = Decimal(G(sep_dist, dist_p, dim))
                approximations.append(((one - g_value) ** nc2).log10())
        elif app == "gauss":
            assert not math.isinf(dist_p)
            var = mean(2 * dist_p) - mean(dist_p) ** 2
            x = sep_dist ** dist_p - dim * mean(dist_p)
            x /= math.sqrt(dim * var)
            cdf_value = Decimal((1.0 + math.erf(x / math.sqrt(2.0))) * 0.5)
            approximations.append(((one - cdf_value) ** nc2).log10())
        elif app == "weibull":
            assert not math.isinf(dist_p)
            temp = Decimal(-a(dim, dist_p, dim)) * nc2 * Decimal(sep_dist ** dim)
        elif app == "gumbel":
            assert not math.isinf(dist_p)
            x = sep_dist ** dist_p - dim * mean(dist_p)
            x /= math.sqrt(dim * var)
            x = Decimal(x)
            alpha = (two * nc2.ln()).sqrt()
            beta = nc2.ln().ln() + Decimal(4.0 * math.pi).ln()
            beta /= two * alpha
            beta -= alpha
            approximations.append((-(alpha * (x - beta)).exp()).exp().log10())
            raise ValueError("Unknown approximation method: " + str(app))
    approximations = [float(app) for app in approximations]
    if full_output:
        return approximations
        return max(approximations)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def delta_u(u, v):
    return Decimal(2)*(Decimal.exp(v) + Decimal(2)*v*Decimal.exp(-u)) * \
            (u*Decimal.exp(v) - Decimal(2)*v*Decimal.exp(-u))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def exp(n: D):
    return n.exp()
Ejemplo n.º 25
print(x == y * (x // y) + (x % y))  # true

x = -10
y = 3
print(x // y, x % y)  # -4 2
print(x == y * (x // y) + (x % y))  # true

x = Decimal(-10)
y = Decimal(3)
print(x // y, x % y)  # -3 -1
print(x == y * (x // y) + (x % y))  # true

## other math functions
a = Decimal("0.1")


### differences
x = 2
x_dec = Decimal(2)

root_float = math.sqrt(x)
root_mixed = math.sqrt(x_dec)
root_dec = x_dec.sqrt()

print(format(root_float, "1.27f"))
print(format(root_mixed, "1.27f"))
Ejemplo n.º 26
a = Decimal('-10')
b = Decimal('3')
print(a // b, a % b)
print(divmod(a, b))
print(a == b * (a // b) + a % b)

# On the other hand, we see that in this case the // and % operators did not result in the same values, although the equation was satisfied in both instances.

# #### Other Mathematical Functions

# The Decimal class implements a variety of mathematical functions.
a = Decimal('1.5')
print(a.log10())  # base 10 logarithm
print(a.ln())  # natural logarithm (base e)
print(a.exp())  # e**a
print(a.sqrt())  # square root

# Although you can use the math function of the math module, be aware that the math module functions will cast the Decimal numbers to floats when it performs the various operations. So, if the precision is important (which it probably is if you decided to use Decimal numbers in the first place), choose the math functions of the Decimal class over those of the math module.
x = 2
x_dec = Decimal(2)

import math

root_float = math.sqrt(x)
root_mixed = math.sqrt(x_dec)
root_dec = x_dec.sqrt()

print(format(root_float, '1.27f'))
print(format(root_mixed, '1.27f'))
Ejemplo n.º 27
# Ejercicio 755: Calcular la raíz cuadrada y el exponente de un objeto Decimal.

from decimal import Decimal

numero = Decimal(1.79)

raiz = numero.sqrt()
exp = numero.exp()

Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, f, g, start, end, iv):
        self.f = f
        self.g = g
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.iv = iv

    def approximate(self, inc):
        curY = self.iv
        curT = self.start
        while curT <= self.end:
            gEval = self.g(curT)
            print(f"y({curT}) = {curY}; Φ({curT}) = {gEval}; Difference: {gEval - curY}")
            curY = curY + self.f(curT, curY) * (inc)
            curT += inc

ranges = [Decimal(i) for i in (".1", ".05", ".025")]
print("For y' = 3 + t - y")
f = lambda t, y: 3 + t - y
g = lambda t: t + Decimal('2') - (-t).exp()
for r in ranges:
    print("Increment of", r)
    EulerMethod(f, g, Decimal('0'), Decimal('0.4'), Decimal('1')).approximate(r)

print("\nFor y' = 0.5 - t + 2y")
f = lambda t, y: Decimal('0.5') - t + 2 * y
g = lambda t: Decimal('0.5') * t + Decimal.exp(2 * t)
for r in ranges:
    print("Increment of", r)
    EulerMethod(f, g, Decimal('0'), Decimal('0.4'), Decimal('1')).approximate(r)