Ejemplo n.º 1
def BuildDespoticInterpolator():
    gmc = cloud(fileName="MilkyWayGMC.desp", verbose=True)
    # gmc.setTempEq(verbose=True)

    lines = gmc.lineLum("co")

    T = np.linspace(10,20,5)
    logn = np.linspace(1,5,10)
    co10=np.zeros((T.size, logn.size))
    co21=np.zeros((T.size, logn.size))
    co32=np.zeros((T.size, logn.size))

    for j, density in enumerate(logn):
        for i,temp in enumerate(T):
            lines = gmc.lineLum("co")
    fx = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(T,np.arange(len(T)))
    fy = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(logn,np.arange(len(logn)))

    def DespoticCO10(Tvals,n):
        intensity = mc(co10, [[fx(Tvals)],[fy(n)]])

    def DespoticCO21(Tvals,n):
        intensity = mc(co21, [[fx(Tvals)],[fy(n)]])

    def DespoticCO32(Tvals,n):
        intensity = mc(co32, [[fx(Tvals)],[fy(n)]])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def tkin_all(density, sigma, lengthscale, gradient, tdust, crir=1e-17*u.s**-1,
             ISRF=1, tdust_rad=None, turbulence=True, gmc=gmc, reload_gmc=True,

    assert density.unit.is_equivalent(u.cm**-3)
    assert sigma.unit.is_equivalent(u.km/u.s)
    assert lengthscale.unit.is_equivalent(u.pc)
    assert gradient.unit.is_equivalent(u.km/u.s/u.pc)
    assert crir.unit.is_equivalent(1/u.s)

    if reload_gmc:

    gmc.sigmaNT = sigma.to(u.cm/u.s).value
    gmc.Td = tdust.to(u.K).value
    gmc.rad.TradDust = gmc.Td if tdust_rad is None else tdust_rad.to(u.K).value
    gmc.dVdr = gradient.to(u.s**-1).value
    gmc.rad.chi = ISRF

    # These are both per hydrogen, but we want to specify per particle, and
    # we're assuming the particles are H2
    gmc.rad.ionRate = crir.to(u.s**-1).value * 2
    gmc.nH = density.to(u.cm**-3).value * 2

    turb_heating = turb_heating_generator(lengthscale, turbulence=turbulence)

    gmc.setTempEq(escapeProbGeom='LVG', PsiUser=turb_heating)
    #energy_balance = gmc.dEdt()

    if chemistry:

        gmc.setTempEq(escapeProbGeom='LVG', PsiUser=turb_heating)

    return gmc.Tg
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tkin_all(density,
             crir=1e-17 * u.s**-1,

    assert density.unit.is_equivalent(u.cm**-3)
    assert sigma.unit.is_equivalent(u.km / u.s)
    assert lengthscale.unit.is_equivalent(u.pc)
    assert gradient.unit.is_equivalent(u.km / u.s / u.pc)
    assert crir.unit.is_equivalent(1 / u.s)

    if reload_gmc:
        gmc = cloud('cloud.desp')

    gmc.sigmaNT = sigma.to(u.cm / u.s).value
    gmc.Td = tdust.to(u.K).value
    gmc.rad.TradDust = gmc.Td if tdust_rad is None else tdust_rad.to(u.K).value
    gmc.dVdr = gradient.to(u.s**-1).value
    gmc.rad.chi = ISRF

    # These are both per hydrogen, but we want to specify per particle, and
    # we're assuming the particles are H2
    gmc.rad.ionRate = crir.to(u.s**-1).value * 2
    gmc.nH = density.to(u.cm**-3).value * 2

    turb_heating = turb_heating_generator(lengthscale, turbulence=turbulence)

        gmc.setTempEq(escapeProbGeom='LVG', PsiUser=turb_heating)
    except despotic.despoticError as ex:
        return np.nan

    if chemistry:

        gmc.setTempEq(escapeProbGeom='LVG', PsiUser=turb_heating)

    return gmc.Tg
Ejemplo n.º 4
        fp = open('shockCool{:03d}.pkl'.format(i), 'rb')
    except IOError:

# Did we find any existing data?
if restart:
    # Yes: copy last state to slab object to initialize it
    slab = deepcopy(stateList[-1])
    # No
    # Read the cloud initialization file
    slab=cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/postShockSlab.desp', \
    # Compute initial level populations and dust temperature
    slab.dEdt(overrideSkip=True, dampFactor=dampFactor, \
    # Save initial state, both locally and to disk
    fp = open('shockCool000.pkl', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(slab, fp)

# Calculate time evolution, starting at proper position
istart = len(stateList) - 1
extime = timedelta(0)
for i, t in enumerate(times[istart:-1]):
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
        Interface to DESPOTIC

        collider_densities: dict
            Dictionary giving the volume densities of the collider(s) in units of
            cm^-3.  Valid entries are h2,oh2,ph2,e,He,H,H+.  The keys are
        temperature: float
            Local gas temperature in K
        species: str
            A string specifying a valid chemical species.  This is used to look
            up the specified molecule
        hcolumn: float
            The total column density of hydrogen.
        abundance: float
            The molecule's abundance relative to H (NOT H2 as is normally done!).
        tbackground: float
            Background radiation temperature (e.g., CMB)
        deltav: float
            The FWHM line width (really, the single-zone velocity width to
            scale the column density by: this is most sensibly interpreted as a
            velocity gradient (dv/dR))
        sigmaNT: float
            Nonthermal velocity dispersion
            (this is strictly ignored - deltav IS sigmant)
        datapath: str
            Path to the molecular data files

        import despotic
        self.cloud = despotic.cloud()
        self.cloud.nH = float(np.sum([collider_densities[k]*2 if 'h2' in k.lower()
                                      else collider_densities[k]
                                      for k in collider_densities]))

        for k in collider_densities.keys():
            collider_densities[k.lower()] = collider_densities[k]

        if 'ph2' in collider_densities:
            self.cloud.comp.xpH2 = collider_densities['ph2'] / self.cloud.nH
        if 'oh2' in collider_densities:
            self.cloud.comp.xoH2 = collider_densities['oh2'] / self.cloud.nH

        self.cloud.Td = uvalue(temperature,u.K)
        self.cloud.Tg = uvalue(temperature,u.K)
        self.cloud.dust.sigma10 = 0.0

        self.cloud.colDen = uvalue(hcolumn,u.cm**-2)

        if uvalue(tbackground,u.K) > 2.7315:
            self.cloud.rad.TradDust = uvalue(tbackground,u.K)

        self.species = species
        if datapath is None:
            emitterFile = species+'.dat'
            emitterFile = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, species+'.dat'))
        self.cloud.addEmitter(species, abundance, emitterFile=emitterFile)


        self.escapeProbGeom = escapeProbGeom

        self.deltav = deltav
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Import the despotic library
from despotic import cloud
from despotic import emitter

# Read the Milky Way GMC cloud file
gmc = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

gmc.sigmaNT = 1e5 # cm/s, instead of 2 as default
gmc.Tg = 20 # start at 20 instead of 15 K
gmc.Td = 20

# add ortho-h2co
gmc.addEmitter('o-h2co_troscompt', 1e-9)

# first plot: versus density
densities = np.logspace(1,6)
gmc.colDen = 5e21 # use a moderately high column, but not as high as the default

tau11 = np.empty(densities.shape)
tau22 = np.empty(densities.shape)
for ii in xrange(tau11.size):
    gmc.nH = densities[ii]
    line = gmc.lineLum('o-h2co_troscompt')
    tau11[ii] = line[0]['tau']
    tau22[ii] = line[2]['tau']

Ejemplo n.º 7
# Program code

# Import the despotic library
from despotic import cloud

# Import standard python libraries
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

# Read the Milky Way GMC cloud file
gmc = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')

# Read the ULIRG cloud file
ulirg = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/ULIRG.desp')

# Compute the luminosity of the CO lines in both clouds
gmclines = gmc.lineLum('co')
ulirglines = ulirg.lineLum('co')
gmclines13 = gmc.lineLum('13co')
ulirglines13 = ulirg.lineLum('13co')
print('Execution time = '+str(t2-t1))

# Print out the CO X factor for both clouds. This is column density
# divided by velocity-integrated brightness temperature.
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Import the despotic library
from despotic import cloud
from despotic import emitter

# Read the Milky Way GMC cloud file
gmc = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

gmc.sigmaNT = 1e5  # cm/s, instead of 2 as default
gmc.Tg = 20  # start at 20 instead of 15 K
gmc.Td = 20

# add ortho-h2co
gmc.addEmitter('o-h2co_troscompt', 1e-9)

# first plot: versus density
densities = np.logspace(1, 6)
gmc.colDen = 5e21  # use a moderately high column, but not as high as the default

tau11 = np.empty(densities.shape)
tau22 = np.empty(densities.shape)
for ii in xrange(tau11.size):
    gmc.nH = densities[ii]
    line = gmc.lineLum('o-h2co_troscompt')
    tau11[ii] = line[0]['tau']
    tau22[ii] = line[2]['tau']

pl.rc('font', size=20)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def build_despotic_grids(gridfile='ph2co_grid_despotic.fits', ph2coAbund=1e-8,
                         nDens=21, logDensLower=2.0, logDensUpper=6.0,
                         nCol=21, logColLower=11.0, logColUpper=15.0,
                         nTemp=51, Tlower=10.0, Tupper=300.0,
                         nDv=5, DvLower=1.0, DvUpper=5.0):
    Generates grids of p-H2CO line intensities using Despotic.  Outputs a astropy Table.
    gridfile : string
        Name of grid file to output.
    ph2coAbund : float
        Fractional abundance of p-H2CO
    nDens : int
        Number of grid points in the volume density
    logDensLower : float
        log of volume density at lower bound of grid (log(n/cm**-3))
    logDensUpper : float
        log of volume density at upper bound of grid (log(n/cm**-3))
    nCol : int
        Number of grid points in the column density
    logColLower : float
        log of column density of p-H2CO at lower bound of grid (log(N/cm**-2))
    logColUpper : float
        log of column density of p-H2CO at upper bound of grid (log(N/cm**-2))
    nTemp : int
        Number of grid points in the temperature grid
    Tower : float
        temperature at lower bound of grid (K)
    Tupper : float
        temperature at upper bound of grid (K)
    nDv : int
        Number of grid points in the line width
    DvLower : float
        line width (non-thermal) at lower bound of grid (km/s)
    DvUpper : float
        line width (non-thermal) at upper bound of grid (km/s)


    if Democracy:
        raise Exception("No despotic install found.  Cannot build grids")

    core = cloud(fileName="protostellarCore.desp", verbose=True)

    nlower = logDensLower
    nupper = logDensUpper

    Nlower = logColLower
    Nupper = logColUpper

    Temps = np.linspace(Tlower, Tupper, nTemp)
    Cols = 1e1**np.linspace(Nlower, Nupper, nCol)
    Densities = 1e1**(np.linspace(nlower, nupper, nDens))
    LineWidth = np.linspace(DvLower, DvUpper, nDv)

    outtable = Table(names = ['Tex_303_202', 'Tex_322_221', 'Tex_321_220',
                              'tau_303_202', 'tau_322_221', 'tau_321_220',
                              'Temperature', 'Column', 'nH2', 'sigmaNT'])

    TempArr, ColArr, DensArr, DvArr = np.meshgrid(Temps,

    for T, N, n, dv in ProgressBar(zip(TempArr.flatten(),
        core.colDen = N/ph2coAbund
        core.Tg = T
        core.Td = T
        core.nH = n
        core.sigmaNT = dv
        lines = core.lineLum('p-h2co')
        outtable[-1]['Tex_303_202'] = lines[2]['Tex']
        outtable[-1]['tau_303_202'] = lines[2]['tau']
        outtable[-1]['Tex_322_221'] = lines[9]['Tex']
        outtable[-1]['tau_322_221'] = lines[9]['tau']
        outtable[-1]['Tex_321_220'] = lines[12]['Tex']
        outtable[-1]['tau_321_220'] = lines[12]['tau']
        outtable[-1]['Temperature'] = T
        outtable[-1]['Column'] = N
        outtable[-1]['nH2'] = n
        outtable[-1]['sigmaNT'] = dv

    outtable.write(gridfile, format='fits',overwrite=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
from despotic import cloud
import numpy
import pylab

specStr = 'CO'

mycloud = cloud()
mycloud.nH = 1.0e5          #gas density
mycloud.colDen = 2.0e22     #cloud column density
mycloud.sigmaNT = 4.0e5     #non-thermal velocity despersion 

mycloud.comp.xoH2 = 0.1     #ortho-H2 composition, xoH2 molecule per H nucleus
mycloud.comp.xpH2 = 0.4     #para-H2 composition, xpH2 molecule per H nucleus

mycloud.Tg = None           #cloud gas kinetic temperature
mycloud.Td = 0.0            #cloud dust temperature

mycloud.addEmitter(specStr, 1.0e-7)  #abudnace of the emitting species per H nucleus

mycloud.Tg = 40.0 
lines1 = mycloud.lineLum(specStr)

mycloud.Tg = 400.0 
lines2 = mycloud.lineLum(specStr)

u1 = [l['upper'] for l in lines1]
inten1 = numpy.array([l['intIntensity'] for l in lines1]) #intensity after subtracting the CMB contributuin

u2 = [l['upper'] for l in lines2]
inten2 = numpy.array([l['intIntensity'] for l in lines2])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def build_despotic_grids(gridfile='ph2co_grid_despotic.fits', ph2coAbund=1e-8,
                         nDens=21, logDensLower=2.0, logDensUpper=6.0,
                         nCol=21, logColLower=11.0, logColUpper=15.0,
                         nTemp=51, Tlower=10.0, Tupper=300.0,
                         nDv=5, DvLower=1.0, DvUpper=5.0):
    Generates grids of p-H2CO line intensities using Despotic.  Outputs a astropy Table.

    gridfile : string
        Name of grid file to output.
    ph2coAbund : float
        Fractional abundance of p-H2CO
    nDens : int
        Number of grid points in the volume density
    logDensLower : float
        log of volume density at lower bound of grid (log(n/cm**-3))
    logDensUpper : float
        log of volume density at upper bound of grid (log(n/cm**-3))
    nCol : int
        Number of grid points in the column density
    logColLower : float
        log of column density of p-H2CO at lower bound of grid (log(N/cm**-2))
    logColUpper : float
        log of column density of p-H2CO at upper bound of grid (log(N/cm**-2))
    nTemp : int
        Number of grid points in the temperature grid
    Tower : float
        temperature at lower bound of grid (K)
    Tupper : float
        temperature at upper bound of grid (K)
    nDv : int
        Number of grid points in the line width
    DvLower : float
        line width (non-thermal) at lower bound of grid (km/s)
    DvUpper : float
        line width (non-thermal) at upper bound of grid (km/s)


    if Democracy:
        raise Exception("No despotic install found.  Cannot build grids")

    core = cloud(fileName="protostellarCore.desp", verbose=True)

    nlower = logDensLower
    nupper = logDensUpper

    Nlower = logColLower
    Nupper = logColUpper

    Temps = np.linspace(Tlower, Tupper, nTemp)
    Cols = 1e1**np.linspace(Nlower, Nupper, nCol)
    Densities = 1e1**(np.linspace(nlower, nupper, nDens))
    LineWidth = np.linspace(DvLower, DvUpper, nDv)

    outtable = Table(names = ['Tex_303_202', 'Tex_322_221', 'Tex_321_220',
                              'tau_303_202', 'tau_322_221', 'tau_321_220',
                              'Temperature', 'Column', 'nH2', 'sigmaNT'])

    TempArr, ColArr, DensArr, DvArr = np.meshgrid(Temps,

    for T, N, n, dv in ProgressBar(zip(TempArr.flatten(),
        core.colDen = N/ph2coAbund
        core.Tg = T
        core.Td = T
        core.nH = n
        core.sigmaNT = dv
        lines = core.lineLum('p-h2co')
        outtable[-1]['Tex_303_202'] = lines[2]['Tex']
        outtable[-1]['tau_303_202'] = lines[2]['tau']
        outtable[-1]['Tex_322_221'] = lines[9]['Tex']
        outtable[-1]['tau_322_221'] = lines[9]['tau']
        outtable[-1]['Tex_321_220'] = lines[12]['Tex']
        outtable[-1]['tau_321_220'] = lines[12]['tau']
        outtable[-1]['Temperature'] = T
        outtable[-1]['Column'] = N
        outtable[-1]['nH2'] = n
        outtable[-1]['sigmaNT'] = dv

    outtable.write(gridfile, format='fits',overwrite=True)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,
        """ __init__(emitter_abundances, emitter_lines, dens_func, ps,
                     Reff=None, sigmaNT=2.0e5, Tg=10., xoH2=0.1, xpH2=0.4,
                     xHe=0.1, min_col=19, max_col=24, steps=11)

        Initialise a CoGObj

        emitter_abundances : dict
            A dictionary whose keys are species name strings and whose
            values are relative abundances
        emitter_lines : dict
            A dictionary whose keys are species name strings and whose
            values are lists of lines needed (ordered by freq for each
        dens_func : DensityFunc or derived
            The mean density function of the cloud
        ps : IsmPowerspec or derived
            The power spectrum within the cloud.
        Reff : float
            The effective radius of the cloud used when estimating
            escape probabilities. Default is None, which implies
            size set by column density and nH.
        sigmaNT : float
            Non-thermal velocity dispersion
        Tg : float
            Gas temperature in Kelvin
        xoH2 : float
            relative abundance of ortho-H2
        xpH2 : float
            relative abundance of para-H2
        xHe : float
            relative abundance of He
        min_col : float
            The minimum log10 of the column density of H nuclei in cm^-2
            to be used
        max_col : float
            The maximum log10 of the column density of H nuclei in cm^-2
            to be used
        steps : int
            The number of steps used when finding the CoG

        # setup cloud

        self.cloud = dp.cloud()

        # check dens_func and ps types
        if not isinstance(dens_func, density.UniformDensityFunc):
            raise NotImplementedError("Currently only implemented with "
                                      "UniformDensityFunc density function "
        if not isinstance(ps, powerspec.SM14Powerspec):
            raise NotImplementedError("Currently only implemented with"
                                      "SM14Powerspec power-spectrum instances")

        self.dens_func = dens_func
        self.ps = ps

        self.cloud.sigmaNT = sigmaNT
        self.cloud.Tg = Tg
        self.cloud.comp.xoH2 = xoH2
        self.cloud.comp.xpH2 = xpH2
        self.cloud.comp.xHe = xHe

        # Set some derived cloud params

        self.cloud.nH = self.dens_func.dens_0
        self.depth = self.dens_func.half_width * 2.
        self.cloud.colDen = self.dens_func.integral() * parsec

        if Reff is not None:
            self.cloud.Reff = Reff
            self.cloud.Reff = self.depth

        var_R = ps.outer_integral(1. / self.cloud.Reff)

        self.cloud.cfac = var_R / pow(self.cloud.nH, 2) + 1.

        # add emitters

        for emitter in emitter_abundances:
            self.cloud.addEmitter(emitter, emitter_abundances[emitter])

        # set up dicts and arrays needed

        cols = np.linspace(min_col, max_col, steps)

        TB_dict = {}
        emitter_trans = {}
        for emitter in emitter_lines:
            TB_dict[emitter] = {}
            emitter_trans[emitter] = [
                np.array(emitter_lines[emitter]) + 1,
            for line in emitter_lines[emitter]:
                TB_dict[emitter][line] = np.zeros(steps)

        # Find values

        for i, col in enumerate(cols):
            self.cloud.colDen = math.pow(10, col)
            self.cloud.nH = self.cloud.colDen / (self.depth * parsec)
            for emitter in emitter_lines:
                lines_dicts = self.cloud.lineLum(
                    emitter, kt07=True, transition=emitter_trans[emitter])
                for line in emitter_lines[emitter]:
                    TB_dict[emitter][line][i] = (lines_dicts[

        # Fit splines

        self.splines = {}
        for emitter in emitter_lines:
            self.splines[emitter] = {}
            for line in emitter_lines[emitter]:
                self.splines[emitter][line] = (InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
                    cols, TB_dict[emitter][line]))
Ejemplo n.º 13
# plots graphical representations of the matrices at various points in
# the procedues DESPOTIC uses to render them calculable.

# Import libraries
from despotic import cloud
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Program code

# Construct a test cloud
cloud = cloud()

# Assign density, gas temperature, abundances; they're all we need for
# this test. Just use pure para-H2 for simplicity.
cloud.nH = 1e3
cloud.comp.xpH2 = 0.5
cloud.Tg = 10.0

# Add three exmaple emitters; abundance values don't matter for this
# example, so just set them to 1
cloud.addEmitter('co', 1.0)
cloud.addEmitter('c+', 1.0, extrap=True, emitterURL='*****@*****.**')
cloud.addEmitter('o-nh3', 1.0, extrap=True)

# Compute level populations for optically thin cloud with no clumping;
# get back the dict containing diagnostic information
Ejemplo n.º 14
# Import the despotic library
from despotic import cloud

# Import standard python libraries
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
#from despotic.chemistry import NL99
from despotic.chemistry import NL99_GC


# Read the Test Cloud file
#testcloud = cloud(fileName='../cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')
testcloud = cloud(fileName='../cloudfiles/testcloud.desp')

#if want interactive mode:
#import code

#from despotic.chemistry import abundanceDict

# Lower the CR ionization rate so that a fully CO composition becomes
# possible
testcloud.rad.ionRate = 2e-17

# Raise the temperature to 20 K
testcloud.Tg = 20.0
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(
            'ph2': 990,
            'oh2': 10
        Interface to DESPOTIC

        collider_densities: dict
            Dictionary giving the volume densities of the collider(s) in units of
            cm^-3.  Valid entries are h2,oh2,ph2,e,He,H,H+.  The keys are
        temperature: float
            Local gas temperature in K
        species: str
            A string specifying a valid chemical species.  This is used to look
            up the specified molecule
        hcolumn: float
            The total column density of hydrogen.
        abundance: float
            The molecule's abundance relative to H (NOT H2 as is normally done!).
        tbackground: float
            Background radiation temperature (e.g., CMB)
        deltav: float
            The FWHM line width (really, the single-zone velocity width to
            scale the column density by: this is most sensibly interpreted as a
            velocity gradient (dv/dR))
        sigmaNT: float
            Nonthermal velocity dispersion
            (this is strictly ignored - deltav IS sigmant)
        datapath: str
            Path to the molecular data files

        import despotic

        self.cloud = despotic.cloud()
        self.cloud.nH = float(
                collider_densities[k] *
                2 if 'h2' in k.lower() else collider_densities[k]
                for k in collider_densities

        for k in collider_densities.keys():
            collider_densities[k.lower()] = collider_densities[k]

        if 'ph2' in collider_densities:
            self.cloud.comp.xpH2 = collider_densities['ph2'] / self.cloud.nH
        if 'oh2' in collider_densities:
            self.cloud.comp.xoH2 = collider_densities['oh2'] / self.cloud.nH

        self.cloud.Td = uvalue(temperature, u.K)
        self.cloud.Tg = uvalue(temperature, u.K)
        self.cloud.dust.sigma10 = 0.0

        self.cloud.colDen = uvalue(hcolumn, u.cm**-2)

        if uvalue(tbackground, u.K) > 2.7315:
            self.cloud.rad.TradDust = uvalue(tbackground, u.K)

        self.species = species
        if datapath is None:
            emitterFile = species + '.dat'
            emitterFile = os.path.expanduser(
                os.path.join(datapath, species + '.dat'))
        self.cloud.addEmitter(species, abundance, emitterFile=emitterFile)


        self.escapeProbGeom = escapeProbGeom

        self.deltav = deltav
Ejemplo n.º 16
def despotify(pcube, vcube, vgrid, voxel_size=3.08e18, species='o-h2co',
              cloud=None, cloudfile='MilkyWayGMC.desp', cloudfile_path=None,
    Turn a simulated ppp cube into a ppv cube using despotic for the radiative

    Note that it is "despot-ify", not "de-spotify".

    pcube : np.ndarray
        3-dimensional array containing values with units of density in n(H2) cm^-3
    vcube : np.ndarray
        3-dimensional array containing Z-velocity values, i.e. the velocity
        should be in the direction of the 0'th axis (because python arrays are
        inverted).  Expected unit is km/s, but it doesn't matter as long as the
        velocity units match the vgrid units
    vgrid : np.ndarray
        1-dimensional array containing the output velocity grid.  Must have
        same units as vcube.
    voxel_size : float
        1-dimensional size of a voxel in cm.  Used to convert from density to
    species : str
        A string identifying the LAMDA species name, e.g. 'o-h2co', 'co', etc.
    cloud : None or despotic.cloud
        Can pass in a despotic cloud instance that will be modified by the
        specified cube density.  Otherwise, will be read from file.
    cloudfile : str
        The filename specifying the default cloud file to use
    cloudfile_path : str or None
        If none, defaults to despotic.__path__/cloudfiles/
    output_linenumbers : iterable
        A list of integer indices for which line numbers should be output as
    output_properties : iterable
        A list of strings identifying the line properties to output as cubes

    A data cube of dimensions [velocity,position,position] for each line in
    output_linenumbers for each property in output_properties

    if pcube.shape != vcube.shape:
        raise ValueError('Cube Size mismatch: {0},{1}'.format(str(pcube.shape),
    if vgrid.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('Velocity grid must be 1-dimensional')

    imshape = pcube.shape[1:]
    outcubeshape = (vgrid.size,) + imshape
    nelts = vgrid.size

    vinds = np.empty(vcube.shape, dtype='int64')
    # not needed
    # volume_spectra = np.empty(outcubeshape)
    # dens_spectra = np.empty(outcubeshape)
    for jj,kk in np.ndindex(imshape):
        vinds[:,jj,kk] = np.digitize(vcube[:,jj,kk], vgrid)
    #     volume_spectra[:,jj,kk] = np.bincount(vinds[:,jj,kk], minlength=nelts)
    #     dens_spectra[:,jj,kk] = np.bincount(vinds[:,jj,kk],
    #             weights=pcube[:,jj,kk],
    #             minlength=nelts)

    cloudfile_path = cloudfile_path or despotic.__path__[0]+"/cloudfiles/"

    if cloud is None:
        cloud = despotic.cloud(fileName="{0}/{1}".format(cloudfile_path,

        from progressbar import ProgressBar,Percentage,Bar
        from progressbar import AdaptiveETA as ETA
    except ImportError:
        from progressbar import ProgressBar,Percentage,Bar
        from progressbar import ETA
    pb = ProgressBar(widgets=[Percentage(), ETA(), Bar()],

    # property cubes prior to gridding have same shape as input cubes
    # use dict() instead of {} for python2.6 compatibility
    prop_cubes = dict([
        ("{0}{1}".format(pr,ln), np.empty(pcube.shape))
        for ln,pr in itertools.product(output_linenumbers, output_properties)])

    for (zi,yi,xi),nH in np.ndenumerate(pcube):
        cloud.nH = pcube[zi,yi,xi]
        cloud.colDen = cloud.nH * voxel_size
        line = cloud.lineLum(species)

        for ln,pr in itertools.product(output_linenumbers,
            key = "{0}{1}".format(pr,ln)
            prop_cubes[key][zi,yi,xi] = line[ln][pr]


    # spectral cubes have outcubeshape
    spectra_cubes = {}
    spectra_cubes = dict([
        ("{0}{1}".format(pr,ln), np.empty(outcubeshape))
        for ln,pr in itertools.product(output_linenumbers, output_properties)])

    for key in prop_cubes:
        for jj,kk in itertools.product(*map(xrange,imshape)):
            spectra_cubes[key][:,jj,kk] = \

    return spectra_cubes,prop_cubes
Ejemplo n.º 17
# Program code

# Constants
import scipy.constants as physcons
kB = physcons.k / physcons.erg
mH = physcons.m_p / physcons.gram
G = physcons.G * 1e3

# Only recompute if we haven't already done the computation
except NameError:

    # Use the Milky Way GMC file as a base, but add C+ and O as emitting species
    gmc = cloud('../cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')
    gmc.addEmitter('c+', 1e-10)
    gmc.addEmitter('o', 1e-4)

    # Set CR ionization rate
    gmc.rad.ionRate = 3e-17

    # Set IR temp to 10 K
    gmc.rad.TradDust = 10.0
    gmc.Td = 10.0

    # Set column density to 10^22 cm^-2
    gmc.colDen = 1.0e22

    # Set initial temperature guess to 20 K
    gmc.Tg = 20.0
Ejemplo n.º 18
def despotify(pcube,
              output_linenumbers=[0, 2],
              output_properties=['tau', 'Tex', 'intTB']):
    Turn a simulated ppp cube into a ppv cube using despotic for the radiative

    Note that it is "despot-ify", not "de-spotify".

    pcube : np.ndarray
        3-dimensional array containing values with units of density in n(H2) cm^-3
    vcube : np.ndarray
        3-dimensional array containing Z-velocity values, i.e. the velocity
        should be in the direction of the 0'th axis (because python arrays are
        inverted).  Expected unit is km/s, but it doesn't matter as long as the
        velocity units match the vgrid units
    vgrid : np.ndarray
        1-dimensional array containing the output velocity grid.  Must have
        same units as vcube.
    voxel_size : float
        1-dimensional size of a voxel in cm.  Used to convert from density to
    species : str
        A string identifying the LAMDA species name, e.g. 'o-h2co', 'co', etc.
    cloud : None or despotic.cloud
        Can pass in a despotic cloud instance that will be modified by the
        specified cube density.  Otherwise, will be read from file.
    cloudfile : str
        The filename specifying the default cloud file to use
    cloudfile_path : str or None
        If none, defaults to despotic.__path__/cloudfiles/
    output_linenumbers : iterable
        A list of integer indices for which line numbers should be output as
    output_properties : iterable
        A list of strings identifying the line properties to output as cubes

    A data cube of dimensions [velocity,position,position] for each line in
    output_linenumbers for each property in output_properties

    if pcube.shape != vcube.shape:
        raise ValueError('Cube Size mismatch: {0},{1}'.format(
            str(pcube.shape), str(vcube.shape)))
    if vgrid.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('Velocity grid must be 1-dimensional')

    imshape = pcube.shape[1:]
    outcubeshape = (vgrid.size, ) + imshape
    nelts = vgrid.size

    vinds = np.empty(vcube.shape, dtype='int64')
    # not needed
    # volume_spectra = np.empty(outcubeshape)
    # dens_spectra = np.empty(outcubeshape)
    for jj, kk in np.ndindex(imshape):
        vinds[:, jj, kk] = np.digitize(vcube[:, jj, kk], vgrid)
    #     volume_spectra[:,jj,kk] = np.bincount(vinds[:,jj,kk], minlength=nelts)
    #     dens_spectra[:,jj,kk] = np.bincount(vinds[:,jj,kk],
    #             weights=pcube[:,jj,kk],
    #             minlength=nelts)

    cloudfile_path = cloudfile_path or despotic.__path__[0] + "/cloudfiles/"

    if cloud is None:
        cloud = despotic.cloud(
            fileName="{0}/{1}".format(cloudfile_path, cloudfile))

        from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar
        from progressbar import AdaptiveETA as ETA
    except ImportError:
        from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar
        from progressbar import ETA
    pb = ProgressBar(widgets=[Percentage(), ETA(), Bar()],

    # property cubes prior to gridding have same shape as input cubes
    # use dict() instead of {} for python2.6 compatibility
    prop_cubes = dict([
        ("{0}{1}".format(pr, ln), np.empty(pcube.shape))
        for ln, pr in itertools.product(output_linenumbers, output_properties)

    for (zi, yi, xi), nH in np.ndenumerate(pcube):
        cloud.nH = pcube[zi, yi, xi]
        cloud.colDen = cloud.nH * voxel_size
        line = cloud.lineLum(species)

        for ln, pr in itertools.product(output_linenumbers, output_properties):
            key = "{0}{1}".format(pr, ln)
            prop_cubes[key][zi, yi, xi] = line[ln][pr]

        pb.update(pb.currval + 1)

    # spectral cubes have outcubeshape
    spectra_cubes = {}
    spectra_cubes = dict([
        ("{0}{1}".format(pr, ln), np.empty(outcubeshape))
        for ln, pr in itertools.product(output_linenumbers, output_properties)

    for key in prop_cubes:
        for jj, kk in itertools.product(*map(xrange, imshape)):
            spectra_cubes[key][:,jj,kk] = \

    return spectra_cubes, prop_cubes
Ejemplo n.º 19
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants
import paths
from paths import fpath
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
import pprint

# Import the despotic library and the NL99 network; also import numpy
from despotic import cloud
import despotic
import os
import numpy as np

# Use the Milky Way GMC file as a base

from despotic.chemistry import NL99
# gmc.setChemEq(network=NL99)

def turb_heating_generator(lengthscale=1*u.pc, turbulence=True):
    def turb_heating(cloud, lengthscale=lengthscale):
        """ Turbulent heating rate depends on cloud linewidth
        (sigma_nonthermal) and driving scale of the turbulence
        DESPOTIC wants units of erg/s/H (per hydrogen), so the turbulent
        heating rate n sigma^3 / L is divided by n to get just sigma^3/L
        if turbulence:
            gamturb = (1.4 * constants.m_p *
                       (0.5*3**1.5 * (cloud.sigmaNT*u.cm/u.s)**3 / (lengthscale)))
            return [(gamturb).to(u.erg/u.s).value, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 20
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants
from astropy.table import Table
import paths
from paths import fpath
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
import pprint

# Import the despotic library and the NL99 network; also import numpy
from despotic import cloud
import despotic
import os
import numpy as np

# Use the Milky Way GMC file as a base
gmc = cloud('cloud.desp')

from despotic.chemistry import NL99
# gmc.setChemEq(network=NL99)

def turb_heating_generator(lengthscale=1 * u.pc, turbulence=True):
    def turb_heating(cloud, lengthscale=lengthscale):
        """ Turbulent heating rate depends on cloud linewidth
        (sigma_nonthermal) and driving scale of the turbulence
        DESPOTIC wants units of erg/s/H (per hydrogen), so the turbulent
        heating rate n sigma^3 / L is divided by n to get just sigma^3/L

        MacLow 1999, 2002, 2004 gives exactly:
            3e-27 erg cm^-3 s^-1 (n/1 cm^3) (v/10 km/s)**3 (L/100 pc)**-1
        Ours is higher by the factor 3^1.5 = 5, which is the conversion from 1D
Ejemplo n.º 21
cloud_mass = 1e4 # msun
box_area = 10. # pc
vox_length = box_area * 3.08e18 / 256.
total_density = pppcube.sum()
# H2 cm^-3
cloud_mean_density = cloud_mass * 2e33/2.8/1.67e-24 / (total_density * vox_length**3)

# start with simple case
x,y = 128,128
nelts = 100
expand = 1
vgrid = np.linspace(ppvcube.min(),ppvcube.max(),nelts)
vdata = ppvcube[:,y-expand:y+expand+1,x-expand:x+expand+1]
pdata = pppcube[:,y-expand:y+expand+1,x-expand:x+expand+1] * cloud_mean_density

gmc = cloud(fileName='/Users/adam/repos/despotic/cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')

gmc.sigmaNT = 1e5 # cm/s, instead of 2 as default
gmc.Tg = 20. # start at 20 instead of 15 K
gmc.Td = 20.

# add ortho-h2co
gmc.addEmitter('o-h2co', 1e-9)

spectra,props = despotify(pdata, vdata, vgrid, vox_length, cloud=gmc)

onedshape = vgrid.shape + (np.prod(spectra[spectra.keys()[0]].shape[1:]),)
for ii,key in enumerate(spectra):
    pl.plot(vgrid, spectra[key].reshape(onedshape), label=key)
Ejemplo n.º 22
# User-settable options

# Set up a range of densities
lognHgrid = np.arange(2, 6.01, 0.2)

# Specify whether verbose printing while running is desired
verbose = True

# Program code

# Read the protostellar core file
core = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/protostellarCore.desp', verbose=True)

# Check if we have saved work
    # Load pickle files
    inFile = open('coreTemp_Tg.pkl', 'rb')
    Tg = pickle.load(inFile)
    inFile = open('coreTemp_Td.pkl', 'rb')
    Td = pickle.load(inFile)
    inFile = open('coreTemp_rates.pkl', 'rb')
    rates = pickle.load(inFile)
    startIdx = len(Tg)  # Point at which to restart
except IOError:
Ejemplo n.º 23
# Program code

# Constants
import scipy.constants as physcons
kB = physcons.k/physcons.erg
mH = physcons.m_p/physcons.gram
G = physcons.G*1e3

# Only recompute if we haven't already done the computation
except NameError:

    # Use the Milky Way GMC file as a base, but add C+ and O as emitting species
    gmc.addEmitter('c+', 1e-10)
    gmc.addEmitter('o', 1e-4)

    # Set CR ionization rate
    gmc.rad.ionRate = 3e-17

    # Set IR temp to 10 K
    gmc.rad.TradDust = 10.0
    gmc.Td = 10.0

    # Set column density to 10^22 cm^-2
    gmc.colDen = 1.0e22

    # Set initial temperature guess to 20 K
    gmc.Tg = 20.0
Ejemplo n.º 24
# User-settable options

# Set up a range of densities
lognHgrid = np.arange(2, 6.01, 0.2)

# Specify whether verbose printing while running is desired
verbose = True

# Program code

# Read the protostellar core file
core = cloud(fileName="cloudfiles/protostellarCore.desp", verbose=True)

# Check if we have saved work
    # Load pickle files
    inFile = open("coreTemp_Tg.pkl", "rb")
    Tg = pickle.load(inFile)
    inFile = open("coreTemp_Td.pkl", "rb")
    Td = pickle.load(inFile)
    inFile = open("coreTemp_rates.pkl", "rb")
    rates = pickle.load(inFile)
    startIdx = len(Tg)  # Point at which to restart
except IOError:
Ejemplo n.º 25
Created on Wed Sep 20 07:14:25 2017

@author: kaytemori

#Automate despotic GMC property finding to calculate the CO(1-0), CO(2-1) line
#brightness ('intTb' in the despotic lines) and plot these brightnesses for
#the despotic GMC model as a function of temperature for T= 5 K to 100 K
#(T = 5, 10, 15, ... 100 K).

from despotic import cloud
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

gmc = cloud(fileName="MilkyWayGMC.desp", verbose=True)

lines = gmc.lineLum("co")

T = np.linspace(5, 100, 20)

co10 = np.zeros(T.size)
co21 = np.zeros(T.size)

for i, temp in enumerate(T):
    gmc.Tg = temp
    lines = gmc.lineLum("co")
    co10[i] = lines[0]["intTB"]
    co21[i] = lines[1]["intTB"]
Ejemplo n.º 26
vox_length = box_area * 3.08e18 / 256.
total_density = pppcube.sum()
# H2 cm^-3
cloud_mean_density = cloud_mass * 2e33 / 2.8 / 1.67e-24 / (total_density *

# start with simple case
x, y = 128, 128
nelts = 100
expand = 0
vgrid = np.linspace(ppvcube.min(), ppvcube.max(), nelts)
vdata = ppvcube[:100, y - expand:y + expand + 1, x - expand:x + expand + 1]
pdata = pppcube[:100, y - expand:y + expand + 1,
                x - expand:x + expand + 1] * cloud_mean_density

gmc = cloud(fileName='/Users/adam/repos/despotic/cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')

gmc.sigmaNT = 1e5  # cm/s, instead of 2 as default
gmc.Tg = 20.  # start at 20 instead of 15 K
gmc.Td = 20.

# add ortho-h2co
gmc.addEmitter('o-h2co', 1e-9)

spectra, props = despotify(pdata, vdata, vgrid, vox_length, cloud=gmc)

onedshape = vgrid.shape + (np.prod(spectra[spectra.keys()[0]].shape[1:]), )
for key in spectra:
    pl.plot(vgrid, spectra[key].reshape(onedshape), label=key)