Ejemplo n.º 1
    def SearchResults(self, request, context, accessor):
        """search results"""

        options = dict(original_context=context)
        res = getMultiAdapter((accessor(), request),
        return res(**options)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def SearchResults(self, request, context, accessor):
        """search results"""

        options = dict(original_context=context)
        res = getMultiAdapter((accessor(), request),
        return res(**options)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update(self):
        super(PathBarViewlet, self).update()

        self.is_rtl = self.portal_state.is_rtl()

        breadcrumbs_view = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request),
        self.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs_view.breadcrumbs()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def html_results(self, query):
     """html results, used for in the edit screen of a collection,
        used in the live update results"""
     options = dict(original_context=self.context)
     results = self(
         query, sort_on=self.request.get('sort_on', None),
         sort_order=self.request.get('sort_order', None),
     return getMultiAdapter((results, self.request),
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def html_results(self, query):
     """html results, used for in the edit screen of a collection,
        used in the live update results"""
     options = dict(original_context=self.context)
     results = self(query,
                    sort_on=self.request.get('sort_on', None),
                    sort_order=self.request.get('sort_order', None),
     return getMultiAdapter((results, self.request),
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def folderitems(self, full_objects = False):
        >>> portal = layer['portal']
        >>> portal_url = portal.absolute_url()
        >>> from plone.app.testing import SITE_OWNER_NAME
        >>> from plone.app.testing import SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD

        Test page batching https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/issues/1276
        When visiting the second page, the Water sampletype should be displayed:

        >>> browser = layer['getBrowser'](portal, loggedIn=True, username=SITE_OWNER_NAME, password=SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD)
        >>> browser.open(portal_url+"/bika_setup/bika_sampletypes/folder_view?",
        ... "list_pagesize=10&list_review_state=default&list_pagenumber=2")
        >>> browser.contents

        #self.contentsMethod = self.context.getFolderContents
        if not hasattr(self, 'contentsMethod'):
            self.contentsMethod = getToolByName(self.context, self.catalog)

        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        plone_layout = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name = u'plone_layout')
        plone_utils = getToolByName(context, 'plone_utils')
        plone_view = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name = u'plone')
        portal_properties = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties')
        portal_types = getToolByName(context, 'portal_types')
        workflow = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')
        site_properties = portal_properties.site_properties
        norm = getUtility(IIDNormalizer).normalize
        if self.request.get('show_all', '').lower() == 'true' \
                or self.show_all == True \
                or self.pagesize == 0:
            show_all = True
            show_all = False

        pagenumber = int(self.request.get('pagenumber', 1) or 1)
        pagesize = self.pagesize
        start = (pagenumber - 1) * pagesize
        end = start + pagesize - 1

        if (hasattr(self, 'And') and self.And) \
           or (hasattr(self, 'Or') and self.Or):
            # if contentsMethod is capable, we do an AdvancedQuery.
            if hasattr(self.contentsMethod, 'makeAdvancedQuery'):
                aq = self.contentsMethod.makeAdvancedQuery(self.contentFilter)
                if hasattr(self, 'And') and self.And:
                    tmpAnd = And()
                    for q in self.And:
                    aq &= tmpAnd
                if hasattr(self, 'Or') and self.Or:
                    tmpOr = Or()
                    for q in self.Or:
                    aq &= tmpOr
                brains = self.contentsMethod.evalAdvancedQuery(aq)
                # otherwise, self.contentsMethod must handle contentFilter
                brains = self.contentsMethod(self.contentFilter)
            brains = self.contentsMethod(self.contentFilter)

        results = []
        self.page_start_index = 0
        current_index = -1
        for i, obj in enumerate(brains):
            # we don't know yet if it's a brain or an object
            path = hasattr(obj, 'getPath') and obj.getPath() or \

            if hasattr(obj, 'getObject'):
                obj = obj.getObject()

            # check if the item must be rendered or not (prevents from
            # doing it later in folderitems) and dealing with paging
            if not self.isItemAllowed(obj):

            # avoid creating unnecessary info for items outside the current
            # batch;  only the path is needed for the "select all" case...
            # we only take allowed items into account
            current_index += 1
            if not show_all and not (start <= current_index <= end):
                results.append(dict(path = path, uid = obj.UID()))

            uid = obj.UID()
            title = obj.Title()
            description = obj.Description()
            icon = plone_layout.getIcon(obj)
            url = obj.absolute_url()
            relative_url = obj.absolute_url(relative = True)

            fti = portal_types.get(obj.portal_type)
            if fti is not None:
                type_title_msgid = fti.Title()
                type_title_msgid = obj.portal_type

            url_href_title = '%s at %s: %s' % (

            modified = self.ulocalized_time(obj.modified()),

            # element css classes
            type_class = 'contenttype-' + \

            state_class = ''
            states = {}
            for w in workflow.getWorkflowsFor(obj):
                state = w._getWorkflowStateOf(obj).id
                states[w.state_var] = state
                state_class += "state-%s " % state

            results_dict = dict(
                obj = obj,
                id = obj.getId(),
                title = title,
                uid = uid,
                path = path,
                url = url,
                fti = fti,
                item_data = json.dumps([]),
                url_href_title = url_href_title,
                obj_type = obj.Type,
                size = obj.getObjSize,
                modified = modified,
                icon = icon.html_tag(),
                type_class = type_class,
                # a list of lookups for single-value-select fields
                choices = {},
                state_class = state_class,
                relative_url = relative_url,
                view_url = url,
                table_row_class = "",
                category = 'None',

                # a list of names of fields that may be edited on this item
                allow_edit = [],

                # a list of names of fields that are compulsory (if editable)
                required = [],

                # "before", "after" and replace: dictionary (key is column ID)
                # A snippet of HTML which will be rendered
                # before/after/instead of the table cell content.
                before = {}, # { before : "<a href=..>" }
                after = {},
                replace = {},
                rs = workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state')
                st_title = workflow.getTitleForStateOnType(rs, obj.portal_type)
                st_title = t(PMF(st_title))
                rs = 'active'
                st_title = None
            if rs:
                results_dict['review_state'] = rs
            for state_var, state in states.items():
                if not st_title:
                    st_title = workflow.getTitleForStateOnType(
                        state, obj.portal_type)
                results_dict[state_var] = state
            results_dict['state_title'] = st_title

            # extra classes for individual fields on this item { field_id : "css classes" }
            results_dict['class'] = {}
            for name, adapter in getAdapters((obj, ), IFieldIcons):
                auid = obj.UID() if hasattr(obj, 'UID') and callable(obj.UID) else None
                if not auid:
                alerts = adapter()
                # logger.info(str(alerts))
                if alerts and auid in alerts:
                    if auid in self.field_icons:
                        self.field_icons[auid] = alerts[auid]

            # Search for values for all columns in obj
            for key in self.columns.keys():
                if hasattr(obj, key):
                    # if the key is already in the results dict
                    # then we don't replace it's value
                    if results_dict.has_key(key):
                    value = getattr(obj, key)
                    if callable(value):
                        value = value()
                    results_dict[key] = value

        return results