Ejemplo n.º 1
def clusterize(exprs):
    Group a sequence of :class:`ir.Eq`s into one or more :class:`Cluster`s.
    clusters = ClusterGroup()
    flowmap = detect_flow_directions(exprs)
    prev = None
    for idx, e in enumerate(exprs):
        if e.is_Tensor:
            scalars = [i for i in exprs[prev:idx] if i.is_Scalar]
            # Iteration space
            ispace = IterationSpace.merge(e.ispace, *[i.ispace for i in scalars])
            # Enforce iteration directions
            fdirs, _ = force_directions(flowmap, lambda d: ispace.directions.get(d))
            ispace = IterationSpace(ispace.intervals, ispace.sub_iterators, fdirs)
            # Data space
            dspace = DataSpace.merge(e.dspace, *[i.dspace for i in scalars])
            # Prepare for next range
            prev = idx

            clusters.append(PartialCluster(scalars + [e], ispace, dspace))

    # Group PartialClusters together where possible
    clusters = groupby(clusters)

    # Introduce conditional PartialClusters
    clusters = guard(clusters)

    return clusters.finalize()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def squash(self, other):
     """Concatenate the expressions in ``other`` to those in ``self``.
     ``self`` and ``other`` must have same ``ispace``. Duplicate
     expressions are dropped. The :class:`DataSpace` is updated
     assert self.ispace.is_compatible(other.ispace)
     self.exprs.extend([i for i in other.exprs if i not in self.exprs])
     self.dspace = DataSpace.merge(self.dspace, other.dspace)
     self.ispace = IterationSpace.merge(self.ispace, other.ispace)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def squash(self, other):
     Concatenate the expressions in ``other`` to those in ``self``.
     ``self`` and ``other`` must have same ``ispace``. Duplicate expressions
     are dropped. The DataSpace is updated accordingly.
     assert self.ispace.is_compatible(other.ispace)
     self.exprs.extend([i for i in other.exprs
                        if i not in self.exprs or i.is_Increment])
     self.dspace = DataSpace.merge(self.dspace, other.dspace)
     self.ispace = IterationSpace.merge(self.ispace, other.ispace)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def from_clusters(cls, *clusters):
     Build a new Cluster from a sequence of pre-existing Clusters with
     compatible IterationSpace.
     assert len(clusters) > 0
     root = clusters[0]
     assert all(root.ispace.is_compatible(c.ispace) for c in clusters)
     exprs = chain(*[c.exprs for c in clusters])
     ispace = IterationSpace.merge(*[c.ispace for c in clusters])
     dspace = DataSpace.merge(*[c.dspace for c in clusters])
     return Cluster(exprs, ispace, dspace)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def st_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of :class:`Cluster`s into a :class:`ScheduleTree`.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    mapper = OrderedDict()
    for c in clusters:
        pointers = list(mapper)

        # Find out if any of the existing nodes can be reused
        index = 0
        root = stree
        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, pointers):
            if it0 != it1 or it0.dim in c.atomics:
            root = mapper[it0]
            index += 1
            if it0.dim in c.guards:

        # The reused sub-trees might acquire some new sub-iterators
        for i in pointers[:index]:
            mapper[i].ispace = IterationSpace.merge(mapper[i].ispace,
        # Later sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for i in pointers[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations
        for i in c.itintervals[index:]:
            root = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([i.dim]), root)
            mapper[i] = root

        # Add in Expressions
        NodeExprs(c.exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.shape, c.ops, c.traffic, root)

        # Add in Conditionals
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if k.dim in c.guards:
                node = NodeConditional(c.guards[k.dim])
                v.last.parent = node
                node.parent = v

    return stree
Ejemplo n.º 6
def st_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of Clusters into a ScheduleTree.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    mapper = OrderedDict()
    for c in clusters:
        pointers = list(mapper)

        # Find out if any of the existing nodes can be reused
        index = 0
        root = stree
        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, pointers):
            if it0 != it1 or it0.dim in c.atomics:
            root = mapper[it0]
            index += 1
            if it0.dim in c.guards:

        # The reused sub-trees might acquire some new sub-iterators
        for i in pointers[:index]:
            mapper[i].ispace = IterationSpace.merge(mapper[i].ispace,
        # Later sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for i in pointers[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations
        for i in c.itintervals[index:]:
            root = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([i.dim]), root)
            mapper[i] = root

        # Add in Expressions
        NodeExprs(c.exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.shape, c.ops, c.traffic, root)

        # Add in Conditionals
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if k.dim in c.guards:
                node = NodeConditional(c.guards[k.dim])
                v.last.parent = node
                node.parent = v

    return stree
Ejemplo n.º 7
def iet_make(clusters):
    Create an Iteration/Expression tree (IET) given an iterable of :class:`Cluster`s.

    :param clusters: The iterable :class:`Cluster`s for which the IET is built.
    # {Iteration -> [c0, c1, ...]}, shared clusters
    shared = {}
    # The constructed IET
    processed = []
    # {Interval -> Iteration}, carried from preceding cluster
    schedule = OrderedDict()

    # Build IET
    for cluster in clusters:
        body = [Expression(e) for e in cluster.exprs]

        if cluster.ispace.empty:
            # No Iterations are needed

        root = None
        itintervals = cluster.ispace.iteration_intervals

        # Can I reuse any of the previously scheduled Iterations ?
        index = 0
        for i0, i1 in zip(itintervals, list(schedule)):
            if i0 != i1 or i0.dim in cluster.atomics:
            root = schedule[i1]
            index += 1
        needed = itintervals[index:]

        # Build Expressions
        if not needed:
            body = List(body=body)

        # Build Iterations
        scheduling = []
        for i in reversed(needed):
            # Update IET and scheduling
            if i.dim in cluster.guards:
                # Must wrap within an if-then scope
                body = Conditional(cluster.guards[i.dim], body)
                # Adding (None, None) ensures that nested iterations won't
                # be reused by the next cluster
                scheduling.insert(0, (None, None))
            iteration = Iteration(body,
            scheduling.insert(0, (i, iteration))

            # Prepare for next dimension
            body = iteration

        # If /needed/ is != [], root.dim might be a guarded dimension for /cluster/
        if root is not None and root.dim in cluster.guards:
            body = Conditional(cluster.guards[root.dim], body)

        # Update the current schedule
        if root is None:
            nodes = list(root.nodes) + [body]
            transf = Transformer(
                {root: root._rebuild(nodes, **root.args_frozen)})
            processed = list(transf.visit(processed))
            scheduling = list(schedule.items())[:index] + list(scheduling)
            scheduling = [(k, transf.rebuilt.get(v, v)) for k, v in scheduling]
            shared = {transf.rebuilt.get(k, k): v for k, v in shared.items()}
        schedule = OrderedDict(scheduling)

        # Record that /cluster/ was used to build the iterations in /schedule/
            {i: shared.get(i, []) + [cluster]
             for i in schedule.values() if i})
    iet = List(body=processed)

    # Add in unbounded indices, if needed
    mapper = {}
    for k, v in shared.items():
        uindices = []
        ispace = IterationSpace.merge(*[i.ispace.project([k.dim]) for i in v])
        for j, offs in ispace.sub_iterators.get(k.dim, []):
            modulo = len(offs)
            for n, o in enumerate(filter_ordered(offs)):
                name = "%s%d" % (j.name, n)
                vname = Scalar(name=name, dtype=np.int32)
                value = (k.dim + o) % modulo
                uindices.append(UnboundedIndex(vname, value, value, j, j + o))
        mapper[k] = k._rebuild(uindices=uindices)
    iet = NestedTransformer(mapper).visit(iet)

    return iet