Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self,
     #Importants for running session.
     # From Session:
     self.log = log
     self.mainOutputAbsFolder = mainOutputAbsFolder
     # From test config:
     self.sessionName = self.getSessionName( cfg[cfg.SESSION_NAME] )
     abs_path_to_cfg = cfg.get_abs_path_to_cfg()
     abs_path_to_saved = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL], abs_path_to_cfg ) if cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL] is not None else None # Where to load the model from.
     self.savedModelFilepath = check_and_adjust_path_to_ckpt( self.log, abs_path_to_saved) if abs_path_to_saved is not None else None
     #[[case1-ch1, ..., caseN-ch1], [case1-ch2,...,caseN-ch2]]
     listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCases = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS]]
     self.channelsFilepaths = [ list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCases)) ] # [[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
     self.providedGt = True if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS] is not None else False
     self.gtLabelsFilepaths = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS] is not None else None
     self.providedRoiMasks = True if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS] is not None else False
     self.roiMasksFilepaths = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if self.providedRoiMasks else None
     self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeatures = parseFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE] is not None else None #CAREFUL: different parser! #Optional. Not required if not saving results.
     self.saveSegmentation = cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM] is not None else True
     self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClass = cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] if (cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] is not None and cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] != []) else [True]*num_classes
     self.filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatient = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     self.saveIndividualFmImages = cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS] is not None else False
     self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFms = cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS] is not None else False
     if self.saveIndividualFmImages == True or self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFms == True:
         indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_NORMAL]] +\
                                                      [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_SUBSAMPLED]] +\
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [item if item is not None else [] for item in indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save]
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = None
     self.filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatient = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     self.padInputImagesBool = cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] if cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] is not None else True
     #Others useful internally or for reporting:
     self.numberOfCases = len(self.channelsFilepaths)
     #HIDDENS, no config allowed for these at the moment:
     self.useSameSubChannelsAsSingleScale = True
     self.subsampledChannelsFilepaths = "placeholder" #List of Lists with filepaths per patient. Only used when above is False.
     self._makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures( folderForPredictions, folderForFeatures )
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self,
     #Importants for running session.
     # From Session:
     self.log = log
     self.mainOutputAbsFolder = mainOutputAbsFolder
     # From test config:
     self.sessionName = self.getSessionName( cfg[cfg.SESSION_NAME] )
     abs_path_to_cfg = cfg.get_abs_path_to_cfg()
     abs_path_to_saved = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL], abs_path_to_cfg ) if cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL] is not None else None # Where to load the model from.
     self.savedModelFilepath = check_and_adjust_path_to_ckpt( self.log, abs_path_to_saved) if abs_path_to_saved is not None else None
     #[[case1-ch1, ..., caseN-ch1], [case1-ch2,...,caseN-ch2]]
     listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCases = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS]]
     self.channelsFilepaths = [ list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCases)) ] # [[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
     self.providedGt = True if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS] is not None else False
     self.gtLabelsFilepaths = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS] is not None else None
     self.providedRoiMasks = True if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS] is not None else False
     self.roiMasksFilepaths = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if self.providedRoiMasks else None
     self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeatures = parseFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE] is not None else None #CAREFUL: different parser! #Optional. Not required if not saving results.
     self.saveSegmentation = cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM] is not None else True
     self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClass = cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] if (cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] is not None and cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] != []) else [True]*num_classes
     self.filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatient = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     self.suffixForSegmAndProbsDict = cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB] if cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB] is not None else {"segm": "Segm", "prob": "ProbMapClass"}
     self.batchsize = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE] if cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE] is not None else 10
     self.saveIndividualFmImages = cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS] is not None else False
     self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFms = cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS] is not None else False
     if self.saveIndividualFmImages == True or self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFms == True:
         indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_NORMAL]] +\
                                                      [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_SUBSAMPLED]] +\
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [item if item is not None else [] for item in indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save]
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = None
     self.filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatient = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     self.padInputImagesBool = cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] if cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] is not None else True
     #Others useful internally or for reporting:
     self.numberOfCases = len(self.channelsFilepaths)
     #HIDDENS, no config allowed for these at the moment:
     self._makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures( folderForPredictions, folderForFeatures )
 def make_output_folders(self):
     self._main_out_folder_abs = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( self._cfg[self._cfg.FOLDER_OUTP],
                                                                  self.get_abs_path_to_cfg() )
      self._out_folder_fms] = makeFoldersNeededForTrainingSession( self._main_out_folder_abs, self._sess_name )
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, cfg):
     self._cfg = cfg
     self._sess_name = self._make_sess_name()
     self._main_out_folder_abs = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( cfg[cfg.FOLDER_OUTP], self.get_abs_path_to_cfg() )
     self._log_folder_abs = None
     self._log = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def make_output_folders(self):
     self._main_out_folder_abs = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( self._cfg[self._cfg.FOLDER_OUTP],
                                                                  self.get_abs_path_to_cfg() )
      self._out_folder_fms] = makeFoldersNeededForTrainingSession( self._main_out_folder_abs, self._sess_name )
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, log, mainOutputAbsFolder, folderForSessionCnnModels,
                 folderForPredictionsVal, folderForFeaturesVal, num_classes,
                 model_name, cfg):

        # Importants for running session.
        # From Session:
        self.log = log
        self.mainOutputAbsFolder = mainOutputAbsFolder

        # From Config:
        self.sessionName = self.getSessionName(cfg[cfg.SESSION_NAME])

        abs_path_to_cfg = cfg.get_abs_path_to_cfg()
        abs_path_to_saved = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL], abs_path_to_cfg) \
            if cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL] is not None else None  # Load pretrained model.

        self.savedModelFilepath = check_and_adjust_path_to_ckpt(self.log, abs_path_to_saved) \
            if abs_path_to_saved is not None else None

        self.tensorboardLog = cfg[cfg.TENSORBOARD_LOG] if cfg[
            cfg.TENSORBOARD_LOG] is not None else False

        # ====================TRAINING==========================
        self.filepath_to_save_models = folderForSessionCnnModels + "/" + model_name + "." + self.sessionName
        if cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR] is None:
        if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_TR] is None:

        # [[case1-ch1, ..., caseN-ch1], [case1-ch2,...,caseN-ch2]]
        listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain = [
            for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR]
        # [[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
        self.channelsFilepathsTrain = \
            [list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain))]
        self.gtLabelsFilepathsTrain = \
            parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_TR], abs_path_to_cfg))

        # [Optionals]
        # ~~~~~~~~~Sampling~~~~~~~
        self.roiMasksFilepathsTrain = \
            parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_TR], abs_path_to_cfg)) \
            if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_TR] is not None else None

        sampling_type_flag_tr = cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_TR] if cfg[
            cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_TR] is not None else 3
        self.sampling_type_inst_tr = samplingType.SamplingType(
            self.log, sampling_type_flag_tr, num_classes)
        if sampling_type_flag_tr in [
                0, 3
        ] and cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_TR] is not None:
            n_sampl_cats_tr = self.sampling_type_inst_tr.get_n_sampling_cats()
                [1.0 / n_sampl_cats_tr] * n_sampl_cats_tr)

        self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_train = None
        if cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_TR] is not None:
            # [[case1-weightMap1, ..., caseN-weightMap1], [case1-weightMap2,...,caseN-weightMap2]]
            self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_train = [
                                                    abs_path_to_cfg)) for
                weightMapConfPath in cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_TR]

        # ~~~~~~~~ Training Cycle ~~~~~~~~~~~
        self.numberOfEpochs = cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS] if cfg[
            cfg.NUM_EPOCHS] is not None else 35
        self.numberOfSubepochs = cfg[cfg.NUM_SUBEP] if cfg[
            cfg.NUM_SUBEP] is not None else 20
        self.max_n_cases_per_subep_train = \
            cfg[cfg.NUM_CASES_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_CASES_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 50
        self.n_samples_per_subep_train = \
            cfg[cfg.NUM_TR_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_TR_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 1000
        self.batchsize_train = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_TR] if cfg[
            cfg.BATCHSIZE_TR] is not None else errReqBatchSizeTr()
        self.num_parallel_proc_sampling = cfg[cfg.NUM_OF_PROC_SAMPL] if cfg[
            cfg.NUM_OF_PROC_SAMPL] is not None else 0

        # ~~~~~~~ Learning Rate Schedule ~~~~~~~~

        assert cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] in [
            'stable', 'predef', 'poly', 'auto', 'expon'
        self.lr_sched_params = {
            'type': cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE]
            if cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] is not None else 'poly',
            'predef': {
                cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] if cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] is not None else 2.0
            'auto': {
                if cfg[cfg.AUTO_MIN_INCR_VAL_ACC] is not None else 0.0,
                if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else 5,
                cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] if cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] is not None else 2.0
            'poly': {
                cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT]
                is not None else self.numberOfEpochs / 3,
            'expon': {
                cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT]
                is not None else self.numberOfEpochs / 3,
                if cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH] is not None else 1.0 / (2**8),
                if cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH] is not None else 0.9
        # Predefined.
        if self.lr_sched_params['type'] == 'predef' and self.lr_sched_params[
                'predef']['epochs'] is None:

        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Augmentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # Image level
        self.augm_img_prms_tr = {
            'affine': None
        }  # If var is None, no augm at all.
        if cfg[cfg.AUGM_IMG_PRMS_TR] is not None:
            self.augm_img_prms_tr['affine'] = AugmenterAffineParams(

        # Patch/Segment level
        self.augm_sample_prms_tr = {
            'hist_dist': None,
            'reflect': None,
            'rotate90': None
        if cfg[cfg.AUGM_SAMPLE_PRMS_TR] is not None:
            for key in cfg[cfg.AUGM_SAMPLE_PRMS_TR]:
                # For exact form of parameters, see ./deepmedic/dataManagement/augmentation.py
                self.augm_sample_prms_tr[key] = cfg[

        # ===================VALIDATION========================
        self.val_on_samples_during_train = \
            cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_SAMPLES] if cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_SAMPLES] is not None else False
        if self.lr_sched_params[
                'type'] == 'auto' and not self.val_on_samples_during_train:
        self.val_on_whole_volumes = \
            cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_INFERENCE] if cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_INFERENCE] is not None else False

        # Input:
        if self.val_on_samples_during_train or self.val_on_whole_volumes:
            if cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_VAL]:
                listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesVal = [
                            channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg))
                    for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_VAL]
                # [[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
                self.channelsFilepathsVal = \
                    [list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesVal))]

            self.channelsFilepathsVal = []
        if self.val_on_samples_during_train:
            self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = \
                parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg)) \
                if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL] is not None else self.errorReqGtLabelsVal()
        elif self.val_on_whole_volumes:
            self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = \
                parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg)) \
                if cfg[ cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL] is not None else []
        else:  # Dont perform either of the two validations.
            self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = []

        # [Optionals]
        self.roiMasksFilepathsVal = \
            parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg)) \
            if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_VAL] is not None else None  # For fast inf.

        # ~~~~~Validation on Samples~~~~~~~~
        self.n_samples_per_subep_val = \
            cfg[cfg.NUM_VAL_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_VAL_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 3000
        self.batchsize_val_samples = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_SAMPL] if cfg[
            cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_SAMPL] is not None else 50

        # ~~~~~~~~~ Sampling (Validation) ~~~~~~~~~~~
        sampling_type_flag_val = cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_VAL] if cfg[
            cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_VAL] is not None else 1
        self.sampling_type_inst_val = samplingType.SamplingType(
            self.log, sampling_type_flag_val, num_classes)
        if sampling_type_flag_val in [
                0, 3
        ] and cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_VAL] is not None:
            n_sampl_cats_val = self.sampling_type_inst_val.get_n_sampling_cats(
                [1.0 / n_sampl_cats_val] * n_sampl_cats_val)

        self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_val = None
        if cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_VAL] is not None:
            # [[case1-weightMap1, ..., caseN-weightMap1], [case1-weightMap2,...,caseN-weightMap2]]
            self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_val = [
                                                    abs_path_to_cfg)) for
                weightMapConfPath in cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_VAL]

        # ~~~~~~Full inference on validation image~~~~~~
        self.num_epochs_between_val_on_whole_volumes = \
            cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VAL_INF] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VAL_INF] is not None else 1
        if self.num_epochs_between_val_on_whole_volumes == 0 and self.val_on_whole_volumes:

        self.batchsize_val_whole = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_WHOLE] if cfg[
            cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_WHOLE] is not None else 10

        # predictions
        self.saveSegmentationVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM_VAL] if cfg[
            cfg.SAVE_SEGM_VAL] is not None else True
        self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClassVal = \
            cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] \
            if (cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] is not None and cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] != []) \
            else [True] * num_classes
        # Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
        self.filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatientVal = None
        self.suffixForSegmAndProbsDictVal = cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB_VAL] \
            if cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB_VAL] is not None \
            else {"segm": "Segm", "prob": "ProbMapClass"}
        # features:
        self.save_fms_flag_val = \
            cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS_VAL] is not None else False
        if self.save_fms_flag_val is True:
            indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_NORMAL_VAL]] + \
                                                         [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_SUBSAMPLED_VAL]] + \
            # By default, save none.
            self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = \
                [item if item is not None else [] for item in indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save]
            self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = None
        # Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
        self.filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatientVal = None

        # Output:
        # Given by the config file, and is then used to fill filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatient
        # and filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatient.
        self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeaturesVal = \
                getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg)) \
            if cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE_VAL] \
            else None  # CAREFUL: Here we use a different parsing function!
        if not self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeaturesVal and self.val_on_whole_volumes \
                and (self.saveSegmentationVal or True in self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClassVal
                     or self.save_fms_flag_val):

        # ===================== PRE-PROCESSING ======================
        # === Data compatibility checks ===
        self.run_input_checks = cfg[cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] if cfg[
            cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] is not None else True
        # == Padding ==
        self.pad_input = cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] if cfg[
            cfg.PAD_INPUT] is not None else True
        # == Normalization ==
        norm_zscore_prms = {
            'apply_to_all_channels': False,  # True/False
            None,  # Must be None if above True. Else, List Bool per channel
            None,  # None or [low, high], each from 0.0 to 100. Eg [5.,95.]
            None,  # None or [low, high], each positive Float. Eg [3.,3.]
            'cutoff_below_mean': False
        if cfg[cfg.NORM_ZSCORE_PRMS] is not None:
            for key in cfg[cfg.NORM_ZSCORE_PRMS]:
                norm_zscore_prms[key] = cfg[cfg.NORM_ZSCORE_PRMS][key]
        if norm_zscore_prms['apply_to_all_channels'] and norm_zscore_prms[
                'apply_per_channel'] is not None:
        if norm_zscore_prms['apply_per_channel'] is not None:
            assert len(norm_zscore_prms['apply_per_channel']) == len(
                cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR])  # num channels
        # Aggregate params from all types of normalization:
        # norm_prms = None : No int normalization will be performed.
        # norm_prms['verbose_lvl']: 0: No logging, 1: Type of cutoffs and timing 2: Stats.
        self.norm_prms = {
            if cfg[cfg.NORM_VERB_LVL] is not None else 0,

        # ============= OTHERS ==========
        # Others useful internally or for reporting:
        self.numberOfCasesTrain = len(self.channelsFilepathsTrain)
        self.numberOfCasesVal = len(self.channelsFilepathsVal)

        # ========= HIDDENS =============
        # no config allowed for these at the moment:

        # Re-weight samples in the cost function *on a per-class basis*: Type of re-weighting and training schedule.
        # E.g. to exclude a class, or counter class imbalance.
        # "type": string/None, "prms": any/None, "schedule": [ min_epoch, max_epoch ]
        # Type, prms combinations: "freq", None || "per_c", [0., 2., 1., ...] (as many as classes)
        # "schedule": Constant before epoch [0], linear change towards equal weight (=1) until epoch [1],
        # constant equal weights (=1) afterwards.
        self.reweight_classes_in_cost = \
            cfg[cfg.W_C_IN_COST] \
            if cfg[cfg.W_C_IN_COST] is not None \
            else {"type": None,
                  "prms": None,
                  "schedule": [0, self.numberOfEpochs]
        if self.reweight_classes_in_cost["type"] == "per_c":
            assert len(self.reweight_classes_in_cost["prms"]) == num_classes

            folderForPredictionsVal, folderForFeaturesVal)

        # ====Optimization=====
        self.learningRate = cfg[cfg.LRATE] if cfg[
            cfg.LRATE] is not None else 0.001
        self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 = cfg[cfg.OPTIMIZER] if cfg[
            cfg.OPTIMIZER] is not None else 2
        if self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 0:
            self.b1Adam = "placeholder"
            self.b2Adam = "placeholder"
            self.eAdam = "placeholder"
            self.rhoRms = "placeholder"
            self.eRms = "placeholder"
        elif self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 1:
            self.b1Adam = cfg[cfg.B1_ADAM] if cfg[
                B1_ADAM] is not None else 0.9  # default in paper and seems good
            self.b2Adam = cfg[cfg.B2_ADAM] if cfg[
                B2_ADAM] is not None else 0.999  # default in paper and seems good
            self.eAdam = cfg[cfg.EPS_ADAM] if cfg[
                cfg.EPS_ADAM] is not None else 10**(-8)
            self.rhoRms = "placeholder"
            self.eRms = "placeholder"
        elif self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 2:
            self.b1Adam = "placeholder"
            self.b2Adam = "placeholder"
            self.eAdam = "placeholder"
            self.rhoRms = cfg[cfg.RHO_RMS] if cfg[
                RHO_RMS] is not None else 0.9  # default in paper and seems good
            # 1e-6 was the default in the paper, but blew up the gradients in first try. Never tried 1e-5 yet.
            self.eRms = cfg[cfg.EPS_RMS] if cfg[
                cfg.EPS_RMS] is not None else 10**(-4)

        self.classicMom0Nesterov1 = cfg[cfg.MOM_TYPE] if cfg[
            cfg.MOM_TYPE] is not None else 1
        if self.classicMom0Nesterov1 not in [0, 1]:
        self.momNonNormalized0Normalized1 = cfg[cfg.MOM_NORM_NONNORM] if cfg[
            cfg.MOM_NORM_NONNORM] is not None else 1
        if self.momNonNormalized0Normalized1 not in [0, 1]:
        self.momentumValue = cfg[cfg.MOM] if cfg[cfg.MOM] is not None else 0.6
        if self.momentumValue < 0. or self.momentumValue > 1:

        # ==Regularization==
        self.L1_reg_weight = cfg[cfg.L1_REG] if cfg[
            cfg.L1_REG] is not None else 0.000001
        self.L2_reg_weight = cfg[cfg.L2_REG] if cfg[
            cfg.L2_REG] is not None else 0.0001

        # ============= HIDDENS ==============
        # Indices of layers that should not be trained (kept fixed).
        layersToFreezePerPathwayType = [
            cfg[cfg.LAYERS_TO_FREEZE_NORM], cfg[cfg.LAYERS_TO_FREEZE_SUBS],
        indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm = \
            [l - 1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[0]] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[0] is not None else []
        indicesOfLayersToFreezeSubs = \
            [l - 1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[1]] \
            if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[1] is not None \
            else indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm
        indicesOfLayersToFreezeFc = \
            [l - 1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[2]] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[2] is not None else []
        # Three sublists, one per pathway type: Normal, Subsampled, FC. eg: [[0,1,2],[0,1,2],[]
        self.indicesOfLayersPerPathwayTypeToFreeze = [
            indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm, indicesOfLayersToFreezeSubs,

        self.losses_and_weights = cfg[cfg.LOSSES_WEIGHTS] if cfg[
            cfg.LOSSES_WEIGHTS] is not None else {
                "xentr": 1.0,
                "iou": None,
                "dsc": None
        assert True in [
            self.losses_and_weights[k] is not None
            for k in ["xentr", "iou", "dsc"]

Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self,
     #Importants for running session.
     # From Session:
     self.log = log
     self.mainOutputAbsFolder = mainOutputAbsFolder
     # From Config:
     self.sessionName = self.getSessionName( cfg[cfg.SESSION_NAME] )
     abs_path_to_cfg = cfg.get_abs_path_to_cfg()
     abs_path_to_saved = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL], abs_path_to_cfg ) if cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL] is not None else None # Load pretrained model.
     self.savedModelFilepath = check_and_adjust_path_to_ckpt( self.log, abs_path_to_saved) if abs_path_to_saved is not None else None
     self.filepath_to_save_models = folderForSessionCnnModels + "/" + model_name + "." + self.sessionName
     if cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR] is None:
     if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_TR] is None:
     #[[case1-ch1, ..., caseN-ch1], [case1-ch2,...,caseN-ch2]]
     listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR]]
     self.channelsFilepathsTrain = [ list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain)) ] #[[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
     self.gtLabelsFilepathsTrain = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_TR], abs_path_to_cfg) )
     self.providedRoiMasksTrain = True if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_TR] else False
     self.roiMasksFilepathsTrain = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_TR], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if self.providedRoiMasksTrain else []
     if cfg[cfg.PERC_POS_SAMPLES_TR] is not None : #Deprecated. Issue error and ask for correction.
     #~~~~~~~~~Advanced Sampling~~~~~~~
     #ADVANCED CONFIG IS DISABLED HERE IF useDefaultSamplingFromGtAndRoi = True!
     self.useDefaultTrainingSamplingFromGtAndRoi = cfg[cfg.DEFAULT_TR_SAMPLING] if cfg[cfg.DEFAULT_TR_SAMPLING] is not None else True
     if self.useDefaultTrainingSamplingFromGtAndRoi :
         self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain = samplingType.SamplingType( self.log, DEFAULT_SAMPLING_TYPE_TR, num_classes )
         numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr = self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.getNumberOfCategoriesToSample()
         self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( [1.0/numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr]*numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr )
         self.forEachSamplingCategory_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachPatientTraining = None
     else :
         samplingTypeToUseTr = cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_TR] if cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_TR] is not None else DEFAULT_SAMPLING_TYPE_TR
         self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain = samplingType.SamplingType( self.log, samplingTypeToUseTr, num_classes)
         if samplingTypeToUseTr in [0,3] and cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_TR] :
             self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_TR] )
         else :
             numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr = self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.getNumberOfCategoriesToSample()
             self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( [1.0/numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr]*numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr )
         # This could be shortened.
         if cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_TR] :
             #[[case1-weightMap1, ..., caseN-weightMap1], [case1-weightMap2,...,caseN-weightMap2]]
             listOfAListPerWeightMapCategoryWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(weightMapConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for weightMapConfPath in cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_TR]]
         else :
             listOfAListPerWeightMapCategoryWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain = None
         self.forEachSamplingCategory_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachPatientTraining = listOfAListPerWeightMapCategoryWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain #If None, following bool will turn False.
     self.providedWeightMapsToSampleForEachCategoryTraining = True if self.forEachSamplingCategory_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachPatientTraining else False 
     #~~~~~~~~ Training Cycle ~~~~~~~~~~~
     self.numberOfEpochs = cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS] is not None else 35
     self.numberOfSubepochs = cfg[cfg.NUM_SUBEP] if cfg[cfg.NUM_SUBEP] is not None else 20
     self.numOfCasesLoadedPerSubepoch = cfg[cfg.NUM_CASES_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_CASES_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 50
     self.segmentsLoadedOnGpuPerSubepochTrain = cfg[cfg.NUM_TR_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_TR_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 1000
     #~~~~~~~ Learning Rate Schedule ~~~~~~~~
     assert cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] in ['stable', 'predef', 'poly', 'auto', 'expon']
     self.lr_sched_params = {'type': cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] if cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] is not None else 'poly',
                            'predef': { 'epochs': cfg[cfg.PREDEF_SCH],
                                        'div_lr_by': cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] if cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] is not None else 2.0 },
                            'auto': { 'min_incr_of_val_acc_considered': cfg[cfg.AUTO_MIN_INCR_VAL_ACC] if cfg[cfg.AUTO_MIN_INCR_VAL_ACC] is not None else 0.0,
                                      'epochs_wait_before_decr': cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else 5,
                                      'div_lr_by': cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] if cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] is not None else 2.0 },
                            'poly': { 'epochs_wait_before_decr': cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else self.numberOfEpochs/3,
                                      'final_ep_for_sch': self.numberOfEpochs },
                            'expon': { 'epochs_wait_before_decr': cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else self.numberOfEpochs/3,
                                       'final_ep_for_sch': self.numberOfEpochs,
                                       'lr_to_reach_at_last_ep': cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH][0] if cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH] is not None else 1.0/(2**(8)),
                                       'mom_to_reach_at_last_ep': cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH][1] if cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH] is not None else 0.9 }
     if self.lr_sched_params['type'] == 'predef' and self.lr_sched_params['predef']['epochs'] is None :
     #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Augmentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     self.reflectImagesPerAxis = cfg[cfg.REFL_AUGM_PER_AXIS] if cfg[cfg.REFL_AUGM_PER_AXIS] else [False, False, False]
     self.performIntAugm = cfg[cfg.PERF_INT_AUGM_BOOL] if cfg[cfg.PERF_INT_AUGM_BOOL] is not None else False
     if self.performIntAugm :
         self.sampleIntAugmShiftWithMuAndStd = cfg[cfg.INT_AUGM_SHIF_MUSTD] if cfg[cfg.INT_AUGM_SHIF_MUSTD] else [0.0 , 0.05]
         self.sampleIntAugmMultiWithMuAndStd = cfg[cfg.INT_AUGM_MULT_MUSTD] if cfg[cfg.INT_AUGM_MULT_MUSTD] else [1.0 , 0.01]
         self.doIntAugm_shiftMuStd_multiMuStd = [True, self.sampleIntAugmShiftWithMuAndStd, self.sampleIntAugmMultiWithMuAndStd]
     else :
         self.doIntAugm_shiftMuStd_multiMuStd = [False, 'plcholder', [], []]
     self.performValidationOnSamplesThroughoutTraining = cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_SAMPLES] if cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_SAMPLES] is not None else False
     if self.lr_sched_params['type'] == 'auto' and not self.performValidationOnSamplesThroughoutTraining :
     self.performFullInferenceOnValidationImagesEveryFewEpochs = cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_INFERENCE] if cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_INFERENCE] is not None else False
     if self.performValidationOnSamplesThroughoutTraining or self.performFullInferenceOnValidationImagesEveryFewEpochs :
         if cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_VAL] :
             listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesVal = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_VAL]]
             #[[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
             self.channelsFilepathsVal = [ list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesVal)) ]
         else :
     else :
         self.channelsFilepathsVal = []
     if self.performValidationOnSamplesThroughoutTraining :
         self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL] is not None else self.errorReqGtLabelsVal()
     elif self.performFullInferenceOnValidationImagesEveryFewEpochs :
         self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL] is not None else []
     else : # Dont perform either of the two validations.
         self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = []
     self.providedGtVal = True if self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal is not None else False
     self.providedRoiMasksVal = True if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_VAL] is not None else False #For fast inf.
     self.roiMasksFilepathsVal = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if self.providedRoiMasksVal else []
     #~~~~~Validation on Samples~~~~~~~~
     self.segmentsLoadedOnGpuPerSubepochVal = cfg[cfg.NUM_VAL_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_VAL_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 3000
     #~~~~~~~~~Advanced Validation Sampling~~~~~~~~~~~
     #ADVANCED OPTION ARE DISABLED IF useDefaultUniformValidationSampling = True!
     self.useDefaultUniformValidationSampling = cfg[cfg.DEFAULT_VAL_SAMPLING] if cfg[cfg.DEFAULT_VAL_SAMPLING] is not None else True
     if self.useDefaultUniformValidationSampling :
         self.samplingTypeInstanceVal = samplingType.SamplingType( self.log, DEFAULT_SAMPLING_TYPE_VAL, num_classes )
         numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal = self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.getNumberOfCategoriesToSample()
         self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( [1.0/numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal]*numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal )
         self.perSamplingCat_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachCaseVal = None
     else :
         samplingTypeToUseVal = cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_VAL] if cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_VAL] is not None else DEFAULT_SAMPLING_TYPE_VAL
         self.samplingTypeInstanceVal = samplingType.SamplingType( self.log, samplingTypeToUseVal, num_classes)
         if samplingTypeToUseVal in [0,3] and cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_VAL] :
             self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_VAL] )
         else :
             numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal = self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.getNumberOfCategoriesToSample()
             self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( [1.0/numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal]*numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal )
         # TODO: Shorten this
         if cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_VAL] :
             #[[case1-weightMap1, ..., caseN-weightMap1], [case1-weightMap2,...,caseN-weightMap2]]
             self.perSamplingCat_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachCaseVal = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(weightMapConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for weightMapConfPath in cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_VAL]]
         else :
             self.perSamplingCat_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachCaseVal = None
     self.providedWeightMapsToSampleForEachCategoryValidation = True if self.perSamplingCat_aListOfFilepathsToWeightMapsOfEachCaseVal else False 
     #~~~~~~Full inference on validation image~~~~~~
     self.numberOfEpochsBetweenFullInferenceOnValImages = cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VAL_INF] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VAL_INF] is not None else 1
     if self.numberOfEpochsBetweenFullInferenceOnValImages == 0 and self.performFullInferenceOnValidationImagesEveryFewEpochs :
     self.saveSegmentationVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM_VAL] is not None else True
     self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClassVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] if (cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] is not None and cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] != []) else [True]*num_classes
     self.filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatientVal = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     self.saveIndividualFmImagesVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS_VAL] is not None else False
     self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFmsVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS_VAL] is not None else False
     if self.saveIndividualFmImagesVal == True or self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFmsVal == True:
         indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save =   [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_NORMAL_VAL]] +\
                                                                 [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_SUBSAMPLED_VAL]] +\
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [item if item is not None else [] for item in indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save] #By default, save none.
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = None
     self.filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatientVal = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     #Given by the config file, and is then used to fill filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatient and filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatient.
     self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeaturesVal = parseFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE_VAL] else None #CAREFUL: Here we use a different parsing function!
     if not self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeaturesVal and self.performFullInferenceOnValidationImagesEveryFewEpochs and (self.saveSegmentationVal or True in self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClassVal or self.saveIndividualFmImagesVal or self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFmsVal) :
     #===================== OTHERS======================
     self.padInputImagesBool = cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] if cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] is not None else True
     #Others useful internally or for reporting:
     self.numberOfCasesTrain = len(self.channelsFilepathsTrain)
     self.numberOfCasesVal = len(self.channelsFilepathsVal)
     self.run_input_checks = cfg[cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] if cfg[cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] is not None else True
     #HIDDENS, no config allowed for these at the moment:
     self.useSameSubChannelsAsSingleScale = True
     self.subsampledChannelsFilepathsTrain = "placeholder" #List of Lists with filepaths per patient. Only used when above is False.
     self.subsampledChannelsFilepathsVal = "placeholder" #List of Lists with filepaths per patient. Only used when above is False.
     # Reweight classes equally before [0], linearly decrease influence till [1], natural freq after.
     self.weight_c_in_xentr_and_release_between_eps = [-1, -1] # Give one negative value to disable it
     self._makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeaturesVal( folderForPredictionsVal, folderForFeaturesVal )
     self.learningRate = cfg[cfg.LRATE] if cfg[cfg.LRATE] is not None else 0.001
     self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 = cfg[cfg.OPTIMIZER] if cfg[cfg.OPTIMIZER] is not None else 2
     if self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 0 :
         self.b1Adam = "placeholder"; self.b2Adam = "placeholder"; self.eAdam = "placeholder";
         self.rhoRms = "placeholder"; self.eRms = "placeholder";
     elif self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 1 :
         self.b1Adam = cfg[cfg.B1_ADAM] if cfg[cfg.B1_ADAM] is not None else 0.9 #default in paper and seems good
         self.b2Adam = cfg[cfg.B2_ADAM] if cfg[cfg.B2_ADAM] is not None else 0.999 #default in paper and seems good
         self.eAdam = cfg[cfg.EPS_ADAM] if cfg[cfg.EPS_ADAM] is not None else 10**(-8)
         self.rhoRms = "placeholder"; self.eRms = "placeholder";
     elif self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 2 :
         self.b1Adam = "placeholder"; self.b2Adam = "placeholder"; self.eAdam = "placeholder";
         self.rhoRms = cfg[cfg.RHO_RMS] if cfg[cfg.RHO_RMS] is not None else 0.9 #default in paper and seems good
         self.eRms = cfg[cfg.EPS_RMS] if cfg[cfg.EPS_RMS] is not None else 10**(-4) # 1e-6 was the default in the paper, but blew up the gradients in first try. Never tried 1e-5 yet.
     else :
     self.classicMom0Nesterov1 = cfg[cfg.MOM_TYPE] if cfg[cfg.MOM_TYPE] is not None else 1
     if self.classicMom0Nesterov1 not in [0,1]:
     self.momNonNormalized0Normalized1 = cfg[cfg.MOM_NORM_NONNORM] if cfg[cfg.MOM_NORM_NONNORM] is not None else 1
     if self.momNonNormalized0Normalized1 not in [0,1] :
     self.momentumValue = cfg[cfg.MOM] if cfg[cfg.MOM] is not None else 0.6
     if self.momentumValue < 0. or self.momentumValue > 1:
     self.L1_reg_weight = cfg[cfg.L1_REG] if cfg[cfg.L1_REG] is not None else 0.000001
     self.L2_reg_weight = cfg[cfg.L2_REG] if cfg[cfg.L2_REG] is not None else 0.0001
     #============= HIDDENS ==============
     # Indices of layers that should not be trained (kept fixed).
     layersToFreezePerPathwayType =  [cfg[cfg.LAYERS_TO_FREEZE_NORM],
     indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm = [ l-1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[0] ] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[0] is not None else []
     indicesOfLayersToFreezeSubs = [ l-1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[1] ] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[1] is not None else indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm
     indicesOfLayersToFreezeFc = [ l-1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[2] ] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[2] is not None else []
     # Three sublists, one per pathway type: Normal, Subsampled, FC. eg: [[0,1,2],[0,1,2],[]
     self.indicesOfLayersPerPathwayTypeToFreeze = [ indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm, indicesOfLayersToFreezeSubs, indicesOfLayersToFreezeFc ]
     self.losses_and_weights = cfg[cfg.LOSSES_WEIGHTS] if cfg[cfg.LOSSES_WEIGHTS] is not None else {"xentr": 1.0, "iou": None, "dsc": None}
     assert True in [ self.losses_and_weights[k] is not None for k in ["xentr", "iou", "dsc"] ]
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self,
     #Importants for running session.
     # From Session:
     self.log = log
     self.mainOutputAbsFolder = mainOutputAbsFolder
     # From Config:
     self.sessionName = self.getSessionName( cfg[cfg.SESSION_NAME] )
     abs_path_to_cfg = cfg.get_abs_path_to_cfg()
     abs_path_to_saved = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven( cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL], abs_path_to_cfg ) if cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL] is not None else None # Load pretrained model.
     self.savedModelFilepath = check_and_adjust_path_to_ckpt( self.log, abs_path_to_saved) if abs_path_to_saved is not None else None
     self.filepath_to_save_models = folderForSessionCnnModels + "/" + model_name + "." + self.sessionName
     if cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR] is None:
     if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_TR] is None:
     #[[case1-ch1, ..., caseN-ch1], [case1-ch2,...,caseN-ch2]]
     listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_TR]]
     self.channelsFilepathsTrain = [ list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesTrain)) ] #[[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
     self.gtLabelsFilepathsTrain = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_TR], abs_path_to_cfg) )
     self.providedRoiMasksTrain = True if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_TR] else False
     self.roiMasksFilepathsTrain = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_TR], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if self.providedRoiMasksTrain else []
     samplingTypeToUseTr = cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_TR] if cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_TR] is not None else 3
     self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain = samplingType.SamplingType( self.log, samplingTypeToUseTr, num_classes)
     if samplingTypeToUseTr in [0,3] and cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_TR] is not None :
         self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_TR] )
     else :
         numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr = self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.getNumberOfCategoriesToSample()
         self.samplingTypeInstanceTrain.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( [1.0/numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr]*numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesTr )
     self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_train = None
     if cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_TR] is not None :
         #[[case1-weightMap1, ..., caseN-weightMap1], [case1-weightMap2,...,caseN-weightMap2]]
         self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_train = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(weightMapConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for weightMapConfPath in cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_TR]]
     self.providedWeightMapsToSampleForEachCategoryTraining = self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_train is not None
     #~~~~~~~~ Training Cycle ~~~~~~~~~~~
     self.numberOfEpochs = cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS] is not None else 35
     self.numberOfSubepochs = cfg[cfg.NUM_SUBEP] if cfg[cfg.NUM_SUBEP] is not None else 20
     self.max_n_cases_per_subep_train = cfg[cfg.NUM_CASES_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_CASES_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 50
     self.n_samples_per_subep_train = cfg[cfg.NUM_TR_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_TR_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 1000
     self.batchsize_train = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_TR] if cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_TR] is not None else errReqBatchSizeTr()
     self.num_parallel_proc_sampling = cfg[cfg.NUM_OF_PROC_SAMPL] if cfg[cfg.NUM_OF_PROC_SAMPL] is not None else 0
     #~~~~~~~ Learning Rate Schedule ~~~~~~~~
     assert cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] in ['stable', 'predef', 'poly', 'auto', 'expon']
     self.lr_sched_params = {'type': cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] if cfg[cfg.LR_SCH_TYPE] is not None else 'poly',
                            'predef': { 'epochs': cfg[cfg.PREDEF_SCH],
                                        'div_lr_by': cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] if cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] is not None else 2.0 },
                            'auto': { 'min_incr_of_val_acc_considered': cfg[cfg.AUTO_MIN_INCR_VAL_ACC] if cfg[cfg.AUTO_MIN_INCR_VAL_ACC] is not None else 0.0,
                                      'epochs_wait_before_decr': cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else 5,
                                      'div_lr_by': cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] if cfg[cfg.DIV_LR_BY] is not None else 2.0 },
                            'poly': { 'epochs_wait_before_decr': cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else self.numberOfEpochs/3,
                                      'final_ep_for_sch': self.numberOfEpochs },
                            'expon': { 'epochs_wait_before_decr': cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_WAIT] is not None else self.numberOfEpochs/3,
                                       'final_ep_for_sch': self.numberOfEpochs,
                                       'lr_to_reach_at_last_ep': cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH][0] if cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH] is not None else 1.0/(2**(8)),
                                       'mom_to_reach_at_last_ep': cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH][1] if cfg[cfg.EXPON_SCH] is not None else 0.9 }
     if self.lr_sched_params['type'] == 'predef' and self.lr_sched_params['predef']['epochs'] is None :
     #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Augmentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     self.augm_params_tr = {'hist_dist': None, 'reflect': None, 'rotate90': None}
     if cfg[cfg.AUGM_PARAMS_TR] is not None:
         for key in cfg[cfg.AUGM_PARAMS_TR]:
             self.augm_params_tr[key] = cfg[cfg.AUGM_PARAMS_TR][key] # For exact form of parameters, see ./deepmedic/dataManagement/augmentation.py
     self.val_on_samples_during_train = cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_SAMPLES] if cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_SAMPLES] is not None else False
     if self.lr_sched_params['type'] == 'auto' and not self.val_on_samples_during_train :
     self.val_on_whole_volumes = cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_INFERENCE] if cfg[cfg.PERFORM_VAL_INFERENCE] is not None else False
     if self.val_on_samples_during_train or self.val_on_whole_volumes :
         if cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_VAL] :
             listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesVal = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(channelConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS_VAL]]
             #[[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
             self.channelsFilepathsVal = [ list(item) for item in zip(*tuple(listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCasesVal)) ]
         else :
     else :
         self.channelsFilepathsVal = []
     if self.val_on_samples_during_train :
         self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL] is not None else self.errorReqGtLabelsVal()
     elif self.val_on_whole_volumes :
         self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS_VAL] is not None else []
     else : # Dont perform either of the two validations.
         self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal = []
     self.providedGtVal = True if self.gtLabelsFilepathsVal is not None else False
     self.providedRoiMasksVal = True if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_VAL] is not None else False #For fast inf.
     self.roiMasksFilepathsVal = parseAbsFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if self.providedRoiMasksVal else []
     #~~~~~Validation on Samples~~~~~~~~
     self.n_samples_per_subep_val = cfg[cfg.NUM_VAL_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] if cfg[cfg.NUM_VAL_SEGMS_LOADED_PERSUB] is not None else 3000
     self.batchsize_val_samples = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_SAMPL] if cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_SAMPL] is not None else 50
     #~~~~~~~~~ Sampling (Validation) ~~~~~~~~~~~
     samplingTypeToUseVal = cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_VAL] if cfg[cfg.TYPE_OF_SAMPLING_VAL] is not None else 1
     self.samplingTypeInstanceVal = samplingType.SamplingType( self.log, samplingTypeToUseVal, num_classes)
     if samplingTypeToUseVal in [0,3] and cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_VAL] is not None:
         self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( cfg[cfg.PROP_OF_SAMPLES_PER_CAT_VAL] )
     else :
         numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal = self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.getNumberOfCategoriesToSample()
         self.samplingTypeInstanceVal.setPercentOfSamplesPerCategoryToSample( [1.0/numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal]*numberOfCategoriesOfSamplesVal )
     self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_val = None
     if cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_VAL] is not None:
         #[[case1-weightMap1, ..., caseN-weightMap1], [case1-weightMap2,...,caseN-weightMap2]]
         self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_val = [parseAbsFileLinesInList(getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(weightMapConfPath, abs_path_to_cfg)) for weightMapConfPath in cfg[cfg.WEIGHT_MAPS_PER_CAT_FILEPATHS_VAL]]
     self.providedWeightMapsToSampleForEachCategoryValidation = self.paths_to_wmaps_per_sampl_cat_per_subj_val is not None
     #~~~~~~Full inference on validation image~~~~~~
     self.num_epochs_between_val_on_whole_volumes = cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VAL_INF] if cfg[cfg.NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_VAL_INF] is not None else 1
     if self.num_epochs_between_val_on_whole_volumes == 0 and self.val_on_whole_volumes :
     self.batchsize_val_whole = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_WHOLE] if cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE_VAL_WHOLE] is not None else 10
     self.saveSegmentationVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM_VAL] is not None else True
     self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClassVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] if (cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] is not None and cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS_VAL] != []) else [True]*num_classes
     self.filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatientVal = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     self.suffixForSegmAndProbsDictVal = cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB_VAL] is not None else {"segm": "Segm", "prob": "ProbMapClass"}
     self.saveIndividualFmImagesVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS_VAL] is not None else False
     self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFmsVal = cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS_VAL] if cfg[cfg.SAVE_4DIM_FMS_VAL] is not None else False
     if self.saveIndividualFmImagesVal == True or self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFmsVal == True:
         indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_NORMAL_VAL]] +\
                                                      [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_SUBSAMPLED_VAL]] +\
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [item if item is not None else [] for item in indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save] #By default, save none.
         self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = None
     self.filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatientVal = None #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
     #Given by the config file, and is then used to fill filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatient and filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatient.
     self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeaturesVal = parseFileLinesInList( getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE_VAL], abs_path_to_cfg) ) if cfg[cfg.NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE_VAL] else None #CAREFUL: Here we use a different parsing function!
     if not self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeaturesVal and self.val_on_whole_volumes and (self.saveSegmentationVal or True in self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClassVal or self.saveIndividualFmImagesVal or self.saveMultidimensionalImageWithAllFmsVal) :
     #===================== OTHERS======================
     self.padInputImagesBool = cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] if cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] is not None else True
     #Others useful internally or for reporting:
     self.numberOfCasesTrain = len(self.channelsFilepathsTrain)
     self.numberOfCasesVal = len(self.channelsFilepathsVal)
     self.run_input_checks = cfg[cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] if cfg[cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] is not None else True
     #HIDDENS, no config allowed for these at the moment:
     # Re-weight samples in the cost function *on a per-class basis*: Type of re-weighting and training schedule.
     # E.g. to exclude a class, or counter class imbalance.
     # "type": string/None, "prms": any/None, "schedule": [ min_epoch, max_epoch ]
     # Type, prms combinations: "freq", None || "per_c", [0., 2., 1., ...] (as many as classes)
     # "schedule": Constant before epoch [0], linear change towards equal weight (=1) until epoch [1], constant equal weights (=1) afterwards.
     self.reweight_classes_in_cost = cfg[cfg.W_C_IN_COST] if cfg[cfg.W_C_IN_COST] is not None else {"type": None, "prms": None, "schedule": [0, self.numberOfEpochs]}
     if self.reweight_classes_in_cost["type"] == "per_c":
         assert len(self.reweight_classes_in_cost["prms"]) == num_classes
     self._makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeaturesVal( folderForPredictionsVal, folderForFeaturesVal )
     self.learningRate = cfg[cfg.LRATE] if cfg[cfg.LRATE] is not None else 0.001
     self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 = cfg[cfg.OPTIMIZER] if cfg[cfg.OPTIMIZER] is not None else 2
     if self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 0 :
         self.b1Adam = "placeholder"; self.b2Adam = "placeholder"; self.eAdam = "placeholder";
         self.rhoRms = "placeholder"; self.eRms = "placeholder";
     elif self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 1 :
         self.b1Adam = cfg[cfg.B1_ADAM] if cfg[cfg.B1_ADAM] is not None else 0.9 #default in paper and seems good
         self.b2Adam = cfg[cfg.B2_ADAM] if cfg[cfg.B2_ADAM] is not None else 0.999 #default in paper and seems good
         self.eAdam = cfg[cfg.EPS_ADAM] if cfg[cfg.EPS_ADAM] is not None else 10**(-8)
         self.rhoRms = "placeholder"; self.eRms = "placeholder";
     elif self.optimizerSgd0Adam1Rms2 == 2 :
         self.b1Adam = "placeholder"; self.b2Adam = "placeholder"; self.eAdam = "placeholder";
         self.rhoRms = cfg[cfg.RHO_RMS] if cfg[cfg.RHO_RMS] is not None else 0.9 #default in paper and seems good
         self.eRms = cfg[cfg.EPS_RMS] if cfg[cfg.EPS_RMS] is not None else 10**(-4) # 1e-6 was the default in the paper, but blew up the gradients in first try. Never tried 1e-5 yet.
     else :
     self.classicMom0Nesterov1 = cfg[cfg.MOM_TYPE] if cfg[cfg.MOM_TYPE] is not None else 1
     if self.classicMom0Nesterov1 not in [0,1]:
     self.momNonNormalized0Normalized1 = cfg[cfg.MOM_NORM_NONNORM] if cfg[cfg.MOM_NORM_NONNORM] is not None else 1
     if self.momNonNormalized0Normalized1 not in [0,1] :
     self.momentumValue = cfg[cfg.MOM] if cfg[cfg.MOM] is not None else 0.6
     if self.momentumValue < 0. or self.momentumValue > 1:
     self.L1_reg_weight = cfg[cfg.L1_REG] if cfg[cfg.L1_REG] is not None else 0.000001
     self.L2_reg_weight = cfg[cfg.L2_REG] if cfg[cfg.L2_REG] is not None else 0.0001
     #============= HIDDENS ==============
     # Indices of layers that should not be trained (kept fixed).
     layersToFreezePerPathwayType =  [cfg[cfg.LAYERS_TO_FREEZE_NORM],
     indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm = [ l-1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[0] ] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[0] is not None else []
     indicesOfLayersToFreezeSubs = [ l-1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[1] ] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[1] is not None else indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm
     indicesOfLayersToFreezeFc = [ l-1 for l in layersToFreezePerPathwayType[2] ] if layersToFreezePerPathwayType[2] is not None else []
     # Three sublists, one per pathway type: Normal, Subsampled, FC. eg: [[0,1,2],[0,1,2],[]
     self.indicesOfLayersPerPathwayTypeToFreeze = [ indicesOfLayersToFreezeNorm, indicesOfLayersToFreezeSubs, indicesOfLayersToFreezeFc ]
     self.losses_and_weights = cfg[cfg.LOSSES_WEIGHTS] if cfg[cfg.LOSSES_WEIGHTS] is not None else {"xentr": 1.0, "iou": None, "dsc": None}
     assert True in [ self.losses_and_weights[k] is not None for k in ["xentr", "iou", "dsc"] ]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def deepmedic_runner(device_name, model_cfg_file_path, test_cfg_file_path,
                     train_cfg_file_path, saved_model_path, reset_trainer):
    args = argparse.Namespace()
    args.device = device_name
    args.model_cfg = model_cfg_file_path
    args.test_cfg = test_cfg_file_path
    args.train_cfg = train_cfg_file_path
    args.saved_model = saved_model_path
    args.reset_trainer = reset_trainer

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    #parser = setup_arg_parser()
    #args = parser.parse_args()

    # if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    #     print("For help on the usage of this program, please use the option -h."); exit(1)

    if not args.model_cfg:
        print("ERROR: Option ["+OPT_MODEL+"] must be specified, pointing to a [MODEL_CFG] file that describes the architecture.\n"+\
              "Please try [-h] for more information. Exiting.")
    if not (args.train_cfg or args.test_cfg):
        print("ERROR: One of the options must be specified:\n"+\
              "\t["+OPT_TRAIN+"] to start a training session on a model.\n"+\
              "\t["+OPT_TEST+"] to test with an existing model.\n"+\
              "Please try [-h] for more information. Exiting.")

    #Preliminary checks:
    if args.test_cfg and args.train_cfg:
        print("ERROR:\t["+OPT_TEST+"] cannot be used in conjuction with ["+OPT_TRAIN+"].\n"+\
              "\tTo test with an existing network, please just specify a configuration file for the testing process, which will include a path to a trained model, or specify a model with ["+OPT_LOAD+"].. Exiting.")

    if args.reset_trainer and not args.train_cfg:
        print("ERROR:\tThe option [" + OPT_RESET +
              "] can only be used together with the [" + OPT_TRAIN +
              "] option.\n\tPlease try -h for more information. Exiting.")

    # Parse main files.
    if args.model_cfg:
        abs_path_model_cfg = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(
            args.model_cfg, cwd)
        model_cfg = ModelConfig(abs_path_model_cfg)

    # Create session.
    if args.train_cfg:
        abs_path_train_cfg = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(
            args.train_cfg, cwd)
        session = TrainSession(TrainConfig(abs_path_train_cfg))
    elif args.test_cfg:
        abs_path_test_cfg = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(args.test_cfg, cwd)
        session = TestSession(TestConfig(abs_path_test_cfg))

    #Create output folders and logger.

    log = session.get_logger()

        "======================== Starting new session ============================"
    log.print3("Command line arguments given: \n" + str(args))

    (sess_device) = set_environment(args.device)
    log.print3("Available devices to Tensorflow:\n" +

        #Find out what session we are being asked to perform:
        if args.model_cfg:  # Should be always true.
                "CONFIG: The configuration file for the [model] given is: " +
            model_params = ModelParameters(log, model_cfg)

        # Sessions
            "CONFIG: The configuration file for the [session] was loaded from: "
            + str(session.get_abs_path_to_cfg()))
        _ = session.compile_session_params_from_cfg(model_params)

        if args.train_cfg:
            session.run_session(sess_device, model_params, args.reset_trainer)
        elif args.test_cfg:
            session.run_session(sess_device, model_params)
        # All done.
    except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
        log.print3("ERROR: Caught exception from main process: " + str(e))


    return 'Success'
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, log, mainOutputAbsFolder, folderForPredictions,
                 folderForFeatures, num_classes, cfg):
        #Importants for running session.
        # From Session:
        self.log = log
        self.mainOutputAbsFolder = mainOutputAbsFolder

        # From test config:
        self.sessionName = self.getSessionName(cfg[cfg.SESSION_NAME])

        abs_path_to_cfg = cfg.get_abs_path_to_cfg()
        abs_path_to_saved = getAbsPathEvenIfRelativeIsGiven(
            cfg[cfg.SAVED_MODEL], abs_path_to_cfg
        ) if cfg[
            SAVED_MODEL] is not None else None  # Where to load the model from.
        self.savedModelFilepath = check_and_adjust_path_to_ckpt(
            abs_path_to_saved) if abs_path_to_saved is not None else None

        #[[case1-ch1, ..., caseN-ch1], [case1-ch2,...,caseN-ch2]]
        listOfAListPerChannelWithFilepathsOfAllCases = [
            for channelConfPath in cfg[cfg.CHANNELS]
        self.channelsFilepaths = [
            list(item) for item in zip(
        ]  # [[case1-ch1, case1-ch2], ..., [caseN-ch1, caseN-ch2]]
        self.gtLabelsFilepaths = parseAbsFileLinesInList(
                abs_path_to_cfg)) if cfg[cfg.GT_LABELS] is not None else None
        self.roiMasksFilepaths = parseAbsFileLinesInList(
                abs_path_to_cfg)) if cfg[cfg.ROI_MASKS] is not None else None

        self.namesToSavePredictionsAndFeatures = parseFileLinesInList(
        ) if cfg[
            NAMES_FOR_PRED_PER_CASE] is not None else None  #CAREFUL: different parser! #Optional. Not required if not saving results.
        self.saveSegmentation = cfg[cfg.SAVE_SEGM] if cfg[
            cfg.SAVE_SEGM] is not None else True
        self.saveProbMapsBoolPerClass = cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] if (
            cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] is not None and
            cfg[cfg.SAVE_PROBMAPS_PER_CLASS] != []) else [True] * num_classes
        self.filepathsToSavePredictionsForEachPatient = None  #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()
        self.suffixForSegmAndProbsDict = cfg[cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB] if cfg[
            cfg.SUFFIX_SEGM_PROB] is not None else {
                "segm": "Segm",
                "prob": "ProbMapClass"
        self.batchsize = cfg[cfg.BATCHSIZE] if cfg[
            cfg.BATCHSIZE] is not None else 10
        self.save_fms_flag = cfg[cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS] if cfg[
            cfg.SAVE_INDIV_FMS] is not None else False
        if self.save_fms_flag:
            indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_NORMAL]] +\
                                                         [cfg[cfg.INDICES_OF_FMS_TO_SAVE_SUBSAMPLED]] +\
            self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = [
                item if item is not None else []
                for item in indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save
            self.indices_fms_per_pathtype_per_layer_to_save = None
        self.filepathsToSaveFeaturesForEachPatient = None  #Filled by call to self.makeFilepathsForPredictionsAndFeatures()

        # ===================== PRE-PROCESSING ======================
        # === Data compatibility checks ===
        self.run_input_checks = cfg[cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] if cfg[
            cfg.RUN_INP_CHECKS] is not None else True
        # == Padding ==
        self.pad_input = cfg[cfg.PAD_INPUT] if cfg[
            cfg.PAD_INPUT] is not None else True
        # == Normalization ==
        norm_zscore_prms = {
            'apply_to_all_channels': False,  # True/False
            None,  # Must be None if above True. Else, List Bool per channel
            None,  # None or [low, high], each from 0.0 to 100. Eg [5.,95.]
            None,  # None or [low, high], each positive Float. Eg [3.,3.]
            'cutoff_below_mean': False
        if cfg[cfg.NORM_ZSCORE_PRMS] is not None:
            for key in cfg[cfg.NORM_ZSCORE_PRMS]:
                norm_zscore_prms[key] = cfg[cfg.NORM_ZSCORE_PRMS][key]
        if norm_zscore_prms['apply_to_all_channels'] and norm_zscore_prms[
                'apply_per_channel'] is not None:
        if norm_zscore_prms['apply_per_channel'] is not None:
            assert len(norm_zscore_prms['apply_per_channel']) == len(
                cfg[cfg.CHANNELS])  # num channels
        # Aggregate params from all types of normalization:
        # norm_prms = None : No int normalization will be performed.
        # norm_prms['verbose_lvl']: 0: No logging, 1: Type of cutoffs and timing 2: Stats.
        self.norm_prms = {
            if cfg[cfg.NORM_VERB_LVL] is not None else 0,

        # ============= OTHERS =============
        #Others useful internally or for reporting:
        self.numberOfCases = len(self.channelsFilepaths)

        # ============= HIDDENS =============
        # no config allowed for these at the moment: