Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_pinctrl():
    '''Test 'pinctrl-<index>'.'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert str(edt.get_node("/pinctrl/dev").pinctrls) == \
        "[<PinCtrl, name: zero, configuration nodes: []>, <PinCtrl, name: one, configuration nodes: [<Node /pinctrl/pincontroller/state-1 in 'test.dts', no binding>]>, <PinCtrl, name: two, configuration nodes: [<Node /pinctrl/pincontroller/state-1 in 'test.dts', no binding>, <Node /pinctrl/pincontroller/state-2 in 'test.dts', no binding>]>]"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_prop_defaults():
    '''Test property default values given in bindings'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert str(edt.get_node("/defaults").props) == \
        r"OrderedDict([('int', <Property, name: int, type: int, value: 123>), ('array', <Property, name: array, type: array, value: [1, 2, 3]>), ('uint8-array', <Property, name: uint8-array, type: uint8-array, value: b'\x89\xab\xcd'>), ('string', <Property, name: string, type: string, value: 'hello'>), ('string-array', <Property, name: string-array, type: string-array, value: ['hello', 'there']>), ('default-not-used', <Property, name: default-not-used, type: int, value: 234>)])"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_nexus():
    '''Test <prefix>-map via gpio-map (the most common case).'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])
    filename = hpath('test-bindings/gpio-dst.yaml')

    assert str(edt.get_node("/gpio-map/source").props["foo-gpios"]) == \
        f"<Property, name: foo-gpios, type: phandle-array, value: [<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /gpio-map/destination in 'test.dts', binding {filename}>, data: OrderedDict([('val', 6)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /gpio-map/destination in 'test.dts', binding {filename}>, data: OrderedDict([('val', 5)])>]>"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_binding_inference():
    '''Test inferred bindings for special zephyr-specific nodes.'''
    warnings = io.StringIO()
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"], warnings)

    assert str(edt.get_node("/zephyr,user").props) == r"OrderedDict()"

    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"],
    filenames = {
        i: hpath(f'test-bindings/phandle-array-controller-{i}.yaml')
        for i in range(1, 3)

    assert str(edt.get_node("/zephyr,user").props) == \
        rf"OrderedDict([('boolean', <Property, name: boolean, type: boolean, value: True>), ('bytes', <Property, name: bytes, type: uint8-array, value: b'\x81\x82\x83'>), ('number', <Property, name: number, type: int, value: 23>), ('numbers', <Property, name: numbers, type: array, value: [1, 2, 3]>), ('string', <Property, name: string, type: string, value: 'text'>), ('strings', <Property, name: strings, type: string-array, value: ['a', 'b', 'c']>), ('handle', <Property, name: handle, type: phandle, value: <Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>>), ('phandles', <Property, name: phandles, type: phandles, value: [<Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, <Node /ctrl-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>]>), ('phandle-array-foos', <Property, name: phandle-array-foos, type: phandle-array, value: [<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /ctrl-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 1), ('two', 2)])>]>)])"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_include():
    '''Test 'include:' and the legacy 'inherits: !include ...' in bindings'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert str(edt.get_node("/binding-include").description) == \
        "Parent binding"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/binding-include").props) == \
        "OrderedDict([('foo', <Property, name: foo, type: int, value: 0>), ('bar', <Property, name: bar, type: int, value: 1>), ('baz', <Property, name: baz, type: int, value: 2>), ('qaz', <Property, name: qaz, type: int, value: 3>)])"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_dependencies():
    ''''Test dependency relations'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test-multidir.dts",
                         ["test-bindings", "test-bindings-2"])

    assert edt.get_node("/").dep_ordinal == 0
    assert edt.get_node("/in-dir-1").dep_ordinal == 1
    assert edt.get_node("/") in edt.get_node("/in-dir-1").depends_on
    assert edt.get_node("/in-dir-1") in edt.get_node("/").required_by
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_multi_bindings():
    '''Test having multiple directories with bindings'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test-multidir.dts",
                         ["test-bindings", "test-bindings-2"])

    assert str(edt.get_node("/in-dir-1").binding_path) == \

    assert str(edt.get_node("/in-dir-2").binding_path) == \
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_child_index():
    '''Test Node.child_index.'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    parent, child_1, child_2 = [
        for path in ("/parent", "/parent/child-1", "/parent/child-2")
    assert parent.child_index(child_1) == 0
    assert parent.child_index(child_2) == 1
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_props():
    '''Test Node.props (derived from DT and 'properties:' in the binding)'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])
    filenames = {
        i: hpath(f'test-bindings/phandle-array-controller-{i}.yaml')
        for i in range(0, 4)

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["int"]) == \
        "<Property, name: int, type: int, value: 1>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["existent-boolean"]) == \
        "<Property, name: existent-boolean, type: boolean, value: True>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["nonexistent-boolean"]) == \
        "<Property, name: nonexistent-boolean, type: boolean, value: False>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["array"]) == \
        "<Property, name: array, type: array, value: [1, 2, 3]>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["uint8-array"]) == \
        r"<Property, name: uint8-array, type: uint8-array, value: b'\x124'>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["string"]) == \
        "<Property, name: string, type: string, value: 'foo'>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["string-array"]) == \
        "<Property, name: string-array, type: string-array, value: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["phandle-ref"]) == \
        f"<Property, name: phandle-ref, type: phandle, value: <Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["phandle-refs"]) == \
        f"<Property, name: phandle-refs, type: phandles, value: [<Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, <Node /ctrl-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>]>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["phandle-array-foos"]) == \
        f"<Property, name: phandle-array-foos, type: phandle-array, value: [<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 1)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /ctrl-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 2), ('two', 3)])>]>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props-2").props["phandle-array-foos"]) == \
        ("<Property, name: phandle-array-foos, type: phandle-array, value: ["
         f"<ControllerAndData, name: a, controller: <Node /ctrl-0-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[0]}>, data: OrderedDict()>, "
         "None, "
         f"<ControllerAndData, name: b, controller: <Node /ctrl-0-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[0]}>, data: OrderedDict()>]>")

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["foo-gpios"]) == \
        f"<Property, name: foo-gpios, type: phandle-array, value: [<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, data: OrderedDict([('gpio-one', 1)])>]>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/props").props["path"]) == \
        f"<Property, name: path, type: path, value: <Node /ctrl-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>>"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def verify_error(dts, dts_file, expected_err):
    # Verifies that parsing a file 'dts_file' with the contents 'dts'
    # (a string) raises an EDTError with the message 'expected_err'.
    # The path 'dts_file' is written with the string 'dts' before the
    # test is run.

    with open(dts_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        f.flush()  # Can't have unbuffered text IO, so flush() instead

    with pytest.raises(edtlib.EDTError) as e:
        edtlib.EDT(dts_file, [])

    assert str(e.value) == expected_err
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_reg():
    '''Tests for the regs property'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-zero-address-cells/node").regs) == \
        "[<Register, size: 0x1>, <Register, size: 0x2>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-zero-size-cells/node").regs) == \
        "[<Register, addr: 0x1>, <Register, addr: 0x2>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-ranges/parent/node").regs) == \
        "[<Register, addr: 0x5, size: 0x1>, <Register, addr: 0xe0000000f, size: 0x1>, <Register, addr: 0xc0000000e, size: 0x1>, <Register, addr: 0xc0000000d, size: 0x1>, <Register, addr: 0xa0000000b, size: 0x1>, <Register, addr: 0x0, size: 0x1>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-nested-ranges/grandparent/parent/node").regs) == \
        "[<Register, addr: 0x30000000200000001, size: 0x1>]"
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_child_binding():
    '''Test 'child-binding:' in bindings'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])
    child1 = edt.get_node("/child-binding/child-1")
    child2 = edt.get_node("/child-binding/child-2")
    grandchild = edt.get_node("/child-binding/child-1/grandchild")

    assert str(
        child1.binding_path) == hpath("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml")
    assert str(child1.description) == "child node"
    assert str(
    ) == "OrderedDict([('child-prop', <Property, name: child-prop, type: int, value: 1>)])"

    assert str(
        child2.binding_path) == hpath("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml")
    assert str(child2.description) == "child node"
    assert str(
    ) == "OrderedDict([('child-prop', <Property, name: child-prop, type: int, value: 3>)])"

    assert str(
        grandchild.binding_path) == hpath("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml")
    assert str(grandchild.description) == "grandchild node"
    assert str(
    ) == "OrderedDict([('grandchild-prop', <Property, name: grandchild-prop, type: int, value: 2>)])"

    with from_here():
        binding_file = Path("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml").resolve()
        top = edtlib.Binding(binding_file, {})
    child = top.child_binding
    assert Path(top.path) == binding_file
    assert Path(child.path) == binding_file
    assert top.compatible == 'top-binding'
    assert child.compatible is None

    with from_here():
        binding_file = Path(
        top = edtlib.Binding(binding_file, {})
    child = top.child_binding
    assert Path(top.path) == binding_file
    assert Path(child.path) == binding_file
    assert top.compatible == 'top-binding-with-compat'
    assert child.compatible == 'child-compat'
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_hierarchy():
    '''Test Node.parent and Node.children'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert edt.get_node("/").parent is None

    assert str(edt.get_node("/parent/child-1").parent) == \
        "<Node /parent in 'test.dts', no binding>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/parent/child-2/grandchild").parent) == \
        "<Node /parent/child-2 in 'test.dts', no binding>"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/parent").children) == \
        "OrderedDict([('child-1', <Node /parent/child-1 in 'test.dts', no binding>), ('child-2', <Node /parent/child-2 in 'test.dts', no binding>)])"

    assert edt.get_node("/parent/child-1").children == {}
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_warnings(caplog):
    '''Tests for situations that should cause warnings.'''

    with from_here():
        edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    enums_hpath = hpath('test-bindings/enums.yaml')
    expected_warnings = [
        f"'oldprop' is marked as deprecated in 'properties:' in {hpath('test-bindings/deprecated.yaml')} for node /test-deprecated.",
        "unit address and first address in 'reg' (0x1) don't match for /reg-zero-size-cells/node",
        "unit address and first address in 'reg' (0x5) don't match for /reg-ranges/parent/node",
        "unit address and first address in 'reg' (0x30000000200000001) don't match for /reg-nested-ranges/grandparent/parent/node",
        f"compatible 'enums' in binding '{enums_hpath}' has non-tokenizable enum for property 'string-enum': 'foo bar', 'foo_bar'",
        f"compatible 'enums' in binding '{enums_hpath}' has enum for property 'tokenizable-lower-enum' that is only tokenizable in lowercase: 'bar', 'BAR'",
    assert caplog.record_tuples == [('devicetree.edtlib', WARNING,
                                    for warning_message in expected_warnings]
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_bus():
    '''Test 'bus:' and 'on-bus:' in bindings'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus").bus == "foo"

    # foo-bus does not itself appear on a bus
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus").on_bus is None
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus").bus_node is None

    # foo-bus/node1 is not a bus node...
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node1").bus is None
    # ...but is on a bus
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node1").on_bus == "foo"
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node1").bus_node.path == \

    # foo-bus/node2 is not a bus node...
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node2").bus is None
    # ...but is on a bus
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node2").on_bus == "foo"

    # no-bus-node is not a bus node...
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/no-bus-node").bus is None
    # ... and is not on a bus
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/no-bus-node").on_bus is None

    # Same compatible string, but different bindings from being on different
    # buses
    assert str(edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node1").binding_path) == \
    assert str(edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node2").binding_path) == \
    assert str(edt.get_node("/buses/bar-bus/node").binding_path) == \
    assert str(edt.get_node("/buses/no-bus-node").binding_path) == \

    # foo-bus/node/nested also appears on the foo-bus bus
    assert edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node1/nested").on_bus == "foo"
    assert str(edt.get_node("/buses/foo-bus/node1/nested").binding_path) == \
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_interrupts():
    '''Tests for the interrupts property.'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])
    filenames = {
        i: hpath(f'test-bindings/interrupt-{i}-cell.yaml')
        for i in range(1, 4)

    assert str(edt.get_node("/interrupt-parent-test/node").interrupts) == \
        f"[<ControllerAndData, name: foo, controller: <Node /interrupt-parent-test/controller in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[3]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 1), ('two', 2), ('three', 3)])>, <ControllerAndData, name: bar, controller: <Node /interrupt-parent-test/controller in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[3]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 4), ('two', 5), ('three', 6)])>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/interrupts-extended-test/node").interrupts) == \
        f"[<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupts-extended-test/controller-0 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 1)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupts-extended-test/controller-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 2), ('two', 3)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupts-extended-test/controller-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[3]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 4), ('two', 5), ('three', 6)])>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/interrupt-map-test/node@0").interrupts) == \
        f"[<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-test/controller-0 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 0)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-test/controller-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 0), ('two', 1)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-test/controller-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[3]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 0), ('two', 0), ('three', 2)])>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/interrupt-map-test/node@1").interrupts) == \
        f"[<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-test/controller-0 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[1]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 3)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-test/controller-1 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 0), ('two', 4)])>, <ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-test/controller-2 in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[3]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 0), ('two', 0), ('three', 5)])>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/interrupt-map-bitops-test/node@70000000E").interrupts) == \
        f"[<ControllerAndData, controller: <Node /interrupt-map-bitops-test/controller in 'test.dts', binding {filenames[2]}>, data: OrderedDict([('one', 3), ('two', 2)])>]"
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_prop_enums():
    '''test properties with enum: in the binding'''

    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])
    props = edt.get_node('/enums').props
    int_enum = props['int-enum']
    string_enum = props['string-enum']
    tokenizable_enum = props['tokenizable-enum']
    tokenizable_lower_enum = props['tokenizable-lower-enum']
    no_enum = props['no-enum']

    assert int_enum.val == 1
    assert int_enum.enum_index == 0
    assert not int_enum.spec.enum_tokenizable
    assert not int_enum.spec.enum_upper_tokenizable

    assert string_enum.val == 'foo_bar'
    assert string_enum.enum_index == 1
    assert not string_enum.spec.enum_tokenizable
    assert not string_enum.spec.enum_upper_tokenizable

    assert tokenizable_enum.val == '123 is ok'
    assert tokenizable_enum.val_as_token == '123_is_ok'
    assert tokenizable_enum.enum_index == 2
    assert tokenizable_enum.spec.enum_tokenizable
    assert tokenizable_enum.spec.enum_upper_tokenizable

    assert tokenizable_lower_enum.val == 'bar'
    assert tokenizable_lower_enum.val_as_token == 'bar'
    assert tokenizable_lower_enum.enum_index == 0
    assert tokenizable_lower_enum.spec.enum_tokenizable
    assert not tokenizable_lower_enum.spec.enum_upper_tokenizable

    assert no_enum.enum_index is None
    assert not no_enum.spec.enum_tokenizable
    assert not no_enum.spec.enum_upper_tokenizable
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_ranges():
    '''Tests for the ranges property'''
    with from_here():
        edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-ranges/parent").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x1, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0xa0000000b, length-cells 0x1, length 0x1>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x2, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0xc0000000d, length-cells 0x1, length 0x2>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x4, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0xe0000000f, length-cells 0x1, length 0x1>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-nested-ranges/grandparent").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0x0, parent-bus-cells: 0x3, parent-bus-addr: 0x30000000000000000, length-cells 0x2, length 0x200000002>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/reg-nested-ranges/grandparent/parent").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x0, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0x200000000, length-cells 0x1, length 0x2>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-zero-cells/node").ranges) == "[]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-zero-parent-cells/node").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0xa, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x0>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x1a, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x0>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x2a, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x0>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-one-address-cells/node").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0xa, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x1, length 0xb>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x1a, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x1, length 0x1b>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x2a, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x1, length 0x2b>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-one-address-two-size-cells/node").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0xa, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x2, length 0xb0000000c>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x1a, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x2, length 0x1b0000001c>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x1, child-bus-addr: 0x2a, parent-bus-cells: 0x0, length-cells 0x2, length 0x2b0000002c>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-two-address-cells/node@1").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0xa0000000b, parent-bus-cells: 0x1, parent-bus-addr: 0xc, length-cells 0x1, length 0xd>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0x1a0000001b, parent-bus-cells: 0x1, parent-bus-addr: 0x1c, length-cells 0x1, length 0x1d>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0x2a0000002b, parent-bus-cells: 0x1, parent-bus-addr: 0x2c, length-cells 0x1, length 0x2d>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-two-address-two-size-cells/node@1").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0xa0000000b, parent-bus-cells: 0x1, parent-bus-addr: 0xc, length-cells 0x2, length 0xd0000000e>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0x1a0000001b, parent-bus-cells: 0x1, parent-bus-addr: 0x1c, length-cells 0x2, length 0x1d0000001e>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x2, child-bus-addr: 0x2a0000002b, parent-bus-cells: 0x1, parent-bus-addr: 0x2c, length-cells 0x2, length 0x2d0000001d>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-three-address-cells/node@1").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x3, child-bus-addr: 0xa0000000b0000000c, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0xd0000000e, length-cells 0x1, length 0xf>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x3, child-bus-addr: 0x1a0000001b0000001c, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0x1d0000001e, length-cells 0x1, length 0x1f>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x3, child-bus-addr: 0x2a0000002b0000002c, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0x2d0000002e, length-cells 0x1, length 0x2f>]"

    assert str(edt.get_node("/ranges-three-address-two-size-cells/node@1").ranges) == \
        "[<Range, child-bus-cells: 0x3, child-bus-addr: 0xa0000000b0000000c, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0xd0000000e, length-cells 0x2, length 0xf00000010>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x3, child-bus-addr: 0x1a0000001b0000001c, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0x1d0000001e, length-cells 0x2, length 0x1f00000110>, <Range, child-bus-cells: 0x3, child-bus-addr: 0x2a0000002b0000002c, parent-bus-cells: 0x2, parent-bus-addr: 0x2d0000002e, length-cells 0x2, length 0x2f00000210>]"
Ejemplo n.º 19
def main():
    global header_file
    global flash_area_num

    args = parse_args()


    vendor_prefixes = {}
    for prefixes_file in args.vendor_prefixes:

        edt = edtlib.EDT(
            # Suppress this warning if it's suppressed in dtc
            not in args.dtc_flags,
    except edtlib.EDTError as e:
        sys.exit(f"devicetree error: {e}")

    flash_area_num = 0

    # Save merged DTS source, as a debugging aid
    with open(args.dts_out, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        print(edt.dts_source, file=f)

    # The raw index into edt.compat2nodes[compat] is used for node
    # instance numbering within a compatible.
    # As a way to satisfy people's intuitions about instance numbers,
    # though, we sort this list so enabled instances come first.
    # This might look like a hack, but it keeps drivers and
    # applications which don't use instance numbers carefully working
    # as expected, since e.g. instance number 0 is always the
    # singleton instance if there's just one enabled node of a
    # particular compatible.
    # This doesn't violate any devicetree.h API guarantees about
    # instance ordering, since we make no promises that instance
    # numbers are stable across builds.
    for compat, nodes in edt.compat2nodes.items():
        edt.compat2nodes[compat] = sorted(nodes,
                                          key=lambda node: 0
                                          if node.status == "okay" else 1)

    # Create the generated header.
    with open(args.header_out, "w", encoding="utf-8") as header_file:

        # populate all z_path_id first so any children references will
        # work correctly.
        for node in sorted(edt.nodes, key=lambda node: node.dep_ordinal):
            node.z_path_id = node_z_path_id(node)

        # Check to see if we have duplicate "zephyr,memory-region" property values.
        regions = dict()
        for node in sorted(edt.nodes, key=lambda node: node.dep_ordinal):
            if 'zephyr,memory-region' in node.props:
                region = node.props['zephyr,memory-region'].val
                if region in regions:
                        f"ERROR: Duplicate 'zephyr,memory-region' ({region}) properties "
                        f"between {regions[region].path} and {node.path}")
                regions[region] = node

        for node in sorted(edt.nodes, key=lambda node: node.dep_ordinal):

            out_comment("Node's full path:")
            out_dt_define(f"{node.z_path_id}_PATH", f'"{escape(node.path)}"')

            out_comment("Node's name with unit-address:")

            if node.parent is not None:
                out_comment(f"Node parent ({node.parent.path}) identifier:")

                out_comment(f"Node's index in its parent's list of children:")



        write_device_extern_header(args.device_header_out, edt)

    if args.edt_pickle_out:
        write_pickled_edt(edt, args.edt_pickle_out)