Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_mtl(targets, zcat=None, trim=False):
    """Adds NUMOBS, PRIORITY, and OBSCONDITIONS columns to a targets table.

    targets : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table`
        A numpy rec array or astropy Table with at least the columns
        or the corresponding columns for SV or commissioning.
    zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional
        Redshift catalog table with columns ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS``, ``Z``,
    trim : :class:`bool`, optional
        If ``True`` (default), don't include targets that don't need
        any more observations.  If ``False``, include every input target.

        MTL Table with targets columns plus:

        * NUMOBS_MORE    - number of additional observations requested
        * PRIORITY       - target priority (larger number = higher priority)
        * OBSCONDITIONS  - replaces old GRAYLAYER
    # ADM set up the default logger.
    from desiutil.log import get_logger
    log = get_logger()

    # ADM determine whether the input targets are main survey, cmx or SV.
    colnames, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(targets)
    # ADM set the first column to be the "desitarget" column
    desi_target, desi_mask = colnames[0], masks[0]

    # Trim targets from zcat that aren't in original targets table
    if zcat is not None:
        ok = np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], targets['TARGETID'])
        num_extra = np.count_nonzero(~ok)
        if num_extra > 0:
            log.warning("Ignoring {} zcat entries that aren't "
                        "in the input target list".format(num_extra))
            zcat = zcat[ok]

    n = len(targets)
    # ADM if the input target columns were incorrectly called NUMOBS or PRIORITY
    # ADM rename them to NUMOBS_INIT or PRIORITY_INIT.
    # ADM Note that the syntax is slightly different for a Table.
    for name in ['NUMOBS', 'PRIORITY']:
        if isinstance(targets, Table):
                targets.rename_column(name, name + '_INIT')
            except KeyError:
            targets.dtype.names = [
                name + '_INIT' if col == name else col
                for col in targets.dtype.names

    # ADM if a redshift catalog was passed, order it to match the input targets
    # ADM catalog on 'TARGETID'.
    if zcat is not None:
        # ADM there might be a quicker way to do this?
        # ADM set up a dictionary of the indexes of each target id.
        d = dict(tuple(zip(targets["TARGETID"], np.arange(n))))
        # ADM loop through the zcat and look-up the index in the dictionary.
        zmatcher = np.array([d[tid] for tid in zcat["TARGETID"]])
        ztargets = zcat
        if ztargets.masked:
            unobs = ztargets['NUMOBS'].mask
            ztargets['NUMOBS'][unobs] = 0
            unobsz = ztargets['Z'].mask
            ztargets['Z'][unobsz] = -1
            unobszw = ztargets['ZWARN'].mask
            ztargets['ZWARN'][unobszw] = -1
        ztargets = Table()
        ztargets['TARGETID'] = targets['TARGETID']
        ztargets['NUMOBS'] = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int32)
        ztargets['Z'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32)
        ztargets['ZWARN'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.int32)
        # ADM if zcat wasn't passed, there is a one-to-one correspondence
        # ADM between the targets and the zcat.
        zmatcher = np.arange(n)

    # ADM extract just the targets that match the input zcat.
    targets_zmatcher = targets[zmatcher]

    # ADM use passed value of NUMOBS_INIT instead of calling the memory-heavy calc_numobs.
    # ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] = np.maximum(0, calc_numobs(ztargets) - ztargets['NUMOBS'])
    ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] = np.maximum(
        0, targets_zmatcher['NUMOBS_INIT'] - ztargets['NUMOBS'])

    # ADM we need a minor hack to ensure that BGS targets are observed once (and only once)
    # ADM every time, regardless of how many times they've previously been observed.
    # ADM I've turned this off for commissioning. Not sure if we'll keep it in general.
    if survey != 'cmx':
        ii = targets_zmatcher[desi_target] & desi_mask.BGS_ANY > 0
        ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 1

    # ADM assign priorities, note that only things in the zcat can have changed priorities.
    # ADM anything else will be assigned PRIORITY_INIT, below.
    priority = calc_priority(targets_zmatcher, ztargets)

    # If priority went to 0==DONOTOBSERVE or 1==OBS or 2==DONE, then NUMOBS_MORE should also be 0.
    # ## mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE']
    ii = (priority <= 2)
        '{:d} of {:d} targets have priority zero, setting N_obs=0.'.format(
            np.sum(ii), n))
    ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 0

    # - Set the OBSCONDITIONS mask for each target bit.
    obscon = set_obsconditions(targets)

    # ADM set up the output mtl table.
    mtl = Table(targets)
    mtl.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'MTL'
    # ADM any target that wasn't matched to the ZCAT should retain its
    # ADM original (INIT) value of PRIORITY and NUMOBS.
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = mtl['NUMOBS_INIT']
    mtl['PRIORITY'] = mtl['PRIORITY_INIT']
    # ADM now populate the new mtl columns with the updated information.
    mtl['OBSCONDITIONS'] = obscon
    mtl['PRIORITY'][zmatcher] = priority
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'][zmatcher] = ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE']

    # Filter out any targets marked as done.
    if trim:
        notdone = mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] > 0
        log.info('{:d} of {:d} targets are done, trimming these'.format(
            len(mtl) - np.sum(notdone), len(mtl)))
        mtl = mtl[notdone]

    # Filtering can reset the fill_value, which is just wrong wrong wrong
    # See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4707
    # and https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4708
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'].fill_value = -1

    return mtl
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_mtl(targets, obscon, zcat=None, trim=False, scnd=None):
    """Adds NUMOBS, PRIORITY, and OBSCONDITIONS columns to a targets table.

    targets : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table`
        A numpy rec array or astropy Table with at least the columns
        or the corresponding columns for SV or commissioning.
    obscon : :class:`str`
        A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml
        file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g.
        "DARK|GRAY". Governs the behavior of how priorities are set based
        on "obsconditions" in the desitarget bitmask yaml file.
    zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional
        Redshift catalog table with columns ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS``, ``Z``,
    trim : :class:`bool`, optional
        If ``True`` (default), don't include targets that don't need
        any more observations.  If ``False``, include every input target.
    scnd : :class:`~numpy.array`, `~astropy.table.Table`, optional
        A set of secondary targets associated with the `targets`. As with
        the `target` must include at least ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS_INIT``,
        ``PRIORITY_INIT`` or the corresponding SV columns.
        The secondary targets will be padded to have the same columns
        as the targets, and concatenated with them.

        MTL Table with targets columns plus:

        * NUMOBS_MORE    - number of additional observations requested
        * PRIORITY       - target priority (larger number = higher priority)
        * OBSCONDITIONS  - replaces old GRAYLAYER
    start = time()
    # ADM set up the default logger.
    from desiutil.log import get_logger
    log = get_logger()

    # ADM if secondaries were passed, concatenate them with the targets.
    if scnd is not None:
        nrows = len(scnd)
            'Pad {} primary targets with {} secondaries...t={:.1f}s'.format(
                len(targets), nrows,
                time() - start))
        padit = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=targets.dtype)
        sharedcols = set(targets.dtype.names).intersection(
        for col in sharedcols:
            padit[col] = scnd[col]
        targets = np.concatenate([targets, padit])
        # APC Propagate a flag on which targets came from scnd
        is_scnd = np.repeat(False, len(targets))
        is_scnd[-nrows:] = True
        log.info('Done with padding...t={:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    # ADM determine whether the input targets are main survey, cmx or SV.
    colnames, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(targets)
    # ADM set the first column to be the "desitarget" column
    desi_target, desi_mask = colnames[0], masks[0]

    # Trim targets from zcat that aren't in original targets table
    if zcat is not None:
        ok = np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], targets['TARGETID'])
        num_extra = np.count_nonzero(~ok)
        if num_extra > 0:
            log.warning("Ignoring {} zcat entries that aren't "
                        "in the input target list".format(num_extra))
            zcat = zcat[ok]

    n = len(targets)
    # ADM if the input target columns were incorrectly called NUMOBS or PRIORITY
    # ADM rename them to NUMOBS_INIT or PRIORITY_INIT.
    # ADM Note that the syntax is slightly different for a Table.
    for name in ['NUMOBS', 'PRIORITY']:
        if isinstance(targets, Table):
                targets.rename_column(name, name + '_INIT')
            except KeyError:
            targets.dtype.names = [
                name + '_INIT' if col == name else col
                for col in targets.dtype.names

    # ADM if a redshift catalog was passed, order it to match the input targets
    # ADM catalog on 'TARGETID'.
    if zcat is not None:
        # ADM there might be a quicker way to do this?
        # ADM set up a dictionary of the indexes of each target id.
        d = dict(tuple(zip(targets["TARGETID"], np.arange(n))))
        # ADM loop through the zcat and look-up the index in the dictionary.
        zmatcher = np.array([d[tid] for tid in zcat["TARGETID"]])
        ztargets = zcat
        if ztargets.masked:
            unobs = ztargets['NUMOBS'].mask
            ztargets['NUMOBS'][unobs] = 0
            unobsz = ztargets['Z'].mask
            ztargets['Z'][unobsz] = -1
            unobszw = ztargets['ZWARN'].mask
            ztargets['ZWARN'][unobszw] = -1
        ztargets = Table()
        ztargets['TARGETID'] = targets['TARGETID']
        ztargets['NUMOBS'] = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int32)
        ztargets['Z'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32)
        ztargets['ZWARN'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.int32)
        # ADM if zcat wasn't passed, there is a one-to-one correspondence
        # ADM between the targets and the zcat.
        zmatcher = np.arange(n)

    # ADM extract just the targets that match the input zcat.
    targets_zmatcher = targets[zmatcher]

    # ADM use passed value of NUMOBS_INIT instead of calling the memory-heavy calc_numobs.
    # ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] = np.maximum(0, calc_numobs(ztargets) - ztargets['NUMOBS'])
    ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] = np.maximum(
        0, targets_zmatcher['NUMOBS_INIT'] - ztargets['NUMOBS'])

    # ADM need a minor hack to ensure BGS targets are observed once
    # ADM (and only once) every time during the BRIGHT survey, regardless
    # ADM of how often they've previously been observed. I've turned this
    # ADM off for commissioning. Not sure if we'll keep it in general.
    if survey != 'cmx':
        # ADM only if we're considering bright survey conditions.
        if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & obsconditions.mask("BRIGHT")) != 0:
            ii = targets_zmatcher[desi_target] & desi_mask.BGS_ANY > 0
            ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 1
    if survey == 'main':
        # If the object is confirmed to be a tracer QSO, then don't request more observations
        if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & obsconditions.mask("DARK")) != 0:
            if zcat is not None:
                ii = ztargets['SPECTYPE'] == 'QSO'
                ii &= (ztargets['ZWARN'] == 0)
                ii &= (ztargets['Z'] < 2.1)
                ii &= (ztargets['NUMOBS'] > 0)
                ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 0

    # ADM assign priorities, note that only things in the zcat can have changed priorities.
    # ADM anything else will be assigned PRIORITY_INIT, below.
    priority = calc_priority(targets_zmatcher, ztargets, obscon)

    # If priority went to 0==DONOTOBSERVE or 1==OBS or 2==DONE, then NUMOBS_MORE should also be 0.
    # ## mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE']
    ii = (priority <= 2)
        '{:d} of {:d} targets have priority zero, setting N_obs=0.'.format(
            np.sum(ii), n))
    ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 0

    # - Set the OBSCONDITIONS mask for each target bit.
    obsconmask = set_obsconditions(targets)

    # APC obsconmask will now be incorrect for secondary-only targets. Fix this
    # APC using the mask on secondary targets.
    if scnd is not None:
        obsconmask[is_scnd] = set_obsconditions(targets[is_scnd], scnd=True)

    # ADM set up the output mtl table.
    mtl = Table(targets)
    mtl.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'MTL'
    # ADM any target that wasn't matched to the ZCAT should retain its
    # ADM original (INIT) value of PRIORITY and NUMOBS.
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = mtl['NUMOBS_INIT']
    mtl['PRIORITY'] = mtl['PRIORITY_INIT']
    # ADM now populate the new mtl columns with the updated information.
    mtl['OBSCONDITIONS'] = obsconmask
    mtl['PRIORITY'][zmatcher] = priority
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'][zmatcher] = ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE']

    # Filter out any targets marked as done.
    if trim:
        notdone = mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] > 0
        log.info('{:d} of {:d} targets are done, trimming these'.format(
            len(mtl) - np.sum(notdone), len(mtl)))
        mtl = mtl[notdone]

    # Filtering can reset the fill_value, which is just wrong wrong wrong
    # See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4707
    # and https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4708
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'].fill_value = -1

    log.info('Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return mtl
Ejemplo n.º 3
def finalize_secondary(scxtargs,
    """Assign secondary targets a realistic TARGETID, finalize columns.

    scxtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        An array of secondary targets, must contain the columns `RA`,
        `DEC` and `TARGETID`. `TARGETID` should be -1 for objects
        that lack a `TARGETID`.
    scnd_mask : :class:`desiutil.bitmask.BitMask`
        A mask corresponding to a set of secondary targets, e.g, could
        be ``from desitarget.targetmask import scnd_mask`` for the
        main survey mask.
    survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main"
        string indicating whether we are working in the context of the
        Main Survey (`main`) or SV (e.g. `sv1`, `sv2` etc.). Used to
        set the `RELEASE` number in the `TARGETID` (see Notes).
    sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond
        The separation at which to match secondary targets to
        themselves in ARCSECONDS.
    darkbright : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        If sent, then split `NUMOBS_INIT` and `PRIORITY_INIT` into
        and `PRIORITY_INIT_BRIGHT` and calculate values appropriate
        to "BRIGHT" and "DARK|GRAY" observing conditions.

        The array of secondary targets, with the `TARGETID` bit updated
        to be unique and reasonable and the `SCND_TARGET` column renamed
        based on the flavor of `scnd_mask`.

        - Secondaries without `OVERRIDE` are also matched to themselves
        Such matches are given the same `TARGETID` (that of the primary
        if they match a primary) and the bitwise or of `SCND_TARGET` and
        `OBSCONDITIONS` bits across matches. The highest `PRIORITY_INIT`
        is retained, and others are set to -1. Only secondaries with
        priorities that are not -1 are written to the main file. If
        multiple matching secondary targets have the same (highest)
        priority, the first one encountered retains its `PRIORITY_INIT`
        - The secondary `TARGETID` is designed to be reproducible. It
        combines `BRICKID` based on location, `OBJID` based on the
        order of the targets in the secondary file (`SCND_ORDER`) and
        `RELEASE` from the secondary bit number (`SCND_TARGET`) and the
        input `survey`. `RELEASE` is set to ((X-1)*100)+np.log2(scnd_bit)
        with X from the `survey` string survey=svX and scnd_bit from
        `SCND_TARGET`. For the main survey (survey="main") X-1 is 5.
    # ADM assign new TARGETIDs to targets without a primary match.
    nomatch = scxtargs["TARGETID"] == -1

    # ADM get the BRICKIDs for each source.
    brxid = bricks.brickid(scxtargs["RA"], scxtargs["DEC"])

    # ADM ensure unique secondary bits for different iterations of SV
    # ADM and the Main Survey.
    if survey == 'main':
        Xm1 = 5
    elif survey[0:2] == 'sv':
        # ADM the re.search just extracts the numbers in the string.
        Xm1 = int(re.search(r'\d+', survey).group()) - 1
        # ADM we've allowed a max of up to sv5 (!). Fail if surpassed.
        if Xm1 >= 5:
            msg = "Only coded for up to 'sv5', not {}!!!".format(survey)
            raise ValueError(msg)
        msg = "allowed surveys: 'main', 'svX', not {}!!!".format(survey)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # ADM the RELEASE for each source is the `SCND_TARGET` bit NUMBER.
    release = (Xm1 * 100) + np.log2(scxtargs["SCND_TARGET_INIT"]).astype('int')

    # ADM build the OBJIDs based on the values of SCND_ORDER.
    t0 = time()
    log.info("Begin assigning OBJIDs to bricks...")
    # ADM So as not to overwhelm the bit-limits for OBJID
    # ADM rank by SCND_ORDER for each brick and bit combination.
    # ADM First, create a unique ID based on brxid and release.
    scnd_order = scxtargs["SCND_ORDER"]
    sorter = (1000 * brxid) + release
    # ADM sort the unique IDs and split based on where they change.
    argsort = np.argsort(sorter)
    w = np.where(np.diff(sorter[argsort]))[0]
    soperbrxbit = np.split(scnd_order[argsort], w + 1)
    # ADM loop through each (brxid, release) and sort on scnd_order.
    # ADM double argsort returns the ascending ranked order of the entry
    # ADM (whereas a single argsort returns the indexes for ordering).
    sortperbrxbit = [np.argsort(np.argsort(so)) for so in soperbrxbit]
    # ADM finally unroll the (brxid, release) combinations...
    sortedobjid = np.array(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sortperbrxbit)))
    # ADM ...and reorder based on the initial argsort.
    objid = np.zeros_like(sortedobjid) - 1
    objid[argsort] = sortedobjid
    log.info("Assigned OBJIDs to bricks in {:.1f}s".format(time() - t0))

    # ADM check that the objid array was entirely populated.
    assert np.all(objid != -1)

    # ADM assemble the TARGETID, SCND objects have RELEASE==0.
    targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=brxid, release=release)

    # ADM a check that the generated TARGETIDs are unique.
    if len(set(targetid)) != len(targetid):
        msg = "duplicate TARGETIDs generated for secondary targets!!!"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # ADM assign the unique TARGETIDs to the secondary objects.
    scxtargs["TARGETID"][nomatch] = targetid[nomatch]
    log.debug("Assigned {} targetids to unmatched secondaries".format(

    # ADM match secondaries to themselves, to ensure duplicates
    # ADM share a TARGETID. Don't match special (OVERRIDE) targets
    # ADM or sources that have already been matched to a primary.
    w = np.where(~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"] & nomatch)[0]
    if len(w) > 0:
        log.info("Matching secondary targets to themselves...t={:.1f}s".format(
            time() - t0))
        # ADM use astropy for the matching. At NERSC, astropy matches
        # ADM ~20M objects to themselves in about 10 minutes.
        c = SkyCoord(scxtargs["RA"][w] * u.deg, scxtargs["DEC"][w] * u.deg)
        m1, m2, _, _ = c.search_around_sky(c, sep * u.arcsec)
        log.info("Done with matching...t={:.1f}s".format(time() - t0))
        # ADM restrict only to unique matches (and exclude self-matches).
        uniq = m1 > m2
        m1, m2 = m1[uniq], m2[uniq]
        # ADM set same TARGETID for any matches. m2 must come first, here.
        scxtargs["TARGETID"][w[m2]] = scxtargs["TARGETID"][w[m1]]

    # ADM Ensure secondary targets with matching TARGETIDs have all the
    # ADM relevant SCND_TARGET bits set. By definition, targets with
    # ADM OVERRIDE set never have matching TARGETIDs.
    wnoov = np.where(~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"])[0]
    if len(wnoov) > 0:
        for _, inds in duplicates(scxtargs["TARGETID"][wnoov]):
            scnd_targ = 0
            for ind in inds:
                scnd_targ |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][wnoov[ind]]
            scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][wnoov[inds]] = scnd_targ
    log.info("Done checking SCND_TARGET...t={:.1f}s".format(time() - t0))

    # ADM change the data model depending on whether the mask
    # ADM is an SVX (X = 1, 2, etc.) mask or not. Nothing will
    # ADM change if the mask has no preamble.
    prepend = scnd_mask._name[:-9].upper()
    scxtargs = rfn.rename_fields(scxtargs,
                                 {'SCND_TARGET': prepend + 'SCND_TARGET'})

    # APC same thing for DESI_TARGET
    scxtargs = rfn.rename_fields(scxtargs,
                                 {'DESI_TARGET': prepend + 'DESI_TARGET'})

    # APC Remove duplicate targetids from secondary-only targets
    alldups = []
    for _, dups in duplicates(scxtargs['TARGETID']):
        # Retain the duplicate with highest priority, breaking ties
        # on lowest index in list of duplicates
        dups = np.delete(dups, np.argmax(scxtargs['PRIORITY_INIT'][dups]))
    alldups = np.hstack(alldups)
        "Flagging {} duplicate secondary targetids with PRIORITY_INIT=-1".

    # ADM and remove the INIT fields in prep for a dark/bright split.
    scxtargs = rfn.drop_fields(scxtargs, ["PRIORITY_INIT", "NUMOBS_INIT"])

    # ADM set initial priorities, numobs and obsconditions for both
    # ADM BRIGHT and DARK|GRAY conditions, if requested.
    nscx = len(scxtargs)
    nodata = np.zeros(nscx, dtype='int') - 1
    if darkbright:
        ender, obscon = ["_DARK", "_BRIGHT"], ["DARK|GRAY", "BRIGHT"]
        ender, obscon = [""], ["DARK|GRAY|BRIGHT|POOR|TWILIGHT12|TWILIGHT18"]
    cols, vals, forms = [], [], []
    for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon):
        cols += ["{}_INIT{}".format(pn, edr) for pn in ["PRIORITY", "NUMOBS"]]
        vals += [nodata, nodata]
        forms += ['>i8', '>i8']

    # ADM write the output array.
    newdt = [dt for dt in zip(cols, forms)]
    done = np.array(np.zeros(nscx), dtype=scxtargs.dtype.descr + newdt)
    for col in scxtargs.dtype.names:
        done[col] = scxtargs[col]
    for col, val in zip(cols, vals):
        done[col] = val

    # ADM add the actual PRIORITY/NUMOBS values.
    for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon):
        pc, nc = "PRIORITY_INIT" + edr, "NUMOBS_INIT" + edr
        done[pc], done[nc] = initial_priority_numobs(done,

        # APC Flagged duplicates are removed in io.write_secondary
        done[pc][alldups] = -1

    # APC add secondary flag in DESI_TARGET
    cols, mx, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(done, scnd=True)
    done[cols[0]] = mx[0]['SCND_ANY']

    # ADM set the OBSCONDITIONS.
    done["OBSCONDITIONS"] = set_obsconditions(done, scnd=True)

    return done
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_mtl(targets, obscon, zcat=None, scnd=None,
             trim=False, trimcols=False, trimtozcat=False):
    """Adds fiberassign and zcat columns to a targets table.

    targets : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table`
        A numpy rec array or astropy Table with at least the columns
        or the corresponding columns for SV or commissioning.
    obscon : :class:`str`
        A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml
        file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g.
        "DARK|GRAY". Governs the behavior of how priorities are set based
        on "obsconditions" in the desitarget bitmask yaml file.
    zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional
        Redshift catalog table with columns ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS``, ``Z``,
    scnd : :class:`~numpy.array`, `~astropy.table.Table`, optional
        A set of secondary targets associated with the `targets`. As with
        the `target` must include at least ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS_INIT``,
        ``PRIORITY_INIT`` or the corresponding SV columns.
        The secondary targets will be padded to have the same columns
        as the targets, and concatenated with them.
    trim : :class:`bool`, optional
        If ``True`` (default), don't include targets that don't need
        any more observations.  If ``False``, include every input target.
    trimcols : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        Only pass through columns in `targets` that are actually needed
        for fiberassign (see `desitarget.mtl.mtldatamodel`).
    trimtozcat : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        Only return targets that have been UPDATED (i.e. the targets with
        a match in `zcat`). Returns all targets if `zcat` is ``None``.

        MTL Table with targets columns plus:

        * NUMOBS_MORE    - number of additional observations requested
        * PRIORITY       - target priority (larger number = higher priority)
        * TARGET_STATE   - the observing state that corresponds to PRIORITY
        * OBSCONDITIONS  - replaces old GRAYLAYER
        * TIMESTAMP      - time that (this) make_mtl() function was run
        * VERSION        - version of desitarget used to run make_mtl()
    start = time()
    # ADM set up the default logger.
    from desiutil.log import get_logger
    log = get_logger()

    # ADM if trimcols was passed, reduce input target columns to minimal.
    if trimcols:
        mtldm = switch_main_cmx_or_sv(mtldatamodel, targets)
        cullcols = list(set(targets.dtype.names) - set(mtldm.dtype.names))
        if isinstance(targets, Table):
            targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets, cullcols)

    # ADM determine whether the input targets are main survey, cmx or SV.
    colnames, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(targets, scnd=True)
    # ADM set the first column to be the "desitarget" column
    desi_target, desi_mask = colnames[0], masks[0]
    scnd_target = colnames[-1]

    # ADM if secondaries were passed, concatenate them with the targets.
    if scnd is not None:
        nrows = len(scnd)
        log.info('Pad {} primary targets with {} secondaries...t={:.1f}s'.format(
            len(targets), nrows, time()-start))
        padit = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=targets.dtype)
        sharedcols = set(targets.dtype.names).intersection(set(scnd.dtype.names))
        for col in sharedcols:
            padit[col] = scnd[col]
        targets = np.concatenate([targets, padit])
        # APC Propagate a flag on which targets came from scnd
        is_scnd = np.repeat(False, len(targets))
        is_scnd[-nrows:] = True
        log.info('Done with padding...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start))

    # Trim targets from zcat that aren't in original targets table.
    if zcat is not None:
        ok = np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], targets['TARGETID'])
        num_extra = np.count_nonzero(~ok)
        if num_extra > 0:
            log.warning("Ignoring {} zcat entries that aren't "
                        "in the input target list".format(num_extra))
            zcat = zcat[ok]

    n = len(targets)
    # ADM if a redshift catalog was passed, order it to match the input targets
    # ADM catalog on 'TARGETID'.
    if zcat is not None:
        # ADM there might be a quicker way to do this?
        # ADM set up a dictionary of the indexes of each target id.
        d = dict(tuple(zip(targets["TARGETID"], np.arange(n))))
        # ADM loop through the zcat and look-up the index in the dictionary.
        zmatcher = np.array([d[tid] for tid in zcat["TARGETID"]])
        ztargets = zcat
        if ztargets.masked:
            unobs = ztargets['NUMOBS'].mask
            ztargets['NUMOBS'][unobs] = 0
            unobsz = ztargets['Z'].mask
            ztargets['Z'][unobsz] = -1
            unobszw = ztargets['ZWARN'].mask
            ztargets['ZWARN'][unobszw] = -1
        ztargets = Table()
        ztargets['TARGETID'] = targets['TARGETID']
        ztargets['NUMOBS'] = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int32)
        ztargets['Z'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32)
        ztargets['ZWARN'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.int32)
        # ADM if zcat wasn't passed, there is a one-to-one correspondence
        # ADM between the targets and the zcat.
        zmatcher = np.arange(n)

    # ADM extract just the targets that match the input zcat.
    targets_zmatcher = targets[zmatcher]

    # ADM update the number of observations for the targets.
    ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] = calc_numobs_more(targets_zmatcher, ztargets, obscon)

    # ADM assign priorities. Only things in the zcat can have changed
    # ADM priorities. Anything else is assigned PRIORITY_INIT, below.
    priority, target_state = calc_priority(
        targets_zmatcher, ztargets, obscon, state=True)

    # If priority went to 0==DONOTOBSERVE or 1==OBS or 2==DONE, then
    # NUMOBS_MORE should also be 0.
    # ## mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE']
    ii = (priority <= 2)
    log.info('{:d} of {:d} targets have priority zero, setting N_obs=0.'.format(
        np.sum(ii), n))
    ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 0

    # - Set the OBSCONDITIONS mask for each target bit.
    obsconmask = set_obsconditions(targets)

    # APC obsconmask will now be incorrect for secondary-only targets. Fix this
    # APC using the mask on secondary targets.
    if scnd is not None:
        obsconmask[is_scnd] = set_obsconditions(targets[is_scnd], scnd=True)

    # ADM set up the output mtl table.
    mtl = Table(targets)
    mtl.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'MTL'

    # ADM add a placeholder for the secondary bit-mask, if it isn't there.
    if scnd_target not in mtl.dtype.names:
        mtl[scnd_target] = np.zeros(len(mtl),

    # ADM initialize columns to avoid zero-length/missing/format errors.
    zcols = ["NUMOBS_MORE", "NUMOBS", "Z", "ZWARN"]
    for col in zcols + ["TARGET_STATE", "TIMESTAMP", "VERSION"]:
        mtl[col] = np.empty(len(mtl), dtype=mtldatamodel[col].dtype)

    # ADM any target that wasn't matched to the ZCAT should retain its
    # ADM original (INIT) value of PRIORITY and NUMOBS.
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = mtl['NUMOBS_INIT']
    mtl['PRIORITY'] = mtl['PRIORITY_INIT']
    mtl['TARGET_STATE'] = "UNOBS"
    # ADM add the time and version of the desitarget code that was run.
    utc = datetime.utcnow().isoformat(timespec='seconds')
    mtl["TIMESTAMP"] = utc
    mtl["VERSION"] = dt_version

    # ADM now populate the new mtl columns with the updated information.
    mtl['OBSCONDITIONS'] = obsconmask
    mtl['PRIORITY'][zmatcher] = priority
    mtl['TARGET_STATE'][zmatcher] = target_state
    for col in zcols:
        mtl[col][zmatcher] = ztargets[col]

    # Filter out any targets marked as done.
    if trim:
        notdone = mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] > 0
        log.info('{:d} of {:d} targets are done, trimming these'.format(
            len(mtl) - np.sum(notdone), len(mtl))
        mtl = mtl[notdone]

    # Filtering can reset the fill_value, which is just wrong wrong wrong
    # See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4707
    # and https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4708
    mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'].fill_value = -1

    # ADM assert the data model is complete.
    # ADM turning this off for now, useful for testing.
#    mtltypes = [mtl[i].dtype.type for i in mtl.dtype.names]
#    mtldmtypes = [mtldm[i].dtype.type for i in mtl.dtype.names]
#    assert set(mtl.dtype.names) == set(mtldm.dtype.names)
#    assert mtltypes == mtldmtypes


    if trimtozcat:
        return mtl[zmatcher]
    return mtl
Ejemplo n.º 5
def match_secondary(primtargs, scxdir, scndout, sep=1., pix=None, nside=None):
    """Match secondary targets to primary targets and update bits.

    primtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        An array of primary targets.
    scndout : :class`~numpy.ndarray`
        Name of a sub-directory to which to write the information in
        `desitarget.secondary.outdatamodel` with `TARGETID` and (the
        highest) `PRIORITY_INIT` updated with matching primary info.
    scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Name of the directory that hosts secondary targets.
    sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond
        The separation at which to match in ARCSECONDS.
    pix : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Limit secondary targets to (NESTED) HEALpixels that touch
        pix at the supplied `nside`, as a speed-up.
    nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside to be used with `pixlist`.

        The array of primary targets, with the `SCND_TARGET` bit
        populated for matches to secondary targets
    # ADM add a SCND_TARGET column to the primary targets.
    dt = primtargs.dtype.descr
    dt.append(('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'))
    targs = np.zeros(len(primtargs), dtype=dt)
    for col in primtargs.dtype.names:
        targs[col] = primtargs[col]

    # ADM check if this is an SV or main survey file.
    cols, mx, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    log.info('running on the {} survey...'.format(surv))
    if surv != 'main':
        scxdir = os.path.join(scxdir, surv)

    # ADM read in non-OVERRIDE secondary targets.
    scxtargs = read_files(scxdir, mx[3])
    scxtargs = scxtargs[~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"]]

    # ADM match primary targets to non-OVERRIDE secondary targets.
    inhp = np.ones(len(scxtargs), dtype="?")
    # ADM as a speed-up, save memory by limiting the secondary targets
    # ADM to just HEALPixels that could touch the primary targets.
    if nside is not None and pix is not None:
        # ADM remember to grab adjacent pixels in case of edge effects.
        allpix = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pix)
        inhp = is_in_hp(scxtargs, nside, allpix)
        # ADM it's unlikely that the matching separation is comparable
        # ADM to the HEALPixel resolution, but guard against that anyway.
        halfpix = np.degrees(hp.max_pixrad(nside)) * 3600.
        if sep > halfpix:
            msg = 'sep ({}") exceeds (half) HEALPixel size ({}")'.format(
                sep, halfpix)
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # ADM warn the user if the secondary and primary samples are "large".
    big = 500000
    if np.sum(inhp) > big and len(primtargs) > big:
        log.warning('Large secondary (N={}) and primary (N={}) samples'.format(
            np.sum(inhp), len(primtargs)))
        log.warning('The code may run slowly')

    # ADM for each secondary target, determine if there is a match
    # ADM with a primary target. Note that sense is important, here
    # ADM (the primary targets must be passed first).
        'Matching primary and secondary targets for {} at {}"...t={:.1f}s'.
        format(scndout, sep,
               time() - start))
    mtargs, mscx = radec_match_to(targs, scxtargs[inhp], sep=sep)
    # ADM recast the indices to the full set of secondary targets,
    # ADM instead of just those that were in the relevant HEALPixels.
    mscx = np.where(inhp)[0][mscx]

    # ADM loop through the matches and update the SCND_TARGET
    # ADM column in the primary target list. The np.unique is a
    # ADM speed-up to assign singular matches first.
    umtargs, inv, cnt = np.unique(mtargs,
    # ADM number of times each primary target was matched, ordered
    # ADM the same as mtargs, i.e. n(mtargs) for each entry in mtargs.
    nmtargs = cnt[inv]
    # ADM assign anything with nmtargs = 1 directly.
    singular = nmtargs == 1
    targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[singular]] = scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM loop through things with nmtargs > 1 and combine the bits.
    for i in range(len((mtargs[~singular]))):
        targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[~singular][i]] |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][
    # ADM also assign the SCND_ANY bit to the primary targets.
    desicols, desimasks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)
    desi_mask = desimasks[0]

    targs[desicols[0]][umtargs] |= desi_mask.SCND_ANY

    # ADM rename the SCND_TARGET column, in case this is an SV file.
    targs = rfn.rename_fields(targs, {'SCND_TARGET': desicols[3]})

    # APC Secondary target bits only affect PRIORITY, NUMOBS and
    # APC obsconditions for specific DESI_TARGET bits
    # APC See https://github.com/desihub/desitarget/pull/530

    # APC Only consider primary targets with secondary bits set
    scnd_update = (targs[desicols[0]] & desi_mask['SCND_ANY']) != 0
    if np.any(scnd_update):
        # APC Allow changes to primaries if the DESI_TARGET bitmask has
        # APC only the following bits set, in any combination.
            'Testing if secondary targets can update {} matched primaries'.
        update_from_scnd_bits = desi_mask['SCND_ANY'] | desi_mask[
            'MWS_ANY'] | desi_mask['STD_BRIGHT'] | desi_mask[
                'STD_FAINT'] | desi_mask['STD_WD']
        scnd_update &= ((targs[desicols[0]] & ~update_from_scnd_bits) == 0)
            'Setting new priority, numobs and obsconditions from secondary for {} matched primaries'

        # APC Primary and secondary obsconditions are or'd
        scnd_obscon = set_obsconditions(targs[scnd_update], scnd=True)
        targs['OBSCONDITIONS'][scnd_update] &= scnd_obscon

        # APC bit of a hack here
        # APC Check for _BRIGHT, _DARK split in column names
        darkbright = 'NUMOBS_INIT_DARK' in targs.dtype.names
        if darkbright:
            ender, obscon = ["_DARK", "_BRIGHT"], ["DARK|GRAY", "BRIGHT"]
            ender, obscon = [""], [

        # APC secondaries can increase priority and numobs
        for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon):
            pc, nc = "PRIORITY_INIT" + edr, "NUMOBS_INIT" + edr
            scnd_priority, scnd_numobs = initial_priority_numobs(
                targs[scnd_update], obscon=oc, scnd=True)
            targs[nc][scnd_update] = np.maximum(targs[nc][scnd_update],
            targs[pc][scnd_update] = np.maximum(targs[pc][scnd_update],

    # ADM update the secondary targets with the primary information.
    scxtargs["TARGETID"][mscx] = targs["TARGETID"][mtargs]
    # ADM the maximum priority will be used to break ties in the
    # ADM unlikely event that a secondary matches two primaries.
    hipri = np.maximum(targs["PRIORITY_INIT_DARK"],
    scxtargs["PRIORITY_INIT"][mscx] = hipri[mtargs]

    # ADM write the secondary targets that have updated TARGETIDs.
    ii = scxtargs["TARGETID"] != -1
    nmatches = np.sum(ii)
    log.info('Writing {} secondary target matches to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(
        nmatches, scndout,
        time() - start))
    if nmatches > 0:
        hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
        hdr["SURVEY"] = surv

    log.info('Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time() - start))

    return targs