def addAdsorbate(constraint="1"): constrnts = AND([COMPLETED, RELAX, SURFACE, SYMMETRIC(False), constraint]) ads = {'H': ['O1']} details.load('finaltraj_pckl', constrnts) output = dbase.query(['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl'], constrnts) question = 'Are you sure you want to add adsorbates to %d slabs?' % len( output) if ask(question): for fw, paramStr, ftraj in output: params = json.loads(paramStr) newsurf = surfFuncs.adsorbedSurface( ftraj, json.loads(params['facet_json']), ads) if jobs.assignJob(params).spinpol(): newsurf.set_initial_magnetic_moments([ 3 if e in misc.magElems else 0 for e in newsurf.get_chemical_symbols() ]) ase.visualize.view(newsurf) params['name'] += '_' + printAds(ads) params['surfparent'] = fw params['inittraj_pckl'] = pickle.dumps(newsurf) params['adsorbates_json'] = json.dumps(ads) job = jobs.assignJob(params) if viz.view(newsurf) question = 'Does this structure look right?\n' + abbreviateDict( params) if ask(question): job.check() job.submit() misc.launch()
def getVibs(constraint="1"): cons = AND([QE, COMPLETED, RELAXORLAT, NONMETAL, constraint]) details.load('finaltraj_pckl', cons) output = dbase.query( ['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl', 'natoms', 'numbers_pckl'], cons) question = 'Are you sure you want to calculate vibrations for %d structures?' % len( output) if ask(question): newjbs = [] for fwid, paramStr, ftraj, n, ns in output: param = json.loads(paramStr) nums = zip(range(n), pickle.loads(ns)) nonmetal = [x for x, y in nums if y in misc.nonmetals ] #default do vibrations only on nonmetal atoms if len(nonmetal) > 0: param['jobkind'] = 'vib' param['relax'] = fwid param['inittraj_pckl'] = misc.restoreMagmom(ftraj) param['vibids_json'] = json.dumps(nonmetal) param['delta'] = 0.04 job = jobs.assignJob(param) print abbreviateDict(param) if newjbs.append(job) if ask("launch %d new jobs?" % len(newjbs)): for j in newjbs: j.check() j.submit() misc.launch()
def calculateBulkModulus(constraint="1"): details.load(['finaltraj_pckl'], incomplete=False) cons = AND([COMPLETED, LATTICEOPT, constraint]) # necessary for bulkmodulus calc to be valid output = dbase.query(['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl'], cons) question = 'Are you sure you want to calculate bulk modulus for %d structures?' % len( output) if ask(question): newjbs = [] for fwid, paramStr, ftraj in output: param = json.loads(paramStr) del param['xtol'] param['jobkind'] = 'bulkmod' param['strain'] = 0.03 param['relax'] = fwid param['inittraj_pckl'] = misc.restoreMagmom(ftraj) job = jobs.assignJob(param) if newjbs.append(job) if ask("launch %d new jobs?" % len(newjbs)): for j in newjbs: j.check() j.submit() misc.launch()
def setWalltimeUnder40(): """ If too much time was requested accidentally (such that job is stuck in READY), use this to modify the job""" details.load(['walltime']) output = db.query(['fwid','queueadapter'],QOVER40) print "Resetting walltime for %d jobs"%len(output) for fw,fwpckl in output: q=pickle.loads(fwpckl)['spec']['_queueadapter'] q['walltime'] = '39:59' + ':00' if q['walltime'].count(':')>1 else '' lpad.update_spec([fw],{'_queueadapter':q}) misc.launch()
def main(): print "STARTING PLOT:" load = True ### Only do this once (if database doesn't change if load: d.load(d.staticcol, incomplete=False, pairs=True) fig, (ax) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) #(fig,ax) = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=1) plotDict(interstitialEnergy, ax)
def getBareSlab(constraint="1", facet=[1, 1, 1], xy=[1, 1], layers=4, constrained=2, symmetric=0, vacuum=10, vacancies=[]): cons = AND([COMPLETED, LATTICEOPT, constraint]) details.load('finaltraj_pckl', cons) output = dbase.query(['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl'], cons) question = 'Are you sure you want to create bare slabs for %d structures?' % len( output) if ask(question): newjbs = [] for fwid, paramStr, ftraj in output: param = json.loads(paramStr) surf, img = surfFuncs.bulk2surf(ftraj, facet, xy, layers, constrained, symmetric, vacuum, vacancies) param['jobkind'] = 'relax' param['kind'] = 'surface' param['name'] += '_' + ','.join(map(str, facet)) + '_' + 'x'.join( map(str, (xy + [layers]))) param['relax'] = 0 param['bulkparent'] = fwid param['inittraj_pckl'] = pickle.dumps(surf) param['sites_base64'] = img param['facet_json'] = json.dumps(facet) param['xy_json'] = json.dumps(xy) param['layers'] = layers param['constrained'] = constrained param['symmetric'] = symmetric param['vacuum'] = vacuum param['vacancies_json'] = json.dumps(vacancies) param['adsorbates_json'] = json.dumps({}) job = jobs.assignJob(param) if viz.view(surf) question = 'Does this structure look right?\n' + abbreviateDict( param) if ask(question): job.check() job.submit() misc.launch()
def relaunch(cnst = '1',expiration_secs=80000,skip_load=False): """Relaunch timed out jobs and unconverged GPAW jobs""" lpad.detect_lostruns(expiration_secs=expiration_secs, fizzle=True) lpad.detect_unreserved(expiration_secs=3600*24*7, rerun=True) if not skip_load: details.load('status fwpckl status trace',NOTCOMPLETED) unconverged = AND([NOTCOMPLETED,KOHNSHAM,cnst]) timedout = AND([TIMEOUT,NOTKOHN,cnst]) launchflag = False tOutput = db.query(['fwid','fwpckl'],timedout) uOutput = db.query(['fwid','params_json'],unconverged) tQuestion = "Do you want to relaunch %d timed out runs?"%len(tOutput) uQuestion = "Do you want to relaunch %d unconverged jobs?"%len(uOutput) if ask(tQuestion): launchflag = True for fid,fwpckl in tOutput: if lpad.get_fw_dict_by_id(fid)['state']=='FIZZLED': q = pickle.loads(fwpckl)['spec']['_queueadapter'] wallT = q['walltime'] q['walltime'] = doubleTime(wallT) lpad.update_spec([fid],{'_queueadapter':q}) lpad.rerun_fw(fid) else: print ("Wait up to 24 hours to relaunch fwid %d, or change default expiration time for detect_lostruns"%(fid)) if ask(uQuestion): launchflag = True for fw,paramstr in uOutput: p = json.loads(paramstr) p['sigma'] += 0.1 p['mixing'] = p['mixing']*0.5 job= jobs.assignJob(p) if job.check();job.submit() delete(FWID(fw),check=False) readJobs.readJobs() if launchflag: misc.launch() duplicates()
def getXCcontribs(constraint="1"): details.load(['finaltraj_pckl'], incomplete=False) cons = AND([COMPLETED, GPAW, RELAXORLAT, constraint]) output = dbase.query(['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl'], cons) question = 'Are you sure you want to calculate XC contributions for %d structures?' % len( output) if ask(question): newjbs = [] for fwid, paramStr, ftraj in output: param = json.loads(paramStr) param['jobkind'] = 'xc' param['inittraj_pckl'] = misc.restoreMagmom(ftraj) param['relax'] = fwid job = jobs.assignJob(param) if newjbs.append(job) if ask("launch %d new jobs?" % len(newjbs)): for j in newjbs: j.check() j.submit() misc.launch()
def test_costs(self): csv_file = path('detailed_with_tags.csv') total = details.load(csv_file) cols = total.columns for col in cols: self.assertIn(col, COLUMNS) for col in COLUMNS: self.assertIn(col, cols) values = total.values('ProductName') for value in values: self.assertIn(value, SERVICES) for value in SERVICES: self.assertIn(value, values) self.assertEqual(total.cost, decimal.Decimal('0.08805964')) self.assertEqual(total.unblended_cost, decimal.Decimal('0.08805964')) self.assertEqual(total.blended_cost, decimal.Decimal('0.08805964')) ec2 = total.filter([('ProductName', '.*Elastic Compute.*')]) self.assertEqual(ec2.cost, decimal.Decimal('0.08800464')) s3dt = total.filter([('ProductName', '.*Storage.*'), ('UsageType', '.*DataTransfer.*')]) self.assertEqual(s3dt.cost, decimal.Decimal('0.00005964'))
def addInterstitial(constraint="1", load=True, emttol=0.2): inter, num = 'H', 2 cons = AND([COMPLETED, LATTICEOPT, QE, constraint]) if load: details.load(['finaltraj_pckl'], cons) else: readJobs.readJobs() output = dbase.query(['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl'], cons) question = 'Are you sure you want to add interstitials to %d structures?' % len( output) if ask(question): jbs = [] for fwid, paramStr, ftraj in output: param = json.loads(paramStr) spnpl = jobs.assignJob(param).spinpol() param['structure'] = 'triclinic' param['jobkind'] = 'vcrelax' param['relaxed'] = fwid if 'xtol' in param.keys(): del param['xtol'] trajs = [[(pickle.loads(ftraj), '')]] for i in range(num): lastround = trajs[-1] trajs.append([]) for inputtraj, strname in lastround: for newtraj, newname in interstitialFuncs.getInterstitials( inputtraj, inter, spnpl): trajs[-1].append((newtraj, strname + newname)) def modParams(par, trj, nam): p = copy.deepcopy(par) p['name'] += nam p['inittraj_pckl'] = pickle.dumps(trj) return p onelevel = [item for sublist in trajs[1:] for item in sublist] tentativejoblist = [ jobs.assignJob(modParams(param, t, n)) for t, n in onelevel ] addJobs, efilt = [], 0 for j in tentativejoblist: if any([abs(j.emt() - x.emt()) < emttol for x in addJobs]): efilt += 1 else: addJobs.append(j) jbs.extend(addJobs) newjbs = [j for j in jbs if] for j in newjbs: print j.symbols(), j.emt() check = ask( 'Do you want to check %d/%d new jobs? (%d filtered by emt)' % (len(newjbs), len(jbs) + efilt, efilt)) if not check and ask('Do you want to exit?'): return 0 for jb in newjbs: question = 'Does this structure look right?\n' + abbreviateDict( j.params) if check: viz.view(newtraj) if not check or ask(question): jb.check() jb.submit() misc.launch()
def resetDB(): if ask('Do you want to reset all tables?'): print 'wiping db' db.wipeDB(); print 'loading details' details.load('status err_A err_BM')