def open(self): '''open received file''' if self.localPath: try: except OSError: pass
def ShowGraph(filename): ''' Creates an .svg from the profile generated file and opens it (a proper association to .svg files must be already defined in the machine). :param unicode filename: This is the file generated from ProfileMethod. ''' import gprof2dot initial = sys.argv[:] output_filename = filename + '.dot' sys.argv = ['', '-o', output_filename, '-f', 'pstats', filename] try: # Handle differences between versions try: gprof2dot.Main().main() # @UndefinedVariable except AttributeError: gprof2dot.main() # @UndefinedVariable finally: sys.argv = initial try: dot = os.environ['GRAPHVIZ_DOT'] except KeyError: raise AssertionError('The GRAPHVIZ_DOT environment variable must be defined to show graph.') assert os.path.exists(dot), "Expected: %s to exist and point to dot.exe.\nDid you run 'aa eden.install graphviz'?" % dot[dot, '-Tsvg', '-O', output_filename]) print 'Opening svg created at:', os.path.realpath((output_filename + '.svg')) import desktop + '.svg')
def run(self, edit, target='external', output_type='html'): output_type = output_type if output_type in FORMATS else 'html' pygmented = self.highlight(output_type) if target == 'external': filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type,) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented) sublime.status_message(u'Written %s preview file: %s' % (output_type.upper(), tmp_file)) if desktop.get_desktop() == 'Mac OS X': # for some reason is broken under OSX Lion"open %s" % tmp_file, shell=True) else: elif target == 'clipboard': if desktop.get_desktop() == 'Mac OS X': # on mac osx we have `pbcopy` :) filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type,) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented)"cat %s | pbcopy -Prefer %s" % (tmp_file, output_type,), shell=True) os.remove(tmp_file) else: sublime.set_clipboard(pygmented) elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() if output_type == 'html': new_view.set_syntax_file('Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage') new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, pygmented) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) else: sublime.error_message(u'Unsupported target "%s"' % target)
def try_open(self, window, maybe_path): # TODO: Add this somewhere WAY earlier since we are doing so much data # processing regarding paths prior to this if re.match(r'https?://', maybe_path): # HTTP URL if or s.get("open_http_in_browser", False): sublime.status_message("Opening in browser " + maybe_path) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(maybe_path) else: sublime.status_message("Opening URL " + maybe_path) # Create thread to download url in background threading.Thread(target=self.read_url, args=(maybe_path,)).start() elif os.path.isfile(maybe_path): if window.open_file(maybe_path) elif try: import desktop except: from . import desktop else: # Open within ST window.open_file(maybe_path) sublime.status_message("Opening file " + maybe_path) else: return False return True
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) contents = self.get_contents(region) markdown_html = self.convert_markdown(contents) full_html = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' full_html += '<html><head><meta charset="utf-8">' full_html += self.getCSS() full_html += self.getHighlight() full_html += self.getMathJax() full_html += '</head><body>' full_html += markdown_html full_html += '</body>' full_html += '</html>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed and add its script to the resulting HTML livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html if livereload_installed: full_html += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(full_html.encode('utf-8')) tmp_html.close() # now opens in browser if needed if target == 'browser': config_browser = settings.get('browser') if config_browser and config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == 'linux2': cmd += ' &' result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': # create a new buffer and paste the output HTML new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_view.set_scratch(True) new_view.run_command('append', { 'characters': markdown_html, }) #new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() #new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, markdown_html) #new_view.end_edit(new_edit) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime') elif target == 'clipboard': # clipboard copy the full HTML sublime.set_clipboard(full_html) sublime.status_message('Markdown export copied to clipboard')
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'utf-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown.markdown(contents) # build the html html_contents = u'<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += '<style>%s</style>' % styles html_contents += '</head><body>' html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += '</body>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == 'browser': elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) print 'markdown converted'
def try_open(self, window, maybe_path): if maybe_path[:4] == 'http': if or s.get("open_http_in_browser", False): try: sublime.status_message("Opening in browser " + maybe_path) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(maybe_path) return True except: return False else: sublime.status_message("Opening URL " + maybe_path) thread.start_new_thread(self.read_url, (maybe_path, maybe_path)) return True if os.path.isfile(maybe_path): if import sys path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'Open-Include') if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) import desktop else: window.open_file(maybe_path) sublime.status_message("Opening file " + maybe_path) return True else: return False
def open_in_browser(cls, path, browser="default"): if browser == "default": if sys.platform == "darwin": # To open HTML files, Mac OS the open command uses the file # associated with .html. For many developers this is Sublime, # not the default browser. Getting the right value is # embarrassingly difficult. import shlex import subprocess env = {"VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT": "true"} raw = """perl -MMac::InternetConfig -le 'print +(GetICHelper "http")[1]'""" process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(raw), env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() default_browser = out.strip().decode("utf-8") cmd = "open -a '%s' %s" % (default_browser, path) os.system(cmd) else: sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in default browser") else: cmd = '"%s" %s' % (browser, path) if sys.platform == "darwin": cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == "linux2": cmd += " &" elif sys.platform == "win32": cmd = 'start "" %s' % cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % browser) else: sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in %s" % browser)
def exportAccommodationObjectsFromMongoToCSV(self, date): cursor = self.accommodations.find() dictArr = [] for accommodation in list(cursor): accommodationId = accommodation["accommodationId"] name = accommodation["name"] address = accommodation["address"] latitude = accommodation["latitude"] longitude = accommodation["longitude"] reviewScore = accommodation["reviewScore"] starRating = accommodation["starRating"] rooms = accommodation["rooms"] floors = accommodation["floors"] facilities = accommodation["facilities"] accommodationType = accommodation["accommodationType"] yearEstablished = accommodation["yearEstablished"] yearClosed = accommodation["yearClosed"] createdAt = accommodation["createdAt"] cratedAtStr = createdAt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') lastModified = accommodation["lastModified"] lastModifiedStr = lastModified.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') dictArr.append({'accommodationId': accommodationId, 'name': name, 'address': address, 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, "review": reviewScore, "starRating": starRating, "rooms": rooms, "floors": floors, "facilities": facilities, "type": accommodationType, "yearEstablished": yearEstablished, "yearClosed": yearClosed, "cratedAt": cratedAtStr, "lastModified": lastModifiedStr}) sortingColum = ['accommodationId','name','address','latitude','longitude','review','starRating','rooms','floors','facilities','type','yearEstablished','yearClosed','cratedAt','lastModified'] df = pd.DataFrame(dictArr) # sorting column in excel following sortingColum list df.loc[:,sortingColum].to_csv(('{}{}{}'.format('ข้อมูลที่พัก_',date,'.csv')))'{}{}{}'.format('ข้อมูลที่พัก_',date,'.csv'))
def launching_web_browser_for_url(url, success_msg_default=None, success_msg_user=None): try: setting = Setting.instance() if setting.browser_command: browser_command = [ os.path.expandvars(arg).format(url=url) for arg in setting.browser_command ] if == 'nt': # unicode arguments broken under windows encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() browser_command = [ arg.encode(encoding) for arg in browser_command ] subprocess.Popen(browser_command) if success_msg_user: sublime.status_message(success_msg_user) else: # Default web browser if success_msg_default: sublime.status_message(success_msg_default) except: if setting.browser_command: log.exception('Error while launching user defined web browser') else: log.exception('Error while launching default web browser')
def playWink(self, path): if self.hasGnash == True: retval =['gnash', '-1', path]) elif != "nt": retval =['firefox', path]) else:
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): self.settings = sublime.load_settings( 'MarkdownPreview.sublime-settings') region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) contents = self.get_contents(region) markdown_html = self.convert_markdown(contents) full_html = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' full_html += '<html><head><meta charset="utf-8">' full_html += self.getCSS() full_html += self.getJS() full_html += self.getHighlight() full_html += self.getMathJax() full_html += self.get_title() full_html += '</head><body>' full_html += markdown_html full_html += '</body>' full_html += '</html>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed and add its script to the resulting HTML livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html if livereload_installed: full_html += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) save_utf8(tmp_fullpath, full_html) # now opens in browser if needed if target == 'browser': config_browser = self.settings.get('browser') if config_browser and config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == 'linux2': cmd += ' &' result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message( 'cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message( 'Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message( 'Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': # create a new buffer and paste the output HTML new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), markdown_html) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime') elif target == 'clipboard': # clipboard copy the full HTML sublime.set_clipboard(full_html) sublime.status_message('Markdown export copied to clipboard')
def open_in_browser(cls, path, browser='default'): if browser == 'default': if sys.platform == 'darwin': # To open HTML files, Mac OS the open command uses the file # associated with .html. For many developers this is Sublime, # not the default browser. Getting the right value is # embarrassingly difficult. import shlex, subprocess env = {'VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT': 'true'} raw = """perl -MMac::InternetConfig -le 'print +(GetICHelper "http")[1]'""" process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(raw), env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() default_browser = out.strip().decode('utf-8') cmd = "open -a '%s' %s" % (default_browser, path) os.system(cmd) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in default browser') else: cmd = '"%s" %s' % (browser, path) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == 'linux2': cmd += ' &' elif sys.platform == 'win32': cmd = 'start "" %s' % cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser)
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): print edit, target region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'UTF-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' view_contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown.markdown(view_contents) # build the html html_contents = u'<meta charset="%s">' % self.view.encoding() styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += '<style>%s</style>' % styles html_contents += markdown_html # output if target == 'browser': tmp_html = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.html') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) elif target == 'tumblr': tumblr = TumblrManager() tumblr.post_to_tumblr(view_contents, False) elif target == 'tumblr_draft': tumblr = TumblrManager() tumblr.post_to_tumblr(view_contents, True)
def run(self, edit, target="browser"): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == "Undefined": encoding = "utf-8" elif encoding == "Western (Windows 1252)": encoding = "windows-1252" contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown.markdown(contents) # build the html html_contents = u'<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += "<style>%s</style>" % styles html_contents += "</head><body>" html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += "</body>" if target in ["disk", "browser"]: # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, "w") tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == "browser": elif target == "sublime": new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) print "markdown converted"
def run(self, edit): self._view = View(self.view) = Markdown(self._view.contents(), self._view.encoding()) tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.html') tfile.write( tfile.close()
def launching_web_browser_for_url(url, success_msg_default=None, success_msg_user=None): try: setting = Setting.instance() if setting.browser_command: browser_command = [os.path.expandvars(arg).format(url=url) for arg in setting.browser_command] if == 'nt': # unicode arguments broken under windows encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() browser_command = [arg.encode(encoding) for arg in browser_command] subprocess.Popen(browser_command) if success_msg_user: sublime.status_message(success_msg_user) else: # Default web browser if success_msg_default: sublime.status_message(success_msg_default) except: if setting.browser_command: log.exception('Error while launching user defined web browser') else: log.exception('Error while launching default web browser')
def exportRoomObjectsFromMongoToCSV(self, date): cursor = self.rooms.find() dictArr = [] for accommodation in list(cursor): accommodationId = accommodation["accommodationId"] name = accommodation["name"] roomType = accommodation["roomType"] bestPrice = accommodation["bestPrice"] totalPrice = accommodation["totalPrice"] soldOut = accommodation["soldOut"] createdAt = accommodation["createdAt"] cratedAtStr = createdAt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') checkInDate = accommodation["checkInDate"] checkInDateStr = checkInDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') dictArr.append({'accommodationId': accommodationId, 'name': name, "roomType": roomType, "bestPrice": bestPrice, "totalPrice": totalPrice, "soldOut": soldOut, "checkInDate": checkInDateStr, "cratedAt": cratedAtStr}) sortingColum = ['accommodationId','name','roomType','bestPrice','totalPrice','soldOut','checkInDate','cratedAt'] df = pd.DataFrame(dictArr) df.loc[:,sortingColum].to_csv(('{}{}{}'.format('ข้อมูลราคาห้องพัก_',date,'.csv')))'{}{}{}'.format('ข้อมูลราคาห้องพัก_',date,'.csv'))
def run(self, edit, target="browser"): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) contents = self.get_contents(region) markdown_html = self.convert_markdown(contents) full_html = u"<!DOCTYPE html>" full_html += '<html><head><meta charset="utf-8">' full_html += self.getCSS() full_html += self.getHighlight() full_html += self.getMathJax() full_html += "</head><body>" full_html += markdown_html full_html += "</body>" full_html += "</html>" if target in ["disk", "browser"]: # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed and add its script to the resulting HTML livereload_installed = "LiveReload" in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path()) # build the html if livereload_installed: full_html += "<script>document.write('<script src=\"http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1\"></' + 'script>')</script>" # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, "w") tmp_html.write(full_html.encode("utf-8")) tmp_html.close() # now opens in browser if needed if target == "browser": config_browser = settings.get("browser") if config_browser and config_browser != "default": cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == "darwin": cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == "linux2": cmd += " &" result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message( 'cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser ) else: sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in %s" % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in default html viewer") elif target == "sublime": # create a new buffer and paste the output HTML new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_view.set_scratch(True) new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, markdown_html) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in sublime") elif target == "clipboard": # clipboard copy the full HTML sublime.set_clipboard(full_html) sublime.status_message("Markdown export copied to clipboard")
def tvOpen(): for mission in table.selected(): savepath = mission.module.config["savepath"] folder = os.path.join(savepath, safefilepath(mission.title)) folder = os.path.expanduser(folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder)
def select_dir(self, o): new_file = o.get_current_folder() if os.path.isdir(new_file): self.cur_dir = new_file else: print 'not a dir:', new_file self.refresh_file_list()
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'utf-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown2.markdown(contents, extras=['footnotes', 'toc']) # postprocess the html markdown_html = self.postprocessor(markdown_html) # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html html_contents = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' html_contents += '<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += '<style>%s</style>' % styles if livereload_installed: html_contents += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' html_contents += '</head><body>' html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += '</body>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == 'browser': config_browser = settings.get('browser') if config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd print "Markdown Preview: executing", cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime')
def start_explorer(event=None): for mission in table.selected(): savepath = profile(mission.module.config["savepath"]) folder = os.path.join(savepath, safefilepath(mission.title)) folder = os.path.expanduser(folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder)
def run(self, edit, target = 'browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) enc = self.view.encoding(); contents = self.view.substr(region) style = "qsd" text = contents pngFile = getTempPreviewPath(self.view) if getSequenceDiagram(text, pngFile, style):
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'utf-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown2.markdown(contents, extras=['footnotes', 'toc', 'fenced-code-blocks', 'cuddled-lists', 'code-friendly']) # postprocess the html markdown_html = self.postprocessor(markdown_html) # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html html_contents = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' html_contents += '<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += '<style>%s</style>' % styles if livereload_installed: html_contents += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' html_contents += '</head><body>' html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += '</body>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == 'browser': config_browser = settings.get('browser') if config_browser and config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd print "Markdown Preview: executing", cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime')
def open(self): if sublime.platform() == 'osx': import subprocess subprocess.Popen(['open', '-a', self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem()) elif sublime.platform() == 'windows': import subprocess subprocess.Popen([self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem(), shell=True) else:
def run(self, edit, target='external', output_type='html'): output_type = output_type if output_type in FORMATS else 'html' platform = desktop.get_desktop() # html clipboard output on windows should not be self-contained win = all([ platform == 'Windows', output_type == 'html', target == 'clipboard' ]) full = False if win else settings.get('full', True) pygmented = self.highlight(output_type, full) if target == 'external': filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type, ) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented) sublime.status_message(u'Written %s preview file: %s' % (output_type.upper(), tmp_file)) if platform == 'Mac OS X': # for some reason is broken under OSX Lion"open %s" % tmp_file, shell=True) else: elif target == 'clipboard': if platform == 'Mac OS X': # on mac osx we have `pbcopy` :) filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type, ) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented)"cat %s | pbcopy -Prefer %s" % ( tmp_file, output_type, ), shell=True) os.remove(tmp_file) elif platform == 'Windows': if self.view.line_endings != 'Windows': pygmented = WIN_CR_RE.sub("\r\n", pygmented) plaintext = WIN_CR_RE.sub("\r\n", self.code) else: plaintext = self.code winclip.Paste(pygmented, output_type, plaintext) else: sublime.set_clipboard(pygmented) elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() if output_type == 'html': new_view.set_syntax_file('Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage') new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, pygmented) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) else: sublime.error_message(u'Unsupported target "%s"' % target)
def run(self, edit, parser='markdown', target='browser'): settings = sublime.load_settings('MarkdownPreview.sublime-settings') # backup parser+target for later saves self.view.settings().set('parser', parser) self.view.settings().set('target', target) html, body =, parser) if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed and add its script to the resulting HTML livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html if livereload_installed: port = sublime.load_settings( 'LiveReload.sublime-settings').get('port', 35729) html += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':%d/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' % port # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) save_utf8(tmp_fullpath, html) # now opens in browser if needed if target == 'browser': config_browser = settings.get('browser') if config_browser and config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == 'linux2': cmd += ' &' elif sys.platform == 'win32': cmd = 'start "" %s' % cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message( 'cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message( 'Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message( 'Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': # create a new buffer and paste the output HTML embed_css = settings.get('embed_css_for_sublime_output', True) if embed_css: new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), html) else: new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), body) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime') elif target == 'clipboard': # clipboard copy the full HTML sublime.set_clipboard(html) sublime.status_message('Markdown export copied to clipboard')
def run(self, edit, open=True): temp = encodeFilePath(getTempPreviewPath(self.view)) source = encodeFilePath(self.view.file_name()) retcode =['blockdiag', source, '-o', temp]) if retcode < 0: msg = 'Blockdiag process is failed!' print msg sublime.status_message(msg) elif open:
def run(self, edit, parser="markdown", target="browser"): settings = sublime.load_settings("MarkdownPreview.sublime-settings") # backup parser+target for later saves self.view.settings().set("parser", parser) self.view.settings().set("target", target) html, body =, parser) if target in ["disk", "browser"]: # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed and add its script to the resulting HTML livereload_installed = "LiveReload" in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path()) # build the html if livereload_installed: port = sublime.load_settings("LiveReload.sublime-settings").get("port") html += ( "<script>document.write('<script src=\"http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':%d/livereload.js?snipver=1\"></' + 'script>')</script>" % port ) # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) save_utf8(tmp_fullpath, html) # now opens in browser if needed if target == "browser": config_browser = settings.get("browser") if config_browser and config_browser != "default": cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == "darwin": cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == "linux2": cmd += " &" elif sys.platform == "win32": cmd = 'start "" %s' % cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message( 'cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser ) else: sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in %s" % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in default html viewer") elif target == "sublime": # create a new buffer and paste the output HTML embed_css = settings.get("embed_css_for_sublime_output", True) if embed_css: new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), html) else: new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), body) sublime.status_message("Markdown preview launched in sublime") elif target == "clipboard": # clipboard copy the full HTML sublime.set_clipboard(html) sublime.status_message("Markdown export copied to clipboard")
def open(self): if sublime.platform() == "osx": import subprocess subprocess.Popen(["open", "-a", self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem()) elif sublime.platform() == "windows": import subprocess subprocess.Popen([self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem(), shell=True) else:
def try_open(self, window, maybe_path): global cache debug_info('Trying to open: ' + maybe_path) path_normalized = normalize(maybe_path) if path_normalized in cache['checked']: return False cache['checked'][path_normalized] = True if maybe_path.startswith('http') or maybe_path.startswith('//'): # HTTP URL if or s.get("open_http_in_browser", False): if maybe_path.startswith('//'): maybe_path = "http:" + maybe_path sublime.status_message("Opening in Browser " + maybe_path) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(maybe_path) else: sublime.status_message("Opening URL " + maybe_path) # Create thread to download url in background threading.Thread(target=self.read_url, args=(maybe_path, )).start() elif os_is_file(maybe_path): sublime.status_message("Opening File " + normalize(maybe_path)) if, maybe_path) elif try: import desktop except: from . import desktop else: # Open within ST, maybe_path) elif maybe_path and ( os_is_dir(maybe_path) or os_is_dir('\\' + maybe_path) ) and not cache['folder'] and cache['folder_save']: # Walkaround for UNC path if maybe_path and maybe_path[0] == '\\': maybe_path = '\\' + maybe_path cache['folder'] = maybe_path return False else: return False return True
def onMaiButtonClicked(self, *args): if self.config.glob['overrideMail'] == '': try: except OSError: dialog.error(_('Couldn\'t launch the default browser')) else: try: subprocess.Popen(self.config.glob['overrideMail']) except: dialog.error(_('Couldn\'t launch the e-mail client'))
def tvOpen(): s = tv.selection() missions = [cid_index[i] for i in s] for mission in missions: savepath = mission.module.config["savepath"] folder = os.path.join(savepath, safefilepath(mission.title)) folder = os.path.expanduser(folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder)
def openMail(self, params): if self.config.glob['overrideMail'] == '': try:\ (params[0], params[1], params[2])) except OSError: dialog.error(_('Couldn\'t launch the default browser')) else: try: subprocess.Popen(self.config.glob['overrideMail']) except: dialog.error(_('Couldn\'t launch the e-mail client'))
def open(self): import sys if sys.platform == 'darwin': import subprocess subprocess.Popen(['open', '-a', self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem()) elif sys.platform == 'win32': import subprocess subprocess.Popen([self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem(), shell=True) else: sys.path.append(os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'SideBarEnhancements')) import desktop
def send_to_browser(html): """Create a temp file containing html and open it in the default web browser.""" tmp_html = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.html') tmp_html.write(html) tmp_html.close() PTbaseDir = os.path.expanduser('~\Documents\Poseidon Tools\\') PTExportDir = PTbaseDir + 'TEMP\\' sourceFile = sourceFile = sourceFile.replace(tempfile.tempdir + "\\", "") finalDest = PTExportDir + sourceFile shutil.move(, finalDest) # logger( + "copied to " + finalDest)
def open(self): if sublime.platform() == 'osx': import subprocess subprocess.Popen(['open', '-a', self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem()) elif sublime.platform() == 'windows': import subprocess subprocess.Popen([self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem(), shell=True) else: import sys path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'SideBarEnhancements') if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) import desktop
def view_image(self, dir_name, file_name = ""): '''View image with default OS viewer''' full_name = dir_name + "/" + file_name if file_name else dir_name if (os.path.isfile(full_name)): else: full_name2 = dir_name + "../" + file_name if (os.path.isfile(full_name2)): else: sublime.error_message("Image-Viewer\n\nERROR: File not found:\n\n" + full_name)
def run(self, edit, parser='markdown', target='browser'): settings = sublime.load_settings('MarkdownPreview.sublime-settings') # backup parser+target for later saves self.view.settings().set('parser', parser) self.view.settings().set('target', target) html, body =, parser) if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed and add its script to the resulting HTML livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html if livereload_installed: port = sublime.load_settings('LiveReload.sublime-settings').get('port', 35729) html += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':%d/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' % port # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) save_utf8(tmp_fullpath, html) # now opens in browser if needed if target == 'browser': config_browser = settings.get('browser') if config_browser and config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd elif sys.platform == 'linux2': cmd += ' &' elif sys.platform == 'win32': cmd = 'start "" %s' % cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': # create a new buffer and paste the output HTML embed_css = settings.get('embed_css_for_sublime_output', True) if embed_css: new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), html) else: new_scratch_view(self.view.window(), body) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime') elif target == 'clipboard': # clipboard copy the full HTML sublime.set_clipboard(html) sublime.status_message('Markdown export copied to clipboard')
def view_image(self, dir_name, file_name=""): '''View image with default OS viewer''' full_name = dir_name + "/" + file_name if file_name else dir_name if (os.path.isfile(full_name)): else: full_name2 = dir_name + "../" + file_name if (os.path.isfile(full_name2)): else: sublime.error_message( "Image-Viewer\n\nERROR: File not found:\n\n" + full_name)
def run(self, edit, target='external', output_type='html'): output_type = output_type if output_type in FORMATS else 'html' platform = desktop.get_desktop() # html clipboard output on windows should not be self-contained win = all([platform == 'Windows', output_type == 'html', target == 'clipboard']) full = False if win else settings.get('full', True) pygmented = self.highlight(output_type, full) if target == 'external': filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type,) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented) sublime.status_message(u'Written %s preview file: %s' % (output_type.upper(), tmp_file)) if platform == 'Mac OS X': # for some reason is broken under OSX Lion"open %s" % tmp_file, shell=True) else: elif target == 'clipboard': if platform == 'Mac OS X': # on mac osx we have `pbcopy` :) filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type,) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented)"cat %s | pbcopy -Prefer %s" % (tmp_file, output_type,), shell=True) os.remove(tmp_file) elif platform == 'Windows': if self.view.line_endings != 'Windows': pygmented = WIN_CR_RE.sub("\r\n", pygmented) plaintext = WIN_CR_RE.sub("\r\n", self.code) else: plaintext = self.code winclip.Paste(pygmented, output_type, plaintext) else: sublime.set_clipboard(pygmented) elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() if output_type == 'html': new_view.set_syntax_file('Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage') new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, pygmented) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) else: sublime.error_message(u'Unsupported target "%s"' % target)
def try_open(self, window, maybe_path): global cache debug_info('Trying to open: ' + maybe_path) path_normalized = normalize(maybe_path) if path_normalized in cache['checked']: return False cache['checked'][path_normalized] = True if maybe_path.startswith('http'): # HTTP URL if or s.get("open_http_in_browser", False): sublime.status_message("Opening in Browser " + maybe_path) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(maybe_path) else: sublime.status_message("Opening URL " + maybe_path) # Create thread to download url in background threading.Thread(target=self.read_url, args=(maybe_path,)).start() elif os_is_file(maybe_path): sublime.status_message("Opening File " + normalize(maybe_path)) if, maybe_path) elif try: import desktop except: from . import desktop else: # Open within ST, maybe_path) elif maybe_path and ( os_is_dir(maybe_path) or os_is_dir('\\' + maybe_path) ) and not cache['folder'] and cache['folder_save']: # Walkaround for UNC path if maybe_path and maybe_path[0] == '\\': maybe_path = '\\' + maybe_path cache['folder'] = maybe_path return False else: return False return True
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'utf-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown.markdown(contents) # postprocess the html markdown_html = self.postprocessor(markdown_html) # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html html_contents = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' html_contents += '<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += '<style>%s</style>' % styles html_contents += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">' html_contents += '<script src=""></script>' if livereload_installed: html_contents += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' html_contents += '</head><body>' html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += '<script type="text/javascript">hljs.tabReplace = \' \'; hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script>' html_contents += '</body>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == 'browser': elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) print 'markdown converted'
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'utf-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' contents = self.view.substr(region) # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown2.markdown(contents, extras=['footnotes', 'toc']) # postprocess the html markdown_html = self.postprocessor(markdown_html) # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) # build the html html_contents = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' html_contents += '<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding styles = self.getCSS() html_contents += '<style>%s</style>' % styles if livereload_installed: html_contents += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' html_contents += '</head><body>' html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += '</body>' if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == 'browser': elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) print 'markdown converted'
def open(self): import sys if sys.platform == "darwin": import subprocess subprocess.Popen(["open", "-a", self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem()) elif sys.platform == "win32": import subprocess subprocess.Popen([self.nameSystem()], cwd=self.dirnameSystem(), shell=True) else: path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "SideBarEnhancements") if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) import desktop
def start_explorer(event=None): if event: mission = table.identify_row(event.y) if not mission: # click on header return missions = [mission] else: missions = table.selected() for mission in missions: savepath = profile(mission.module.config["savepath"]) folder = os.path.join(savepath, safefilepath(mission.title)) folder = os.path.expanduser(folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder)
def select_subdir(self, treeview, o1, o2): selection = treeview.get_selection() liststore, rows = selection.get_selected_rows() if self.selected_backup: focus_dir = self.backup.parent_backup_dir + '/' + self.selected_backup.strftime( BACKUP_DIR_DATE_FORMAT) + self.cur_dir else: focus_dir = self.cur_dir # print 'focus_dir', focus_dir local_file = liststore[rows[0]][0].rstrip('/') new_file = focus_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' + local_file # print 'new_file', new_file if os.path.isdir(new_file): self.cur_dir = self.cur_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' + local_file self.xml.get_widget('location_field').set_text(self.cur_dir) else: print 'not a dir:', new_file self.refresh_file_list()
def run(self, edit, target='external', output_type='html'): output_type = output_type if output_type in FORMATS else 'html' pygmented = self.highlight(output_type) if target == 'external': filename = '%s.%s' % (, output_type, ) tmp_file = self.write_file(filename, pygmented) sublime.status_message(tmp_file) elif target == 'clipboard': sublime.set_clipboard(pygmented) elif target == 'sublime': new_view = self.view.window().new_file() if output_type == 'html': new_view.set_syntax_file('Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage') new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, pygmented) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) else: sublime.error_message(u'Unsupported target "%s"' % target)
def playEpisode(self, episode): """Open the player and open the episode.""" command = Config.config['command_open'] if episode.path: path = os.path.normpath(episode.path) player = int(Config.config['player']) if player == 1: elif player == 2: self.playIntegratedPlayer(episode) elif player == 3: if command is None: else: self.commandOpen.startDetached(command, [path]) else: self.markAsView(episode) self.refreshCount()
def run(self, edit, target='browser'): region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()) encoding = self.view.encoding() if encoding == 'Undefined': encoding = 'utf-8' elif encoding == 'Western (Windows 1252)': encoding = 'windows-1252' elif encoding == 'UTF-8 with BOM': encoding = 'utf-8' contents = self.view.substr(region) config_parser = settings.get('parser') markdown_html = u'cannot convert markdown' if config_parser and config_parser == 'github': sublime.status_message('converting markdown with github API...') try: #contents = contents.replace('%', '') # see data = json.dumps({"text": contents, "mode": "gfm"}) url = "" request = urllib2.Request(url, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) markdown_html = urllib2.urlopen(request).read().decode('utf-8') except urllib2.HTTPError: sublime.error_message('github API responded in an unfashion way :/') except urllib2.URLError: sublime.error_message('cannot use github API to convert markdown. SSL is not included in your Python installation') except: sublime.error_message('cannot use github API to convert markdown. Please check your settings.') else: sublime.status_message('converted markdown with github API successfully') else: # convert the markdown markdown_html = markdown2.markdown(contents, extras=['footnotes', 'toc', 'fenced-code-blocks', 'cuddled-lists']) toc_html = markdown_html.toc_html if toc_html: toc_markers = ['[toc]', '[TOC]', '<!--TOC-->'] for marker in toc_markers: markdown_html = markdown_html.replace(marker, toc_html) # postprocess the html markdown_html = self.postprocessor(markdown_html) # check if LiveReload ST2 extension installed livereload_installed = ('LiveReload' in os.listdir(sublime.packages_path())) if target in ['disk', 'browser']: # build the html html_contents = u'<!DOCTYPE html>' html_contents += '<html><head><meta charset="%s">' % encoding html_contents += self.getCSS() if livereload_installed: html_contents += '<script>document.write(\'<script src="http://\' + ( || \'localhost\').split(\':\')[0] + \':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></\' + \'script>\')</script>' html_contents += '</head><body>' html_contents += markdown_html html_contents += '</body>' # update output html file tmp_fullpath = getTempMarkdownPreviewPath(self.view) tmp_html = open(tmp_fullpath, 'w') tmp_html.write(html_contents.encode(encoding)) tmp_html.close() # todo : livereload ? if target == 'browser': config_browser = settings.get('browser') if config_browser and config_browser != 'default': cmd = '"%s" %s' % (config_browser, tmp_fullpath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = "open -a %s" % cmd print "Markdown Preview: executing", cmd result = os.system(cmd) if result != 0: sublime.error_message('cannot execute "%s" Please check your Markdown Preview settings' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in %s' % config_browser) else: sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in default html viewer') elif target == 'sublime': # build the html html_contents = markdown_html new_view = self.view.window().new_file() new_view.set_scratch(True) new_edit = new_view.begin_edit() new_view.insert(new_edit, 0, html_contents) new_view.end_edit(new_edit) sublime.status_message('Markdown preview launched in sublime')
def open(self): if self.full_text and os.path.isfile(self.full_text.path): self.read_count = self.read_count + 1