def processForHuman(self): n = 0 for imgs, labels, bboxes in zip(self.image_group_list, self.label_group_list, self.bbox_group_list): core_index = 0 core_image, core_label, core_bbox= imgs[core_index], labels[core_index], bboxes[core_index] if core_bbox[2] - core_bbox[0] > core_image.shape[1] *0.5: continue flag = True left = core_bbox[0] right = core_image.shape[1] - core_bbox[2] right_flag = False if right > left: right_flag = True if len(imgs) == 3: core_image, core_label = self._processWithThreePerson(imgs, labels, bboxes, core_image, core_label, core_bbox) else: core_image, core_label = self._processWithTwoPerson(imgs, labels, bboxes, core_image, core_label, core_bbox, right_flag) if core_image is None: continue self.generated_image_list.append(core_image) self.generated_label_list.append(core_label) cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.jpg'.format(self.config.output_image_dir, n+1), core_image) cv2.imwrite('{}/{}.png'.format(self.config.output_label_dir, n+1), core_label) n += 1 if n % 10 == 0: LOG.logI('Generate {} images...'.format(n))
def _filterImageForClothes(self): self.image_list = [] self.label_list = [] self.human_mask_list = [] for i, (img_path, label_path, human_mask_path) in enumerate( zip(self.image_path_list, self.label_path_list, self.human_mask_path_list)): if i % 100 == 0 and i != 0: LOG.logI('Filter {} images...'.format(i)) img = cv2.imread(img_path) label = cv2.imread(label_path) human_mask = cv2.imread(human_mask_path) clo_bbox = self._clothesMask2Box( cv2.cvtColor(label, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) person_bbox = self._personMask2Box( cv2.cvtColor(human_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) if person_bbox is None: continue src_bbox = [ min(clo_bbox[0], person_bbox[0]), min(clo_bbox[1], person_bbox[1]), max(clo_bbox[2], person_bbox[2]), max(clo_bbox[3], person_bbox[3]) ] if src_bbox[2] - src_bbox[0] > 0.5 * img.shape[1]: continue self.human_bbox_list.append(src_bbox) self.human_mask_list.append(human_mask) self.bbox_list.append(clo_bbox) self.image_list.append(img) self.label_list.append(label)
def colorFillImg(self, img): h, w = img.shape[:2] if h < self.min_block_size or w < self.min_block_size: mode = random.choice(self.mode_list) if mode == "origin": return img elif mode == "pure": bg_color = random.choice(self.fillcolors) r_channel = np.ones(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8) * bg_color[0] g_channel = np.ones(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8) * bg_color[1] b_channel = np.ones(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8) * bg_color[2] pure = cv2.merge((b_channel, g_channel, r_channel)) return pure elif mode == "image": filled_img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.images_dir, self.images[np.random.randint(0, self.images_num)])) return cv2.resize(filled_img, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) else: LOG.logE("colorFillImg mode error: {} not in ['origin', 'pure', 'image']".format(mode)) max_side = max(h, w) borderline = np.random.randint(int(max_side/self.split_ratio), int(2*max_side/self.split_ratio)) if h > w: img_top = self.colorFillImg(img[0:borderline, 0:w]) img_bottom = self.colorFillImg(img[borderline:h, 0:w]) img_res = np.vstack([img_top, img_bottom]) else: img_left = self.colorFillImg(img[0:h, 0:borderline]) img_right = self.colorFillImg(img[0:h, borderline:w]) img_res = np.hstack([img_left, img_right]) return img_res
def forward(self, imgs): img, label, _, fn = imgs sample = self.composer(img).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): pred_fusion, _, _ = pred_resize = cv2.resize( pred_fusion.squeeze().cpu().numpy().argmax(0), (label.shape[1], label.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) cls_iou = 0 for cls_idx in range(1, self.cls_num): mask_label = label == cls_idx if np.sum(mask_label) == 0: continue mask_pred = pred_resize == cls_idx tmp = np.sum(mask_label & mask_pred) / np.sum(mask_label | mask_pred) cls_iou += tmp try: mean_iou = cls_iou / (len(np.unique(label)) - 1) except Exception as e: LOG.logE( "{} has no annotation yet. Please remove it from dataset.") mean_iou = 0 if mean_iou < self.min_iou: LOG.logI("Image {} has risk on rule {} with cls_iou = {}".format( fn,, mean_iou)) self.write(img, label, fn) return imgs
def __call__(self): for i in range(self.total_num): self.buildScene(i) self.buildTextWithScene(i) self.dumpTextImg(i) if i % 5000 == 0: LOG.logI('{}/{}'.format(i, self.total_num))
def doTest(self): input_image_dir = self.config.input_image_dir input_hat_image_dir = self.config.input_hat_image_dir input_hat_mask_dir = self.config.input_hat_mask_dir output_image_dir = self.config.output_image_dir output_anno_dir = self.config.output_anno_dir if not os.path.exists(self.config.output_image_dir): os.makedirs(self.config.output_image_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.config.output_anno_dir): os.makedirs(self.config.output_anno_dir) imgs = os.listdir(input_image_dir) hats = os.listdir(input_hat_image_dir) for i, img in enumerate(imgs): LOG.logI('num: {} ---- path: {}'.format(i, os.path.join(input_image_dir, img))) img_raw = cv2.imread('{}/{}'.format(input_image_dir, img)) name = hats[random.randint(0, len(hats)-1)] rgb_hat = cv2.imread('{}/{}'.format(input_hat_image_dir, name)) a = cv2.imread('{}/{}.png'.format(input_hat_mask_dir, os.path.splitext(name)[0])) new_img, mask_label = self._synthesisData(img_raw, rgb_hat, a) if new_img is None: continue cv2.imwrite("{}/{}".format(output_image_dir, img),new_img) cv2.imwrite("{}/{}.png".format(output_anno_dir, os.path.splitext(img)[0]),mask_label) self.config.sample = torch.rand((1, 3, 112, 112))
def dumpTextImg(self,i): box_num = 0 txt_name = os.path.join(self.output_dir, '{}_{}.txt'.format(self.dump_prefix,str(i).zfill(6))) fw = open(txt_name, 'w') for idx, fg_image in enumerate(self.fg_images): box = self.text_boxes[idx] if box is None: continue self.pil_img.paste(fg_image, (box[0], box[1]), fg_image.split()[3]) coord = self.text_coordinates_in_fg[idx] + [box[0], box[1]] s = "" for pt in coord: x, y = pt s = s+str(x)+','+str(y)+',' s += '0' fw.write(s+'\n') box_num += 1 fw.close() pasted_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(self.pil_img),cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) image_name = '{}_{}.jpg'.format(self.dump_prefix,str(i).zfill(6)) self.dumpImgToPath(image_name, pasted_img) if box_num<=0: LOG.logW("Image {} paste no text.".format(i))
def _accumulateMeanStd(self, image_path, label_path): img_file = os.path.join(self.sample_path_prefix, image_path.strip()) label_file = os.path.join(self.sample_path_prefix, label_path.strip()) label_img = self._buildLabelFromPath(label_file) unique_values = np.unique(label_img) max_val = max(unique_values) min_val = min(unique_values) self.max_val_al = max(max_val, self.max_val_al) self.min_val_al = min(min_val, self.min_val_al) hist = np.histogram(label_img, self.classes) self.global_hist += hist[0] rgb_img = self._buildSampleFromPath(img_file) self.mean[0] += np.mean(rgb_img[:, :, 0]) self.mean[1] += np.mean(rgb_img[:, :, 1]) self.mean[2] += np.mean(rgb_img[:, :, 2]) self.std[0] += np.std(rgb_img[:, :, 0]) self.std[1] += np.std(rgb_img[:, :, 1]) self.std[2] += np.std(rgb_img[:, :, 2]) if max_val > (self.classes - 1) or min_val < 0: LOG.logE( 'Some problem with labels. Please check image file: {}. Labels can take value between 0 and number of classes {}.' .format(label_file, self.classes - 1), exit=True)
def postEpoch(self): if self.is_train: return self.pr_curve = dataset_pr_info(1000, self.pr_curve, self.face_count) propose = self.pr_curve[:, 0] recall = self.pr_curve[:, 1] self.accuracy = voc_ap(recall, propose) LOG.logI('Test accuray: {:.4f}'.format(self.accuracy))
def __init__(self, deepvac_config): super(DeepvacPseTest, self).__init__(deepvac_config) if len(sys.argv) != 1: assert len(sys.argv) == 2, 'You can only pass a image path !' LOG.logI('Find image: {}'.format(sys.argv[1])) self.conf.test.use_fileline = False self.conf.test.image_path = sys.argv[1] self.initTestLoader()
def __call__(self, image): self._pre_process(image) tic = time.time() preds = end = time.time() - tic LOG.logI('net forward time: {:.4f}'.format(time.time() - tic)) return self._post_process(preds)
def doTest(self): for idx, (org_img, img) in enumerate(self.config.test_loader): LOG.logI('progress: %d / %d' % (idx + 1, len(self.config.test_loader))) org_img = org_img.numpy().astype('uint8')[0] img = start_time = time.time() outputs = print(time.time() - start_time) score = torch.sigmoid(outputs[:, 0, :, :]) outputs = (torch.sign(outputs - self.config.binary_th) + 1) / 2 text = outputs[:, 0, :, :] kernels = outputs[:, 0:self.config.kernel_num, :, :] * text score =[0].astype(np.float32) text =[0].astype(np.uint8) kernels =[0].astype(np.uint8) # c++ version pse pred = pse( kernels, self.config.min_kernel_area / (self.config.scale * self.config.scale)) scale = (org_img.shape[1] * 1.0 / pred.shape[1], org_img.shape[0] * 1.0 / pred.shape[0]) label = pred label_num = np.max(label) + 1 bboxes = [] for i in range(1, label_num): points = np.array(np.where(label == i)).transpose( (1, 0))[:, ::-1] if points.shape[0] < self.conf.test.min_area / ( self.config.scale * self.config.scale): continue score_i = np.mean(score[label == i]) if score_i < self.config.min_score: continue rect = cv2.minAreaRect(points) crop_box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) crop_box *= scale crop_box[:, 0] = np.clip(crop_box[:, 0], 0, org_img.shape[1]) crop_box[:, 1] = np.clip(crop_box[:, 1], 0, org_img.shape[0]) x_max, y_max = np.max(crop_box, axis=0) x_min, y_min = np.min(crop_box, axis=0) org_img = cv2.rectangle(org_img, (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(self.config.output_dir, str(idx).zfill(3) + '.jpg'), org_img) self.config.sample = img
def __call__(self): if os.path.isfile(self.cached_data_file): return pickle.load(open(self.cached_data_file, "rb")) data = self.processData() if data is None: LOG.logE('Error while pickling data. Please check.', exit=True) LOG.logI('Process train dataset finished.') LOG.logI('Your train dataset mean: {}'.format(data['mean'])) LOG.logI('Your train dataset std: {}'.format(data['std'])) LOG.logI('Your train dataset classWeights: {}'.format( data['classWeights'])) return data
def earlyIter(self): start = time.time() self.sample = = [ for anno in] if not self.is_train: return self.data_cpu2gpu_time.update(time.time() - start) try: self.addGraph(self.sample) except: LOG.logW( "Tensorboard addGraph failed. You network foward may have more than one parameters?" ) LOG.logW("Seems you need reimplement preIter function.")
def __call__(self): start_time = time.time() for i in range(self.total_num): # prepare for background image self.buildScene(i) # prepare for front transparent images (including define s, font, font_size, generate transparent images) self.buildTextWithScene(i) # prepare background image coordinate to paste transparent images self.buildPasteArea(i) # paste transparent images to background image and save results self.dumpTextImg(i) if i%5000==0: LOG.logI('{}/{}'.format(i,self.total_num)) LOG.logI("Total time: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
def doLoss(self): if not self.config.train_loader.is_last_loader: return loss1, loss2 = self.config.criterion( self.config.output[0],, self.config.criterion(self.config.output[1], loss3, loss4 = self.config.criterion( self.config.teacher.output[0],, self.config.criterion( self.config.teacher.output[1], self.config.loss = loss1 + loss2 self.config.teacher.loss = loss3 + loss4 LOG.logI('loss1: {}, loss2: {}, loss3: {}, loss4: {}'.format( loss1, loss2, loss3, loss4))
def _readFile(self): self.global_hist = np.zeros(self.classes, dtype=np.float32) no_files = 0 self.min_val_al = 0 self.max_val_al = 0 for image_path, label_path in self.samples: if no_files % 100 == 0: LOG.logI('accumulateMeanStd: {}'.format(no_files)) self._accumulateMeanStd(image_path, label_path) no_files += 1 self.mean /= no_files self.std /= no_files self._compute_class_weights(self.global_hist)
def postEpoch(self): if not self.config.train_loader.is_last_loader: return average_epoch_loss = sum(self.config.epoch_loss) / len( self.config.epoch_loss) if self.config.phase == 'TRAIN': overall_acc, per_class_acc, per_class_iu, mIOU = self.iou_eval_train.getMetric( ) else: overall_acc, per_class_acc, per_class_iu, mIOU = self.iou_eval_val.getMetric( ) self.config.acc = mIOU LOG.logI("Epoch : {} Details".format(self.config.epoch)) LOG.logI("\nEpoch No.: %d\t%s Loss = %.4f\t %s mIOU = %.4f\t" % (self.config.epoch, self.config.phase, average_epoch_loss, self.config.phase, mIOU))
def _filterImageForHuman(self): self.image_list = [] self.label_list = [] for i, (img_path, label_path) in enumerate(zip(self.image_path_list, self.label_path_list)): if i % 100 == 0 and i != 0: LOG.logI('Filter {} images...'.format(i)) img = cv2.imread(img_path) label = cv2.imread(label_path) person_bbox = self._personMask2Box(cv2.cvtColor(label, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) if person_bbox is None: continue if person_bbox[2] - person_bbox[0] > 0.5 * img.shape[1]: continue self.bbox_list.append(person_bbox) self.image_list.append(img) self.label_list.append(label)
def _getImageAndLabelPathList(self): files = os.listdir(self.config.input_image_dir) for i, f in enumerate(files): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.config.input_image_dir, f)): LOG.logE('{} is a dir, {} contain a sub dir, you must get rid of it.'.format(os.path.join(self.config.input_image_dir, f), self.config.input_image_dir), exit=True) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.config.input_label_dir, f.replace('jpg', 'png'))): LOG.logE('{} is a dir, {} contain a sub dir, you must get rid of it.'.format(os.path.join(self.config.input_label_dir, f.replace('jpg', 'png')), self.config.input_label_dir), exit=True) if self.is_clothes_task and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.config.portrait_mask_output_dir, f.replace('jpg', 'png'))): LOG.logE('{} is a dir, {} contain a sub dir, you must get rid of it.'.format(os.path.join(self.config.portrait_mask_output_dir, f.replace('jpg', 'png')), self.config.portrait_mask_output_dir), exit=True) self.image_path_list.append(os.path.join(self.config.input_image_dir, f)) self.label_path_list.append(os.path.join(self.config.input_label_dir, f.replace('jpg', 'png'))) if self.is_clothes_task: self.human_mask_path_list.append(os.path.join(self.config.portrait_mask_output_dir, f.replace('jpg', 'png'))) LOG.logI('Length of image_path_list is {} ...'.format(len(self.image_path_list)))
def forward(self, imgs): img, label, _, fn = imgs hat_y = np.where(label == 1)[0] up_y = np.where(label == 2)[0] down_y = np.where(label == 3)[0] hat_num = len(hat_y) up_num = len(up_y) down_num = len(down_y) if (hat_num > up_num and up_num != 0) or (hat_num > down_num and down_num != 0): LOG.logI( "Image {} has risk on rule {} with hat_num = {}, up_num = {} and down_num = {}" .format(fn,, hat_num, up_num, down_num)) self.write(img, label, fn) if up_num != 0 and down_num != 0 and np.max(up_y) > np.max(down_y): LOG.logI( "Image {} has risk on rule {} with up_y = {} and down_y = {}". format(fn,, np.max(up_y), np.max(down_y))) self.write(img, label, fn) if hat_num != 0 and up_num != 0 and np.max(hat_y) > np.max(up_y): LOG.logI( "Image {} has risk on rule {} with hat_y = {} and up_y = {}". format(fn,, np.max(hat_y), np.max(up_y))) self.write(img, label, fn) return imgs
def pickFgColor(self, i, s): left = self.font_offset[0] up = self.font_offset[1] right = self.font_offset[0] + len(s) * self.max_font below = self.font_offset[1] + self.max_font dominant = Haishoku.getDominant( self.pil_img.crop((left, up, right, below))) k = i % len(self.fg_color) fg_lst = self.fg_color[k:] + self.fg_color[:k] max_dis = 0 for fg in fg_lst: distance = abs(dominant[0] - fg[0]) + abs(dominant[1] - fg[1]) + abs(dominant[2] - fg[2]) if distance > self.distance: return fg if distance > max_dis: max_dis_fg = fg max_dis = distance LOG.logI("No fg_color is suitable for image {} !!!".format(i)) return max_dis_fg
def postIter(self): preds = self.config.output[ self.config.output[..., 4] > self.config.conf_thres] # filter with classifier confidence if not preds.size(0): LOG.logW("file: {0} >>> non - detect".format(self.config.filepath)) self.config.non_det_num += 1 return # Compute conf preds[:, 5:] *= preds[:, 4:5] # conf = obj_conf * cls_conf # Box (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2) preds[:, 0] = preds[:, 0] - preds[:, 2] / 2.0 preds[:, 1] = preds[:, 1] - preds[:, 3] / 2.0 preds[:, 2] += preds[:, 0] preds[:, 3] += preds[:, 1] # Detections matrix nx6 (xyxy, conf, cls) conf, idx = preds[:, 5:].max(dim=1, keepdim=True) preds = (preds[:, :4], conf, idx), dim=1)[conf.view(-1) > self.config.conf_thres] # filter with bbox confidence if not preds.size(0): LOG.logW("file: {0} >>> non - detect".format(self.config.filepath)) self.config.non_det_num += 1 return # nms on per class max_side = 4096 class_offset = preds[:, 5:6] * max_side boxes, scores = preds[:, :4] + class_offset, preds[:, 4] idxs = ops.nms(boxes, scores, self.config.iou_thres) preds = torch.stack([preds[i] for i in idxs], dim=0) if not preds.size(0): LOG.logW("file: {0} >>> non - detect".format(self.config.filepath)) self.config.non_det_num += 1 return # coords scale classes = preds[:, -1].long().tolist() scores = [i.item() for i in preds[:, -2]] coords = preds[:, :4] coords -= self.config.pad coords /= self.config.ratio coords = coords.long().tolist() LOG.logI( "file: {0} >>> class: {1} >>> score: {2} >>> coord: {3}".format( self.config.filepath, classes, scores, coords)) self.plotRectangle(self.config.filepath, (classes, scores, coords), self.config.show_output_dir)
def process(self): #Here the wa to let us just get 2048d feature before fc = nn.Sequential() # iterate all images for filename in self.dataset(): #if 4 channel, to 3 channels self.sample ='RGB') # if use cv2 to read image #self.sample = AugBase.cv2pillow(self.sample) self.sample = self.conf.test.transform_op( self.sample).unsqueeze(0).to(self.conf.device) # forward self.output = LOG.logI("feature shape: {}".format(self.output.shape)) self.addEmb2DB(self.output) LOG.logI("feature db shape: {}".format(self.xb.shape)) emb_file = "resnet50_gemfield_test.emb" LOG.logI("prepare to save db to {}".format(emb_file)) self.saveDB(emb_file) LOG.logI("db file {} saved successfully.".format(emb_file))
def test(self): self.config.non_det_num = 0 super(Yolov5Test, self).test() LOG.logW("\nnon - detect: {} ".format(self.config.non_det_num) + ' * ' * 70)
def postEpoch(self): if self.config.is_train: return self.accuracy = self.score_text['Mean Acc'] LOG.logI('Test accuray: {:.4f}'.format(self.accuracy))
def paste(src_img, dst_img, src_mask, portrait_mask=None): original_src_bbox = src_mask_to_box( cv2.cvtColor(src_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) portrait_bbox = None #if use portrait to help if portrait_mask is None: src_bbox = original_src_bbox final_mask = src_mask else: portrait_bbox = portrait_mask_to_box( cv2.cvtColor(portrait_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) if portrait_bbox is None: return None, None src_bbox = [ min(original_src_bbox[0], portrait_bbox[0]), min(original_src_bbox[1], portrait_bbox[1]), max(original_src_bbox[2], portrait_bbox[2]), max(original_src_bbox[3], portrait_bbox[3]) ] final_mask = np.where(portrait_mask != 0, portrait_mask, src_mask) src_bbox_h, src_bbox_w = src_bbox[3] - src_bbox[1], src_bbox[2] - src_bbox[ 0] h, w, _ = dst_img.shape dst_mask = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) x = random.randint(1, w // 2) y = random.randint(1, h // 2) #random scale the human scale = random.random() * 2 scale = scale if scale > 0.5 else 0.5 scale_src_bbox_w = int(src_bbox_w * scale) scale_src_bbox_h = int(src_bbox_h * scale) scale_src_bbox_w = scale_src_bbox_w if x + scale_src_bbox_w < w else (w - 1 - x) scale_src_bbox_h = scale_src_bbox_h if y + scale_src_bbox_h < h else (h - 1 - y) if scale_src_bbox_w * scale_src_bbox_h < h * w / 100: LOG.logI('Target person is too small for dst image: {} vs {}'.format( scale_src_bbox_w * scale_src_bbox_h, h * w)) return None, None src_img_crop = src_img[src_bbox[1]:src_bbox[1] + src_bbox_h, src_bbox[0]:src_bbox[0] + src_bbox_w, :] src_mask_crop = src_mask[src_bbox[1]:src_bbox[1] + src_bbox_h, src_bbox[0]:src_bbox[0] + src_bbox_w, :] final_mask_crop = final_mask[src_bbox[1]:src_bbox[1] + src_bbox_h, src_bbox[0]:src_bbox[0] + src_bbox_w, :] src_img_crop = cv2.resize(src_img_crop, (scale_src_bbox_w, scale_src_bbox_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) src_mask_crop = cv2.resize(src_mask_crop, (scale_src_bbox_w, scale_src_bbox_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) final_mask_crop = cv2.resize(final_mask_crop, (scale_src_bbox_w, scale_src_bbox_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) #paste the src img to dst img dst_img_crop = dst_img[y:y + scale_src_bbox_h, x:x + scale_src_bbox_w, :] result_img = np.where(final_mask_crop != 0, src_img_crop, dst_img_crop) dst_img[y:y + scale_src_bbox_h, x:x + scale_src_bbox_w, :] = result_img dst_mask[y:y + scale_src_bbox_h, x:x + scale_src_bbox_w, :] = src_mask_crop return dst_img, dst_mask
os.path.splitext(img_name)[0] + '.png'))[:, :, 0] overlayed = getOverlayFromSegMask(img, mask) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(synthesis_output_show_dir, img_name), overlayed) if __name__ == "__main__": from config import config as deepvac_config #original image dir if len(sys.argv) >= 2: deepvac_config.original_image_label_dir = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: deepvac_config.synthesis_output_dir = sys.argv[2] #step1, gen portrait mask if deepvac_config.use_portrait_mask: LOG.logI('STEP1: gen portrait mask start') genPortraitMask(deepvac_config) else: LOG.logI('omit STEP1: gen portrait mask start.') #step2, synthesis LOG.logI('STEP2: synthesis start.') synthesis(deepvac_config) # step3, show mask LOG.logI('STEP3: show result start.') showMask(deepvac_config)
import glob import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm import torch from deepvac import LOG from deepvac.datasets import CocoCVSegDataset if __name__ == "__main__": from config import config json_path_glob = sys.argv[1] + "/*.json" json_paths = glob.glob(json_path_glob) sample_path_prefixs = [os.path.splitext(jp)[0] for jp in json_paths] LOG.logI("All json_paths: {} \n All sample_path_prefixs: {}".format( json_paths, sample_path_prefixs)) for sample_path_prefix, json_path in zip(sample_path_prefixs, json_paths): if not os.path.exists(sample_path_prefix): LOG.logE("Path {} not exists !".format(sample_path_prefix), exit=True) config.test_dataset = CocoCVSegDataset(config, sample_path_prefix, json_path, config.cat2idx) config.test_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=False) for idx, (img, label, _, file_path) in tqdm(enumerate(config.test_loader),
import torch from deepvac import LOG from deepvac.datasets import CocoCVSegDataset, FileLineCvSegAuditDataset if __name__ == "__main__": from config import config if len(sys.argv) >= 2: config.file_path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: config.sample_path_prefix = sys.argv[2] config.test_dataset = FileLineCvSegAuditDataset( config, fileline_path=config.file_path, delimiter=config.delimiter, sample_path_prefix=config.sample_path_prefix) config.test_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=False) for idx, (img, label, _, file_path) in tqdm(enumerate(config.test_loader), total=config.test_loader.__len__()): pass LOG.logI("fileline file {} analyze done!".format(config.file_path))