Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_rand(self):
        from random import randint
        def generate_random_case(min_c=1, max_c=500, min_e=2, max_e=500): 
            return randint(min_c, max_c), randint(min_e, max_e)

        def _derive_123(c, e): 
            return f"{c*e}x^{e-1}"

        for _ in range(100):
            c, e = generate_random_case()
            self.assertEqual(derive(c, e), _derive_123(c, e))
Ejemplo n.º 2
            freqFiltForces = 20  #Frequence de coupure des forces

            accX = glm.filter_signal(accX, fs=freqAcq, fc=freqFiltAcc)
            GF = glm.filter_signal(GF, fs=freqAcq, fc=freqFiltForces)
            LF = glm.filter_signal(LF, fs=freqAcq, fc=freqFiltForces)
            LFv = glm.filter_signal(LFv, fs=freqAcq, fc=freqFiltForces)
            LFh = glm.filter_signal(LFh, fs=freqAcq, fc=freqFiltForces)

            #%% CUTTING THE TASK INTO SEGMENTS (your first task)
            pk = signal.find_peaks(accX, prominence=5, width=(100, 1000))
            ipk = pk[0]
            cycle_starts = ipk[:-1]
            cycle_ends = ipk[1:] - 1

            #%% Compute derivative of LF
            dGF = der.derive(GF, 800)
            dGF = glm.filter_signal(dGF, fs=freqAcq, fc=10)

            name = "%s_00%d.glm" % (s, trial)

            #%% segmentations
            segmentations = np.array([])
            mB0 = glm_df['Metronome_b0'].to_numpy()
            mB1 = glm_df['Metronome_b1'].to_numpy()
            mB2 = glm_df['Metronome_b2'].to_numpy()

            start = 4000
            end = 30959
            mB0 = mB0[start:end]
            mB1 = mB1[start:end]
            mB2 = mB2[start:end]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_mu_points(y_COP,
    if len(y_COP) != len(tf_h) or len(tf_h) != len(tf_v) or len(tf_v) != len(
        raise NameError('Vectors must be the same length')

    # Filter signals
    fc = 40
    y_COP = glm.filter_signal(y_COP - np.nanmean(y_COP), fs, fc, 4)
    dy = der.derive(y_COP, fs)
    tf_h = glm.filter_signal(tf_h, fs, fc)
    tf_v = glm.filter_signal(tf_v, fs, fc)
    NF = glm.filter_signal(NF, fs, fc)

    # Compute the norm of the normal and tangential forces and TF/NF
    NF = abs(NF)
    TF = np.sqrt(np.multiply(tf_h, tf_h) + np.multiply(tf_v, tf_v))
    ratio = TF / NF

    # Find first index where NF>NF_thresh
    i0 = np.nonzero(NF > nf_thresh)[0][0]

    # Find first index where NF>NF_thresh starting from the end
    if NF[-1] > nf_thresh:
        iend = len(NF) - 1
        reversed_NF = NF[::-1]
        iend = np.nonzero(reversed_NF > nf_thresh)[0][0]
        iend = len(NF) - iend

    # Find where tangential force changes sign. This marks the beginnings of the
    # useful zones
    iRoots = i0 + np.nonzero(np.diff(np.sign(tf_v[i0:iend])))[0]
    iStart = np.insert(iRoots, 0,
                       i0)  #Add i0 as the beginning of the first usefull zone

    # Find the end of the search zones by looking at the COP displacement
    # (end zone is reached when displacement is greater than y_thresh)
    iEnd = np.zeros(len(iStart), dtype=int)
    out = np.zeros(len(iStart), dtype=bool)
    out[0] = True
    out[-1] = True

    for i in range(0, len(iStart) - 1):
        y_loc = y_COP[iStart[i]:iStart[i + 1]]
        dy_loc = dy[iStart[i]:iStart[i + 1]]
        #print('%d' %(np.floor((iStart[i+1]-iStart[i])/2)))
        slope = np.nanmean(dy_loc[0:np.floor((iStart[i + 1] - iStart[i]) /

        if slope < 0:
            extrem = min(y_COP[iStart[i]:iStart[i + 1]])
            extrem = max(y_COP[iStart[i]:iStart[i + 1]])

        displacement_thresh = y_thresh * abs(extrem - y_loc[0])  # avant 1

        tf_loc = abs(np.mean(tf_v[iStart[i]:iStart[i + 1]]))
        nf_loc = np.mean(NF[iStart[i]:iStart[i + 1]])

        if displacement_thresh > 0.002 and tf_loc > tf_thresh and nf_loc > nf_thresh:
            i_end_loc = np.nonzero(
                abs(y_loc - y_loc[0]) >= displacement_thresh)[0][0]
            if i_end_loc == 0:
                out[i] = True
                iEnd[i] = (iStart[i] + i_end_loc - 1).astype(np.int)

            out[i] = True

    iStart = iStart[np.logical_not(out)]
    iEnd = iEnd[np.logical_not(out)]

    check_indexes = iEnd - iStart
    if any(check_indexes <= 0):
        raise NameError(
            'Some start indexes are equal to - or bigger than - their corresponding stop indexes'

    # Search for slip points as the points where TF/NF is maximal. TF/NF then
    # theoritically corresponds to the static coefficient of friction (mu)
    nz = len(iStart)
    mu = np.zeros(nz)
    slip_indexes = np.zeros(nz, dtype=int)
    directions = np.zeros(nz, dtype=int)

    for i in range(0, nz):
        mu_loc = ratio[iStart[i]:iEnd[i]]
        imax = np.argmax(mu_loc)

        dy_loc = dy[iStart[i]:iEnd[i]]

        slip_indexes[i] = iStart[i] + imax - 1
        mu[i] = mu_loc[imax]
        directions[i] = np.sign(np.nanmean(dy_loc))
        # Some things were removes from the Matlab version here

    # Remove slip points corresponding to abnormally low values of TF or NF
    discard = (abs(tf_v[slip_indexes]) < tf_thresh).astype(bool) | (
        NF[slip_indexes] < nf_thresh).astype(bool)
    slip_indexes = slip_indexes[np.logical_not(discard)]
    mu = mu[np.logical_not(discard)]
    directions = directions[np.logical_not(discard)]

    # Remove outliers (code missing, can be added later if needed)

    # Return values

    return mu, slip_indexes, iStart, iEnd
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test(self):
     self.assertEqual(derive(7,8), "56x^7")
     self.assertEqual(derive(5,9), "45x^8")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def assertDerivative( self, function, derivative ):
     self.assertEqual( simplify( derive( parse( function ), 'x' ) ), simplify( parse( derivative ) ) )