Ejemplo n.º 1
    if build_tree:
        # Build tree to predict age:
        f = file("data/%s_age.csv" % filename, "r")
        max_depth = 6
        root = construct(f, ind_vars, target_var, max_depth)

        f = file("trees/age.tree", "w")
        write_tree(root, f)

        # Trim tree: TODO

    # Use tree to predict age:
    # Compile list of independent variables used to predict target variable
    tree = read_tree("trees/age.tree")
    f = file("data/%s_no_age.csv" % filename, "r")
    ind_vars[("PassengerId", "continuous")] = None
    data = get_data(f, ind_vars)
    var_dict = simplify_var_dict(ind_vars, None)

    # Output target variable predictions to csv.
    f = file("predictions/ages.csv", "w")
    f.write("PassengerId,%s\n" % target_var[0])
    for datum in data:
        distribution = tree.predict(datum, var_dict)
        write_prediction(f, distribution, target_var, int(datum[var_dict["PassengerId"]]))

    # Write a new data file with age values.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        max_key = None
        for key in distribution.keys():
            val = distribution[key]
            if val > max_val:
                max_val = val
                max_key = key
        f.write(',%s\n' % max_key)
    elif target_var[1] == 'continuous':
        f.write(',%f\n' % distribution[0])
        raise Exception('Invalid varaible type: %s' % target_var[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Build tree from a .tree file.
    tree = read_tree('trees/cat_cont_with_age.tree')

    # Compile list of independent variables used to predict target variable
    f = file('data/test_titles_tickets_ages.csv', 'r')
    ind_vars = {
        ('Sex', 'categorical'): ['male', 'female'],
        ('Pclass', 'categorical'): ['1', '2', '3'],
        ('Embarked', 'categorical'): ['S', 'C', 'Q'],
        ('Title', 'categorical'): titles,
        ('Ticket_Code', 'categorical'): ticket_codes,
        ('SibSp', 'continuous'): None,
        ('Parch', 'continuous'): None,
        ('Fare', 'continuous'): None,
        ('Ticket_Val', 'continuous'): None,
        ('PassengerId', 'continuous'): None,