def main(args) : log=get_logger()"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel=read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux,model_wave,model_fibers=read_stdstar_models(args.models) # check that the model_fibers are actually standard stars fibermap = frame.fibermap model_fibers = model_fibers%500 if np.any(fibermap['OBJTYPE'][model_fibers] != 'STD'): for i in model_fibers: log.error("inconsistency with spectrum %d, OBJTYPE='%s' in fibermap"%(i,fibermap["OBJTYPE"][i])) sys.exit(12) fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration(frame, model_wave, model_flux) # QA if (args.qafile is not None):"performing fluxcalib QA") # Load qaframe = load_qa_frame(args.qafile, frame, flavor=frame.meta['FLAVOR']) # Run #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() qaframe.run_qa('FLUXCALIB', (frame, fluxcalib)) # Write if args.qafile is not None: write_qa_frame(args.qafile, qaframe)"successfully wrote {:s}".format(args.qafile)) # Figure(s) if args.qafig is not None: qa_plots.frame_fluxcalib(args.qafig, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.meta)"successfully wrote %s"%args.outfile)
def main() : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--infile', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI exposure frame fits file') parser.add_argument('--fiberflat', type = str, default = None, help = 'path of DESI fiberflat fits file') parser.add_argument('--sky', type = str, default = None, help = 'path of DESI sky fits file') parser.add_argument('--calib', type = str, default = None, help = 'path of DESI calibration fits file') parser.add_argument('--outfile', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI sky fits file') # add calibration here when exists args = parser.parse_args() log = get_logger() if (args.fiberflat is None) and ( is None) and (args.calib is None): log.critical('no --fiberflat, --sky, or --calib; nothing to do ?!?') sys.exit(12) frame = read_frame(args.infile) if args.fiberflat!=None :"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat to sky fibers apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat) if!=None :"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel=read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel) if args.calib!=None :"calibrate") # read calibration fluxcalib=read_flux_calibration(args.calib) # apply calibration apply_flux_calibration(frame, fluxcalib) # save output write_frame(args.outfile, frame)"successfully wrote %s"%args.outfile)
def main(args): log = get_logger() frame=read_frame(args.infile, skip_resolution=True) fibermap=read_fibermap(args.infile) fiberflat=read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) skymodel=read_sky( fluxcalib=read_flux_calibration(args.calib) cam=args.infile.split('/')[-1].split('-')[1] band=cam[0] bands=[band] # Indices of sky fibers. sky_indx = np.where(fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY')[0] rd_var, sky_var = calc_var(bands, args.nea, args.psf, frame, fluxcalib, fiberflat, skymodel, components=True) var = calc_var(bands, args.nea, args.psf, frame, fluxcalib, fiberflat, skymodel, components=False) nsky = 4 fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, nsky, figsize=(5 * nsky, 5)) for i in range(nsky): def calc_alphavar(alpha): return alpha * rd_var[sky_indx,:] + sky_var[sky_indx,:] def alpha_fit(alpha): _var = calc_alphavar(alpha) ivar = 1. / _var X2 = (frame.ivar[sky_indx,:] - ivar)**2. return np.sum(X2) res = minimize(alpha_fit, x0=[1.]) alpha = res.x[0] indx = sky_indx[i] axes[i].plot(skymodel.wave, median_filter(frame.ivar[indx,:], 10), lw=0.4, label='Sky frame IVAR', alpha=0.4) axes[i].plot(skymodel.wave, 1./rd_var[indx,:], lw=0.4, label='Model rd. IVAR', alpha=0.4) # axes[i].plot(skymodel.wave, 1./sky_var[indx,:], lw=0.4, label='Model Sky IVAR', alpha=0.4) # axes[i].plot(skymodel.wave, 1./var[indx,:], lw=0.4, label=r'Model IVAR', alpha=0.4) axes[i].plot(skymodel.wave, median_filter(1./calc_alphavar(alpha)[i,:], 10), lw=0.4, label=r'$\alpha$ Model IVAR', alpha=0.4) axes[i].set_title(r'Fiber {:d} ($\alpha$ = {:.6f})'.format(indx, alpha)) axes[i].set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$AA$]') axes[i].set_yscale('log') axes[i].set_ylim(bottom=5.e-4, top=3.e-2) axes[i].legend(frameon=False, loc=2) axes[0].set_ylabel('e/A')
def main(args): log = get_logger() if (args.fiberflat is None) and ( is None) and (args.calib is None): log.critical('no --fiberflat, --sky, or --calib; nothing to do ?!?') sys.exit(12) frame = read_frame(args.infile) if args.fiberflat!=None :"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat to sky fibers apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat) if!=None :"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel=read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel) if args.calib!=None :"calibrate") # read calibration fluxcalib=read_flux_calibration(args.calib) # apply calibration apply_flux_calibration(frame, fluxcalib) # save output write_frame(args.outfile, frame, units='1e-17 erg/(s cm2 A)')"successfully wrote %s"%args.outfile)
def cmx_skies(): ''' sky surface brightnesses from sky fibers from the CMX exposures. The sky surface brightnesses are generated from the flat fielded sky data that's throughput corrected. Return ------ skies : dictionary dictionary that contains data on sky fibers for a given (tile, date, exposure, and spectrograph). The following keys are available in the output dictionary: - `tileid`, `date`, `mjd`, `expid`, `spectrograph` - observing conditions: `airmass`, `moon_ill`, `moon_alt`, `moon_sep`, `sun_alt`, `sun_sep`, `transparency`, `transp_min`, `transp_max`, `fwhm`, `exptime` - surface brightnesses: `sky_sb_b`, `sky_sb_r`, `sky_sb_z`, ''' f_cmx_skies = '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/users/chahah/bgs_exp_coadd/sky_fibers.cmx.v1.hdf5' if not os.path.isfile(f_cmx_skies): # read observing conditions compiled from GFAs gfa = os.path.join( '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/users/ameisner/GFA/conditions', 'offline_all_guide_ccds_thru_20200315.fits')) # CMX BGS tiles bgs_minisv_tiles = [70500, 70502, 70510] bgs_sv0_tiles = [66000, 66014, 66003] bgs_tiles = bgs_minisv_tiles + bgs_sv0_tiles # gather all (tile, date, expid, spectrograph) combinations cmx = [] for tile in bgs_tiles: dates = _get_dates(tile) for date in dates: exps = _get_exposures(tile, date) for exp in exps: spectographs = _get_spectograph(tile, date, exp) for spec in spectographs: cmx.append([tile, date, exp, spec]) # all the keys sky_data = {} for k in [ 'airmass', 'moon_ill', 'moon_alt', 'moon_sep', 'sun_alt', 'sun_sep', 'sky_sb_b', 'sky_sb_r', 'sky_sb_z', 'tileid', 'date', 'expid', 'spectrograph', 'mjd', 'transparency', 'transp_min', 'transp_max', 'fwhm', 'exptime' ]: sky_data[k] = [] # loop through each (tile, date, expid, spectrograph) for i, _cmx in enumerate(cmx): _tileid, _date, _exp, _spec = _cmx print('--- %i, %i, %i, %i ---' % (_tileid, _date, _exp, _spec)) # coadd file f_coadd = os.path.join( dir_coadd, 'coadd-%i-%i-%i-%s.fits' % (_tileid, _date, _spec, str(_exp).zfill(8))) dir_exp = os.path.join(dir_redux, 'exposures', str(_date), str(_exp).zfill(8)) f_sky = lambda band: os.path.join( dir_exp, 'sky-%s%i-%s.fits' % (band, _spec, str(_exp).zfill(8))) if not os.path.isfile(f_coadd): print('... no coadd: %s' % os.path.basename(f_coadd)) continue # read coadd and sky data. coadd data is used to determine good sky # fibers coadd = sky_b = read_sky(f_sky('b')) sky_r = read_sky(f_sky('r')) sky_z = read_sky(f_sky('z')) exptime = sky_b.header['EXPTIME'] if i == 0: wave_b = sky_b.wave wave_r = sky_r.wave wave_z = sky_z.wave # good sky fibers only is_good = (coadd['FIBERSTATUS'] == 0) is_sky = (coadd['CMX_TARGET'] & cmx_targetmask.cmx_mask.mask('SKY')) != 0 good_sky = is_good & is_sky # match to GFA obs condition using NIGHT and EXPID m_gfa = ((gfa['NIGHT'] == int(_date)) & (gfa['EXPID'] == int(_exp))) if np.sum(m_gfa) == 0: print('... no match to GFA conditions') continue assert (gfa['MJD'][m_gfa].max() - gfa['MJD'][m_gfa].min()) < 0.08333333333 # median MJD of GFA data mjd_mid = np.median(gfa['MJD'][m_gfa]) # median transparency from GFA data transp = gfa['TRANSPARENCY'][m_gfa] not_nan = np.isfinite(transp) if np.sum(not_nan) > 0: transp_min = np.min(transp[not_nan]) transp_max = np.max(transp[not_nan]) transp_mid = np.median(transp[not_nan]) else: transp_min = 0. transp_max = 1. transp_mid = 1. # FWHM _fwhm = gfa['FWHM_ASEC'][m_gfa] fwhm = np.median(_fwhm[np.isfinite(_fwhm)]) # get observing conditions (these values more or less agree with # the GFA values) _airmass, _moon_ill, _moon_alt, _moon_sep, _sun_alt, _sun_sep = \ _get_obs_param(coadd['TARGET_RA'][good_sky], coadd['TARGET_DEC'][good_sky], mjd_mid) print('%.f exptime' % exptime) print('%i sky fibers' % np.sum(is_sky)) print('%i good sky fibers' % np.sum(good_sky)) print('%.2f < transp < %.2f' % (transp_min, transp_max)) sky_data['tileid'].append(np.repeat(_tileid, len(_airmass))) sky_data['date'].append(np.repeat(_date, len(_airmass))) sky_data['expid'].append(np.repeat(_exp, len(_airmass))) sky_data['spectrograph'].append(np.repeat(_spec, len(_airmass))) sky_data['mjd'].append(np.repeat(mjd_mid, len(_airmass))) sky_data['transparency'].append( np.repeat(transp_mid, len(_airmass))) sky_data['transp_min'].append(np.repeat(transp_min, len(_airmass))) sky_data['transp_max'].append(np.repeat(transp_max, len(_airmass))) sky_data['fwhm'].append(np.repeat(fwhm, len(_airmass))) sky_data['exptime'].append(np.repeat(exptime, len(_airmass))) # sky surface brightness sky_data['sky_sb_b'].append( _convert_sky_rate(sky_b, good_sky, exptime, 'b')) sky_data['sky_sb_r'].append( _convert_sky_rate(sky_r, good_sky, exptime, 'r')) sky_data['sky_sb_z'].append( _convert_sky_rate(sky_z, good_sky, exptime, 'z')) # observing conditions sky_data['airmass'].append(_airmass) sky_data['moon_ill'].append(np.repeat(_moon_ill, len(_airmass))) sky_data['moon_alt'].append(np.repeat(_moon_alt, len(_airmass))) sky_data['moon_sep'].append(_moon_sep) sky_data['sun_alt'].append(np.repeat(_sun_alt, len(_airmass))) sky_data['sun_sep'].append(_sun_sep) # save to file f = h5py.File(os.path.join(dir_coadd, 'sky_fibers.cmx.v1.hdf5'), 'w') for k in sky_data.keys(): f.create_dataset(k, data=np.concatenate(sky_data[k], axis=0)) f.create_dataset('wave_b', data=wave_b) f.create_dataset('wave_r', data=wave_r) f.create_dataset('wave_z', data=wave_z) f.close() # read in CMX sky data fskies = h5py.File(f_cmx_skies, 'r') skies = {} for k in fskies.keys(): skies[k] = fskies[k][...] return skies
def main(args) : """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)"%(args.color,args.delta_color)) frames={} flats={} skies={} spectrograph=None starfibers=None starindices=None fibermap=None # READ DATA ############################################ for filename in args.frames :"reading %s"%filename) frame=io.read_frame(filename) header=fits.getheader(filename, 0) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap frame_starindices = np.where(isStdStar(frame_fibermap['DESI_TARGET']))[0] #- Confirm that all fluxes have entries but trust targeting bits #- to get basic magnitude range correct keep = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z']: #- and W1 and W2? keep &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] > 10**((22.5-30)/2.5) keep &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] < 10**((22.5-0)/2.5) frame_starindices = frame_starindices[keep] camera=safe_read_key(header,"CAMERA").strip().lower() if spectrograph is None : spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices=frame_starindices starfibers=fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph : log.error("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d"%(spectrograph,frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d"%(spectrograph,frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum(starindices!=frame_starindices)>0 : log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if not camera in frames : frames[camera]=[] frames[camera].append(frame) for filename in args.skymodels :"reading %s"%filename) sky=io.read_sky(filename) header=fits.getheader(filename, 0) camera=safe_read_key(header,"CAMERA").strip().lower() if not camera in skies : skies[camera]=[] skies[camera].append(sky) for filename in args.fiberflats :"reading %s"%filename) header=fits.getheader(filename, 0) flat=io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera=safe_read_key(header,"CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if camera in flats: log.warning("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s), will use only the first one"%camera) #raise ValueError("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)"%camera) else : flats[camera]=flat if starindices.size == 0 : log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars"%starindices.size) log.warning("Not using flux errors for Standard Star fits!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ for cam in frames : if not cam in skies: log.warning("Missing sky for %s"%cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not cam in flats: log.warning("Missing flat for %s"%cam) frames.pop(cam) continue flat=flats[cam] for frame,sky in zip(frames[cam],skies[cam]) : frame.flux = frame.flux[starindices] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[starindices] frame.ivar *= (frame.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.flux *= ( frame.ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frame.flux.shape[0]) : ok=np.where((frame.ivar[star]>0)&(flat.fiberflat[star]!=0))[0] if ok.size > 0 : frame.flux[star] = frame.flux[star]/flat.fiberflat[star] - sky.flux[star] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[starindices] nstars = starindices.size fibermap = Table(fibermap[starindices]) # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s"%args.starmodels) stdwave,stdflux,templateid,teff,logg,feh=io.read_stdstar_templates(args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ #- Support older fibermaps if 'PHOTSYS' not in fibermap.colnames: log.warning('Old fibermap format; using defaults for missing columns') log.warning(" PHOTSYS = 'S'") log.warning(" MW_TRANSMISSION_G/R/Z = 1.0") log.warning(" EBV = 0.0") fibermap['PHOTSYS'] = 'S' fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_G'] = 1.0 fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_R'] = 1.0 fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_Z'] = 1.0 fibermap['EBV'] = 0.0 model_filters = dict() if 'S' in fibermap['PHOTSYS']: for filter_name in ['DECAM_G', 'DECAM_R', 'DECAM_Z']: model_filters[filter_name] = load_filter(filter_name) if 'N' in fibermap['PHOTSYS']: for filter_name in ['BASS_G', 'BASS_R', 'MZLS_Z']: model_filters[filter_name] = load_filter(filter_name) if len(model_filters) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded; neither 'N' nor 'S' in PHOTSYS?")"computing model mags for %s"%sorted(model_filters.keys())) model_mags = dict() fluxunits = 1e-17 * units.erg / units.s /**2 / units.Angstrom for filter_name, filter_response in model_filters.items(): model_mags[filter_name] = filter_response.get_ab_magnitude(stdflux*fluxunits,stdwave)"done computing model mags") # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ linear_coefficients=np.zeros((nstars,stdflux.shape[0])) chi2dof=np.zeros((nstars)) redshift=np.zeros((nstars)) normflux=[] star_mags = dict() star_unextincted_mags = dict() for band in ['G', 'R', 'Z']: star_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_'+band]) star_unextincted_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_'+band] / fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_'+band]) star_colors = dict() star_colors['G-R'] = star_mags['G'] - star_mags['R'] star_colors['R-Z'] = star_mags['R'] - star_mags['Z'] star_unextincted_colors = dict() star_unextincted_colors['G-R'] = star_unextincted_mags['G'] - star_unextincted_mags['R'] star_unextincted_colors['R-Z'] = star_unextincted_mags['R'] - star_unextincted_mags['Z'] fitted_model_colors = np.zeros(nstars) for star in range(nstars) :"finding best model for observed star #%d"%star) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames : for i,frame in enumerate(frames[camera]) : identifier="%s-%d"%(camera,i) wave[identifier]=frame.wave flux[identifier]=frame.flux[star] ivar[identifier]=frame.ivar[star] resolution_data[identifier]=frame.resolution_data[star] # preselect models based on magnitudes if fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] == 'N': if args.color == 'G-R': model_colors = model_mags['BASS_G'] - model_mags['BASS_R'] elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_colors = model_mags['BASS_R'] - model_mags['MZLS_Z'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) else: if args.color == 'G-R': model_colors = model_mags['DECAM_G'] - model_mags['DECAM_R'] elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_colors = model_mags['DECAM_R'] - model_mags['DECAM_Z'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) color_diff = model_colors - star_unextincted_colors[args.color][star] selection = np.abs(color_diff) < args.delta_color # smallest cube in parameter space including this selection (needed for interpolation) new_selection = (teff>=np.min(teff[selection]))&(teff<=np.max(teff[selection])) new_selection &= (logg>=np.min(logg[selection]))&(logg<=np.max(logg[selection])) new_selection &= (feh>=np.min(feh[selection]))&(feh<=np.max(feh[selection])) selection = np.where(new_selection)[0]"star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d"%( star, starfibers[star], args.color, star_unextincted_colors[args.color][star], selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) # Match unextincted standard stars to data coefficients, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, stdflux[selection], teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=args.ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res, template_error=args.template_error ) linear_coefficients[star,selection] = coefficients'Star Fiber: {0}; TEFF: {1}; LOGG: {2}; FEH: {3}; Redshift: {4}; Chisq/dof: {5}'.format( starfibers[star], np.inner(teff,linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(logg,linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(feh,linear_coefficients[star]), redshift[star], chi2dof[star]) ) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution model=np.zeros(stdwave.size) redshifted_stdwave = stdwave*(1+redshift[star]) for i,c in enumerate(linear_coefficients[star]) : if c != 0 : model += c*np.interp(stdwave,redshifted_stdwave,stdflux[i]) # Apply dust extinction to the model model *= dust_transmission(stdwave, fibermap['EBV'][star]) # Compute final color of dust-extincted model if fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] == 'N': if args.color == 'G-R': model_mag1 = model_filters['BASS_G'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['BASS_R'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag2 elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_mag1 = model_filters['BASS_R'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['MZLS_Z'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) else: if args.color == 'G-R': model_mag1 = model_filters['DECAM_G'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['DECAM_R'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag2 elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_mag1 = model_filters['DECAM_R'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['DECAM_Z'].get_ab_magnitude(model*fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) fitted_model_colors[star] = model_mag1 - model_mag2 #- TODO: move this back into normalize_templates, at the cost of #- recalculating a model magnitude? # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude scalefac=10**((model_magr - star_mags['R'][star])/2.5)'scaling R mag {} to {} using scale {}'.format(model_magr, star_mags['R'][star], scalefac)) normflux.append(model*scalefac) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file normflux=np.array(normflux) data={} data['LOGG'] data['TEFF']= data['FEH']= data['CHI2DOF']=chi2dof data['REDSHIFT']=redshift data['COEFF']=linear_coefficients data['DATA_%s'%args.color]=star_colors[args.color] data['MODEL_%s'%args.color]=fitted_model_colors io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile,normflux,stdwave,starfibers,data)
def main(args): log = get_logger() if (args.fiberflat is None) and ( is None) and (args.calib is None): log.critical('no --fiberflat, --sky, or --calib; nothing to do ?!?') sys.exit(12) frame = read_frame(args.infile) #- Raw scores already added in extraction, but just in case they weren't #- it is harmless to rerun to make sure we have them. compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame,suffix="RAW") if args.cosmics_nsig>0 and : # Reject cosmics (otherwise do it after sky subtraction)"cosmics ray 1D rejection") reject_cosmic_rays_1d(frame,args.cosmics_nsig) if args.fiberflat!=None :"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat to all fibers apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame,suffix="FFLAT") if!=None : # read sky skymodel=read_sky( if args.cosmics_nsig>0 : # use a copy the frame (not elegant but robust) copied_frame = copy.deepcopy(frame) # first subtract sky without throughput correction subtract_sky(copied_frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction = False) # then find cosmics"cosmics ray 1D rejection after sky subtraction") reject_cosmic_rays_1d(copied_frame,args.cosmics_nsig) # copy mask frame.mask = copied_frame.mask # and (re-)subtract sky, but just the correction term subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction = (not args.no_sky_throughput_correction) ) else : # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction = (not args.no_sky_throughput_correction) ) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame,suffix="SKYSUB") if args.calib!=None :"calibrate") # read calibration fluxcalib=read_flux_calibration(args.calib) # apply calibration apply_flux_calibration(frame, fluxcalib) # Ensure that ivars are set to 0 for all values if any designated # fibermask bit is set. Also flips a bits for each frame.mask value using specmask.BADFIBER frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame,bitmask="flux",ivar_framemask=True) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame,suffix="CALIB") # save output write_frame(args.outfile, frame, units='10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom)')"successfully wrote %s"%args.outfile)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--infile', type=str, default=None, required=True, help='path of DESI exposure frame fits file') parser.add_argument('--fiberflat', type=str, default=None, help='path of DESI fiberflat fits file') parser.add_argument('--sky', type=str, default=None, help='path of DESI sky fits file') parser.add_argument('--calib', type=str, default=None, help='path of DESI calibration fits file') parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, default=None, required=True, help='path of DESI sky fits file') # add calibration here when exists args = parser.parse_args() log = get_logger() if (args.fiberflat is None) and ( is None) and (args.calib is None): log.critical('no --fiberflat, --sky, or --calib; nothing to do ?!?') sys.exit(12) frame = read_frame(args.infile) if args.fiberflat != None:"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat to sky fibers apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat) if != None:"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel = read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel) if args.calib != None:"calibrate") # read calibration fluxcalib = read_flux_calibration(args.calib) # apply calibration apply_flux_calibration(frame, fluxcalib) # save output write_frame(args.outfile, frame)"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)
def main(args): """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)" % (args.color, args.delta_color)) frames = {} flats = {} skies = {} spectrograph = None starfibers = None starindices = None fibermap = None # READ DATA ############################################ for filename in args.frames:"reading %s" % filename) frame = io.read_frame(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap frame_starindices = np.where(isStdStar(frame_fibermap))[0] #- Confirm that all fluxes have entries but trust targeting bits #- to get basic magnitude range correct keep = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z']: #- and W1 and W2? keep &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] > 10**( (22.5 - 30) / 2.5) keep &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] < 10**( (22.5 - 0) / 2.5) frame_starindices = frame_starindices[keep] camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if spectrograph is None: spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices = frame_starindices starfibers = fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph: log.error("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum( starindices != frame_starindices) > 0: log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if not camera in frames: frames[camera] = [] frames[camera].append(frame) for filename in args.skymodels:"reading %s" % filename) sky = io.read_sky(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if not camera in skies: skies[camera] = [] skies[camera].append(sky) for filename in args.fiberflats:"reading %s" % filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) flat = io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if camera in flats: log.warning( "cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s), will use only the first one" % camera) #raise ValueError("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)"%camera) else: flats[camera] = flat if starindices.size == 0: log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars" % starindices.size) log.warning("Not using flux errors for Standard Star fits!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ for cam in frames: if not cam in skies: log.warning("Missing sky for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not cam in flats: log.warning("Missing flat for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue flat = flats[cam] for frame, sky in zip(frames[cam], skies[cam]): frame.flux = frame.flux[starindices] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[starindices] frame.ivar *= (frame.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.flux *= (frame.ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frame.flux.shape[0]): ok = np.where((frame.ivar[star] > 0) & (flat.fiberflat[star] != 0))[0] if ok.size > 0: frame.flux[star] = frame.flux[star] / flat.fiberflat[ star] - sky.flux[star] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[starindices] nstars = starindices.size fibermap = Table(fibermap[starindices]) # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s" % args.starmodels) stdwave, stdflux, templateid, teff, logg, feh = io.read_stdstar_templates( args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ #- Support older fibermaps if 'PHOTSYS' not in fibermap.colnames: log.warning('Old fibermap format; using defaults for missing columns') log.warning(" PHOTSYS = 'S'") log.warning(" MW_TRANSMISSION_G/R/Z = 1.0") log.warning(" EBV = 0.0") fibermap['PHOTSYS'] = 'S' fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_G'] = 1.0 fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_R'] = 1.0 fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_Z'] = 1.0 fibermap['EBV'] = 0.0 model_filters = dict() if 'S' in fibermap['PHOTSYS']: for filter_name in ['DECAM_G', 'DECAM_R', 'DECAM_Z']: model_filters[filter_name] = load_filter(filter_name) if 'N' in fibermap['PHOTSYS']: for filter_name in ['BASS_G', 'BASS_R', 'MZLS_Z']: model_filters[filter_name] = load_filter(filter_name) if len(model_filters) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded; neither 'N' nor 'S' in PHOTSYS?")"computing model mags for %s" % sorted(model_filters.keys())) model_mags = dict() fluxunits = 1e-17 * units.erg / units.s /**2 / units.Angstrom for filter_name, filter_response in model_filters.items(): model_mags[filter_name] = filter_response.get_ab_magnitude( stdflux * fluxunits, stdwave)"done computing model mags") # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ linear_coefficients = np.zeros((nstars, stdflux.shape[0])) chi2dof = np.zeros((nstars)) redshift = np.zeros((nstars)) normflux = [] star_mags = dict() star_unextincted_mags = dict() for band in ['G', 'R', 'Z']: star_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_' + band]) star_unextincted_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10( fibermap['FLUX_' + band] / fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_' + band]) star_colors = dict() star_colors['G-R'] = star_mags['G'] - star_mags['R'] star_colors['R-Z'] = star_mags['R'] - star_mags['Z'] star_unextincted_colors = dict() star_unextincted_colors[ 'G-R'] = star_unextincted_mags['G'] - star_unextincted_mags['R'] star_unextincted_colors[ 'R-Z'] = star_unextincted_mags['R'] - star_unextincted_mags['Z'] fitted_model_colors = np.zeros(nstars) for star in range(nstars):"finding best model for observed star #%d" % star) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames: for i, frame in enumerate(frames[camera]): identifier = "%s-%d" % (camera, i) wave[identifier] = frame.wave flux[identifier] = frame.flux[star] ivar[identifier] = frame.ivar[star] resolution_data[identifier] = frame.resolution_data[star] # preselect models based on magnitudes if fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] == 'N': if args.color == 'G-R': model_colors = model_mags['BASS_G'] - model_mags['BASS_R'] elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_colors = model_mags['BASS_R'] - model_mags['MZLS_Z'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) else: if args.color == 'G-R': model_colors = model_mags['DECAM_G'] - model_mags['DECAM_R'] elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_colors = model_mags['DECAM_R'] - model_mags['DECAM_Z'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) color_diff = model_colors - star_unextincted_colors[args.color][star] selection = np.abs(color_diff) < args.delta_color # smallest cube in parameter space including this selection (needed for interpolation) new_selection = (teff >= np.min(teff[selection])) & (teff <= np.max( teff[selection])) new_selection &= (logg >= np.min(logg[selection])) & (logg <= np.max( logg[selection])) new_selection &= (feh >= np.min(feh[selection])) & (feh <= np.max( feh[selection])) selection = np.where(new_selection)[0] "star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d" % (star, starfibers[star], args.color, star_unextincted_colors[args.color][star], selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) # Match unextincted standard stars to data coefficients, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, stdflux[selection], teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=args.ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res, template_error=args.template_error) linear_coefficients[star, selection] = coefficients 'Star Fiber: {0}; TEFF: {1}; LOGG: {2}; FEH: {3}; Redshift: {4}; Chisq/dof: {5}' .format(starfibers[star], np.inner(teff, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(logg, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(feh, linear_coefficients[star]), redshift[star], chi2dof[star])) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution model = np.zeros(stdwave.size) redshifted_stdwave = stdwave * (1 + redshift[star]) for i, c in enumerate(linear_coefficients[star]): if c != 0: model += c * np.interp(stdwave, redshifted_stdwave, stdflux[i]) # Apply dust extinction to the model model *= dust_transmission(stdwave, fibermap['EBV'][star]) # Compute final color of dust-extincted model if fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] == 'N': if args.color == 'G-R': model_mag1 = model_filters['BASS_G'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['BASS_R'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag2 elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_mag1 = model_filters['BASS_R'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['MZLS_Z'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) else: if args.color == 'G-R': model_mag1 = model_filters['DECAM_G'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['DECAM_R'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag2 elif args.color == 'R-Z': model_mag1 = model_filters['DECAM_R'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters['DECAM_Z'].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_magr = model_mag1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) fitted_model_colors[star] = model_mag1 - model_mag2 #- TODO: move this back into normalize_templates, at the cost of #- recalculating a model magnitude? # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude scalefac = 10**((model_magr - star_mags['R'][star]) / 2.5)'scaling R mag {} to {} using scale {}'.format( model_magr, star_mags['R'][star], scalefac)) normflux.append(model * scalefac) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file normflux = np.array(normflux) data = {} data['LOGG'] = data['TEFF'] = data['FEH'] = data['CHI2DOF'] = chi2dof data['REDSHIFT'] = redshift data['COEFF'] = linear_coefficients data['DATA_%s' % args.color] = star_colors[args.color] data['MODEL_%s' % args.color] = fitted_model_colors io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile, normflux, stdwave, starfibers, data)
def main() : """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--fiberflatexpid', type = int, help = 'fiberflat exposure ID') parser.add_argument('--fibermap', type = str, help = 'path of fibermap file') parser.add_argument('--models', type = str, help = 'path of spectro-photometric stellar spectra fits') parser.add_argument('--spectrograph', type = int, default = 0, help = 'spectrograph number, can go 0-9') parser.add_argument('--outfile', type = str, help = 'output file for normalized stdstar model flux') args = parser.parse_args() log = get_logger() # Call necessary environment variables. No need if add argument to give full file path. if 'DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX' not in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('Set environment DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX. It is needed to read the needed datafiles') DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX=os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'] PRODNAME=os.environ['PRODNAME'] if 'DESISIM' not in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('Set environment DESISIM. It will be neede to read the filter transmission files for calibration') DESISIM=os.environ['DESISIM'] # to read the filter transmission files if args.fibermap is None or args.models is None or \ args.spectrograph is None or args.outfile is None or \ args.fiberflatexpid is None: log.critical('Missing a required argument') parser.print_help() sys.exit(12) # read Standard Stars from the fibermap file # returns the Fiber id, filter names and mags for the standard stars fiber_tbdata,fiber_header=io.read_fibermap(args.fibermap, header=True) #- Trim to just fibers on this spectrograph ii = (500*args.spectrograph <= fiber_tbdata["FIBER"]) ii &= (fiber_tbdata["FIBER"] < 500*(args.spectrograph+1)) fiber_tbdata = fiber_tbdata[ii] #- Get info for the standard stars refStarIdx=np.where(fiber_tbdata["OBJTYPE"]=="STD") refFibers=fiber_tbdata["FIBER"][refStarIdx] refFilters=fiber_tbdata["FILTER"][refStarIdx] refMags=fiber_tbdata["MAG"] fibers={"FIBER":refFibers,"FILTER":refFilters,"MAG":refMags} NIGHT=fiber_header['NIGHT'] EXPID=fiber_header['EXPID'] filters=fibers["FILTER"] if 'DESISIM' not in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('Set environment DESISIM. Can not find filter response files') basepath=DESISIM+"/data/" #now load all the skyfiles, framefiles, fiberflatfiles etc # all three channels files are simultaneously treated for model fitting skyfile={} framefile={} fiberflatfile={} for i in ["b","r","z"]: camera = i+str(args.spectrograph) skyfile[i] = io.findfile('sky', NIGHT, EXPID, camera) framefile[i] = io.findfile('frame', NIGHT, EXPID, camera) fiberflatfile[i] = io.findfile('fiberflat', NIGHT, args.fiberflatexpid, camera) #Read Frames, Flats and Sky files frameFlux={} frameIvar={} frameWave={} frameResolution={} framehdr={} fiberFlat={} ivarFlat={} maskFlat={} meanspecFlat={} waveFlat={} headerFlat={} sky={} skyivar={} skymask={} skywave={} skyhdr={} for i in ["b","r","z"]: #arg=(night,expid,'%s%s'%(i,spectrograph)) #- minimal code change for refactored I/O, while not taking advantage of simplified structure frame = io.read_frame(framefile[i]) frameFlux[i] = frame.flux frameIvar[i] = frame.ivar frameWave[i] = frame.wave frameResolution[i] = frame.resolution_data framehdr[i] = frame.header ff = io.read_fiberflat(fiberflatfile[i]) fiberFlat[i] = ff.fiberflat ivarFlat[i] = ff.ivar maskFlat[i] = ff.mask meanspecFlat[i] = ff.meanspec waveFlat[i] = ff.wave headerFlat[i] = ff.header skymodel = io.read_sky(skyfile[i]) sky[i] = skymodel.flux skyivar[i] = skymodel.ivar skymask[i] = skymodel.mask skywave[i] = skymodel.wave skyhdr[i] = skymodel.header # Convolve Sky with Detector Resolution, so as to subtract from data. Convolve for all 500 specs. Subtracting sky this way should be equivalent to sky_subtract convolvedsky={"b":sky["b"], "r":sky["r"], "z":sky["z"]} # Read the standard Star data and divide by flat and subtract sky stars=[] ivars=[] for i in fibers["FIBER"]: #flat and sky should have same wavelength binning as data, otherwise should be rebinned. stars.append((i,{"b":[frameFlux["b"][i]/fiberFlat["b"][i]-convolvedsky["b"][i],frameWave["b"]], "r":[frameFlux["r"][i]/fiberFlat["r"][i]-convolvedsky["r"][i],frameWave["r"]], "z":[frameFlux["z"][i]/fiberFlat["z"][i]-convolvedsky["z"][i],frameWave]},fibers["MAG"][i])) ivars.append((i,{"b":[frameIvar["b"][i]],"r":[frameIvar["r"][i,:]],"z":[frameIvar["z"][i,:]]})) stdwave,stdflux,templateid=io.read_stdstar_templates(args.models) #- Trim standard star wavelengths to just the range we need minwave = min([min(w) for w in frameWave.values()]) maxwave = max([max(w) for w in frameWave.values()]) ii = (minwave-10 < stdwave) & (stdwave < maxwave+10) stdwave = stdwave[ii] stdflux = stdflux[:, ii]'Number of Standard Stars in this frame: {0:d}'.format(len(stars))) if len(stars) == 0: log.critical("No standard stars! Exiting") sys.exit(1) # Now for each star, find the best model and normalize. normflux=[] bestModelIndex=np.arange(len(stars)) templateID=np.arange(len(stars)) chi2dof=np.zeros(len(stars)) #- TODO: don't use 'l' as a variable name. Can look like a '1' for k,l in enumerate(stars):"checking best model for star {0}".format(l[0])) starindex=l[0] mags=l[2] filters=fibers["FILTER"][k] rflux=stars[k][1]["r"][0] bflux=stars[k][1]["b"][0] zflux=stars[k][1]["z"][0] flux={"b":bflux,"r":rflux,"z":zflux} #print ivars rivar=ivars[k][1]["r"][0] bivar=ivars[k][1]["b"][0] zivar=ivars[k][1]["z"][0] ivar={"b":bivar,"r":rivar,"z":zivar} resol_star={"r":frameResolution["r"][l[0]],"b":frameResolution["b"][l[0]],"z":frameResolution["z"][l[0]]} # Now find the best Model bestModelIndex[k],bestmodelWave,bestModelFlux,chi2dof[k]=match_templates(frameWave,flux,ivar,resol_star,stdwave,stdflux)'Star Fiber: {0}; Best Model Fiber: {1}; TemplateID: {2}; Chisq/dof: {3}'.format(l[0],bestModelIndex[k],templateid[bestModelIndex[k]],chi2dof[k])) # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude modelwave,normalizedflux=normalize_templates(stdwave,stdflux[bestModelIndex[k]],mags,filters,basepath) normflux.append(normalizedflux) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file normflux=np.array(normflux) stdfibers=fibers["FIBER"] data={} data['BESTMODEL']=bestModelIndex data['CHI2DOF']=chi2dof data['TEMPLATEID']=templateid[bestModelIndex] norm_model_file=args.outfile io.write_stdstar_model(norm_model_file,normflux,stdwave,stdfibers,data)
def main() : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--infile', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI exposure frame fits file') parser.add_argument('--fibermap', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI exposure frame fits file') parser.add_argument('--fiberflat', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI fiberflat fits file') parser.add_argument('--sky', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI sky fits file') parser.add_argument('--models', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of spetro-photometric stellar spectra fits file') parser.add_argument('--outfile', type = str, default = None, required=True, help = 'path of DESI flux calbration fits file') args = parser.parse_args() log=get_logger()"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel=read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux,model_wave,model_fibers=read_stdstar_models(args.models) # select fibers SPECMIN=frame.header["SPECMIN"] SPECMAX=frame.header["SPECMAX"] selec=np.where((model_fibers>=SPECMIN)&(model_fibers<=SPECMAX))[0] if selec.size == 0 : log.error("no stellar models for this spectro") sys.exit(12) fibers=model_fibers[selec]-frame.header["SPECMIN"]"star fibers= %s"%str(fibers)) table = read_fibermap(args.fibermap) bad=np.where(table["OBJTYPE"][fibers]!="STD")[0] if bad.size > 0 : for fiber in fibers[bad] : log.error("inconsistency with fiber %d, OBJTYPE='%s' in fibermap"%(fiber,table["OBJTYPE"][fiber])) sys.exit(12) fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration(frame, fibers, model_wave, model_flux) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.header)"successfully wrote %s"%args.outfile)
def main(args): log = get_logger() cmd = [ 'desi_compute_fluxcalibration', ] for key, value in args.__dict__.items(): if value is not None: cmd += ['--' + key, str(value)] cmd = ' '.join(cmd)"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile) # Set fibermask flagged spectra to have 0 flux and variance frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame, bitmask='flux', ivar_framemask=True)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel = read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux, model_wave, model_fibers, model_metadata = read_stdstar_models( args.models) ok = np.ones(len(model_metadata), dtype=bool) if args.chi2cut > 0:"Apply cut CHI2DOF<{}".format(args.chi2cut)) ok &= (model_metadata["CHI2DOF"] < args.chi2cut) if args.delta_color_cut > 0:"Apply cut |delta color|<{}".format(args.delta_color_cut)) ok &= (np.abs(model_metadata["MODEL_G-R"] - model_metadata["DATA_G-R"]) < args.delta_color_cut) if args.min_color is not None:"Apply cut DATA_G-R>{}".format(args.min_color)) ok &= (model_metadata["DATA_G-R"] > args.min_color) if args.chi2cut_nsig > 0: # automatically reject stars that ar chi2 outliers mchi2 = np.median(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) rmschi2 = np.std(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) maxchi2 = mchi2 + args.chi2cut_nsig * rmschi2"Apply cut CHI2DOF<{} based on chi2cut_nsig={}".format( maxchi2, args.chi2cut_nsig)) ok &= (model_metadata["CHI2DOF"] <= maxchi2) ok = np.where(ok)[0] if ok.size == 0: log.error("cuts discarded all stars") sys.exit(12) nstars = model_flux.shape[0] nbad = nstars - ok.size if nbad > 0: log.warning("discarding %d star(s) out of %d because of cuts" % (nbad, nstars)) model_flux = model_flux[ok] model_fibers = model_fibers[ok] model_metadata = model_metadata[:][ok] # check that the model_fibers are actually standard stars fibermap = frame.fibermap ## check whether star fibers from args.models are consistent with fibers from fibermap ## if not print the OBJTYPE from fibermap for the fibers numbers in args.models and exit fibermap_std_indices = np.where(isStdStar(fibermap))[0] if np.any(~np.in1d(model_fibers % 500, fibermap_std_indices)): target_colnames, target_masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(fibermap) colname = target_colnames[0] for i in model_fibers % 500: log.error( "inconsistency with spectrum {}, OBJTYPE={}, {}={} in fibermap" .format(i, fibermap["OBJTYPE"][i], colname, fibermap[colname][i])) sys.exit(12) # Make sure the fibers of interest aren't entirely masked. if np.sum( np.sum(frame.ivar[model_fibers % 500, :] == 0, axis=1) == frame.nwave) == len(model_fibers): log.warning('All standard-star spectra are masked!') return fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration( frame, model_wave, model_flux, model_fibers % 500, highest_throughput_nstars=args.highest_throughput) # QA if (args.qafile is not None):"performing fluxcalib QA") # Load qaframe = load_qa_frame(args.qafile, frame_meta=frame.meta, flavor=frame.meta['FLAVOR']) # Run #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() qaframe.run_qa('FLUXCALIB', (frame, fluxcalib)) # Write if args.qafile is not None: write_qa_frame(args.qafile, qaframe)"successfully wrote {:s}".format(args.qafile)) # Figure(s) if args.qafig is not None: qa_plots.frame_fluxcalib(args.qafig, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.meta)"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)
def main(args): """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)" % (args.color, args.delta_color)) frames = {} flats = {} skies = {} spectrograph = None starfibers = None starindices = None fibermap = None # READ DATA ############################################ for filename in args.frames:"reading %s" % filename) frame = io.read_frame(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap frame_starindices = np.where(frame_fibermap["OBJTYPE"] == "STD")[0] # check magnitude are well defined or discard stars tmp = [] for i in frame_starindices: mags = frame_fibermap["MAG"][i] ok = np.sum((mags > 0) & (mags < 30)) if np.sum((mags > 0) & (mags < 30)) == mags.size: tmp.append(i) frame_starindices = np.array(tmp).astype(int) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if spectrograph is None: spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices = frame_starindices starfibers = fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph: log.error("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum( starindices != frame_starindices) > 0: log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if not camera in frames: frames[camera] = [] frames[camera].append(frame) for filename in args.skymodels:"reading %s" % filename) sky = io.read_sky(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if not camera in skies: skies[camera] = [] skies[camera].append(sky) for filename in args.fiberflats:"reading %s" % filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) flat = io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if camera in flats: log.warning( "cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s), will use only the first one" % camera) #raise ValueError("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)"%camera) else: flats[camera] = flat if starindices.size == 0: log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars" % starindices.size) imaging_filters = fibermap["FILTER"][starindices] imaging_mags = fibermap["MAG"][starindices] log.warning( "NO MAG ERRORS IN FIBERMAP, I AM IGNORING MEASUREMENT ERRORS !!") ebv = np.zeros(starindices.size) if "SFD_EBV" in fibermap.columns.names:"Using 'SFD_EBV' from fibermap") ebv = fibermap["SFD_EBV"][starindices] else: log.warning("NO EXTINCTION VALUES IN FIBERMAP!!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ for cam in frames: if not cam in skies: log.warning("Missing sky for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not cam in flats: log.warning("Missing flat for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue flat = flats[cam] for frame, sky in zip(frames[cam], skies[cam]): frame.flux = frame.flux[starindices] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[starindices] frame.ivar *= (frame.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.flux *= (frame.ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frame.flux.shape[0]): ok = np.where((frame.ivar[star] > 0) & (flat.fiberflat[star] != 0))[0] if ok.size > 0: frame.flux[star] = frame.flux[star] / flat.fiberflat[ star] - sky.flux[star] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[starindices] nstars = starindices.size starindices = None # we don't need this anymore # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s" % args.starmodels) stdwave, stdflux, templateid, teff, logg, feh = io.read_stdstar_templates( args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ model_filters = [] for tmp in np.unique(imaging_filters): if len(tmp) > 0: # can be one empty entry model_filters.append(tmp)"computing model mags %s" % model_filters) model_mags = np.zeros((stdflux.shape[0], len(model_filters))) fluxunits = 1e-17 * units.erg / units.s /**2 / units.Angstrom for index in range(len(model_filters)): if model_filters[index].startswith('WISE'): log.warning('not computing stdstar {} mags'.format( model_filters[index])) continue filter_response = load_filter(model_filters[index]) for m in range(stdflux.shape[0]): model_mags[m, index] = filter_response.get_ab_magnitude( stdflux[m] * fluxunits, stdwave)"done computing model mags") mean_extinction_delta_mags = None mean_ebv = np.mean(ebv) if mean_ebv > 0: "Compute a mean delta_color from average E(B-V) = %3.2f based on canonial model star" % mean_ebv) # compute a mean delta_color from mean_ebv based on canonial model star ####################################################################### # will then use this color offset in the model pre-selection # find canonical f-type model: Teff=6000, logg=4, Fe/H=-1.5 canonical_model = np.argmin((teff - 6000.0)**2 + (logg - 4.0)**2 + (feh + 1.5)**2) canonical_model_mags_without_extinction = model_mags[canonical_model] canonical_model_mags_with_extinction = np.zeros( canonical_model_mags_without_extinction.shape) canonical_model_reddened_flux = stdflux[ canonical_model] * dust_transmission(stdwave, mean_ebv) for index in range(len(model_filters)): if model_filters[index].startswith('WISE'): log.warning('not computing stdstar {} mags'.format( model_filters[index])) continue filter_response = load_filter(model_filters[index]) canonical_model_mags_with_extinction[ index] = filter_response.get_ab_magnitude( canonical_model_reddened_flux * fluxunits, stdwave) mean_extinction_delta_mags = canonical_model_mags_with_extinction - canonical_model_mags_without_extinction # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ linear_coefficients = np.zeros((nstars, stdflux.shape[0])) chi2dof = np.zeros((nstars)) redshift = np.zeros((nstars)) normflux = [] star_colors_array = np.zeros((nstars)) model_colors_array = np.zeros((nstars)) for star in range(nstars):"finding best model for observed star #%d" % star) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames: for i, frame in enumerate(frames[camera]): identifier = "%s-%d" % (camera, i) wave[identifier] = frame.wave flux[identifier] = frame.flux[star] ivar[identifier] = frame.ivar[star] resolution_data[identifier] = frame.resolution_data[star] # preselec models based on magnitudes # compute star color index1, index2 = get_color_filter_indices(imaging_filters[star], args.color) if index1 < 0 or index2 < 0: log.error("cannot compute '%s' color from %s" % (color_name, filters)) filter1 = imaging_filters[star][index1] filter2 = imaging_filters[star][index2] star_color = imaging_mags[star][index1] - imaging_mags[star][index2] star_colors_array[star] = star_color # compute models color model_index1 = -1 model_index2 = -1 for i, fname in enumerate(model_filters): if fname == filter1: model_index1 = i elif fname == filter2: model_index2 = i if model_index1 < 0 or model_index2 < 0: log.error("cannot compute '%s' model color from %s" % (color_name, filters)) model_colors = model_mags[:, model_index1] - model_mags[:, model_index2] # apply extinction here # use the colors derived from the cannonical model with the mean ebv of the stars # and simply apply a scaling factor based on the ebv of this star # this is sufficiently precise for the broad model pre-selection we are doing here # the exact reddening of the star to each pre-selected model is # apply afterwards if mean_extinction_delta_mags is not None and mean_ebv != 0: delta_color = (mean_extinction_delta_mags[model_index1] - mean_extinction_delta_mags[model_index2] ) * ebv[star] / mean_ebv model_colors += delta_color "Apply a %s-%s color offset = %4.3f to the models for star with E(B-V)=%4.3f" % (model_filters[model_index1], model_filters[model_index2], delta_color, ebv[star])) # selection selection = np.abs(model_colors - star_color) < args.delta_color # smallest cube in parameter space including this selection (needed for interpolation) new_selection = (teff >= np.min(teff[selection])) & (teff <= np.max( teff[selection])) new_selection &= (logg >= np.min(logg[selection])) & (logg <= np.max( logg[selection])) new_selection &= (feh >= np.min(feh[selection])) & (feh <= np.max( feh[selection])) selection = np.where(new_selection)[0] "star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %s-%s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d" % (star, starfibers[star], args.color, filter1, filter2, star_color, selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) # apply extinction to selected_models dust_transmission_of_this_star = dust_transmission(stdwave, ebv[star]) selected_reddened_stdflux = stdflux[ selection] * dust_transmission_of_this_star coefficients, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, selected_reddened_stdflux, teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=args.ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res, template_error=args.template_error) linear_coefficients[star, selection] = coefficients 'Star Fiber: {0}; TEFF: {1}; LOGG: {2}; FEH: {3}; Redshift: {4}; Chisq/dof: {5}' .format(starfibers[star], np.inner(teff, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(logg, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(feh, linear_coefficients[star]), redshift[star], chi2dof[star])) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution model = np.zeros(stdwave.size) for i, c in enumerate(linear_coefficients[star]): if c != 0: model += c * np.interp(stdwave, stdwave * (1 + redshift[star]), stdflux[i]) # Apply dust extinction model *= dust_transmission_of_this_star # Compute final model color mag1 = load_filter(model_filters[model_index1]).get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) mag2 = load_filter(model_filters[model_index2]).get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_colors_array[star] = mag1 - mag2 # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude normalizedflux = normalize_templates(stdwave, model, imaging_mags[star], imaging_filters[star]) normflux.append(normalizedflux) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file normflux = np.array(normflux) data = {} data['LOGG'] = data['TEFF'] = data['FEH'] = data['CHI2DOF'] = chi2dof data['REDSHIFT'] = redshift data['COEFF'] = linear_coefficients data['DATA_%s' % args.color] = star_colors_array data['MODEL_%s' % args.color] = model_colors_array norm_model_file = args.outfile io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile, normflux, stdwave, starfibers, data)
def main(args): """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)" % (args.color, args.delta_color))'multiprocess parallelizing with {} processes'.format(args.ncpu)) # READ DATA ############################################ # First loop through and group by exposure and spectrograph frames_by_expid = {} for filename in args.frames:"reading %s" % filename) frame = io.read_frame(filename) expid = safe_read_key(frame.meta, "EXPID") camera = safe_read_key(frame.meta, "CAMERA").strip().lower() spec = camera[1] uniq_key = (expid, spec) if uniq_key in frames_by_expid.keys(): frames_by_expid[uniq_key][camera] = frame else: frames_by_expid[uniq_key] = {camera: frame} frames = {} flats = {} skies = {} spectrograph = None starfibers = None starindices = None fibermap = None # For each unique expid,spec pair, get the logical OR of the FIBERSTATUS for all # cameras and then proceed with extracting the frame information # once we modify the fibermap FIBERSTATUS for (expid, spec), camdict in frames_by_expid.items(): fiberstatus = None for frame in camdict.values(): if fiberstatus is None: fiberstatus = frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'].data.copy() else: fiberstatus |= frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] for camera, frame in camdict.items(): frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] |= fiberstatus # Set fibermask flagged spectra to have 0 flux and variance frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame, bitmask='stdstars', ivar_framemask=True) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap frame_starindices = np.where(isStdStar(frame_fibermap))[0] #- Confirm that all fluxes have entries but trust targeting bits #- to get basic magnitude range correct keep = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z']: #- and W1 and W2? keep &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] > 10**( (22.5 - 30) / 2.5) keep &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] < 10**( (22.5 - 0) / 2.5) frame_starindices = frame_starindices[keep] if spectrograph is None: spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices = frame_starindices starfibers = fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph: log.error("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum( starindices != frame_starindices) > 0: log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if not camera in frames: frames[camera] = [] frames[camera].append(frame) # possibly cleanup memory del frames_by_expid for filename in args.skymodels:"reading %s" % filename) sky = io.read_sky(filename) camera = safe_read_key(sky.header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if not camera in skies: skies[camera] = [] skies[camera].append(sky) for filename in args.fiberflats:"reading %s" % filename) flat = io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera = safe_read_key(flat.header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if camera in flats: log.warning( "cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s), will use only the first one" % camera) #raise ValueError("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)"%camera) else: flats[camera] = flat if starindices.size == 0: log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars" % starindices.size) log.warning("Not using flux errors for Standard Star fits!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ # since poping dict, we need to copy keys to iterate over to avoid # RuntimeError due to changing dict frame_cams = list(frames.keys()) for cam in frame_cams: if not cam in skies: log.warning("Missing sky for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not cam in flats: log.warning("Missing flat for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue flat = flats[cam] for frame, sky in zip(frames[cam], skies[cam]): frame.flux = frame.flux[starindices] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[starindices] frame.ivar *= (frame.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.flux *= (frame.ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frame.flux.shape[0]): ok = np.where((frame.ivar[star] > 0) & (flat.fiberflat[star] != 0))[0] if ok.size > 0: frame.flux[star] = frame.flux[star] / flat.fiberflat[ star] - sky.flux[star] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[starindices] # CHECK S/N ############################################ # for each band in 'brz', record quadratic sum of median S/N across wavelength snr = dict() for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: snr[band] = np.zeros(starindices.size) for cam in frames: band = cam[0].lower() for frame in frames[cam]: msnr = np.median(frame.flux * np.sqrt(frame.ivar) / np.sqrt(np.gradient(frame.wave)), axis=1) # median SNR per sqrt(A.) msnr *= (msnr > 0) snr[band] = np.sqrt(snr[band]**2 + msnr**2)"SNR(B) = {}".format(snr['b'])) ############################### max_number_of_stars = 50 min_blue_snr = 4. ############################### indices = np.argsort(snr['b'])[::-1][:max_number_of_stars] validstars = np.where(snr['b'][indices] > min_blue_snr)[0] #- TODO: later we filter on models based upon color, thus throwing #- away very blue stars for which we don't have good models."Number of stars with median stacked blue S/N > {} /sqrt(A) = {}". format(min_blue_snr, validstars.size)) if validstars.size == 0: log.error("No valid star") sys.exit(12) validstars = indices[validstars] for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: snr[band] = snr[band][validstars]"BLUE SNR of selected stars={}".format(snr['b'])) for cam in frames: for frame in frames[cam]: frame.flux = frame.flux[validstars] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[validstars] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[validstars] starindices = starindices[validstars] starfibers = starfibers[validstars] nstars = starindices.size fibermap = Table(fibermap[starindices]) # MASK OUT THROUGHPUT DIP REGION ############################################ mask_throughput_dip_region = True if mask_throughput_dip_region: wmin = 4300. wmax = 4500. log.warning( "Masking out the wavelength region [{},{}]A in the standard star fit" .format(wmin, wmax)) for cam in frames: for frame in frames[cam]: ii = np.where((frame.wave >= wmin) & (frame.wave <= wmax))[0] if ii.size > 0: frame.ivar[:, ii] = 0 # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s" % args.starmodels) stdwave, stdflux, templateid, teff, logg, feh = io.read_stdstar_templates( args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ #- Support older fibermaps if 'PHOTSYS' not in fibermap.colnames: log.warning('Old fibermap format; using defaults for missing columns') log.warning(" PHOTSYS = 'S'") log.warning(" MW_TRANSMISSION_G/R/Z = 1.0") log.warning(" EBV = 0.0") fibermap['PHOTSYS'] = 'S' fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_G'] = 1.0 fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_R'] = 1.0 fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_Z'] = 1.0 fibermap['EBV'] = 0.0 model_filters = dict() for band in ["G", "R", "Z"]: for photsys in np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']): model_filters[band + photsys] = load_legacy_survey_filter( band=band, photsys=photsys)"computing model mags for %s" % sorted(model_filters.keys())) model_mags = dict() fluxunits = 1e-17 * units.erg / units.s /**2 / units.Angstrom for filter_name, filter_response in model_filters.items(): model_mags[filter_name] = filter_response.get_ab_magnitude( stdflux * fluxunits, stdwave)"done computing model mags") # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ linear_coefficients = np.zeros((nstars, stdflux.shape[0])) chi2dof = np.zeros((nstars)) redshift = np.zeros((nstars)) normflux = [] star_mags = dict() star_unextincted_mags = dict() for band in ['G', 'R', 'Z']: star_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_' + band]) star_unextincted_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10( fibermap['FLUX_' + band] / fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_' + band]) star_colors = dict() star_colors['G-R'] = star_mags['G'] - star_mags['R'] star_colors['R-Z'] = star_mags['R'] - star_mags['Z'] star_unextincted_colors = dict() star_unextincted_colors[ 'G-R'] = star_unextincted_mags['G'] - star_unextincted_mags['R'] star_unextincted_colors[ 'R-Z'] = star_unextincted_mags['R'] - star_unextincted_mags['Z'] fitted_model_colors = np.zeros(nstars) for star in range(nstars):"finding best model for observed star #%d" % star) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames: for i, frame in enumerate(frames[camera]): identifier = "%s-%d" % (camera, i) wave[identifier] = frame.wave flux[identifier] = frame.flux[star] ivar[identifier] = frame.ivar[star] resolution_data[identifier] = frame.resolution_data[star] # preselect models based on magnitudes photsys = fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] if not args.color in ['G-R', 'R-Z']: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) bands = args.color.split("-") model_colors = model_mags[bands[0] + photsys] - model_mags[bands[1] + photsys] color_diff = model_colors - star_unextincted_colors[args.color][star] selection = np.abs(color_diff) < args.delta_color if np.sum(selection) == 0: log.warning("no model in the selected color range for this star") continue # smallest cube in parameter space including this selection (needed for interpolation) new_selection = (teff >= np.min(teff[selection])) & (teff <= np.max( teff[selection])) new_selection &= (logg >= np.min(logg[selection])) & (logg <= np.max( logg[selection])) new_selection &= (feh >= np.min(feh[selection])) & (feh <= np.max( feh[selection])) selection = np.where(new_selection)[0] "star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d" % (star, starfibers[star], args.color, star_unextincted_colors[args.color][star], selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) # Match unextincted standard stars to data coefficients, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, stdflux[selection], teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=args.ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res, template_error=args.template_error) linear_coefficients[star, selection] = coefficients 'Star Fiber: {}; TEFF: {:.3f}; LOGG: {:.3f}; FEH: {:.3f}; Redshift: {:g}; Chisq/dof: {:.3f}' .format(starfibers[star], np.inner(teff, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(logg, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(feh, linear_coefficients[star]), redshift[star], chi2dof[star])) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution model = np.zeros(stdwave.size) redshifted_stdwave = stdwave * (1 + redshift[star]) for i, c in enumerate(linear_coefficients[star]): if c != 0: model += c * np.interp(stdwave, redshifted_stdwave, stdflux[i]) # Apply dust extinction to the model"Applying MW dust extinction to star {} with EBV = {}".format( star, fibermap['EBV'][star])) model *= dust_transmission(stdwave, fibermap['EBV'][star]) # Compute final color of dust-extincted model photsys = fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] if not args.color in ['G-R', 'R-Z']: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(args.color)) bands = args.color.split("-") model_mag1 = model_filters[bands[0] + photsys].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) model_mag2 = model_filters[bands[1] + photsys].get_ab_magnitude( model * fluxunits, stdwave) fitted_model_colors[star] = model_mag1 - model_mag2 if bands[0] == "R": model_magr = model_mag1 elif bands[1] == "R": model_magr = model_mag2 #- TODO: move this back into normalize_templates, at the cost of #- recalculating a model magnitude? # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude scalefac = 10**((model_magr - star_mags['R'][star]) / 2.5)'scaling R mag {:.3f} to {:.3f} using scale {}'.format( model_magr, star_mags['R'][star], scalefac)) normflux.append(model * scalefac) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file normflux = np.array(normflux) fitted_stars = np.where(chi2dof != 0)[0] if fitted_stars.size == 0: log.error("No star has been fit.") sys.exit(12) data = {} data['LOGG'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :].dot(logg) data['TEFF'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :].dot(teff) data['FEH'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :].dot(feh) data['CHI2DOF'] = chi2dof[fitted_stars] data['REDSHIFT'] = redshift[fitted_stars] data['COEFF'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :] data['DATA_%s' % args.color] = star_colors[args.color][fitted_stars] data['MODEL_%s' % args.color] = fitted_model_colors[fitted_stars] data['BLUE_SNR'] = snr['b'][fitted_stars] data['RED_SNR'] = snr['r'][fitted_stars] data['NIR_SNR'] = snr['z'][fitted_stars] io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile, normflux, stdwave, starfibers[fitted_stars], data)
def main(args): log = get_logger()"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel = read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux, model_wave, model_fibers, model_metadata = read_stdstar_models( args.models) if args.chi2cut > 0: ok = np.where(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"] < args.chi2cut)[0] if ok.size == 0: log.error("chi2cut has discarded all stars") sys.exit(12) nstars = model_flux.shape[0] nbad = nstars - ok.size if nbad > 0: log.warning("discarding %d star(s) out of %d because of chi2cut" % (nbad, nstars)) model_flux = model_flux[ok] model_fibers = model_fibers[ok] model_metadata = model_metadata[:][ok] if args.delta_color_cut > 0: ok = np.where( np.abs(model_metadata["MODEL_G-R"] - model_metadata["DATA_G-R"]) < args.delta_color_cut)[0] nstars = model_flux.shape[0] nbad = nstars - ok.size if nbad > 0: log.warning( "discarding %d star(s) out of %d because |delta_color|>%f" % (nbad, nstars, args.delta_color_cut)) model_flux = model_flux[ok] model_fibers = model_fibers[ok] model_metadata = model_metadata[:][ok] # automatically reject stars that ar chi2 outliers if args.chi2cut_nsig > 0: mchi2 = np.median(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) rmschi2 = np.std(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) maxchi2 = mchi2 + args.chi2cut_nsig * rmschi2 ok = np.where(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"] <= maxchi2)[0] nstars = model_flux.shape[0] nbad = nstars - ok.size if nbad > 0: log.warning( "discarding %d star(s) out of %d because reduced chi2 outliers (at %d sigma, giving rchi2<%f )" % (nbad, nstars, args.chi2cut_nsig, maxchi2)) model_flux = model_flux[ok] model_fibers = model_fibers[ok] model_metadata = model_metadata[:][ok] # check that the model_fibers are actually standard stars fibermap = frame.fibermap ## check whether star fibers from args.models are consistent with fibers from fibermap ## if not print the OBJTYPE from fibermap for the fibers numbers in args.models and exit w = np.where(fibermap["OBJTYPE"][model_fibers % 500] != 'STD')[0] if len(w) > 0: for i in model_fibers % 500: log.error( "inconsistency with spectrum %d, OBJTYPE='%s' in fibermap" % (i, fibermap["OBJTYPE"][i])) sys.exit(12) fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration(frame, model_wave, model_flux, model_fibers % 500) # QA if (args.qafile is not None):"performing fluxcalib QA") # Load qaframe = load_qa_frame(args.qafile, frame, flavor=frame.meta['FLAVOR']) # Run #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() qaframe.run_qa('FLUXCALIB', (frame, fluxcalib)) # Write if args.qafile is not None: write_qa_frame(args.qafile, qaframe)"successfully wrote {:s}".format(args.qafile)) # Figure(s) if args.qafig is not None: qa_plots.frame_fluxcalib(args.qafig, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.meta)"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)
def main(args): log = get_logger() cmd = [ 'desi_compute_fluxcalibration', ] for key, value in args.__dict__.items(): if value is not None: cmd += ['--' + key, str(value)] cmd = ' '.join(cmd)"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile) # Set fibermask flagged spectra to have 0 flux and variance frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame, bitmask='flux', ivar_framemask=True)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel = read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux, model_wave, model_fibers, model_metadata = read_stdstar_models( args.models) ok = np.ones(len(model_metadata), dtype=bool) if args.chi2cut > 0:"apply cut CHI2DOF<{}".format(args.chi2cut)) good = (model_metadata["CHI2DOF"] < args.chi2cut) bad = ~good ok &= good if np.any(bad):" discard {} stars with CHI2DOF= {}".format( np.sum(bad), list(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"][bad]))) legacy_filters = ('G-R', 'R-Z') gaia_filters = ('GAIA-BP-RP', 'GAIA-G-RP') model_column_list = model_metadata.columns.names if args.color is None: if 'MODEL_G-R' in model_column_list: color = 'G-R' elif 'MODEL_GAIA-BP-RP' in model_column_list:'Using Gaia filters') color = 'GAIA-BP-RP' else: log.error( "Can't find either G-R or BP-RP color in the model file.") sys.exit(15) else: if args.color not in legacy_filters and args.color not in gaia_filters: log.error( 'Color name {} is not allowed, must be one of {} {}'.format( args.color, legacy_filters, gaia_filters)) sys.exit(14) color = args.color if color not in model_column_list: # This should't happen log.error( 'The color {} was not computed in the models'.format(color)) sys.exit(16) if args.delta_color_cut > 0:"apply cut |delta color|<{}".format(args.delta_color_cut)) good = (np.abs(model_metadata["MODEL_" + color] - model_metadata["DATA_" + color]) < args.delta_color_cut) bad = ok & (~good) ok &= good if np.any(bad): vals = model_metadata["MODEL_" + color][bad] - model_metadata["DATA_" + color][bad]" discard {} stars with dcolor= {}".format( np.sum(bad), list(vals))) if args.min_color is not None:"apply cut DATA_{}>{}".format(color, args.min_color)) good = (model_metadata["DATA_{}".format(color)] > args.min_color) bad = ok & (~good) ok &= good if np.any(bad): vals = model_metadata["DATA_{}".format(color)][bad]" discard {} stars with {}= {}".format( np.sum(bad), color, list(vals))) if args.chi2cut_nsig > 0: # automatically reject stars that ar chi2 outliers mchi2 = np.median(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) rmschi2 = np.std(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) maxchi2 = mchi2 + args.chi2cut_nsig * rmschi2"apply cut CHI2DOF<{} based on chi2cut_nsig={}".format( maxchi2, args.chi2cut_nsig)) good = (model_metadata["CHI2DOF"] <= maxchi2) bad = ok & (~good) ok &= good if np.any(bad):" discard {} stars with CHI2DOF={}".format( np.sum(bad), list(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"][bad]))) ok = np.where(ok)[0] if ok.size == 0: log.error("selection cuts discarded all stars") sys.exit(12) nstars = model_flux.shape[0] nbad = nstars - ok.size if nbad > 0: log.warning("discarding %d star(s) out of %d because of cuts" % (nbad, nstars)) model_flux = model_flux[ok] model_fibers = model_fibers[ok] model_metadata = model_metadata[:][ok] # check that the model_fibers are actually standard stars fibermap = frame.fibermap ## check whether star fibers from args.models are consistent with fibers from fibermap ## if not print the OBJTYPE from fibermap for the fibers numbers in args.models and exit fibermap_std_indices = np.where(isStdStar(fibermap))[0] if np.any(~np.in1d(model_fibers % 500, fibermap_std_indices)): target_colnames, target_masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(fibermap) colname = target_colnames[0] for i in model_fibers % 500: log.error( "inconsistency with spectrum {}, OBJTYPE={}, {}={} in fibermap" .format(i, fibermap["OBJTYPE"][i], colname, fibermap[colname][i])) sys.exit(12) # Make sure the fibers of interest aren't entirely masked. if np.sum( np.sum(frame.ivar[model_fibers % 500, :] == 0, axis=1) == frame.nwave) == len(model_fibers): log.warning('All standard-star spectra are masked!') return fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration( frame, model_wave, model_flux, model_fibers % 500, highest_throughput_nstars=args.highest_throughput, exposure_seeing_fwhm=args.seeing_fwhm) # QA if (args.qafile is not None): from import write_qa_frame from import load_qa_frame from import qa_plots"performing fluxcalib QA") # Load qaframe = load_qa_frame(args.qafile, frame_meta=frame.meta, flavor=frame.meta['FLAVOR']) # Run #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() qaframe.run_qa('FLUXCALIB', (frame, fluxcalib)) # Write if args.qafile is not None: write_qa_frame(args.qafile, qaframe)"successfully wrote {:s}".format(args.qafile)) # Figure(s) if args.qafig is not None: qa_plots.frame_fluxcalib(args.qafig, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib) # record inputs frame.meta['IN_FRAME'] = shorten_filename(args.infile) frame.meta['IN_SKY'] = shorten_filename( frame.meta['FIBERFLT'] = shorten_filename(args.fiberflat) frame.meta['STDMODEL'] = shorten_filename(args.models) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.meta)"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)
def main(args): """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)" % (args.color, args.delta_color)) frames = {} flats = {} skies = {} spectrograph = None starfibers = None starindices = None fibermap = None # READ DATA ############################################ for filename in args.frames:"reading %s" % filename) frame = io.read_frame(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap frame_starindices = np.where(frame_fibermap["OBJTYPE"] == "STD")[0] camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if spectrograph is None: spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices = frame_starindices starfibers = fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph: log.error("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs %d != %d" % (spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum( starindices != frame_starindices) > 0: log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if frames.has_key(camera): log.error( "cannot handle for now several frame of same camera (%s)" % camera) raise ValueError( "cannot handle for now several frame of same camera (%s)" % camera) frames[camera] = frame for filename in args.skymodels:"reading %s" % filename) sky = io.read_sky(filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if skies.has_key(camera): log.error("cannot handle several skymodels of same camera (%s)" % camera) raise ValueError( "cannot handle several skymodels of same camera (%s)" % camera) skies[camera] = sky for filename in args.fiberflats:"reading %s" % filename) header = fits.getheader(filename, 0) flat = io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera = safe_read_key(header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if flats.has_key(camera): log.error("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)" % camera) raise ValueError( "cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)" % camera) flats[camera] = flat if starindices.size == 0: log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars" % starindices.size) imaging_filters = fibermap["FILTER"][starindices] imaging_mags = fibermap["MAG"][starindices] log.warning( "NO MAG ERRORS IN FIBERMAP, I AM IGNORING MEASUREMENT ERRORS !!") log.warning( "NO EXTINCTION VALUES IN FIBERMAP, I AM IGNORING THIS FOR NOW !!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ for cam in frames: if not skies.has_key(cam): log.warning("Missing sky for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not flats.has_key(cam): log.warning("Missing flat for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue frames[cam].flux = frames[cam].flux[starindices] frames[cam].ivar = frames[cam].ivar[starindices] frames[cam].ivar *= (frames[cam].mask[starindices] == 0) frames[cam].ivar *= (skies[cam].ivar[starindices] != 0) frames[cam].ivar *= (skies[cam].mask[starindices] == 0) frames[cam].ivar *= (flats[cam].ivar[starindices] != 0) frames[cam].ivar *= (flats[cam].mask[starindices] == 0) frames[cam].flux *= (frames[cam].ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frames[cam].flux.shape[0]): ok = np.where((frames[cam].ivar[star] > 0) & (flats[cam].fiberflat[star] != 0))[0] if ok.size > 0: frames[cam].flux[star] = frames[cam].flux[star] / flats[ cam].fiberflat[star] - skies[cam].flux[star] nstars = starindices.size starindices = None # we don't need this anymore # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s" % args.starmodels) stdwave, stdflux, templateid, teff, logg, feh = io.read_stdstar_templates( args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ model_filters = [] for tmp in np.unique(imaging_filters): if len(tmp) > 0: # can be one empty entry model_filters.append(tmp)"computing model mags %s" % model_filters) model_mags = np.zeros((stdflux.shape[0], len(model_filters))) fluxunits = 1e-17 * units.erg / units.s /**2 / units.Angstrom for index in range(len(model_filters)): filter_response = load_filter(model_filters[index]) for m in range(stdflux.shape[0]): model_mags[m, index] = filter_response.get_ab_magnitude( stdflux[m] * fluxunits, stdwave)"done computing model mags") # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ bestModelIndex = np.arange(nstars) templateID = np.arange(nstars) chi2dof = np.zeros((nstars)) redshift = np.zeros((nstars)) normflux = [] for star in range(nstars):"finding best model for observed star #%d" % star) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames: band = camera[0] wave[band] = frames[camera].wave flux[band] = frames[camera].flux[star] ivar[band] = frames[camera].ivar[star] resolution_data[band] = frames[camera].resolution_data[star] # preselec models based on magnitudes # compute star color index1, index2 = get_color_filter_indices(imaging_filters[star], args.color) if index1 < 0 or index2 < 0: log.error("cannot compute '%s' color from %s" % (color_name, filters)) filter1 = imaging_filters[star][index1] filter2 = imaging_filters[star][index2] star_color = imaging_mags[star][index1] - imaging_mags[star][index2] # compute models color model_index1 = -1 model_index2 = -1 for i, fname in enumerate(model_filters): if fname == filter1: model_index1 = i elif fname == filter2: model_index2 = i if model_index1 < 0 or model_index2 < 0: log.error("cannot compute '%s' model color from %s" % (color_name, filters)) model_colors = model_mags[:, model_index1] - model_mags[:, model_index2] # selection selection = np.where( np.abs(model_colors - star_color) < args.delta_color)[0] "star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %s-%s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d" % (star, starfibers[star], args.color, filter1, filter2, star_color, selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) index_in_selection, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, stdflux[selection], teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=args.ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res) bestModelIndex[star] = selection[index_in_selection] 'Star Fiber: {0}; TemplateID: {1}; Redshift: {2}; Chisq/dof: {3}'. format(starfibers[star], bestModelIndex[star], redshift[star], chi2dof[star])) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution tmp = np.interp(stdwave, stdwave / (1 + redshift[star]), stdflux[bestModelIndex[star]]) # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude normalizedflux = normalize_templates(stdwave, tmp, imaging_mags[star], imaging_filters[star]) normflux.append(normalizedflux) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file normflux = np.array(normflux) data = {} data['BESTMODEL'] = bestModelIndex data['TEMPLATEID'] = bestModelIndex # IS THAT IT? data['CHI2DOF'] = chi2dof data['REDSHIFT'] = redshift norm_model_file = args.outfile io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile, normflux, stdwave, starfibers, data)
def main(args, comm=None): """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)" % (args.color, args.delta_color)) if args.mpi or comm is not None: from mpi4py import MPI if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0:'mpi parallelizing with {} ranks'.format(size)) else: comm = None rank = 0 size = 1 # disable multiprocess by forcing ncpu = 1 when using MPI if comm is not None: ncpu = 1 if rank == 0:'disabling multiprocess (forcing ncpu = 1)') else: ncpu = args.ncpu if ncpu > 1: if rank == 0: 'multiprocess parallelizing with {} processes'.format(ncpu)) if args.ignore_gpu and desispec.fluxcalibration.use_gpu: # Opt-out of GPU usage desispec.fluxcalibration.use_gpu = False if rank == 0:'ignoring GPU') elif desispec.fluxcalibration.use_gpu: # Nothing to do here, GPU is used by default if available if rank == 0:'using GPU') else: if rank == 0:'GPU not available') std_targetids = None if args.std_targetids is not None: std_targetids = args.std_targetids # READ DATA ############################################ # First loop through and group by exposure and spectrograph frames_by_expid = {} rows = list() for filename in args.frames:"reading %s" % filename) frame = io.read_frame(filename) night = safe_read_key(frame.meta, "NIGHT") expid = safe_read_key(frame.meta, "EXPID") camera = safe_read_key(frame.meta, "CAMERA").strip().lower() rows.append((night, expid, camera)) spec = camera[1] uniq_key = (expid, spec) if uniq_key in frames_by_expid.keys(): frames_by_expid[uniq_key][camera] = frame else: frames_by_expid[uniq_key] = {camera: frame} input_frames_table = Table(rows=rows, names=('NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'TILEID')) frames = {} flats = {} skies = {} spectrograph = None starfibers = None starindices = None fibermap = None # For each unique expid,spec pair, get the logical OR of the FIBERSTATUS for all # cameras and then proceed with extracting the frame information # once we modify the fibermap FIBERSTATUS for (expid, spec), camdict in frames_by_expid.items(): fiberstatus = None for frame in camdict.values(): if fiberstatus is None: fiberstatus = frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'].data.copy() else: fiberstatus |= frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] for camera, frame in camdict.items(): frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] |= fiberstatus # Set fibermask flagged spectra to have 0 flux and variance frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame, bitmask='stdstars', ivar_framemask=True) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap if std_targetids is None: frame_starindices = np.where(isStdStar(frame_fibermap))[0] else: frame_starindices = np.nonzero( np.isin(frame_fibermap['TARGETID'], std_targetids))[0] #- Confirm that all fluxes have entries but trust targeting bits #- to get basic magnitude range correct keep_legacy = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z']: #- and W1 and W2? keep_legacy &= frame_fibermap[colname][ frame_starindices] > 10**((22.5 - 30) / 2.5) keep_legacy &= frame_fibermap[colname][ frame_starindices] < 10**((22.5 - 0) / 2.5) keep_gaia = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['G', 'BP', 'RP']: #- and W1 and W2? keep_gaia &= frame_fibermap[ 'GAIA_PHOT_' + colname + '_MEAN_MAG'][frame_starindices] > 10 keep_gaia &= frame_fibermap[ 'GAIA_PHOT_' + colname + '_MEAN_MAG'][frame_starindices] < 20 n_legacy_std = keep_legacy.sum() n_gaia_std = keep_gaia.sum() keep = keep_legacy | keep_gaia # accept both types of standards for the time being # keep the indices for gaia/legacy subsets gaia_indices = keep_gaia[keep] legacy_indices = keep_legacy[keep] frame_starindices = frame_starindices[keep] if spectrograph is None: spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices = frame_starindices starfibers = fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph: log.error("incompatible spectrographs {} != {}".format( spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs {} != {}".format( spectrograph, frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum( starindices != frame_starindices) > 0: log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if not camera in frames: frames[camera] = [] frames[camera].append(frame) # possibly cleanup memory del frames_by_expid for filename in args.skymodels:"reading %s" % filename) sky = io.read_sky(filename) camera = safe_read_key(sky.header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() if not camera in skies: skies[camera] = [] skies[camera].append(sky) for filename in args.fiberflats:"reading %s" % filename) flat = io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera = safe_read_key(flat.header, "CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if camera in flats: log.warning( "cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s), will use only the first one" % camera) #raise ValueError("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)"%camera) else: flats[camera] = flat # if color is not specified we decide on the fly color = args.color if color is not None: if color[:4] == 'GAIA': legacy_color = False gaia_color = True else: legacy_color = True gaia_color = False if n_legacy_std == 0 and legacy_color: raise Exception( 'Specified Legacy survey color, but no legacy standards') if n_gaia_std == 0 and gaia_color: raise Exception('Specified gaia color, but no gaia stds') if starindices.size == 0: log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars" % starindices.size) if n_legacy_std == 0: gaia_std = True if color is None: color = 'GAIA-BP-RP' else: gaia_std = False if color is None: color = 'G-R' if n_gaia_std > 0:'Gaia standards found but not used') if gaia_std: # The name of the reference filter to which we normalize the flux ref_mag_name = 'GAIA-G' color_band1, color_band2 = ['GAIA-' + _ for _ in color[5:].split('-')] "Using Gaia standards with color {} and normalizing to {}".format( color, ref_mag_name)) # select appropriate subset of standards starindices = starindices[gaia_indices] starfibers = starfibers[gaia_indices] else: ref_mag_name = 'R' color_band1, color_band2 = color.split('-')"Using Legacy standards with color {} and normalizing to {}". format(color, ref_mag_name)) # select appropriate subset of standards starindices = starindices[legacy_indices] starfibers = starfibers[legacy_indices] # excessive check but just in case if not color in ['G-R', 'R-Z', 'GAIA-BP-RP', 'GAIA-G-RP']: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(color)) # log.warning("Not using flux errors for Standard Star fits!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ # since poping dict, we need to copy keys to iterate over to avoid # RuntimeError due to changing dict frame_cams = list(frames.keys()) for cam in frame_cams: if not cam in skies: log.warning("Missing sky for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not cam in flats: log.warning("Missing flat for %s" % cam) frames.pop(cam) continue flat = flats[cam] for frame, sky in zip(frames[cam], skies[cam]): frame.flux = frame.flux[starindices] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[starindices] frame.ivar *= (frame.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.flux *= (frame.ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frame.flux.shape[0]): ok = np.where((frame.ivar[star] > 0) & (flat.fiberflat[star] != 0))[0] if ok.size > 0: frame.flux[star] = frame.flux[star] / flat.fiberflat[ star] - sky.flux[star] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[starindices] nframes = len(frames[cam]) if nframes > 1: # optimal weights for the coaddition = ivar*throughput, not directly ivar, # we estimate the relative throughput with median fluxes at this stage medflux = np.zeros(nframes) for i, frame in enumerate(frames[cam]): if np.sum(frame.ivar > 0) == 0: log.error( "ivar=0 for all std star spectra in frame {}-{:08d}". format(cam, frame.meta["EXPID"])) else: medflux[i] = np.median(frame.flux[frame.ivar > 0]) log.debug("medflux = {}".format(medflux)) medflux *= (medflux > 0) if np.sum(medflux > 0) == 0: log.error( "mean median flux = 0, for all stars in fibers {}".format( list(frames[cam][0].fibermap["FIBER"][starindices]))) sys.exit(12) mmedflux = np.mean(medflux[medflux > 0]) weights = medflux / mmedflux"coadding {} exposures in cam {}, w={}".format( nframes, cam, weights)) sw = np.zeros(frames[cam][0].flux.shape) swf = np.zeros(frames[cam][0].flux.shape) swr = np.zeros(frames[cam][0].resolution_data.shape) for i, frame in enumerate(frames[cam]): sw += weights[i] * frame.ivar swf += weights[i] * frame.ivar * frame.flux swr += weights[i] * frame.ivar[:, None, :] * frame.resolution_data coadded_frame = frames[cam][0] coadded_frame.ivar = sw coadded_frame.flux = swf / (sw + (sw == 0)) coadded_frame.resolution_data = swr / ((sw + (sw == 0))[:, None, :]) frames[cam] = [coadded_frame] # CHECK S/N ############################################ # for each band in 'brz', record quadratic sum of median S/N across wavelength snr = dict() for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: snr[band] = np.zeros(starindices.size) for cam in frames: band = cam[0].lower() for frame in frames[cam]: msnr = np.median(frame.flux * np.sqrt(frame.ivar) / np.sqrt(np.gradient(frame.wave)), axis=1) # median SNR per sqrt(A.) msnr *= (msnr > 0) snr[band] = np.sqrt(snr[band]**2 + msnr**2)"SNR(B) = {}".format(snr['b'])) ############################### max_number_of_stars = 50 min_blue_snr = 4. ############################### indices = np.argsort(snr['b'])[::-1][:max_number_of_stars] validstars = np.where(snr['b'][indices] > min_blue_snr)[0] #- TODO: later we filter on models based upon color, thus throwing #- away very blue stars for which we don't have good models."Number of stars with median stacked blue S/N > {} /sqrt(A) = {}". format(min_blue_snr, validstars.size)) if validstars.size == 0: log.error("No valid star") sys.exit(12) validstars = indices[validstars] for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: snr[band] = snr[band][validstars]"BLUE SNR of selected stars={}".format(snr['b'])) for cam in frames: for frame in frames[cam]: frame.flux = frame.flux[validstars] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[validstars] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[validstars] starindices = starindices[validstars] starfibers = starfibers[validstars] nstars = starindices.size fibermap = Table(fibermap[starindices]) # MASK OUT THROUGHPUT DIP REGION ############################################ mask_throughput_dip_region = True if mask_throughput_dip_region: wmin = 4300. wmax = 4500. log.warning( "Masking out the wavelength region [{},{}]A in the standard star fit" .format(wmin, wmax)) for cam in frames: for frame in frames[cam]: ii = np.where((frame.wave >= wmin) & (frame.wave <= wmax))[0] if ii.size > 0: frame.ivar[:, ii] = 0 # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s" % args.starmodels) stdwave, stdflux, templateid, teff, logg, feh = io.read_stdstar_templates( args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ #- Support older fibermaps if 'PHOTSYS' not in fibermap.colnames: log.warning('Old fibermap format; using defaults for missing columns') log.warning(" PHOTSYS = 'S'") log.warning(" EBV = 0.0") fibermap['PHOTSYS'] = 'S' fibermap['EBV'] = 0.0 if not np.in1d(np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']), ['', 'N', 'S', 'G']).all(): log.error('Unknown PHOTSYS found') raise Exception('Unknown PHOTSYS found') # Fetching Filter curves model_filters = dict() for band in ["G", "R", "Z"]: for photsys in np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']): if photsys in ['N', 'S']: model_filters[band + photsys] = load_legacy_survey_filter( band=band, photsys=photsys) if len(model_filters) == 0:'No Legacy survey photometry identified in fibermap') # I will always load gaia data even if we are fitting LS standards only for band in ["G", "BP", "RP"]: model_filters["GAIA-" + band] = load_gaia_filter(band=band, dr=2) # Compute model mags on rank 0 and bcast result to other ranks # This sidesteps an OOM event on Cori Haswell with "-c 2" model_mags = None if rank == 0:"computing model mags for %s" % sorted(model_filters.keys())) model_mags = dict() for filter_name in model_filters.keys(): model_mags[filter_name] = get_magnitude(stdwave, stdflux, model_filters, filter_name)"done computing model mags") if comm is not None: model_mags = comm.bcast(model_mags, root=0) # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ star_mags = dict() star_unextincted_mags = dict() if gaia_std and (fibermap['EBV'] == 0).all():"Using E(B-V) from SFD rather than FIBERMAP") # when doing gaia standards, on old tiles the # EBV is not set so we fetch from SFD (in original SFD scaling) ebv = SFDMap(scaling=1).ebv( acoo.SkyCoord(ra=fibermap['TARGET_RA'] * units.deg, dec=fibermap['TARGET_DEC'] * units.deg)) else: ebv = fibermap['EBV'] photometric_systems = np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']) if not gaia_std: for band in ['G', 'R', 'Z']: star_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_' + band]) star_unextincted_mags[band] = np.zeros(star_mags[band].shape) for photsys in photometric_systems: r_band = extinction_total_to_selective_ratio( band, photsys) # dimensionless # r_band = a_band / E(B-V) # E(B-V) is a difference of magnitudes (dimensionless) # a_band = -2.5*log10(effective dust transmission) , dimensionless # effective dust transmission = # integral( SED(lambda) * filter_transmission(lambda,band) * dust_transmission(lambda,E(B-V)) dlamdba) # / integral( SED(lambda) * filter_transmission(lambda,band) dlamdba) selection = (fibermap['PHOTSYS'] == photsys) a_band = r_band * ebv[selection] # dimensionless star_unextincted_mags[band][selection] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10( fibermap['FLUX_' + band][selection]) - a_band for band in ['G', 'BP', 'RP']: star_mags['GAIA-' + band] = fibermap['GAIA_PHOT_' + band + '_MEAN_MAG'] for band, extval in gaia_extinction(star_mags['GAIA-G'], star_mags['GAIA-BP'], star_mags['GAIA-RP'], ebv).items(): star_unextincted_mags['GAIA-' + band] = star_mags['GAIA-' + band] - extval star_colors = dict() star_unextincted_colors = dict() # compute the colors and define the unextincted colors # the unextincted colors are filled later if not gaia_std: for c1, c2 in ['GR', 'RZ']: star_colors[c1 + '-' + c2] = star_mags[c1] - star_mags[c2] star_unextincted_colors[c1 + '-' + c2] = (star_unextincted_mags[c1] - star_unextincted_mags[c2]) for c1, c2 in [('BP', 'RP'), ('G', 'RP')]: star_colors['GAIA-' + c1 + '-' + c2] = (star_mags['GAIA-' + c1] - star_mags['GAIA-' + c2]) star_unextincted_colors['GAIA-' + c1 + '-' + c2] = (star_unextincted_mags['GAIA-' + c1] - star_unextincted_mags['GAIA-' + c2]) linear_coefficients = np.zeros((nstars, stdflux.shape[0])) chi2dof = np.zeros((nstars)) redshift = np.zeros((nstars)) normflux = np.zeros((nstars, stdwave.size)) fitted_model_colors = np.zeros(nstars) local_comm, head_comm = None, None if comm is not None: # All ranks in local_comm work on the same stars local_comm = comm.Split(rank % nstars, rank) # The color 1 in head_comm contains all ranks that are have rank 0 in local_comm head_comm = comm.Split(rank < nstars, rank) for star in range(rank % nstars, nstars, size):"rank %d: finding best model for observed star #%d" % (rank, star)) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames: for i, frame in enumerate(frames[camera]): identifier = "%s-%d" % (camera, i) wave[identifier] = frame.wave flux[identifier] = frame.flux[star] ivar[identifier] = frame.ivar[star] resolution_data[identifier] = frame.resolution_data[star] # preselect models based on magnitudes photsys = fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] if gaia_std: model_colors = model_mags[color_band1] - model_mags[color_band2] else: model_colors = model_mags[color_band1 + photsys] - model_mags[color_band2 + photsys] color_diff = model_colors - star_unextincted_colors[color][star] selection = np.abs(color_diff) < args.delta_color if np.sum(selection) == 0: log.warning("no model in the selected color range for this star") continue # smallest cube in parameter space including this selection (needed for interpolation) new_selection = (teff >= np.min(teff[selection])) & (teff <= np.max( teff[selection])) new_selection &= (logg >= np.min(logg[selection])) & (logg <= np.max( logg[selection])) new_selection &= (feh >= np.min(feh[selection])) & (feh <= np.max( feh[selection])) selection = np.where(new_selection)[0] "star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d" % (star, starfibers[star], color, star_unextincted_colors[color][star], selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) # Match unextincted standard stars to data match_templates_result = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, stdflux[selection], teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res, template_error=args.template_error, comm=local_comm) # Only local rank 0 can perform the remaining work if local_comm is not None and local_comm.Get_rank() != 0: continue coefficients, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates_result linear_coefficients[star, selection] = coefficients 'Star Fiber: {}; TEFF: {:.3f}; LOGG: {:.3f}; FEH: {:.3f}; Redshift: {:g}; Chisq/dof: {:.3f}' .format(starfibers[star], np.inner(teff, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(logg, linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(feh, linear_coefficients[star]), redshift[star], chi2dof[star])) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution model = np.zeros(stdwave.size) redshifted_stdwave = stdwave * (1 + redshift[star]) for i, c in enumerate(linear_coefficients[star]): if c != 0: model += c * np.interp(stdwave, redshifted_stdwave, stdflux[i]) # Apply dust extinction to the model"Applying MW dust extinction to star {} with EBV = {}".format( star, ebv[star])) model *= dust_transmission(stdwave, ebv[star]) # Compute final color of dust-extincted model photsys = fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] if not gaia_std: model_mag1, model_mag2 = [ get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, _ + photsys) for _ in [color_band1, color_band2] ] else: model_mag1, model_mag2 = [ get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, _) for _ in [color_band1, color_band2] ] if color_band1 == ref_mag_name: model_magr = model_mag1 elif color_band2 == ref_mag_name: model_magr = model_mag2 else: # if the reference magnitude is not among colours # I'm fetching it separately. This will happen when # colour is BP-RP and ref magnitude is G if gaia_std: model_magr = get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, ref_mag_name) else: model_magr = get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, ref_mag_name + photsys) fitted_model_colors[star] = model_mag1 - model_mag2 #- TODO: move this back into normalize_templates, at the cost of #- recalculating a model magnitude? cur_refmag = star_mags[ref_mag_name][star] # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude scalefac = 10**((model_magr - cur_refmag) / 2.5)'scaling {} mag {:.3f} to {:.3f} using scale {}'.format( ref_mag_name, model_magr, cur_refmag, scalefac)) normflux[star] = model * scalefac if head_comm is not None and rank < nstars: # head_comm color is 1 linear_coefficients = head_comm.reduce(linear_coefficients, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) redshift = head_comm.reduce(redshift, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) chi2dof = head_comm.reduce(chi2dof, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) fitted_model_colors = head_comm.reduce(fitted_model_colors, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) normflux = head_comm.reduce(normflux, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # Check at least one star was fit. The check is peformed on rank 0 and # the result is bcast to other ranks so that all ranks exit together if # the check fails. atleastonestarfit = False if rank == 0: fitted_stars = np.where(chi2dof != 0)[0] atleastonestarfit = fitted_stars.size > 0 if comm is not None: atleastonestarfit = comm.bcast(atleastonestarfit, root=0) if not atleastonestarfit: log.error("No star has been fit.") sys.exit(12) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file if rank == 0: # get the fibermap from any input frame for the standard stars fibermap = Table(frame.fibermap) keep = np.isin(fibermap['FIBER'], starfibers[fitted_stars]) fibermap = fibermap[keep] # drop fibermap columns specific to exposures instead of targets for col in [ 'DELTA_X', 'DELTA_Y', 'EXPTIME', 'NUM_ITER', 'FIBER_RA', 'FIBER_DEC', 'FIBER_X', 'FIBER_Y' ]: if col in fibermap.colnames: fibermap.remove_column(col) data = {} data['LOGG'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :].dot(logg) data['TEFF'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :].dot(teff) data['FEH'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :].dot(feh) data['CHI2DOF'] = chi2dof[fitted_stars] data['REDSHIFT'] = redshift[fitted_stars] data['COEFF'] = linear_coefficients[fitted_stars, :] data['DATA_%s' % color] = star_colors[color][fitted_stars] data['MODEL_%s' % color] = fitted_model_colors[fitted_stars] data['BLUE_SNR'] = snr['b'][fitted_stars] data['RED_SNR'] = snr['r'][fitted_stars] data['NIR_SNR'] = snr['z'][fitted_stars] io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile, normflux, stdwave, starfibers[fitted_stars], data, fibermap, input_frames_table)
def main(args): log = get_logger()"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel = read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux, model_wave, model_fibers = read_stdstar_models(args.models) model_tuple = model_flux, model_wave, model_fibers # check that the model_fibers are actually standard stars fibermap = frame.fibermap model_fibers = model_fibers % 500 if np.any(fibermap['OBJTYPE'][model_fibers] != 'STD'): for i in model_fibers: log.error( "inconsistency with spectrum %d, OBJTYPE='%s' in fibermap" % (i, fibermap["OBJTYPE"][i])) sys.exit(12) #fluxcalib, indiv_stars = compute_flux_calibration(frame, model_wave, model_flux) fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration(frame, model_wave, model_flux) # QA if (args.qafile is not None):"performing fluxcalib QA") # Load qaframe = load_qa_frame(args.qafile, frame, flavor=frame.meta['FLAVOR']) # Run qaframe.run_qa('FLUXCALIB', (frame, fluxcalib, model_tuple)) #, indiv_stars)) # Write if args.qafile is not None: write_qa_frame(args.qafile, qaframe)"successfully wrote {:s}".format(args.qafile)) # Figure(s) if args.qafig is not None: qa_plots.frame_fluxcalib(args.qafig, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib, model_tuple) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.meta)"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)
def main(args): log = get_logger() if (args.fiberflat is None) and ( is None) and (args.calib is None): log.critical('no --fiberflat, --sky, or --calib; nothing to do ?!?') sys.exit(12) frame = read_frame(args.infile) #- Raw scores already added in extraction, but just in case they weren't #- it is harmless to rerun to make sure we have them. compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="RAW") if args.cosmics_nsig > 0 and == None: # Reject cosmics (otherwise do it after sky subtraction)"cosmics ray 1D rejection") reject_cosmic_rays_1d(frame, args.cosmics_nsig) if args.fiberflat != None:"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat to all fibers apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="FFLAT") if != None: # read sky skymodel = read_sky( if args.cosmics_nsig > 0: # first subtract sky without throughput correction subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, throughput_correction=False) # then find cosmics"cosmics ray 1D rejection after sky subtraction") reject_cosmic_rays_1d(frame, args.cosmics_nsig) if args.sky_throughput_correction: # and (re-)subtract sky, but just the correction term subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, throughput_correction=True, default_throughput_correction=0.) else: # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, throughput_correction=args.sky_throughput_correction) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="SKYSUB") if args.calib != None:"calibrate") # read calibration fluxcalib = read_flux_calibration(args.calib) # apply calibration apply_flux_calibration(frame, fluxcalib) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="CALIB") # save output write_frame(args.outfile, frame, units='1e-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom)')"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)
def main(args) : log=get_logger() cmd = ['desi_compute_fluxcalibration',] for key, value in args.__dict__.items(): if value is not None: cmd += ['--'+key, str(value)] cmd = ' '.join(cmd)"read frame") # read frame frame = read_frame(args.infile)"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat)"subtract sky") # read sky skymodel=read_sky( # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel)"compute flux calibration") # read models model_flux,model_wave,model_fibers,model_metadata=read_stdstar_models(args.models) if args.chi2cut > 0 : ok = np.where(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]<args.chi2cut)[0] if ok.size == 0 : log.error("chi2cut has discarded all stars") sys.exit(12) nstars=model_flux.shape[0] nbad=nstars-ok.size if nbad>0 : log.warning("discarding %d star(s) out of %d because of chi2cut"%(nbad,nstars)) model_flux=model_flux[ok] model_fibers=model_fibers[ok] model_metadata=model_metadata[:][ok] if args.delta_color_cut > 0 : ok = np.where(np.abs(model_metadata["MODEL_G-R"]-model_metadata["DATA_G-R"])<args.delta_color_cut)[0] nstars=model_flux.shape[0] nbad=nstars-ok.size if nbad>0 : log.warning("discarding %d star(s) out of %d because |delta_color|>%f"%(nbad,nstars,args.delta_color_cut)) model_flux=model_flux[ok] model_fibers=model_fibers[ok] model_metadata=model_metadata[:][ok] # automatically reject stars that ar chi2 outliers if args.chi2cut_nsig > 0 : mchi2=np.median(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) rmschi2=np.std(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]) maxchi2=mchi2+args.chi2cut_nsig*rmschi2 ok=np.where(model_metadata["CHI2DOF"]<=maxchi2)[0] nstars=model_flux.shape[0] nbad=nstars-ok.size if nbad>0 : log.warning("discarding %d star(s) out of %d because reduced chi2 outliers (at %d sigma, giving rchi2<%f )"%(nbad,nstars,args.chi2cut_nsig,maxchi2)) model_flux=model_flux[ok] model_fibers=model_fibers[ok] model_metadata=model_metadata[:][ok] # check that the model_fibers are actually standard stars fibermap = frame.fibermap ## check whether star fibers from args.models are consistent with fibers from fibermap ## if not print the OBJTYPE from fibermap for the fibers numbers in args.models and exit fibermap_std_indices = np.where(isStdStar(fibermap['DESI_TARGET']))[0] if np.any(~np.in1d(model_fibers%500, fibermap_std_indices)): for i in model_fibers%500: log.error("inconsistency with spectrum {}, OBJTYPE='{}', DESI_TARGET={} in fibermap".format( (i, fibermap["OBJTYPE"][i], fibermap["DESI_TARGET"][i]))) sys.exit(12) fluxcalib = compute_flux_calibration(frame, model_wave, model_flux, model_fibers%500) # QA if (args.qafile is not None):"performing fluxcalib QA") # Load qaframe = load_qa_frame(args.qafile, frame, flavor=frame.meta['FLAVOR']) # Run #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() qaframe.run_qa('FLUXCALIB', (frame, fluxcalib)) # Write if args.qafile is not None: write_qa_frame(args.qafile, qaframe)"successfully wrote {:s}".format(args.qafile)) # Figure(s) if args.qafig is not None: qa_plots.frame_fluxcalib(args.qafig, qaframe, frame, fluxcalib) # write result write_flux_calibration(args.outfile, fluxcalib, header=frame.meta)"successfully wrote %s"%args.outfile)
def main(args): log = get_logger() if (args.fiberflat is None) and ( is None) and (args.calib is None): log.critical('no --fiberflat, --sky, or --calib; nothing to do ?!?') sys.exit(12) if (not args.no_tsnr) and (args.calib is None): log.critical( 'need --fiberflat --sky and --calib to compute template SNR') sys.exit(12) frame = read_frame(args.infile) if not args.no_tsnr: # tsnr alpha calc. requires uncalibrated + no substraction rame. uncalibrated_frame = copy.deepcopy(frame) #- Raw scores already added in extraction, but just in case they weren't #- it is harmless to rerun to make sure we have them. compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="RAW") if args.cosmics_nsig > 0 and == None: # Reject cosmics (otherwise do it after sky subtraction)"cosmics ray 1D rejection") reject_cosmic_rays_1d(frame, args.cosmics_nsig) if args.fiberflat != None:"apply fiberflat") # read fiberflat fiberflat = read_fiberflat(args.fiberflat) # apply fiberflat to all fibers apply_fiberflat(frame, fiberflat) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="FFLAT") else: fiberflat = None if args.no_xtalk: zero_ivar = (not args.no_zero_ivar) else: zero_ivar = False if != None: # read sky skymodel = read_sky( if args.cosmics_nsig > 0: # use a copy the frame (not elegant but robust) copied_frame = copy.deepcopy(frame) # first subtract sky without throughput correction subtract_sky(copied_frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction=False, zero_ivar=zero_ivar) # then find cosmics"cosmics ray 1D rejection after sky subtraction") reject_cosmic_rays_1d(copied_frame, args.cosmics_nsig) # copy mask frame.mask = copied_frame.mask # and (re-)subtract sky, but just the correction term subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction=( not args.no_sky_throughput_correction), zero_ivar=zero_ivar) else: # subtract sky subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction=( not args.no_sky_throughput_correction), zero_ivar=zero_ivar) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="SKYSUB") if not args.no_xtalk:"fiber crosstalk correction") correct_fiber_crosstalk(frame, fiberflat) if not args.no_zero_ivar: frame.ivar *= (frame.mask == 0) if args.calib != None:"calibrate") # read calibration fluxcalib = read_flux_calibration(args.calib) # apply calibration apply_flux_calibration(frame, fluxcalib) # Ensure that ivars are set to 0 for all values if any designated # fibermask bit is set. Also flips a bits for each frame.mask value using specmask.BADFIBER frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame( frame, bitmask="flux", ivar_framemask=(not args.no_zero_ivar)) compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame, suffix="CALIB") if not args.no_tsnr:"calculating tsnr") results, alpha = calc_tsnr2(uncalibrated_frame, fiberflat=fiberflat, skymodel=skymodel, fluxcalib=fluxcalib, alpha_only=args.alpha_only) frame.meta['TSNRALPH'] = alpha comments = {k: "from calc_frame_tsnr" for k in results.keys()} append_frame_scores(frame, results, comments, overwrite=True) # record inputs frame.meta['IN_FRAME'] = shorten_filename(args.infile) frame.meta['FIBERFLT'] = shorten_filename(args.fiberflat) frame.meta['IN_SKY'] = shorten_filename( frame.meta['IN_CALIB'] = shorten_filename(args.calib) # save output write_frame(args.outfile, frame, units='10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom)')"successfully wrote %s" % args.outfile)