Ejemplo n.º 1
def threadable_remote_cleanup_all(remote_machines):
    Calls remote_runcleanup for each machine in remote_machines.

      list of tuples with (user, ip) IPs that we have to cleanup.


  <Side Effects>

    # Assume single element if it's not a list
    if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
        remote_machines = [remote_machines]

    # for every machine in our list...
    for machine_tuple in remote_machines:

        username = machine_tuple[0]
        machine = machine_tuple[1]

        deploy_logging.log('Cleanup/Setup', "Attempting to ssh and run cleaning scripts on "+\
        # Run the remote cleanup script
        deploy_network.remote_runcleanup(username, str(machine))
        deploy_logging.log('Cleanup/Setup', " ssh and run cleanup scripts done on "+machine+\
            ". Moving on.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def threadable_remote_run_all(remote_machines):
    This function connects to the remote computer and executes the 
    actual test scripts.

    This function is run_func threadable

      list of tuples with (user, ip) that we'll run our tests on.


  <Side Effects>


  # Assume single element if it's not a list
  if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
    remote_machines = [remote_machines]

  # For every single machine we're assigned...
  for machine_tuple in remote_machines:
    # Run the files remotely
    username = machine_tuple[0]
    machine = machine_tuple[1]
    deploy_logging.log('Info', "Attempting to ssh and run scripts on "+machine+"...")
    deploy_network.remote_runscript(username, str(machine), custom_script_name)
    deploy_logging.log('Info', "Running scripts on "+str(machine)+" completed. Moving on.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def threadable_remote_cleanup_all(remote_machines):
    Calls remote_runcleanup for each machine in remote_machines.

      list of tuples with (user, ip) IPs that we have to cleanup.


  <Side Effects>

  # Assume single element if it's not a list
  if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
    remote_machines = [remote_machines]
  # for every machine in our list...
  for machine_tuple in remote_machines:
    username = machine_tuple[0]
    machine = machine_tuple[1]

    deploy_logging.log('Cleanup/Setup', "Attempting to ssh and run cleaning scripts on "+\
    # Run the remote cleanup script
    deploy_network.remote_runcleanup(username, str(machine))
    deploy_logging.log('Cleanup/Setup', " ssh and run cleanup scripts done on "+machine+\
        ". Moving on.")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def threadable_remote_upload_tar(remote_machines):
    Uploads the deploy.tar to each machine before running anything. Machines
      that timeout are added to the unreachable_hosts list in the dictionary.

      list of tuples with (user, ip) IPs that we have to cleanup.


  <Side Effects>
    Temporarily locks thread_communications dict which is used by other threads trying
    to upload (if they run into an error).


    # Assume single element if it's not a list
    if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
        remote_machines = [remote_machines]

    # for every machine in our list...
    for machine_tuple in remote_machines:

        # split up the tuple
        username = machine_tuple[0]
        machine = machine_tuple[1]

                           'Attemping tar file upload via scp on ' + machine)
        scp_errcode, scp_stdout, scp_stderr = upload_tar(
            username, str(machine))

        out, err = deploy_logging.format_stdout_and_err(scp_stdout, scp_stderr)

        # check the error codes
        if str(scp_errcode) == '0':
                               ' scp file upload complete on ' + machine)
        elif str(scp_errcode) == '1':
            deploy_logging.logerror('Could not establish a connection with ' +
                                    machine + ' (' + err + ')')
            deploy_threading.add_unreachable_host((username, machine))
            deploy_logging.logerror('scp returned unknown error code ' +
                                    str(scp_errcode) + ' (' + err + ')')
            deploy_threading.add_unreachable_host((username, machine))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def threadable_cleanup_final(remote_machines):
    Cleans the files created by this script from the remote machine
      a list containing a single tuple of (user, remotehost)


  <Side Effects>

    # Assume single element if it's not a list
    if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
        remote_machines = [remote_machines]

    # for every machine in our list...
    for machine_tuple in remote_machines:

        username = machine_tuple[0]
        machine = machine_tuple[1]

        deploy_logging.log('Final cleanup', 'Final cleanup of  ' + machine)

        # build up our list of files/folders we need to delete
        cmd_list = []
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf runlocaltests.py')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf hashes.dict')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf ' + machine + '.deployrun.log')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf ' + machine + '.deployrun.err.log')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf testprocess.py')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf verifyfiles.mix')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf ' + machine + '.tgz')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf deploy.tar')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf cleanup_deploy.py')
        #TODO: cleanup custom scripts as well here?

        # merge the commands into a string that we'll execute
        cmd_str = '; '.join(cmd_list)
        ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr, ssh_errcode = deploy_network.remote_shellexec(
            cmd_str, username, str(machine))

        deploy_logging.print_to_log('Detailed cleanup', ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def threadable_cleanup_final(remote_machines):
    Cleans the files created by this script from the remote machine
      a list containing a single tuple of (user, remotehost)


  <Side Effects>

  # Assume single element if it's not a list
  if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
    remote_machines = [remote_machines]
  # for every machine in our list...
  for machine_tuple in remote_machines:
    username = machine_tuple[0]
    machine = machine_tuple[1]

    deploy_logging.log('Final cleanup', 'Final cleanup of  '+machine)

    # build up our list of files/folders we need to delete
    cmd_list = []
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf runlocaltests.py')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf hashes.dict')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf '+machine+'.deployrun.log')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf '+machine+'.deployrun.err.log')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf testprocess.py')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf verifyfiles.mix')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf '+machine+'.tgz')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf deploy.tar')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf cleanup_deploy.py')
    #TODO: cleanup custom scripts as well here?
    # merge the commands into a string that we'll execute
    cmd_str = '; '.join(cmd_list)
    ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr, ssh_errcode = deploy_network.remote_shellexec(cmd_str, username, str(machine))

    deploy_logging.print_to_log('Detailed cleanup', ssh_stdout, 
        ssh_stderr, ssh_errcode)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_remote_hosts_from_file(fname=custom_host_file, nolog=False):
    Returns a list of the IP as read from file specified. 

    File format is:

    [username] is the username that will be used until a new $username is specified
      in the same format. NOTE: Username is case sensitive.
    [IPs] are a list of IPs/hostname (one per line) associated with that username

      Optional. Default is 'iplist.list'. The filename containing the IPs of
        the remote machines.  File must be in the same directory as this 
      Optional. Default is False. If set to true, then nothing will be written to the logfile.
    Catches a thrown exception if the IP file is not found.

  <Side Effects>

    Returns a list of tuples with (username, ip) on success, False on failure

    global custom_host_file
    fname = custom_host_file

    # IP file must be in the same dir as this script
        file_of_ips = open(fname, 'r')
    except Exception, e:
            'Are you missing your list of remote hosts? (' + str(e) + ')')
        except Exception, e:
            # not sure if we really opened it
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sleep_on_conn_refused(out, err, timesleft, remote_host):
    passed in stdout/stderr from ssh/scp, it checks if we had a refused 
    connection, and then returns true if we must retry it or not.
    Divides 60 seconds by how many times we have left to sleep.
    So if we retry 3 times...
      1st run: sleep 60/3 (20s)
      2nd run: sleep 60/2 (30s)
      3rd run: sleep 60/1 (60s)

    As you can see, the timeout increases.

      the stdout
      the stderr
      how many times do we have left to try and connect.


  <Side Effects>

    Boolean. True if we did a sleep, False if we didn't.
  # checks if out/err have 'connection refused' string and waits to 
  # overcome timeout
  out_bool = out.lower().find('connection refused') > -1
  err_bool = err.lower().find('connection refused') > -1
  instructional_machine = '128.' in remote_host
  if instructional_machine:  
    if out_bool or err_bool:
      # sleep then try again
      deploy_logging.log('WARNING', "Connection refused, forced sleeping to overcome "+\
          "timeout ("+str(timesleft)+" timeouts left)")
      time.sleep(60/timesleft) # each time you sleep a little longer
      return True
  return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
def threadable_remote_upload_tar(remote_machines):
    Uploads the deploy.tar to each machine before running anything. Machines
      that timeout are added to the unreachable_hosts list in the dictionary.

      list of tuples with (user, ip) IPs that we have to cleanup.


  <Side Effects>
    Temporarily locks thread_communications dict which is used by other threads trying
    to upload (if they run into an error).


  # Assume single element if it's not a list
  if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
    remote_machines = [remote_machines]
  # for every machine in our list...
  for machine_tuple in remote_machines:
    # split up the tuple
    username = machine_tuple[0]
    machine = machine_tuple[1]

    deploy_logging.log('Setup', 'Attemping tar file upload via scp on '+machine)
    scp_errcode, scp_stdout, scp_stderr = upload_tar(username, str(machine))

    out, err = deploy_logging.format_stdout_and_err(scp_stdout, scp_stderr)

    # check the error codes
    if str(scp_errcode) == '0':
      deploy_logging.log('Setup', ' scp file upload complete on '+machine)
    elif str(scp_errcode) == '1':
      deploy_logging.logerror('Could not establish a connection with '+machine+' ('+err+')')
      deploy_threading.add_unreachable_host((username, machine))
      deploy_logging.logerror('scp returned unknown error code '+str(scp_errcode)+' ('+err+')')
      deploy_threading.add_unreachable_host((username, machine))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_remote_hosts_from_file(fname = custom_host_file, nolog = False):
    Returns a list of the IP as read from file specified. 

    File format is:

    [username] is the username that will be used until a new $username is specified
      in the same format. NOTE: Username is case sensitive.
    [IPs] are a list of IPs/hostname (one per line) associated with that username

      Optional. Default is 'iplist.list'. The filename containing the IPs of
        the remote machines.  File must be in the same directory as this 
      Optional. Default is False. If set to true, then nothing will be written to the logfile.
    Catches a thrown exception if the IP file is not found.

  <Side Effects>

    Returns a list of tuples with (username, ip) on success, False on failure

  global custom_host_file
  fname = custom_host_file
  # IP file must be in the same dir as this script
    file_of_ips = open(fname, 'r')
  except Exception, e:
    deploy_logging.log('Error', 'Are you missing your list of remote hosts? ('+str(e)+')')
    except Exception, e:
      # not sure if we really opened it 
Ejemplo n.º 11
def upload_tar(user, remote_host, tar_filename="deploy.tar"):
    This function will upload the tar to the remote_host via scp by logging 
    in as user@remote_host, and log the return code as well as anything
    printed to stderr or stdout (which is expected to be empty).
    Uses remote_upload_file to upload the actual file.
      the user to log in as on the remote machine.
      the remote machine's IP to which we'll be uploading files.
      Optional. Default is deploy.tar. The tar file to upload to the remote 

  <Side Effects>

    A tuple: (returncode, stdout, stderr)

    # call helper to scp
    stdoutdata, stderrdata, returncode = deploy_network.remote_upload_file(
        tar_filename, user, remote_host)

    # check the return code..
    if returncode == 0:
        deploy_logging.log(remote_host, 'Successfully uploaded deploy.tar')
        deploy_logging.logerror(remote_host + ': Trouble uploading deploy.tar')

    return (str(returncode), stdoutdata, stderrdata)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def upload_tar(user, remote_host, tar_filename = "deploy.tar"):
    This function will upload the tar to the remote_host via scp by logging 
    in as user@remote_host, and log the return code as well as anything
    printed to stderr or stdout (which is expected to be empty).
    Uses remote_upload_file to upload the actual file.
      the user to log in as on the remote machine.
      the remote machine's IP to which we'll be uploading files.
      Optional. Default is deploy.tar. The tar file to upload to the remote 

  <Side Effects>

    A tuple: (returncode, stdout, stderr)

  # call helper to scp  
  stdoutdata, stderrdata, returncode = deploy_network.remote_upload_file(tar_filename, user, remote_host)

  # check the return code..
  if returncode == 0:
    deploy_logging.log(remote_host, 'Successfully uploaded deploy.tar')
    deploy_logging.logerror(remote_host+': Trouble uploading deploy.tar')
  return (str(returncode), stdoutdata, stderrdata)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def threadable_remote_run_all(remote_machines):
    This function connects to the remote computer and executes the 
    actual test scripts.

    This function is run_func threadable

      list of tuples with (user, ip) that we'll run our tests on.


  <Side Effects>


    # Assume single element if it's not a list
    if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
        remote_machines = [remote_machines]

    # For every single machine we're assigned...
    for machine_tuple in remote_machines:
        # Run the files remotely
        username = machine_tuple[0]
        machine = machine_tuple[1]
            'Info', "Attempting to ssh and run scripts on " + machine + "...")
        deploy_network.remote_runscript(username, str(machine),
            "Running scripts on " + str(machine) + " completed. Moving on.")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def prep_local_dirs(keep):
    Just prepares local directories - cleans the old log folders if needed
      or moves them around, and creates a temp folder that'll be used later
    keep: Boolean. Do we keep the old log directory?

  <Side Effects>

    # delete the directory if it exists
    if not keep:
        if os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs/"):
            shellexec2('rm -rf ./deploy.logs/')
        # move old log dir if one exists
        if os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs/"):

            # find an 'integer'-suffixed directory that hasn't been taken yet
            dirindex = 1

            print 'Trying to move old log directory...'
            while os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs." + str(dirindex) +
                                "/") or os.path.isfile('deploy.logs.' +
                                                       str(dirindex) + '.tgz'):
                dirindex += 1
            # got a folder index that doesn't exist
            shellexec2('mv ./deploy.logs/ ./deploy.logs.' + str(dirindex))
            print 'Moved old log directory successfully to ./deploy.logs.' + str(
            print 'Tarring the directory...'
            shellexec2('tar -czf deploy.logs.' + str(dirindex) +
                       '.tgz deploy.logs.' + str(dirindex))
            print 'Tar created, removing uncompressed files...'
            shellexec2('rm -rf deploy.logs.' + str(dirindex))

    # set up logs directory if one doesn't exist
    if not os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs/"):
        deploy_logging.log('Info', "Setting up logs directory..")
        deploy_logging.log('Info', "Logs directory found..")
        deploy_logging.log('', deploy_logging.sep)

    if not os.path.isdir('./deploy.logs/temp'):

Ejemplo n.º 15
def prep_local_dirs(keep):
    Just prepares local directories - cleans the old log folders if needed
      or moves them around, and creates a temp folder that'll be used later
    keep: Boolean. Do we keep the old log directory?

  <Side Effects>

  # delete the directory if it exists
  if not keep:
    if os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs/"):
      shellexec2('rm -rf ./deploy.logs/')
    # move old log dir if one exists
    if os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs/"):
      # find an 'integer'-suffixed directory that hasn't been taken yet
      dirindex = 1
      print 'Trying to move old log directory...'
      while os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs."+str(dirindex)+"/") or os.path.isfile('deploy.logs.'+str(dirindex)+'.tgz'):
        dirindex += 1
      # got a folder index that doesn't exist
      shellexec2('mv ./deploy.logs/ ./deploy.logs.'+str(dirindex))
      print 'Moved old log directory successfully to ./deploy.logs.'+str(dirindex)
      print 'Tarring the directory...'
      shellexec2('tar -czf deploy.logs.'+str(dirindex)+'.tgz deploy.logs.'+str(dirindex))
      print 'Tar created, removing uncompressed files...'
      shellexec2('rm -rf deploy.logs.'+str(dirindex))
  # set up logs directory if one doesn't exist
  if not os.path.isdir("./deploy.logs/"):
    deploy_logging.log('Info', "Setting up logs directory..")
    deploy_logging.log('Info', "Logs directory found..")
    deploy_logging.log('', deploy_logging.sep)
  if not os.path.isdir('./deploy.logs/temp'):
Ejemplo n.º 16
        # call the deploy script that'll pick up from here..
        print deploy_logging.sep

        # cleanup the local temp directory
        shellexec2('rm -rf ./deploy.logs/temp/')

        print 'Compacting...'
        # summarize the logfile before building the summary
        shellexec2('python log_maintenance.py dummyarg')

        print 'Building summary logfile..'
        print deploy_logging.sep
        deploy_logging.log('Finished', 'All finished.')

    # returns 1 if there was an error.
    elif returncode == 1:
        print 'Error in creating tar.. Aborting'
    else:  # just so we catch all the conditions..
        print 'CRITICAL ERROR! script returned with unexpected retcode ('+\

def upload_tar(user, remote_host, tar_filename="deploy.tar"):
    This function will upload the tar to the remote_host via scp by logging 
    in as user@remote_host, and log the return code as well as anything
    printed to stderr or stdout (which is expected to be empty).
Ejemplo n.º 17
def deploy():
    This function is the brains behind the deploy script. All the main calls
    originate from this function.

    -Gets list of remote hosts from a file
    -Calls function to execute cleanup/setup on remote hosts before
      we can run remote scripts and then that same function executes
      the remote script files


    Exit if hostlist file was not found.

  <Side Effects>


  # Get list of hosts
  myhosts = get_remote_hosts_from_file()

  if not myhosts: # if we didn't find any hosts.. crap out!
    print "Didn't find any remote hosts file!"
    deploy_logging.logerror("Didn't find any remote hosts file!")
    # return if we don't have instructional machines to process
    if 'machine_list' not in deploy_threading.thread_communications.keys():
    # check if we also have intructional machines, and if we do, then
    # make sure we're not being tricked - remove all instructional machines
    # from the myhosts list
    if 'machine_list' in deploy_threading.thread_communications.keys():
      # we have instructional machines
      machine_list = deploy_threading.thread_communications['machine_list']
      myhosts = list(set(myhosts)-set(machine_list))
  # initialize thread_communications dictionary to a list which will have
  # our unreachable hosts
  deploy_threading.thread_communications['unreachable_host'] = []

  # this will keep track of the proc id's that are launched on different
  # threads. These are ssh/scp processes. We keep track of these because
  # we want to make sure that when we exit deploy.py, we kill all of these
  # processes - they should be killed by that time unless there was some kind 
  # of error.
  deploy_threading.thread_communications['running_process_ids'] = []
  # initial run

  # now do the same for the instructional machines if we have any:
  if 'machine_list' in deploy_threading.thread_communications.keys():
    connect_and_do_work(deploy_threading.thread_communications['machine_list'], 3)

  # if we had unreachable hosts..    
  if deploy_threading.has_unreachable_hosts():
    # Currently, set NOT to retry hosts.  Since it's running regularly as a service,
    # there is no need as 99% of these hosts time out anyway, so it just takes
    # a lot longer than it should. 
    for i in range(0):      
      # increase timeout time by 25% each time
      deploy_network.default_connection_timeout =\
          str(int(float(deploy_network.default_connection_timeout) * 1.25))
      # 1. use list of unreachable hosts list as our list to retry
      last_failed_hosts = deploy_threading.thread_communications['unreachable_host']

      # 2. reset the unreachable hosts list
      deploy_threading.thread_communications['unreachable_host'] = []
      deploy_logging.log("Notice", "Trying to connect to failed hosts (connection attempt #"+str(i+2)+")")
  print "Checking that all child threads/processes are dead..."
  for each_tuple in deploy_threading.thread_communications['running_process_ids']:
      # tuple is (pid, expiretime, remotehost, username)
      procid = int(each_tuple[0])
      os.kill(procid, 9)
    except OSError, ose:
    except Exception, e:
      print "Something went wrong while trying to kill process "+\
          str(procid)+", "+str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    # call the deploy script that'll pick up from here..
    print deploy_logging.sep

    # cleanup the local temp directory
    shellexec2('rm -rf ./deploy.logs/temp/')

    print 'Compacting...'
    # summarize the logfile before building the summary
    shellexec2('python log_maintenance.py dummyarg')
    print 'Building summary logfile..'    
    print deploy_logging.sep
    deploy_logging.log('Finished', 'All finished.')

  # returns 1 if there was an error.
  elif returncode == 1:
    print 'Error in creating tar.. Aborting'
  else: # just so we catch all the conditions..
    print 'CRITICAL ERROR! script returned with unexpected retcode ('+\

def upload_tar(user, remote_host, tar_filename = "deploy.tar"):
    This function will upload the tar to the remote_host via scp by logging 
    in as user@remote_host, and log the return code as well as anything
Ejemplo n.º 19
def remote_get_log(user, remote_host):
    Gets the remote logs (all tarred up) from remote_host and copies it to a 
    local directory via scp then untars it into deploy.logs/[remote_host]/.

      the user to log in as
      the IP of the host to get the logs from
    scp fails/times out.

  <Side Effects>

    No returns.

    # set up dir that we'll move the remote .tar into
    if not os.path.isdir('./deploy.logs/'+remote_host):
    # download the tar file from remote host
    out, err, returncode = remote_download_file(remote_host+'.tgz', 
        './deploy.logs/'+remote_host+'/'+remote_host+'.tgz', user, remote_host)

    deploy_logging.log('Downloading logs', 'Logs downloaded from '+remote_host)
    # now try to untar the files

    # build up a command list to execute
    command_list = []

    # tar is picky about where it'll unzip to (CWD), so we'll just Cd there
    command_list.append('cd ./deploy.logs/'+remote_host+'/')

    # now untar. if deploy_main.verbosity >=1 then we'll be verbose
    if deploy_main.verbosity >=1:
      command_list.append('tar -xvvf '+remote_host+'.tgz')
      command_list.append('tar -xf '+remote_host+'.tgz')

    # not make command string by joining the list elements with '; '  
    command_string = '; '.join(command_list)

    # execute string
    out, err, retvalue = deploy_helper.shellexec2(command_string)

    deploy_logging.log('Downloading logs', 'Logs from '+remote_host+' are ready')

    # we no longer need the tar file, just hogging up space

  except Exception, e:
    if deploy_main.verbosity == 2:
      # Only log if we error and need to narrow this down. otherwise,
      # it gets really spammy.    
      deploy_logging.logerror(remote_host+": Some kind of err in remote_get_log. ("+\
          remote_host+") , error:"+str(e)+")")
Ejemplo n.º 20
def deploy():
    This function is the brains behind the deploy script. All the main calls
    originate from this function.

    -Gets list of remote hosts from a file
    -Calls function to execute cleanup/setup on remote hosts before
      we can run remote scripts and then that same function executes
      the remote script files


    Exit if hostlist file was not found.

  <Side Effects>


    # Get list of hosts
    myhosts = get_remote_hosts_from_file()

    if not myhosts:  # if we didn't find any hosts.. crap out!
        print "Didn't find any remote hosts file!"
        deploy_logging.logerror("Didn't find any remote hosts file!")
        # return if we don't have instructional machines to process
        if 'machine_list' not in deploy_threading.thread_communications.keys():
        # check if we also have intructional machines, and if we do, then
        # make sure we're not being tricked - remove all instructional machines
        # from the myhosts list
        if 'machine_list' in deploy_threading.thread_communications.keys():
            # we have instructional machines
            machine_list = deploy_threading.thread_communications[
            myhosts = list(set(myhosts) - set(machine_list))

    # initialize thread_communications dictionary to a list which will have
    # our unreachable hosts
    deploy_threading.thread_communications['unreachable_host'] = []

    # this will keep track of the proc id's that are launched on different
    # threads. These are ssh/scp processes. We keep track of these because
    # we want to make sure that when we exit deploy.py, we kill all of these
    # processes - they should be killed by that time unless there was some kind
    # of error.
    deploy_threading.thread_communications['running_process_ids'] = []

    # initial run

    # now do the same for the instructional machines if we have any:
    if 'machine_list' in deploy_threading.thread_communications.keys():
            deploy_threading.thread_communications['machine_list'], 3)

    # if we had unreachable hosts..
    if deploy_threading.has_unreachable_hosts():
        # Currently, set NOT to retry hosts.  Since it's running regularly as a service,
        # there is no need as 99% of these hosts time out anyway, so it just takes
        # a lot longer than it should.
        for i in range(0):

            # increase timeout time by 25% each time
            deploy_network.default_connection_timeout =\
                str(int(float(deploy_network.default_connection_timeout) * 1.25))

            # 1. use list of unreachable hosts list as our list to retry
            last_failed_hosts = deploy_threading.thread_communications[

            # 2. reset the unreachable hosts list
            deploy_threading.thread_communications['unreachable_host'] = []
                "Trying to connect to failed hosts (connection attempt #" +
                str(i + 2) + ")")

    print "Checking that all child threads/processes are dead..."
    for each_tuple in deploy_threading.thread_communications[
            # tuple is (pid, expiretime, remotehost, username)
            procid = int(each_tuple[0])
            os.kill(procid, 9)
        except OSError, ose:
        except Exception, e:
            print "Something went wrong while trying to kill process "+\
                str(procid)+", "+str(e)