def setup(self, x_shape):
     batch_size = x_shape[0]
     self.x_src = expr.Source(x_shape)
     loss = 0
     # Encode
     enc = self.encoder(self.x_src)
     z, self.encoder_loss = self.latent_encoder.encode(enc, batch_size)
     loss += self.encoder_loss
     # Decode
     x_tilde = self.decoder(z)
     if self.recon_depth > 0:
         # Reconstruction error in discriminator
         x = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(x_tilde, self.x_src)
         d = self.discriminator_recon(x)
         d = expr.Reshape((batch_size*2, -1))(d)
         d_x_tilde, d_x = expr.Slices([batch_size])(d)
         loss += self.recon_error(d_x_tilde, d_x)
         loss += self.recon_error(x_tilde, self.x_src)
     # Kill gradient from GAN loss to AE encoder
     z = ScaleGradient(0.0)(z)
     # Decode for GAN loss
     gen_size = batch_size
     if self.sample_z:
         gen_size += batch_size
         z_samples = self.latent_encoder.samples(batch_size)
         z = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(z, z_samples)
     x = self.decoder_neggrad(z)
     x = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(self.x_src, x)
     # Scale gradients to balance real vs. generated contributions to GAN
     # discriminator
     dis_batch_size = batch_size + gen_size
     real_weight = self.real_vs_gen_weight
     gen_weight = (1-self.real_vs_gen_weight) * float(batch_size)/gen_size
     weights = np.zeros((dis_batch_size, 1))
     weights[:batch_size] = real_weight
     weights[batch_size:] = gen_weight
     dis_weights = ca.array(weights)
     shape = np.array(x_shape)**0
     shape[0] = dis_batch_size
     dis_weights_inv = ca.array(1.0 / np.reshape(weights, shape))
     x = ScaleGradient(dis_weights_inv)(x)
     # Discriminate
     d = self.discriminator(x)
     d = ScaleGradient(dis_weights)(d)
     sign = np.ones((gen_size + batch_size, 1), dtype=ca.float_)
     sign[batch_size:] = -1.0
     offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
     offset[batch_size:] = 1.0
     self.gan_loss = expr.log(d*sign + offset + self.eps)
     self._graph = expr.ExprGraph(expr.sum(loss) + expr.sum(-self.gan_loss))
     self._graph.out_grad = ca.array(1.0)
 def setup(self, x_shape):
     batch_size = x_shape[0]
     self.x_src = expr.Source(x_shape)
     z = expr.random.normal(size=(batch_size, self.n_hidden))
     x_tilde = self.generator(z)
     x = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(self.x_src, x_tilde)
     if self.real_vs_gen_weight != 0.5:
         # Scale gradients to balance real vs. generated contributions to
         # GAN discriminator
         dis_batch_size = batch_size*2
         weights = np.zeros((dis_batch_size, 1))
         weights[:batch_size] = self.real_vs_gen_weight
         weights[batch_size:] = (1-self.real_vs_gen_weight)
         dis_weights = ca.array(weights)
         shape = np.array(x_shape)**0
         shape[0] = dis_batch_size
         dis_weights_inv = ca.array(1.0 / np.reshape(weights, shape))
         x = ScaleGradient(dis_weights_inv)(x)
     # Discriminate
     d = self.discriminator(x)
     if self.real_vs_gen_weight != 0.5:
         d = ScaleGradient(dis_weights)(d)
     sign = np.ones((batch_size*2, 1), dtype=ca.float_)
     sign[batch_size:] = -1.0
     offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
     offset[batch_size:] = 1.0
     self.gan_loss = expr.log(d*sign + offset + self.eps)
     self._graph = expr.ExprGraph(-expr.sum(self.gan_loss))
     self._graph.out_grad = ca.array(1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def setup(self, x_shape):
     batch_size = x_shape[0]
     self.x_src = ex.Source(x_shape)
     z = ex.random.normal(size=(batch_size, self.n_hidden))
     x_tilde = self.generator(z)
     x = ex.Concatenate(axis=0)(self.x_src, x_tilde)
     if self.real_vs_gen_weight != 0.5:
         # Scale gradients to balance real vs. generated contributions to
         # GAN discriminator
         dis_batch_size = batch_size * 2
         weights = np.zeros((dis_batch_size, 1))
         weights[:batch_size] = self.real_vs_gen_weight
         weights[batch_size:] = (1 - self.real_vs_gen_weight)
         dis_weights = ca.array(weights)
         shape = np.array(x_shape)**0
         shape[0] = dis_batch_size
         dis_weights_inv = ca.array(1.0 / np.reshape(weights, shape))
         x = ScaleGradient(dis_weights_inv)(x)
     # Discriminate
     d = self.discriminator(x)
     if self.real_vs_gen_weight != 0.5:
         d = ScaleGradient(dis_weights)(d)
     sign = np.ones((batch_size * 2, 1), dtype=ca.float_)
     sign[batch_size:] = -1.0
     offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
     offset[batch_size:] = 1.0
     self.gan_loss = ex.log(d * sign + offset + self.eps)
     self.loss = ex.sum(self.gan_loss)
     self._graph = ex.graph.ExprGraph(self.loss)
     self.loss.grad_array = ca.array(-1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def setup(self, x_shape, y_shape):
        batch_size = x_shape[0]
        self.sampler.batch_size = x_shape[0]
        self.x_src = expr.Source(x_shape)
        self.y_src = expr.Source(y_shape)

        if self.mode in ['vae', 'vaegan']:
            h_enc = self.encoder(self.x_src, self.y_src)
            z, z_mu, z_log_sigma, z_eps = self.sampler(h_enc)
            self.kld = KLDivergence()(z_mu, z_log_sigma)
            x_tilde = self.generator(z, self.y_src)
            self.logpxz = self.reconstruct_error(x_tilde, self.x_src)
            loss = 0.5*self.kld + expr.sum(self.logpxz)

        if self.mode in ['gan', 'vaegan']:
            y = self.y_src
            if self.mode == 'gan':
                z = self.sampler.samples()
                x_tilde = self.generator(z, y)
                gen_size = batch_size
            elif self.mode == 'vaegan':
                z = ScaleGradient(0.0)(z)
                z = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(z, z_eps)
                y = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(y, self.y_src)
                x_tilde = self.generator_neg(z, y)
                gen_size = batch_size*2
            x = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(self.x_src, x_tilde)
            y = expr.Concatenate(axis=0)(y, self.y_src)
            d = self.discriminator(x, y)
            d = expr.clip(d, self.eps, 1.0-self.eps)

            real_size = batch_size
            sign = np.ones((real_size + gen_size, 1), dtype=ca.float_)
            sign[real_size:] = -1.0
            offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
            offset[real_size:] = 1.0

            self.gan_loss = expr.log(d*sign + offset)
            if self.mode == 'gan':
                loss = expr.sum(-self.gan_loss)
            elif self.mode == 'vaegan':
                loss = loss + expr.sum(-self.gan_loss)

        self._graph = expr.ExprGraph(loss)
        self._graph.out_grad = ca.array(1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setup(self, x_shape):
     self.sampler.batch_size = x_shape[0]
     self.x_src = expr.Source(x_shape)
     h_enc = self.encoder(self.x_src)
     z, z_mu, z_log_sigma = self.sampler(h_enc)
     kld = KLDivergence()(z_mu, z_log_sigma)
     x_tilde = self.decoder(z)
     logpxz = self.reconstruct_error(x_tilde, self.x_src)
     lowerbound = kld + expr.sum(logpxz)
     self._lowerbound_graph = expr.ExprGraph(lowerbound)
     self._lowerbound_graph.out_grad = ca.array(1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setup(self, x_shape):
     self.sampler.batch_size = x_shape[0]
     self.x_src = expr.Source(x_shape)
     h_enc = self.encoder(self.x_src)
     z, z_mu, z_log_sigma = self.sampler(h_enc)
     kld = KLDivergence()(z_mu, z_log_sigma)
     x_tilde = self.decoder(z)
     logpxz = self.reconstruct_error(x_tilde, self.x_src)
     self.lowerbound = kld + expr.sum(logpxz)
     self._graph = expr.graph.ExprGraph(self.lowerbound)
     self.lowerbound.grad_array = ca.array(1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def encode(self, h_enc, batch_size):
     z = self.z_enc(h_enc)
     z_ = ScaleGradient(-1.0)(z)
     z_samples = self.samples(batch_size)
     z_ = ex.Concatenate(axis=0)(z_samples, z_)
     d_z = self.discriminator(z_)
     sign = np.ones((batch_size * 2, 1), dtype=ca.float_)
     sign[batch_size:] = -1.0
     offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
     offset[batch_size:] = 1.0
     loss = ex.sum(-ex.log(d_z * sign + offset + self.eps))
     z = ScaleGradient(self.recon_weight)(z)
     return z, loss
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def encode(self, h_enc, batch_size):
     z = self.z_enc(h_enc)
     z_ = ScaleGradient(-1.0)(z)
     z_samples = self.samples(batch_size)
     z_ = ex.Concatenate(axis=0)(z_samples, z_)
     d_z = self.discriminator(z_)
     sign = np.ones((batch_size*2, 1), dtype=ca.float_)
     sign[batch_size:] = -1.0
     offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
     offset[batch_size:] = 1.0
     loss = ex.sum(-ex.log(d_z*sign + offset + self.eps))
     z = ScaleGradient(self.recon_weight)(z)
     return z, loss
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def setup(self, x_shape):
     batch_size = x_shape[0]
     self.x_src = ex.Source(x_shape)
     loss = 0
     # Encode
     enc = self.encoder(self.x_src)
     z, self.encoder_loss = self.latent_encoder.encode(enc, batch_size)
     loss += self.encoder_loss
     # Decode
     x_tilde = self.decoder(z)
     if self.recon_depth > 0:
         # Reconstruction error in discriminator
         x = ex.Concatenate(axis=0)(x_tilde, self.x_src)
         d = self.discriminator_recon(x)
         d_x_tilde, d_x = ex.Slices([batch_size])(d)
         loss += self.recon_error(d_x_tilde, d_x)
         loss += self.recon_error(x_tilde, self.x_src)
     # Kill gradient from GAN loss to AE encoder
     z = ScaleGradient(0.0)(z)
     # Decode for GAN loss
     gen_size = 0
     if self.discriminate_ae_recon:
         gen_size += batch_size
         # Kill gradient from GAN loss to AE encoder
         z = ScaleGradient(0.0)(z)
     if self.discriminate_sample_z:
         gen_size += batch_size
         z_samples = self.latent_encoder.samples(batch_size)
         if self.discriminate_ae_recon:
             z = ex.Concatenate(axis=0)(z, z_samples)
             z = z_samples
     if gen_size == 0:
         raise ValueError('GAN does not receive any generated samples.')
     x = self.decoder_neggrad(z)
     x = ex.Concatenate(axis=0)(self.x_src, x)
     # Scale gradients to balance real vs. generated contributions to GAN
     # discriminator
     dis_batch_size = batch_size + gen_size
     real_weight = self.real_vs_gen_weight
     gen_weight = (1 -
                   self.real_vs_gen_weight) * float(batch_size) / gen_size
     weights = np.zeros((dis_batch_size, ))
     weights[:batch_size] = real_weight
     weights[batch_size:] = gen_weight
     dis_weights = ca.array(weights)
     shape = np.array(x_shape)**0
     shape[0] = dis_batch_size
     dis_weights_inv = ca.array(1.0 / np.reshape(weights, shape))
     x = ScaleGradient(dis_weights_inv)(x)
     # Discriminate
     d = self.discriminator(x)
     d = ex.Reshape((-1, ))(d)
     d = ScaleGradient(dis_weights)(d)
     sign = np.ones((gen_size + batch_size, ), dtype=ca.float_)
     sign[batch_size:] = -1.0
     offset = np.zeros_like(sign)
     offset[batch_size:] = 1.0
     self.gan_loss = ex.log(d * sign + offset + self.eps)
     self.loss = ex.sum(loss) - ex.sum(self.gan_loss)
     self._graph = ex.graph.ExprGraph(self.loss)
     self.loss.grad_array = ca.array(1.0)