Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _make_ledger_in_hp(pixnum):
     """make initial ledger in a single HEALPixel"""
     # ADM read in the needed columns from the targets.
     targs = io.read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixnum, columns=cols)
     if len(targs) == 0:
     # ADM construct a list of all pixels in pixnum at the MTL nside.
     pixlist = nside2nside(nside, mtlnside, pixnum)
     # ADM write MTLs for the targs split over HEALPixels in pixlist.
     return make_ledger_in_hp(
         targs, outdirname, mtlnside, pixlist,
         obscon=obscon, indirname=hpdirname, verbose=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_tycho_files_hp(nside, pixlist, neighbors=True):
    """Find full paths to Tycho healpix files in a set of HEALPixels.

    nside : :class:`int`
        (NESTED) HEALPixel nside.
    pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`
        A set of HEALPixels at `nside`.
    neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True``
        Also return files corresponding to all neighbors that touch the
        pixels in `pixlist` to prevent edge effects (e.g. a Tycho source
        is 1 arcsec outside of `pixlist` and so in an adjacent pixel).

        A list of all Tycho files that need to be read in to account for
        objects in the passed list of pixels.

        - The environment variable $TYCHO_DIR must be set.
    # ADM the resolution at which the healpix files are stored.
    filenside = get_tycho_nside()

    # ADM check that the TYCHO_DIR is set and retrieve it.
    tychodir = get_tycho_dir()
    hpxdir = os.path.join(tychodir, 'healpix')

    # ADM work with pixlist as an array.
    pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist)

    # ADM determine the pixels that touch the passed pixlist.
    pixnum = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist)

    # ADM if neighbors was sent, then retrieve all pixels that touch each
    # ADM pixel covered by the provided locations, to prevent edge effects...
    if neighbors:
        pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(filenside, pixnum)

    # ADM reformat in the healpix format used by desitarget.
    tychofiles = [os.path.join(hpxdir, io.hpx_filename(pn)) for pn in pixnum]

    return tychofiles
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixlist, columns=None):
    """Read in targets in a set of HEALPixels.

    hpdirname : :class:`str`
        Full path to either a directory containing targets that
        have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by
        `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the
        name of a single file of targets.
    nside : :class:`int`
        The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside.
    pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` or `~numpy.ndarray`
        Return targets in these HEALPixels at the passed `nside`.
    columns : :class:`list`, optional
        Only read in these target columns.

        An array of targets in the passed pixels.
    # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read.
    addedcols = []
    columnscopy = None
    if columns is not None:
        # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify.
        columnscopy = columns.copy()
        for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
            if radec not in columnscopy:

    # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing...
    if os.path.isdir(hpdirname):
        # ADM check, and grab information from, the target directory.
        filenside, filedict = check_hp_target_dir(hpdirname)

        # ADM change the passed pixels to the nside of the file schema.
        filepixlist = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist)

        # ADM only consider pixels for which we have a file.
        isindict = [pix in filedict for pix in filepixlist]
        filepixlist = filepixlist[isindict]

        # ADM make sure each file is only read once.
        infiles = set([filedict[pix] for pix in filepixlist])

        # ADM read in the files and concatenate the resulting targets.
        targets = []
        for infile in infiles:
            targets.append(fitsio.read(infile, columns=columnscopy))
        targets = np.concatenate(targets)
    # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets.
        targets = fitsio.read(hpdirname, columns=columnscopy)

    # ADM restrict the targets to the actual requested HEALPixels...
    ii = is_in_hp(targets, nside, pixlist)
    # ADM ...and remove RA/Dec columns if we added them.
    targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets[ii], addedcols)

    return targets