Ejemplo n.º 1
    def slurp(self, make_frameqa=False, remove=True, **kwargs):
        """ Slurp all the individual QA files into one master QA file
            make_frameqa: bool, optional
              Regenerate the individual QA files (at the frame level first)
            remove: bool, optional


        from desispec.qa import QA_Exposure
        from desispec.io import write_qa_prod
        log = get_logger()
        # Remake?
        if make_frameqa:
        # Loop on nights
        path_nights = glob.glob(self.specprod_dir + '/exposures/*')
        nights = [ipathn[ipathn.rfind('/') + 1:] for ipathn in path_nights]
        # Reset
        log.info("Resetting qa_exps in qa_prod")
        self.qa_exps = []
        # Loop
        for night in nights:
            # Loop on exposures
            for exposure in get_exposures(night,
                frames_dict = get_files(filetype=str('frame'),
                if len(frames_dict) == 0:
                # Load any frame (for the type and meta info)
                key = list(frames_dict.keys())[0]
                frame_fil = frames_dict[key]
                frame_meta = read_meta_frame(frame_fil)
                qa_exp = QA_Exposure(exposure,
                # Append
        # Write
        outroot = self.specprod_dir + '/QA/' + self.prod_name + '_qa'
        write_qa_prod(outroot, self)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def slurp(self, make_frameqa=False, remove=True, **kwargs):
        """ Slurp all the individual QA files to generate
        a list of QA_Exposure objects

            make_frameqa: bool, optional
              Regenerate the individual QA files (at the frame level first)
            remove: bool, optional
              Remove the individual QA files?


        from desispec.qa import QA_Exposure
        log = get_logger()
        # Remake?
        if make_frameqa:
        # Loop on nights
        # Reset
        log.info("Resetting QA_Exposure objects")
        self.qa_exps = []
        # Loop
        for night in self.mexp_dict.keys():
            # Loop on exposures
            for exposure in self.mexp_dict[night].keys():
                frames_dict = self.mexp_dict[night][exposure]
                if len(frames_dict) == 0:
                # Load any frame (for the type)
                qa_exp = QA_Exposure(exposure, night,
                                     specprod_dir=self.specprod_dir, remove=remove)
                # Append
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_qa_exposure_load_write_data(self):
     #- Test loading data
     qaexp = QA_Exposure(self.expid,
     assert 'b0' in qaexp.data['frames']
     assert 'b1' in qaexp.data['frames']
     # Write
     write_qa_exposure(self.qafile_exp, qaexp)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_init_qa_exposure(self):
     # Simple init
     os.environ['SPECPROD'] = './'
     os.environ['DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'] = './'
     qaexp = QA_Exposure(1, '20150211', 'arc')
     assert qaexp.expid == 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def integration_test(night=None, nspec=5, clobber=False):
    """Run an integration test from raw data simulations through redshifts
        night (str, optional): YEARMMDD, defaults to current night
        nspec (int, optional): number of spectra to include
        clobber (bool, optional): rerun steps even if outputs already exist
        RuntimeError if any script fails
    log = get_logger()
    #- YEARMMDD string, rolls over at noon not midnight
    if night is None:
        night = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(time.time()-12*3600))

    #- check for required environment variables

    #- parameter dictionary that will later be used for formatting commands
    params = dict(night=night, nspec=nspec)

    #- Input fibermaps, spectra, and pixel-level raw data
    raw_dict = {0: 'flat', 1: 'arc', 2: 'dark'}
    #for expid, flavor in zip([0,1,2], ['flat', 'arc', 'dark']):
    for expid, flavor in raw_dict.items():
        cmd = "newexp-desi --flavor {flavor} --nspec {nspec} --night {night} --expid {expid}".format(
            expid=expid, flavor=flavor, **params)
        fibermap = io.findfile('fibermap', night, expid)
        simspec = '{}/simspec-{:08d}.fits'.format(os.path.dirname(fibermap), expid)
        inputs = []
        outputs = [fibermap, simspec]
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('pixsim newexp failed for {} exposure {}'.format(flavor, expid))

        cmd = "pixsim-desi --preproc --nspec {nspec} --night {night} --expid {expid}".format(expid=expid, **params)
        inputs = [fibermap, simspec]
        outputs = list()
        outputs.append(fibermap.replace('fibermap-', 'simpix-'))
        for camera in ['b0', 'r0', 'z0']:
            pixfile = io.findfile('pix', night, expid, camera)
            # outputs.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pixfile), os.path.basename(pixfile).replace('pix-', 'simpix-')))
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('pixsim failed for {} exposure {}'.format(flavor, expid))

    #- Extract

    waverange = dict(
        b = "3570,5940,1.0",
        r = "5630,7740,1.0",
        z = "7440,9830,1.0",
    for expid in [0,1,2]:
        for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']:
            camera = channel+'0'
            pixfile = io.findfile('pix', night, expid, camera)
            fiberfile = io.findfile('fibermap', night, expid)
            psffile = '{}/data/specpsf/psf-{}.fits'.format(os.getenv('DESIMODEL'), channel)
            framefile = io.findfile('frame', night, expid, camera)
            # cmd = "exspec -i {pix} -p {psf} --specmin 0 --nspec {nspec} -w {wave} -o {frame}".format(
            #     pix=pixfile, psf=psffile, wave=waverange[channel], frame=framefile, **params)
            cmd = "desi_extract_spectra -i {pix} -p {psf} -f {fibermap} --specmin 0 --nspec {nspec} -o {frame}".format(
                pix=pixfile, psf=psffile, frame=framefile, fibermap=fiberfile, **params)

            inputs = [pixfile, psffile, fiberfile]
            outputs = [framefile,]
            if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
                raise RuntimeError('extraction failed for {} expid {}'.format(camera, expid))

    #- Fiber flat
    expid = 0
    for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']:
        camera = channel+"0"
        framefile = io.findfile('frame', night, expid, camera)
        fiberflat = io.findfile('fiberflat', night, expid, camera)
        fibermap = io.findfile('fibermap', night, expid)  # for QA
        qafile = io.findfile('qa_calib', night, expid, camera)
        qafig = io.findfile('qa_flat_fig', night, expid, camera)
        cmd = "desi_compute_fiberflat --infile {frame} --outfile {fiberflat} --qafile {qafile} --qafig {qafig}".format(
            frame=framefile, fiberflat=fiberflat, qafile=qafile, qafig=qafig, **params)
        inputs = [framefile,fibermap,]
        outputs = [fiberflat,qafile,qafig,]
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('fiberflat failed for '+camera)

    #- Sky model
    flat_expid = 0
    expid = 2
    for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']:
        camera = channel+"0"
        framefile = io.findfile('frame', night, expid, camera)
        fibermap = io.findfile('fibermap', night, expid)
        fiberflat = io.findfile('fiberflat', night, flat_expid, camera)
        skyfile = io.findfile('sky', night, expid, camera)
        qafile = io.findfile('qa_data', night, expid, camera)
        qafig = io.findfile('qa_sky_fig', night, expid, camera)
        cmd="desi_compute_sky --infile {frame} --fiberflat {fiberflat} --outfile {sky} --qafile {qafile} --qafig {qafig}".format(
            frame=framefile, fiberflat=fiberflat, sky=skyfile, qafile=qafile, qafig=qafig, **params)
        inputs = [framefile, fibermap, fiberflat]
        outputs = [skyfile, qafile, qafig,]
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('sky model failed for '+camera)

    #- Fit standard stars
    if 'STD_TEMPLATES' in os.environ:
        std_templates = os.getenv('STD_TEMPLATES')
        std_templates = os.getenv('DESI_ROOT')+'/spectro/templates/star_templates/v1.1/star_templates_v1.1.fits'

    stdstarfile = io.findfile('stdstars', night, expid, spectrograph=0)
    flats = list()
    frames = list()
    skymodels = list()
    for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']:
        camera = channel+'0'
        frames.append( io.findfile('frame', night, expid, camera) )
        flats.append( io.findfile('fiberflat', night, flat_expid, camera) )
        skymodels.append( io.findfile('sky', night, expid, camera) )

    frames = ' '.join(frames)
    flats = ' '.join(flats)
    skymodels = ' '.join(skymodels)

    cmd = """desi_fit_stdstars \
      --frames {frames} \
      --fiberflats {flats} \
      --skymodels {skymodels} \
      --starmodels {std_templates} \
      -o {stdstars}""".format(
        frames=frames, flats=flats, skymodels=skymodels,
        std_templates=std_templates, stdstars=stdstarfile)

    inputs = [fibermap, std_templates]
    outputs = [stdstarfile,]
    if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('fitting stdstars failed')

    #- Flux calibration
    for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']:
        camera = channel+"0"
        framefile = io.findfile('frame', night, expid, camera)
        fibermap  = io.findfile('fibermap', night, expid)
        fiberflat = io.findfile('fiberflat', night, flat_expid, camera)
        skyfile   = io.findfile('sky', night, expid, camera)
        calibfile = io.findfile('calib', night, expid, camera)
        qafile = io.findfile('qa_data', night, expid, camera)
        qafig = io.findfile('qa_flux_fig', night, expid, camera)

        #- Compute flux calibration vector
        cmd = """desi_compute_fluxcalibration \
          --infile {frame} --fiberflat {fiberflat} --sky {sky} \
          --models {stdstars} --outfile {calib} --qafile {qafile} --qafig {qafig}""".format(
            frame=framefile, fiberflat=fiberflat, sky=skyfile,
            stdstars=stdstarfile, calib=calibfile, qafile=qafile, qafig=qafig
        inputs = [framefile, fibermap, fiberflat, skyfile, stdstarfile]
        outputs = [calibfile, qafile, qafig]
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('flux calibration failed for '+camera)

        #- Apply the flux calibration to write a cframe file
        cframefile = io.findfile('cframe', night, expid, camera)
        cmd = """desi_process_exposure \
          --infile {frame} --fiberflat {fiberflat} --sky {sky} --calib {calib} \
          --outfile {cframe}""".format(frame=framefile, fibermap=fibermap,
            fiberflat=fiberflat, sky=skyfile, calib=calibfile, cframe=cframefile)
        inputs = [framefile, fiberflat, skyfile, calibfile]
        outputs = [cframefile, ]
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('combining calibration steps failed for '+camera)

    #- Collate QA
    # Collate data QA
    expid = 2
    qafile = io.findfile('qa_data_exp', night, expid)
    qaexp_data = QA_Exposure(expid, night, raw_dict[expid])  # Removes camera files
    io.write_qa_exposure(qafile, qaexp_data)
    # Collate calib QA
    calib_expid = [0,1]
    for expid in calib_expid:
        qafile = io.findfile('qa_calib_exp', night, expid)
        qaexp_calib = QA_Exposure(expid, night, raw_dict[expid])
        io.write_qa_exposure(qafile, qaexp_calib)

    #- Bricks
    expid = 2
    inputs = list()
    for camera in ['b0', 'r0', 'z0']:
        inputs.append( io.findfile('cframe', night, expid, camera) )

    outputs = list()
    fibermap = io.read_fibermap(io.findfile('fibermap', night, expid))
    bricks = set(fibermap['BRICKNAME'])
    for b in bricks:
        for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']:
            outputs.append( io.findfile('brick', brickname=b, band=channel))

    cmd = "desi_make_bricks --night "+night
    if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('brick generation failed')

    #- Redshifts!
    for b in bricks:
        inputs = [io.findfile('brick', brickname=b, band=channel) for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']]
        zbestfile = io.findfile('zbest', brickname=b)
        outputs = [zbestfile, ]
        cmd = "desi_zfind --brick {} -o {}".format(b, zbestfile)
        if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('redshifts failed for brick '+b)
    # ztruth QA
    # qafile = io.findfile('qa_ztruth', night)
    # qafig = io.findfile('qa_ztruth_fig', night)
    # cmd = "desi_qa_zfind --night {night} --qafile {qafile} --qafig {qafig} --verbose".format(
    #     night=night, qafile=qafile, qafig=qafig)
    # inputs = []
    # outputs = [qafile, qafig]
    # if runcmd(cmd, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, clobber=clobber) != 0:
    #     raise RuntimeError('redshift QA failed for night '+night)

    #- Did it work?
    #- (this combination of fibermap, simspec, and zbest is a pain)
    simdir = os.path.dirname(io.findfile('fibermap', night=night, expid=expid))
    simspec = '{}/simspec-{:08d}.fits'.format(simdir, expid)
    siminfo = fits.getdata(simspec, 'METADATA')

    print("Brick     True  z        ->  Class  z        zwarn")
    # print("3338p190  SKY   0.00000  ->  QSO    1.60853   12   - ok")
    for b in bricks:
        zbest = io.read_zbest(io.findfile('zbest', brickname=b))
        for i in range(len(zbest.z)):
            if zbest.spectype[i] == 'ssp_em_galaxy':
                objtype = 'GAL'
            elif zbest.spectype[i] == 'spEigenStar':
                objtype = 'STAR'
                objtype = zbest.spectype[i]

            z, zwarn = zbest.z[i], zbest.zwarn[i]

            j = np.where(fibermap['TARGETID'] == zbest.targetid[i])[0][0]
            truetype = siminfo['OBJTYPE'][j]
            oiiflux = siminfo['OIIFLUX'][j]
            truez = siminfo['REDSHIFT'][j]
            dv = 3e5*(z-truez)/(1+truez)
            if truetype == 'SKY' and zwarn > 0:
                status = 'ok'
            elif truetype == 'ELG' and zwarn > 0 and oiiflux < 8e-17:
                status = 'ok ([OII] flux {:.2g})'.format(oiiflux)
            elif zwarn == 0:
                if truetype == 'LRG' and objtype == 'GAL' and abs(dv) < 150:
                    status = 'ok'
                elif truetype == 'ELG' and objtype == 'GAL':
                    if abs(dv) < 150 or oiiflux < 8e-17:
                        status = 'ok ([OII] flux {:.2g})'.format(oiiflux)
                        status = 'OOPS ([OII] flux {:.2g})'.format(oiiflux)
                elif truetype == 'QSO' and objtype == 'QSO' and abs(dv) < 750:
                    status = 'ok'
                elif truetype in ('STD', 'FSTD') and objtype == 'STAR':
                    status = 'ok'
                    status = 'OOPS'
                status = 'OOPS'
            print('{0}  {1:4s} {2:8.5f}  -> {3:5s} {4:8.5f} {5:4d}  - {6}'.format(
                b, truetype, truez, objtype, z, zwarn, status))
