Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_polygons(self):
        """ Return campaign's area as Shapely Polygon.

        :return: Polygons
        :rtype: list
        campaign_polygons = []

        for feature in self.geometry['features']:
            polygon = geometry.Polygon(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0])

        return campaign_polygons
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_union_polygons(self):
        """Return union polygons"""
        simplify = False
        if len(self.geometry['features']) > 1:
            polygons = []
            for feature in self.geometry['features']:
            cascaded_polygons = ops.cascaded_union(polygons)
            simplify = True
            cascaded_polygons = geometry.Polygon(

        joined_polygons = cascaded_polygons.buffer(
            0.001, 1, join_style=geometry.JOIN_STYLE.mitre).buffer(
                -0.001, 1, join_style=geometry.JOIN_STYLE.mitre)

        if simplify:
            joined_polygons = simplify_polygon(joined_polygons, 0.001)

        return joined_polygons
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_outside_polygons(file, campaign_polygons):
    """ Find polygons outside the campaign's area

    :param file: the OSM file
    :type file: fd

    :param campaign_polygons: campaign's areas as Shapely Polygons
    :type campaign_polygons: list of Shapely Polygon

    :return out_ids: ids of nodes and ways that are outside campaign's areas.
    :rtype: dictionary

    nodes = {}
    ways = {}
    in_way = False
    out_ids = {'nodes': [], 'ways': []}

    for event, elem in ET.iterparse(file, events=('start', 'end')):
        # start of a node element
        # store its id, lon and lat
        if elem.tag == 'node' and event == 'start':
            nodes[elem.attrib['id']] = {
                'id': elem.attrib['id'],
                'lon': elem.attrib['lon'],
                'lat': elem.attrib['lat']

        # start of way element
        if elem.tag == 'way' and event == 'start':
            # create a new way
            ways[elem.attrib['id']] = []
            in_way = True
            way_id = elem.attrib['id']

        # nd element in a way element
        if elem.tag == 'nd' and in_way is True:
            # fetch the node
            node = nodes[elem.attrib['ref']]

        # end of way element
        if elem.tag == 'way' and event == 'end':
            in_way = False

            # create a shapely polygon
            polygon = []
            for point in ways[way_id]:
                polygon.append((float(point['lon']), float(point['lat'])))
            polygon = geometry.Polygon(polygon)

            # is the polygon in one of the campaign's polygons?
            is_in = False
            for campaign_polygon in campaign_polygons:
                if campaign_polygon.contains(polygon):
                    is_in = True

            if not is_in:
                node_ids = list(map(lambda x: x['id'], ways[way_id]))
                for node_id in node_ids:

    return out_ids