Ejemplo n.º 1
def select_list(userid):
    query = d.execute("SELECT classid, title, amount_min, amount_max, settings, priceid FROM commishprice"
                      " WHERE userid = %i ORDER BY classid, title", [userid])

    content = d.execute("SELECT content FROM commishdesc WHERE userid = %i", [userid], ["element"])

    return {
        "class": [{
            "classid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
        } for i in d.execute("SELECT classid, title FROM commishclass WHERE userid = %i ORDER BY title", [userid])],
        "price": [{
            "classid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
            "amount_min": i[2],
            "amount_max": i[3],
            "settings": i[4],
            "priceid": i[5],
        } for i in query if "a" not in i[4]] + [{
            "classid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
            "amount_min": i[2],
            "amount_max": i[3],
            "settings": i[4],
            "priceid": i[5],
        } for i in query if "a" in i[4]],
        "content": content if content else "",
Ejemplo n.º 2
def resolve(userid, otherid, othername, myself=True):
    Attempts to determine the userid of a specified user; resolves using otherid,
    othername, and userid (if myself is True), in that order. If no userid can be
    resolved, returns 0 instead.
    result = None

    if otherid:
        result = d.execute("SELECT userid FROM login WHERE userid = %i", [d.get_int(otherid)], ["element"])

        if result:
            return result
    elif othername:
        result = d.execute("SELECT userid FROM login WHERE login_name = '%s'", [d.get_sysname(othername)], ["element"])

        if result:
            return result

        result = d.execute("SELECT userid FROM useralias WHERE alias_name = '%s'", [d.get_sysname(othername)], ["element"])

        if result:
            return result
    elif userid and myself:
        return userid

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def remove_request(userid, otherid):
        "DELETE FROM frienduser "
        "WHERE userid IN (%i, %i) "
        "AND otherid IN (%i, %i)",
        [userid, otherid, userid, otherid])
    welcome.frienduserrequest_remove(userid, otherid)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def select_latest(userid, rating, otherid=None, config=None):
    if config is None:
        config = d.get_config(userid)

    statement = ["SELECT jo.journalid, jo.title, jo.unixtime FROM journal jo WHERE"]

    if userid:
        if d.is_sfw_mode():
            statement.append(" (jo.rating <= %i)" % (rating,))
            statement.append(" (jo.userid = %i OR jo.rating <= %i)" % (userid, rating))
        if not otherid:
            statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "jo"))
        statement.append(m.MACRO_BLOCKTAG_JOURNAL % (userid, userid))
        statement.append(" jo.rating <= %i" % (rating,))

    if otherid:
            " AND jo.userid = %i AND jo.settings !~ '[%sh]'" % (otherid, "" if frienduser.check(userid, otherid) else "f"))

    statement.append("ORDER BY jo.journalid DESC LIMIT 1")
    query = d.execute("".join(statement), options="single")

    if query:
        return {
            "journalid": query[0],
            "title": query[1],
            "unixtime": query[2],
            "content": files.read("%s%s%i.txt" % (m.MACRO_SYS_JOURNAL_PATH, d.get_hash_path(query[0]), query[0])),
            "comments": d.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journalcomment WHERE targetid = %i AND settings !~ 'h'",
                                  [query[0]], ["element"]),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def edit_email_password(userid, username, password, newemail, newemailcheck,
                        newpassword, newpasscheck):
    import login

    # Check that credentials are correct
    logid, logerror = login.authenticate_bcrypt(username, password, session=False)

    if userid != logid or logerror is not None:
        raise WeasylError("loginInvalid")

    if newemail:
        if newemail != newemailcheck:
            raise WeasylError("emailMismatch")
        elif login.email_exists(newemail):
            raise WeasylError("emailExists")

    if newpassword:
        if newpassword != newpasscheck:
            raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
        elif not login.password_secure(newpassword):
            raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")

    if newemail:
        d.execute("UPDATE login SET email = '%s' WHERE userid = %i", [newemail, userid])

    if newpassword:
        d.execute("UPDATE authbcrypt SET hashsum = '%s' WHERE userid = %i", [login.passhash(newpassword), userid])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def resolve(userid, otherid, othername, myself=True):
    Attempts to determine the userid of a specified user; resolves using otherid,
    othername, and userid (if myself is True), in that order. If no userid can be
    resolved, returns 0 instead.
    result = None

    if otherid:
        result = d.execute("SELECT userid FROM login WHERE userid = %i",
                           [d.get_int(otherid)], ["element"])

        if result:
            return result
    elif othername:
        result = d.execute("SELECT userid FROM login WHERE login_name = '%s'",
                           [d.get_sysname(othername)], ["element"])

        if result:
            return result

        result = d.execute(
            "SELECT userid FROM useralias WHERE alias_name = '%s'",
            [d.get_sysname(othername)], ["element"])

        if result:
            return result
    elif userid and myself:
        return userid

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def select_list(userid):
    query = d.execute(
        "SELECT classid, title, amount_min, amount_max, settings, priceid FROM commishprice"
        " WHERE userid = %i ORDER BY classid, title", [userid])

    content = d.execute("SELECT content FROM commishdesc WHERE userid = %i",
                        [userid], ["element"])

    return {
        "class": [{
            "classid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
        } for i in d.execute(
            "SELECT classid, title FROM commishclass WHERE userid = %i ORDER BY title",
        "price": [{
            "classid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
            "amount_min": i[2],
            "amount_max": i[3],
            "settings": i[4],
            "priceid": i[5],
        } for i in query if "a" not in i[4]] + [{
            "classid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
            "amount_min": i[2],
            "amount_max": i[3],
            "settings": i[4],
            "priceid": i[5],
        } for i in query if "a" in i[4]],
        content if content else "",
Ejemplo n.º 8
def offer(userid, submitid, otherid):
    query = d.execute("SELECT userid, rating, settings FROM submission WHERE submitid = %i",
                      [submitid], options="single")

    if not query or "h" in query[2]:
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")
    elif userid != query[0]:
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

    # Check collection acceptability
    if otherid:
        rating = d.get_rating(otherid)

        if rating < query[1]:
            raise WeasylError("collectionUnacceptable")
        if "f" in query[2]:
            raise WeasylError("collectionUnacceptable")
        if ignoreuser.check(otherid, userid):
            raise WeasylError("IgnoredYou")
        if ignoreuser.check(userid, otherid):
            raise WeasylError("YouIgnored")
        if blocktag.check(otherid, submitid=submitid):
            raise WeasylError("collectionUnacceptable")

        d.execute("INSERT INTO collection (userid, submitid, unixtime) VALUES (%i, %i, %i)",
                  [otherid, submitid, d.get_time()])
    except PostgresError:
        raise WeasylError("collectionExists")

    welcome.collectoffer_insert(userid, otherid, submitid)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def select_latest(userid, rating, otherid=None, config=None):
    if config is None:
        config = d.get_config(userid)

    statement = ["SELECT jo.journalid, jo.title, jo.unixtime FROM journal jo WHERE"]

    if userid:
        if d.is_sfw_mode():
            statement.append(" (jo.rating <= %i)" % (rating,))
            statement.append(" (jo.userid = %i OR jo.rating <= %i)" % (userid, rating))
        if not otherid:
            statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "jo"))
        statement.append(m.MACRO_BLOCKTAG_JOURNAL % (userid, userid))
        statement.append(" jo.rating <= %i" % (rating,))

    if otherid:
            " AND jo.userid = %i AND jo.settings !~ '[%sh]'" % (otherid, "" if frienduser.check(userid, otherid) else "f"))

    statement.append("ORDER BY jo.journalid DESC LIMIT 1")
    query = d.execute("".join(statement), options="single")

    if query:
        return {
            "journalid": query[0],
            "title": query[1],
            "unixtime": query[2],
            "content": files.read("%s%s%i.txt" % (m.MACRO_SYS_JOURNAL_PATH, d.get_hash_path(query[0]), query[0])),
            "comments": d.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journalcomment WHERE targetid = %i AND settings !~ 'h'",
                                  [query[0]], ["element"]),
Ejemplo n.º 10
def edit_email_password(userid, username, password, newemail, newemailcheck,
                        newpassword, newpasscheck):
    import login

    # Check that credentials are correct
    logid, logerror = login.authenticate_bcrypt(username,

    if userid != logid or logerror is not None:
        raise WeasylError("loginInvalid")

    if newemail:
        if newemail != newemailcheck:
            raise WeasylError("emailMismatch")
        elif login.email_exists(newemail):
            raise WeasylError("emailExists")

    if newpassword:
        if newpassword != newpasscheck:
            raise WeasylError("passwordMismatch")
        elif not login.password_secure(newpassword):
            raise WeasylError("passwordInsecure")

    if newemail:
        d.execute("UPDATE login SET email = '%s' WHERE userid = %i",
                  [newemail, userid])

    if newpassword:
        d.execute("UPDATE authbcrypt SET hashsum = '%s' WHERE userid = %i",
                  [login.passhash(newpassword), userid])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def create_price(userid, price, currency="", settings=""):
    if not price.title:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleInvalid")
    elif price.amount_min > _MAX_PRICE:
        raise error.WeasylError("minamountInvalid")
    elif price.amount_max > _MAX_PRICE:
        raise error.WeasylError("maxamountInvalid")
    elif price.amount_max and price.amount_max < price.amount_min:
        raise error.WeasylError("maxamountInvalid")
    elif not d.execute("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM commishclass WHERE (classid, userid) = (%i, %i))",
                       [price.classid, userid], ["bool"]):
        raise error.WeasylError("classidInvalid")
    elif not price.classid:
        raise error.WeasylError("classidInvalid")

    # Settings are at most one currency class, and optionally an 'a' to indicate an add-on price.
    # TODO: replace these character codes with an enum.
    settings = "%s%s" % ("".join(i for i in currency if i in "epycmu")[:1],
                         "a" if "a" in settings else "")

    # TODO: should have an auto-increment ID
    priceid = d.execute("SELECT MAX(priceid) + 1 FROM commishprice WHERE userid = %i", [userid], ["element"])

            "INSERT INTO commishprice VALUES (%i, %i, %i, '%s', %i, %i, '%s')",
            [priceid if priceid else 1, price.classid, userid, price.title, price.amount_min, price.amount_max, settings])
    except error.PostgresError:
        return error.WeasylError("titleExists")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def create_price(userid, price, currency="", settings=""):
    if not price.title:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleInvalid")
    elif price.amount_min > _MAX_PRICE:
        raise error.WeasylError("minamountInvalid")
    elif price.amount_max > _MAX_PRICE:
        raise error.WeasylError("maxamountInvalid")
    elif price.amount_max and price.amount_max < price.amount_min:
        raise error.WeasylError("maxamountInvalid")
    elif not d.execute(
            "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM commishclass WHERE (classid, userid) = (%i, %i))",
        [price.classid, userid], ["bool"]):
        raise error.WeasylError("classidInvalid")
    elif not price.classid:
        raise error.WeasylError("classidInvalid")

    # Settings are at most one currency class, and optionally an 'a' to indicate an add-on price.
    # TODO: replace these character codes with an enum.
    settings = "%s%s" % ("".join(i for i in currency if i in "epycmu")[:1],
                         "a" if "a" in settings else "")

    # TODO: should have an auto-increment ID
    priceid = d.execute(
        "SELECT MAX(priceid) + 1 FROM commishprice WHERE userid = %i",
        [userid], ["element"])

            "INSERT INTO commishprice VALUES (%i, %i, %i, '%s', %i, %i, '%s')",
                priceid if priceid else 1, price.classid, userid, price.title,
                price.amount_min, price.amount_max, settings
    except error.PostgresError:
        return error.WeasylError("titleExists")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def remove(userid, tagid=None, title=None):
    if tagid:
        d.execute("DELETE FROM blocktag WHERE (userid, tagid) = (%i, %i)", [userid, tagid])
    elif title:
        d.execute("DELETE FROM blocktag WHERE (userid, tagid) = (%i, (SELECT tagid FROM searchtag WHERE title = '%s'))",
                  [userid, d.get_search_tag(title)])

Ejemplo n.º 14
def set(userid, username):
    if login.username_exists(username):
        raise WeasylError("usernameExists")
    elif not d.get_premium(None, userid):
        raise WeasylError("InsufficientPermissions")

    d.execute("DELETE FROM useralias WHERE userid = %i AND settings ~ 'p'", [userid])
    d.execute("INSERT INTO useralias VALUES (%i, '%s', 'p')", [userid, username])
Ejemplo n.º 15
def accept(userid, otherid):
    if check(userid, otherid):
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

    d.execute("UPDATE frienduser SET settings = REPLACE(settings, 'p', '')"
              " WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i)", [otherid, userid])
    welcome.frienduseraccept_insert(userid, otherid)
    welcome.frienduserrequest_remove(userid, otherid)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def select(userid, premium=True):
    if premium:
        return d.execute(
            "SELECT alias_name FROM useralias WHERE userid = %i AND settings ~ 'p'",
            [userid], ["element"])
        return d.execute("SELECT alias_name FROM useralias WHERE userid = %i",
                         [userid], ["element"])
Ejemplo n.º 17
def accept(userid, otherid):
    if check(userid, otherid):
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

        "UPDATE frienduser SET settings = REPLACE(settings, 'p', '')"
        " WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i)", [otherid, userid])
    welcome.frienduseraccept_insert(userid, otherid)
    welcome.frienduserrequest_remove(userid, otherid)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def force_resetbirthday(userid, birthday):
    if not birthday:
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
    elif birthday > d.get_time():
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")

    d.execute("UPDATE userinfo SET birthday = %i WHERE userid = %i", [birthday, userid])
    d.execute("UPDATE login SET settings = REPLACE(settings, 'i', '') WHERE userid = %i", [userid])
Ejemplo n.º 19
def edit_class(userid, commishclass):

    if not commishclass.title:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleInvalid")

        d.execute("UPDATE commishclass SET title = '%s' WHERE (classid, userid) = (%i, %i)",
                  [commishclass.title, commishclass.classid, userid])
    except error.PostgresError:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleExists")
Ejemplo n.º 20
def create_commission_class(userid, title):
    if not title:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleInvalid")

    classid = d.execute("SELECT MAX(classid) + 1 FROM commishclass WHERE userid = %i", [userid], ["element"])

        d.execute("INSERT INTO commishclass VALUES (%i, %i, '%s')", [classid if classid else 1, userid, title])
    except error.PostgresError:
        raise error.WeasylError("commishclassExists")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def set(userid, username):
    if login.username_exists(username):
        raise WeasylError("usernameExists")
    elif not d.get_premium(None, userid):
        raise WeasylError("InsufficientPermissions")

    d.execute("DELETE FROM useralias WHERE userid = %i AND settings ~ 'p'",
    d.execute("INSERT INTO useralias VALUES (%i, '%s', 'p')",
              [userid, username])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def select_view(userid, charid, rating, ignore=True, anyway=None):
    query = define.execute("""
            ch.userid, pr.username, ch.unixtime, ch.char_name, ch.age, ch.gender, ch.height, ch.weight, ch.species,
            ch.content, ch.rating, ch.settings, ch.page_views, pr.config
        FROM character ch
            INNER JOIN profile pr USING (userid)
        WHERE ch.charid = %i
    """, [charid], options=["single", "list"])

    if query and userid in staff.MODS and anyway == "true":
    elif not query or "h" in query[11]:
        raise WeasylError("characterRecordMissing")
    elif query[10] > rating and ((userid != query[0] and userid not in staff.MODS) or define.is_sfw_mode()):
        raise WeasylError("RatingExceeded")
    elif "f" in query[11] and not frienduser.check(userid, query[0]):
        raise WeasylError("FriendsOnly")
    elif ignore and ignoreuser.check(userid, query[0]):
        raise WeasylError("UserIgnored")
    elif ignore and blocktag.check(userid, charid=charid):
        raise WeasylError("TagBlocked")

    if define.common_view_content(userid, charid, "char"):
        query[12] += 1
    login = define.get_sysname(query[1])

    return {
        "charid": charid,
        "userid": query[0],
        "username": query[1],
        "user_media": media.get_user_media(query[0]),
        "mine": userid == query[0],
        "unixtime": query[2],
        "title": query[3],
        "age": query[4],
        "gender": query[5],
        "height": query[6],
        "weight": query[7],
        "species": query[8],
        "content": query[9],
        "rating": query[10],
        "settings": query[11],
        "reported": report.check(charid=charid),
        "favorited": favorite.check(userid, charid=charid),
        "page_views": query[12],
        "friends_only": "f" in query[11],
        "hidden_submission": "h" in query[11],
        # todo
        "fave_count": define.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite WHERE (targetid, type) = (%i, 'f')",
                                     [charid], ["element"]),
        "comments": comment.select(userid, charid=charid),
        "sub_media": fake_media_items(charid, query[0], login, query[11]),
        "tags": searchtag.select(charid=charid),
Ejemplo n.º 23
def edit_class(userid, commishclass):

    if not commishclass.title:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleInvalid")

            "UPDATE commishclass SET title = '%s' WHERE (classid, userid) = (%i, %i)",
            [commishclass.title, commishclass.classid, userid])
    except error.PostgresError:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleExists")
Ejemplo n.º 24
def insert(userid, submitid=None, charid=None, journalid=None):
    if submitid:
        content_table, id_field, target = "submission", "submitid", submitid
    elif charid:
        content_table, id_field, target = "character", "charid", charid
        content_table, id_field, target = "journal", "journalid", journalid

    query = d.execute("SELECT userid, settings FROM %s WHERE %s = %i",
                      [content_table, id_field, target],

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("TargetRecordMissing")
    elif userid == query[0]:
        raise WeasylError("CannotSelfFavorite")
    elif "f" in query[1] and not frienduser.check(userid, query[0]):
        raise WeasylError("FriendsOnly")
    elif ignoreuser.check(userid, query[0]):
        raise WeasylError("YouIgnored")
    elif ignoreuser.check(query[0], userid):
        raise WeasylError("contentOwnerIgnoredYou")

        d.execute("INSERT INTO favorite VALUES (%i, %i, '%s', %i)", [
            d.get_targetid(submitid, charid, journalid),
            "s" if submitid else "f" if charid else "j",
    except PostgresError:
        raise WeasylError("favoriteRecordExists")

    # create a list of users to notify
    notified = set(collection.find_owners(submitid))

    # conditions under which "other" should be notified
    def can_notify(other):
        other_jsonb = d.get_profile_settings(other)
        allow_notify = other_jsonb.allow_collection_notifs
        not_ignored = not ignoreuser.check(other, userid)
        return allow_notify and not_ignored

    notified = set(filter(can_notify, notified))
    # always notify for own content

    for other in notified:
Ejemplo n.º 25
def force_resetbirthday(userid, birthday):
    if not birthday:
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")
    elif birthday > d.get_time():
        raise WeasylError("birthdayInvalid")

    d.execute("UPDATE userinfo SET birthday = %i WHERE userid = %i",
              [birthday, userid])
        "UPDATE login SET settings = REPLACE(settings, 'i', '') WHERE userid = %i",
Ejemplo n.º 26
def create_commission_class(userid, title):
    if not title:
        raise error.WeasylError("titleInvalid")

    classid = d.execute(
        "SELECT MAX(classid) + 1 FROM commishclass WHERE userid = %i",
        [userid], ["element"])

        d.execute("INSERT INTO commishclass VALUES (%i, %i, '%s')",
                  [classid if classid else 1, userid, title])
    except error.PostgresError:
        raise error.WeasylError("commishclassExists")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def remove(userid, submitid=None, charid=None, journalid=None):
        "DELETE FROM favorite WHERE (userid, targetid, type) = (%i, %i, '%s')",
            d.get_targetid(submitid, charid, journalid),
            "s" if submitid else "f" if charid else "j"

Ejemplo n.º 28
def edit_price(userid,
    currency = "".join(i for i in currency if i in "epycmu")
    settings = "".join(i for i in settings if i in "a")

    query = d.execute(
        "SELECT amount_min, amount_max, settings, classid FROM commishprice"
        " WHERE (priceid, userid) = (%i, %i)", [price.priceid, userid],

    if not query:
        raise error.WeasylError("priceidInvalid")
    elif price.amount_min > _MAX_PRICE:
        raise error.WeasylError("minamountInvalid")
    elif price.amount_max > _MAX_PRICE:
        raise error.WeasylError("maxamountInvalid")
    elif price.amount_max and price.amount_max < price.amount_min:
        raise error.WeasylError("maxamountInvalid")

    argv = []
    statement = ["UPDATE commishprice SET "]

    if price.title:
        statement.append("%s title = '%%s'" % ("," if argv else ""))

    if edit_prices:
        if price.amount_min != query[0]:
            statement.append("%s amount_min = %%i" % ("," if argv else ""))

        if price.amount_max != query[1]:
            statement.append("%s amount_max = %%i" % ("," if argv else ""))

    if edit_settings:
        statement.append("%s settings = '%%s'" % ("," if argv else ""))
        argv.append("%s%s" % (currency, settings))

    if not argv:

    statement.append(" WHERE (priceid, userid) = (%i, %i)")
    argv.extend([price.priceid, userid])

    d.execute("".join(statement), argv)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def insert(userid, otherid):
    if ignoreuser.check(otherid, userid):
        raise WeasylError("IgnoredYou")
    elif ignoreuser.check(userid, otherid):
        raise WeasylError("YouIgnored")

        d.execute("INSERT INTO watchuser VALUES (%i, %i, '%s')",
                  [userid, otherid, WatchSettings.from_code(d.get_config(userid)).to_code()])
    except IntegrityError:

    welcome.followuser_remove(userid, otherid)
    welcome.followuser_insert(userid, otherid)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def check(userid, otherid, pending=False, myself=True):
    if not userid or not otherid:
        return False
    elif userid == otherid:
        return myself

    if pending:
        return d.execute(
            "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM frienduser WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i) OR (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i))",
            [userid, otherid, otherid, userid], options="bool")
        return d.execute(
            "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM frienduser WHERE ((userid, otherid) = (%i, %i) OR (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i))"
            " AND settings !~ 'p')", [userid, otherid, otherid, userid], options="bool")
Ejemplo n.º 31
def select_list(userid, rating, limit, otherid=None, backid=None, nextid=None, config=None):
    if config is None:
        config = d.get_config(userid)

    statement = ["SELECT jo.journalid, jo.title, jo.unixtime FROM journal jo WHERE"]

    if userid:
        # filter own content in SFW mode
        if d.is_sfw_mode():
            statement.append(" (jo.rating <= %i)" % (rating,))
            statement.append(" (jo.userid = %i OR jo.rating <= %i)" % (userid, rating))
        if not otherid:
            statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "jo"))
        statement.append(m.MACRO_BLOCKTAG_JOURNAL % (userid, userid))
        statement.append(" jo.rating <= %i" % (rating,))

    if otherid:
            " AND jo.userid = %i AND jo.settings !~ '[%sh]'" % (otherid, "" if frienduser.check(userid, otherid) else "f"))
        statement.append(" AND jo.settings !~ 'h'")

    statement.append("ORDER BY jo.journalid DESC LIMIT %i" % limit)

    query = [{
        "journalid": i[0],
        "title": i[1],
        "unixtime": i[2],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(statement))]

    return query[::-1] if backid else query
Ejemplo n.º 32
def select_manage(userid):
    query = d.execute(
            lo.userid, lo.last_login, lo.email, pr.unixtime, pr.username, pr.full_name, pr.catchphrase, ui.birthday,
            ui.gender, ui.country, pr.config
        FROM login lo
            INNER JOIN profile pr USING (userid)
            INNER JOIN userinfo ui USING (userid)
        WHERE lo.userid = %i
    """, [userid], ["single"])

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

    return {
        "userid": query[0],
        "last_login": query[1],
        "email": query[2],
        "unixtime": query[3],
        "username": query[4],
        "full_name": query[5],
        "catchphrase": query[6],
        "birthday": query[7],
        "gender": query[8],
        "country": query[9],
        "config": query[10],
        "staff_notes": shout.count(userid, staffnotes=True),
Ejemplo n.º 33
def select_list(userid, rating, limit, otherid=None, backid=None, nextid=None, config=None):
    if config is None:
        config = d.get_config(userid)

    statement = ["SELECT jo.journalid, jo.title, jo.unixtime FROM journal jo WHERE"]

    if userid:
        # filter own content in SFW mode
        if d.is_sfw_mode():
            statement.append(" (jo.rating <= %i)" % (rating,))
            statement.append(" (jo.userid = %i OR jo.rating <= %i)" % (userid, rating))
        if not otherid:
            statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "jo"))
        statement.append(m.MACRO_BLOCKTAG_JOURNAL % (userid, userid))
        statement.append(" jo.rating <= %i" % (rating,))

    if otherid:
            " AND jo.userid = %i AND jo.settings !~ '[%sh]'" % (otherid, "" if frienduser.check(userid, otherid) else "f"))
        statement.append(" AND jo.settings !~ 'h'")

    statement.append("ORDER BY jo.journalid DESC LIMIT %i" % limit)

    query = [{
        "journalid": i[0],
        "title": i[1],
        "unixtime": i[2],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(statement))]

    return query[::-1] if backid else query
Ejemplo n.º 34
def select_list(userid, rating, limit, otherid=None, pending=False, backid=None, nextid=None, config=None, options=[]):
    if config is None:
        config = d.get_config(userid)

    statement = ["SELECT su.submitid, su.title, su.rating, co.unixtime, "
                 "su.userid, pr.username, su.settings, cpr.username, cpr.userid "]
    statement.extend(select_query(userid, rating, otherid, pending,
                                  backid, nextid, config))
    statement.append(" ORDER BY co.unixtime%s LIMIT %i" % ("" if backid else " DESC", limit))

    query = []
    for i in d.execute("".join(statement)):
            "contype": 10,
            "collection": True,
            "submitid": i[0],
            "title": i[1],
            "rating": i[2],
            "unixtime": i[3],
            "userid": i[4],
            "username": i[5],  # username of creator
            "collector": i[7],  # username of collector
            "collectorid": i[8],
            "sub_media": media.get_submission_media(i[0]),

    return query[::-1] if backid else query
Ejemplo n.º 35
def check(userid, otherid, pending=False, myself=True):
    if not userid or not otherid:
        return False
    elif userid == otherid:
        return myself

    if pending:
        return d.execute(
            "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM frienduser WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i) OR (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i))",
            [userid, otherid, otherid, userid],
        return d.execute(
            "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM frienduser WHERE ((userid, otherid) = (%i, %i) OR (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i))"
            " AND settings !~ 'p')", [userid, otherid, otherid, userid],
Ejemplo n.º 36
def select_accepted(userid, limit=None, backid=None, nextid=None):
    result = []
    query = d.execute(
        "SELECT fr.userid, p1.username, p1.config, fr.otherid, p2.username, p2.config, fr.settings FROM frienduser fr"
        " INNER JOIN profile p1 ON fr.userid = p1.userid"
        " INNER JOIN profile p2 ON fr.otherid = p2.userid"
        " WHERE %i IN (fr.userid, fr.otherid) AND fr.settings !~ 'p'"
        " ORDER BY p1.username", [userid])

    for i in query:
        if i[0] != userid:
                "userid": i[0],
                "username": i[1],
                "settings": i[6],
                "userid": i[3],
                "username": i[4],
                "settings": i[6],

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 37
def list_followed(userid,
    Returns a list of users who are following the specified user.
    statement = [
        "SELECT wu.userid FROM watchuser wu JOIN profile pr ON wu.userid = pr.userid WHERE wu.otherid = %i"

    if settings:
        statement.append(" AND wu.settings ~ '%s'")

    if friends:
            AND (
                wu.userid IN (SELECT fu.userid FROM frienduser fu WHERE fu.otherid = wu.otherid AND fu.settings !~ 'p')
                OR wu.userid IN (SELECT fu.otherid FROM frienduser fu WHERE fu.userid = wu.otherid AND fu.settings !~ 'p'))

    if rating == ratings.EXPLICIT.code:
        # Only notify users who view explicit
        statement.append(" AND pr.config ~ 'p'")
    elif rating == ratings.MATURE.code:
        # Only notify users who view explicit or explicit
        statement.append(" AND pr.config ~ '[ap]'")
    elif rating == ratings.MODERATE.code:
        # Only notify users who view mature or explicit or explicit
        statement.append(" AND pr.config ~ '[map]'")

    return d.execute("".join(statement),
                     [userid, settings] if settings else [userid],
                     options=["within"] if within else [])
Ejemplo n.º 38
def select_followed(userid, otherid, limit=None, backid=None, nextid=None, choose=None, following=False):
    Returns the users who are following the specified user; note that
    ``following`` need never be passed explicitly.
    if following:
        statement = ["SELECT wu.otherid, pr.username, pr.config FROM watchuser wu"
                     " INNER JOIN profile pr ON wu.otherid = pr.userid"
                     " WHERE wu.userid = %i" % (otherid,)]
        statement = ["SELECT wu.userid, pr.username, pr.config FROM watchuser wu"
                     " INNER JOIN profile pr ON wu.userid = pr.userid"
                     " WHERE wu.otherid = %i" % (otherid,)]

    if userid:
        statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "pr"))

    if backid:
        statement.append(" AND pr.username < (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)" % (backid,))
    elif nextid:
        statement.append(" AND pr.username > (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)" % (nextid,))

    if choose:
        statement.append(" ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT %i" % (choose,))
        statement.append(" ORDER BY pr.username%s LIMIT %i" % (" DESC" if backid else "", limit))

    query = [{
        "userid": i[0],
        "username": i[1],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(statement))]

    return query[::-1] if backid else query
Ejemplo n.º 39
def list_followed(userid, settings=None, within=False, rating=ratings.GENERAL.code, friends=False):
    Returns a list of users who are following the specified user.
    statement = ["SELECT wu.userid FROM watchuser wu JOIN profile pr ON wu.userid = pr.userid WHERE wu.otherid = %i"]

    if settings:
        statement.append(" AND wu.settings ~ '%s'")

    if friends:
            AND (
                wu.userid IN (SELECT fu.userid FROM frienduser fu WHERE fu.otherid = wu.otherid AND fu.settings !~ 'p')
                OR wu.userid IN (SELECT fu.otherid FROM frienduser fu WHERE fu.userid = wu.otherid AND fu.settings !~ 'p'))

    if rating == ratings.EXPLICIT.code:
        # Only notify users who view explicit
        statement.append(" AND pr.config ~ 'p'")
    elif rating == ratings.MATURE.code:
        # Only notify users who view explicit or explicit
        statement.append(" AND pr.config ~ '[ap]'")
    elif rating == ratings.MODERATE.code:
        # Only notify users who view mature or explicit or explicit
        statement.append(" AND pr.config ~ '[map]'")

    return d.execute("".join(statement),
                     [userid, settings] if settings else [userid],
                     options=["within"] if within else [])
Ejemplo n.º 40
def select(userid, otherid, limit=None, pending=False, backid=None, nextid=None, choose=None, gotrequest=False):
    query = []

    if gotrequest:
        statement = ["SELECT fr.otherid, pr.username, fr.settings, pr.config FROM frienduser fr"
                     " INNER JOIN profile pr ON fr.otherid = pr.userid"
                     " WHERE fr.otherid = %i AND fr.settings ~ 'p'" % (userid,)]
        statement = ["SELECT fr.otherid, pr.username, fr.settings, pr.config FROM frienduser fr"
                     " INNER JOIN profile pr ON fr.otherid = pr.userid"
                     " WHERE fr.userid = %i AND fr.settings %s~ 'p'" % (otherid, "" if pending else "!")]

    if backid:
        statement.append(" AND pr.username < (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)" % (backid,))
    elif nextid:
        statement.append(" AND pr.username > (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)" % (nextid,))

    statement.append(" ORDER BY pr.username" + (" DESC" if nextid else ""))

    if limit:
        statement.append(" LIMIT %i" % (limit,))

    for i in d.execute("".join(statement)):
            "userid": i[0],
            "username": i[1],
            "settings": i[2],

    ret = (d.get_random_set(query, choose) if choose else query[::-1] if backid else query)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 41
def suggest(userid, target):
    if not target:
        return []

    return d.execute("SELECT title FROM searchtag"
                     " WHERE title LIKE '%s%%' AND tagid NOT IN (SELECT tagid FROM blocktag WHERE userid = %i)"
                     " ORDER BY title LIMIT 10", [target, userid], options="within")
Ejemplo n.º 42
def select_accepted(userid, limit=None, backid=None, nextid=None):
    result = []
    query = d.execute(
        "SELECT fr.userid, p1.username, p1.config, fr.otherid, p2.username, p2.config, fr.settings FROM frienduser fr"
        " INNER JOIN profile p1 ON fr.userid = p1.userid"
        " INNER JOIN profile p2 ON fr.otherid = p2.userid"
        " WHERE %i IN (fr.userid, fr.otherid) AND fr.settings !~ 'p'"
        " ORDER BY p1.username", [userid])

    for i in query:
        if i[0] != userid:
                "userid": i[0],
                "username": i[1],
                "settings": i[6],
                "userid": i[3],
                "username": i[4],
                "settings": i[6],

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 43
def manage_following(userid, limit, backid=None, nextid=None):
    state = [
        "SELECT pr.userid, pr.username, pr.config FROM watchuser wu"
        " JOIN profile pr ON wu.otherid = pr.userid"
        " WHERE wu.userid = %i" % (userid,)]

    if backid:
        state.append(" AND pr.username < (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)" % backid)
    elif nextid:
        state.append(" AND pr.username > (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)" % nextid)

    state.append(" ORDER BY pr.username")

    if backid:
        state.append(" DESC")

    state.append(" LIMIT %i" % limit)

    query = [{
        "userid": i[0],
        "username": i[1],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(state))]

    return query[::-1] if backid else query
Ejemplo n.º 44
def _select_statistics(userid):
    query = d.execute("""
            (SELECT page_views FROM profile WHERE userid = %i),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite WHERE userid = %i),
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite fa JOIN submission su ON fa.targetid = su.submitid
                    WHERE su.userid = %i AND fa.type = 's') +
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite fa JOIN character ch ON fa.targetid = ch.charid
                    WHERE ch.userid = %i AND fa.type = 'f') +
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite fa JOIN journal jo ON fa.targetid = jo.journalid
                    WHERE jo.userid = %i AND fa.type = 'j')),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watchuser WHERE otherid = %i),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watchuser WHERE userid = %i),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM submission WHERE userid = %i AND settings !~ 'h'),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journal WHERE userid = %i AND settings !~ 'h'),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE target_user = %i AND settings !~ 'h' AND settings ~ 's')
    """, [userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid], options="single")

    return {
        "page_views": query[0],
        "submit_views": query[1],
        "faves_sent": query[2],
        "faves_received": query[3],
        "followed": query[4],
        "following": query[5],
        "submissions": query[6],
        "journals": query[7],
        "staff_notes": query[8],
Ejemplo n.º 45
def charactersbyuser(userid, form):
    if userid not in staff.MODS:
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

    query = d.execute("""
            ch.charid, pr.username, ch.unixtime,
            ch.char_name, ch.age, ch.gender, ch.height, ch.weight, ch.species,
            ch.content, ch.rating, ch.settings, ch.page_views, pr.config
        FROM character ch
        INNER JOIN profile pr ON ch.userid = pr.userid
        INNER JOIN login ON ch.userid = login.userid
        WHERE login.login_name = '%s'
    """, [d.get_sysname(form.name)])

    return [{
        "contype": 20,
        "userid": userid,
        "charid": item[0],
        "username": item[1],
        "unixtime": item[2],
        "title": item[3],
        "rating": item[10],
        "settings": item[11],
        "sub_media": character.fake_media_items(item[0], userid, d.get_sysname(item[1]), item[11]),
    } for item in query]
Ejemplo n.º 46
def insert(userid, otherid):
    if ignoreuser.check(otherid, userid):
        raise WeasylError("IgnoredYou")
    elif ignoreuser.check(userid, otherid):
        raise WeasylError("YouIgnored")

        d.execute("INSERT INTO watchuser VALUES (%i, %i, '%s')", [
            userid, otherid,
    except IntegrityError:

    welcome.followuser_remove(userid, otherid)
    welcome.followuser_insert(userid, otherid)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def select_settings(userid, otherid):
    query = d.execute("SELECT settings FROM watchuser WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i)", [userid, otherid], ["single"])

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("watchuserRecordMissing")

    return query[0]
Ejemplo n.º 48
def twitter_card(userid):
    username, full_name, catchphrase, profile_text, config, twitter = d.execute(
        "SELECT pr.username, pr.full_name, pr.catchphrase, pr.profile_text, pr.config, ul.link_value "
        "FROM profile pr "
        "LEFT JOIN user_links ul ON pr.userid = ul.userid AND ul.link_type = 'twitter' "
        "WHERE pr.userid = %i", [userid], ["single"])

    ret = {
        'card': 'summary',
        'url': d.absolutify_url('/~%s' % (username, )),
        'title': '%s on Weasyl' % (full_name, ),

    if catchphrase:
        description = '"%s"' % (catchphrase, )
    elif profile_text:
        description = strip_html(profile_text)
        description = "[%s has an empty profile, but is eggcelent!]" % (
            full_name, )
    ret['description'] = d.summarize(description)

    media_items = media.get_user_media(userid)
    ret['image:src'] = d.absolutify_url(

    if twitter:
        ret['creator'] = '@%s' % (twitter.lstrip('@'), )

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 49
def twitter_card(userid):
    username, full_name, catchphrase, profile_text, config, twitter = d.execute(
        "SELECT pr.username, pr.full_name, pr.catchphrase, pr.profile_text, pr.config, ul.link_value "
        "FROM profile pr "
        "LEFT JOIN user_links ul ON pr.userid = ul.userid AND ul.link_type = 'twitter' "
        "WHERE pr.userid = %i",

    ret = {
        'card': 'summary',
        'url': d.absolutify_url('/~%s' % (username,)),
        'title': '%s on Weasyl' % (full_name,),

    if catchphrase:
        description = '"%s"' % (catchphrase,)
    elif profile_text:
        description = strip_html(profile_text)
        description = "[%s has an empty profile, but is eggcelent!]" % (full_name,)
    ret['description'] = d.summarize(description)

    media_items = media.get_user_media(userid)
    ret['image:src'] = d.absolutify_url(media_items['avatar'][0]['display_url'])

    if twitter:
        ret['creator'] = '@%s' % (twitter.lstrip('@'),)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 50
def select_relation(userid, otherid):
    if not userid or userid == otherid:
        return {
            "follow": False,
            "friend": False,
            "ignore": False,
            "friendreq": False,
            "is_self": userid == otherid,

    query = d.execute(
            (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM watchuser WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i))),
            (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM frienduser WHERE userid IN (%i, %i) AND otherid IN (%i, %i) AND settings !~ 'p')),
            (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM ignoreuser WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i))),
            (SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM frienduser WHERE (userid, otherid) = (%i, %i) AND settings ~ 'p'))
    """, [
            userid, otherid, userid, otherid, userid, otherid, userid, otherid,
            userid, otherid
        ], ["single"])

    return {
        "follow": query[0],
        "friend": query[1],
        "ignore": query[2],
        "friendreq": query[3],
        "is_self": False,
Ejemplo n.º 51
def select_streaming(userid, rating, limit, following=True, order_by=None):
    statement = [
        "SELECT userid, pr.username, pr.stream_url, pr.config, pr.stream_text, start_time "
        "FROM profile pr "
        "JOIN user_streams USING (userid) "
        "WHERE end_time > %i" % (d.get_time(),)

    if userid:
        statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "pr"))

        if following:
            pass  # todo
    if order_by:
        statement.append(" ORDER BY %s LIMIT %i" % (order_by, limit))
        statement.append(" ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT %i" % limit)

    ret = [{
        "userid": i[0],
        "username": i[1],
        "stream_url": i[2],
        "stream_text": i[4],
        "stream_time": i[5],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(statement)) if i[2]]

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 52
def _select_statistics(userid):
    query = d.execute("""
            (SELECT page_views FROM profile WHERE userid = %i),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite WHERE userid = %i),
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite fa JOIN submission su ON fa.targetid = su.submitid
                    WHERE su.userid = %i AND fa.type = 's') +
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite fa JOIN character ch ON fa.targetid = ch.charid
                    WHERE ch.userid = %i AND fa.type = 'f') +
                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorite fa JOIN journal jo ON fa.targetid = jo.journalid
                    WHERE jo.userid = %i AND fa.type = 'j')),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watchuser WHERE otherid = %i),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM watchuser WHERE userid = %i),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM submission WHERE userid = %i AND settings !~ 'h'),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journal WHERE userid = %i AND settings !~ 'h'),
            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE target_user = %i AND settings !~ 'h' AND settings ~ 's')
    """, [
        userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid, userid,

    return {
        "page_views": query[0],
        "submit_views": query[1],
        "faves_sent": query[2],
        "faves_received": query[3],
        "followed": query[4],
        "following": query[5],
        "submissions": query[6],
        "journals": query[7],
        "staff_notes": query[8],
Ejemplo n.º 53
def select_manage(userid):
    query = d.execute("""
            lo.userid, lo.last_login, lo.email, pr.unixtime, pr.username, pr.full_name, pr.catchphrase, ui.birthday,
            ui.gender, ui.country, pr.config
        FROM login lo
            INNER JOIN profile pr USING (userid)
            INNER JOIN userinfo ui USING (userid)
        WHERE lo.userid = %i
    """, [userid], ["single"])

    if not query:
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

    return {
        "userid": query[0],
        "last_login": query[1],
        "email": query[2],
        "unixtime": query[3],
        "username": query[4],
        "full_name": query[5],
        "catchphrase": query[6],
        "birthday": query[7],
        "gender": query[8],
        "country": query[9],
        "config": query[10],
        "staff_notes": shout.count(userid, staffnotes=True),
Ejemplo n.º 54
def select_streaming(userid, rating, limit, following=True, order_by=None):
    statement = [
        "SELECT userid, pr.username, pr.stream_url, pr.config, pr.stream_text, start_time "
        "FROM profile pr "
        "JOIN user_streams USING (userid) "
        "WHERE end_time > %i" % (d.get_time(), )

    if userid:
        statement.append(m.MACRO_IGNOREUSER % (userid, "pr"))

        if following:
            pass  # todo
    if order_by:
        statement.append(" ORDER BY %s LIMIT %i" % (order_by, limit))
        statement.append(" ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT %i" % limit)

    ret = [{
        "userid": i[0],
        "username": i[1],
        "stream_url": i[2],
        "stream_text": i[4],
        "stream_time": i[5],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(statement)) if i[2]]

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 55
def manage_following(userid, limit, backid=None, nextid=None):
    state = [
        "SELECT pr.userid, pr.username, pr.config FROM watchuser wu"
        " JOIN profile pr ON wu.otherid = pr.userid"
        " WHERE wu.userid = %i" % (userid, )

    if backid:
            " AND pr.username < (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)"
            % backid)
    elif nextid:
            " AND pr.username > (SELECT username FROM profile WHERE userid = %i)"
            % nextid)

    state.append(" ORDER BY pr.username")

    if backid:
        state.append(" DESC")

    state.append(" LIMIT %i" % limit)

    query = [{
        "userid": i[0],
        "username": i[1],
    } for i in d.execute("".join(state))]

    return query[::-1] if backid else query
Ejemplo n.º 56
def submissionsbyuser(userid, form):
    if userid not in staff.MODS:
        raise WeasylError("Unexpected")

    query = d.execute(
        SELECT su.submitid, su.title, su.rating, su.unixtime, su.userid, pr.username, su.settings
        FROM submission su
            INNER JOIN profile pr USING (userid)
        WHERE su.userid = (SELECT userid FROM login WHERE login_name = '%s')
        ORDER BY su.submitid DESC
    """, [d.get_sysname(form.name)])

    ret = [{
        "contype": 10,
        "submitid": i[0],
        "title": i[1],
        "rating": i[2],
        "unixtime": i[3],
        "userid": i[4],
        "username": i[5],
        "settings": i[6],
    } for i in query]
    return ret