Ejemplo n.º 1
# Equations for ell == 0
problem.add_equation(eq_eval("p = 0"), condition="ntheta == 0")
problem.add_equation(eq_eval("u = 0"), condition="ntheta == 0")
problem.add_equation(eq_eval("tau = 0"), condition="ntheta == 0")
logger.info("Problem built")

# Solver
solver = solvers.InitialValueSolver(problem, ts)
solver.stop_sim_time = t_end

# Analysis
t_list = []
E_list = []
weight_theta = b.local_colatitude_weights(1)
weight_r = b.local_radial_weights(1)
reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(d.comm_cart)
vol_test = np.sum(weight_r * weight_theta +
                  0 * p['g']) * np.pi / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
vol_test = reducer.reduce_scalar(vol_test, MPI.SUM)
vol_correction = 4 * np.pi / 3 / vol_test

# Main loop
start_time = time.time()
while solver.ok:
    if solver.iteration % 10 == 0:
        E0 = np.sum(vol_correction * weight_r * weight_theta * u['g'].real**2)
        E0 = 0.5 * E0 * (np.pi) / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
        E0 = reducer.reduce_scalar(E0, MPI.SUM)
        logger.info("t = %f, E = %e" % (solver.sim_time, E0))
Ejemplo n.º 2

# Output
if rank == 0:
    if not os.path.exists('{:s}/'.format(params.snapshots_dir)):

snapshots = FileHandler(params.snapshots_dir, domain, B, max_writes=1)
snapshots.add_task(T, name='T', index=0)
snapshots.add_task(u, name='u0', index=0)
snapshots.add_task(u, name='u1', index=1)
snapshots.add_task(u, name='u2', index=2)

reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(domain.dist.comm_cart)
dr = np.gradient(r[0,0])
dangle = 1 / (params.L_max + 1)

def calculate_dt(dt_old):
    local_freq = u['g'][0]/dr + u['g'][1]/dangle + u['g'][2]/dangle
    global_freq = reducer.global_max(local_freq)
    if global_freq == 0.:
        dt = np.inf
        dt = 1 / global_freq
        dt *= params.safety
    if dt > params.dt_max:
        dt = params.dt_max
    if dt < dt_old*(1+params.threshold) and dt > dt_old*(1-params.threshold):
        dt = dt_old
Ejemplo n.º 3
        N = N_max - B.N_min(ell - R_max)

        # multiply by conversion matrices (may be very important)
        # note that M matrices are no longer conversion matrices -- need to divide by Ekman or Prandtl
        u_len = u_rhs['c'][ell_local].shape[0]
        u_rhs['c'][ell_local] = M[ell_local][:u_len, :u_len].dot(
            u_rhs['c'][ell_local]) / Ekman
        p_len = p_rhs['c'][ell_local].shape[0]
        T_rhs['c'][ell_local] = M[ell_local][
            u_len + p_len:u_len + 2 * p_len, u_len + p_len:u_len +
            2 * p_len].dot(T_rhs['c'][ell_local]) / Prandtl

    NL.pack(u_rhs, p_rhs, T_rhs)

reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(domain.dist.comm_cart)

timing_iter = 10
if args['--run_time_iter'] is None:
    iter_end = np.inf
    iter_end = int(args['--run_time_iter']) + timing_iter

out_cadence = 1000
report_cadence = 1

def initial_iterations(timing_iter):
    t = 0.
    iter = 0
        T_rhs['c'][ell_local] = M[ell_local][u_len+p_len:u_len+p_len+T_len,u_len+p_len:u_len+p_len+T_len].dot(T_rhs['c'][ell_local])
        A_rhs['c'][ell_local] = M[ell_local][u_len+p_len+T_len:u_len+p_len+T_len+A_len,u_len+p_len+T_len:u_len+p_len+T_len+A_len].dot(A_rhs['c'][ell_local])


t_list = []
Ek_list = []
Em_list = []

# timestepping loop
start_time = time.time()

t = 0
iter = 0

reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(domain.dist.comm_cart)

while t < t_end:


    if iter % 5 == 0:

        # H = curl(A)
        for ell in range(ell_start,ell_end+1):
            ell_local = ell - ell_start

        Ek = np.sum(weight_r*weight_theta* 0.5*u['g']**2)*(np.pi)/((L_max+1)*L_dealias)
        Em = np.sum(weight_r*weight_theta* 0.5/Rossby*H['g']**2)*np.pi/((L_max+1)*L_dealias)
Ejemplo n.º 5
problem.add_equation(eq_eval("tau_A = 0"), condition="ntheta == 0")
problem.add_equation(eq_eval("T(r=1) = 0"))

# Solver
solver = solvers.InitialValueSolver(problem, ts)
solver.stop_sim_time = t_end

logger.info("built IVP")

# Analysis
t_list = []
KE_list = []
ME_list = []
weight_theta = b.local_colatitude_weights(1)
weight_r = b.local_radial_weights(1)
reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(d.comm_cart)
vol_test = np.sum(weight_r * weight_theta +
                  0 * p['g']) * np.pi / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
vol_test = reducer.reduce_scalar(vol_test, MPI.SUM)
vol_correction = 4 * np.pi / 3 / vol_test

# Main loop
report_cadence = 10
good_solution = True
start_time = time.time()
while solver.ok and good_solution:
    if solver.iteration % report_cadence == 0:
        KE = np.sum(vol_correction * weight_r * weight_theta * u['g'].real**2)
        KE = 0.5 * KE * (np.pi) / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
        KE = reducer.reduce_scalar(KE, MPI.SUM)
        B = (operators.Curl(A)).evaluate()
    L = subproblem.left_perm.T @ subproblem.L_min
    shape = L.shape
    N0, N1 = BC_rows(Nmax, 2)
    tau_columns = np.zeros((shape[0], 4))
    tau_columns[:N0, 0] = (C(Nmax))[:, -1]
    tau_columns[:N0, 1] = (C(Nmax))[:, -2]
    tau_columns[N0:N1, 2] = (C(Nmax))[:, -1]
    tau_columns[N0:N1, 3] = (C(Nmax))[:, -2]
    L[:, -4:] = tau_columns
    subproblem.L_min = subproblem.left_perm @ L
    subproblem.expand_matrices(['M', 'L'])

weight_theta = b.local_colatitude_weights(1)
weight_r = b.local_radial_weights(1)
reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(d.comm_cart)
vol_test = np.sum(weight_r * weight_theta +
                  0 * T['g']) * np.pi / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
vol_test = reducer.reduce_scalar(vol_test, MPI.SUM)
vol_correction = 4 * np.pi / 3 / vol_test

report_cadence = 10

dt = 1e-3

plot_cadence = report_cadence
plot = theta_target in theta

var = T['g']
name = 'T_diff'
if plot:
Ejemplo n.º 7
problem.add_equation(eq_eval("T_c(r=1) = 0"))

logger.info("Problem built")

# Solver
solver = solvers.InitialValueSolver(problem, ts)
solver.stop_sim_time = t_end + dt

# Analysis
t_list = []
E_list = []
T_list = []
T_err_list = []
weight_theta = b.local_colatitude_weights(1)
weight_r = b.local_radial_weights(1)
reducer = GlobalArrayReducer(d.comm_cart)
vol_test = np.sum(weight_r * weight_theta +
                  0 * T['g']) * np.pi / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
vol_test = reducer.reduce_scalar(vol_test, MPI.SUM)
vol_correction = 4 * np.pi / 3 / vol_test

report_cadence = 10

# Main loop
start_time = time.time()
while solver.ok:
    if args['--verbose'] and solver.iteration % report_cadence == 0 and solver.iteration > 0:
        E0 = np.sum(vol_correction * weight_r * weight_theta * u['g'].real**2)
        E0 = 0.5 * E0 * (np.pi) / (Lmax + 1) / L_dealias
        E0 = reducer.reduce_scalar(E0, MPI.SUM)
        T0 = np.sum(vol_correction * weight_r * weight_theta * T['g'].real**2)