def summand(e, L, nna, nnk, gamma, x2, l1, m1, l2, m2, alpha): nk = norm(nnk) nnA = np.array(nna) nnK = np.array(nnk) nnb = -1 * nnA - 1 * nnK if (nk == 0): rr = nnA else: rr = nnA + nnK / (2 * gamma) + nnK * (1 / gamma - 1) * nnA, nnK) / nk**2 rr2 =, rr) twopibyL = 2 * math.pi / L a = norm(nnA) * twopibyL b = norm(nnb) * twopibyL # TB: Choose spherical harmonic basis Ytype = 'r' # 'r' for real, 'c' for complex Ylmlm = 1 if l1 == 2: Ylmlm = defns.y2(rr, m1, Ytype) if l2 == 2: Ylmlm = Ylmlm * defns.y2(rr, m2, Ytype) exponential = np.exp(alpha * (x2 - rr2)) out = Ylmlm * exponential / (x2 - rr2) if (Ytype == 'r' or Ytype == 'real') and abs(out.imag) > 1e-15: print('Error in summand: imaginary part in real basis') else: out = out.real return out
def omega2sum(E, pvec, lp, mp, kvec, l, m, Ytype='r'): k = LA.norm(kvec) p = LA.norm(pvec) if (lp == 0 and mp == 0): if (l == 0 and m == 0): S1 = omega(k)**2 + ( (E - omega(k))**2) / 2 + 2 / 3 * (k * qst(E, k) / E2k(E, k))**2 elif l == 2: #S1 = 4/15*(qst(E,k) / E2k(E,k))**2 * conj(y2(kvec,m,Ytype)) S1 = 4 / 15 * (1 / E2k(E, k))**2 * conj(y2(kvec, m, Ytype)) # TB, no q else: S1 = 0 else: S1 = 0 if (l == 0 and m == 0): if (lp == 0 and mp == 0): S2 = omega(p)**2 + ( (E - omega(p))**2) / 2 + 2 / 3 * (p * qst(E, p) / E2k(E, p))**2 elif lp == 2: #S2 = 4/15*(qst(E,p) / E2k(E,p))**2 * y2(pvec,mp,Ytype) S2 = 4 / 15 * (1 / E2k(E, p))**2 * y2(pvec, mp, Ytype) # TB, no q else: S2 = 0 else: S2 = 0 if np.imag(S1 + S2) > 10**-8: print('Error: imaginary part in omega2sum') return np.real(S1 + S2)
def G(e, L, nnp, nnk, l1, m1, l2, m2): p = sums.norm(nnp) * 2. * math.pi / L k = sums.norm(nnk) * 2. * math.pi / L pk = sums.norm(np.add(nnk, nnp)) * 2. * math.pi / L omp = np.sqrt(1 + p**2) omk = np.sqrt(1 + k**2) #ompk = np.sqrt(1+pk**2) bkp2 = (e - omp - omk)**2 - (2 * math.pi / L)**2 * sums.norm(np.add(nnk, nnp))**2 # nnps and nnks are the full vectors p* and k* nnps = boost(np.multiply(nnp, 2 * math.pi / L), np.multiply(nnk, 2 * math.pi / L), e) nnks = boost(np.multiply(nnk, 2 * math.pi / L), np.multiply(nnp, 2 * math.pi / L), e) #ps = sums.norm(nnps) #ks = sums.norm(nnks) qps2 = (e - omp)**2 / 4 - p**2 / 4 - 1 qks2 = (e - omk)**2 / 4 - k**2 / 4 - 1 # TB: Choose spherical harmonic basis Ytype = 'r' # 'r' for real, 'c' for complex Ylmlm = 1 momfactor1 = 1 momfactor2 = 1 if (l1 == 2): #momfactor1 = (ks)**l1/qps2 momfactor1 = qps2**(-l1 / 2) # TB: ks**l1 included in my y2(nnks) Ylmlm = y2(nnks, m1, Ytype) if (l2 == 2): #momfactor2 = (ps)**l2/qks2 momfactor2 = qks2**(-l2 / 2) # TB: ps**l2 included in my y2(nnps) Ylmlm = Ylmlm * y2(nnps, m2, Ytype) # out = sums.hh(e,p)*sums.hh(e,k)/(L**3 * 4*omp*omk*(bkp2-1)) *Ylmlm * momfactor1 * momfactor2 out = sums.hh(e, p) * sums.hh(e, k) / (L**3 * 4 * omp * omk * (bkp2 - 1)) * Ylmlm # TB, no q if (Ytype == 'r' or Ytype == 'real') and abs(out.imag) > 1e-15: print('Error in G: imaginary part in real basis output') else: out = out.real return out
def wds(E,pvec,lp,mp,kvec,l,m,Ytype='r'): if lp==mp==0: k=LA.norm(kvec); p=LA.norm(pvec) psk = pstark(E,pvec,kvec) if l==m==0: return 1/2*(E*omega(p)-sqrt(wss(E,pvec,0,0,kvec,0,0)))**2 + 2/3*(qst(E,k)*LA.norm(psk))**2 elif l==2: #return 4/15 * qst(E,k)**2 * conj(y2(psk,m,Ytype)) return 4/15 * conj(y2(psk,m,Ytype)) # TB, no q else: return 0
def wddmp(E, pvec, lp, mp, kvec, l, m, Ytype): if lp == mp == 0: k = LA.norm(kvec) p12sk = p12stark(E, pvec, kvec) if l == m == 0: return 1 / 3 * (qst(E, k) * LA.norm(p12sk))**2 elif l == 2: # return 2/15 * qst(E,k)**2 * conj(y2(p12sk,m,Ytype)) return 2 / 15 * conj(y2(p12sk, m, Ytype)) # TB, no q else: return 0