Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_mask_write(self):
        """Test that masks are written to file correctly.
        # ADM some meaningless magnitude limits and mask epochs.
        ml, me = 62.3, 2062.3
        # ADM a keyword dictionary to write to the output file header.
        extra = {'BLAT': 'blat', 'FOO': 'foo'}

        # ADM test writing without HEALPixel-split.
        _, mxdir = io.write_masks(self.maskdir, self.allmx, maglim=ml,
                                  maskepoch=me, extra=extra)

        # ADM test writing with HEALPixel-split.
        _, mxdir = io.write_masks(self.maskdir, self.allmx, maglim=ml,
                                  maskepoch=me, extra=extra, nside=self.nside)

        # ADM construct the output directory and file name.
        mxd = io.find_target_files(self.maskdir, flavor="masks",
                                   maglim=ml, epoch=me)
        mxfn = io.find_target_files(self.maskdir, flavor="masks",
                                    maglim=ml, epoch=me, hp=self.pixnum[0])

        # ADM check the output directory is as expected.
        self.assertEqual(mxdir, mxd)

        # ADM check all of the files were made in the correct place.
        fns = glob(os.path.join(mxdir, "masks-hp*fits"))
        self.assertEqual(len(fns), len(self.pixnum)+1)

        # ADM check the extra kwargs were written to the header.
        for key in extra:
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(mxfn, "MASKS")
            self.assertEqual(hdr[key].rstrip(), extra[key])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def targets2truthfiles(targets, basedir, nside=64, obscon=None):
    Return list of mock truth files that contain these targets

        targets: table with TARGETID column, e.g. from fiber assignment
        basedir: base directory under which files are found

        nside (int): healpix nside for file directory grouping
        obscon (str): (observing conditions) None/dark/bright extra dir level

    Returns (truthfiles, targetids):
        truthfiles: list of truth filenames
        targetids: list of lists of targetids in each truthfile

    i.e. targetids[i] is the list of targetids from targets['TARGETID'] that
        are in truthfiles[i]
    import healpy
    #import desitarget.mock.io as mockio
    from desitarget.io import find_target_files
    assert nside >= 2

    #- TODO: what should be done with assignments without targets?
    targets = targets[targets['TARGETID'] != -1]

    theta = np.radians(90 - targets['TARGET_DEC'])
    phi = np.radians(targets['TARGET_RA'])
    pixels = healpy.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)

    truthfiles = list()
    targetids = list()
    for ipix in sorted(np.unique(pixels)):
        filename = find_target_files(basedir,
        ii = (pixels == ipix)

    return truthfiles, targetids