Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_virtualenv():
    with cd(env.venv_home):
        if exists(env.proj_name):
            if not confirm("Virtualenv exists: %s\n Do you want to replace it?" % env.proj_name):
                print "\nAborting!"
                return False
        run("virtualenv %s --distribute" % env.proj_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def deploy(preflight):
    if preflight:
        logger.info('running preflight checks')
        if not preflight_checks():
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_virtualenv():
    with cd(env.venv_home):
        if exists(env.proj_name):
            if not confirm("Virtualenv exists: %s\n Do you want to replace it?" % env.proj_name):
                print "\nAborting!"
                return False
        run("virtualenv %s --distribute" % env.proj_name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_project(is_new=False):
    pip("django mezzanine pep8 pyflakes django-model-utils")

    with activate_venv():
        # /vagrant is the shared mounted folder between vagrant and your local filesystem
        with cd("/vagrant"):
            sudo("mezzanine-project %s" % env.proj_name)

    with project():
        sudo("pip freeze > requirements.txt")

        sudo("%s startapp %s" % (env.manage, env.app_name))

        settings_path = "settings.py"
        if is_new:
            settings_path = "{}/{}".format(env.proj_name, settings_path)

        get(settings_path, "remote_settings.py")
        Helper().add_line_to_list("remote_settings.py", "settings.py.tmp", "INSTALLED_APPS = (", '    "%s",' % env.app_name)
        put("settings.py.tmp", "settings.py", use_sudo=True)
        sed("settings.py", "USE_SOUTH = True", "USE_SOUTH = False", use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        put("%s/vagrant_settings.py" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "deploy/vagrant_settings.py", use_sudo=True)
        put("%s/celeryd.conf" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "deploy/celeryd.conf", use_sudo=True)

        # Add the appropriate fabric settings for local and development deployment
        put("fabric_settings.py", "fabric_settings.py", use_sudo=True)
        with open("%s/fabric_import.py" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) as f:
            file_path = _expand_path("settings.py")
            sudo("echo '%s' >> %s" % ("", file_path))
            for line in f:
                sudo("echo '%s' >> %s" % (line.rstrip('\n').replace("'", r"'\\''"), file_path))

        # Set fabric settings according to user's input
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"DB_PASS\": \"vagrant\"", "\"DB_PASS\": \"%s\"" % env.db_pass, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"DB_PASS\": \"\"", "\"DB_PASS\": \"%s\"" % env.db_pass, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"PROJECT_NAME\": \"\"", "\"PROJECT_NAME\": \"%s\"" % env.proj_name, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"REPO_URL\": \"\"", "\"REPO_URL\": \"%s\"" % env.repo_url, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"PROJECT_PATH\": \"\"", "\"PROJECT_PATH\": \"%s\"" % env.proj_path, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)

        # We will be using the manticore fabfile not Mezzanine's
        sudo("rm fabfile.py")

        # Change Mezzanine project to be compatible with this fabfile
        sed("deploy/local_settings.py.template", "\"HOST\": \"\"", "\"HOST\": \"%s\"" % "%(primary_database_host)s", use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        append("deploy/local_settings.py.template", "\n# Django 1.5+ requires a set of allowed hosts\nALLOWED_HOSTS = [%(allowed_hosts)s]\n\n# Celery configuration (if django-celery is installed in requirements/requirements.txt)\nBROKER_URL = 'amqp://%(proj_name)s:%(admin_pass)[email protected]:5672/%(proj_name)s'\n\n")

        #TODO: Install and Link manticore-django fabfile package?

        run("cp deploy/local_settings.py.template deploy/development_settings.py")
        run("cp deploy/local_settings.py.template deploy/staging_settings.py")
        run("cp deploy/local_settings.py.template deploy/production_settings.py")
        run("rm deploy/local_settings.py.template")

    local("rm settings.py.tmp remote_settings.py")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_project(is_new=False):
    pip("django mezzanine pep8 pyflakes django-model-utils")

    with activate_venv():
        # /vagrant is the shared mounted folder between vagrant and your local filesystem
        with cd("/vagrant"):
            sudo("mezzanine-project %s" % env.proj_name)

    with project():
        sudo("pip freeze > requirements.txt")

        sudo("%s startapp %s" % (env.manage, env.app_name))

        settings_path = "settings.py"
        if is_new:
            settings_path = "{}/{}".format(env.proj_name, settings_path)

        get(settings_path, "remote_settings.py")
        Helper().add_line_to_list("remote_settings.py", "settings.py.tmp", "INSTALLED_APPS = (", '    "%s",' % env.app_name)
        put("settings.py.tmp", "settings.py", use_sudo=True)
        sed("settings.py", "USE_SOUTH = True", "USE_SOUTH = False", use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        put("%s/vagrant_settings.py" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "deploy/vagrant_settings.py", use_sudo=True)
        put("%s/celeryd.conf" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "deploy/celeryd.conf", use_sudo=True)

        # Add the appropriate fabric settings for local and development deployment
        put("fabric_settings.py", "fabric_settings.py", use_sudo=True)
        with open("%s/fabric_import.py" % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) as f:
            file_path = _expand_path("settings.py")
            sudo("echo '%s' >> %s" % ("", file_path))
            for line in f:
                sudo("echo '%s' >> %s" % (line.rstrip('\n').replace("'", r"'\\''"), file_path))

        # Set fabric settings according to user's input
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"DB_PASS\": \"vagrant\"", "\"DB_PASS\": \"%s\"" % env.db_pass, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"DB_PASS\": \"\"", "\"DB_PASS\": \"%s\"" % env.db_pass, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"PROJECT_NAME\": \"\"", "\"PROJECT_NAME\": \"%s\"" % env.proj_name, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"REPO_URL\": \"\"", "\"REPO_URL\": \"%s\"" % env.repo_url, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        sed("fabric_settings.py", "\"PROJECT_PATH\": \"\"", "\"PROJECT_PATH\": \"%s\"" % env.proj_path, use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)

        # We will be using the manticore fabfile not Mezzanine's
        sudo("rm fabfile.py")

        # Change Mezzanine project to be compatible with this fabfile
        sed("deploy/local_settings.py.template", "\"HOST\": \"\"", "\"HOST\": \"%s\"" % "%(primary_database_host)s", use_sudo=True, backup="", shell=True)
        append("deploy/local_settings.py.template", "\n# Django 1.5+ requires a set of allowed hosts\nALLOWED_HOSTS = [%(allowed_hosts)s]\n\n# Celery configuration (if django-celery is installed in requirements/requirements.txt)\nBROKER_URL = 'amqp://%(proj_name)s:%(admin_pass)[email protected]:5672/%(proj_name)s'\n\n")

        #TODO: Install and Link manticore-django fabfile package?

        run("cp deploy/local_settings.py.template deploy/development_settings.py")
        run("cp deploy/local_settings.py.template deploy/staging_settings.py")
        run("cp deploy/local_settings.py.template deploy/production_settings.py")
        run("rm deploy/local_settings.py.template")

    local("rm settings.py.tmp remote_settings.py")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def init_git():
    with project():
        run("git init")
        run("echo '.idea/' >> .gitignore")
        run("echo 'last.commit' >> .gitignore")
        run("echo 'gunicorn.pid' >> .gitignore")
        run("git add .")
        run("git commit -m'init'")

        #TODO: We shouldn't assume unfuddle here
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            run("git remote add unfuddle %s" % env.repo_url)
            run("git config remote.unfuddle.push refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master")
        run("git push unfuddle master")
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: cli.py Proyecto: sysalexis/lfm
def lfm_deploy(path, **kwargs):
    deploy.run(path, {k: v for k, v in utils.iteritems(kwargs) if v})
Ejemplo n.º 8
def lfm_deploy(path, **kwargs):
	deploy.run(path, {k: v for k, v in utils.iteritems(kwargs) if v})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def lfm_deploy(uri, **kwargs):
	if kwargs['profile'] is not None:
		del kwargs['profile']
	deploy.run(uri, {k: v for k, v in utils.iteritems(kwargs) if v})