def build_doc( options,  make_release=False ):
    if make_release:
        options.make_tarball = True
        options.with_dot = True
        options.with_html_help = True
        options.with_uml_look = True = False
        options.silent = True

    version = open('version','rt').read().strip()
    output_dir = 'dist/doxygen' # relative to doc/doxyfile location.
    if not os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
        os.makedirs( output_dir )
    top_dir = os.path.abspath( '.' )
    html_output_dirname = 'jsoncpp-api-html-' + version
    tarball_path = os.path.join( 'dist', html_output_dirname + '.tar.gz' )
    warning_log_path = os.path.join( output_dir, '../jsoncpp-doxygen-warning.log' )
    html_output_path = os.path.join( output_dir, html_output_dirname )
    def yesno( bool ):
        return bool and 'YES' or 'NO'
    subst_keys = {
        '%JSONCPP_VERSION%': version,
        '%DOC_TOPDIR%': '',
        '%TOPDIR%': top_dir,
        '%HTML_OUTPUT%': os.path.join( '..', output_dir, html_output_dirname ),
        '%HAVE_DOT%': yesno(options.with_dot),
        '%DOT_PATH%': os.path.split(options.dot_path)[0],
        '%HTML_HELP%': yesno(options.with_html_help),
        '%UML_LOOK%': yesno(options.with_uml_look),
        '%WARNING_LOG_PATH%': os.path.join( '..', warning_log_path )

    if os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
        print 'Deleting directory:', output_dir
        shutil.rmtree( output_dir )
    if not os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
        os.makedirs( output_dir )

    do_subst_in_file( 'doc/doxyfile', 'doc/', subst_keys )
    ok = run_doxygen( options.doxygen_path, 'doc/doxyfile', 'doc', is_silent=options.silent )
    if not options.silent:
        print open(warning_log_path, 'rb').read()
    index_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(subst_keys['%HTML_OUTPUT%'], 'index.html'))
    print 'Generated documentation can be found in:'
    print index_path
        import webbrowser 'file://' + index_path )
    if options.make_tarball:
        print 'Generating doc tarball to', tarball_path
        tarball_sources = [
        tarball_basedir = os.path.join( output_dir, html_output_dirname )
        tarball.make_tarball( tarball_path, tarball_sources, tarball_basedir, html_output_dirname )
    return tarball_path, html_output_dirname
def build_doc( options,  make_release=False ):
    if make_release:
        options.make_tarball = True
        options.with_dot = True
        options.with_html_help = True
        options.with_uml_look = True = False
        options.silent = True

    version = open('version','rt').read().strip()
    output_dir = 'dist/doxygen' # relative to doc/doxyfile location.
    if not os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
        os.makedirs( output_dir )
    top_dir = os.path.abspath( '.' )
    html_output_dirname = 'jsoncpp-api-html-' + version
    tarball_path = os.path.join( 'dist', html_output_dirname + '.tar.gz' )
    warning_log_path = os.path.join( output_dir, '../jsoncpp-doxygen-warning.log' )
    html_output_path = os.path.join( output_dir, html_output_dirname )
    def yesno( bool ):
        return bool and 'YES' or 'NO'
    subst_keys = {
        '%JSONCPP_VERSION%': version,
        '%DOC_TOPDIR%': '',
        '%TOPDIR%': top_dir,
        '%HTML_OUTPUT%': os.path.join( '..', output_dir, html_output_dirname ),
        '%HAVE_DOT%': yesno(options.with_dot),
        '%DOT_PATH%': os.path.split(options.dot_path)[0],
        '%HTML_HELP%': yesno(options.with_html_help),
        '%UML_LOOK%': yesno(options.with_uml_look),
        '%WARNING_LOG_PATH%': os.path.join( '..', warning_log_path )

    if os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
        print 'Deleting directory:', output_dir
        shutil.rmtree( output_dir )
    if not os.path.isdir( output_dir ):
        os.makedirs( output_dir )

    do_subst_in_file( 'doc/doxyfile', 'doc/', subst_keys )
    ok = run_doxygen( options.doxygen_path, 'doc/doxyfile', 'doc', is_silent=options.silent )
    if not options.silent:
        print open(warning_log_path, 'rb').read()
    index_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(subst_keys['%HTML_OUTPUT%'], 'index.html'))
    print 'Generated documentation can be found in:'
    print index_path
        import webbrowser 'file://' + index_path )
    if options.make_tarball:
        print 'Generating doc tarball to', tarball_path
        tarball_sources = [
        tarball_basedir = os.path.join( output_dir, html_output_dirname )
        tarball.make_tarball( tarball_path, tarball_sources, tarball_basedir, html_output_dirname )
    return tarball_path, html_output_dirname
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    usage = """%prog release_version next_dev_version
Update 'version' file to release_version and commit.
Generates the document tarball.
Tags the sandbox revision with release_version.
Update 'version' file to next_dev_version and commit.

Performs an svn export of tag release version, and build a source tarball.    

Must be started in the project top directory.

Warning: --force should only be used when developing/testing the release script.
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
    parser.add_option('--dot', dest="dot_path", action='store', default=doxybuild.find_program('dot'),
        help="""Path to GraphViz dot tool. Must be full qualified path. [Default: %default]""")
    parser.add_option('--doxygen', dest="doxygen_path", action='store', default=doxybuild.find_program('doxygen'),
        help="""Path to Doxygen tool. [Default: %default]""")
    parser.add_option('--force', dest="ignore_pending_commit", action='store_true', default=False,
        help="""Ignore pending commit. [Default: %default]""")
    parser.add_option('--retag', dest="retag_release", action='store_true', default=False,
        help="""Overwrite release existing tag if it exist. [Default: %default]""")
    parser.add_option('-p', '--platforms', dest="platforms", action='store', default='',
        help="""Comma separated list of platform passed to scons for build check.""")
    parser.add_option('--no-test', dest="no_test", action='store_true', default=False,
        help="""Skips build check.""")
    parser.add_option('--no-web', dest="no_web", action='store_true', default=False,
        help="""Do not update web site.""")
    parser.add_option('-u', '--upload-user', dest="user", action='store',
                      help="""Sourceforge user for SFTP documentation upload.""")
    parser.add_option('--sftp', dest='sftp', action='store', default=doxybuild.find_program('psftp', 'sftp'),
                      help="""Path of the SFTP compatible binary used to upload the documentation.""")
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2:
        parser.error('release_version missing on command-line.')
    release_version = args[0]
    next_version = args[1]

    if not options.platforms and not options.no_test:
        parser.error('You must specify either --platform or --no-test option.')

    if options.ignore_pending_commit:
        msg = ''
        msg = check_no_pending_commit()
    if not msg:
        print('Setting version to', release_version)
        svn_commit('Release ' + release_version)
        tag_url = svn_join_url(SVN_TAG_ROOT, release_version)
        if svn_check_if_tag_exist(tag_url):
            if options.retag_release:
                svn_remove_tag(tag_url, 'Overwriting previous tag')
                print('Aborting, tag %s already exist. Use --retag to overwrite it!' % tag_url)
        svn_tag_sandbox(tag_url, 'Release ' + release_version)

        print('Generated doxygen document...')
##        doc_dirname = r'jsoncpp-api-html-0.5.0'
##        doc_tarball_path = r'e:\prg\vc\Lib\jsoncpp-trunk\dist\jsoncpp-api-html-0.5.0.tar.gz'
        doc_tarball_path, doc_dirname = doxybuild.build_doc(options, make_release=True)
        doc_distcheck_dir = 'dist/doccheck'
        tarball.decompress(doc_tarball_path, doc_distcheck_dir)
        doc_distcheck_top_dir = os.path.join(doc_distcheck_dir, doc_dirname)
        export_dir = 'dist/export'
        svn_export(tag_url, export_dir)
        source_dir = 'jsoncpp-src-' + release_version
        source_tarball_path = 'dist/%s.tar.gz' % source_dir
        print('Generating source tarball to', source_tarball_path)
        tarball.make_tarball(source_tarball_path, [export_dir], export_dir, prefix_dir=source_dir)

        amalgamation_tarball_path = 'dist/%s-amalgamation.tar.gz' % source_dir
        print('Generating amalgamation source tarball to', amalgamation_tarball_path)
        amalgamation_dir = 'dist/amalgamation'
        amalgamate.amalgamate_source(export_dir, '%s/jsoncpp.cpp' % amalgamation_dir, 'json/json.h')
        amalgamation_source_dir = 'jsoncpp-src-amalgamation' + release_version
        tarball.make_tarball(amalgamation_tarball_path, [amalgamation_dir],
                              amalgamation_dir, prefix_dir=amalgamation_source_dir)

        # Decompress source tarball, download and install scons-local
        distcheck_dir = 'dist/distcheck'
        distcheck_top_dir = distcheck_dir + '/' + source_dir
        print('Decompressing source tarball to', distcheck_dir)
        tarball.decompress(source_tarball_path, distcheck_dir)
        scons_local_path = 'dist/scons-local.tar.gz'
        print('Downloading scons-local to', scons_local_path)
        download(SCONS_LOCAL_URL, scons_local_path)
        print('Decompressing scons-local to', distcheck_top_dir)
        tarball.decompress(scons_local_path, distcheck_top_dir)

        # Run compilation
        print('Compiling decompressed tarball')
        all_build_status = True
        for platform in options.platforms.split(','):
            print('Testing platform:', platform)
            build_status, log_path = check_compile(distcheck_top_dir, platform)
            print('see build log:', log_path)
            print(build_status and '=> ok' or '=> FAILED')
            all_build_status = all_build_status and build_status
        if not build_status:
            print('Testing failed on at least one platform, aborting...')
            svn_remove_tag(tag_url, 'Removing tag due to failed testing')
        if options.user:
            if not options.no_web:
                print('Uploading documentation using user', options.user)
                sourceforge_web_synchro(SOURCEFORGE_PROJECT, doc_distcheck_top_dir, user=options.user, sftp=options.sftp)
                print('Completed documentation upload')
            print('Uploading source and documentation tarballs for release using user', options.user)
                                         [source_tarball_path, doc_tarball_path],
                                         user=options.user, sftp=options.sftp)
            print('Source and doc release tarballs uploaded')
            print('No upload user specified. Web site and download tarball were not uploaded.')
            print('Tarball can be found at:', doc_tarball_path)

        # Set next version number and commit            
        svn_commit('Released ' + release_version)
        sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')