def fit_mean_std_with_tobit(self, y_intervals):
     y_single_valued, y_left_censored, y_right_censored, data_mean, data_std = self.read_tensors_from_intervals(
     delta = to_torch(0, grad=True)
     # tuple for single valued, left censored, right censored
     x_tuple = (delta, delta, delta)
     y_tuple = (y_single_valued, y_left_censored, y_right_censored)
     gamma = to_torch(1, device='cpu', grad=True)
     tobit = Reparametrized_Scaled_Tobit_Loss(gamma, device='cpu')
     optimizer = t.optim.SGD([delta, gamma], lr=1e-1)
     patience = 5
     for i in range(10_000):
         prev_delta, prev_gamma = delta.clone(), gamma.clone()
         loss = tobit(x_tuple, y_tuple)
         early_stop = math.fabs(delta - prev_delta) + math.fabs(
             gamma - prev_gamma) < 1e-5
         if early_stop:
             patience -= 1
             if patience == 0:
             patience = 5
         if i % 100 == 0:
             print(i, delta, gamma)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, x: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor], y: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor]) -> t.Tensor:
        x_single_value, x_left_censored, x_right_censored = x
        y_single_value, y_left_censored, y_right_censored = y
        N = len(y_single_value) + len(y_left_censored) + len(y_right_censored)

        sigma = t.abs(self.sigma)

        # Step 1: compute loss for uncensored data based on pdf:
        # -sum(ln(pdf((y - x)/sigma)) - ln(sigma))
        log_likelihood_pdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_single_value) > 0:
            log_likelihood_pdf = -t.sum(-(((y_single_value - x_single_value) / sigma) ** 2) / 2 - t.log(sigma + self.epsilon))

        # Step 2: compute loss for left censored data:
        # -sum(ln(cdf((y - x)/sigma) - cdf((truncation - x)/sigma)))
        log_likelihood_cdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_left_censored) > 0:
            truncation_low_penalty = 0 if not self.truncated_low else cdf((self.truncated_low - x_left_censored) / sigma)
            log_likelihood_cdf = -t.sum(t.log(cdf((y_left_censored - x_left_censored) / sigma) - truncation_low_penalty + self.epsilon))

        # Step 3: compute the loss for right censored data:
        # -sum(ln(cdf((delta - y)/sigma) - cdf((delta - truncation)/sigma)))
        # Notice that: log(1 - cdf(z)) = log(cdf(-z)), thus compared to step 2, the signs for gamma and x are swapped
        log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_right_censored) > 0:
            truncation_high_penalty = 0 if not self.truncated_high else cdf((-self.truncated_high + x_right_censored) / sigma)
            log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf = -t.sum(t.log(cdf((-y_right_censored + x_right_censored) / sigma) - truncation_high_penalty + self.epsilon))

        log_likelihood = log_likelihood_pdf + log_likelihood_cdf + log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf

        std_penalty = 0 if not self.std_panalty else self.std_panalty * sigma

        return log_likelihood + std_penalty
 def fit_mean_std_with_tobit(self, y_intervals):
     y_single_valued, y_left_censored, y_right_censored, data_mean, data_std = self.read_tensors_from_intervals(
     mean = to_torch(0, grad=True)
     # tuple for single valued, left censored, right censored
     x_tuple = (mean, mean, mean)
     y_tuple = (y_single_valued, y_left_censored, y_right_censored)
     std = to_torch(1, device='cpu', grad=True)
     tobit = Scaled_Tobit_Loss(std, device='cpu')
     optimizer = t.optim.SGD([mean, std], lr=1e-1)
     patience = 5
     for i in range(10_000):
         prev_delta, prev_std = mean.clone(), std.clone()
         loss = tobit(x_tuple, y_tuple)
         early_stop = math.fabs(mean - prev_delta) + math.fabs(
             std - prev_std) < 1e-5
         if early_stop:
             patience -= 1
             if patience == 0:
             patience = 5
         if i % 100 == 0:
             print(i, mean, std)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def forward(self, x: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor], y: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor], gamma: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor]) -> t.Tensor:
        x_single_value, x_left_censored, x_right_censored = x
        y_single_value, y_left_censored, y_right_censored = y
        gamma_single_value, gamma_left_censored, gamma_right_censored = gamma
        gamma_single_value, gamma_left_censored, gamma_right_censored = t.abs(gamma_single_value), t.abs(gamma_left_censored), t.abs(gamma_right_censored)
        N = len(y_single_value) + len(y_left_censored) + len(y_right_censored)

        # Step 1: compute loss for uncensored data based on pdf:
        # -sum(ln(gamma) + ln(pdf(gamma * y - x)))
        log_likelihood_pdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_single_value) > 0:
            log_likelihood_pdf = -t.sum(t.log(gamma_single_value + self.epsilon) - ((gamma_single_value * y_single_value - x_single_value) ** 2) / 2)

        # Step 2: compute loss for left censored data:
        # -sum(ln(cdf(gamma * y - x) - cdf(gamma * truncation - x)))
        log_likelihood_cdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_left_censored) > 0:
            truncation_low_penalty = 0 if not self.truncated_low else cdf(gamma_left_censored * self.truncated_low - x_left_censored)
            log_likelihood_cdf = -t.sum(t.log(cdf(gamma_left_censored * y_left_censored - x_left_censored) - truncation_low_penalty + self.epsilon))

        # Step 3: compute the loss for right censored data:
        # -sum(ln(cdf(x - gamma * y) - cdf(x - gamma * truncation)))
        # Notice that: log(1 - cdf(z)) = log(cdf(-z)), thus compared to step 2, the signs for gamma and x are swapped
        log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_right_censored) > 0:
            truncation_high_penalty = 0 if not self.truncated_high else cdf(-gamma_right_censored * self.truncated_high + x_right_censored)
            log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf = -t.sum(t.log(cdf(-gamma_right_censored * y_right_censored + x_right_censored) - truncation_high_penalty + self.epsilon))

        log_likelihood = log_likelihood_pdf + log_likelihood_cdf + log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf

        return log_likelihood
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def forward(self, x: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor], y: Tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor, t.Tensor]) -> t.Tensor:
        x_single_value, x_left_censored, x_right_censored = x
        y_single_value, y_left_censored, y_right_censored = y
        N = len(y_single_value) + len(y_left_censored) + len(y_right_censored)

        # Step 1: compute loss for uncensored data based on pdf:
        # -sum(ln(pdf(y - delta)))
        log_likelihood_pdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_single_value) > 0:
            log_likelihood_pdf = t.sum(((y_single_value - x_single_value) ** 2) / 2)

        # Step 2: compute loss for left censored data:
        # -sum(ln(cdf(y - delta) - cdf(truncation - delta)))
        log_likelihood_cdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_left_censored) > 0:
            truncation_low_penalty = 0 if not self.truncated_low else cdf(self.truncated_low - x_left_censored)
            log_likelihood_cdf = -t.sum(t.log(cdf(y_left_censored - x_left_censored) - truncation_low_penalty + self.epsilon))

        # Step 3: compute the loss for right censored data:
        # -sum(ln(cdf(delta - y) - cdf(delta - truncation)))
        # Notice that: log(1 - cdf(x)) = log(cdf(-x)), thus the swapped signs
        log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf = to_torch(0, device = self.device, grad = True)
        if len(y_right_censored) > 0:
            truncation_high_penalty = 0 if not self.truncated_high else cdf(x_right_censored - self.truncated_high)
            log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf = -t.sum(t.log(cdf(x_right_censored - y_right_censored) - truncation_high_penalty + self.epsilon))

        log_likelihood = log_likelihood_pdf + log_likelihood_cdf + log_likelihood_1_minus_cdf

        return log_likelihood
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_cdf_gradient(self):
        input = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]

        # manual gradient computing
        x = np.array(input)
        mean, std = x.mean(), x.std()
        x_normalized = normalize(x, mean, std)
        expected_cdf = norm.cdf(x_normalized)
        expected_log_likelihood = np.log(expected_cdf)
        expected_grad_log_likelihood_by_x = norm.pdf(x_normalized) / (expected_cdf * std)

        # automatic gradient computing
        x = to_torch(input, grad = True)
        # in this test mean & std are considered constants
        x_normalized = normalize(x, mean, std)
        cdf_result = cdf(x_normalized)
        assert_almost_equal(to_numpy(cdf_result), expected_cdf)

        log_likelihood_result = t.log(cdf_result)
        assert_almost_equal(to_numpy(log_likelihood_result), expected_log_likelihood)

        loss = t.sum(log_likelihood_result)
        assert_almost_equal(to_numpy(x.grad), expected_grad_log_likelihood_by_x)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def forward(ctx, x: t.Tensor) -> t.Tensor:
     type, device = x.dtype, x.device
     _x = to_numpy(x)
     pdf = to_torch(norm.pdf(_x), type=type, device=device, grad=False)
     return to_torch(norm.cdf(_x), type=type, device=device, grad=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        grad = None
        if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
            grad = grad_output * pdf
        return grad

cdf = __CDF.apply

if __name__ == '__main__':
    input = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]

    # manual gradient computing
    x = np.array(input)
    mean, std = x.mean(), x.std()
    x_normalized = normalize(x, mean, std)
    expected_cdf = norm.cdf(x_normalized)
    expected_log_likelihood = np.log(expected_cdf)
    expected_grad_log_likelihood_by_x = norm.pdf(x_normalized) / (
        expected_cdf * std)

    # automatic gradient computing
    x = to_torch(input, grad=True)
    # in this test mean & std are considered constants
    x_normalized = normalize(x, mean, std)
    cdf_result = cdf(x_normalized)

    log_likelihood_result = t.log(cdf_result)

    loss = t.sum(log_likelihood_result)
    print(x.grad, expected_grad_log_likelihood_by_x)