Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_save_w_subdims(self):
        nt = 10
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        time_dim = grid.time_dim
        xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x, thickness_left=3, thickness_right=3)
        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi', parent=y, thickness_left=3, thickness_right=3)

        factor = Constant(name='factor', value=2, dtype=np.int32)
        time_sub = ConditionalDimension(name="time_sub", parent=time_dim, factor=factor)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, time_order=0,
                             save=int(nt//factor.data), time_dim=time_sub)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1),
                Eq(usave, u.forward)]
        eqns = [e.xreplace({x: xi, y: yi}) for e in eqns]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('buffering', 'tasking', 'orchestrate'))


        for i in range(usave.save):
            assert np.all(usave.data[i, 3:-3, 3:-3] == 2*i + 1)
            assert np.all(usave.data[i, :3, :] == 0)
            assert np.all(usave.data[i, -3:, :] == 0)
            assert np.all(usave.data[i, :, :3] == 0)
            assert np.all(usave.data[i, :, -3:] == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_nothing_in_negative(self):
        """Test the case where when the condition is false, there is nothing to do."""
        nt = 4
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', save=nt, grid=grid)
        assert (grid.time_dim in u.indices)

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub',
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',
                             save=(nt + factor - 1) // factor,
        assert (time_subsampled in usave.indices)

        eqns = [Eq(usave, u)]
        op = Operator(eqns)

        u.data[:] = 1.0
        usave.data[:] = 0.0
        op.apply(time_m=1, time_M=1)
        assert np.allclose(usave.data, 0.0)

        op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0)
        assert np.allclose(usave.data, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_conddim_backwards():
    nt = 10
    grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
    time_dim = grid.time_dim
    x, y = grid.dimensions

    factor = Constant(name='factor', value=2, dtype=np.int32)
    time_sub = ConditionalDimension(name="time_sub", parent=time_dim, factor=factor)

    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=0, save=nt, time_dim=time_sub)
    v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid)
    v1 = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid)

    for i in range(u.save):
        u.data[i, :] = i

    eqns = [Eq(v.backward, v.backward + v + u + 1.)]

    op0 = Operator(eqns, opt='noop')
    op1 = Operator(eqns, opt='buffering')

    # Check generated code
    assert len(retrieve_iteration_tree(op1)) == 3
    buffers = [i for i in FindSymbols().visit(op1) if i.is_Array]
    assert len(buffers) == 1

    op0.apply(time_m=1, time_M=9)
    op1.apply(time_m=1, time_M=9, v=v1)

    assert np.all(v.data == v1.data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_subsampling(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(40,))
        x = grid.dimensions[0]
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        time = grid.time_dim

        nt = 9

        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        f.data_with_halo[:] = 1.

        # Setup subsampled function
        factor = 4
        nsamples = (nt+factor-1)//factor
        times = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)
        fsave = TimeFunction(name='fsave', grid=grid, save=nsamples, time_dim=times)

        eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f[t, x-1] + f[t, x+1]), Eq(fsave, f)]
        op = Operator(eqns)

        assert np.all(f.data_ro_domain[0] == fsave.data_ro_domain[nsamples-1])
        glb_pos_map = f.grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x]:
            assert np.all(fsave.data_ro_domain[nsamples-1, nt-1:] == 256.)
            assert np.all(fsave.data_ro_domain[nsamples-1, :-(nt-1)] == 256.)

        # Also check there are no redundant halo exchanges
        calls = FindNodes(Call).visit(op)
        assert len(calls) == 1
        # In particular, there is no need for a halo exchange within the conditional
        conditional = FindNodes(Conditional).visit(op)
        assert len(conditional) == 1
        assert len(FindNodes(Call).visit(conditional[0])) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_as_expr(self):
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        assert (grid.stepping_dim in u.indices)

        u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid, save=nt)
        assert (time in u2.indices)

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub',
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',
                             save=(nt + factor - 1) // factor,
        assert (time_subsampled in usave.indices)

        eqns = [
            Eq(u.forward, u + 1.),
            Eq(u2.forward, u2 + 1.),
            Eq(usave, time_subsampled * u)
        op = Operator(eqns)
        op.apply(t=nt - 2)
        assert np.all(np.allclose(u.data[(nt - 1) % 3], nt - 1))
        assert np.all([np.allclose(u2.data[i], i) for i in range(nt)])
        assert np.all([
            np.allclose(usave.data[i], i * factor * i)
            for i in range((nt + factor - 1) // factor)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_subsampled_fd(self):
     Test that the FD shortcuts are handled correctly with ConditionalDimensions
     grid = Grid(shape=(21, 21))
     time = grid.time_dim
     # Creates subsampled spatial dimensions and accordine grid
     dims = tuple([
         ConditionalDimension(d.name + 'sub', parent=d, factor=2)
         for d in grid.dimensions
     grid2 = Grid((6, 6), dimensions=dims, time_dimension=time)
     u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid2, space_order=2, time_order=1)
     eqns = [Eq(u2.forward, u2.dx + u2.dy)]
     op = Operator(eqns)
     op.apply(time_M=0, x_M=11, y_M=11)
     # Verify that u2 contains subsampled fd values
     assert np.all(u2.data[0, :, :] == 2.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, 0, 0] == 20.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, -1, -1] == -20.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, 0, -1] == 0.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, -1, 0] == -0.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, 1:-1, 0] == 10.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, 0, 1:-1] == 10.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, 1:-1, -1] == -10.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, -1, 1:-1] == -10.)
     assert np.all(u2.data[1, 1:4, 1:4] == 0.)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_save_multi_output(self):
        nt = 10
        grid = Grid(shape=(150, 150, 150))

        time_dim = grid.time_dim

        factor = Constant(name='factor', value=2, dtype=np.int32)
        time_sub = ConditionalDimension(name="time_sub", parent=time_dim, factor=factor)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, time_order=0,
                             save=int(nt//factor.data), time_dim=time_sub)
        vsave = TimeFunction(name='vsave', grid=grid, time_order=0,
                             save=int(nt//factor.data), time_dim=time_sub)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1),
                Eq(usave, u.forward),
                Eq(vsave, u.forward)]

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('buffering', 'tasking', 'topofuse', 'orchestrate'))

        # Check generated code
        assert len(op._func_table) == 4  # usave and vsave eqns are in separate tasks


        assert all(np.all(usave.data[i] == 2*i + 1) for i in range(usave.save))
        assert all(np.all(vsave.data[i] == 2*i + 1) for i in range(vsave.save))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_save_w_shifting(self):
        factor = 4
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub',

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',

        save_shift = Constant(name='save_shift', dtype=np.int32)

        eqns = [
            Eq(u.forward, u + 1.),
            Eq(usave.subs(time_subsampled, time_subsampled - save_shift), u)

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('buffering', 'tasking', 'orchestrate'))

        # Starting at time_m=10, so time_subsampled - save_shift is in range
        op.apply(time_m=10, time_M=nt - 2, save_shift=3)
        assert np.all(np.allclose(u.data[0], 8))
        assert np.all(
            [np.allclose(usave.data[i], 2 + i * factor) for i in range(2)])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_streaming_w_shifting(self):
        nt = 50
        grid = Grid(shape=(5, 5))
        time = grid.time_dim

        factor = Constant(name='factor', value=5, dtype=np.int32)
        t_sub = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)
        save_shift = Constant(name='save_shift', dtype=np.int32)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=0)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',
                             save=(int(nt // factor.data)),

        for i in range(usave.save):
            usave.data[i, :] = i

        eqns = Eq(u.forward, u + usave.subs(t_sub, t_sub - save_shift))

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('streaming', 'orchestrate'))

        # From time_m=15 to time_M=35 with a factor=5 -- it means that, thanks
        # to t_sub, we enter the Eq exactly (35-15)/5 + 1 = 5 times. We set
        # save_shift=1 so instead of accessing the range usave[15/5:35/5+1],
        # we rather access the range usave[15/5-1:35:5], which means accessing
        # the usave values 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
        op.apply(time_m=15, time_M=35, save_shift=1)
        assert np.allclose(u.data, 20)

        # Again, but with a different shift
        op.apply(time_m=15, time_M=35, save_shift=-2)
        assert np.allclose(u.data, 20 + 35)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_topofusion_w_subdims_conddims_v2(self):
        Like `test_topofusion_w_subdims_conddims` but with more SubDomains,
        so we expect fewer loop nests.
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))
        time = grid.time_dim

        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid, time_order=2)
        g = TimeFunction(name='g', grid=grid, time_order=2)
        h = TimeFunction(name='h', grid=grid, time_order=2)
        fsave = TimeFunction(name='fsave', grid=grid, time_order=2, save=5)
        gsave = TimeFunction(name='gsave', grid=grid, time_order=2, save=5)

        ctime = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime',
                                     condition=time > 4)

        eqns = [
            Eq(f.forward, f + 1, subdomain=grid.interior),
            Eq(g.forward, g + 1, subdomain=grid.interior),
            Eq(fsave, f.dt2, implicit_dims=[ctime]),
            Eq(h, f + g, subdomain=grid.interior),
            Eq(gsave, g.dt2, implicit_dims=[ctime])

        op = Operator(eqns)

        # Check generated code -- expect the gsave equation to be scheduled together
        # in the same loop nest with the fsave equation
        assert len(op._func_table) == 2
        assert len(FindNodes(Expression).visit(
            op._func_table['bf0'].root)) == 3
        assert len(FindNodes(Expression).visit(
            op._func_table['bf1'].root)) == 2 + 1  # r0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_subsampled_fd():
    Test that the symbolic interface is working for space subsampled
    nt = 19
    grid = Grid(shape=(12, 12), extent=(11, 11))

    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=nt, space_order=2)
    assert(grid.time_dim in u.indices)

    # Creates subsampled spatial dimensions and according grid
    dims = tuple([ConditionalDimension(d.name+'sub', parent=d, factor=2)
                  for d in u.grid.dimensions])
    grid2 = Grid((6, 6), dimensions=dims)
    u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid2, save=nt, space_order=1)
    for i in range(nt):
        for j in range(u2.data_allocated.shape[2]):
            u2.data_allocated[i, :, j] = np.arange(u2.data_allocated.shape[2])

    eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(u2.forward, u2.dx)]
    op = Operator(eqns, dse="advanced")
    # Verify that u2[1, x,y]= du2/dx[0, x, y]

    assert np.allclose(u.data[-1], nt-1)
    assert np.allclose(u2.data[1], 0.5)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_stepping_dim_in_condition_lowering(self):
        Check that the compiler performs lowering on conditions
        with TimeDimensions and generates the expected code::

        if (g[t][x + 1][y + 1] <= 10){          if (g[t0][x + 1][y + 1] <= 10){
            ...                          -->       ...
        }                                       }

        This test increments a function by one at every timestep until it is
        less-or-equal to 10 (g<=10) while although operator runs for 13 timesteps.
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4))
        _, y = grid.dimensions

        ths = 10
        g = TimeFunction(name='g', grid=grid)

        ci = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=y, condition=Le(g, ths))

        op = Operator(Eq(g.forward, g + 1, implicit_dims=ci))

        op.apply(time_M=ths + 3)
        assert np.all(g.data[0, :, :] == ths)
        assert np.all(g.data[1, :, :] == ths + 1)
        assert 'if (g[t0][x + 1][y + 1] <= 10)\n'
        '{\n g[t1][x + 1][y + 1] = g[t0][x + 1][y + 1] + 1' in str(op.ccode)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_relational_classes(self, setup_rel, rhs, c1, c2, c3, c4):
        Test ConditionalDimension using conditions based on Relations over SubDomains.
        class InnerDomain(SubDomain):
            name = 'inner'

            def define(self, dimensions):
                return {d: ('middle', 2, 2) for d in dimensions}

        inner_domain = InnerDomain()
        grid = Grid(shape=(8, 8), subdomains=(inner_domain, ))
        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid)
        g2 = Function(name='g2', grid=grid)

        for i in [g, g2]:
            i.data[:4, :4] = 1
            i.data[4:, :4] = 2
            i.data[4:, 4:] = 3
            i.data[:4, 4:] = 4

        xi, yi = grid.subdomains['inner'].dimensions

        cond = setup_rel(0.25 * g + 0.75 * g2,
        ci = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=yi, condition=cond)
        f = Function(name='f', shape=grid.shape, dimensions=(xi, ci))

        eq1 = Eq(f, 0.4 * g + 0.6 * g2)
        eq2 = Eq(f, 5)

        Operator([eq1, eq2]).apply()
        assert np.all(f.data[2:6, c1:c2] == 5.)
        assert np.all(f.data[:, c3:c4] < 5.)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_shifted(self):
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        assert(grid.stepping_dim in u.indices)

        u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid, save=nt)
        assert(time in u2.indices)

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=2, time_dim=time_subsampled)
        assert(time_subsampled in usave.indices)

        t_sub_shift = Constant(name='t_sub_shift', dtype=np.int32)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(u2.forward, u2 + 1.),
                Eq(usave.subs(time_subsampled, time_subsampled - t_sub_shift), u)]
        op = Operator(eqns)

        # Starting at time_m=10, so time_subsampled - t_sub_shift is in range
        op.apply(time_m=10, time_M=nt-2, t_sub_shift=3)
        assert np.all(np.allclose(u.data[0], 8))
        assert np.all([np.allclose(u2.data[i], i - 10) for i in range(10, nt)])
        assert np.all([np.allclose(usave.data[i], 2+i*factor) for i in range(2)])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_xcor_from_saved(self, opt, gpu_fit):
        nt = 10
        grid = Grid(shape=(300, 300, 300))
        time_dim = grid.time_dim

        period = 2
        factor = Constant(name='factor', value=period, dtype=np.int32)
        time_sub = ConditionalDimension(name="time_sub",

        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid)
        v = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',
                             save=int(nt // factor.data),
        # For the given `nt` and grid shape, `usave` is roughly 4*5*300**3=~ .5GB of data

        for i in range(int(nt // period)):
            usave.data[i, :] = i
        v.data[:] = i * 2 + 1

        # Assuming nt//period=5, we are computing, over 5 iterations:
        # g = 4*4  [time=8] + 3*3 [time=6] + 2*2 [time=4] + 1*1 [time=2]
        op = Operator([Eq(v.backward, v - 1),
                       Inc(g, usave * (v / 2))],
                      opt=(opt, {
                          'gpu-fit': usave if gpu_fit else None

        op.apply(time_M=nt - 1)

        assert np.all(g.data == 30)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_no_fusion_convoluted(self):
        Conceptually like `test_no_fusion_simple`, but with more expressions
        and non-trivial data flow.
        grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))
        time = grid.time_dim

        f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        g = Function(name='g', grid=grid)
        h = Function(name='h', grid=grid)

        ctime = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime', parent=time, condition=time > 4)

        eqns = [Eq(f.forward, f + 1),
                Eq(h, f + 1),
                Eq(g, f + 1, implicit_dims=[ctime]),
                Eq(f.forward, f + 1, implicit_dims=[ctime]),
                Eq(f.forward, f + 1),
                Eq(g, f + 1)]

        op = Operator(eqns)

        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf0'].root)
        assert len(exprs) == 3
        assert exprs[1].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output
        assert exprs[2].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output

        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf1'].root)
        assert len(exprs) == 3

        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op._func_table['bf2'].root)
        assert len(exprs) == 3
        assert exprs[1].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output
        assert exprs[2].expr.rhs is exprs[0].output
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_no_index(self):
        """Test behaviour when the ConditionalDimension is used as a symbol in
        an expression."""
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        assert (grid.stepping_dim in u.indices)

        v = Function(name='v', grid=grid)

        factor = 4
        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub',

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1), Eq(v, v + u * u * time_subsampled)]
        op = Operator(eqns)
        op.apply(t_M=nt - 2)
        assert np.all(np.allclose(u.data[(nt - 1) % 3], nt - 1))
        # expected result is 1024
        # v = u[0]**2 * 0 + u[4]**2 * 1 + u[8]**2 * 2 + u[12]**2 * 3 + u[16]**2 * 4
        # with u[t] = t
        # v = 16 * 1 + 64 * 2 + 144 * 3 + 256 * 4 = 1600
        assert np.all(np.allclose(v.data, 1600))
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_implicit_dims(self):
        Test ConditionalDimension as an implicit dimension for an equation.

        # This test makes an Operator that should create a vector of increasing
        # integers, but stop incrementing when a certain stop value is reached

        shape = (50, )
        stop_value = 20

        time = Dimension(name='time')
        f = TimeFunction(name='f', shape=shape, dimensions=[time])

        # The condition to stop incrementing
        cond = ConditionalDimension(name='cond',
                                    condition=f[time] < stop_value)

        eqs = [
            Eq(f.forward, f),
            Eq(f.forward, f.forward + 1, implicit_dims=[cond])
        op = Operator(eqs)
        op.apply(time_M=shape[0] - 2)

        # Make the same calculation in python to assert the result
        F = np.zeros(shape[0])
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            F[i] = i if i < stop_value else stop_value

        assert np.all(f.data == F)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_symbolic_factor(self):
        Test ConditionalDimension with symbolic factor (provided as a Constant).
        g = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=g, time_order=0)

        fact = Constant(name='fact', dtype=np.int32, value=4)
        tsub = ConditionalDimension(name='tsub',
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=g, time_dim=tsub, save=4)

        op = Operator([Eq(u, u + 1), Eq(usave, u)])

        op.apply(time=7)  # Use `fact`'s default value, 4
        assert np.all(usave.data[0] == 1)
        assert np.all(usave.data[1] == 5)

        u.data[:] = 0.
        op.apply(time=7, fact=2)
        assert np.all(usave.data[0] == 1)
        assert np.all(usave.data[1] == 3)
        assert np.all(usave.data[2] == 5)
        assert np.all(usave.data[3] == 7)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_subsampling(self):
        Tests (time) subsampling support. This stresses the compiler as two
        different YASK kernels need to be generated.
        grid = Grid(shape=(8, 8))
        time = grid.time_dim

        nt = 9

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        u.data_with_halo[:] = 0.

        # Setup subsampled function
        factor = 4
        nsamples = (nt+factor-1)//factor
        times = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=nsamples, time_dim=times)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(usave, u)]
        op = Operator(eqns)

        # Check numerical correctness
        assert np.all(usave.data[0] == 0.)
        assert np.all(usave.data[1] == 4.)
        assert np.all(usave.data[2] == 8.)

        # Check code generation
        solns = FindNodes(ForeignExpression).visit(op)
        assert len(solns) == 2
        assert all('run_solution' in str(i) for i in solns)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_save(self, opt, gpu_fit, async_degree):
        nt = 10
        grid = Grid(shape=(300, 300, 300))
        time_dim = grid.time_dim

        factor = Constant(name='factor', value=2, dtype=np.int32)
        time_sub = ConditionalDimension(name="time_sub",

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',
                             save=int(nt // factor.data),
        # For the given `nt` and grid shape, `usave` is roughly 4*5*300**3=~ .5GB of data

        op = Operator(
            [Eq(u.forward, u + 1), Eq(usave, u.forward)],
            opt=(opt, {
                'gpu-fit': usave if gpu_fit else None,
                'buf-async-degree': async_degree

        op.apply(time_M=nt - 1)

        assert all(
            np.all(usave.data[i] == 2 * i + 1) for i in range(usave.save))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_spacial_subsampling(self):
        Test conditional dimension for the spatial ones.
        This test saves u every two grid points :
        u2[x, y] = u[2*x, 2*y]
        nt = 19
        grid = Grid(shape=(12, 12))
        time = grid.time_dim

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=nt)
        assert (grid.time_dim in u.indices)

        # Creates subsampled spatial dimensions and accordine grid
        dims = tuple([
            ConditionalDimension(d.name + 'sub', parent=d, factor=2)
            for d in u.grid.dimensions
        grid2 = Grid((6, 6), dimensions=dims, time_dimension=time)
        u2 = TimeFunction(name='u2', grid=grid2, save=nt)
        assert (time in u2.indices)

        eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + 1.), Eq(u2, u)]
        op = Operator(eqns)
        op.apply(time_M=nt - 2)
        # Verify that u2[x,y]= u[2*x, 2*y]
        assert np.allclose(u.data[:-1, 0:-1:2, 0:-1:2], u2.data[:-1, :, :])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_save_w_nonaffine_time(self):
        factor = 4
        grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        time = grid.time_dim

        time_subsampled = ConditionalDimension('t_sub',

        f = Function(name='f', grid=grid, dtype=np.int32)
        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',

        save_shift = Constant(name='save_shift', dtype=np.int32)

        eqns = [
            Eq(u.forward, u[t, f[x, x], f[y, y]] + 1.),
            Eq(usave.subs(time_subsampled, time_subsampled - save_shift), u)

        op = Operator(eqns, opt=('buffering', 'tasking', 'orchestrate'))

        # We just check the generated code here
        assert len([i for i in FindSymbols().visit(op)
                    if isinstance(i, Lock)]) == 1
        assert len(op._func_table) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_laplace(self):
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20, 20))
        x, y, z = grid.dimensions
        time = grid.time_dim
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        tsave = ConditionalDimension(name='tsave', parent=time, factor=2)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=None, time_order=2)
        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave',

        steps = []
        # save of snapshot
        steps.append(Eq(usave, u))
        # standard laplace-like thing
                u[t + 1, x, y, z], u[t, x, y, z] - u[t - 1, x, y, z] +
                u[t, x - 1, y, z] + u[t, x + 1, y, z] + u[t, x, y - 1, z] +
                u[t, x, y + 1, z] + u[t, x, y, z - 1] + u[t, x, y, z + 1]))

        op = Operator(steps)

        u.data[:] = 0.0
        u.data[0, 10, 10, 10] = 1.0
        op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0)
        assert np.sum(u.data[0, :, :, :]) == 1.0
        assert np.sum(u.data[1, :, :, :]) == 7.0
        assert np.all(usave.data[0, :, :, :] == u.data[0, :, :, :])
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_fission(self):
        nt = 20
        grid = Grid(shape=(10, 10))
        time = grid.time_dim

        usave = TimeFunction(name='usave', grid=grid, save=nt, time_order=2)
        vsave = TimeFunction(name='vsave', grid=grid, save=nt, time_order=2)

        ctime0 = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime',
                                      condition=time > 4)
        ctime1 = ConditionalDimension(name='ctime',
                                      condition=time <= 4)

        eqns = [
            Eq(usave, time + 0.2, implicit_dims=[ctime0]),
            Eq(vsave, time + 0.2, implicit_dims=[ctime1])

        op = Operator(eqns)

        # Check generated code
        trees = retrieve_iteration_tree(op, mode='superset')
        assert len(trees) == 2
        assert trees[0].root is trees[1].root
        assert trees[0][1] is not trees[1][1]
        assert trees[0].root.dim is time
        assert not trees[0].root.pragmas
        assert trees[0][1].pragmas
        assert trees[1][1].pragmas


        expected = np.full(shape=(20, 10, 10),
        for i in range(nt):
            expected[i] += i

        assert np.all(usave.data[5:] == expected[5:])
        assert np.all(vsave.data[:5] == expected[:5])
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_issue_1592(self):
     grid = Grid(shape=(11, 11))
     time = grid.time_dim
     time_sub = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=2)
     v = TimeFunction(name="v", grid=grid, space_order=4, time_dim=time_sub, save=5)
     w = Function(name="w", grid=grid, space_order=4)
     Operator(Eq(w, v.dx))(time=6)
     op = Operator(Eq(v.forward, v.dx))
     exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(op)
     assert exprs[-1].expr.lhs.indices[0] == IntDiv(time, 2) + 1
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_conditional_dimension():
    d = Dimension(name='d')
    s = Scalar(name='s')
    cd = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=d, factor=4, condition=s > 3)

    pkl_cd = pickle.dumps(cd)
    new_cd = pickle.loads(pkl_cd)

    assert cd.name == new_cd.name
    assert cd.parent == new_cd.parent
    assert cd.factor == new_cd.factor
    assert cd.condition == new_cd.condition
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_everything():
    nt = 50
    grid = Grid(shape=(6, 6))
    x, y = grid.dimensions
    time = grid.time_dim
    xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi',
    yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi',

    factor = Constant(name='factor', value=5, dtype=np.int32)
    t_sub = ConditionalDimension('t_sub', parent=time, factor=factor)
    save_shift = Constant(name='save_shift', dtype=np.int32)

    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=0)
    u1 = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=0)
    va = TimeFunction(name='va',
                      save=(int(nt // factor.data)),
    vb = TimeFunction(name='vb',
                      save=(int(nt // factor.data)),

    for i in range(va.save):
        va.data[i, :] = i
        vb.data[i, :] = i * 2 - 1

    vas = va.subs(t_sub, t_sub - save_shift)
    vasb = va.subs(t_sub, t_sub - 1 - save_shift)
    vasf = va.subs(t_sub, t_sub + 1 - save_shift)

    eqns = [Eq(u.forward, u + (vasb + vas + vasf) * 2. + vb)]

    eqns = [e.xreplace({x: xi, y: yi}) for e in eqns]

    op0 = Operator(eqns, opt='noop')
    op1 = Operator(eqns, opt='buffering')

    # Check generated code
    assert len([i for i in FindSymbols().visit(op1) if i.is_Array]) == 2

    op0.apply(time_m=15, time_M=35, save_shift=0)
    op1.apply(time_m=15, time_M=35, save_shift=0, u=u1)

    assert np.all(u.data == u1.data)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_conditional_dimension(self):
        """Test that different ConditionalDimensions have different hash value."""
        d0 = Dimension(name='d')
        s0 = Scalar(name='s')
        d1 = Dimension(name='d', spacing=s0)

        cd0 = ConditionalDimension(name='cd', parent=d0, factor=4)
        cd1 = ConditionalDimension(name='cd', parent=d0, factor=5)
        assert cd0 is not cd1
        assert hash(cd0) != hash(cd1)

        cd2 = ConditionalDimension(name='cd',
        assert hash(cd0) != hash(cd2)

        cd3 = ConditionalDimension(name='cd', parent=d1, factor=4)
        assert hash(cd0) != hash(cd3)

        s1 = Scalar(name='s', dtype=np.int32)
        cd4 = ConditionalDimension(name='cd',
                                   condition=s0 > 3)
        assert hash(cd0) != hash(cd4)

        cd5 = ConditionalDimension(name='cd',
                                   condition=s1 > 3)
        assert hash(cd0) != hash(cd5)
        assert hash(cd4) != hash(cd5)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_conditional_dimension(self):
        Test that ConditionalDimensions with same name but different attributes do not
        alias to the same ConditionalDimension. Conversely, if the name and the attributes
        are the same, they must alias to the same ConditionalDimension.
        i = Dimension(name='i')
        ci0 = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=i, factor=4)
        ci1 = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=i, factor=4)
        assert ci0 is ci1

        ci2 = ConditionalDimension(name='ci', parent=i, factor=8)
        assert ci2 is not ci1

        ci3 = ConditionalDimension(name='ci',
        assert ci3 is not ci1

        s = Scalar(name='s')
        ci4 = ConditionalDimension(name='ci',
                                   condition=s > 3)
        assert ci4 is not ci1
        ci5 = ConditionalDimension(name='ci',
                                   condition=s > 3)
        assert ci5 is ci4