Ejemplo n.º 1
def add_zone(radec_box, footprint, Nside):
    ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2 = radec_box[0], radec_box[1], radec_box[2], radec_box[
    if (ra1 > 300) & (ra2 < 100):
        zone_tmp = np.array(
            hp_in_box(Nside, [ra1, 360, dec1, dec2]) +
            hp_in_box(Nside, [0, ra2, dec1, dec2]))
        zone_tmp = np.array(hp_in_box(Nside, [ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2]))
    return [zone_tmp[footprint[zone_tmp] == 1]]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_rabox_from_decline(dec_1, dec_2, footprint, Nside, is_des):
    zone_tmp = np.array(hp_in_box(Nside, [0, 360, dec_1, dec_2]))
    pix_list = zone_tmp[footprint[zone_tmp] == 1]
    ra_list, _ = hp.pix2ang(Nside, pix_list, nest=True, lonlat=True)
    if is_des: ra_list[ra_list > 300] = ra_list[ra_list > 300] - 360
    ra_min, ra_max = np.floor(np.min(ra_list)), np.ceil(np.max(ra_list))
    if is_des: ra_min += 360
    return ra_min, ra_max
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_targets_in_box(hpdirname, radecbox=[0., 360., -90., 90.],
    """Read in targets in an RA/Dec box.

    hpdirname : :class:`str`
        Full path to either a directory containing targets that
        have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by
        `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the
        name of a single file of targets.
    radecbox : :class:`list`, defaults to the entire sky
        4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax]
        forming the edges of a box in RA/Dec (degrees).
    columns : :class:`list`, optional
        Only read in these target columns.

        An array of targets in the passed RA/Dec box.
    # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read.
    addedcols = []
    columnscopy = None
    if columns is not None:
        # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify.
        columnscopy = columns.copy()
        for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
            if radec not in columnscopy:

    # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing...
    if os.path.isdir(hpdirname):
        # ADM approximate nside for area of passed box.
        nside = pixarea2nside(box_area(radecbox))

        # ADM HEALPixels that touch the box for that nside.
        pixlist = hp_in_box(nside, radecbox)

        # ADM read in targets in these HEALPixels.
        targets = read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixlist,
    # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets.
        targets = fitsio.read(hpdirname, columns=columnscopy)

    # ADM restrict only to targets in the requested RA/Dec box...
    ii = is_in_box(targets, radecbox)
    # ADM ...and remove RA/Dec columns if we added them.
    targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets[ii], addedcols)

    return targets
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_targets_spatial(self):
        """Test applying RA/Dec/HEALpixel inputs to sweeps recovers same targets
        # ADM only test some of the galaxy cuts for speed. There's a
        # ADM full run through all classes in test_cuts_basic.
        tc = ["LRG", "ELG", "BGS"]
        infiles = self.sweepfiles[2]

        targets = cuts.select_targets(infiles, numproc=1, tcnames=tc)

        # ADM test the RA/Dec box input.
        radecbox = [
            np.min(targets["RA"]) - 0.01,
            np.max(targets["RA"]) + 0.01,
            np.min(targets["DEC"]) - 0.01,
            np.max(targets["DEC"] + 0.01)
        t1 = cuts.select_targets(infiles,

        # ADM test the RA/Dec/radius cap input.
        centra, centdec = 0.5 * (radecbox[0] + radecbox[1]), 0.5 * (
            radecbox[2] + radecbox[3])
        # ADM 20 degrees should be a large enough radius for the sweeps.
        maxrad = 20.
        radecrad = centra, centdec, maxrad
        t2 = cuts.select_targets(infiles,

        # ADM test the pixel input.
        nside = pixarea2nside(box_area(radecbox))
        pixlist = hp_in_box(nside, radecbox)
        t3 = cuts.select_targets(infiles,

        # ADM sort each set of targets on TARGETID to compare them.
        targets = targets[np.argsort(targets["TARGETID"])]
        t1 = t1[np.argsort(t1["TARGETID"])]
        t2 = t2[np.argsort(t2["TARGETID"])]
        t3 = t3[np.argsort(t3["TARGETID"])]

        # ADM test the same targets were recovered and that
        # ADM each recovered target has the same bits set.
        for targs in t1, t2, t3:
            for col in "TARGETID", "DESI_TARGET", "BGS_TARGET", "MWS_TARGET":
                self.assertTrue(np.all(targs[col] == targets[col]))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_map(self, pixmap):
        Apply mask / ud_grade the pixmap before to return it
        pixmap: pixmap to return with mask at the correct Nside
        mask_des: bool --> to remove pixels around DES when dealing with South footprint
        if self.remove_LMC:
            pixmap[hp_in_box(256, [52, 120, -90, -50], inclusive=True)] = False

        if self.clear_south:
            pixmap[hp_in_box(256, [120, 150, -45, -10], inclusive=True) + hp_in_box(256, [150, 180, -45, -15], inclusive=True) + hp_in_box(256, [210, 240, -20, -12], inclusive=True)] = False

        if self.mask_around_des:
            mask_around_des = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(256), dtype=bool)
            mask_around_des[hp_in_box(256, [-120, 0, -90, -18.5], inclusive=True) + hp_in_box(256, [0, 120, -90, -17.4], inclusive=True)] = True
            mask_around_des[self.data['ISDES']] = False
            pixmap[mask_around_des] = False

        if self.Nside != 256:
            pixmap = hp.ud_grade(pixmap, self.Nside, order_in='NESTED')

        return pixmap
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_gaia_files_box(gaiabounds, neighbors=True):
    """Find full paths to all relevant Gaia healpix files in an RA/Dec box.

    gaiabounds : :class:`list`
        A region of the sky bounded by RA/Dec. Pass as a 4-entry list to
        represent an area bounded by [RAmin, RAmax, DECmin, DECmax]
    neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True``
        Also return all neighboring pixels that touch the files of interest
        in order to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a Gaia source is 1 arcsec
        away from a primary source and so in an adjacent pixel)

        A list of all Gaia files that need to be read in to account for objects
        in the passed box.

        - Uses the `healpy` routines that rely on `fact`, so the usual
          warnings about returning different pixel sets at different values
          of `fact` apply. See:
        - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set.
    # ADM the resolution at which the healpix files are stored.
    nside = _get_gaia_nside()

    # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it.
    gaiadir = _get_gaia_dir()
    hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix')

    # ADM determine the pixels that touch the box.
    pixnum = hp_in_box(nside, gaiabounds, inclusive=True, fact=4)

    # ADM if neighbors was sent, then retrieve all pixels that touch each
    # ADM pixel covered by the provided locations, to prevent edge effects...
    if neighbors:
        pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnum)

    # ADM reformat in the Gaia healpix format used by desitarget.
    gaiafiles = [
        os.path.join(hpxdir, 'healpix-{:05d}.fits'.format(pn)) for pn in pixnum

    return gaiafiles
Ejemplo n.º 7
def decode_sweep_name(sweepname, nside=None, inclusive=True, fact=4):
    """Retrieve RA/Dec edges from a full directory path to a sweep file

    sweepname : :class:`str`
        Full path to a sweep file, e.g., /a/b/c/sweep-350m005-360p005.fits
    nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to None
        (NESTED) HEALPixel nside
    inclusive : :class:`book`, optional, defaults to ``True``
        see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()`
    fact : :class:`int`, optional defaults to 4
        see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()`

    :class:`list` (if nside is None)
        A 4-entry list of the edges of the region covered by the sweeps file
        in the form [RAmin, RAmax, DECmin, DECmax]
        For the above example this would be [350., 360., -5., 5.]
    :class:`list` (if nside is not None)
        A list of HEALPixels that touch the  files at the passed `nside`
        For the above example this would be [16, 17, 18, 19]
    # ADM extract just the file part of the name.
    sweepname = os.path.basename(sweepname)

    # ADM the RA/Dec edges.
    ramin, ramax = float(sweepname[6:9]), float(sweepname[14:17])
    decmin, decmax = float(sweepname[10:13]), float(sweepname[18:21])

    # ADM flip the signs on the DECs, if needed.
    if sweepname[9] == 'm':
        decmin *= -1
    if sweepname[17] == 'm':
        decmax *= -1

    if nside is None:
        return [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax]

    pixnum = hp_in_box(nside, [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax],
                       inclusive=inclusive, fact=fact)

    return pixnum