class AvailabilityCheckerTest(TestCase):
    """ Checks JosiahAvailabilityChecker() """

    def setUp(self):
        self.checker = JosiahAvailabilityChecker()

    def test_check_josiah_availability__no_isbn(self):
        """ Should return holdings for both isbn check and oclc check. """
        isbn = ''
        oclc_num = '673595'
            [ {'status': 'AVAILABLE', 'callnumber': 'CT275.P648 A33  c.3', 'location': 'ROCK'},
              {'status': 'AVAILABLE', 'callnumber': 'CT275.P648 A33  c.4', 'location': 'ROCK'}
            self.checker.check_josiah_availability( isbn, oclc_num )

    def test_check_josiah_availability__no_oclcnum(self):
        """ Should return holdings for both isbn check and oclc check. """
        isbn = '9788934900894'
        oclc_num = ''
            self.checker.check_josiah_availability( isbn, oclc_num )

    def test_check_josiah_availability__holdings_returned(self):
        """ Should return holdings for both isbn check and oclc check. """
        isbn = '9780688002305'
        oclc_num = '673595'
            [ {'status': 'AVAILABLE', 'callnumber': 'CT275.P648 A33  c.3', 'location': 'ROCK'},
              {'status': 'AVAILABLE', 'callnumber': 'CT275.P648 A33  c.4', 'location': 'ROCK'}
            self.checker.check_josiah_availability( isbn, oclc_num )