Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_load_recipe(self):

        print("Case 1: Test loading default DeidRecipe")

        recipe = DeidRecipe()

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(recipe.deid, dict))

        print("Checking basic sections are loaded")
        for section in ["header", "format", "filter"]:
            self.assertTrue(section in recipe.deid)

        print("Case 2: Loading from file")
        recipe = DeidRecipe(self.deid)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _prepare_replace_config(dicom_files, deid=None, config=None):
    """ replace identifiers will replace dicom_files with data from ids based
        on a combination of a config (default is remove all) and a user deid

        dicom_files: the dicom file(s) to extract from
        force: force reading the file (default True)
        save: if True, save to file. Otherwise, return dicom objects
        config: if None, uses default in provided module folder
        overwrite: if False, save updated files to temporary directory

    if config is None:
        config = "%s/config.json" % (here)
    if not os.path.exists(config):
        bot.error("Cannot find config %s, exiting" % (config))

    if not isinstance(deid, DeidRecipe):
        deid = DeidRecipe(deid)
    config = read_json(config, ordered_dict=True)

    if not isinstance(dicom_files, list):
        dicom_files = [dicom_files]

    return dicom_files, deid, config
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_recipe(actions, fields=None, values=None):
    """helper method to create a recipe file"""
    from deid.config import DeidRecipe

    recipe = DeidRecipe()

    # .clear() only supported Python 3.3 and after
    del recipe.deid["header"][:]
    recipe.deid["header"] = actions

    if fields is not None:
        recipe.deid["fields"] = fields

    if values is not None:
        recipe.deid["values"] = values

    return recipe
Ejemplo n.º 4
def has_burned_pixels(dicom_files, force=True, deid=None):
    """has burned pixels is an entrypoint for has_burned_pixels_multi (for
    multiple images) or has_burned_pixels_single (for one detailed repor)
    We will use the MIRCTP criteria (see ref folder with the
    original scripts used by CTP) to determine if an image is likely to have
    PHI, based on fields in the header alone. This script does NOT perform
    pixel cleaning, but returns a dictionary of results (for multi) or one
    detailed result (for single)
    # if the user has provided a custom deid, load it
    if not isinstance(deid, DeidRecipe):
        if deid is None:
            deid = "dicom"
        deid = DeidRecipe(deid)

    if isinstance(dicom_files, list):
        return _has_burned_pixels_multi(dicom_files, force, deid)
    return _has_burned_pixels_single(dicom_files, force, deid)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, dicom_file, recipe=None, config=None, force=True):

        # Lookup for the dicom
        self.lookup = {}

        # Will be a list of DicomField
        self.fields = {}

        # Load default configuration, or a custom one
        config = config or os.path.join(here, "config.json")
        if not os.path.exists(config):
            bot.error("Cannot find config %s, exiting" % (config))
        self.config = read_json(config, ordered_dict=True)

        # Deid can be a recipe or filename
        if not isinstance(recipe, DeidRecipe):
            recipe = DeidRecipe(recipe)
        self.load(dicom_file, force=force)
        self.recipe = recipe
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,

        if output_folder is None:
            output_folder = get_temporary_name(prefix="clean")

        if font is None:
            font = self.default_font()
        self.font = font
        self.cmap = 'gray'
        self.output_folder = output_folder
        self.recipe = DeidRecipe(deid)
        self.results = None
        self.force = force
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,

        if output_folder is None:
            output_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        if font is None:
            font = self.default_font()
        self.font = font
        self.cmap = 'gray'
        self.output_folder = output_folder
        self.recipe = DeidRecipe(deid)
        self.results = None
        self.force = force
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) is not 3:

    input_folder = sys.argv[1]
    output_folder = sys.argv[2]

    dicom_files = [
        join(input_folder, dicom_file) for dicom_file in listdir(input_folder)
    ids = get_identifiers(dicom_files)

    # or use default conf, and then keep AccessionNumber
    #recipe = DeidRecipe('deid.conf')
    recipe = DeidRecipe()
    #recipe.deid['header'].remove({'action': 'REMOVE', 'field': 'AccessionNumber'})
        'action': 'REMOVE',
        'field': 'InstitutionName'

    updated_ids = dict()
    for image, fields in ids.items():
        #fields['id'] = 'cookiemonster'
        #fields['source_id'] = "cookiemonster-image-%s" %(count)
        updated_ids[basename(image)] = fields

    if not exists(output_folder):
        except OSError as exc:  # Guard against race condition
            if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    cleaned_files = replace_identifiers(dicom_files=dicom_files,
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_get_functions(self):

        recipe = DeidRecipe(self.deid)

        # Format
        self.assertEqual(recipe.get_format(), "dicom")

        # Actions for header
        print("Testing get_actions")
        actions = recipe.get_actions()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(actions, list))
        for key in ["action", "field", "value"]:
            self.assertTrue(key in actions[0])

        # Filters
        print("Testing get_filters")
        filters = recipe.get_filters()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(filters, dict))

        # whitelist, blacklist, graylist
        for key in recipe.ls_filters():
            self.assertTrue(key in filters)

        recipe = DeidRecipe()
        filters = recipe.get_filters()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(filters["whitelist"], list))

        # Test that each filter has a set of filters, coords, name
        for key in ["filters", "coordinates", "name"]:
            self.assertTrue(key in filters["whitelist"][0])

        # Each filter is a list of actions, name is string, coords are list
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(filters["whitelist"][0]["filters"], list))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(filters["whitelist"][0]["name"], str))
            isinstance(filters["whitelist"][0]["coordinates"], list))

        # Check content of the first filter
        for key in ["action", "field", "operator", "InnerOperators", "value"]:
            self.assertTrue(key in filters["whitelist"][0]["filters"][0])

        # Fields and Values
        print("Testing get_fields_lists and get_values_lists")
        self.assertEqual(recipe.get_fields_lists(), None)
        self.assertEqual(recipe.get_values_lists(), None)
        self.assertEqual(recipe.ls_fieldlists(), [])
        self.assertEqual(recipe.ls_valuelists(), [])
        self.assertTrue(not recipe.has_fields_lists())
        self.assertTrue(not recipe.has_values_lists())

        # Load in recipe with values and fields
        deid = os.path.abspath("%s/../examples/deid/deid.dicom-groups" %
        recipe = DeidRecipe(deid)

        assert "values" in recipe.deid
        assert "fields" in recipe.deid
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(recipe.deid["values"], dict))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(recipe.deid["fields"], dict))

        self.assertTrue(recipe.get_fields_lists() is not None)
        self.assertTrue(recipe.get_values_lists() is not None)
        self.assertEqual(recipe.ls_fieldlists(), ["instance_fields"])
                         ["cookie_names", "operator_names"])
Ejemplo n.º 10
import os
import csv
from deid.dicom import get_identifiers, replace_identifiers
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

recipe = DeidRecipe(deid='./deidProBCR.dicom')

def createFolder(folder):
        if not os.path.exists(folder):
    except OSError:
        print('Error: Creating folder. ' + folder)

#source and destin directories
src = "/Volumes/TOSHIBA_EXT/ProBCR"
dst = "/Volumes/TOSHIBA_EXT/ProBCR_Deid"


csv_deid_coding = []

listOfDirectories = []
listOfFiles = []
listOfIDs4Files = []
pString = "P"

for root, directories, fileNames in os.walk(src):
    if root == "/Volumes/TOSHIBA_EXT/ProBCR/S50710":
Ejemplo n.º 11
# The process of flagging images comes down to writing a set of filters to
# check if each image meets some criteria of interest. For example, I might
# create a filter called "xray" that is triggered when the Modality is CT or XR.
# We specify these fliters in a simple text file called a "deid recipe." When
# you work with the functions, you have the choice to instantiate the object
# in advance, or just provide a path to a recipe file. We will walk through
# examples  for both below, starting with working with a DeidRecipe object.
# If you aren't interested in this use case or just want to use a provided
# deid recipe file, continue to the step to replace_identifiers

# Create a DeidRecipe
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

recipe = DeidRecipe()

# Since we didn't load a custom deid recipe text file, we get a default
# WARNING No specification, loading default base deid.dicom
# You can add custom deid files with .load().

# We can look at the criteria loaded:

# You can also provide your own deid recipe file, and in doing so, you
# won't load a default
path = os.path.abspath("%s/../examples/deid/" % get_installdir())
recipe = DeidRecipe(deid=path)

# You can also choose to load the default base with your own recipe
recipe = DeidRecipe(deid=path, base=True)
Ejemplo n.º 12
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

# This is supported for deid.dicom version 0.1.34

# This dicom has nested InstanceCreationDate fields

dicom_files = ['MR.dcm']

# They are extracted, and flattened in items
# 'ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence__InstanceCreationDate': '20091124',

items = get_identifiers(dicom_files)

# Load in the recipe, we want to REPLACE InstanceCreationDate with a function

recipe = DeidRecipe('deid.dicom')

# Here is our function

def generate_uid(item, value, field):
    '''This function will generate a uuid! You can expect it to be passed
       the dictionary of items extracted from the dicom (and your function)
       and variables, the original value (func:generate_uid) and the field
       name you are applying it to.
    import uuid
    prefix = field.lower().replace(' ', " ")
    return prefix + "-" + str(uuid.uuid4())

# Add the function to each item to be found
for item in items:
Ejemplo n.º 13
# FORMAT dicom

# %header

# REPLACE StudyInstanceUID func:generate_uid
# REPLACE SeriesInstanceUID func:generate_uid
# ADD FrameOfReferenceUID func:generate_uid
# In the above we are saying we want to replace the fields above with the
# output from the generate_uid function, which is expected in the item dict

# Create the DeidRecipe Instance from deid.dicom
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

recipe = DeidRecipe("deid.dicom")

# To see an entire (raw in a dictionary) recipe just look at

# What is the format?
# dicom

# What actions do we want to do on the header?
[{'action': 'REPLACE',
  'field': 'StudyInstanceUID',
  'value': 'func:generate_uid'},
 {'action': 'REPLACE',
Ejemplo n.º 14
# The process of flagging images comes down to writing a set of filters to
# check if each image meets some criteria of interest. For example, I might
# create a filter called "xray" that is triggered when the Modality is CT or XR.
# We specify these fliters in a simple text file called a "deid recipe." When
# you work with the functions, you have the choice to instantiate the object
# in advance, or just provide a path to a recipe file. We will walk through
# examples  for both below, starting with working with a DeidRecipe object.
# If you aren't interested in this use case or just want to use a provided
# deid recipe file, continue to the step to replace_identifiers

# Create a DeidRecipe
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

recipe = DeidRecipe()

# Since we didn't load a custom deid recipe text file, we get a default
# WARNING No specification, loading default base deid.dicom
# You can add custom deid files with .load().

# We can look at the criteria loaded:

# You can also provide your own deid recipe file, and in doing so, you
# won't load a default
path = os.path.abspath("%s/../examples/deid/" % get_installdir())
recipe = DeidRecipe(deid=path)

# You can also choose to load the default base with your own recipe
recipe = DeidRecipe(deid=path, base=True)
Ejemplo n.º 15
# FORMAT dicom

# %header

# REPLACE StudyInstanceUID func:generate_uid
# REPLACE SeriesInstanceUID func:generate_uid
# ADD FrameOfReferenceUID func:generate_uid
# In the above we are saying we want to replace the fields above with the
# output from the generate_uid function, which is expected in the item dict

# Create the DeidRecipe Instance from deid.dicom
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

recipe = DeidRecipe('deid.dicom')

# To see an entire (raw in a dictionary) recipe just look at

# What is the format?
# dicom

# What actions do we want to do on the header?
[{'action': 'REPLACE',
  'field': 'StudyInstanceUID',
  'value': 'func:generate_uid'},
 {'action': 'REPLACE',
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, registers, recipe_file):
     self.registers = registers
     self.recipe = DeidRecipe(deid=recipe_file)
Ejemplo n.º 17
from deid.config import DeidRecipe

# This is supported for deid.dicom version 0.1.34

# This dicom has nested InstanceCreationDate fields

dicom_files = ["MR.dcm"]

# They are extracted, and flattened in items
# 'ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence__InstanceCreationDate': '20091124',

items = get_identifiers(dicom_files)

# Load in the recipe, we want to REPLACE InstanceCreationDate with a function

recipe = DeidRecipe("deid.dicom")

# Here is our function

def generate_date(item, value, field, dicom):
    """This function will generate a dicom uid! You can expect it to be passed
       the dictionary of items extracted from the dicom (and your function)
       and variables, the original value (func:generate_uid) and the field
       object you are applying it to.
    return "20200608"

# Add the function to each item to be found
for item in items: